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Bush And Cheney: How They Ruined America And The World (With The Help of John Howard and the MSM)


[This is an abbreviated version of Edward Curtin’s review of David Ray Griffin’s new book, “Bush And Cheney: How They Ruined America And The World,” published here on infomationclearinghouse.com.]

“America’s fate was sealed when the public and the anti-war movement bought the government’s 9/11 conspiracy theory.  The government’s account of 9/11 is contradicted by much evidence.  Nevertheless, this defining event of our time, which has launched the US on interminable wars of aggression and a domestic police state, is a taboo subject for investigation in the media.  It is pointless to complain of war and a police state when one accepts the premise upon which they are based.” Paul Craig Roberts, How America Was Lost

Bush And Cheney: How They Ruined America And The World is Griffin’s latest, and probably last, effort to reach those people who, out of fear, ignorance, or laziness, have walled themselves into a cyclopean labyrinth of denial about the defining event of our time.  Without the clarifying truth about the attacks of September 11, 2001, there will be no exit from the continuing nightmare the world is experiencing.

The first three-quarters of the book is devoted to the “destructive transformations of America and the world as a whole” that were initiated and justified by 9/11, many of which have been accepted by innumerable people as being based on government lies, most notably the war against Iraq.  Griffin’s hope is that if he can convince skeptical readers that the government would lie about Iraq, Libya, Ukraine, Syria, Yemen, etc., resulting in the deaths and maiming of millions of innocent people and the destruction of their countries, it would also lie about the attacks of September 11 that “legitimized” such carnage and the ongoing shredding of the US Constitution.

The Will to Examine Miracles?

It’s an ingenuous and compelling method, culminating with his concluding section on “15 major miracles” of 9/11, by which he means “violations of the laws of nature” in the strictest scientific sense.  Astutely logical, deeply sourced, and scientifically compelling, the book’s conclusion can only be rejected by one adamantly closed to accepting the ugly truth about the US government and its media accomplices.

But getting skeptical people to read the book is the trick.  I think that is very hard but much easier than to get the MSM to do so and give it a fair shake.  People have friends whom they trust, and sometimes friends can convince friends to at least take a look. Speaking of the MSM, Griffin puts it thus:

“However, while granting that the Bush-Cheney administration told big and
disastrous lies, which led to millions of deaths, most mainstream commentators
have considered the idea that this administration engineered the 9/11 attack
to be so absurd that they can render judgment without checking the evidence.”

“Judging without checking the evidence” is the job of the MSM, who are stenographers for the government, but regular people might be persuaded to check the evidence before reaching a conclusion, if they can be led to that assessment one logical step after another.  One can even hope that left-wing alternative media critics of the government, many of whom avoid this issue like the plague, might find the courage to reassess their anti-scientific denials in light of Griffin’s work.  After all, “the laws of physics don’t lie,” and logical reasoning has generally been a strength of many dissenters, especially those well-skilled in the art of disputation.

The Birth of the Tangled Web

No evidence of bin Laden’s guilt was ever presented, though Colin Powell initially said it would be shortly forthcoming (he quickly reneged on the promise). The invasion of Afghanistan, planned well in advance of 9/11, was the start of the war on terror that’s been going on for 16 years with no end in sight.  A 16-year-old war based on no evidence, just lies.  Griffin shows how the alleged “evidence” that was eventually produced – the bin Laden videos – were fraudulent; that they were indeed “produced,” and not by bin Laden; they were “bogus” according to Professor Bruce Lawrence of Duke University, the leading academic expert on bin Laden.

And the FBI reported that it had “no hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11.”  But the administration and the media sang of bin Laden’s guilt in unison…

So Griffin begins with the lie about bin Laden that led to the lie about Afghanistan that led to the illegal and immoral and ongoing war against Afghanistan and all the millions of deaths and destruction that have ensued.

Griffin documents these in deeply sourced details, but I will list them concisely:

US Government Lies Subsequent to the 9/11 Attacks:

  • That the 9/11 attacks were surprises, a “New Pearl Harbor.”
  • That there was solid evidence for bin Laden’s guilt.
  • That the invasion of Afghanistan (and Pakistan) was therefore justified.
  • That the “war on terror” and therefore The Patriot Act were necessary.
  • That Saddam Hussein was connected to 9/11, was developing nuclear weapons, and had weapons of mass destruction
  • That the attacks on Muslim countries were not based on Islamophobia
  • That the chaos and destruction unleashed throughout the Middle East were not pre-planned and intentional.
  • That the Obama administration’s attack on Libya was a humanitarian response to the “madman” Gaddafi, who adopted a rape policy fueled by Viagra drugged troops ready to unleash a blood bath.
  • That the war against Syria was not a CIA-instigated plan to overthrow Assad under the guise of “liberating” the Syrian people.
  • That the jihadists in Syria, including ISIS, were not armed and supported by the US, with many of those arms being shipped out of Benghazi, Libya, under the direction of Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, General David Petraeus, and Chris Stevens, the US ambassador to Libya.
  • That the Syrian “White Helmets” are independent volunteer do-gooders, not a propaganda outfit funded by the US and UK governments.
  • That the wars against Muslim countries throughout the Greater Middle East are not connected to the Israeli occupation of Palestine and serve as American support for Israel’s agenda in the region.
  • That drone killings are legal and morally justified.
  • That the US Constitution has not been shredded.
  • That the coup d’état in Ukraine was not a US operation as part of a continuing US aggression toward Russia and a growing threat of a nuclear annihilation.
  • That the US buildup of military forces along Russia’s western borders and the massive transfer of US Naval forces to China’s east are not US acts of aggression making nuclear war more likely, but are acts of self-defense.
  • That the threat of ecological holocaust is not connected to a 770 billion dollar “defense” budget, a trillion dollar nuclear weapons modernization program, and US wars against countries containing vast amounts of fossil fuels and rare minerals.

That is only a sample of the lies that Griffin uses to lead the reader back to 9/11, the alleged reason for the death and destruction justified by such lies.  If the US government would lie in all these ways, he is saying, why would they not have lied with the Big Lie that started this string of destructive deceptions.

September 11, 2001

Thus the last section of the book (a little more than 25%) is devoted to “9/11: A Miraculous Day.”

Griffin shows that “Bush and Cheney lied about their activities on 9/11” and that their relationship to the subsequent anthrax attacks, a key motivator for The Patriot Act and “the war on terror,” suggest that their administration was the source of those attacks and therefore the 9/11 attacks. (see Graeme MacQueen’s The 2001 Anthrax Deception).

And then – the coup de grace – he shows how the official account of 9/11 depends on “miracle stories.”  Yet, “a look at the evidence shows that many people who accept science on tobacco, evolution, and global warming, accept miracles, implicitly, on the subject of 9/11, especially in relationship to the World Trade Center (WTC).”  Herein lies the great stumbling block to convincing people of the truth of 9/11. Science, logic, careful reasoning, evidence, documentation, what you can observe with your own eyes, etc. – none of this matters when you are intent on being deceived (or pretending to be) because of the implications of examining the evidence and reaching conclusions that are deeply disturbing to your world view, ideology, or sense of self.  To admit that you have believed a pack of lies for years is very difficult to accept.

Do you believe in miracles?

Here is a Summation of Griffin’s 15 Major Miracles:

  1. The Twin Towers and WTC 7 were the only steel-framed high-rise buildings ever to come down without explosives or incendiaries.
  2. The Twin Towers, each of which had 287 steel columns, were brought down solely by a combination of airplane strikes and jet-fuel fires.
  3. WTC 7 was not even hit by a plane, so it was the first steel-framed high-rise to be brought down solely by ordinary building fires.
  4. These World Trade Center buildings also came down in free fall – the Twin Towers in virtual free fall, WTC 7 in absolute free fall – for over two seconds.
  5. Although the collapses of the of the WTC buildings were not aided by explosives, the collapses imitated the kinds of implosions that can be induced only by demolition companies.
  6. In the case of WTC 7, the structure came down symmetrically (straight down, with an almost perfectly horizontal roofline), which meant that all 82 of the steel support columns had to fall simultaneously, although the building’s fires had a very asymmetrical
  7. The South Tower’s upper 30-floor block changed its angular momentum in midair.
  8. This 30 floor block then disintegrated in midair.
  9. With regard to the North Tower, some of its steel columns were ejected out horizontally for at least 500 feet.
  10. The fires in the debris from the WTC buildings could not be extinguished for many months.
  11. Although the WTC fires, based on ordinary building fires, could not have produced temperatures above 1,800℉, the fires inexplicably melted metals with much higher melting points, such as iron (2,800℉) and even molybdenum (4,753℉).
  12. Some of the steel in the debris had been sulfidized, resulting in Swiss-cheese-appearing steel, even though ordinary building fires could not have resulted in the sulfidation.
  13. As a passenger on AA Flight 77, Barbara Olson called her husband, telling him about hijackers on her plane, even though this plane had no onboard phones and its altitude was too high for a cell phone call to get through.
  14. Hijacker pilot Hani Hanjour could not possibly have flown the trajectory of AA 77 to strike Wedge 1 of the Pentagon, and yet he did.
  15. Besides going through an unbelievable personal transformation, ringleader Mohamed Atta also underwent an impossible physical transformation.

Griffin examines each of these “miracles” in detail.  Taken together, they reduce the official explanation of 9/11 to a story told to credulous children who are afraid of the dark.  One can only hope that Americans are ready to grow up and accept that the bogeyman is real and that he is out to devour them and the rest of the world if they don’t awaken from their hypnotic sleep.

The Overwhelming Consensus of Experts

It is important to note that David Ray Griffin is not alone in his assessment that 9/11 was an inside job done to legitimize disastrous policies at home and abroad.  There are thousands of scholars, religious leaders, scientists, engineers, airline pilots, firefighters and countless others who agree with him after studying the evidence. Griffin names many of these experts in his conclusion.

Griffin’s persistence is the sign of hope we all need to join him in the fight against these unspeakable forces of evil.

[The full article here at infomationclearinghouse.com.]



  1. I don’t get how people fail to see why buildings come down in free-fall . Explosive demolition has been common practise in most cities worldwide for nearly one hundred years . Here in Oz , in sixties and seventies , many sculpted sandstone buildings in Sydney cbd were brought down during the night , when everyone slept , despite the protests during daylight hours . For developers money talks in the form of political bribery and to explosive contractors . If you live in metro Sydney and happen to be awake after midnight , the sound of explosives is sometimes heard . In 2017 this is not fireworks it is controlled demolition . Many commercial buildings and the former RNSHospital were brought down this way . In most cases it is not economical to renovate these buildings . Built
    with steel and concrete , conventional labour intensive methods do not come into the equation .
    Therefore the buildings are “pulled” during the night and the double loaders take the rubble away during the day . This is the most cost effective way of building new residential apartments in existing built up areas . So why is it so hard for the majority to grasp this . I’ll tell you why , it’s because they’d rather believe what was on the Block on telly last night .

    Orwells mantra “Ignorance is strength” is all over Oz today .
    Pray for miracles and divine intervention cause that’s our only saving grace .

  2. So by “America” does he mean the inhabitants of a particlar patch of dirt or Uncle Sam ?

    Because, in the case of the latter, no one can lose what was never theirs’ in the 1st place

  3. David Griffin messaged me about his book over a month ago.
    I went to a local bookshop and ordered 5 copies to be advised that their supplier did not have it in stock and will tell me when it is available.
    Recently I went to the shop to be advised that there was no record of my order and that it was now out of print.
    I am to be further advised.

  4. With regard to a summary of this article, most intelligent individuals would agree the governments of the Western political ideology is they are of a criminal nature and are recalcitrant, this situation is not new but having its roots within a historical cultural circumstance.
    From the point of view of a micro existential point of view, by this I mean my own sphere of interconnection of all associations I have and also not belonging to any political association, is these associates are utterly indifferent or more to the point anti any political discourse as being a controversy and being unsociable.
    So why is this so? in my view there is a deep rooted fear that any remark beyond trivia is confrontational, the democratic system as defined by media is no more than propaganda of those who are in power and to remain in power.
    This system is implemented by the use of money, the excessive cost of housing, education, and legal costs are calibrated in such a way as to exhaust individuals of time, energy and will, the culture of Western Democracy is to one hand give you the impression you are in powered with control such as choice? fashion, consumption, voting, drugs, sex and so on, whereas one is controlled by time restraints and the inability to have any effect upon anything at all.
    At the end of the day after work people want some relief from the excesses of often a futile day at the Office? by the time one having negotiated traffic jams, daily food collection and cooking and what ever? politics is no longer a issue for the many and what is most important is that is what having been devised for you and ones insignificance.

    • I think the real delusion is that “everyone” believes they are living in a democracy — so freedoms are being taken care of.

  5. As to the miracle number 15 add:
    The FBI in the Mouseau (sp; the underwear bomber) trial stated that the Olsen alleged phone call did not connecct.
    ‘There is nothing to debate”? ABC Jonathon Faine to Kevin Bracken on ABC radio on or about 10-11 october 2010.
    The ABC is a gaggle of fat overpaid geese costing us a billion per year covering for real terrorists..
    Then Frydenberg MP followed up the dumb nasty brigade in Parliament. Search ‘911 PM Julia Gillard stupid and wrong’.

  6. I have no wish to desparage the works of this book, in fact agree with him on the majority posted here.
    However, I believe his desire to convince Americans that they own Government is not averse to killing it’s own citizens would be far more achieveable if he utilised historic events that have already occurred and survivors are still alive from such an event.
    Here is such an article, which IMHO every American alive today, should familiarise themselves with, and even take up the banner on behalf of the survivors of this act.

  7. “……. with the help of John Howard and the msm..”
    Something missing here.
    “….. with the help of our paid spooks who exist to defend and keep us safe… “.
    Get real spooks, look at the evidence and give us a break on your bs or piss off.
    The public are becoming to identify our wastefull deceiful losers.
    File this in my file. Ta!

  8. To summarise the last ten years I am experiencing many people, of senior age, not able to reason or employ critical thinking about the building collapses in New York. It would seem that they do not know how to go about discovering the truth for themselves. To ask questions, remove contradictions and test the outcome then ask more questions etc.. They do not know what to do with contradictions.

    They seem to not know the difference between information and knowledge. Not knowing how to go about verifying information. They are waiting for the man in the white coat to come on TV to tell them what the truth is, because he is the expert and knows the truth. The public can not know because they are not experts. The only credible source is the Government. Belief in authority.

    Does this mean these people have been mentally crippled or is that going a bit far?

    It appears to me that the current generation is much more aware and I expect/hope they will be a force to recon with.

    • ddave, I guess I fall into your group of Senior age myself. Yet no way in hell, would I classify myself as falling into the group of Seniors you mention. However, I do associate with such people, of all walks of life, every Wednesday and spend the good part of the day, walking through our bushland enjoying the environment, whilst we still have it, and the company of my fellow Seniors. During this time, we usually discuss events of the day or week, which find their way into the news cycle.
      I do not share your view, that Seniors simply trust the MSM to tell them what to do, on the contrary. They are very much alert to what’s going on, but feel terribly disempowered and helpless, unable to do anything to change or combat what’s going on. Plus, many feel because of their age, they are not taken seriously, and simply brushed off as senile old farts.
      Going by my personal experiences with people of this age group, I’d like to suggest more interaction on your part, with such people, and actually listening to what they have to say.
      B.T.W. you do know, that people on a pension or part pension, are TERRIFIED the Government may choose to attack them by various ways at their disposal. How do you propose, such people defend themselves against such actions ?????????
      Walk a mile, in another’s shoes I say, before dropping clutch on mouth.

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