Home Corona Facebook Fact Checkers Gone Mad — Defying Maths and Data

Facebook Fact Checkers Gone Mad — Defying Maths and Data


by Dee McLachlan

I reported on a study by biologist Bartomeu Payeras i Cifre — originally posted by Jeanice Barcelo, M.A from Radiation Dangers (English translation done by Claire Edwards). Bartomeu’s study and all the articles on his work has now been declared “Fake News” by Facebook.

What was significant about the study was that it compared the FiveG roll-out areas with the Corona Virus hot spots. It was not an opinion piece, nor was the study suggesting any causation effect. It was simply a mathematical and statistical comparison — correlating the two phenomenon — nothing else.

And it is for authorities and scientists to discover why there is this correlation.

Sent to me Chad from ‘Primed for your Life’

The correlation cannot be Fake News or False — as it is simply based on comparing one set of Data against another. One can possibly question on how the biologist did the mathematical probability analysis, but not the map overlays.

The Objective of the study was…

“To assess whether a correlation exists between cases of coronavirus and the presence of 5G networks. Without entering for the moment into subsequent cause-effect approaches in the case of positive results. Given that there is a sufficiently large statistical sample, it is possible for the results obtained to have a high level of reliability.”


One can question whether the maps of the FiveG roll-out or the CoV2 statistics are accurate, but one can’t argue that there is a correlation (statistical and mathematical) between the two. 

Let me recap from my commentary of the English translation of the (April 2020) study, as it demonstrates a clear correlation between FiveG networks and the CoV2 outbreaks — whether you like it or not.

Some of the more startling discoveries were:

The nine countries with the most infections worldwide all receive FiveG radiation from satellites.

Comparing four nearby countries of the same latitude: Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece. The two countries with FiveG (Spain and Italy) have 220% more infections than Portugal and Greece.

The comparison between the small State of San Marino (Italy) and Croatia (just across the Adriatic Sea) is astonishing. San Marino was the first European state to get FiveG technology, and has the highest rate of infection. San Marino is 2.59 times more than Italy and 27 times more than Croatia — a country that does not have FiveG.

The five hot cities in Italy align with the FiveG rollouts, as does Spain. Even the hot spots in Barcelona and Madrid align with FiveG coverage.

Another very interesting comparison is between Mexico and the US. Rates in the FiveG-US are 2.7 per 1000 inhabitants, whereas Mexico (no FiveG) is 0.04/1000.

Africa — a continent almost devoid of infections, except for South Africa. Well Bartomeu claims that only South Africa has FiveG.

The countries surrounding China had approximately 10X fewer cases. Myanma has 0.0007/1000 inhabitants infection rate.

One of the many comparisons — cases vs rollout

Of course the data would now have changed, and new outbreaks might show a different result, but the study was set in a time frame. It cannot be altered.

To read the study, go to Radiation Dangers or realcoronanews. I have also written about the port of Guayaquil, Ecuador — which adds further to the suspicion of FiveG having some influence.

Hopefully Trump’s new Executive Order will begin to manage the problem of Facebook taking science and mathematical correlations and calling it Fake. 2+2=4. What will Facebook call out next? Gravity?


And now for Trump’s Executive Order. (Boy, did I have to search for this — hidden in the algorithms.)


The more authorities and their cohorts bleat on about no correlation — openly suppressing discussion — the more suspicious it becomes. They know something, and are hiding it.



    • I tried posting this a couple of days ago via Gumshoe – trying again via WordPress. Still topical, and Bitchute link below.

      Thank you Cherri Bonney for sharing and Mary, Dee et al for posting forward and recommending the Jay Ross video. It is now highlighted near the top of my list in my own personal compilation.

      It is so important that I have timestamped the key points:

      • 00:40 Introduction – Event 201 18 October 2019 video promotion of global pandemic simulation six weeks before the actual ‘plandemic’ – John Hopkins University and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

      Jay then goes on to raise 17 questions/key points:

      • 2:20 Question 1: Why are our freedoms expendable? – 3:45 What was Event 201? (Bill Gates, John Hopkins, GAVI, WHO

      • 5:25 Question 2: To Australian PM Scott Morrison … Do you give a guarantee that there will be no compulsory vaccinations of all Australians and that no compulsory digital certificates will be required to be issued before Australians are allowed to travel and are allowed to come out from under lockdown?

      • 5:57 Question 3: What is CoronaVirus exactly?

      • 7:04 Question 4: There are two tests for CoronaVirus?? (the virus versus antibodies. 30% of common colds are coronaviruses. The best tests are unreliable diagnostically – official.)

      • 8:44 Question 5: How much CoronaVirus is in my body? (NO test can test this)

      • 11:08 Question 6: Where did CoronaVirus start? Was it man-made? (?Epicentre Wuhan

      • 12:48 Question 7: Prof. Lieber from Harvard arrested running secret lab in Wuhan (CNN cited)

      • 14:19 Question 8: What’s all this stuff about 5G? Is it crazy or true? (60 GHz military weapon well documented officially – “Active Denial Technology” for crowd dispersal – 98% oxygen absorption – global correlation 5G/CoronaVirus

      • 23:03 Question 9: What role does Bill Gates have in all this?

      • 23:48 Question 10: Bill Gates and the World Health Organisation (Gates #2 funder of WHO, #1 investor/controller of GAVI))

      • 26:10 Question 11: Is the Death rate of COVID-19 higher than the regular flu? (Dr Jay Bhattacharya – Stanford

      • 27:48 Question 12: Lockdown Cost vs Benefit – Does it save lives? What happened to our human rights?

      • 28:30 Question 13: I thought the virus was growing Exponentially? (great illustration of pseudomaths which I have referred to as coronamaths previously)

      • 29:50 Question 14: what about all those deaths in Italy? (99% had pre-existing conditions – average age of corona victims 81 – average life expectancy in Italy (you guessed it) = 81.

      • 30:50 Question 15: Lockdown costs vs benefits – Human Rights Charter gone? (he gets a fundamental thing wrong here re fighting against totalitarianism – Human rights are immutable and inalienable – see footnote below. Video footage from Event 201)

      • 35:40 “Why did we go to all this trouble and all these wars to fight for freedoms that don’t exist, and as for human rights, what happened to the right of freedom of speech, freedom of movement, freedom of gathering and those being inalienable and immutable rights.”

      • 36:05 Question 16: Lockdown is it a sham? (Sweden)

      • 40:36 Question 17: No end to lockdown without vaccine? (Morrison promoting mandatory vaccines as an extortion racket as a mouthpiece/socket puppet for his masters).

      From around 43:00 Jay summarises with a series of six key questions:

      • Question 1: Who and how did this virus start? (Fox News – Wuhan – China?)

      • Comment: If China is solely behind this, does not that make Morrison’s crimes against the Australian people and humanity in general even more sinister and grave and does this not demand appropriate prosecution and punishment for Morrison and all his collaborators and co-conspirators?)

      • Question 2: What role did Prof Lieber and his secret Wuhan lab play in this? (CNN – Harvard University)

      • Question 3: What role did 5G play in this and what are the health impacts of 5G? (60 GHz = 90% absorption by oxygen = verified historical military weapon, facial recognition)

      • Question 4: When will lockdown end or is it to be used as Mass Control in the future? (puppet Morrison: vaccine is the key to easing restrictions)

      • Question 5: Will those who created false Hysteria – media, govt etc. be held to account? (SMH – Armageddon, The Guardian, – mental health, alcohol, suicide – technocracy. Why do we not hear about the 99.95% of people who have ‘recovered’

      • Question 6: Am I allowed to ask questions anymore in my opinion his free’ society’??

      Footnotes/comments to follow re a couple of points of order (maybe)

      Meanwhile, the Jay Ross video is on Bitchute. It will play (next) after this one:


  1. Dee,
    Trump’s complete video is not hidden any more if we all send it on to everyone we know.
    Bad luck msm…… you lot have missed out and cannot be trusted….But we already have worked that out, have you miserable lot of MSM and shock joke mockingbirds fakes not realised?

  2. Certain people report that their emails are not getting through when the contents are contentious. I have email delay of about 10 minutes with certain people / on certain topics.

    • Funny you should say that, Dee. I just bought a new Dell Inspiron 9054, which is clearly manipulated by Microsoft and Google.

      For the past year, I have had discussions with Lawyer and Human Rights champion, Kellie Trantor, on the issue of US military annexation of the NT, with special focus on a military missile launching platform in North East Arnhem Land, which is loudly and publicly presented as an aerospace project.

      Yesterday, she updated our joint knowledge about the project and when I tried to send her a return email to thank her, transmission failed. Flummoxed, I did a gmail search of our past correspondence so that I could identify an alternative email address, only to be informed that I have had no previous emails from such a person. Actually, there has been at least a dozen.

      Watcha make of that?

      • Tony Ryan, that is quite astounding, to have Google just “vanish” your emails.
        You know that you can literally scroll through your inbox and, based on the approximate date, nail them down that way as well. Do you remember the dates of correspondence?
        Why not simply contact Kelly and ask here if SHE has a record of email communication with YOU? She sounds helpful and friendly enough to do that.
        Are you sure your email interactions were using gmail’s servers?
        It is possible to link work, or other secondary mailservers into your Gmail account so that non-Gmail accounts can be viewed using Gmail’s web interface.
        Could it be that when you switched to your new computer, that these connections were somehow not re-established, although that should happen server-side, so should be unaffected by changing machines.
        Why not try checking on your old computer?

        • @ryan and joe,

          i hesitate to accuse tony ryan and kelly trantor of the habitual australian naivete in regard of the usa but how is it possible post-snowden and post-assange to use gmail and hence google for communication at all ?

          have you never heard of https://www.privacytools.io/? did you not view laura poitras film on snowden showing the precautions he was taking?
          or read anything by glenn greenwald or bruce schneier?

          i suppose you use google for searches instead of duckduckgo as well?

          • Duns you mention Intercept’s Glenn Greenwald.

            Well, I would be most cautious about Greenwald’s co-writer/worker Jeremy Scahill (he was one of the core co-founders of the Intercept.) I wonder if he still believes that 19 Muslims drove planes into the buildings. Please!

          • So he wants those responsible to be arrested.
            Bet he does not want those covering for the mass murderers to be arrested.

          • dee,

            i am more than cautious about cahill and am also aware of who pierre omidyar, founder of the intercept is. and what reservations one might have in that regard.

            i am thirdly aware that apparently much of what edward snowden absconded with has not been published by the intercept and the question has been,why?

            but before i start alleging that snowden and assange are cia,i prefer to stick with what greenwald has written and to take it at its, in my view, high face value.

          • ‘i hesitate to accuse tony ryan and kelly trantor of the habitual australian naivete “

            but then you go straight ahead and do it.

            Everyone has different levels of knowledge in different areas; naivete is not a weakness but arrogance sure is. Quite apart from which it always betrays huge areas of ignorance

          • @berry, unusual to read anything coherent from you, even if upside down as per usual. run out of your prescription meds?

            because given their politics ryan and trantor, like james o neill,would be the first to allege that people in godzone are naive as regards the usa, cf.the coup against whitlam etc.

            anybody communicating by email on topics of u.s. foreign policy needs to get up to speed on theirt personal security.

            signed arrogant ignoramus

          • So your response consists of:
            1) a personal attack on me
            2) an attempt to rationalise the attack in question.

            Perfect cameo of a serial Abuser!

          • Duns,
            Re your “alleging that snowden and assange are cia,” you may be interested in the ‘Puppetworld Posts’ –
            – Wikileaks Is A Rothschild Operation:
            – Rothschilds Use Wikileaks To Wound Rival Bank,
            – Julian Assange’s Bail Posted By Rothschilds’ Sister-in-law,
            which says that ‘The Rothschilds began grooming Julian Assange in 2008’ If so – what better way to get the s*** piled on those of your opponents you want to take out of the power play. The more outcast you make him appear the more people will believe him. And he just miraculously got millions of ‘Above Top Secret’ emails sent by anonymous whistleblowers.

            Just one of many they claim to expose was on January 17, 2011, when Assange held a press conference at The Frontline Club where Rudolf Elmer, a former employee of Bank Julius Baer, gave Assange private files from the bank’s Cayman Islands’ operation. Wikileaks first disclosed some of Elmer’s Julius-Baer material in 2008, naming ten clients. As Assange’s press conference was a public threat to Bank Julius Baer they sued and got a court injunction to effectively shut down Wikileaks.org at its web host in California. The law firm Fox Rothschild represented Wikileaks, got the injunction overturned, and got Wikileaks.org back on line. Immediately, Wikileaks commenced leaking more of Elmer’s documents. The upshot – On Dec. 4, 2008, the 52-year-old CEO of Julius Baer, Alex Widmer, was unexpectedly found dead.

            Keep remembering the people running the Global Control scheme are not only clever and massively resourced Machiavellian creatures but are masters of the counterfeit operation who use world recognised organisations to promote their ongoing clandestine operation. Masterpeices such as Fiat currency where worldwide, real money is swapped for fake right in front of your face. BUNCO schemes like the BS ‘Global warming’ or ‘Weather engineering’ or the recent Covid 19 scam with its attached VAX con. So it’s no great insight that one of their abilities is to use all sorts of people for their goals. It’s thus not surprising that they select people like Jones and Assange which are groomed for decades to lay the groundwork for the next stage of their goime illusion we haven’t even heard of yet. After all, all they need is a believable story to attach their own con to. The whole Rhodes scholarship for example was set up to identify suitable personalities for such long term conditioning. Just look at the history of many of our own Prime Ministers!!!

          • Peter, whilst there may be considerable fact in what you say, you cannot discount that good plans never work out in the real world, despite the so called brains and experts doing the planning, no matter how much money has gone into it. I had a good friend who was a Rhodes Scholar, obtained a scholarship and was packed off to Canada University for his brain washing procedure. On his return he was very quickly appointed the post of a Local Union in the rail transport industry, where he put in motion the things he had been taught during his scholarship. Unfortunately for his sponsors, his actions went against their teachings and instead of becoming their lackey, he became a grain of sand between their teeth and ensured the majority of their plans never saw the light of day. Time and time again, he short circuited their efforts in the local Industrial courts. It wasn’t until he retired, and unfortunately assisted in replacing himself with a plant, that his previous supporters got what they were striving for so hard for his entire lifetime, the privatisation of the railways in my state.
            So things do not always go as planned, constant changes must be made as opposition throws a spanner in the works. To do that, we must always remain alert to the manifestations of these insidious hidden groups doing their evil deeds. B.T.Y. my friend did not wake up to the final plan of Privatisation, until after he retired, and if you were to enlighten him with the things we know today, of the power groups behind these things, he would not understand or even believe what you were telling him.

    • Dee, you said ” but one cannot argue that there is a correlation (statistical and mathematical) between the two”
      I think you mean: one can’t argue AGAINST…

      or “one cannot say it is subjective. blah blah blah”

  3. Triy Australia post with a wax personal seal on the envelope and make them work to rummage through your underpants draw.
    As a 8 year old I was handy with the bank seal and wax when bundling up thousands of old used notes to be sent to the bank’s money god. That was after I stamped all of them with a huge ‘Cancelled” stamp.
    Perhaps, you should start breeding homing pigeons!

  4. I am hoping that everyone commenting here has taken political action, and asked your PM, and relevant members the poignant questions about compulsory vaccines for SARS cov2 to “permit” Australians to freely move, work, and interact with other Australians as before.

    • Joe, I appreciate you stepping in and commenting about taking political action. I’ve been doing it for more than 33 years. Wrap your head around that – 1/3 of a century.

      The political system is a fraud, a farce – a place for you to expend your energies in silly protests and letter writing. I was a barrister that tried to take it beyond the realm of the political hacks and to the ‘Rule of Law’. Take a read of this article –


      You may have read a few articles about how the ‘Rule of Law’ was compromised in Australian, I can assure you it has.

      I have been doing this stuff for way too long. It is up to the younger blokes like you to take it to the next level.

        • LOL! Imagine some 30 year old bloke reading this. – Crikey, these old farts have been beating their heads against the wall before I was even born.

          If you think the ‘Karens’ of today are bad, you should have seen them back during the days of the Port Arthur Massacre. Talk about ‘self righteous’ clueless morons. You would have had to been there to believe it.

          I’m going to go work in the garden, the future is for the young.

          • Yes indeed.
            The future, for the msm conditioned young and ignorant, not having a clue as to how they are condemning their children.
            Can not fix stupid.

  5. Tried for ten years sending material on 911 to Turnbull. No response, just public sniggering.
    The politicians do not care for us, they have obligations to traitors and foreign interests, just like the mocking bird msm and shock joke fakes.
    They are betraying our soldiers who died for Australia’s sovereignty and our freedom. At that time our soldiers in WW11 were not aware of the intentions of fascist corporate entities using the UN to screw their families and descendants.
    Now we know the agendas of the fascist controll freaks and our soldier’s sacrifices must be honoured and the political traitors and running dog msm and shock jokes replaced with genuine Australians who care for: us, our industries,, our workers and sovereignty as a independant society under one flag. AUSTRALIA!

  6. Get the big real picture?
    Poor msm and shock jokes. We are awakening.
    Go broke msm.
    Blackball msm advertisers and prostituted traitor politicians.
    Just spend a few minutes listening to msm shock jokes and try not to laugh as they ignore reality.
    Has anyone been watching the General Flynn case and that crook Judge Sullivan?
    Now that is the REAL story?
    What about the Seth Rich murder and the Russian BS, that has failed.
    Now let us put aside the virus and riots for a few minutes and see how the MSM is trying to distract with false flags and ignoring reality.

  7. re Emails disappearing
    I had to get on dropbox for work and had a quick look at the t&c’s
    In there they required that I give them an email and they could have access to that email and copy or delete whatever they wanted. So I had to give them that (old work email address) and then I started a new email account somewhere else.

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