by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
Are you worried about crime? Me, too. Which kind are you worried about? There’s street crime (e.g., getting mugged), organized crime (e.g., stealing containers at the wharf), crimes against children (e.g., kidnap and sexual abuse), terrorist crime (e.g., blowing up a bus), online crime (e.g., scammers getting at your bank account), political crime (e.g., stolen elections and paid-for legislation), and other types.
Crime is natural. When “A” wants to harm “B” for A’s benefit, that harm is likely to occur. Only two things tend to prevent it: lack of opportunity, and/or fear of B’s likely retaliation. Note: “B’s retaliation” in some cases consists of society’s retaliation, where society has set up a regular means of punishing crime.
Let’s acknowledge that people are naturally tempted to harm each other. God reportedly gave Moses a set of ten commandments which include these four: Thou shalt not kill, thou shall not commit adultery, thou shall not steal, thou shalt not lie. There are similar rules in other religions or ethnicities. It is only logical that a society would forbid things that each person dreads being the victim of.
Virtue and Duty
A society may encourage virtue so greatly as to extinguish or at least diminish the urge to sin. To praise someone for restraint is a signal to all that society’s rewards may come to the virtuous — at least the reward of praise, which is of substantial benefit.
Looking at my society today, I see almost no praise being given to the virtuous — you are lucky not to be laughed at for doing anything of a self-sacrificing nature. This attitude in the US started to develop around 50 years ago. Culturally, in the Sixties and Seventies, we found a new sophistication in snubbing authority.
I can recall each new insight and the celebrating of it. It was a heady era in which the arts, especially music, told us to “let it all hang out.” The sexual liberation made divorce available, where previously one had to battle for it in court. Also, Catholics had many of their rules softened by the Vatican Council of 1962-64. “Duty” was not such a big deal anymore.
Probably an unannounced diminution of duty emerged from the gradual rise in the standard of living. One does not have to observe rules of sharing resources with one’s neighbor if there’s enough to go around. Who needed a carpool once each family had its own car? And since TV had only just begun, we were now learning to love all the new products.
A Secret Criminal Element
Quite apart from those incidental factors that lessened people’s interest in morals, there were groups of people who had discovered the benefits of doing crime by being an entity-under-the-radar.
Consider just the simplest type of mafia. Unnamed men can show up at your business and tell you that starting next week you have to donate some portion of your profits to them in exchange for “Protection.” Will you obey? Probably yes, as the word has spread around that these guys like to break legs.
Another type of mafia — that is, criminals who operate as a group — consists of operating forbidden industries. I am speaking of industries that today are no longer forbidden — prostitution, narcotics, loan sharking, etc. Secrecy was needed, as is indicated by the Italian mafia’s rule of ‘Omerta’ — silence about what one’s mafia family is doing.
The main obstacle to making money from the “vice” industries was Police. Thus, cops had to be bought off and so did their local politicians. This has been a major source of corruption. This was seen when even the mere use of alcohol became a crime during Prohibition.
The Prohibition Movement was pushed by Christian groups and women’s groups, resulting in Amendment 18 to the Constitution in 1919. I speculate that its purpose was indeed to make police corruption become standard. Prohibition was repealed in 1933 by Amendment 21.
One more point to mention here is that members of America’s various mafias switched over to running legitimate businesses in late 20th century. For example, they would tell all the restaurants that they must buy supplies (such as tablecloths and glassware) from them. Or the city must hire only mafia-owned trash pick-up companies. No choice, or else.
Some vice areas may still be mafia only, such as heroin distribution.
Note: for mafias, Money is god.
I have said, thus far, that crime is natural and gets held back both by authoritative rulership (such as religion) and by fear of retaliation. I noted the lightening up of crime by the praising of virtue, and a lowering of everyone’s sense of duty thanks to improved lifestyle. The latter was assisted culturally by trends of liberation from authority.
I then described how secrecy and cohesion of the criminal group are keys to the success of any mafia. This plays into corruption of police. A cop finds that instead of arresting the bad guys, he is sort of employed by them. Prohibition didn’t prevent people from drinking; it just added in a layer of criminal involvement.
The Hidden Presence of the Real Rulers, and Media
Now we shift our gaze to a different scene. The point I wish to make here is that the US government largely works for a hidden ruler. (I will call it The Cabal as I do not know its membership.) It contains the uppermost social class. This makes space for a whole new level of crime.
Our society in America was very cleverly founded in 1787 by means of an agreement of 13 states (all east coast, except Pennsylvania). That agreement is officially called “The Constitution for [not ‘of’] the United States.” The philosophizing about a government existing by “the consent of the governed” became a historical event for the whole world.
“We the People” set up a Legislative branch, called Congress, as the boss. It can impeach the members of the other two branches of government, Executive and Judicial. The key point is that you have a say by being able to choose your congressperson every two years. And you instruct him/her as to what laws he/she should pass. And each state has a potent legislature, too (to deal with matters not reserved to the feds).
Well, that’s nice in theory, but since the 1910s, and perhaps since 1790, the “real boss” has been able to choose who gets elected. The Cabal has thus been able to tell a majority of reps and senators what he wants done. One way he does this is by having plenty of his guys sit in the very Capitol as “legislative staff” who draft the statutes.
Of equal importance is the fact that the Cabal runs the media. What! Yes, it tells the public what the public is thinking. I mean, it purports to reflect the poplar mind, while in fact it has created it. After all, in a natural society (with no media), you tend to form your daily beliefs in accordance with information coming to you from observation and from gossip. You follow the crowd.
High-Level Crime
This article is about crime. Its title is “We Were Born Criminal.” Each person, “A,” may harm “B,” if circumstances are suitable. That would suggest that society ought to focus on those circumstances to make them NOT be suitable.
To do that, you would set obstacles in the path of the would-be criminal — typically the obstacles of retaliation and lack of opportunity. Result: less crime. Or, to use the positive, you would increase the praise of virtue.
Now consider that our society in 2024 is doing the opposite. We have continuously increased the opportunity for crime and diminished the criminal’s worry about retaliation.
Go back to the part about the wonderful Constitution that raises everyone’s prospects for having a say in his lot. “We the People” would rule. But now go back to where I said someone is secretly controlling the makers of law. This means that a criminal group can wheedle the law to make themselves free of retaliation– and they do.
Note: I oversimplified by saying it is all a matter of the wording of law. Often the wording of law is good — certainly the Bill of Rights is fabulous law against tyrannical rulers. But we also have a judiciary to determine guilt and punishment (“retaliation”). If the Cabal can control the judiciary as well as the legislature, it can assure that its members will rarely be taken to court, or if taken they will be acquitted.
What Does the Cabal Want?
For mafias, Money is god. Members of mafias are not ostentatiously rich. What they want is survival, by money. And they like to “do away with” competitors. How about the Cabal? What drives their crime? I say it is, likewise, survival.
Cabal members are hugely rich, multi-billionaires. But their survival also means “doing away with” competitors. That’s a big task. They would have to get rid of almost the entire human race. They are not stupid and are aware that many of their amazing sins, once secret, are now exposed on the Internet. They face the death penalty all over the place.
If there is any multi-billionaire today who is not in a state of fear, she must be taking some strong meds.
Sprinkle in Some Satanism
It cannot be denied that there are many cults operating in the US. Some of them worship Satan. I don’t know how that religion cropped up but it has some presence even within normal religions such as Christianity and Judaism. It can also operate with no religious backing.
I feel sure that its purpose is to assure wrongdoers that they can find a philosophy to “bless” their behavior. And what is their behavior? One famous satanist, Aleister Crowley, laid out the basic rule: “Do what thou wilt.” What? Yes, anything goes. Thus what you do is not naughty — see? It is good because… well… just because.
And as though to prove that this nonsense has some spiritual backing, the “honorable members” engage in ceremonies. Candles, chanting, blood sacrifice, etc. In England this is best laid out by Wilfred Wong who is now in jail for his exposees, and in Australia it is laid out in a free book by Fiona Barnett, “Eyes Wide Open.”
In 2017, Prime Minister Scott Morrison made a public apology, in Parliament, for institutional child abuse “including ritual abuse” (meaning abuse during “rites,” which often includes a death or two).
This is far, far out, man, you must agree. Society is upside down when you get things like that happening. You’d long for the Prohibition days of a mafia bootlegging booze, with cops getting an envelope every Friday.
Stay tuned for Part 2, unless the author is done away with!
do you feel like a criminal Mary, you certainly are being one in many jewastrictions(and beyond hate hearers).
Judge not yest… blah. I’m very glad you do what you wilst. You have good consitition and bad spelling, my dear sep
i love when you wilst, missgender, for a billion reasons. Although neither here nor there, as we say in Oz your inmate
The Conglomerate is always uplifted when we see your name pop up in comments Simon– you make me feel understood-a fellow traveller.
Mary– “click bait”. ??? all these new terms–a waste of time –a taste of wine
–but we take the “bait”– because we must–because we have a lot invested in the vision of Gumshoe
”And as though to prove that this nonsense has some spiritual backing, the “honorable members” engage in ceremonies. Candles, chanting, blood sacrifice, etc. In England this is best laid out by Wilfred Wong who is now in jail for his exposees, and in Australia it is laid out in a free book by Fiona Barnett, “Eyes Wide Open.”
I share this -from a fellow traveller- who knows my story-probably better than she knows her own story–
my jotted response at 11pm last night
“No mention of tavistock agenda — Mkultra— experiments—
She is clearly programmed— generational — he is the wounded child
Interesting how her husband left and went back to his family and is “happy”—-
Yes interesting very very sad —Death of the Family—breeding programs cults —
I just watched Nellie’s 6th Interview-with Gabbi— —I wonder if the mother could watch that and listen
The son would not be able to comprehend
I sometimes think social media alt media is more damaging than msm—
Many electro magnetic field events— solar flares—major events — crisis events— happening— all systems down
Be prepared for a big event Uluru 30th Spiritual Warfare”
I will post the interview that I referred to-Nellie’s 6th Interview-with Gabbi when I locate it.
Karen Kingston supervirus
‘We were born criminal’!
Tell that to an aborted foetus or a murdered child upon birth and the child’s parts and organs sold.
MM, in addition, have you ever listened to Mary at situation update and the reports of how some foods and drinks are supplemented? AS LISTED IN PART TO DAY and previously.
Have you noted reports that children are just caged, kept barely alive to provide ardrenochrome to satisfy Hollywood at.al. satanists?
Do you have any opinion on what, if anything, is underway to deal with such evil?
Have you noted any credible reports as to those bodies and persons carrying out so much evil and the locations, for example in the Ukraine and even in the US, as reported by citizens observing what was happening in January 2021 in Washington that I have brought to notice here in comments at GS?
Do you have any opinion on how that is or may be accomplished?
Do you have any opinion or knowledge as to whether and/or whom is attending to the criminality you speak of?
Do you have any opinion on how the criminality you speak of may be prevented.
Do you have any opinion on what should be done to prevent ‘born criminals’ being criminals.
Do you have any opinion what to do with with born criminals to STOP THEM CONTINUING TO EXIST AS A CONTINUING DANGER?
I have never read your concerns about that what is reported and exists all around you.
Shall I ask you how our leaders are videoed abusing children and who are those behind the videoing to blackmail persons to do as directed.
Have you ever heard of Epstein, Maxwell and co doing that as agents for mossad and other groups to blackmail media and politicians.
Well you could be correct, some are just born and bred to be criminals….. as they learn to be so.
Your thesis is trite, we know, now what to do to identify and expose the criminals and deal with them?
Your suggestion?
They are catching lots of children in Ukraina now their fathers went into the meat grinder, they have lost half a generation hey in that place., very depop
But what MM is saying is true much of the time, the worst tyrants are screaming babies, furious, outraged, powerless. Fortunately I am immune to their sound effects by now. Why didn’t MM buy into the previous story with Mein Trumpf. I wish we would get more on-the-ground stuff from the homesick croweater.
Dear Mary – only when one can accept that this planet has been controlled by an off world species that has used its technologies with which to control us Humans for their nefarious purposes, and food supply, and for many thousands of years, can one then begin to comprehend why we now find ourselves in such a mess trying to survive, amidst so much evil.
Princess Diana let slip an important marker about this world, when being interviewed during the 1980s concerning her part in the ‘royal family’.
She stated about those she had married into -“They are not Human!”
Many dismiss that important marker as to who our real controllers are, but leads can turn into fact, and should never be lightly dismissed because one may simply refuse to investigate what is given them as being considered ‘preposterous’.
A good investigator will never leave any stone un-turned in an effort to discover the Truth of anything.
I have no doubt you will treat this comment lightly, however, and going on your, ‘We were born criminal’, belief, which is just another way the ‘Cabal’ has used its knowledge of Human psychology to better control us, and which is given as the purpose for why Jesus came into this world – to relieve us of our ‘sins’. You should consider that the real purpose for His becoming Human was to expose to us all via those who could appreciate it – to wake us all up as to the ways of Babylon. And to those who have contracted themselves to the evil control that Babylon has exerted over this planet for thousands of years.
By writing this comment I have put myself out on a very thin limb of ridicule, but I don’t really care because soon we will all be exposed to the Truth about the controllers of this planet, and where they came from, and how they have been able to exert their evil influence over the entire Earth – God’s Eden – via their specially selected ‘psychopathic Human proxies’, while they chose to remain hidden.
Who said I was homesick?
Mees Baaijen discusses his book “The Predators versus The People” which delves into the global mafia or “glafia” who have been ruling planet earth for millennia. Over time, roughly around 500 years ago, capital concentrated to such an extent that this merchant and aristocratic class gained unprecedented powers of colonialization which they are wielding for their global domination project. Modern democracy is based on this hidden oligarchy, all nations have become proxies for their power projection. The world wars were used to break up monarchies and empires. We are living in de facto World Government, not yet de jure
They said previous UK PM Ricky Sunak said “if you don’t want to be conscripted into our new war we will shut down your bank account”, Sunak and Bliar always looked overexcited like they had a lot of ants in their pants
After 1:30:00 saying the Pentateuch was written in Alexandria by a team of experts in 270 BC. ( source provided ) Well, the library of Alexandria was famously burned … having done its job we presume
More from his substack
The Predators versus The People: The Big Picture
The Big Picture of the 500-year Secret War against Humanity, and how to regain our Stolen Planet, Freedom, and Future.
Mees Baaijen
Sorry to bring sad news. Jean Marie Arrigo has died, at 79. She was a psychologist in Walnut Creek CAL and her sister Sue Arrigo Clear is an MD, still alive. Their mom was Nellie Arrigo, an important survivor. The cause was pancreatic cancer. Yeah, right. Jean was a big whistleblower re APA involvement in Gitmo torture. Date of death: a few months ago. Thank you Jean, Sue, and Nellie.
Oh. I went to look for a photo of Nellie (not the same Nellie that Diane is referring to) so i asked GS search for Chavoustie. I found it — https://gumshoenews.com/the-law-against-mind-control/
Um, not exactly. The photo of Blanche, which was taken by me in San Diego in 2011, did have Nellie in it but I cropped her out. If Dee has the skill to re-birth the picture, from a small sample, take it away, Dee! I did not own a cell phone till 2014 so it must have been camera-made. wow.
Wow Mary– I noted no comment from dd and I noted the comments many victims –then I note the date of your article
The Law against Mind Control
January 16, 2015
I did not know of Gumshoe until mid?? 2015 when I was 72 just returned from meeting Alison Miller Oaklands California SMART conference Neil Brick – met a Kirsten Constance briefly – survivor from Australia Eastern Star then I saw an article about the Candy Girl Fiona Barnett tucked away on page 6 ?/Brisbane courier mail while I was participating in the Trauma and Dissociation Program TDU. I showed the article to my Psychiatrist and the rest—well the rest is literally mind blowing
The Law against Mind Control
January 16, 2015
It was when I was searching for more information about Fiona that I was introduced to Gumshoenews—and yes Mary it is all recorded in my Mind Files– glad we sorted that out.
Nothing is by accident it is/has been/ still is all planned –as Nellie always says to me -is it you or is it the programming—
Enough I have to do some chores as Clif would say
Nellie on Beta slaves, Disney and healing after mind control
2,537 views Premiered May 11, 2023
“Nellie continues in interview 6. Nellie is a courageous survivor of ritual abuse and MK ultra in Australia, New Zealand and beyond. She speaks out today to show the structure and methods used by cult networks in programming children into mind control slaves and from here mass populations
Nellie shares her important truth to assist other survivors in healing and to raise awareness in our communities so we all may know the signs of cult abuse and watch over the children around us
Despite reporting serious crimes in thousands of pages to the police and various state authorities, nothing has been followed up or actioned and instead Nellie herself received targeting
Together we must support our whistleblowers. It is these important truths that are exposing the evil that has remained hidden for lifetimes. Only then will our children be safe
Alastair Crooke : Western Propaganda Wars
A masterful narrative
As they say “owning the narrative trumps reality” and looks like the Egyptians, Persians, Phoenicians, Goths etc are all at it again for the umpteenth time in the last few thousand years and will all kill themselves and blow everything up all over again, at the behest of their commanders who will remain as usual well clear of the fray.
Vaccine Ideology, COVID-19, Avian Influenza, Excessive Childhood Vaccination, Transgender Madness
By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
Could our current crisis in medicine culminating in loss of confidence in doctors and hospitals all be related to a warped vaccine ideology? This is a delusional group-think that has ascribed health benefits to vaccines with a blind eye to side effects including long-term neuropsychiatric disease.
Reclaiming Camelot: JFK New Frontier vs. The Deep State
Lengthy deep dive-COG,UFO file,JFK file, Bragg case,Crooks……