Home Australia Child Abduction Video Series Expose Criminality in “Child Protection”

Child Abduction Video Series Expose Criminality in “Child Protection”


This is the first video of a series on child trafficking, judicial kidnap, and state abduction. The introductory video begins with separating a child from a good parent. But as the series progresses we will try to join the dots… all the way to the “top”. Subscribe and share.




  1. Love your huge heart Dee.

    This video has such a punch. It made me cry.

    We cannot allow this appalling torture of children and their protective parents to continue unabated any longer.

    If we do nothing, we will end up in a world where the state has the full responsibility of rearing our babies.

    We all know the history of what happens when the ‘state’ holds power over innocence.

    The science-fiction genre hasn’t even touched on how macabre our world would be if we allow this to happen.

  2. Dee, for those of us on the geriatric ward — the end of your video says “Subscribe.”

    How does one subscribe?

    And does that mean we get automatic notice of subsequent vids in this series? Or we get a referral to prison, or what.

    • Mary. The subscriber refers to Youtube. Tap the subscribe YouTube button and you get updates on the following videos.

  3. Great work Dee I feel I will be able to give testimony to this work a massive heroic undertaking you give testimony to my story and many others.

    When Morisson spoke to the Defence White Paper last week–he stated ” We have moved into a less benign strategic Age” adding “the pandemic has accelerated this stage”–he also spoke of cyber warfare several times—- reminding us of the 30’s and 40’s

    Hope you can get some hard earned rest—need to keep strength up for the long haul.

    • I have been looking for a song, some music, for this venture and this is it:

      Episode 1 : Ft. Archie Roach – Kutcha’s Carpool Koorioke

    • It seems the only message we get to do something (that TPTB want), is to fight! Fight against cancer, fight against racism, fight against climate change…

  4. OK Dee, now you are definitely on the ‘radar’ – you ‘called them out’. You’re gonna ‘love’ it from here on out – paranoia is your friend.

    Keep things tight and pay attention to any of your new found ‘friends’. I figure that you have already realized that the Australian Legal system will NOT be your friend.

    I wish I could be of more help, but all I can offer is my experiences of the ‘gun control’ agenda and the various massacres, Port Arthur in particular. You will get no help from the media, politicians, the Police, the Legal system – they will actively work against the truth and work to destroy you.

    Everybody has to die, it is how you live that counts…

  5. Disclaimer, my knowledge of this matter is not personal but based on reading and viewing. Rachel Vaughan, Fiona Barnett, R. Michaelson, Mulligan Report etc. Also Freda Briggs. The Dutroux affair in Belgium. The Sachsensumpf of the early 1990s in Saxony/Germany. Edward Heath, Rolf Harris, Jimmy Saville.

    I watched this video by putting on the spectacles of somebody who was utterly new to the topic.

    I think such a person would respect Dee’s indignation but would be looking for answers which have not yet been addressed:

    where does the figure of 8,000 children in institutional care come from; is this video saying that all or some of those were taken away from loving parents.
    I believe that a large number of children in care are aboriginal, I do not have Aust, figures by Federal State at hand.
    so what is the relationship between the Aboriginal issue and the content of video 1? are we saying that the documented abuse of Aboriginal children at home in remote settlements as outlined eg by Prof Peter Sutton of Adelaide in his 2009 book on the failure of the Coombs-Whitlam Indigenous policy since 1975 has nothing to do with this video series? and if it does not, why?
    the word trafficking was used. But it is not yet clear to me whether this word is being used to mean children being bought and sold, if so by whom and why, or whether it is supposed to mean removal of children by judges, police, social workers.
    this raises the question of whether children are being removed e.g. by pedophlie judges for pedophiles and their rings OR to satisfy bureaucratic mission creep, i.e. given that there is a social welfare bureaucracy which needs clients the way that a mining company needs lands to dig up, are we just saying that the courts are serving that part of the public service so as to guarantee jobs and salaries?

    Especially as child-related matters are the domain of women by preference and the Zeitgeist wants assured jobs for women, compared to 1966, up till when women had to resign from the Commonwealth public service upon marriage.

    6, if in fact what Dee has observed is mission creep rather than pedophilia, – stand-alone or in rings, incl. SRA, – who are the children affected, by race and social class?

    • Over about 20 episodes we’ll get to answer most of these. It is like an octopus — one testicle at a time. But this will also become an interactive discovery and guests will provide insight.

      • LOL, you got caught with the non-editing feature of this site – ‘testicles’? Perhaps you meant to write ‘tenicles’.

        So many times I have written something and then looked at it after I posted it – (oops)

      • I like the concept of “interactive delivery”—pattern thinking–a different way of working that questions and challenges the Official Political Narrative- a collective shared evidence based presentation–blessed are the film makers–interviewers and truth tellers

  6. Very accurate indeed Dee having experienced it myself and my daughter Monique being placed into the pedo industry

  7. Dee.I have sent it on….. what else is there to do?
    Heh heh, loved the octupus’ ‘testicle’. Yep, go for it and squeeze hard.

  8. Dee, thanks for this work that you are doing. It is a must that we expose this seedy side of life. For the children’s sake it has to stop. Looking forward to the next video.

  9. “no minister will dare to intervene”

    Most people don’t seem to be aware that when you raise concerns about a government department with the corresponding elected member it automatically gets forwarded on to the most germane kingpin of said department who proceeds to write up a response. Said response is then sent on to you via the Minister’s office.

    I’m not making it up!

  10. Excellent Dee, have sent it way over to London, America as well….Look forward to the next installments…………

  11. Diane is referring to a many-part TV series, the first 3 episodes of which can now be viewed if you log in. Google for it.

    It is about the nuke tests at Maralinga SA in the 1950s. It seems Lloyd-George’s daughter was a Cambridge-trained meteorologist. Hmmm. A trailer:

  12. Yes watch Operation Buffalo on iview the last bit governor generals last four words God Save the Queen. I think of Whitlam God save Queen because nothing will save the governor general—-also watch in my blood it runs—-control through “education”–about child trafficking -welfare—-the world works in mysterious ways—very timely maybe we have someone one our side—-sorry rushed –busy day

  13. Dee,
    Great work, thank you for truthfully reporting it as it is, always.

    Germany investigating 30,000 people linked to a vast network of child abuse.

    “Child abuse online is more widespread than we previously thought. The authors who communicate in the forums consider child abuse to be ‘normal’ and find a large number of like-minded people. The inhibition thresholds drop. And this is what characterises this situation from a criminal point of view.”
    -Peter Biesenbach, Minister of Justice North Rhine Westphalia.

    “More and more cases of abuse are being revealed. We must therefore expect that in the coming months, other networks of pedophiles will be exposed.”
    – Michael Maatz, vice president of a police union.

  14. Thank you so very much Dee for your courageous work on this issue. Not sure if you are still reading replies, but I wanted to let you know that I sent this video along with a couple other informative videos on the subject to (1) the Judge who gave sole custody to my daughter’s rapist; (2) two of my corrupt lawyers who threw my case; and (3) the Guardian ad Litem, attorney, who was in charge of my two minor children’s best interests. Not a peep back. However, I haven’t seen the $50,000+ fee invoice that one of my corrupt lawyers usually send me monthly since I sent the email (July 17, 2020). I told them my daughter was not well, and she isn’t. Thank you again. Suzanne

  15. I can’t say how heartening it is to me, to see the State sanctioned crimes coming to light. I have been the victim of the family courts as a child and now as an adult and a father and my daughter is also now a victim as a child.
    I was the primary carer of my young daughter. I was assaulted by the mother, and when I confronted her about the family violence, she removed our daughter from day care, put a Family Violence Order on me and I have pretty much, not seen my daughter since. (over 3 years now)
    As it was later confirmed, the child abduction had been planned in a conspiracy with her family law solicitor 18 months prior. I was given a choice. Fight it out in the family courts where fathers are crucified every day or never see my child again.
    Our case is in the Federal Circuit Court and as a Federal institution it does not come under any human rights charter just as the Commonwealth of Australia doesn’t. It’s hard to describe to someone who has not been a victim of State sanctioned child abduction, one’s complete disbelief at what is going on every day in the family courts. The narrative that the courts and police are protecting the mother is the only narrative allowed. There is a hypothetical theme that the child cannot be in contact with the father because contact with that parent may damage the child, all the while the real damage is being done by the abducting parent and the courts.
    I have breached the FVO (no violence) because I was so distressed at the separation with my child and spent over six months in gaol. My life is ruined.
    My only criticism is that Dee McLachlan has also discounted, in the above video, fathers as having any connection to their children, when a fathers connection is just as strong as the mother’s. It’s a bias that runs deep in society and is discounted off hand by the anti father anti family lobby every day.
    Overall, Thank you for trying to get the news of this crime ring out.

  16. Dee, I hope that you make contact with Bettina Arndt. She is another outstanding woman who has great contacts inthe media. I have details if you need.

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