Home World Politics Brave New World and America Captured

Brave New World and America Captured


by G5

I repeatedly warned from before 2015 that The Masters of The Universe must be brought to heel.

I have repeatedly advised that the era of digital mythology will fade, and real information can only exist by the written word. As it virtually has, since the word was invented. Glory to the Greek Phonetics beyond hieroglyphics and cuneiform. Digital was always a tool. Never a lifestyle.

Channeling lives into single paths could never be anything beyond a recipe for disaster. Now they believe they are invincible. Information censorship and propaganda, can not only dictate heads of government; in the face of elections; but can dictate governments almost anywhere in the west.

India solved the problem by losing their Intel Community: easy. Political Blackmail resolved by; first we tell you, then we show you.

America is believed captured. Australia was the lap of victory test run for control of The West. Shut as per decision. Australia; as only morons could; decided a ploy of copyright. The brainpower of legal dross. Which naturally led to the lunacy of negotiation. This is not the real world. Prepare for the face-saving outcomes of Government face-saving fiction.

Six years ago I wrote that control of the aether was the solution to the obvious and looming political blackmails. The other of course is the global reach of the Real International IC. Let them try it on Russia or Israel. Overfed game players, deciding world politics above their income streams and fearless of ability to function. Even deciding who lives and who dies. Governments brought to heel by a loosed virus, control of information, and not a shot fired.

The ‘President’

The Fake US president is receiving pushback, wherever he postures an opinion. Hardly leadership. The Middle-East, and now Western Europe. He has sealed his fate concerning; Russia, India, Japan, The UK, Germany, France, Australia, the Phillipines, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, Taiwan, Saudi Arabia, Israel, and anywhere the ignorance of his scriptwriters can be postured.

The nations against which he postures, relatively have Elections, never Selections. And the control of a nation by Deep State media platforms; is a Third World pretense of a past era. How stupid are his handlers to think the World believes that grotesque ballot was anything purporting to be a reality. The credibility of all things American, destroyed by one act of collaborative fraud, seen by The World. Only the insane are unaware of The Manchurian Candidate.

Few are aware of The Intel Wars. Far more are aware of the competing coups between Deep State and The Military.

We learn that The West will reject America and all it postures. America now has zero influence and zero meaning. As China and America have now resolved the Sino-US Cold War, by the surrender and vanquishing of America; let the looting and socio-economic devastation begin; as the victor and its puppet go skipping merrily into the sunset of their oblivion.

The hard-fought war is over; America suicided on the planes of freedom. The shortest-lived empire is no more. Video (Biden gets his second global humiliation during G7 meet).

Indictments and Tribunals

The hidden indictments and the tribunals, from 2017. The musical chair, incessant narrative, predominantly invented by the fiction-driven fertile minds of AltMedia. The hinges of part truths clearing the way for the greater disengaged.

In the clip below: McCain III and Scherff (GHWB) were at long last executed after a military tribunal, and Orange signed off (The D5 Letter). Hidden from public perspective. But the lack of notorious apparatchik and allied bad actors, known to have been canceled, remains the outcome.

HRC, McCain III, and Biden were known to have been arrested, by the visible ankle bracelet affairs. Add to that: the questioning of; Graham, Soetoro, Brennan, Clapper, Hayden, Rosenstein, Comey, et al; known that habitual liars are notorious for lack of coordination, due to a wavering baseline; and there still remains a wavering outcome. Albeit: HRC, Soetoro, and Graham, delivered as performing seals; as they would.

And of course, the HRC arrest of 11 September 2016, is legend. Not surprisingly AltMedia; except those who followed this writer; have it wrong, to this day. There remains a deficit of outcome, that can no longer be imaginatively stretched by the fiction squads that have infested AltMedia.

The three Roths that have been despatched, could be attributed to internal family disputes. Flying bankers and ridiculous suicides are part of a purge of The City of London. 9/11 was a major cleanse: The ONI accounting office at The Pentagon, the testing of W40 mini-nukes already run in Iraq, the testing of full-size drones from Stewart Airfield, the Cantor Fitzgerald, Euro Brokers, and Marsh & McLennan Treasury Bond accounting, the prosecution division of The SEC, Goldmans records, and USN target practise of empty AA11 and UA175, swapped at Stewart, AA77 and UA93 did not fly, and much more.

I have written extensively of The JFK and Jr. Affairs.


Brave New World

It’s a brave new world. They either get it, or they don’t.

I sit in a coffee shop facing relatively busy pedestrian traffic. Easy to play the game of the ratio of insane, and how that has increased over the decades.

Nothing has changed in a deceived world beyond perceptions and belief systems.

The checks and balances of media as fraudulent as a legal system. Legal Fictions, Rules of Evidence, and disguised political convictions. The Guildford, Birmingham, and Maguire false convictions, while emptying The Maze. A tragic history of social presumptive, to denied criminals and corrupt, running from pivotal decisions affecting the entire West. And The IRA trained in Scotland by The CIA.

Cognitive Dissonance, Syllogistic Logic, lack of Rational and Critical Thought. Failed education systems. Cultural addiction to Post Modern Illusions and Delusions. Denial of true history. The advent of obtuse Intellectualism and the epiphany of absurd Moralism. The manipulation of truth, fact, and reality, derived from paranoia, prejudice, and naivete. The inculcated and tutored inventions of normalcy, all packaged into an uncontrolled yearning for socio-economic devastation.

Why bother vaccinating to eugenically alter DNA and RNA, when the reality is the psychotic episodes we suffer around us on a daily basis. Mission Accomplished for The Usual Suspects and their camouflaged Enemies Within.

Incidentally: there is no chip planting. That was accomplished by the mobile device. If AltMedia did not exist, it would have been necessary for The Usual Suspects and The Enemy Within, to have invented it.



  1. Martial Law in the US of A

    GOLD FRINGED FLAG stage props for Trump and Clinton speeches –

    The flags displayed in State courts and courts of the United States have gold or yellow fringes. That is your WARNING that you are entering into a foreign enclave, the same as if you are stepping into a foreign embassy and you will be under the jurisdiction of that flag. The flag with the gold or yellow fringe has no constitution, no laws, and no rules of court, and is not recognized by any nation on the earth, and is foreign to you and the United States of America. more information


    Martial Law Flag “Pursuant to 4 U.S.C. chapter 1, §§1, 2, & 3; Executive Order 10834, August 21, 1959; 24 F.R.6865; a military flag is a flag that resembles the regular flag of the United States, except that it has a YELLOW FRINGE border on three sides. The President of the United States designates this deviation from the regular flag, by executive order, and in his capacity as Commander-in-Chief of the military. The placing of a fringe on the national flag, the dimensions of the flag and the arrangement of the stars in the union are matters of detail not controlled by statute, but are within the discretion of the President as Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy.” 34 Ops. Atty. Gen. 83.

    President, Dwight David Eisenhower, by Executive Order No.10834, signed on August 21, 1959 and printed in the Federal Register at 24 F.R. 6865, pursuant to law, stated that: “A military flag is a flag that resembles the regular flag of the United States, except that it has a yellow fringe border on three sides.”

    Read on –

    http://www.a pfn.org/apfn/flag.htm

  2. G5 still pushing the ‘JFK Jr still lives’ fraud with his BitChute video.

    The voice of the present day fraud alleged to be that of JFK Jr by G5 is not even close JFK Jr’s voice.

    One has to remember, JFK Jr was 38 years old at the time he was murdered so his voice wouldn’t have changed greatly in the last 22 years.

    Compare Tom Cruise’s voice from films he made 22 years ago to today and you get ….. NO NOTICEABLE DIFFERENCE.

    • Hallelujah !! Of all the dozens of comments I’ve made in recent weeks that have been censored and are still being subject to ‘moderation’, finally one slips through the crack and is allowed to the see the light of day above.

      I’ll ride my luck and see of this one gets through too :

      The following article is titled ‘Merkel won’t take AstraZeneca vaccine, says she’s too old’ :


      So, let me get this straight. Merkel (born 1954), has no problem with the vaccine being administered to elderly citizens born in the 1920’s and 1930’s for example, yet somehow she is too old for it.

      At least one has to give her some credit for being open enough to admit that she won’t be taking the vaccine – as opposed to ScoMo who participated in a publicity stunt and pretended to get it.

  3. House Passes ‘Equality Act’ to End Legal Recognition of Biological Sex; Churches Fear

    Over at the House, the Equality Act has been passed – and now it’s making its way to the Senate. This act would (among other things) eliminate the legal definition of biological sex.

    It was just confirmed by the State Department that Chinese authorities tested American diplomats for Covid using anal swab tests. However, they say that it was done in error. (Lol….!)

    Over in Texas, a federal judge has ruled that the federal moratorium on evictions is actually unconstitutional. Meaning that evictions might soon resume.

  4. COVID-19 mRNA Shots Are Legally Not Vaccines

    The mRNA COVID Vaccine is NOT a Vaccine

    Covid-19 is dangerous, not vaccines

    Moderna is testing a COVID-19 vaccine on humans. This is what they’re not telling you
    So will the vaccine work?
    Sigh. A new study out of the U.K. indicates that COVID-19 antibodies may only be protective for 2-3 months. This is bad! The study is not yet peer-reviewed, nor has it been replicated, so the jury is still out, though it does mimic the findings of a Chinese study from a month ago. If antibodies are only protective for a couple of months, this would make global herd immunity a pipe dream, but it would be a boon for pharmaceutical companies, who would potentially be providing vaccines multiple times a year on an ongoing basis. This is all based on preliminary data and very subject to change.

    Are there other vaccines besides Moderna’s?

    Yep. Roughly 120 vaccines are being developed worldwide, with just under two dozen of those in testing on humans, including a U.S.-funded vaccine out of Oxford University that is also starting testing on 30,000 participants. Meanwhile, China is human-testing eight vaccine candidates. A handful of different delivery technologies are being used.

  5. What are experts saying?

    Merck CEO Kenneth Frazier says that it’s a “grave disservice” to tell the public that a vaccine may be available by the end of the year. “If you are going to use a vaccine in billions of people, you’d better know what that vaccine does,” he said. Vaccines typically take a minimum of four years to develop.

  6. COVID-19 vaccine card is not an immunity passport. Here’s the difference
    What exactly is a COVID-19 vaccination card?
    A coronavirus vaccination card is a wallet-sized card that details your personal coronavirus vaccine information. It’s designed to be a helpful reminder for each person who receives the first shot to be aware of when they need to return to get the booster shot.

    For example, one vaccine may require that you come back three weeks later, while the other may require that you return in a month for the booster.

    VIDEO <Dr. Christiane Northrup Blows the Whistle on the Covid-19 Vaccine Which is NOT a VACCINE and WILL KILL Millions>

    No, a COVID-19 vaccine is not necessary to return life to normal
    Injecting healthy people with a vaccine that is not needed and may cause some harm is not part of the traditional ethical playbook.

    ‘Stay very vigilant’: Doctor warns COVID vaccine is not a cure after contracting virus post inoculation

  7. Taiwan: China’s next target? | DW Analysis

    Despite China’s increasingly aggressive behaviour both at home and abroad, Beijing’s open threat to take control of Taiwan by force is receiving comparatively little attention – leaving this flourishing liberal democracy uniquely isolated and vulnerable. The threat may be far more imminent than many imagine. According to Taiwan’s Foreign Minister Joseph Wu “the Chinese authoritarian leaders may find Taiwan as a convenient scapegoat. Therefore Taiwan needs to be doubly concerned about a possible Chinese use of force against us.”


    5:09​ What is Taiwan?
    16:05​ Why China wants Taiwan
    26:25​ Scenario 1: Chipping away
    33:10​ Scenario 2: Crimea 2.0
    41:18​ Scenario 3: Invasion
    49:05​ What now?

    In this video DW’s Chief International Editor Richard Walker explores the roots of the threat in depth – aided by military and strategy experts from Taiwan, China, the United States and Germany. He charts the dramatic expansion in Beijing’s navy and advanced missile arsenal that is shifting the balance of power against the U.S. in the Pacific. The video examines three possible scenarios: China gradually chipping away at Taiwan’s stability via military and hybrid means; a sudden, Crimea-style annexation of outlying islands; and a full-scale invasion. This final scenario would pose extremely dangerous for global stability. “Everything that happens in this scenario happens under the shadow of a potential nuclear war,” warns Ian Easton, author of “The China Invasion Threat.”

    Adding to Taiwan’s profound vulnerability, there is growing doubt that the any country would come to its aid in the event of Chinese military action – or even have the capability to do so. “Even five years ago, the ability of the United States to come to Taiwan’s defense was greater than it is today,” warns Bonnie Glaser, one of Washington’s top experts on the region. “It has eroded over the last decade. And that is, I think, problematic.”

    In the U.S., Congressman Ted Yoho of the House Foreign Affairs Committee explains his bill that would commit the U.S. to come to Taiwan’s defence, ending the longstanding “strategic ambiguity” that he and some experts see as destabilizing. But could this in itself pose greater dangers? Europe must also take the threat more seriously, argues leading German expert Janka Oertel. “We have not devoted enough energy to these kinds of scenarios. What we lack is a European conversation about what kind of player Europe in the future would like to be in these kinds of scenarios.” m concludes with a passionate plea from Joseph Wu for democracies to end Taiwan’s diplomatic isolation from global bodies like the U.N. and the World Health Organization: “It’s not fair to the Taiwanese people.”
    What should the democratic world do to minimize the risk of an open conflict between China and Taiwan?

    • A different perspective:
      Goebbels grandchildren were all unemployed and wanted to stay in the family business so Deutsch World News was born.
      What a fruit salad. Raving about these ww2 era munitions as if anyone took them as anything more than posturing, one step up from jawboning. This is the era of mini nukes anonymously delivered at mach 17, operating outside of diplomacy from appearances at least.
      Meanwhile on the diplomatic level, DW raves about Crimea which Russia won/retained decisively 200 years ago. DW says Taiwan needs proper treaties with the US, the treaty is too hard, the future is unknown, it is just a shapeless thing, so the US instead assures places like Taiwan and Israel that they have a real and continuing interest by installing chip factories and such hi-tech. Much better than a ridiculous complicated treaty.
      A guy comes on and says strategic ambiguity doesn’t work, but the US switches from the paid off Democrats to the more traditional Republicans.
      The CCP has no claim on Taiwan but neither do the descendants of Changkai Shek have very much more claim just because they flooded the place first, half a century ago.

      Just another case of MSM “opinion” or “documentary” being the same tripe Rockerfellas Foundation (etc) feeds into the Alt-media, to confuse and undermine.

      • W3,
        There are no nations anymore, it’s a flag waving excercise for genocide.
        All that is are multinational city states, fleeced by the select few.

        • Julius
          It was the ‘topic’ not the site especially when it is actually happening! The rest of your posts has nothing to do what was the topic

          • Taiwan: A US Foothold Before a Chinese Tidal Wave

            “…………..Taiwan’s Future is Inevitable 

            The US and the wider Western media have promoted narratives of an impending Chinese invasion of Taiwan. This narrative has been used to justify the sale of US weapons to Taiwan’s military including a recent arms deal worth several billion US dollars.

            The Business Insider in an article titled, “A Chinese invasion of Taiwan would not be easy, and the 400 anti-ship missiles the US plans to sell to Taiwan would make it even harder,” would note:

            Less than a week after it authorized a $1.8 billion arms sale to Taiwan, the US Department of State notified Congress on Monday of another possible Foreign Military Sale to Taiwan for $2.4 billion that includes hundreds of Harpoon anti-ship missiles and launchers.

            The big sale, if approved by Congress, would give Taiwan 100 Harpoon Coastal Defense Systems (HCDS) and 400 RGM-84L-4 Harpoon Block II Surface-Launched Missiles, very capable all-weather weapons that can search for and take out ships as far as half-way across the Taiwan Strait.

            The sale of the additional missiles would later be approved.

            The weapons are for a “Chinese invasion” that will likely never come and in addition to the US “soft power” networks Taiwan now serves as a base for – the US still lacks any means to confront or contain China’s influence – both in regards to Taiwan and in regards to the wider region.

            The need for a “Chinese invasion” of territory already recognized as part of China by the UN makes so little sense on so many levels. But the clearest level is economically where mainland China now stands as Taiwan’s largest trade partner and investor.

            Mainland China has been the key to Taiwan’s economic growth throughout recent years and had helped drive the easing of cross Strait tensions.

            Because of Taiwan’s economic ties with the mainland, the most recent drive by the US to re-introduce a wedge between the two has come at high cost to Taiwan’s economy. The government fulfilling Washington’s desire to restrict mainland investment and  oppose Beijing’s decisions regarding Chinese territory has cut Taiwan off from economic inflows the US – and even the wider West – are unable to compensate for.

            A look at Taiwan’s foreign investment and trade over the last two decades reveals an obvious and unavoidable trend regarding Taiwan’s near to intermediate future.  It is a trend of a shrinking Western role in Taiwan’s economy replaced by a rising mainland China – and a trend that inevitably impacts Taiwan geopolitically.

            Twenty years ago only 4% of Taiwan’s exports headed to mainland China while 18% headed to the United States. Today, 34% of Taiwan’s exports head to China versus 10% to the United States. Taiwan’s imports reflect a similar shift in economic power. Both China’s economic rise and its proximity to Taiwan means that this trend will only continue.

            US efforts to build up Taiwan’s independence movement is meant to deliberately disrupt this trend – and it is doing so not by providing Taiwan with economic alternatives but instead baiting the island into a growing political and even military standoff with the mainland and its regional allies. This is being done specifically at the expense of Taiwan’s economic ties to both.

            Just like Australia and others being drawn into Washington’s anti-Chinese foreign policy – such a stance is not sustainable. As long as China can avoid provocations and conflict and continue offering the benefits of economic prosperity and peace as an alternative to Washington’s strategy of tension – patience and time will run out for Washington’s style of Indo-Pacific hegemony and the interests in the region abetting it will be displaced by those interested in a more constructive regional architecture.

            Perhaps on a more global scale a similar process can play out within the United States itself – where current circles of power pursuing this counterproductive foreign policy are displaced by those with a more constructive vision of America’s role not only in Asia but around the globe.

            Tony Cartalucci, Bangkok-based geopolitical researcher and writer, especially for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.


          • CC
            Very good honest journalism “New Eastern Outlook”We need to keep finding good journalists for better information but to write about our present plight

          • Arlyn, I wasn’t rubbishing you, I was rubbishing Deutsch World News,
            Signed, Julius.
            Now this thing from NEO is close to my perspective but ends with everybody looking for “a more constructive regional architecture” – as if !!! Beijing has been trying to dominate for 1000’s of years.
            I bet they are sorry they built those walls now or they would be invading the north too. Imagine they were so intimidated by nomads on horses but now they claimed to always control the entire sea from Taiwan to the Philippines.
            If Taiwan wiped out their armed forces with a few mini nukes a lot of the neighbours would celebrate.
            Who needs communists, totalitarians, plutocracy – and their apologists.

    • Sorry Arlyn, but I would not give the proverbial rat’s a*** for sites like DW News

      Here is another they come up …

      • What’s behind coronavirus vaccine skepticism? | COVID-19 Special (25 February 2021)

      I prefer to get my China news from sites such as …

      • Rural China Is NOT Beautiful! | Angry Rant – “the JaYoe Nation”

      • News On China a Deeper Dive Episode 03 – “Daniel Dumbrill”

      (… and others)

      • CC
        Yes I am very aware of the info you posted thanks. 🙂 Being ex military our minds look at things quite a bit different than most civilians. The Tri-lateral Commission began giving China secrets and opening up China to the US and the world. As many of us already know “all is not what it appears”


        • Jesuit = Jews in suit. This is another cunning jewish attempt to deflect their culpable dastardly crime behind imposing China under horrific communist rule and pointing their sly dirty finger “It’s the Jesuits” just like they want us to believe “It’s the Freemasons” in other instances of their crimes against humanity. Their bloodstained fingerprints are directly or indirectly implicated in just about at every turn of mankind’s misfortune throughout all of known historical events. Incredible to grasp this truth but see the clues behind all verifiable recent historical events of significance to see how telling it is.

          Please see this document for proof that jews were behind placing the psychopath mass torturer murderer Mao in China to kill off more than 60 million Chinese for necessary communist social restructuring there.


          And see this for the jew behind putting Mao in power.


          • Crossy, I am going to continue my little campaign against the psyop strategy of block-labelling various peoples to create animosity, discord, division amongst people who should be sympathetically united against the common enemy of an ideological elite who imagine that all people should be subject to their esoteric “superiority”.

            Most ordinary people in every nation and culture are practically consumed with the ordinary vicissitudes of life; “making a living” and trying to ensure that their children get a feed and a start whether they are a “Jewish” tailor, a Vietnamese street vendor, a Chinese market gardener, an Australian farmer, or any of the other providers of goods and services (including labour) that are common everywhere all over the World.

            A serious problem arose with the advent of a particular form of usury (that was apparently well known in Babylon (according to clay tablet “books of accounts”)) was brought into Europe and which evolved into “fractional reserve banking”. It was an almost invisible means of coercion and control over the decadent and greedy. As one of those Rothschild mob said: “I don’t care who makes the laws if I control the money”.

            Anyhow, “the Jews” are mentioned about 72 times in John’s Gospel but they are apparently distinct from “Judaeans” and Israelites as a subset with arcane ambitions hostile to a Messiah not of their making. But the trouble is that, these days, many who identify as “Jews” are not of the Synagogue of Satan that Jesus, John and Paul so roundly denounced. Neither are ordinary Chinaman, ‘Strayaman, etc. synonymous with the abject mongrels that lord it over them at the behest of the SoS and their toadies.

          • CC
            EXPOSED: All the Queen’s Agents and Corporations that Control the World

            The CIA revealed as the Gestapo of the Vatican’s Fourth Reich.

            The CIA and the Vatican’s Intelligence Apparatus

            Vatican Connection To The CIA

            The Central Intelligence Agency And Deep State Conspiracy Finally Exposed
            The Picture of Evil Completely Revealed
            Citizen Intelligence Report to Citizens of the World

            The Entity: Five Centuries of Secret Vatican Espionage

          • “many who identify as “Jews” are not of the Synagogue of Satan that Jesus, John and Paul so roundly denounced.”

            Actually the “the Synagogue of Satan” is only called out as such once and it’s by Christ Himself.

            More importantly, read within the context of numerous other scriptures, He’s very obviously referring to gentiles who attempt to arrogate the inheritance of Israel:

             “This is what the Lord says,
            he who appoints the sun
                to shine by day,
            who decrees the moon and stars
                to shine by night,
            who stirs up the sea
                so that its waves roar—
                the Lord Almighty is his name:
             “Only if these decrees vanish from my sight,”
                declares the Lord,
            “will Israel ever cease
                being a nation before me.”
            JEREMIAH 31:35 – 38

             “For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fullness of the Gentiles be come in.
             And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob:
            For this is my covenant unto them, when I shall take away their sins.”
            ROMANS 11:25 – 27

    • berry
      You are so indoctrinated and brainwashed about the evil wicked Zionist theocratic rogue terrorist state of Israel with your unbiblical version of this Fundamentalist Dispensationalist man-made up ideology.

      Do you not know who was behind the USS Liberty and 9/11? I sent you much evidence so you obviously ignore their evil history of the many Crimes Against Humanity which certainly is not Christian

      Are you aware of the many breaches of UN International Resolutions?
      In 2018, Israel became the most condemned nation at the UN

      A genuine Christian cannot possibly defend decades of crimes against Humanity in support of a man-ma
      de doctrine that is not biblical and does not follow biblical exegesis at all. It’s unbiblical junk that is against the
      Everlasting Gospel. God says He will send Strong Delusions to those “because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

      How can you possibly defend such massive perpetual criminal acts from the beginning of this terrorism and massacre of innocent men, women and children to take their land and rape them?

      Israel involvement in USS Liberty & 9/11


      “[The Israeli Mossad is] ruthless and cunning, with the capability to target U.S. forces and make it look like a Palestinian-Arab act.” -Report issued by the U.S. Army School of Advanced Military Studies (SAMS); September 2001

      HERE’S WHAT REALLY HAPPENED ON 9.11 — James Perloff

      9/11 SIMPLIFIED

    • berry
      Well that is only your personal dogmatic opinion once again. You actually have no idea in what you are supporting and defending which is deranged thinking. The more you try and defend the more foolish and ignorant your views are. You have yet to reveal your stance on the unbiblical man-made up pseudo theology of the Fundamentalist Dispensationalist in which I have asked you to reveal your stance like everybody else here in this open communication. You have refused many many times so silence is acceptance but I already know because of your posts about the sick evil terrorist rogue theocratic state that you defend every chance you get. You often post dogmatic statements that are questionable or riddle…You are actually supporting unbiblical dogma for a criminal rogue theocratic nation. You are supporting a CULT-SECT as it is outside of mainstream Christianity. To be dogmatic is not truth it is just being dogmatic for the sake of being dogmatic about something that is not true in this case!

      You have never never responded about any of the past article of Zionism and Dispensationalism so your ground is weak and not truthful or biblical. I could send you many other posts as well on this subject

      Dispensationalism and Messianic Zionism

      Dispensationalism and Zionism (click on link for full article)
      Right division proves Israel is not presently God’s people
      Dispensationalism, the divinely commanded method of biblical exegesis (“right division”), is often conflated with the modern political ideology of Zionism. Many dispensationalists today support the political nation of Israel under the pretext of “blessing Israel” in accordance with Genesis 12:3, Luke 7:4-5, and other passages. By “blessing Israel” through various means, they suppose God will reward them or their nation. The tie between dispensationalism and Zionism flows from the former’s correct deduction that the church, the body of Christ, is not Israel. However, a consistent dispensational approach reveals that Israel is not currently God’s channel of blessing, God having set them aside and revealed a new parenthetical program.

      How Dispensationalism & Zionism Pervert Christianity (click on link for full article)
      Many people do not recognize this beautiful, seamless story of redemption in Scripture, but instead think there are two groups of “chosen people” and two plans of salvation. This is largely due to the false teachings of dispensationalism and zionism, which are taught in most American churches. Zionism is also furthered in the American secular media, and the media controlled by “the religious right.” (Please remember that “religious” does not equal “godly.” While the religious right has a form of godliness in taking certain moral stands that the Christian can agree with, in many ways it wanders from the true path of godliness laid out by Christ.) You can read a history of modern dispensationalism here, and an illuminating list of Scriptural problems with that system of thought here. Some good articles about modern “Christian” zionism can be read here. I encourage any reader who hasn’t researched these subjects thoroughly to read several sources.

      • berry
        Zionism/Dispensationalism (click on link for full article)
        Here I will post links to any articles that touch on these false doctrines which create an unbiblical relationship between the modern state of Israel and the Church.

        These wicked doctrines have caused much harm and confusion, including:

        –Racism (saved by race rather than by grace through faith),

        –Excusing the sins of one nation (generally Israel or the USA),

        –Withholding the gospel from nations (disobedience to the Great Commission),

        –Wanting to physically harm other nations rather than evangelize them (Jesus said this is a wrong spirit–Lk. 9:54-55),

        –Rejection of Christ’s teachings, especially the Sermon on the Mount,

        –An obsession with physical dominion of this earth now, even if it can only be brought about through sin (Crusades),

        –An elitist view of America which includes a refusal to suffer, and a belief that God won’t allow American Christians to suffer,

        –And a diverting of the Church’s labors from evangelization to political involvement.


        • berry
          PLAY ALL, Zionism And Dispensationalism Are Catastrophic Heresies

          Cult of Dispensationalism is Unbiblical (click on link for full article)
          I don’t like Dispensationalism for many reasons:

          First, it is MANMADE. All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, not men (2nd Timothy 3:16). If someone handed you a King James Bible, and that is all you had in life to teach you about God, you wouldn’t find Dispensationalism in a million years, because it is not taught in the Holy Bible!!!

          Second, it gives the Bible student a predisposed mindset toward the Holy Scriptures, before he or she has even studied the Scriptures for them self. By adhering to Dispensationalism, you’re allowing men to guide your thinking instead of the Holy Spirit (John 16:13). We are living in the most manipulated generation in the history of the world, when the Devil “deceiveth the whole world” (Revelation 12:9).

          Third, Dr. Cyrus Scofield (as John Hagee today) had known connections with Zionism Jews, which is a major conflict of interest. Dispensationalism laid the theological groundwork for luring the churches to unquestionably support modern-day manmade Israel. The Bible teaches that God will restore true Israel, not man. Abraham and Sarah took matters into their own hands in the Old Testament, refusing to wait for God to fulfill His promise to give them a son in Sarah’s old age. So they conspired and Abraham impregnated Hagar (their Egyptian handmaid) with Sarah’s permission. When Abraham and Sarah expected God to bless Ishmael He adamantly refused. Fifteen years later Isaac was born, the son that God promised to them!

          Against Christian Zionism
          We say ( Dr Sizer )
          God’s mission for Israel to the world is summed up in the person and ministry of Jesus Christ who “fulfilled” God’s purposes for Israel by creating out of two peoples – Jews and Gentiles – one people whose Promised Land is no longer a piece of real estate in the Middle East, but a New Heaven and New Earth which will come into existence when He comes again at the end of time.

          The Archbishop of Canterbury agrees
          Rowan Williams said that the theology of Christian Zionism has no historical base and is a recent Protestant addition, according to Petra, the Jordanian state media agency. Williams, who is on a four-day visit to Jordan, Israel and Palestine from Feb. 19-23 2010, was reported by Petra as saying that the belief by some Protestants that the establishment of the Jewish state is a prerequisite for the return of Christ doesn’t have a historical basis and only appeared as a result of “some biblical studies in the nineteenth century.”

          The Ninety-Five Theses Against Dispensationalism

      • While you bods are nit-picking about which nuances of which upstart “prophet” you will adopt the big picture is invisible to you.

        This bod has a good story that you will hate for its honesty:

          • I was referring to the plethora of Jezebels and Wulies that are as ubiquitous and prolific as flies in the outback.

            These galahs who are cut off from the Apostles are doing a great service to the SoS by making it appear that Scripture doesn’t mean anything because with a bit of judicious selection and editing it can be made to mean just about anything.

  8. Bill Gates vaccines –

    53,000 Paralysis Cases in India From Polio Vaccine In A Year – NPAFP Identical to Polio But Twice as Deadly
    Posted on December 1, 2014 by ChildHealthSafety

    How to declare a vaccine programme a success? Redefine the disease and then claim it is being eradicated with a vaccine whilst still causing paralysis under a different name “Non Polio Acute Flaccid Paralysis“.

    NPAFP is clinically indistinguishable from polio paralysis but twice as deadly as revealed in a peer reviewed journal and reported by CHS here: New Paper – Polio Vaccine – Disease Caused by Vaccine Twice As Fatal – Third World Duped – Scarce Money Wasted – Polio Eradication Impossible

    A report in India last January, from the second largest business newspaper in India “LiveMint”, with an exclusive relationship with the Wall Street Journal, records:

    In the past 13 months, India has reported 53,563 cases of NPAFP at a national rate of 12 per 100,000 children—way above the global benchmark set by WHO of 2 per 100,000.” India to get polio-free status amid rise in acute flaccid paralysis cases Jan 13 2014

    India has provided the evidence to indicate that Non Polio Acute Flaccid Paralysis is a disease associated with the polio vaccine. The vaccine contains live polio virus, so when administered artificially is a means of causing a polio infection.


  9. That is one of the medical business tactics to get out of responsibility and obligations as well as to cut down the massive insurance cases against doctors. If you research this question you will find that is what they do and medical doctors are to abide by the oath of ‘practicising medicine’.

    [Limits to the power of medicine to define disease and risk factor, and quarternary prevention]


    Patient safety means to avoid unnecessary harm produces by health care activities. Quaternary prevention is a medical activity that try to avoid or decrease the health consequences of unnecessary or excesive health care. Physicians’ definition of health, risk factor and disease justify many unnecessary medical interventions. It is critical to control an excesive medical technological actitude that allows excesive medical interventions. The medical power of definition of health and disease transform risk factor in a border which usually overlap with the disease field. We need research on quaternary prevention, and to develop activities of quaternary prevention which help in stopping the dissemination of health care (preventive, curative, diagnostic or therapeutic) of little value.
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    Gérvas J. Gac Sanit. 2006 Mar;20 Suppl 1:127-34. doi: 10.1157/13086036. PMID: 16539975 Review. Spanish.
    How to prevent overdiagnosis.
    Chiolero A, Paccaud F, Aujesky D, Santschi V, Rodondi N. Swiss Med Wkly. 2015 Jan 22;145:w14060. doi: 10.4414/smw.2015.14060. eCollection 2015. PMID: 25612105 Review.
    [Unnecessary operations in the exercise of surgery. A topic of our times with serious implications in medical ethics].
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    Medical overuse and quaternary prevention in primary care - A qualitative study with general practitioners.
    Alber K, Kuehlein T, Schedlbauer A, Schaffer S. BMC Fam Pract. 2017 Dec 8;18(1):99. doi: 10.1186/s12875-017-0667-4. PMID: 29216841 Free PMC article.
    Quaternary prevention: reviewing the concept.
    Martins C, Godycki-Cwirko M, Heleno B, Brodersen J. Eur J Gen Pract. 2018 Dec;24(1):106-111. doi: 10.1080/13814788.2017.1422177. PMID: 29384397 Free PMC article.

    See all similar articles

    Language has been weaponised against all of us and it would be another good subject to cover in Gumshoe

  10. If a single anonymous organisation made it known that if the Covid vaccinations cause serious damage to recipients, then every doctor, bureaucrat, journalist, and politician who promoted the vaccine will be executed, the whole promotion would grind to a halt.

    I am not suggesting for one nano-second that somebody should actually do this, but from a purely academic point of view, and as I am writing a novel about ongoing Australian history, the possibilities are fascinating.

    I think I might build into the plot that the execution volunteers will be people who have a fatal disease and who would love to make one great grand gesture before they kark it.

    Anybody want to advance purchace a copy of my embryonic best seller novel and movie?

    • All these pricks still have jobs. I don’t. At 63, after physically contributing in helping to build this nation, last year I made $0 dollars. Not crying sympathy, playing violin, it’s just the way it is. Some people’s poo turns to gold and visa versa. The traitors may be smug, in their glass towers, yet time will tell. We think it’s a big production, behind the set it’s just props holding it all up. Without digital, that is the plug in the wall, it all comes undone.

      Yes Tony, I’ll buy your book, you’re writing makes way more sense than the galahs on screens.

      • These pricks truly don’t know what they’re doing. Ignorance is strong.
        When we discarded the fine pencil point, and put blind faith in artificial insanity that is the computer digital, the serpents took over.

        • They know exactly what they are doing unfortunately! This is part of the satanic NWO RESET, depopulation, 5G cashless, more surveillance, more control more containment.

  11. Yuri Bezmenov is a name few Americans seem familiar with today. Mr. Bezmenov was a Soviet informant and KGB operative who defected to the United States in the early 70s. In an increasingly difficult to find 1984 interview with G. Edward Griffin titled “Deception Was My Job”, he laid out the four stages of “ideological subversion” created by radical Marxists to indoctrinate and weaken nations from within.

    “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we lose our freedoms it will be because we have destroyed ourselves from within” – Abraham Lincoln.

    FULL INTERVIEW with Yuri Bezmenov: The Four Stages of Ideological Subversion (1984)

    Here is the short interview – just over 6 minutes:

    KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov’s warning to America (1984)

    • Al Qaeda Is On Our Side In Syria – Joe Biden’s National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan

      Jacob Sullivan serves as the National Security Advisor to U.S. President Joe Biden. He was previously senior policy advisor to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential election campaign and Deputy Chief of Staff at the Department of State. He was exposed in a leaked email claiming – Al Qaeda is on our side in Syria.

      American President Joe Biden’s National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan emailed then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton that Al-Qaeda was “on our side” during the Obama administration.

      The email was released by WikiLeaks during the escalation of the Syrian Civil War when Jake Sullivan was Director of Policy Planning in the Obama White House.

      Read more of this post


      • Thanks Crisscross – I can just sit back, knowing that you will have shared these bulletins for us all.

        Begs the question – when did the US ally itself with the terrorist group “that committed the worst terrorist act against the US in history”.

        And to think that not one of our Prime Ministers, Chief of ‘Defence’ Forces or Governor Generals in the last 20 years knew of this …

        • Major hat tip to Washington’s Blog for its article ““Sleeping With the Devil: How U.S. And Saudi Backing Of Al-Qaeda Led Directly To 9/11,” Tony Cartalucci of Land Destroyer Report.

          To many Americans who pay only a small portion of their time to what is happening in Syria, the claim that the United States is funding and supporting ISIS sounds like absolute insanity. After all, the corporations who feed them their news incessantly inform them of the threat of ISIS at home and abroad and remind them how hard their government is working in order to keep them safe. Even when many Americans can clearly see that the United States is funding extremists in order to destroy Assad, it is difficult for them to grasp that the most frightening enemy of all, ISIS itself, is also being directed by Western intelligence, the GCC, and Israel…………


          The Sunni/Saudi/Wahhabi’s are cousins of the Jews


          Jews demand Sharia law for non Jews –

          ………..“Sephardi Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef said Saturday night that many non-Jews should be forbidden from living in the Land of Israel according to Jewish law. In a recording of Yosef’s weekly Saturday night lecture obtained by Channel 10, the rabbi can be heard saying, ‘According to Jewish law, it’s forbidden for a non-Jew to live in the Land of Israel – unless he has accepted the seven Noachide laws.’

          “If he’s not willing to accept one of them, [which is] not to commit suicide, if he’s not willing to accept this, you send him to Saudi Arabia.’”[5]

          If he is not willing to go to Saudi Arabia, then you have to eliminate him. Yitzhak adds that once that non-Jewish person is eliminated, Israeli soldiers don’t have “to be concerned by the scrutiny of the High Court or the army chief of staff on the matter.”[6] Obviously because Yitzhak thinks that Rabbinic


          The Sunni versus Shiite war. Citizenship granted to Iranian Shiites to change demography in Syria.


          Mahathir Mohamad frees Malaysia from Saudi Influence

          Mahathir Mohamad is cutting off all ties that enabled the Wahabite Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to have an influence on Malaysia.


          • How U.S.-Saudi Marriage Gave Birth to Jihad

            Attempts to use Wahhabism to our advantage ultimately proved disastrous

            “Chatting with Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in November 2016, Barack Obama mentioned Indonesia, where he spent part of his childhood back in the 1960s. The country, he noted, was a changed place. Where Muslims once adopted elements of Hinduism, Buddhism, and animism, a more austere version of Islam had taken hold once Saudi Arabia began pouring money into Wahhabist madrassas in the 1990s. Where women had formerly gone about with their heads uncovered, the hijab began to spread.


            But why, Turnbull wanted to know, was this happening? “Aren’t the Saudis your friends?” To which Obama replied, “It’s complicated.”

            Read on –


        • Julius
          I seriously doubt they didn’t know. They will claim the secrecy card for the National security. There is a world-wide freemason group that leads back to the Vatican Intelligence apparatus. Freemasons have a long history of instigating wars

          • CC
            It may very well be but follow the evidence that is being exposed. They are getting the kudos for what has happened in past history and in the present just as much as the so-called Jews

  12. How U.S.-Saudi Marriage Gave Birth to Jihad

    Attempts to use Wahhabism to our advantage ultimately proved disastrous

    “Chatting with Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in November 2016, Barack Obama mentioned Indonesia, where he spent part of his childhood back in the 1960s. The country, he noted, was a changed place. Where Muslims once adopted elements of Hinduism, Buddhism, and animism, a more austere version of Islam had taken hold once Saudi Arabia began pouring money into Wahhabist madrassas in the 1990s. Where women had formerly gone about with their heads uncovered, the hijab began to spread.


    But why, Turnbull wanted to know, was this happening? “Aren’t the Saudis your friends?” To which Obama replied, “It’s complicated.”

    That c-word covers a lot of territory, not only with regard to Wahhabism, the ultra-fundamentalist Saudi ideology whose impact is now felt across the globe, but also with regard to the United States, the Saudis’ chief patron, protector—and enabler—since World War II. Like any imperialist power, the United States can be a bit unscrupulous in the partners it chooses. So one might expect it to look the other way when its Saudi friends spread their militant doctrines into Indonesia, the Philippines, the Indian subcontinent, Syria, and numerous points beyond.

    But Washington did more than just look away. It actively encouraged such activities by partnering with the Wahhabists in any number of hotspots. They include Afghanistan, where American- and Saudi-armed jihadis drove out the Soviets in the 1980s. They also include Bosnia, where the two countries reportedly teamed up in the mid-1990s to smuggle hundreds of millions of dollars worth of arms into Alija Izetbegović’s Islamic republic, today a stronghold of Wahhabist Salafism. Other notable examples: Kosovo, where the United States joined forces with “Afghan Arabs” and other Saudi-backed jihadis in support of the secessionist movement of Hashim Thaçi; Chechnya, where leading neocons such as Richard Perle, Elliott Abrams, Kenneth Adelman, Midge Decter, Frank Gaffney, Michael Ledeen, and R. James Woolsey championed Saudi-backed Islamist rebels; Libya, where Hillary Clinton personally recruited Qatar to join the effort against Muammar Qaddafi and then said nothing as the Wahhabist kingdom funneled some $400 million to rebel groups, many of them Islamists who proceeded to turn the country upside down; and of course Syria, where Sunni head-choppers backed by the Saudis and other oil monarchies have turned the country into a charnel house…………..”

    Read on –


    Major hat tip to Washington’s Blog for its article ““Sleeping With the Devil: How U.S. And Saudi Backing Of Al-Qaeda Led Directly To 9/11,” Tony Cartalucci of Land Destroyer Report.

    To many Americans who pay only a small portion of their time to what is happening in Syria, the claim that the United States is funding and supporting ISIS sounds like absolute insanity. After all, the corporations who feed them their news incessantly inform them of the threat of ISIS at home and abroad and remind them how hard their government is working in order to keep them safe. Even when many Americans can clearly see that the United States is funding extremists in order to destroy Assad, it is difficult for them to grasp that the most frightening enemy of all, ISIS itself, is also being directed by Western intelligence, the GCC, and Israel…………


    The Sunni/Saudi/Wahhabi’s are cousins of the Jews


    Jews demand Sharia law for non Jews –

    ………..“Sephardi Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef said Saturday night that many non-Jews should be forbidden from living in the Land of Israel according to Jewish law. In a recording of Yosef’s weekly Saturday night lecture obtained by Channel 10, the rabbi can be heard saying, ‘According to Jewish law, it’s forbidden for a non-Jew to live in the Land of Israel – unless he has accepted the seven Noachide laws.’

    “If he’s not willing to accept one of them, [which is] not to commit suicide, if he’s not willing to accept this, you send him to Saudi Arabia.’”[5]

    If he is not willing to go to Saudi Arabia, then you have to eliminate him. Yitzhak adds that once that non-Jewish person is eliminated, Israeli soldiers don’t have “to be concerned by the scrutiny of the High Court or the army chief of staff on the matter.”[6] Obviously because Yitzhak thinks that Rabbinic


    The Sunni versus Shiite war. Citizenship granted to Iranian Shiites to change demography in Syria.


    Mahathir Mohamad frees Malaysia from Saudi Influence

    Mahathir Mohamad is cutting off all ties that enabled the Wahabite Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to have an influence on Malaysia.


  13. Calling the U.S.A.”America” indicates a failure to grasp the fact that the respective federal system does not parallel the Australian model

  14. Aside:

    See how we are bogged in the quagmire, no margin allowed.

    Only a slip of faith has historically challenged this paradigm.

    Thanks G5 , multifaceted this dilemma,.I thinks.

  15. “They will be stripped of their rights and given a commercial value designed to make us a profit and they will be none the wiser, for not one man in a million could ever figure our plans and, if by accident one or two should figure it out, we have in our arsenal plausible deniability.”
    – Edward Mandell House

  16. VIDEO –
    Jews Explain How They Are Commanded to Exterminate Western Civilization
    One of the reasons many jews are so gung ho about White genocide is that they truly believe they were instructed by Yahweh to exterminate us.

    They are experts at turning the truth on its head.

    Read the post


    “Edom is in modern Jewry.” —The Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925 edition, Vol.5, p.41

    “Strictly speaking it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a ‘Jew’ or to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or a Hebrew.”
    (1980 Jewish Almanac, p. 3).

    “Jews began to call themselves Hebrews and Israelites in 1860″ —Encyclopedia Judaica 1971 Vol 10:23

    Esau Married at 40

    At the age of 40, Esau married two Canaanite women: Adah, daughter of Elon the Hittite; and Ahalivamah, daughter of Tzivon the Hivite.11 His wives made his parents miserable, blatantly sacrificing incense to pagan deities.12

    Twenty-three years later, he married a third wife—his first cousin, Basmat, daughter of his uncle Ishmael.13



    Judah married and had sons to the daughter of foreign gods——a Canaanite woman. Malachi, chapter 3 & 2:11., Genesis 38:1-10 who later intermarried with the children of Esau/Edom.

    A Jewish Mother decides legal status

    It’s not a point of view it is the Jews law –

    “………..There are situations in Jewish law where, even in the course of a sexual relationship, no paternity is established. According to Jewish law, the child of a relationship between a Jew and a Gentile always assumes the legal status of its mother. The child bears no legal relationship to its father. See Babylonian Talmud, Yevamot 22a-b; Jacob ben Asher, Tur, Even Haezer ch. 16. This is equally true in cases of artificial insemination…………”


    • Your video is 34 hours long so I didn’t watch much of it but on climate change, strange how they overlook the greening of the desert, my guess is the sahara and arabia were cleared in the last big ice-age, why wouldn’t fanatics such as Gates etc use the $2/hour labour while they can to fix this gaping hole in climate policy, when all they can do is bang on about CO2 and carbon credits financial arrangements, there I’ve answered my own question clearly enough for anyone who’s interested.

    • Well it seems to be a whole catalogue then, I listened to about 20 minutes, they were saying Trump was being cast as a messiah and the Catholics threw Jesus out with the bathwater so I don’t know what video it was supposed to be.
      Why don’t you do a piece on the immune system featuring those glands around the mouth and nose, now that would be really interesting.
      You did a teaser a few months ago and no follow-up, that was your best piece in my opinion, as far as religion, everyone already seems to have their own ,,,

  17. Danes like to protest NWO Great Reset etc at night for some reason, I can think of one or two good reasons.
    Here the main road is full from about 5:00 to 10:00, quite a good turnout for little Danmark
    (Warning 5 minutes of tedious noisy “rock music” from 0:00 to 5:00)

  18. If you don’t like the banksters this is quite funny.
    Don’t underestimate Max, he bought / mined heaps of bitcoins when they were $1 each.
    We’re not sure who invented the bitcoin but if it was Max he is not admitting it.

  19. New York Times // October 6, 1940 / page 10


    Arthur Greenwood of British War Cabinet Send Message of Assurance Here
    Righting of Wrongs Seen
    English Rabbi Delivers to Dr. S.S. Wise New Statement on Question After War

    In the first public declaration on the Jewish question since the outbreak of the war, Arthur Greenwood, member without portfolio in the British War Cabinet, assured the Jews of the United States that when victory was achieved an effort would be made to found a new world order based on the ideals of “justice and peace.”……


    • Unfortunately NWO is meaningless in this context, just as the trademark name “One Nation” was used in Australia by Keating then usurped by Pauline Hanson. Back in 1940 Jews were being persecuted or however you like to imagine it. Never forget the German wars were started over domination of the middle east, as the Germans wanted to put a train line through Serbia and bypass the Suez canal. Historians tie themselves in knots trying to avoid the obvious but it is what it is.
      As much as I am interested in finding exactly who has done what, the phrase NWO back in 1940 had a totally different ownership and intent compared with when HWBush promised it on Sept 11 1990.
      Let me assure you I can see the Zionist influence in things but they have many willing accomplices and the current lockstep and injections programme seems to have evolved over a century since Standard Oil was broken up and Rockerfellas started to plot revenge on the US and the world.
      It’s like the plot for an Austin Powers’ movie but truth is stranger than fiction.

  20. Shouldn’t All Republicans Applaud Biden’s Syria Strike?

    American politics is characterized by hypocrisy, and nowhere is this seen more clearly at the moment than with President Biden’s Thursday night strike on Eastern Syria against alleged pro-Iranian militias there.

    ……………Had Trump won re-election and been the one to bomb Syria last Thursday instead, they’d all probably be cheering him and praising his decisive military support for “Israeli” regional security interests at Iran’s alleged expense. At the same time, those Democrats who stand in support of Biden’s latest strike would have probably condemned it had Trump been the President who authorized the attack. This is all so predictable, yet few are talking about it because they’re blinded by the desire to make rhetorical points of relevance in the immediate moment.

    The explained dynamic probably won’t ever change because the American people are so easily manipulable…………….


    WATCH: Biden Loses All Track of Thought One Day After Bombing Syria
    by Kyle Becker

    President Joe Biden is credited with authorizing the deadly air strike that killed an estimated 22 Islamic militants in Syria on Thursday.

    The rocket attack vaporized three transport vehicles carrying live munitions. It was so impressive it reportedly made Kamala Harris jealous Russia’s president Vladimir Putin was told about it first.

    But one day later, it’s unclear that our new Commander-in-Chief can even speak intelligibly on the matter. Or on much of anything else. It is not what you want to see from a U.S. President.

    Watch as President Biden speaks at a Houston vaccine site on Friday. It is absolutely painful to watch.

  21. How Aborted Children Are Used in Medical Research in 2020

    At a fundamental level, life-saving research ought to preserve human dignity.

    ………………Fetal Scalps and Back Flesh Grafted Onto Rats and Mice

    In September, researchers at University of Pittsburgh published their work on the development of humanized mice and rats with “full-thickness human skin.” Human skin protects an individual from infection, but there is no way to study the effects of pathogens on individuals without subjecting them to disease. Full-thickness human skin from fetuses was grafted onto rodents while simultaneously co-engrafting the same fetus’s lymphoid tissues and hematopoietic stem cells from the liver, so that the rodent models were humanized with organs and skin from the same child. These “human Skin and Immune System (hSIS)-humanized” mouse and rat models are meant to aid the study of the immune system when the skin is infected.

    To make the hSIS-humanized rodent models, full-thickness fetal skin was taken from humans aborted at the gestational age of 18 to 20 weeks of pregnancy at the Magee-Women’s Hospital and the University of Pittsburgh Health Sciences Tissue Bank. The mothers provided written consent for the fetuses to be used in research.

    From the aborted fetuses, thymus, liver, spleen and full-thickness skin were transplanted and grafted onto the rodents and allowed to grow. Then the rodent models were given a staph infection on the skin to study how the internal organs responded.

    The human skin was taken from the scalp and the back of the fetuses so that grafts with and without hair could be compared in the rodent model. Excess fat tissues attached to the subcutaneous layer of the skin was cut away, and then the fetal skin was grafted over the rib cage of the rodent, where its own skin had been removed. The grafts lasted up to 10 weeks post-transplantation. Multiple layers of human keratinocytes and fibroblasts were observed in the grafts, and the human skin grew blood vessels and immune cells.

    Human hair was evident by 12 weeks but only in the grafts taken from the fetal scalps. In the scalp grafts, fine human hair can be seen growing long and dark surrounded by the short white hairs of the mouse. The images literally show a patch of baby hair growing on a mouse’s back.

    The work was funded by the National Institute of Health (NIH) and supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH)-National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), the same branch that Moderna collaborates with for the COVID-19 vaccine. …………….


    • This “freedom” mantra needs definition. All the perverts in the World demand the “freedom” to indulge their perversities; moral and intellectual, physical and metaphysical.

      What most “freedom” demanders these days insist is “freedom” is the “freedom” to adopt a version of reality created by themselves or their chosen gurus. There is almost no acknowledgement of the transcendence of the reality that is entirely independent of perception or convenience.

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