Home Society Ending Our Freedoms — Facial Recognition + 5G?

Ending Our Freedoms — Facial Recognition + 5G?


by Felicity Hingston

Lane Brown’s article There will be no turning back on facial recognition – it’s not perfect yet, but it’s already changing the world in New York Intelligencer November 12, 2019: initially it sounds good, that someone who allegedly planted “false bombs” would be so efficiently arrested. Thanks to NYPD’s Facial Identification Section (FIS) and subway surveillance cameras, every cop in NY had the alleged perpetrator’s photo on his cell phone within 2 hours and the man was arrested late that same night. Better still, there were no casualties…

Except our FREEDOM.

This massive facial-recognition system was built under our noses and now surrounds us all – thanks to tech companies, law enforcement, commercial interests, plus “a secretive array of data brokers” and who knows who else.

We’ve had hints of this ‘freedom creep’ in movies like Minority Report and Black Mirror. It played a vital role in Terminator, ensuring no ‘wrong’ people would be terminated. More recently, in “Anon, we got a glimpse of its more nefarious use.

According to Intelligencer, in Spring 2019 the FBI’s FR database now includes over 641 million images and “the identities of an unsuspecting majority of Americans” which could be searched anytime, even perhaps with no warrant or probable cause.

There are several cities, even where such “Orwellian tech products” are produced, in which lawmakers have allegedly tried to ban police from using FR. (Does this reek a little of NIMBY?) BUT there are plenty of places where FR is both legal and hardly regulated at all. Those who might look up from their mobile phone can see surveillance cameras all around us: city streets, parks, airports, retail stores, eateries, hotels, sporting venues, even churches – AND ALL FOR OUR SAFETY!

Recall how commonly it fails when it COULD/SHOULD have been so helpful! E.g., Princess Diana’s ‘death tunnel’; Berlin Christmas Truck Event; 9/11 and the Pentagon just to name a few.

And whilst we express “shock and horror” should the ‘authorities’ collect our images, we willingly GIVE them constant updates on where we are, what we’re doing, and even what we’re eating!  Wittingly (or not? Who can keep up with the ToS updates?) we are passing ownership to them, in blind trust! It is easily conceivable that Facebook (a pillar of integrity – not) has one of the world’s largest FR databases. Add to that all those photo-cards we now carry around.

In March in America the Commercial Facial Recognition Privacy Act of 2019 bill was introduced by REP Sen Roy Blunt and DEM Brian Schatz. This bill would have prohibited companies from using FR to track you in public, and collect or sell face data without a person’s consent. A bi-partisan, common sense proposal, sure to get massive support. What happened? It seems it was referred to a committee and never made it to a vote.

Intelligencer gives some instances of FR’s UNRELIABILITY: an “appalling failure rate” with London’s MetPol; Amazon’s software mistaking congresspeople for criminal suspects (maybe it WASN’T wrong?); common mis-identifications, particularly for “people of color”. Given that it is a developing technology, maybe we can hope they’ll fix any glitches.

So, did they get the real “false bomb” planter based on grainy surveillance photos in record time? FR is transforming law enforcement and it probably won’t need to be perfect before it transforms our everyday lives too.

On 29 Jan 2020 on observer.com “How LSD, Nuclear Weapons led to the development of Facial Recognition” by Harmon Leon reported, “sixty years ago, the first version of facial recognition technology was developed by Woody Bledsoe, with research funded by the CIA” and the US govt.

Bledsoe’s Wikipage gives little away, but in his article, Leon gives us the history of Woody Bledsoe, and thereby the history of FR. The link between FR and MK-Ultra sends shivers down my spine.


Side note:                                                 

Perhaps Mary Maxwell could share with us any progress on the Commercial Facial Recognition Privacy Act? (San Francisco was the first US city to ban FR.) “The emerging technology will not be allowed to be used by local agencies, such as the city’s transport authority, or law enforcement”. This article also gives details about FR errors.



  1. Thank you for sharing and alerting Felicity

    It’s Getting Harder to Spot a Deep Fake Video

    Here is a slightly longer video of some of that source material

    Face2Face: Real-time Face Capture and Re-enactment of RGB Videos

    Another on a similar theme

    Research at NVIDIA: AI Reconstructs Photos with Realistic Results

    My wife was telling me about a programme she had watched on TV called “The Capture” where ?MI5 was altering CCTV (double entendre = ‘captured CCTV footage’ –> ‘captured victim’) to incriminate anyone they chose. Such programmes are usually just ‘in your face’ revelations of what ‘elbow’ are doing to or planning for you. It brought to mind the never-ended Skripal sage of the incriminating CCTV still shots.

  2. and while we wait for 5G FR, this msn headline from 9 April: “Thousands of Australians dob in neighbours flouting social distancing measures” – is this the end of Oz as we knew it?? Perhaps ‘they’ won’t need FR in Australia after all!

    • famanda – our homogenous stock has been watered down over the past five decades by multiculturalism and its enforcing agency, political correctness and human rights commissions.

      This is not the Australia I remember as a child and a young man.

        • Fair Dinkum – really? Could you explain how 1788 was just as equal in cultural divergence as it is today, and how was such an ideology enforced on the masses then, as it is today?

          • a statement of historical fact needs no explanation. your comprehension difficulties are of no concern to me.

  3. The Truth to Power site has just recently been launched by Charles Bausman (of Russia Insider and Russian Faith), with a host of archived links.


    Here are a couple on topic

    Facial Recognition Companies Profit From COVID-19 By Adding Thermal Imaging


    ClearView: The Orwellian Face Recognition App That Is Going Viral With Government Agencies


  4. During the fake use of the virus epidemic, there have been the usual China bashing episodes by the media and some so called unbiased private journalists. In these stories there is usually commentary on China’s theft of intellectual property and scientific knowledge from the West. Has everybody’s mind been sealed against the known fact that most of the same was stolen from Germany by US during and after World War II? Once again two laws or ideals. In fact, had it not stolen the property US would not have had the hydrogen bomb, nor would it have been so advanced in space technology in the sixties.

    If the virus really was created and released by Chinese communists against their own people, how did the virus outbreak in Italy happen? It is not as though Lombardo, an industrial area with mass air pollution would be a likely destination for infected Chinese tourists.

    The creatures that are pushing technology in the above article are the same that have pushed this current virus scare and shutdown across the World. They are also the ones that make sure when they set up a “false flag” situation, all videos in the area are not recording, (for some unexplained reason).

    Is the reason for brainwashing people into the practise of selfies a way to get the population of extraverts to accept these cameras everywhere in public and therefore devious technologies such as facial recognition?

    I have believed, since the 1970s that the education system has been pushing, not equal rights, but the acceptance of extrovert behaviour as being an advantage in life. The school leaders or prefects seem to be not those that would be the best quality and honest leaders but the most mouthy and at times obnoxious.

    There is no actual, factual reason for such technology. For a century (I think) finger print evidence has been accepted as a must in investigation of a crime. The same can be said for the more recent crime investigative tool, DNA. However in a massacre in Tasmania in 1996, neither was used as it would have exonerated Martin Bryant as being the killer and the falsely accused.

    So much for necessary tools or technology to prevent or investigate crime. What we need is a way to catch the planners of crime (Deep State and intelligence agencies) before they are able wreak havoc on populations.

    • “However in a massacre in Tasmania in 1996, neither was used as it would have exonerated Martin Bryant as being the killer and the falsely accused.” – Mal, having worked on important cases that could impact on the Police force, the Police will try and get their fellow men in the force to go along with the ‘program’. Some will go along and then there are others.

      I remember a certain case where I was contacted by an officer that was involved in the ‘000’ tapes. I had already acquired the tape (long ugly story), but this bloke made a call to ask what was going on. I spilled the beans on what had gone down, then he said, “Don’t worry mate, the master tape is safe.”

      I expect that the same thing occurred in the Port Arthur Massacre. The tray with all the fingerprints and DNA of the real shooter were preserved. The forensic analysis of the tray, Solo can, cup, plate and utensils showed that Bryant did not eat from the tray – and the forensic examiners weren’t willing to go along with the narrative that Bryant ate from the tray.

      At that point the conspirators had a few problems, first, they had to get rid of the evidence of the tray [the bogus picture in the news cycle and amending Rebecca McKinna’s (sp?) statement] and second, they had to strap-up Bryant by other means. Thus, the ridiculous photo ID statements that were taken more than three to six weeks after the massacre.

      All those things add up to a mountain of evidence of exculpatory evidence for Martin Bryant. Somewhere, there are some forensic experts that did the testing and could give some damning evidence.

      • Terry, in other words, whatever forensic tools legislated for, on behalf of the police, those tools will not be used to prove guilt or innocence of an accused if the police or prosecutor does not like the answer given by those tools. Therefore no need for any more tools impeding public freedoms than already available. Do away with video cameras altogether. They serve no purpose than to maybe, be a deterrent to crime. But I believe that situation has already been shown to be a failed use. Look at the number of crimes being done in full video view with the offender looking up at the camera.

    • As already mentioned I deplore many things that go on in China, but the very concept of “intellectual property” is just as skewed as the covid 19 blamegame: Humans learn just about everything by copying; the attribute is hardwired into our DNA

  5. Another problem with facial recognition as a tool, from what I have experienced in regard to video photos in public areas, the quality of the photo is not good enough to recognise the offender. Several times photos have been printed in local papers of offenders, that would not be good enough proof that the purported person is that of the one in the photograph.

  6. Sharing here because comments on previous thread have become dysfunctional.

    People are certainly right about Communism. They just need to take the blinkers off and look around.

    Communism by the Backdoor – Denis Wise


    We are already under the Dictatorship of the Proletariat and those who have carried this out are the supreme capitalists.

    How the World was Fooled


    Whether China is, at the very worst, complicit in a multipolar geopolitical sense is almost a moot point.

  7. Those who willingly give up freedom for security, deserve neither freedom or security!

    I can’t remember who that quote belongs to, one of the American Founding Fathers I believe, but it is still relevant to what is actually occurring today.

  8. Dee – regarding the non – posting of comments, seems that the system has excluded all relevant details of commentors. I hope that assists?

  9. In regard to the authors post – Phil’s better half? I would point out that during the late 1990s in the Sydney suburb of Cabramatta – Little Vietnam – the illicit drug problem became so pronounced that local media, Alan Jones, Ray Martin, and other notable media representatives became involved in attempting to hose down the public reaction to why police were turning a blind eye to such goings on in Cabramatta. It became so blatant that folks stepping off the commuter trains were being accosted by drug dealers trying to sell their wares as they made their way to work!

    I won’t go into the nitty gritty’s of what caused the police to be seen as abetting the drug problem, suffice it to say though, that the Wood Royal Commission propelled a Labor State Government that determined to import a new kind of police commissioner, for example – a very politicized individual from Britain, as in MC/PC indoctrination – to get their tentacle further into the police force and as an added bonus, the smelly drug monkey off their back and to placate the media and public. The intention was not to rid Cabramatta of the blatant drug dealers, but to hide the problem in the faint hope of having it go away.

    Illicit drugs are after all big business to those who know how to control it.

    So, the state government’s response, under Paul Whelan the police minister, who was then being probed by some stalwarts in the media, as to his ‘integrity’ was to install CTV cameras in those areas determined to be the hot spots for drug dealing in Cabramatta.

    Wow! So what happened when those cameras were set up and then monitored from Cabramatta police station, and that is when they were actually turned on?

    Why, the dealers started dealing in the back streets where the cameras were not located.

    Why have I brought this exercise in deliberate obfuscation by our elected officials up as a comment in regard to this post?

    Those CTV cameras were the front runner to a program already in operation, and world wide, to desensitize a gullible public into believing that government knows best when it comes to criminal activities while the biggest criminals are voted into office.

  10. The situation is just one more reminder that when a Ruler-ship refuses to take responsibility for problems they’re bound to be compounded

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