Home Corona Fitts, Part 1: Mr Global, Waivees, and Real Estate Acquisition Plans

Fitts, Part 1: Mr Global, Waivees, and Real Estate Acquisition Plans

Kenosha burns (adapted photo AP)

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB

On December 22, 2020, Catherine Austin Fitts gave a mind-bending 48-minute interview, the video of which appears at Truth Matters. Fortunately, it has already had nearly a million views. I will cover Fitts’ talk in a three-part series, here at GumshoeNews.com.

Before getting to the meat of the matter for today’s Part 1, which has to do with the rioting that occurred in 2020 in the US, I want to introduce two new words.  The first is “Mr Global.” That’s Catherine Austin Fitts’ name for the rulers of our planet. She says she does not know who they are.

Until now, we have used various terms such as the Cabal, the Bozos, the One World Orderists, or the ruling clique.  I find “Mr Global” more satisfactory — and recommend its use.

The other word that my vocabulary gained during Fitts’ video presentation is “waivee.” Not that she exactly said it.  She referred to people with “a waiver” in a different sense than I hope to utilize it, and she did not set much store in it.  But I am as happy as Larry to have found this concept.

Here’s is how I will use it from now on. I will refer to a person as a waivee if I deduce that they are knowingly enjoying an exemption from the law. Wow, does that cover a lot of ground!  It also implies, of course, that someone (Mr Global) has “authorized” such a waiver.

I have been moaning and groaning for years over the fact that many persons are protected from the law. To name two examples: in Boston, a Mafia person known as Whitey Bulger was allowed to kill people – or maybe was instructed to kill people — for the benefit of (supposedly) the FBI. He lived free for years, as a waivee.

The other person is Max McIntyre, late resident of Adelaide, Australia. His daughter Rachel Vaughan complained many times to police (from 2006 until his death n 2017) that Dad is a torturer and murderer of children, but nothing happened to protect those children.

Rachel and I have used various words to explain the silence of the state authorities in regard to such terrible crimes. I would now call Max a waivee. That means that Mr Global – through intermediaries – gave Max a waiver.  Moreover, the authorities must have also had a waiver from doing their duty of arresting him.

See what a handy concept this is?  You could stretch it to mean that when Bill Gates lies about the contents of a vaccine, he has a waiver. Or that when a judge gives a protected person a ridiculously short prison term, or dismisses important litigation, she (the judge) has a waiver.

Just bear with me for one more use of this word. Today the media reported that Mitch McConnell is planning to stand in the way of his fellow Republican senators if they try to challenge the election results.  He gave as his reason – and the MSM quoted without snickering – that it would harm Republican office-seekers in 2022 if there is a challenge on January 6. Quelle nonsense!

I have often wondered whom Mitch works for.  Now we know: Mr Global.  How to know? Mitch acted like he has a waiver from the normal practice of a party leader (i.e., he is supporting the other party). Bingo! He’s a waivee. “All is  now explained.”

Real Estate Acquisition Plan

Catherine Austin Fitts is a former Undersecretary of Housing in the US federal government. Perforce, she would know a bit about real estate. She is also a finance expert. She attends meetings of the IMF, the Aspen Institute, and so forth. So she would know a bit about tax havens and legislation that helps you avoid capital gains.

Recently, Fitts and her team (at Solari, her investment consultancy) set out to make a chart of cities that had Covid deaths to see if the state leaders were Republican or Democrat. Then she added a column to the chart, to indicate if that city had riots.

Subsequently feeling something in her bones, as it were, she asked a team member to list all 37 cities that have a Federal Reserve Bank (12 banks, 24 branches, and one Headquarters). They found that 34 of those 37 cities had riots. Ms Fitts said “That is a pattern.”

Example: Minneapolis

Starting with Minneapolis, she looked at the location of the burned (post-riot) buildings. They were clustered on Main St — in this case, the main drag is Lake St. She recognized that this was an area with a minority population, likely to be an “opportunity zone.”

And what be an opportunity zone? If you look back to 2018 federal legislation, you will see that it’s a place where persons can invest money they have rolled over from sale of other property – and be exempt from capital gains tax.  Needless to say, the law passed in 2018 would have emphasized that it will “assist African-Americans and Hispanics to open small businesses.”

Then along comes Covid. The governor is OK with restrictions on attending church but does not arrest protestors, rioters, or even arsonists. Huh? Fitts notes that the small businesses on Lake St had already been closed, as being “non-essential” during the pandemic. So the owners would already be hurting.

Recall that Fitts knows her onions in real estate.  She could see that very soon a billionaire type would buy up the degraded property, cheap. Such a strategy is known as a Real Estate Acquisition plan. (Think gentrification.)

She also claims (but has not done a comparison with non-Federal Reserve cities) that the burned areas in her 34 cities are in close proximity to the Federal Reserve Bank.  (Note: this discussion appears around the 30-minute mark of her video.)  Fitts surmises that the plan is for the redeveloped area to contain a Smart Grid, and the Bank will interact with it.

Broader Implications and Suspicions

Boy, did that part of Fitts’ talk get my blood boiling.  I ask you now to come for a walk with me down Memory Lane of some of my off-the-cuff memories about related things.

This part of the article is not from the Fitts video. It’s Mary being Mary — and I hereby drop all pretense of careful research.  These are simply possible examples of “Real Estate Acquisition Plans” of a pernicious, not to mention racist, kind. Don’t worry, I could be wrong.

There is one case where I did publish an article about such a thing so I’ll give that first billing here. (By the way it was, mirabile dictu, picked up by Washington Post, and republished in part by them). The title was “The Breaking of the Levees in New-Orleans, Gentrification, and Jewish law.”

I gave Judah Hertz a whack. He had bought up much of the office space in NOLA, weeks before the hurricane struck. I claimed Katrina was a deliberate genocide.  Aha, I have just now googled for his name and found this:

Wall Street Journal, September 7, 2005 (2 days after Katrina began):

“Just months before Hurricane Katrina hit, Judah Hertz made a big bet on New Orleans real estate…. he snapped up roughly $200 million worth of commercial real estate….This week, Mr. Hertz is catching glimpses of those buildings on the television news and wondering just how bad the damage is. “I know this is a very dark moment in their history,” he said of the city. “I like to look past that and think of all the good things that are going to happen there.”

Oh my.

And that reminds me, the media folk and the Congresspersons who mocked the locals that said they heard the levees explode? – they probably have waivers.

Now for Love Canal.  On August 1, 1978, the New York Times wrote:

“Niagara Falls, New York — Twenty-five years after the Hooker Chemical Company stopped using the Love Canal here as an industrial dump, 82 different compounds, 11 of them suspected carcinogens, have been percolating upward through the soil, their drum containers rotting and leaching their contents into the backyards and basements of 100 homes and a public school built on the banks of the canal.”

Those hundred homes were sold to people with no warning of the health hazard. Patricia Brown was one of the whistle blowers. She died in 2000. I think I recall her saying that African-American home seekers were offered a ridiculously generous arrangement for the down payment.

(By the way, in her story of rioting, Catherine Austin Fitts pointed out, as an aside, that banks are known for “predatory lending” in minority neighborhoods. What a pathetic nation, the US.)

Something about Tuscaloosa and Haiti

In 2017, I lived in an apartment block in (marvelous) Tuscaloosa, Alabama. One feature I did not like was the forbidding of curtains, and this meant an unwelcome stream of sunshine at 5am (when the candidate needed her beauty sleep). I looked around at other complexes, but they all had the same rules, and seemed to be owned by the same company.

The biggest, newest one was in an area that had received a tornado on August 27, 2010, destroying the yucky dwellings that had previously been there. Sorry I am being speculative, but you can’t persuade me that a tornado could randomly find its way to exactly the place that “needed” to be gentrified.

By the way, independent British journalist Sonia Poulton is chasing after leads in regard to the destruction by fire of low-income high-rise apartment building, Grenfell Tower, in UK. I have nothing to offer in support, but since when do fires cause a big building to collapse?  (Oops.)

Now to Haiti, poor Haiti.  I have a friend who was born there well before the 2010 earthquake. She is still in touch with locals and says that people were offered the chance to rebuild their homes, but of course the relevant loans led to foreclosure. The Clinton Foundation then came by to gather them up, cheap.

There is a helpful comic-book style hardback book about the goings-on in Haiti: Clinton Cash, by Peer Schweitzer. The blurb promises readers they will learn “How Hillary Clinton approved the transfer of 20% of all US uranium to Putin’s Russia, as 9 investors in the deal funneled $145 million to the Clinton Foundation.”


In Part 2 of this series, I will pay more attention to the central message that Catherine Austin Fitts offers.   Here is the video in which she tells us where the technocracy stands at the moment. You’d be wise to make a copy of it!




  1. Each to their own, but the world will conttinue to use the terms: Illuminati, Masons, Tavistock, Vatican, Jesuits, investment banker cabal, Club of Rome, etc, depending upon which one of the hydra-headed globalists they have reason to focus on.

    But I am curious why so many claim nobody knows who the globalists are. I had uncovered their names two decades ago and there were plenty who did so before I came along. Anyway, here is the list of the primary families: Rothschild, Rockefeller, Sasoons, Carnegie, Lehman, Lazard, Kuhn Loeb, Warburg, Lazard, Moses Sief, Amschel, Salomon, Vatican Bank, Nathan, Kallman, Jacob, Adam Leishaupt, Soros, and Hills Simon.

    The Cabal began the same day England won the Battle of Waterloo and was expanded by Mayer Amschell’s five sons, each of whom established banks in the main cities of the world. Israel was established in order to provide a sovereign state from which to protect their funds. At one point in time, according to some researchers, WA was considered as the site.

    The identification of the cabal members has only one value, which is to ensure all heads of the monster are removed once defeated. How is that to be done? Dunno.

    • Thank you for the list, Tony. Fitts says she has some “high octane” guesses as to the membership. Maybe they coincide with yours.

      My delight in the new name “Mr Global” is that I can concentrate on their mission instead of on them.

      Fitt’s narrative is the best I have seen.

    • Well said Tony Ryan – as to the identity of the ‘Globalists’.

      Mary, with all due respect, I will not be using the term ‘Mr Global’, because in doing so, I prostrate myself to the cabal’s agenda of purposeful ambiguity and further muddying of the waters.

      The term ‘Mr Global’ or ‘Globalists’ can mean anything to anyone, depending on their preconceptions relating to whatever axe they’ve got to grind.

      There’s NO WAY that Fitts doesn’t know who Mr Global is, having worked herself at the highest echelons of power.

      That she won’t be specific is due to her wishing to be p.c and not attract undue attention from the usual crowd.

      I’ve said it before but I’ll now issue it in the form of a challenge.

      If anyone has an alternative theory for who ‘Mr Global’ is, please state your case – along with the accompanying evidence that it’s financial wherewithal is more than the smallest fraction of the Zio-cabal.

      If you can’t furnish that, and you surely won’t, you have no case whatsoever.

    • Xi or CCP? Change.org petition on 2 Jan 2020 – http://chng.it/2VY5gTV4Hb seeking discussion with Aus Fed Govt to review our Torres Strait Treaty, since PNG’s recent MoU with China regarding Daru Island. Our present treat allows PNG Nationals to fish in Australian waters, but what access will this MoU give to China?
      IMO, What PNG agrees to with China is their own business but is China’s MoU with PNG another stepping-stone southward? A short skip & jump to Darwin…
      Daru Island is the closest PNG island to Australia. At present the Torres Strait Treaty allows PNG Nationals to fish in Australian waters. PNG is traditionally a friendly neighbour. BUT –
      China has been rather lax with observing fishing regions elsewhere – unintimidated, pushing boundaries, money no object. (research the South China Sea territorial disputes and China’s aggressive artificial island building!)
      Whether a review of our Torres Strait Treaty would or could protect us from China’s “salami tactics”?

      Not sure how reliable the ‘news’ is, but this report yesterday: https://www.news.com.au/technology/innovation/military/sinister-catch-exposes-chinas-underwater-spies-on-australias-doorstep/news-story/6e287a838871315584aaa57bbf443514

    • If we are going to call China CCP then we should call Australia LNP..

      And I am interested in learning which two of Rothschild’s Banks it is that China now owns.

    • Fine, Ned, I shall rise to the bait.

      I think not enough get off at Redfern.

      In fact, despite my belief in Fitt’s view, I suppose the whole crazy situation reflects a natural population crash.

    • So Ned, Zio-Dave has corralled someone from the ‘Proud Boys’, or equivalent cult organisation (Jordan Sather), and invited him to give us his Less-than-Worldly world views.

      This Sather bloke is a nobody that came from nowhere and is in no position to be prognosticating on tomorrow’s weather, let alone any back room instigated ‘Sting Operation’, which he’d never be privy to even if such an operation had been planned.

      You know Ned, the following analogy is apt when commenting on the X22 Reports :

      When asked how he defeated Napoleon’s army at Waterloo, the Duke of Wellington replied :

      ‘The came at us in the same old way, and we defeated them in the same old way’.

      Similarly, Zio-Dave comes at us with his fanciful pie-in-the-sky forecasts and analysis ‘in the same old way, and each one of them never comes to fruition, in the same old way’.

  2. Nine minute mark for a few minutes and then the questions on the flight logs with a Mr. (John?) Roberts listed.

    Well, I have no clue but just thinking: If I was a investigator with available resources and support, I would have had Epstein spirited away, faked a death and sat him down and asked………….Want a deal? What have you to tell us? (After all, you are dead are you not?)

  3. I will not put up any links, but there are reports that Pence is retiring from politics. Some vague dots for consideration.
    He received a envelope at the funeral;.
    He was going to go to Israel (!!!!!!!!!) on the 7th Jan…..cancelled!!
    Rumours were that he would betray Trump.
    Maybe there were plans afoot that have been changed for him????????

    Go for it!!

  4. Coming to waivees re Haiti (Laura Silsby) when I can but I got distracted …

    There is an article on Fort Russ posted by Matthew Ehret but written by [?his wife]] Cynthia Chung, co-founder of ‘Rising Tide Foundation’


    What an array of fascinating looking topics!!

    This is the one that was reposted on Fort Russ


    Mary, you might like the article on Alma Deutscher.

    There is also a companion youtube channel of the same name and here is one I picked out to listen to …

    • Cynthia Chung Interview on China Rising Radio: Her Research, Journalism and Insights

    The interview is with Jeff J Brown of ‘China Rising Radio’ and the author of “The Big Red Book on China’ that I am still reading. For every single thing I disagree with, there are 100 new pieces of liberating information.

    The interview with Cynthia is actually highly topical

      • HSBC’s headquarters are in the Channel islands.

        Notice that Rothschild’s Channel islands are excluded from British law and that this Act no doubt also covers the City of London.

        Exception of Channel Islands and other possessions.

        Short title.

        This Act may be cited as the Colonial Courts of Admiralty Act 1890.

        2Colonial Courts of Admiralty.

        (1)Every court of law in a British possession, which is for the time being declared in pursuance of this Act to be a court of Admiralty, or which, if no such declaration is in force in the possession, has therein original unlimited civil jurisdiction, shall be a court of Admiralty, with the jurisdiction in this Act mentioned, and may for the purpose of that jurisdiction exercise all the powers which it possesses for the purpose of its other civil jurisdiction, and such court in reference to the jurisdiction conferred by this Act is in this Act referred to as a Colonial Court of Admiralty. Where in a British possession the Governor is the sole judicial authority, the expression “court of law” for the purposes of this section includes such Governor.


        Colonial Courts of Admiralty Act 1890

        Sections repealed c. 12 Statute Law (Repeals) Act 1986 –



        In section 7(1), in the proviso, the words ” shall have full effect as if enacted in this Act, and “.

        In section 14, the words from ” and every such Order” onwards.

    • How mentally sick are these people in positions of power?

      Mind you with luck Pelosi will have her time cut out arguing in court, after the 6th Jan.

  5. Ned, you’re being too harsh on dear Nancy Pelosi.

    She would never compromise her principles to curry favour with any particular minority, just for the sake of attracting a few more votes :

    • Good point about the sexism Arlyn.

      Case(s) in Point : Nancy Pelosi, Hillary, Madeleine (500,000 dead Iraqi children was ‘worth it’) Albright to name just three.

      There’s a lot of lot of bottom-of-the-barrel sociopathy in that trio.

  6. I was going to comment on this anyway but the reference to the Clinton Foundation, Haiti and waivees (a la Laura Silsby) prompted me to recall one of Arlyn’s posts from yesterday …

    • Clinton Foundation invested $2.25 million in Dominion voting machines


    which takes us to here

    • The DELIAN Project: Democracy through Technology


    where we read their ‘Commitment’ statement

    “In 2014, Dominion Voting committed to providing emerging and post-conflict democracies with access to voting technology through its philanthropic support to the DELIAN Project, as many emerging democracies suffer from post-electoral violence due to the delay in the publishing of election results. Over the next three years, Dominion Voting will support election technology pilots with donated Automated Voting Machines (AVM), providing an improved electoral process, and therefore safer elections. As a large number of election staff are women, there will be an emphasis on training women, who will be the first to benefit from the skills transfer training and use of AVMs. It is estimated that 100 women will directly benefit from election technology skills training per pilot election.”

    Now here’s my question … Why does the url link to the brassballs article above include that one extra five-letter word beginning with ‘C’ … when the C-word is not mentioned in or relevant to any part of the article or its links to the other C-word Foundation?

    … “clinton-foundation-invested-225-million-dollars-in-china-dominion-voting-machines-delian-project-hillary-biden-global-initiative-bill”

    • Some mistakenly equate the HSBC with whom the 16 patents for Dominion Voting Machines were deposited as collateral, with China itself, when in fact the HSBC is a Rothschild Bank with its headquarters in the Channel islands.

      On the subject of the criminal HSBC watch the video Julius Skoolafish posted previously from about the 19 minute mark.

        • Colonial Courts of Admiralty Act, 1890

          Exception of Channel Islands and Other Possessions
          1 The provisions of this Act with respect to Colonial Courts of Admiralty shall not apply to the Channel Islands.
          2 It shall be lawful for the Queen in Council by Order to declare, with respect to any British possession which has not a representative legislature, that the jurisdiction conferred by this Act on Colonial Courts of Admiralty shall not be vested in any court of such possession, or shall be vested only to the partial or limited extent specified in the Order.


          Banks in the Channel Islands


          Banks operating in the Channel Islands represent a very diverse landscape including global banking groups (for example, Deutsche Bank International Limited, The Royal Bank of Scotland International Limited), global private banks (Nedbank Private Wealth Limited, EFG Private Bank), retail and commercial banks (National Westminster Bank Plc, ABN AMRO), and specialized banks (Skipton International Limited).

      • Thanks Crisscross – I just watched those few minutes again. As enlightening and revealing as they are, Jeff Brown, Cynthia Chung and Matthew Ehret (her husband) just can’t seem to bring themselves to name the elephant in the room. All the evils inflicted on China via the opium wars and leading to the “century of humiliation’ are apparently done by “The West” or “The British” [Capitalists] and they won’t mention the Sassoons or the Rothschilds…. And that “Hitler was created by the British and French to destroy Russia” nonsense really annoys me and requires comment.

  7. I’m not a fan of Government run / financed healthcare, or government run anything for that matter.

    But, in a country (the U.S) that can somehow find a trillion dollars to finance their military industrial complex and their hegemonic aspirations in the shape of over 900 bases in 130 countries, yet still can’t afford to provide basic healthcare for vast swathes of people that have been impoverished by the oligarchs that rule America, there is certainly a strong case for Medicare For All (M4A).

    Many of you will be familiar with Jimmy Dore and how I often post his videos because I believe he’s sincere – even though I’m not on board with him ideologically.

    For those who aren’t aware, Jimmy is leading the vanguard in the ‘Force the Vote’ campaign, whereby an enormous grassroots movement has arisen that is applying pressure on Congressional Democrats to NOT vote for Nancy Pelosi’s re-election as Speaker of the House UNLESS she tables a M4A vote.

    In the video below, Jimmy tells his personal story of how he had a life threatening condition and how he and his wife (shown alongside him in the video below), were bankrupted by having to finance the treatment and how Jimmy was going to kill himself if treatment was not forthcoming :

  8. Trumps Global Killing and Thieving Force

    Trump Forces Shot Dead a Child in Cold Blood in Hasakah Countryside

    In their own style to farewell the year and to devastate a family, and empowered by the latest Trump pardoning of their colleagues in the infamous Blackwater mercenaries who killed 14 unarmed Iraqi civilians in broad daylight in a Baghdad square in 2007, members of the Trump Forces ‘Oil Thieves Regiment’ illegally positioned in the Shaddadi city shot Muhaidi Hussein Falah, a 12 years old boy who was playing with his friends near his house.

    The illegals took over a site in the outskirts of the ‘Tawassueyya’ district of the city of Shaddadi and converted it to a military post for the forces plundering the Syrian oil in the northeast of the country.

    Muhaidi Hussein Falah died instantly as the criminals shot him dead from close range without any warning on the last day of 2020.


  9. Opera house stage event headline, new year eve Sydney – We are one (world government).
    Australian swan song was 2000 Olympics. That was the beginning of the end of the middle class here.
    Nine eleven sealed the deal, for players connected.
    Truth or lies, now being the only two choices for survival or nothing.

    “To be or not to be, this is the question.”
    – Bill Shakespeare

    • The US is presently moving its warships into the Persian Gulf which according to Bible prophecy, Jeremiah 50 51 is the beginning of the end.

  10. Completely OFF topic …

    • Marlowe as Shakespeare: The Drama of Political Intelligence and the Education of a Citizenry – Martin Sieff

    Fascinating remarks about [Dame] Helen Mirren around 50:00

    The talk by Martin Sieff concludes at 1:03:00 – then on to panel discussion, Q&A

    Show me evidence that Shakespeare was NOT Christopher Marlowe …

    I think he is a bit harsh on Tolstoy …

  11. Getting vaccinated will help justice:

    MINNEAPOLIS, MN — With the trial in the death of George Floyd set to begin in early March, prosecutors reportedly requested the proceedings be postponed until June, citing the coronavirus pandemic and the need for people to be vaccinated first.

    Gatherings would be “substantially safer in June 2021,” Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, an oncologist named among President-Elect Joe Biden’s coronavirus advisors, wrote in an affidavit supporting the state’s request for a postponement, according to The Star Tribune. Emanuel said millions of Americans would receive the COVID-19 vaccine between March and June.

    Prosecutors said the more people vaccinated, the less likely the trial would pose a risk to those involved and create potential delays caused by an outbreak of the virus, The Star Tribune reported.

    • Just when you think a human being could not become any more stupid.

      Maybe some doctors need a brain transplant. Or should have electro-therapy to shock their brain into action.

      • they are indoctrinated not educated so good luck with that. They aren’t even taught about vaccines just to be obedient to give them on the schedules designated. The Australian doctors are also cowards compared to other countries as they fear to speak up by the threat of deregistration and owe money on their huge homes and property. They have lost the plot decades ago and history is evidence that show they have been Corporatised and have abandoned the Hippocratic Oath of ‘First do No Harm”

  12. WHO is leading dystopia to 5G technocratic cyber surveillance global gulag?
    Israel Mossad and China CCP have been there since conception and now rule according to the fruits of their expertise. They are the role models – the good guys, saving and raising themselves above herded slavery. The crown virus the kabal’s chip under the skin, enforcing the communist prison globally, is alliance of beast and dragon. Many are calling it a great step for transhumanism. Like the moon landings, parroting the words of my grandfather, can only say bullshit.
    This is mind#uckery unprecedentant, a child can see through it, sadly most adults are blind in tranceformation. Oz was the launching pad, at 100k/year in a nursing home, how long before inheritance is sucked dry by predatory blood sucking vampires. Private reserve bank of Oz, as well as the four bsl4 factories here, must be shut down. There is no other remedy.

    Resist with all hearts minds and souls.

    • People are like the deer stunned by the lights and have no idea how to resist. Telling them to resist is no going to work as they are fearful, indoctrinated or they think this is all going to go away. Many are just plain stupid!

    • How many of these deaths and injuries by Covid vaccinations will it take before people of the world rouse from their sleep.?

      How long will it be, before some politicians gain some guts and have the Big Pharma executives pay for their murderous crimes. By pay, I mean hanging by the neck until dead. Bill Gates should be hanging from the gallows alongside.

      This action alone would start to reduce the world’s population.

      • At the moment the evidence shows the sheeple will gladly take the hand that leads them down the path of death with no resistance. There are but a few resisting but its not enough hence the ramping up and warp speed of he vaccine agenda. The crimnals know that it will take a long time for the sheeple to wake up hence their speed of Control Containment and Compliance

    • I recall the JUBA murders way back. There were clearer videos proudly displayed by Juba’ I recall one of a US soldier’s head in the killer’s site near a armored vehicle, he went straight down ….dead! I cried for his poor parents.
      Juba only took one shot and moved on. ….. as usual..
      Clearly Israel is evil.

      • Just like the Port Arthur Massacre! There are a certain amount of people who have no conscience and there are those who love to kill another human being. The ones with no conscience are the most dangerous

  13. German nuns were ‘pimps’ for sick priests, says sexual abuse victim
    A child rape victim has accused nuns at a now-shuttered Catholic children’s home in Germany of “pimping” out orphans to priests, politicians and other wealthy men.

    The victim, now 63, has remained anonymous despite having fought and won a legal battle for compensation in May over the horrors they endured, beginning at 5 years old in March 1963.

    The man, who has struggled with post-traumatic stress disorder and depression since then, was awarded a total of 25,000 euros by German courts due to claims he’d been raped more than 1,000 times.

    He also said he wasn’t the only victim.

  14. A lot of souls would no doubt concede to Catherine Austin Fitts’ repeated edict that “death is not the worst thing that can happen” :

    However the current situation just proves that no radical betterment has ever been brought to bear via mere head knowledge: So long as there’s a chasm between what we know and our grassroots interaction with God and others any genuine change for the better will remain elusive.

    Just like most professed “christians” most so-called “truthers” are every bit as lost and damned as those they are calling out; the dynamic is identical:

    • Actually their position is 7 times worse than that of the unsaved/sheeple they so despise:

      “When an unclean spirit comes out of a man, it passes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. Then it says, ‘I will return to the house I left.’ On its return, it finds the house vacant, swept clean, and put in order. Then it goes and brings with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and dwell there; and the final plight of that man is worse than the first. So will it be with this wicked generation.”
      MATHEW 12: 43 – 45

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