Home Corona Dr Lee Merritt on Targeted DNA Harvesting, Mice Shedding, Depopulation, Immune Bloodlines...

Dr Lee Merritt on Targeted DNA Harvesting, Mice Shedding, Depopulation, Immune Bloodlines and Repairing DNA


Editor’s note: Dr Lee Merritt joins Maria Zeee to discuss the DNA harvesting throughout history that has led to the targeted damage of human DNA, the “elite” bloodline that is immune to the bioweapon attack, whether viruses actually exist, mice shedding experiments and the possibility of repairing human DNA and more.



  1. Suggested that all listen to the whole interview before commenting.
    It answers a lot of thoughts held by many.
    Ever heard of Burke’s Peerage and why it was important to some, but now replaced by scientific dna examination?
    It is a small club and you ain’t in itπŸ’

  2. Would some kind soul, for the sake of those of us who can’t spend 1.5 hours watching the video, find us a transcription of it, or better yet, give a quick synopsis of her most startling finds?

    (I’m thinkin’ maybe someone in the Perth area….)

    • Videos are the message… Marshall McLuhan. They are a form of indoctrination in themselves. How many subliminal frames?

      I find it easy to avoid those who wish to communicate if they cannot do so in a few sentences.

      • Patrick… ain’t you on the ball. Me likewise, and I am far too busy to waste 90 precious minutes watching yet another covid messiah make rather dense Zeeeeee gape open-mouthed like a clown in a sideshow.

        This whole covid saga has replaced TV and books as entertainment. Actually, it has replaced the Roman arena and gawking at dying idiots. Now that is a historic achievement.

        But every second wasted viewing this garbage is time spent not ensuring one’s own survival. And by that I mean, if you do not already have a secure wilderness place to live, featuring a fresh water spring and veggie garden, then your chances of survival are slim indeed. My best guess is that if you plan your move after Xmas you have left it too late.

    • Mary,
      The interview contains too many topics to summarise.
      It is all audio and I know a person who was bothered to listen whilst doing the garden and appreciated the information.
      Well Mr Ryan you judged it as garbage without considering the content, your loss, I do not care, perhaps put your sound item in your pocket with some ear phones and listen whilst you empty out your own garbage.

    • “can’t spend 1.5 hours watching the video”
      1.27 to be precise.
      So break it up into 3 parts

      I realise there’s a veritable sea of online woo woo
      This interview certainly doesn’t fit that bill
      The 1st 10 minutes alone are well worth hearing

      • Indeed, at least you were probably a conscientious school student and have a brain to listen to the teacher for an hours class and learn something to tempt further study and enlightenment.
        That suggest that your not a β€˜bot’.

        • What immediately caught my attention in the 1st 12 minutes is the claim that the original malady that hit Wuhan, Northern Italy, New York, ( and Iran from memory) WAS serious but that it disintegrated rapidly from then on, and that( by April 2020 I guess) the purported gravity of the purported spread became wholly reliant on bluff

          That’s always been my experience of the entire world system down to a tee. I’ve been aware that the whole thing is held together by deception and fear since my mid-teens.
          But this time around all sorts of previously acquiescent bods could no longer ignore the wake-up call. That’s obviously cause for celebration on two counts

          • EB.
            Did you note the treatment for snake bite🀑
            My country copper uncle told me about the treatment when I was about 14 years of age? It was something new then

  3. May I go off topic for just one minute? Yesterday I was in a huge Stop and Shop (not the small one shown here), and was visited 3 times by Marty the Robot — twice in the aisles and once at checkout. He came real close to me. Must be that my credit card reveals who I am. Everybody seems to take it in stride. I was not amused.

  4. Whilst on the subject of medical power games I’d like to thank Terry Shulze for alerting me ( about 2018 or 19 from memory)to the existence of the skin cancer cure known as black salve. My experience has been exactly as per the instructions set out in a pdf( I’ve repeatedly tried disguising the link but it STILL won’t post)

    So far as I’m concerned the vilification exemplifies just how untrustworthy most medics are

    • One more try
      instructions: black salve info. com/ Black Salve Usage. pdf
      more info here: precious organics.com.au/ pages/ black-salve

    • Thanks EB, everyone that has tried it has had success. Considering what oncologists want to do to you (like surgery) it is so simple and cheap you can understand why the medical system demonizes it – kinda like Ivermectin.

      • I had a really nasty type of fast-growing sarcoma on my ankle. When I consulted a purported skin-specialist GP on 18 July the surrounding tissue was already noticeably inflamed but I was just sent packing.
        I finally managed to illicit a biopsy on 23 August; a simple procedure, that, given a bit of basic 1st aid training, the average 12-year-old could probably do, but as you’re no doubt aware, everything deemed “medical” is steeped in religious elitism

        Obtaining the result was also a mission and there was no prospect of getting any “regular” treatment till October.

        The black salve was delivered on 8 September. By then the entire ankle was so infected that there was a huge weeping scab on the surrounding traumatised tissue. The entire problem wound up being totaled by a mere two applications. I’m still stunned

    • Is.
      Ta for putting up the Merritt home page.
      Bloody hell, you have probably given Dear Patrick and Tony a heart attack thinking of all the garbage homework they should do.

      • Tony’s and Patrick’s position is actually quite understandable.

        As Dr Tom Cowan says from 3:00 in the interview with Dr Mark Bailiey … β€œA Discourse On The Fraudulent Virology And Its Political Purpose” I posted earlier:

        β€œNobody has demonstrated … [blah – blah – blah β€˜ virus]’ so I’m done there – I don’t need to look into it any further because there’s nothing more to look at – there’s no [β€˜virus’] so I don’t need to know anything about sequences or anything.

        I chose to spend the time anyway to see if there were any new or reinforcing insights.

        (A bit like studying WWII – always something to consolidate or reinforce by listening to people who have already done the research – Take John Wear for example … http://www.wearswar.com/2022/09/24/george-s-patton-jr/ )

        • Electron micrograph (a “picture” of the virus) proves that viruses are real. We’ve known this for 60 or 70 yrs. Tom Cowan is NOT a virologist, how about you talk with a virologist and see what they say in response to his “no viruses” theory? They can run circles around him. He’s up there with the flat earth theory.

          • physics is an amazing disicipline, it explains why a sail boat can travel faster than wind speed. But, i always caution the bicylist who revels in mans laws to protect them from the laws of physics. at this point, nothing is unbelievable because everything i thought i knoew was a lie. did you just ask me to trust an ‘expert’? where they trained the same way i ws, i am pretty good at what i do, but, what more could i do if my science was based in truth instead of obviscation?

  5. Albert Bourla
    β€œI have tested positive for COVID. I’m feeling well & symptom free. I’ve not had the new bivalent booster yet, as I was following CDC guidelines to wait 3 months since my previous COVID case which was back in mid-August. While we’ve made great progress, the virus is still with us.”

    β€’ Pfizer’s Bourla has Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (VAIDS)


    I wish this β€˜virus’ would grow some … and take some actual f**king casualties of these vile parasites – for the sake of sustainability.

    • Personally, I doubt very much that ANY of these evil men has taken the clot shot.
      Bourla “tested”positive. Which test? The Drosten PCR test on 45 cycles?
      Bourla is drumming up business is my take.

      Jibs n’ Jabs cause SIDS n’ SADS.

    • Bourla claims he was a WW2 Holocaust survivor. WW2 ended in 1945 and Bourla was born in 1961 so WTF? brw, Kerry Mullis, inventor of PCR said PCR isn’t a test for anything it’s a process for giving us more info on DNA sequences. There is a video of him saying this. He died of pneumonia at age 61 several months before covid came out, which is interesting. PCR doesn’t test for anything, including covid.

  6. Shedding appears to be real: the vaxxed shed from 10 weeks to 6 months.

    Pfizer clearly knew of the role of shedding https://www.brighteon.com/7ebf6322-5ffb-4f66-8642-6318b3ad97cc. The AEROSOL TRANSFER of antibodies between immune and non-immune hosts,” read a part of the study’s abstract. (Related: COVID-19 vaccine shedding can harm the unvaccinated and cause serious health problems like fist-sized blood clots.) This study confirms that, for a minimum of 48 hours after a vaccinated person gets injected, unvaccinated individuals are at serious risk of being exposed to the COVID-19 vaccine’s chemicals, especially if they are in close proximity with the vaccinated person and spend enough time to BREATHE THE SAME AIR or for there to be skin-to-skin contact.”

    Pfizer has already admitted that unborn individuals can be exposed to vaccine β€œantibodies” if their mothers become environmentally exposed to the COVID-19 vaccine during pregnancy. https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-09-08-study-covid-vaccines-shed-spread-via-aerosols.html

    “There were TWO tragic VAERS cases of 18-month girls who hemorrhaged and died after being exposed to spike protein shedding from their recently inoculated grandparents.” – Dr. Christiane Northrup

    ‘It’s actually proposed by Dr. Peter McCullough and others that from research documentation, it’s about 10 weeks of maximum shedding following the vaccines, maximum shedding. I actually believe the fact that they came out with a 6-month booster protocol, I believe they actually were measuring to see how long does the vaccines maximally shed for. And I believe it’s actually six months, but per research documents it’s 10 weeks.” – Dr. Bryan Ardis

    β€œShedding. Everybody’s still worried about it. You are going to get exposed to shedding no matter what. We know shedding occurs….Dr. Henry Ealy

    ”You’re 12 times more contagious… After the vaccine, you’re shedding more of the viral material than you would if you were just naturally infected with the virus.” Dr. Daniel Nuzum.


    Just what to do when we are faced with life-threatening complications after being exposed to vax shedders . Some practical advice here; https://braveseries.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/BR-COVID-Detox_-Reversing-Vaccine-Injuries-Spike-Protein-Shedding.pdf. From the article

    More articles:




    Contradictory theory: Radiation not pathogens..La Quinta Columna:

    “The spike protein narrative was another clever decoy to cover their tracks. what the non-jabbed have been experiencing from being in regular or close contact to the jabbed(pending on the quantities of graphene in the shots of the jabbed),as have been stated many times before, is radiation effects. not pathogenic effects, as we cant` transmit pathogens, impossible. in march of 2020 i said that the jabbed will become walking antennae.” (12 minutes) https://www.bitchute.com/video/o3xSsyUayuUx/?list=notifications&randomize=false

  7. A global electronic concentration camp, shackled by the burdens of usury and taxation, enforced by banksters sorceries.
    They’re setting the system so that it will be impossible to buy and sell without accepting β€˜the mark’.
    These days treachery is worshipped, as traitors and perverts are promoted, oppression and genocide of Christians their main priority. Our worst nightmare, the tribulation, a devil’s brew of communism fascism and anti human technocratic slavery.

    • Schlepping Home: Jewish gay kickball team in S.F. wins games, and friends

      “………..Socializing transcends team affiliation, too. One player said that when he’s on base, he likes to flirt with opposing players if he finds them cute. Schlepping Home also has an upcoming mixer with players from another team it has befriended.

      Gottlieb established the team in 2017. Its initial crop of players connected through Nice Jewish Boys Plus, a social group for LGBTQ+ Jews, and some β€œfree agents” were assigned to the team by the league. Gottlieb said the idea to form a gay-Jewish kickball team in San Francisco derived from his time in Washington, D.C., where he competed on a similar team called the Matzah Balls.

      Schlepping Home is well established, consistently finishing in the top half of the standings and entering the playoffs in the intermediate division. (Each year there are three seasons, and the team won a championship last year.)…………….”


    • Listen to the Merritt interview toward the latter quarter relating to particular races with varying DNA.
      E.g. the Finns have a different DNA to other Europeans.
      Then think of the Royal blood lines.
      Perhaps Patrick or Mr Ryan might explain it for you.πŸ’πŸ˜‚πŸ€‘

      • I heard long ago Finns and Hungarians are related by linguistics, the video says these groups are less susceptible along with Amish and certain Euro royals, who have all kept their bloodlines relatively pure. Hungarians includes Ashkenazi “jews” which is allegedly Rotschild, Soros and probably half of Goldman Sachs. Did they mention Warburgs ? So the Finnish connection is incidental … the royal bloodlines merge with the Ashkenazi somewhere … and we end up with an engineered spike protein which doesn’t affect them, but nonetheless easily remedied with Ivermectin.
        The trouble with the video is I will have to give it another spin, it joins up a number of concepts that have been floating around.
        The publisher was following “water memory” a while ago and this comes up but I won’t do a spoiler on the therapy, people can listen for themselves (main video). Here is the water memory video

        • JB,
          Your suspicion regarding the askenazi joining with royal bloodlines fits with info I have been given by G5.
          Sorry, I cannot pass on.
          Think who really sired some royal children. Sorry again, cannot divulge more.πŸ’πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ Mr Ryan would be upset with β€˜garbage’.

  8. Viruses do not kill.

    If they did, they would destroy themselves.

    The immune system kills. Clotting is part of the immune system. Clotting kills half of those who currently die. Cancers and clotting are associated. Stroke Heart attack and PE make up the rest of the deaths.
    Clotting occurs in everyone and the results end up in the lengs, as phlegm. It makes it way up and then down, into the stomach. We lose no nutrients as the white blood cells cleaed up the rogue proteins.

    Our bodies are not designed to eat so much protein and as we age, the amount of all our enzymes, including those for dissassembling tangled proteins, declines.

    Taking supplemental enzymes is cheap and effective for lengthening life. Nattokinase is sold by the kilo, 1000 daily doses, for $100 from AliBaba. Serrapeptase seems to be made from mulberry leaves in the silkworm moth. Quercetin is also found in mulberry leaves fruits. Lumbrokinase comes from worms. All are now made synthetically in powder form. All will extend your time here in Purgatory.

    Lactones include Ivermectin and its analogues. It is a class of organic salts. So taking any vinegar will create an organic salt in the body. It is effective against parasites and also moderates the immune system in unknown ways.

    We are told salt is suddenly bad for us. Yet our bodies thrive in a sea pof electrolyte and we die when our spark leaves. Take salt, it helps create power in the body

    • “Viruses do not kill. If they did, they would destroy themselves.”
      Please explain this one. It makes about as much sense as saying “murderers do not kill, if they did they would kill themselves.” There is zero logic to what you’re saying. My virologist/immunologist husband says you are wrong about at least 3 things and that’s just the first paragraph.

    • I advised Mary on her similar request.
      Sorry, I am not your mentor. Listen or miss out.
      I am not going to draft a essay for you.
      Your comment and attitude way above is not my problem.

    • Hanover
      “George I (George Louis; German: Georg Ludwig; 28 May 1660 – 11 June 1727)[a] was King of Great Britain and Ireland from 1 August 1714 and ruler of the Electorate of Hanover within the Holy Roman Empire from 23 January 1698 until his death in 1727. He was the first British monarch of the House of Hanover.
      Born in Hanover to Ernest Augustus and Sophia of Hanover, George inherited the titles and lands of the Duchy of Brunswick-LΓΌneburg from his father and uncles. A succession of European wars expanded his German domains during his lifetime; he was ratified as prince-elector of Hanover in 1708. After the deaths in 1714 of his mother Sophia and his second cousin Anne, Queen of Great Britain, George ascended the British throne as Anne’s closest living Protestant relative under the Act of Settlement 1701.
      … During George’s reign, the powers of the monarchy diminished and Britain began a transition to the modern system of cabinet government led by a prime minister. ”

      Good old democracy, “Let me control the parliament and I care not who wins the election”.
      “The PM has declared war on ( insert vilified kingdom ) !!!”
      “O weally, there must be some good weason for that ah suppose”

      • Ashkenazi jews (“13th tribe”) who allegedly infiltrated normal jews, presumably speak the language and share the synagogs, presumably infiltrated the millennia old diaspora and became the first globalist minions for the elites who were stuck in their castles, ensuring their treasure, taxes, land and army didn’t disappear. How handy they would have been, and setting up Rotschilds is one of the great business initiatives of all time.
        Allowing these into the noble bloodlines I guess was inevitable, and obviously they were from the educated classes anyway. Were any of them ever poor travelling jews, in raggy clothes, sharpening knives on the side of the street, I think not.

  9. The collective engineered the β€˜plandemic’ to steal, destroy and make everyone slaves to them. This criminal kartel is an octopus, with tentacles on all levers – pharmaceutical, governments, media and internet. No more sovereign nations, mega corporations control everything.
    They want to jab needles in arms of all people, to be experiments in a wicked transhumanist agenda.
    We must fight against this evil.
    Todays technology is only used for absolute control, no benefit or room for individuals in a beast system.

  10. I took carbon 60 for about a year and a half before all the covid hit , and I also did urine therapy for 6 months before that . I have not had the vaccine obviously but have had no ill effects from spike proteins, touch wood .
    The urine therapy you get used to it , you don’t even think about it after a while. I also have have been drinking distilled water for 4 years now .
    I would be interested if anybody comes up with good information about the RH neg blood factor in the human population. All the literature and research I have tried comes up with , it is unknown .
    If anybody can recommend a good source of information in regards to the RH neg factor anomaly I would be very grateful.

  11. A grand experiment in control, nano-robots get in via ingestion, wheat beer is ideal as it creates holes in the gut and brain, then once controlled we will simply do as instructed, for example kill yourself.
    All that BigPharma money had to go somewhere.
    By nano-robots, self assembly is implied, these are simple robots, not robots like you see at the restaurant carrying trays of food around.
    Self-organised carbon based network, graphene tubules, very highly electrically conductive. Nanobots need TeraHertz (6G ?) HCQ interferes with this.

    I watched a few minutes of a promo for Nancy Pelosi on fully controlled SBS formerly a government TV channel founded by Malcolm Fraser for world news etc. They overdubbed a zombie chant of a few people in the Capitol Jan 6 media event saying Nancy Pelosi Nancy Pelosi.

  12. Dr Merritt has been hacked. If you watch her carefully when she gets on certain topics (like no virus drink urine etc) she subtle changes her cadance an deal with direct questions in an uncharacteristic deflecting deceptive way.

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