Home Corona Covid-19 Travel Restrictions, Flights, House Arrest and Societal Impact

Covid-19 Travel Restrictions, Flights, House Arrest and Societal Impact

Flights coming into Australia

by Phil Hingston

So the government has locked us down because of Covid-19, eh? To help us to “flatten the curve.” Hmm. And we have to “self-isolate” to help restrict the spread of the deadly virus. And the government is regulating the distances people must maintain between each other, (safe spaces) with over-zealous retailers marking “safe distances” between customers at check-outs and erecting queue-control barricades at normally busy shops to regulate how many customers may enter at one time.

Meantime, police hustle people from parks and beaches (so much for fresh air, sunshine and salt sea spray being healthy for us).

Non-essential businesses are shut down. Mainstream Media is reporting that hospitals world wide are inundated with desperate people seeking testing or hospitalisation because of Covid-19, except that citizen journalists world wide are reporting this to be totally bogus, from Australia to Europe and the Americas.

So what the hell is really going?

Yesterday I noted with curiosity several inbound flights originating from Asia — specifically, China (Shanghai, Guangdong), Hong Kong, Malaysia, Taipei and Japan. If the Covid-19 (or whatever they call it this week) is really so deadly, and such draconian measures must be taken as to destroy the economy by virtually locking us all down in our houses for fear of being responsible for a vulnerable person contracting the virus, why aren’t the authorities restricting completely incoming passenger airplanes for a short time?

Something doesn’t add up.

I saw 10 flights coming into Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane yesterday. And another nine from Asia this morning. What’s going on?

All of the above is bad enough. But the most disturbing thing I have come across from an otherwise “normally wired” person was the response when I emailed him a couple of the Flightradar24 screenshots, posted below. It read, exact quote (probably said in jest):

I say shoot them down as they enter our airspace. Flame throwers on hand for any survivors.” 

Needless to say, I was mildly shocked (read horrified). This from a mild-mannered, retired primary school teacher, who in my 20 odd years of association, I have never heard him say a cross word about anyone. Ever!

And so I am somewhat concerned as to the societal impacts this cursed lock down may be having on various elements in our society. I now understand “cabin fever” and I suspect we are all gaining an appreciation of what it must be like for prison inmates. More concerning, reports are circulating of the increase in domestic violence in Australian communities. Admittedly, this article from “our ABC,” so grain of salt may be needed.

“Family violence perpetrators using COVID-19 as ‘a form of abuse we have not experienced before’ As a rise in family violence due to the coronavirus crisis is set to strain an already critically overstretched social support system, some abusers are reportedly using COVID-19 as a psychological weapon.”

If this pandemic is as serious as it is being made out to be, then shut down inbound flights for a couple of weeks.

If not, then stop all the bullshit and propaganda and give us a parole. Allow the world to regain its sanity, because few could argue that for the last few weeks, the world has gone batshit crazy.

Now that the skies are clear, something else becomes more obvious.

Singapore Airlines 

This morning I noticed a plane flying over Sydney. I looked the flight up — Singapore airlines.

But I noticed the “contrail,” (i.e., chemtrail). This was Flight Number SIA 285 photographed at mid morning over Sydney, Australia (3 April, 2020).


Well what do you know?

#1 was taken about 20 minutes later, and #2 about 30 minutes after that. With time the trail dissipated (#3), and a few hours later — well waddya know — a white, hazy sky (#4) instead of the beautiful, deep blue sky we started out with at dawn over Sydney today.


Total white-out. Well done Deep State Cabal.



  1. They can’t help themselves, really showing us how moronic they are. Well done to all our imbeciles in Canberra and elsewhere.

    I sent to Alan Jones this morning the addresses of the videos showing dead calm outside US and German hospitals and asking if he could help to ” wake up the masses here in Aust.”. I had a reply that 2GB has received my email, so if you people in the East hear Alan’s opinion in the next few days, please make a comment at Gumshoes.

  2. Those trails are chemtrails used as part of the program to control the weather. We had some here inW.A..Definitely something bad going on.

    • This makes me wonder. Simply renting a private-jet on a day when you see these trails, and then having the jet fly up to where they are apparent, literally fly through the trail, and sample the air would not only be possible, but fairly easy. It could be done in less than 1 hour of flying-time, I suspect.

      One could buy a set of new filters for the air-conditioning packs for the specific jet, which pull in outside air for operation, and then take the filters after the flight and have them independently analyzed by someone who didn’t know what the goal was beforehand.

      For all the talk about chemtrails, I find it quite surprising that people would rather talk than get together and spend $10K or so (as a group of 100 people, let’s say) to get this done. If the phenomenon is real, the perpetrators would be caught red (white?) handed!

      Surely it’s worth $100 to 100 people somewhere, or $50 to 200 people somewhere who are legitimately concerned about these trails! People spend much more for an evening out in Sydney. No, I’m not collecting money for this, just wondering why nobody has tried.

      • Joe, my brother & sister think I’m crazy talking about “chemtrails”. As if the government would allow that to happen. They’re both wearing Covid-19 face masks, of course.
        And strictly following government recommendations on hand washing and safe distances.. No doubt, they have ample supplies of toilet paper.
        Good luck finding 50 people to chip in $200, and even if you did and got a lab tested sample, who are you going to furnish it to?? The CSIRO? And then what? Tell the media? I did that 6 years ago. Sent a letter to Alan Jones with a copy of a government White Paper on Geoengineering produced by the Chief Scientist of Australia. Page 3, 3rd para. talks about high altitude planes for dispersal. Hypothetically, of course.


        I also sent the same letter to the then Federal Minister of the Environment, Greg Hunt. He’s now the Federal Health Minister telling us to wash our hands, Jeffery!! Sent them both registered post. No response or acknowledgment.

        We’re being scammed in every conceivable way. “We’ll know our (disinfo) program has been a success when everything the population believes in FALSE” CIA Director William Casey in 1981. (source:Barbara Honegger and Sarah McClendon)

    • I sent Jones my articles about Port Arthur about 18-20 years ago as attachments to my email. He replied by email, “Where do we go from here?” – Gee, I don’t know Alan, I thought you guys in the ‘independent’ media would want this kind of information…

    • That video is by a fellow called Eric Dubay. His big claim to fame is that he claims to be a Flat Earther, but I suspect he is either a simple con-artist or a psyop. His monotone, hypnotic delivery screams NLP to me.
      So, let’s assume for a moment he is “controlled opposition” and being directed by someone. Given that, what would the REAL message be?

    • The author of this documentary says corona is to cover up the Epstein affair. But the author does not provide his own name?

    • Well worth the time to watch. Of course those that are convinced by the media, after a short time of listening to the figures, will turn off video, with the excuse that the information is too hard to digest, or doesn’t prove anything. And I go so far as to say that group will be made up largely of university educated people.

  3. I live in South Gippsland and regularly see ‘high altitude spraying’, and I am 99% convinced that the residue from this contributed to the volatility and widespread extent of the fires. See geoengineeringwatch.org

  4. Dana Ashlee , has some good info on the con that’s being played on us. Same here in Tasmania. Hospitals quiet, no line ups for testing 🤔

  5. This place has always been a zio colony policed by freemasonry.
    The change for the worse came after the FAKE fall of communism in central and eastern europe in early nineties. At the same time as the launching of the computer cyber age commencing with cordless phones. Those trained stooges snoops and goons came to the west to enforce totalitarian globalism via Serco and connected cults/murderers. Instead of being punished for their crimes, they were rewarded with major roles in all sectors of influence. The common middle ground, decimated by asset inflation, was replaced by these trained satanists. Now the CCP is the last bastion of freedom and liberty being shoved down our collective inprisonment. All their bases are loaded that’s why we have lockdown. We are ruled by satanists do not believe in their poison.

  6. The lockdown is no doubt going to be a catharsis for any relationships that need to be cleaned up or terminated, so for anyone focused on betterment it’s actually a gift.

  7. They’re still chemtrailing us in Adelaide, but they always do. I do find that curious but not overly surprising. Not sure what the point of this article is.

    To me it looks like preparations are underway for the US to strike China militarily for the act of war of releasing the weaponised virus as they were losing badly in the trade war.

  8. “… some abusers are reportedly using COVID-19 as a psychological weapon.”
    That”s a funny one coming from the ABC.
    Many children are also put in danger by being away from their families.
    I will take it with a grain of salt too.

  9. “I am somewhat concerned as to the societal impacts this cursed lock down may be having on various elements in our society.”

    Well you might think you’ve known someone for 20 years
    But when you sit down and reminisce( as I did after being given an earful from an hysterical “friend” as recounted in a 2 April comment) you might just wake up to the fact that you were never on the same page.

  10. I repeat information that I have placed previously re chem trails, for sceptics.

    I live in outer metro Perth. Because we are isolated large aircraft flying over this area are either ascending or descending to the airport. There are no flyovers to other destinations. As a contrail can only form under certain temperature conditions when flying at or over 30,000 feet, there is no way Perth residents could possibly witness contrails in our area of the World.

    However we regularly witness chem trails as in Terry’s comments. Nothing else can possibly explain this phenomenon. I have dozens of photographs that I have personally taken over the years. I also have shots from Queensland and Tasmania taken while travelling. But Perth area is the best place proving that chem trails are a reality and not to be confused with contrails.

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