Home Society Coping With the Consequences of Sustained Sub-Replacement Fertility Levels

Coping With the Consequences of Sustained Sub-Replacement Fertility Levels


By James O’Neill*

A few days ago the Chinese government announced the results of the latest population census. The figure that attracted the most attention, and some excited comment from western observers, was that the data showed a continuing decline in the birth rate to a total fertility rate of 1.6 children per woman in China. In order for a population to be maintained, a total fertility rate needs to be at the level of 2.1 children per woman.

The commentators were full of dire predictions about how this decline in the number of births per woman would lead to a rapid population decline. This was matched by equally dire predictions that a declining population will lead to a corresponding decline in China’s economic prowess and military strength.

Sustained sub-replacement fertility levels are a common feature of modern western societies and that has been true for a number of years. Depending on the duration of this sub-replacement fertility, and the previous population history of the country, it may or may not have already led to a decline in population.

The following table shows the current fertility levels in a number of developed countries.

Table 1. Total Fertility Rates in Selected Countries

Country                       Total Fertility Rate

The United States                     1.71

Canada                                    1.50

European Union                        1.55

France                                     1.58

Sweden                                    1.76

Ireland                                     1.75

Denmark                                 1.73

Portugal                                   1.38

Greece                                     1.35

Spain                                       1.36

Italy                                         1.29 (the lowest in Europe)

Russia                                      1.61

Ukraine                                    1.55

Germany                                  1.59

The United Kingdom                  1.68

South Korea                             0.84

Japan                                       1.42

China                                       1.60

Singapore                                1.00

These are the latest figures available, mostly from 2018 and 2019.

The following table shows the number of births and deaths in a similar group of selected countries.  The number of births reflects the existing structure of the population as well as the fertility rates. Thus, a number of countries show continued growth in their population despite having birth rates severely below replacement level. This effect will inevitably work its way through the population. By the end of this decade, virtually all of the countries with sub-replacement fertility levels (2.1 children per woman) will also show a declining population (setting aside the effects of net immigration).

Births and Deaths by Country (in 000s).

Country                                   Births                           Deaths

Germany                                 788.1                           939.5

Austria                                     84.9                             83.3

Belgium                                   116.1                          108.7

Bulgaria                                    61.5                           108.0

Denmark                                   61.1                            53.9

Spain                                       357.9                           415.0

Finland                                      45.6                             53.9

France                                     753.5                           612.1

Greece                                      83.7                           125.0

Hungary                                    93.1                           129.0

Ireland                                     59.7                              31.1

Italy                                         420.1                           634.4

Netherlands                             169.0                           151.8

Sweden                                    114.5                             88.7

Czech Republic                        112.2                           112.3

Norway                                    54.4                             40.6

United Kingdom                       712.6                           604.6

Switzerland                               86.1                             67.7

Ukraine                                   308.8                           581.1

Australia                                  315.1                           158.4

Canada                                    372.3                           276.6

Japan                                       914.4                         1,362.4

New Zealand                             59.6                             34.2

South Korea                             326.8                           298.8

The United States                     3978.4                         2712.6

Several of these countries have been able to ameliorate the effect of a low birth rate by active immigration policies. This is particularly true of some European countries such as France and Germany, plus Canada, United States, Australia and New Zealand. It is not a policy option in a number of other countries, either through choice, such as Japan, or because they generally lack attractiveness as a migration objective. This latter group includes South Korea, Greece, Hungary and Ukraine.

Countries such as Germany which have long pursued an active migration policy, are finding increasing resistance from the local populations who resent the importation of people from a different ethnic and cultural background.

In short, the problems that the Chinese government is currently having to confront are not unique to China. One looks long and hard to find articles in the western media pointing out the significant demographic problems already confronted or about to be confronted, by several European countries, South Korea and in particular Japan.

The demographic problems of this latter country are particularly severe. Its death rate is already nearly 50% higher than its birth rate. It has a conscious policy of not encouraging immigration. Yet those writers who make such a big thing of the declining Chinese birth rate completely ignore the already severe problems faced by the Japanese government.

China’s demographic problems are a consequence of the success of its earlier policy of encouraging (among the Han Chinese) a one-child-only policy. This has since been eased and women are now encouraged to have two children. The figures suggest that few are availing themselves of the opportunity to have more children.

The reasons for this are the same in China as they are in all developed countries: the cost of rearing a child and the vastly improved social and economic opportunities available to women compared with only a generation ago.

The Chinese government is aware of the problem and there is little doubt that they will formulate a raft of policies aimed at encouraging a rise in the birth rate. It is a moot point as to whether they will be any more successful in this than their European counterparts, many of whom have very generous programs to encourage women to give more births.

It may be that the developed world either have to live with the consequences of prolonged sub-replacement fertility, or alternatively radically reshape their migration policies to fit the consequences of this historically unique situation.

*Geopolitical analyst.  He may be contacted at jamesoneill83@icloud.com



  1. James, excuse me, is this article a satire?

    A lowering of the worldwide population is a good thing not a bad thing. Have you noticed how we have messed up even the vast oceans with our pollution?

    In Australia, all the opal has been mined. No more opal. Won’t it be the same for the fuel minerals? How dare we leave future generations in the lurch.

    Why should any woman be “encouraged” to breed? Let her breed or not as she and her mate wish. I don’t have any offspring. Should I have produced some kids for God, king, and country? Should I have thought hard about how a trade deficit might develop if I did not have kids?

    Should I have been more considerate of the needs of the teachers’ union, that they might get left without enough employment if an insufficiency of students?

    James, do you know that even as we speak, the Australian government is protecting a wicked, wicked industry of child breeding in order to be able to sell the kids for pedophilia and for the fun-torture market?

    And that besides manufacturing babies in this way we STEAL THEM FROM THEIR PARENTS, and that JUDGES SIGN ONTO THIS every day in EVERY CAPITAL CITY?

    Sorry. Dee can delete that if it is too harsh.

    • “A lowering of the worldwide population is a good thing not a bad thing.”

      “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
      And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.”
      GENESIS 1:27 – 28

      • The theory of evolution was devised on the basis of:

        *denying the fact that infinite sustainability was written into the creation of the planet


        *refusing to own up to the destruction thereof

    • I put in the comments some days ago that somebody was recommending pine needle tea for quaxxine “shedding”, can’t remember who.
      You know they start up these marketing campaigns, turmeric was conspicuous, kale was the most outrageous, but there are dozens or hundreds, they never end so you won’t know if this is one of them.

  2. So people aren’t having kids due to, quote, “the cost of rearing a child and the vastly improved social and economic opportunities available to women”

    You don’t need a degree in economics to figure out that said explanation is a contradiction in terms: the question that needs to be asked is why have people gone from counting their offspring as an asset to a liability.

    • Because they prefer television, and driving around the shops in their car, and looking at the phone, that’s why they want the government to arrange all the childcare, when it would be far better if they went DIY and community based, because we all know the overheads cost of government service delivery, for example medicare, I personally get roughly 20% return on every dollar paid, and I am not interested in much of their product. I would rather it went user pays at least 50:50 but the public would not agree. Luckily I am not visibly carrying the entire bill, that is covered by the printed money, so we are all covertly taxed. So long as we are in debt via mortgage and can demand a rising wage, it’s ok. Others with no mortgage and a wage freeze are the losers. So we see the system is rigged away from family and community and towards central control (communism). It is rigged away from transparency and in favour of the stealthy.

      • That might all be perfectly true, but what I was getting at is that, when it takes 2 wages to achieve the standard of living that was obtainable via 1 in the ‘50s & ‘60s, claiming that the ubiquitous families of 4 – 5 kids of said era have disappeared because of “vastly improved social and economic opportunities available to women” is a bit of a joke

  3. Unfortunately for the people of the world everything is going according to the New World Order Plan. But what is this New World Order Plan? In a nutshell the Plan is this. The Dark Agenda of the secret planners of the New World Order is to reduce the world’s population to a “sustainable” level “in perpetual balance with nature” by a ruthless Population Control Agenda via Population and Reproduction Control. A Mass Culling of the People via Planned Parenthood, toxic adulteration of water and food supplies, release of weaponised man-made viruses, man-made pandemics, mass vaccination campaigns and a planned Third World War. Then, the Dark Agenda will impose upon the drastically reduced world population a global feudal-fascist state with a World Government, World Religion, World Army, World Central Bank, World Currency and a micro-chipped population. In short, to kill 90% of the world’s population and to control all aspects of the human condition and thus rule everyone, everywhere from the cradle to the grave……………………..


    • Seriously ? That’s already been thoroughly accomplished. Brain washing people to believe it’s their RIGHT to purchase homes of their own, with mortgages to last longer than their life span, thus ensuring said folks comply with all their employer’s demands, no matter how unreasonable, to hang onto their jobs to allow them to service that mortgage, cover the ongoing costs of insurance/rates/maintenance/furnishings ect, not to mention the costs of transport to and from said employment to earn the where withall to cover all these costs. Then we add the costs of medical Insurance, pregnancy/childbirth/childcare/schooling ect, all adding further, to the demands upon the wage earner who now has massive commitments to cover, thus further integrating himself with his employer, in effect, making himself a willing slave to this system, that will ensure he remains enchained until his dying day, as nowadays compulsory retirement has been thrown out the window. Now your enslaved until your body can no longer cope with the physical demands placed upon it. In many cases, that attractive Superannuation policy, that took some of those hard earned wages, will never be spent by the individual who slaved away squirelling it away for their retirement.(if they can even afford to) Even if folks don’t buy their own home, they still need to cover many of the above costs just as mortgage holders do. B.T.W. the latter believe that plot of land they built their homes upon and are slaving away to pay off, is theirs. L.O.L. in reality, they only own the two metres of soil on the top, everything else underneath is still owned by the state, who can, and in many cases DOES take it back whenever they find a reason to do so, so in effect, mortgage holders are also simply RENTERS of the plot. The N.W.O. has been here for quiet some time now, it’s only that Finally, (maybe) people are beginning to realise, we’ve been had, big time.

      • Eddy, I don’t think that a “contract” that is entered by being conned into by fraud or by being coerced or “press ganged” into is valid or lawful according to natural or “common” law even if the victim (contractee) is bamboozled by the instigators.

      • Good one Eddy.

        The challenge of the Age is to withstand certain pressures and enticements such as falling into the populous victim mindset.
        Which is prerequisite to being controlled and manipulated by the PTB

  4. And who should be the inheritors of the beautiful new depopulated world?
    The candidates we have now seem capable of destroying it even without our help.
    Most forms of warfare are not good for the environment.
    Overpopulation at least benefits we the people in so far that we get to have a life.

  5. If population is assumed to be the new evil, many traditional evils could also be assumed good.
    Perhaps poisonous medications are in that category.
    Narcissistic control freaks must know that large populations can limit their power.
    Their horrific treatment of children is an expression of that.

    • Only Gates!?
      Plus all the warmonger killers and child abusers with the mass media ‘complicits’ and politicians who protect them or pretend deceitful ignorance

      • He’s going to be the scape-gate, like the Bush’s took the political hit for Iraq. He is already ditched by “wife” and linked to Epstein. His brainless videos were the reason plutocrats decided he can go. A lethal injection would be a delightful irony but as the video above suggests, you can probably just get off with motivated lawyers and co-operative mental health professionals.

  6. F’ crying out loud! I think it was some old Greek that said “those whom the gods wish to destroy they first send mad”. What could be madder than to despise the gift of life so much that you want to deny it to as many as possible? (Self excluded, of course, as all the maniacal “New Order” eugenicists slyly (don’t) propose as an ideal).

    It is interesting to note that so far it is only the “daft” berry and the crossy bod that have made any objection to the wholesale practical eugenics being slyly “not proposed” by the disciples of the likes of “Yowie” (E.O. Wilson) and the whole Materialist agenda.

    • Wading through the double negatives I sense a potential slur !
      Personally I am now doubting the population statistics which tell us world population passed 7 billion not long ago and is closing in on 8 billion. Also note the plutocrats who have decided on the big cull are also the ones with the packaging factories and other such industries damaging the environment. Everything now is in a blister pack and if you try to do things the old way, local government, health department or whatever will crack down and put you out of business.

      • It’s not a “potential slur” y’ drongo! I am perfectly capable of directly implicating the crooks parading themselves as “angels of light” while obliquely proposing genocide.

        These sanctimonious arsoles can’t hurt God directly but they can try to farkup and pervert the nature and purpose of Creation.

          • Yair, well, y’ know, in A’straya a drongo is who doesn’t work like a full quid or a whole picnic.

            The cunning haters of God and Man never openly display their opprobrium but hiding in sly speeches they propose that Man is a terrible blight on Gaia and that the “solution” is to practically eliminate the terrible threat to Gaia by getting rid of most of the nasty “useless eaters”.

            Most of us have had these Malthusian notions infiltrated into us from infancy. There’s almost no one who would (having been sold the notion that there are too many people) think that they are the “too many” but that the “too many” are anyone at all that might be an “inconvenience”.

            Now, the practical orthodoxy is that Creation is not made for Man to “fill and subdue” but that Creation is for beasts and microbes from which Man must be almost eliminated for Gaia to prevail.

            Well, the “enlightenment” has become epidemic and the most of the “smarter than God” experts have proposed a new religion based on the Prophet Thomas Malthus and propagated by his disciples like (to name just a few of his most notorious and recent disciples) Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Al Gore, Greta…… and the innumerable thoughtless sycophants that slyly propose the ideology while never owning up to it. The likes of the wretched “Yowie” and the Magnificent Minotaur.

            What are these bods saying? Something like :”piss off Mr God; we’ve got our prophet Malthus and Moloch has promised prosperity if we give him our own (pre natal or post natal children) as a purchase of some temporal advantage?”

            Anyhow, the sort of irrational sh!t that is fed to children these days can only produce narcissism or despair unless they have access to their ultimate purpose.

  7. The freewill choice to not have children is “contra natura”. The creation, earth, is about life, living and renewal not about artificial worship of technology. The choice to abandon the life cycle and its dynamic equilibrium is a dangerous choice for mankind.

  8. MSM reports Anastasia Palusczuayk has not received “her” quaxxination yet
    WA health minister in strife over a child hospital waiting room death – to fall on his own sword ?

  9. All-right, the weekend has 48 hours to fill in, if you a wise enough to ensure that the television and Joke radio is turned off you might consider putting this audio report on and consider….. till the end. the topics considered.
    The topic of the ISIS cultists explains a lot for thought,
    Even with a i-phone with earphones as you do the dishes or run up some moon shine 80% proof, or even whilst riding a bike.
    NOW if our old truth viligante commentator was still around he would be having a fit by the very mention of the name:
    Thanks TV your old persistent vilification of JUAN, YOU INVITED MY NOTICE OF HIM and his opinions…… I do not shoot the messenger with a varying opinion to what some consider to be the dumb norm.
    The wheel barrow brigade may be disappointed, no Catholics, Jews, Jesuits, Masons and dog owners do not come into Juan’s reality.
    Sorry chaps….. you may be wasting your time and energy.

    So enjoy, have to love a crazy cult running the present world via their useful puppets.


    • Well, now we’re back at the Egyptian bloodlines and the eye on the pyramid, it all goes round and round. Interesting to hear about HWBush, we know he was working under Nixon but we thought he was some kind of shifty little apprentice powermonger, now they say he was director of the entire jobs-to-China program. So they sent Gough there first as part of the advance PR program, and did the Lima declaration at the same time. So why did the queen sack Gough, just another psy-op stunt like Prince Harry at the present moment ? Or is there a business clash of interests between London and the Rockerfellas gang ? I would hope the latter, because, surely there is some chaos involved, surely it’s not all completely mapped out … but equally likely it is some other combination of reasons altogether.

      • Also very interesting the dreams of George Washington including part 3, that all the US cities would be destroyed from within and only the rural dwellers would survive.

  10. I went to the Indian restaurant tonight, I asked the guy do you have family in India, are there dead bodies piled up everywhere, he said no dead bodies in his town but his mother got quaxxinated and she got sick from covid-19™ anyway. I told him yes quaxxine is bull$#!% and he said “Is it?”

  11. Two clarifications. When I talked about the “lowering” of world population I meant the lowering that is now taking place, as reported by James. (The title of his article is, after all,” Coping with the consequences of sub-replacement fertility levels”). Fur as I know, that lowering is not being waged on the species; it is by individual choice. You will never hear Mary say we ought to knock off a few folks. OK? Get it? “lowering” means it is getting lower — as both James and I used the word.

    Second, about EO Wilson. I challenge anyone to find the slightest hint of him being pro-eugenics. I just googled for “EO Wilson, eugenics” and got this:

    “Although sociobiology has few direct connections to eugenics, it shares eugenics’ optimistic enthusiasm for extending biological science into the human domain….”

    I mean come on, that says zilch about a sociobiologist — whether Wilson or Minnie Wenighite — having anything to say about performing animal husbandry on the species.

    Quite the contrary, I recall Wilson saying in class that nobody ever knows where the greats are coming from. Your next baby might be a poet or a jerk. (Not his words exactly). So there is no point (almost his words exactly) practicing any kind of “enlightened” birthocide to get rid of the bad genes.

    In the Book of Genesis, it says “Increase and multiply.” That advice was given to the only 2 members of the human race. We are now at 8 billion. Looks like we’re in no danger of petering out. And as for Sapiens gaining dominion over the fishies of the sea, see the above video.

    As for a woman’s choice, Queen Victoria and many of her cohort had 9 kids each. And then the average fertility fell, such that when Minnie was born in 1947, most American women were having 2 or 3. Since the Pill came along in 1960, it fell even more. A fourth of the females, including Minnie, had zero kids.

    Should we ban the Pill? Should we urge the Minnies of this world to have 3 poets and 3 jerks each? Whose decision (about urging) would it be to make?

    And should they all get the DPT shot, and the MMR? And whose decision is that to make?

    And should we let our judges protect the many child murderers in our midst?


    • Fair go! How do you define a child murderer?

      The Malthusian Moloch is blardy hard to pin down in the maelstrom of proposed ideological conveniences.


    “…………Echinacea is a massive problem for The Worshipful Company of Apothecaries. Since the introduction of synthetic poisons many of the top herbs were ignored and lost favor in the people due to propaganda and programming to the acceptance of the medical quackery. Echinacea is now almost an household name for fighting flu and illness. Big pharma cannot afford for herbs to become as popular as they once were. The more people that use them the more people will realize the truth that herbs work and work well whilst drugs do not work and also kill. The people will be able to defend against veiled biological attack by these swines and their population reduction programmes. This cannot be allowed so these dictatorship pirates are now out to smear and attack the medicines so the gullible uneducated populace accept the nonsense like they do for everything else put out in the mainstream lying media………….”

    http://theun hivedmind.com/UHM/big-pharmas-latest-attack-on-herbs-in-order-to-aid-deadly-drug-side-effects/

  13. http://www.vaccinehoax.com/

    BOMBSHELL! “No one has died from the coronavirus” says leading pathologist


    WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!! The CDC ADMITS the COVID 19 VIRUS DOES NOT EXIST!!!!!!!!!! ANYBODY SICK or DEAD during this PLANDEMIC, is SICK or DEAD from SOMETHING ELSE!!!!!!!!!!


    COVID 19 HOAX Brainwashing Through Mirroring And Smearing

    A high-profile European pathologist is reporting that he and his colleagues across Europe have not found any evidence of any deaths from the novel coronavirus on that continent.
    Dr. Stoian Alexov called the World Health Organization (WHO) a “criminal medical organization” for creating worldwide fear and chaos without providing objectively verifiable proof of a pandemic.
    Another stunning revelation from Bulgarian Pathology Association (BPA) president Dr. Alexov is that he believes it’s currently “impossible” to create a vaccine against the virus.
    He also revealed that European pathologists haven’t identified any antibodies that are specific for SARS-CoV-2.
    These stunning statements raise major questions, including about officials’ and scientists’ claims regarding the many vaccines they’re rushing into clinical trials around the world………………”


  14. Not many could understand this –

    PROTOCOL No. 3

    At the present day we are, as an international force, invincible, because if attacked by some we are supported by other States. It is the bottomless rascality of the GOYIM peoples, who crawl on their bellies to force, but are merciless towards weakness, unsparing to faults and indulgent to crimes, unwilling to bear the contradictions of a free social system but patient unto martyrdom under the violence of a bold despotism – it is those qualities which are aiding us to independence. From the premier- dictators of the present day, the GOYIM peoples suffer patiently and bear such abuses as for the least of them they would have beheaded twenty kings.

    • “The The Protocols of the Elders of Zion” is, in fact, a repackaged copy of of Maurice Joly’s “Dialogue in Hell between Machiavelli and Montesquieu” : https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/316184.The_Dialogue_in_Hell_Between_Machiavelli_and_Montesquieu

      In other words it’s a complete & utter fraud

      The circumstances under which the genuine article was published and subsequently ripped-off are outlined on pages 1 – 2 of this PDF: http://robscholtemuseum.nl/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/Dialogue-in-Hell-between-Machiavelli-and-Montesquieu.pdf

      The work itself starts at page 17 of the same site

        • Jews would be too smart to leave a trail of evidence like the dodgy transposition theory you proffer, which suggests that Gates can’t be a jew, he is way too stupid and ill-advised, but it’s still faintly possible Rockerfellas are jews, maybe the barrow pushers will come up with some good evidence one day but I’m not holding my breath. Rockerfellas were fairly public about their schemes and dreams, climaxing in Nelson R taking over as VP from pedo Ford, so if they were jews it would have most probably come out before now. Still this would be the motherlode the barrow pushers are looking for, so I give them every encouragement to pursue this their chosen mission.

          • If there really was a Zionist plot afoot, “protocol”-style rot would no doubt be left unchallenged per its decoy value.

            As repeatedly spelled out in the Bible, attacks on Israel have always been commensurate to it’s failure to adhere to certain Godly principles,

            but the idea that that the cause of the Attackers is therefore rendered noble ?????????????????

            Some people should really just grow up:

            “For we know in part, and we prophesy in part.
            But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.
            When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child:
            but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
            For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face:
            now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.
            And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three;
            but the greatest of these is charity.”
            1 CORINTHIANS 13:10 – 13

          • There’s too much going on to really simplify it beyond the obvious. I don’t like to take sides since I don’t have any dog in the race why should I. The main thing to remember is that the MSM always lies, they show a mob protesting about this or that and claim a vox pop represents them then you find out it is old footage and the interviewee comment was probably edited beyond recognition. You look at the bible, I look at the money trail.

          • As Israel is currently governed by fools who’ve enslaved themselves to each and every Devil-pleasing WOKE mantra in a bid for carnal/unregenerate control, each and every inheritor(unsaved Jew) is bound to be assailed by the Father of all lies.

            And the same fate awaits each and every side-taker

          • because said malady bespeaks a carnal/unregenerate mindset.
            In other words it spells out enmity towards the Creator

          • Indeed w3, the money trail.
            Christ saw the money trail and took a whip to it in hand. Wonder if he had the Tora in the other…… doubt it.

          • So you doubt that Christ adhered to the Torah ?

            What appears to have escaped your attention is that:
            * The New Testament text you refer to is Mathew 21:13
            * The very same gospel also records Jesus saying:
            “Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.” – MATHEW 5:17
            * The Torah is, and always has been exactly that very same “law”:

    • Any reports from readers trying to send the above link on?
      E.g. if attempted, is it being recorded in your sent file and if you include yourself in the cc or bcc message, are you receiving it?

      • wow CX7 that’s a good find but so good I have to wonder if it’s a prank.
        What if you just take a syringe from your clinic and carry it around, does it still work?

    • Great video suggests half the quaxxines are magnetic and half aren’t maybe just the needle was longer or hit a vein or else the quaxxines are not the same or else maybe . . . ? All the kids should be making video documentaries like this and documenting everything

    • According to the US FDA they don’t know if MODeRNA will offer protection for more than 2 months – and they don’t seem to know anything else either

  15. This article touches upon issues which have been ignored in the media, including alternative media.
    The implications are far worse, however, when you take into account the following factors.
    The “European birthrate” is artificially high. For people of European genetics, it is much lower because the birthrates of muslims and Africans are much higher, raising the average rate.
    This 1.5 birthrate must then be shared with:
    People who die before reaching child-rearing age
    People who never have kids
    People who are homosexual
    People who become transexual
    People who marry interacially
    People who are celibate
    How many of the above is celebrated by our media?
    Thus the native european population is in freefall. I’d say we would be lucky if it is half that what it is today, in 30 years time.
    This demographic change is being applied in the US, and Australia as well. Like as if they were in lockstep.
    This is all happening before we consider the effects of multiculturalism, which is transitory, and leads to monoculture (are the pieces starting to click?)
    which is against the diversity of the European peoples. Where else do you see blue eyes, greens eyes, or blond hair?
    Multiculturalism is an experiment. One that was designed to fail. It was brought to you by the same people that brought you immigration, environmentalism, anti-islamophobia, ra ra ra
    and you thought they were all separate movements.
    Of course, I’m not doubting these tactics are/will be used against other civilization-creating peoples such as the Koreans, or the Chinese. It targets us all.

    The Kalergi Plan:

    In his book «Praktischer Idealismus», Kalergi indicates that the residents of the future “United States of Europe” will not be the People of the Old Continent, but products of miscegenation. He clearly states that the peoples of Europe should interbreed with Asians and colored races, thus creating a multinational flock with no quality and easily controlled by the ruling elite.

    How is the Kalergi plan playing out in europe?
    Know More News with Henrik Palmgren of Red Ice (2hr)

  16. In light of the Israel-Gaza conflict:


    Julian Reichelt, editor-in-chief of Germany’s top-selling Bild newspaper, in an essay titled, “Our Country is in Peril,” wrote:

    “On Saturday I took my own pictures of the demos and came to the bitter realization: We who want Jewish life in our country are losing. We may be more numerically. But those who want Israel and Jewish life erased from us rule the streets whenever they want.

    “‘We can do it!’ was Angela Merkel’s most famous refrain in the refugee crisis. It was also her promise that our country would not change fundamentally, would not be shaped by political-religious ideologies that sow death and annihilation elsewhere.

    “This promise was broken a thousand times over this weekend. I would finally like to hear what the Chancellor intends to do about it, what her personal, unequivocal words are to these Jew haters, what she wants to DO against the rise of this extermination ideology, before she leaves office.

    “Angela Merkel should take responsibility for what has become a threat to our liberal society and oppose it with all her might.”

    When asked about anti-Semitism in the Arab world, Abdel-Samad replied:
    “In the end, not even schools can talk about anti-Semitism or the Middle East conflict. Or about Erdogan or about Islamism. Even at universities, Muslim students refuse to speak about such topics. Universities should be a safe haven for opinions. But for many Muslim students, universities are now safe spaces from opinions and criticism, even though that is where we have to start. We need to talk to each other. We have to have controversial discussions on all issues, not just the Middle East conflict. Unfortunately, that doesn’t happen. We have a very poisoned culture of debate in Germany. You get the stamp of racist or Nazi if you address any grievances in immigrant milieus or with minorities. The racist is always White, but never a Muslim or a Black or a migrant. For me that is racism of lowered expectations.”

  17. The censors are busy, tried twice with deletions etc to the link so find it at
    21st May at whatreallyhappened.com
    three minutes for the obvious we have known about for years…… proof of the application of Darwin’s natural selection theory.

  18. I am falling behind on my Gumshoe reading and went looking for James’ latest article …

    I am always impressed by Daniel Dumbrill

    • The Real Potential for a Future Genocide in Xinjiang – Daniel Dumbrill

    • That’s very interesting, Julius. However, while I am, and have been for many years, aware of the supranational cartel of malicious manipulators I can only recommend the summary of action in the volunteer ambulance that I was involved in for many years: “You’re never going to be any use to anyone if you are just another casualty”. We gotta clean up our own act if we are to be a “light among nations”. That means we hafta slip the yoke of Anglo-Aryan-Judeo-Masonry and its cultural materialist/hedonist degradation. That’s never been a popular option according to history. It rather seems that any society addicted to “bread and circuses” is only prompted to re-evaluate their purpose by a very general blardy good flogging.

      • Thanks oldavid – I never claim to have figured it all out (still genuinely striving) and I do value your comments. One of the dilemmas I (we) face is, for example, the old theme of favouring your enemy’s enemy. For example, who are you going to trust – Bill Browder (or Hillary Clinton – or John McCain – or even Masha Gessen) versus Vladimir Putin? … CIA backed Islamic terrorists (or Anthony Fauci) versus Xi Jinping? … Daniel Andrews or Serene Teffaha? … David Hurley, Prince Andrew, Prince Charles, Sir James Saville, Lord Mountbatten versus Shaun Attwood?

        It’s really interesting trying to figure it all out …

        One thing we can be certain of … we have been lied to about everything … and they need to accelerate this COVID thing to genocide humanity because people have woken up …


        • Goodoh, Joolyers.

          I have not made any serious investigation of the Adolph/’Masons relations but I have come across many references to the Nazi occult predilections over the years. I had come to the opinion that Adolph was (rather selectively) against Judaeo-Masonry because around that time ‘Masonry was largely pro communist which was not convenient to his programme and speil.

          However, as a result of your innuendo above I went looking for some more info; and it appears that (according to his own admission) he wanted to supplant it with his own brand of illuminism.

          “All the supposed abominations, the skeletons and death’s head, the coffins and the mysteries, are mere bogeys for children. But there is one dangerous element and that is the element I have copied from them. They form a sort of priestly nobility. They have developed and esoteric doctrine more merely formulated, but imparted through the symbols and mysteries in degrees of initiation. The hierarchical organization and the initiation through symbolic rites, that is to say, without bothering the brain by working on the imagination through magic and the symbols of a cult, all this has a dangerous element, and the element I have taken over. Don’t you see that our party must be of this character…? An Order, the hierarchical Order of a secular priesthood.”

          -Adolf Hitler
          praising Freemasonry


          More on this stuff if you care to look it up here:


          • Thanks again OD – will take that site on board with great interest but with a huge chunk of scepticism and critical discernment. I have seen similar sites and they are indeed voluminous, comprehensive and compelling … BUT I just have this ‘feeling’ – they raise more questions (in my mind) than they answer and I just can’t reconcile the overall theme with what else I have read (too many dot-joining topics to bog us down here). I am sure there are many, many truths embedded and I will make up my own mind, with thanks and appreciation. One way or another, we have to rule out and reconcile contradictory information. For example … no, never mind 😊

      • where was I? Oh yeah … 😊

        … and in anticipation of our usual deniers, and apologists/‘offendees’ and collaborators in depravity, mass rape, child trafficking and sacrifice, paedophilia and holy ethnic cleansing and genocide:

        • “Above all, don’t lie to yourself. The man who lies to himself and listens to his own lie comes to such a pass that he cannot distinguish the truth within him, or around him, and so loses all respect for himself and for others.
        • And having no respect he ceases to love, and in order to occupy and distract himself without love he gives way to passions and coarse pleasures, and sinks to bestiality in his vices, all from continual lying to other men and to himself.
        • The man who lies to himself can be more easily offended than anyone. You know it is sometimes very pleasant to take offence, isn’t it? A man may know that nobody has insulted him, but that he has invented the insult for himself, has lied and exaggerated to make it picturesque, has caught at a word and made a mountain out of a molehill – he knows that himself, yet he will be the first to take offence, and will revel in his resentment till he feels great pleasure in it, and so pass to genuine vindictiveness.”

        “The Brothers Karamazov” by Fyodor Dostoevsky (Book 2, Chapter 2)
        This guy knew what made the world turn, and who you could not criticise, so to speak …

        • It would seem that Fyodor is describing what has become known as narcissism.

          In my experience of people that I suspect of being somewhat narcissistic they also have a characteristic of being arbitrary and tyrannical toward those they perceive as “underlings” but they’re not at all shy of being the most disagreeable, ingratiating, sly sycophants where it suits their ambitions.

  19. That this thread is getting a bit stale and may not be visited much by the proponents of the predictable “left right” paradigm I’ll throw in something just for amusement.

    One of the first forums I ever got involved in I (perhaps predictably) garnered friends and enemies. I suggested that my name could be contracted to “O’d’d” and then, leaving out the apostrophes for omission just for convenience, I’d be “Odd”. Funnily enough, it was only the friendly folk who took to it.

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