Home Australia Fuellmich — The Australian Aboriginals Fighting For Survival and Their Land

Fuellmich — The Australian Aboriginals Fighting For Survival and Their Land


Introduction by DM

Today’s post is a video of ICIC with Dr Reiner Fuellmich talking to David Lurnpa Cole, an Aborigine from Australia, well-known blogger Bernie Bebenroth, known as “Bernie from Australia” and Iris Tassie Tiger Richter about the outrageous events in Australia over the last three years.

The government measures in Australia have been very harsh, and the vaccination pressures high, and the indigenous population, the Aborigines, were put under massive pressure and forced to vaccinate. David Lumpa Cole approached Fuellmich with the cry for help that his people were suffering greatly because of the vaccinations with deaths massively increasing.

Stirring accounts from three Australians shed light on the dictatorial actions of the Australian government.

What is the purpose? Land and minerals? Lurnpa is calling this genocide… for a land grab.

The “Voice” is all in the mainstream media — but nothing of this. This is catastrophic.

Diane, maybe you could expand.




  1. Well, there you are Prime Minister Albanese and colleagues, plus the ABC and our controlled corporate mass media.
    Or is ‘THE VOICE’ you only hear, sounded by the control freak pharmaceutical conglomerates?

    • To Ned, and also to Joe Bogan, per comment below at 12:38am. I am a writer at Gumshoe and also am a legal activist, in US. Lately, you have both told me that I should write about this or that. Well, let me make some work suggestions for you, too. Ned is a barrister; I have no idea what Joe does. Joe used to make comments under the name “W3” so prolifically that I thought he was several people combined under one name.

      I suggest you become activists. Ned would stand out, as people already know him in his career. Think of the good he could do, just merely in his objection to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. There are ways to file suit against the ABC, aren’t there? Throwing barbs at them in the Comments section of Gumshoe has not had any effect in 9 years, nor could it. Joe is now calling the Greens party “dogs.” What could that possibly accomplish?

      Today’s story by Fuellmich tells us what we already know — that Aboriginals are treated badly. Is yelping all we can do? I don’t think so. Somewhere in the Bible it says “Bind yourself with the oppressed.” Seems a plan, Stan. Or bind with what Dee is trying to accomplish for mothers. (The word “yeoman’s service” does not do justice.)

      In general, things don’t have to be the way they are. Ned, you could take over part of the ABC, perhaps as a latter-day Jon Faine doing a talk show, maybe once a week. The audience would be thrilled (I’m not kidding.) You could, in each segment, read out a law of Australia, or of NSW, and say what’ wrong with it and how we might fix it. Brilliant. Go do it. And Joe, maybe you should do a talk show, too, called “The Bogan Speaks,” inviting all bogans to have their say. Wow.

      As far as I know, we are definitely coming to a fate like that of the 1932 Ukrainian Holomodor, “death by starvation.” Gumshoe has already recorded the sabotage at food procesing plants. This is our last chance to get out of our rut and take power. Once you are hungry and weak, you (and I) won’t be able to do anything. No one else is going to save society. It comes down to us. Simple as that. Get busy, Everybody. Use your God-given Brians.

      Apologies for being impolite, and for going beyond the 250-word limit.

      • I think I will chose what I am able to and can do, thank you Mary.
        How do think some significant matters appear here at gs, such as the matter above?
        They are selected from weird places like beforeit’snews.com, that you apparently despise.
        Have you any idea how many hours per day it takes to find, listen to, consider and submit?
        Even dear Norm suggest that I do Tesla …..he presuming I have not.
        But I also continued with Tesla, yesterday, again at BIN. Did you know that he demonstrated a radio controlled boat on a pond in about 1901(?) it was four feet long and the normies claimed he must have had a little monkey inside driving it. Also it had electric flashing lights. Guess who he was seeking investment from try, ……. Some ‘feller’……..
        Want to know anything about aliens? Our 4.5 billion year existence, what about where souls go.
        Try expanding if you wish; my critique has been recorded, did we need 4 thousands of theoretical Brunson words for a corrupt and likely blackmailed element is the real issue, think Epstein Lolita express and little children or someone telling us that all those buildings actually were destroyed somehow….. twice……. But the killers are still in our midst and still trying to kill millions more.
        No Mary, I do not need your mentoring…… subjects or rediculous ideas that the ABC IS FOR ME. They ABC shat on Dee.
        Try Antarctica and the Nazi base founded there in late 30’s, early 40s and those who helped with anti-gravity developments. True or false? When did Hitler die?
        How about the adrenochrome supply ….. now that is horrible evil and bloody, happening for decades right under America’s satanic Hollywood nose …… hundreds of thousands of little children tortured, murdered, drained and also used for trans-animal experiments….. what was one of Trump’s first promises……
        Oh well, back to piles of rubble.

      • After your interesting comment that tax haven Delaware was owned by DuPonts I suggested you tell us who else owned which state.
        I changed names a couple of times because of technical issues, it was not a secret, except I admit to pranking the neo-nazi Veggie once.
        Yes Joe Bogan is getting really annoyed lately as nothing seems to be happening.
        Look at the latest attack, Prince Harry and Queen Elton are both being set on the Daily Mail, claiming their royal feelings have been hurt in some way or another.
        The Greens are absolute dogs, barking their fear campaign about GlobalWarming™ and ClimateChange™ while their wheelchair guy, Sen. Steel-John is on video urging more wars. WTF ??? Who owns this guy.
        Nothing is happening because people are too lazy, dumb and weak minded, they actually support the status quo by their disunity, the sum of their greed and fear and apathy and fractiousness is greater than their sense of the common good, they are not leaders they are led, they are easily manipulated, basically useless eaters obsessed with preening themselves.

  2. this is shocking
    last year .. seeing masses of police and military on ground in NT with all people forced to get injected – lined up like a concentration camp –
    was disgusting at the time- make them stop the lies !

    • They filled a stadium in Sydney with school students which they medical-kidnapped and two of them dropped dead on the spot as I recall, if anyone would like to confirm

  3. Our governments are not only corrupt, they are truly insipid, look at the Moira debacle today in Melbourne, nothing wrong at all with Moira and her conservative position on keeping perverts out of schools but the deranged party leader tried to kick her out. They would be far better to kick the party leader out, but his excuse is, they need to keep things insipid. The reason for this can only be the requirements of the fake news.
    Now government has poisoned aboriginies and Tiwi islanders, where is Lidia Thorpe
    and where is totally f@#$ed up Greens party, you Greens are dogs aren’t you
    Woof woof hello greens you pack of dogs.

  4. Yes Dee I CAN (and I have) expand on this. I have often posted articles on MKULTRA sub projects in Australia, focusing on Herr Dr Mengele’s Monarch programming. I have also posted information about how post ww2 Tavistock nodes were set up around the world and how my Grandmother a Druid and a Grand Dame who had friends in high places aka Unilevers, Churchill, Victor Rothschild, the Queen mother et al –trafficked children under the guise of the British child migrant scheme -nb “Sunshine and Oranges” –the forgotten children.
    These Tavistock nodes –and I speak specifically about Geelong Ballarat Bendigo (from my personal experience) morphed into laboratories /experiments to create total mind control. MKULTRA in Australia. Pedophiles Down Under–The Great White Brotherhood Cult of the Family. Dr Rawlings Rees -Psychological Ware Fare dept etc etc–I acknowledge Fiona Barnett Steve McMurray Gabbi Choong’s interviews Focus on Australia Rachel Vaughan Mary Maxwell Nellie Street Aishe Spark Testimonies.

    Thank you Dee for picking up on this–our stories are entwined.

    My research covers 100 years of Tavistock and how Adam Weishaupt ?/ Bavarian Illuminati claimed the Great Southland–Jesuits, Freemasons, Mormons, Mafia, Druids, and the Roscrucians set the scene.—built their temples on energetic sites, murdered, massacred, tortured defiled raped pillaged and stole land children resources and souls. Poisoned rivers waters air–enslaved the people.

    I have seen and can give testimony to the impact of the “Covid Pandemic” and the cyber warfare and psychological warfare that created DID MPD and the programming that fragments the mind body and soul. I also get daily reports of the “suicides” the deaths -the 6 youths dying after enforced medical interventions in 8 hours. The removal of children from their families the incarceration of 10 year olds the torture of children and youth –by people I can and have named— Australia was set up as one big cult –it is a laboratory —

    Maybe an interview Dee–ask clear questions and I will give clear answers–

    I am so pleased you picked up on this it is time we join the likes of Lurnpa ,Cairns News, kangaroo court, Serene teheffana? Karen Brewer and the whistleblowers and targeted individuals like Ash Jewell Adrian Wells and myself–and many others –survivors of torture and Mkultra SRA and “programming”

    Nellie Street recent testimony with Gabbi Choong is the most powerful expose I have seen the third interview will enable me to corroborate her account of the horrific treatment she was subjected to –yes in Australia New Zealand and trafficked around the world–Jenny Hayes story and Sarah Moores need telling as well as many testimonies of the men who survived and spoke out.

    I also carry the story of so many First Nations peoples I have lived and worked with– the arrogance ignorance greed and cruelty of the colonisers sickens me.

    • Wham! You, too, Diane! We need a radio show from you. Just blurt it out: The Mind Control Show. Every Sunday at 2pm. Blurt it out.

      It’s Your ABC. The Mind Control Show. The Bogan Rants. Ned’s Bad Law.

      How about Terry’ s Grow Your Own Food, and Tony’s Tea Time for the Brave.

      Berry’s I Know a ‘Good Book’ When I See One. Ant’s Incoming Airline Report.

      Cherri’s Walk with Me to Risdon. Julius’s Eureka! I’ve Got Russia Down Pat.

      Mal’s I Refuse To Die Till We Straighten This Out. Fair D’s Hang on a Minute.

      “Dr Maxwell’s” Once a Murkin, Always a Murkin. Dee’s Why Do I Do This?

      Foffa’s: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4tkI7oIdLaQ

      • How about Simon’s Merkin Ball. I see a lot of std’s in the future. Wait till the fish herpes gets going. Its off, like Dr Fishy Fauci in a bathhouse

        Thanks Diane

  5. Was just sent this am posting here for Mary. This fella is “blurting it out” and I thank him but I work more strategically and always go back to the “Source” this is spiritual warfare. This fella is speaking from the colonial perspective and it is important what he is saying– and what he is doing—however it is not about this very important timely call for action.


    • It’s all meant to look like a coincidence but the outcome is your “freehold” land is stolen by the crown just as it was from the aboriginies.
      Crown agency #1 The Greens require environment buffer
      Crown agency #2 The Council rezones your land
      Crown agency #3 Fed. Government requires the land for projects
      All these combine and the private owner is made to realise ownership is just another type of lease which is enforced by some army somewhere.

      Of course a high-speed maglev train could be built on columns like an aquaduct and it might be harder to derail, leave the trees alone and have a nice view.
      No chance of that of course, the funding is already spent on administration and “medical” overservicing.

  6. It seems the “program” or “script” is unfolding…

    I keep reflecting on Dr Day (1969) and his “Everything Is In Place And Nobody Can Stop Us Now”


    I was told the other day (via alleged white hat financing sources) that the world is being “run” by the Black Sun out of Switzerland — an AI system controlled off-planet.

    Starting to make sense (but not sure readers will align towards that direction)

  7. I went to a meeting last night and yes Dee I am convinced the “world” is being run by the Black Sun–an AI system off planet.

    “There are multiple other worlds with humans in various stages of development. There are other entities living inside of our planet. There are a lot of things that we are going to have to wake up to, and accept fairly soon. There are already ET’s living among us and they’ve been here for years. They mostly look like we do. Everything is about to change. Some individuals are better prepared to assimilate the coming changes that others. The ones who are able to ride the wave of the Great Awakening are doing our best to prepare everyone for these coming changes. We have friends from other worlds who are anxious to introduce themselves to us—-we already have spacecraft that are faster than light speed–we have stargates-we are trading our techologies with races from other worlds already–all of this hidden by the Deep State and Illuminati—truth will prevail– earth will become fully a part of a Galactic Alliance of Worlds—”

    Elana Freeland–

  8. A lot to learn about MPD DID and MKULTRA SUB PROJECTS–from UK
    Cathi Morgan Angela Power Disney bringing fragments together.

    Bases 43 Part 2 Angel Power Disney with Cathi Morgan

    “As many of you will know Angela Power Disney came under intense censorship attack late in 2020, and lost her main body of work on both YouTube and Facebook. More than a decade of profound truth telling and interviews. Also original audio books.
    This channel is slowly reinstating the archives and will be given out to researchers and those active in the pursuit of justice especially in the fields of MK Ultra and Satanic Ritual Abuse.”

  9. South Australia’s lodge elite need to own up to cult connections


    “Look at the direct historical connections between freemasonry and occult secret societies in one William Wynn Westcott (pictured), who joined Freemasonry in 1871 and three years later joined the high-level, British intelligence-connected Quatuor Coronati “research lodge” as a master from 1893–94. Westcott also studied the Kabbalah and became a Rosicrucian in the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia. Most significantly, he co-founded the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, but later abandoned it as it apparently conflicted with his profession as Crown Coroner and was a political embarrassment of the day.

    St Paul teaches in the New Testament that the real war is in the unseen realm, not between “flesh and blood” or that which we can easily see. St Paul says this battle involves the Christ followers “against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms”. (Ephesians 6:12) The armour for the battle consists of truth, righteousness, the word of God, faith and prayer.

    To the freemasons we say: “You play footsie with demonic powers and seriously bad things will happen, like they have in South Australia, where justice from the authorities – many of whom inhabit your lodges – has been slow and sparse in dealing with your state’s ghastly and gruesome murders, pedophilia and other sexual crimes.” Even the political establishment’s 2004-08 Mullighan Inquiry into child sexual abuse in South Australia turned into little more than a cover-up with only 13 named perpetrators investigated and two charged from 1592 allegations of sexual crimes going back to the 1930s. Much of the inquiry was also subjected to an 80-year suppression order

    Need we remind South Australia’s freemasonic elite of the Truro murders, the serial murders of seven girls in the 1970s; the Snowtown or ‘bodies-in-the-barrels’ murders of 11 people in the 1990s; The Family murders involving the torture and murder of five young men from the 1970s to the mid-1980s, and the allegedly unsolved disappearances in Adelaide the Beaumont children. Rachel says her older half-sister Ruth saw the deceased Beaumont children in the boot of a car and this incident was corroborated by her father when he spoke to an investigative journalist in 2015.”

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