Home Fam-Court Here It Comes: My Rage over the Australian Court’s “Washing” Children

Here It Comes: My Rage over the Australian Court’s “Washing” Children


by Dee McLachlan

We learned some 1877 history the other day from the SBS-TV program “Who Do You Think You Are?” The presenter, Grant Denyer broke down after learning about his family’s dark history, saying that he felt ‘sick to his stomach’ upon learning of the four-generation’s-past family scandal.

I thank Denyer for facing his family’s history and voicing his disgust at what happened then, but I want to tell him that NOTHING HAS CHANGED in South Australia.

The Case of Mary Ann Langley

The case was about Grant Denyer’s ancestors. Mary Ann Langley was imprisoned for having burned down some haystacks at the family farm in Adelaide. An old newspaper story had covered the trial.  Mary’s father, Charles Langley (Denyer’s great, great, great grandfather) had impregnated his eldest daughter resulting in a son (who was six years old when this went to trial). At the time of her arrest, Mary admitted to committing the arson — out of revenge for her father having ‘ruined‘ her. “He has ruined me body and soul”. You see, after Charles’s wife died (Mary’s mother), he used his eldest daughter to alleviate his sexual desires and needs. The historian says it was quite common at the time.

It went to the Supreme Court and Mary was sentenced to five years in prison for damaging his (their) property. The father got off scot-free, despite having committed incest and rape of a child (teen). In the SBS documentary, Denyer said, “There no justice in it …”  thinking that life is much better now.

No, Mr Denyer. The situation in the courts TODAY, in 2022, is way worse. It is unimaginably worse.

How can I say that you may ask?

I and others can provide so many examples of how the police, the child trafficking departments, and the courts act against children in the most despicable way. I’ll give you one example: A court in South Australia was witness to the police interview of a young girl (age around 7) describing in an hour-long police interview how she endured torture and rape by her South Australian father. Fortunately, an expert with decades of experience in such cases supported this young girl’s testimony as valid. Yet it fell on — supposedly — deaf ears in the court. What was the outcome? They did not believe the child nor this good expert (as they don’t). So the girl was removed — by the state — from her protective mother a few years ago.

What makes this case (and SO MANY OTHERS) contemptible and abhorrent is that the child “protection” department and its social workers, the report writers, and the court must have known the child had been horribly harmed and abused. There is no other conclusion. The original police officer carefully concealed the video of that child’s one-hour interview.

This concealment was supported by all those authorities, including ones that get paid to allegedly review investigations and corruption. EVERY SINGLE PERSON in authority turned a blind eye. It was clockwork.

And by the way, I believe, as a film director for 4 decades, that I’m an expert at identifying a “performance” as opposed to reality. No child could have invented the innocent descriptions of what had been done to her — as it was obvious she did not really comprehend what had really happened. But she clearly understood that she had been violated and that it was wrong.

I believe they all know this child was abused. I am sure that all those in the court, including the corrupt on-the-department-payroll magistrate, understood that this girl had been violated, tortured, hurt, and subjected to versions of rape. BUT THEY ALL WENT AGAINST HER — because that’s what they do. You can’t have dirty laundry aired in family court or children’s court! You must say “It did not happen.” And if you stand up for your child you will be deemed to have some mental condition. Never mind the studies and data that indicate Australia is the leading nation in the world for child abuse (Collin-Vézina, De La Sablonnière-Griffin, Palmer & Milne, 2015 p.123). One significant study noted Australia as having the highest reported rate for child sexual abuse of girls internationally at  21.5%  (Stoltengorgh, van Ijzendoorn, Euser, & Bakersman- Kranenburg, 2011).

The star chamber that is called the Youth Court invented the most outrageous and impossible allegation against the mother, in order to claim ownership of the child. And they know that breaking the mother-child bond is easy with one little lie. They pretend the mother must have somehow unknowingly sent those abuse thoughts into her daughter’s mind — “false memories,” you know.

The authorities agree that Mum did not coach — but not sure how you explain a physical injury or bloody underwear? (Think Salem witch trials.) So they conjure up mental conditions to suit the occasion — like ordering from a menu.

They couldn’t care less that their “decision” isolated this girl from the person she most loves. The Youth Court chose to put her into “care” (or the custody of the father) — regardless of the perfectly legal fact that the Family Court had awarded Mum sole custody. After four years of youth court, they then banned the child from the mother’s life… until she is 18. This, for a PROTECTIVE mother, is a sentence worse than jail. For the child — deprivation of her liberty. And when she gets to 18, she won’t be anything like what she would have been but for this cruelty.

Lives are ruined. It is more than despicable…

This is one of the THOUSANDS of cases, I can assure you. It is worse now than it was a hundred and fifty years ago, in 1877. Mary Langley only got 5 years for her enraged arson.

And at least journalists wrote about it, back then.   In the 1877 article, the author had opined: “the law should be amended as soon as it can be done, in order that criminals like him [Charles, the father] may not escape without rigorous punishment, so that such revolting practices maybe rooted out from amongst us.”

May not escape without rigorous punishment.”  Unfortunately, the opposite has happened. Today, you can’t get these stories told in any mainstream paper. I’ve tried. So please add the media to the list of co-conspirators. I had gone to The Age with compelling stories and the journo seemed to want to help, but he was soon told to shelve it.

Granted, the laws have been amended — but these laws claim to protect the privacy of the child. What an outrageous joke. All the cases are secret in order to protect the corruption; to keep the business of child removals secret, and to protect the child-sexual-abuse offenders. Oh, so let’s add legislators to the list of the guilty.

Don’t ever tell me that justice exists in this country. The Dr Pridgeon, O’Dea, Greer case cements corruption into the very pillars of every court in Australia. If the case against Pridgeon and fellow activists is not abandoned — it 100% confirms we are ruled by a pedo-cult. It also shows, apparently, that federal and state parliaments across Australia have been captured by the lust for harming children and some sort of sadistic urge to harm the kid’s protector.

How can this be?  I don’t know how it “can be.”  I’m telling you that “it is.” Pour this into your brain and stop thinking the government represents the helping side of society.

Think about the concealing of the 28 prominent names in sexual abuse crimes, famously stated by Senator Bill Heffernan. These names will leak out and be acknowledged in decades to come, and some stupid politician will apologize for the dark days.

No, no, no — the dark days are now. I can provide countless people surviving in this hell today — in the grotesque spiritual war between good v demonic evil forces.

I used to see it in different and more moderate terms — but after over four years of witnessing what is unfolding, and after listening to more horrific accounts just this fortnight, during Christmas 2022, I see it clearly, oh so clearly. As do some others.

It’s so simple: a disparaging remark or nifty lie from a social worker can send the remaining years of a boy or girl’s childhood to a daily hell. There is an army of psychiatrists, psychologists, and report writers that can twist a report with an unfavourable mental health assessment of the good parent. You wouldn’t believe the audacity! One psychiatrist, Dr A Y, made the most damning mental health assessment on a mum of three through a suggestive (“likely”) complex and confusing diagnosis. He diagnosed a complex multi-personality disorder etc., having met her only once, in a ZOOM CALL. Is this even legal? There is nothing wrong with her. Don’t let that doctor off the hook! Don’t say he missed the mark. He hit the mark exactly according to plan.

His “suggestion” about the mum allowed the child trafficking department to remove her children and force them back with the abuser.  Picture yourself as the child in this situation, with police coming to your home to grab you. Oh, and speaking of police, what right do they have to yank a kid (sometimes even an infant) from its mother? If the cop saw the mum shoot the child, sure, arrest her and rescue the child. But if the cop sees no harm and sees unmistakably that the kid wants mum, who is that cop (whether male of female) to carry out bad orders?  Think about it, Cops. Does your next promotion depend on your performing inhuman deeds?

I hear this story over and over and over again. For FFFsake.

This country is lost. It’s gone.

Many nights I ponder how one would reorient the brains of those thousands of people in the “removal business” to imbue their neurons with some logic, some empathy, and some understanding of the human condition. There must be many social workers and professionals trying to do the right thing — there must be — but the entire industry is tainted by what is happening.

It pains me to write this piece — as these people are sick. The magistrates and judges who “wash” children through the system, like laundry, need to be removed. They are mentally ill. They are fixated and unattached to reality. I have read some judgments, and despite the twisted and convoluted arguments — they write in seemingly convincing English but they lack rational thought. They deny reality. They act against children. They violate the Rights of Children with a stroke of a pen. They punish protective parents with no basis in fact. They act on lies from social workers and reports that have been written from templates. They blatantly, flagrantly, ignore the evidence.

Have I said enough? No words can describe the trauma and pain these people cause.

The situation is so dire, as these people are corroding the very basis of life. And maybe they are succeeding — as it seems that the long-term global plan is to destroy the mother-child bond at all costs.

They spend hundreds of thousands to remove a baby from a young enthusiastic mum (where they can). They could have spent $25,000 in supporting a vulnerable single mum for a year or more to get on her feet and stable. But no, this baby is shopped through the foster system for 18 years — costing the tax-payer millions over that period. Allowing the system to profit.

And if foster parents show love, that child has every chance of being removed even from the foster home!!!  One foster mum told me, after they ripped three kids from her care, that the social worker said to her, “They were becoming attached; you mustn’t show them love — just give them what they need”.

I’ll repeat that in case you missed it.  The Protection Agents said “You mustn’t show them love.”

The kids desperately wanted to return — so, to control the children, they first drugged them, and when that didn’t work, they separated the three, who are siblings. No one has any idea where they landed up. It’s all secret, you see. Supervised by an executive (head of the guardianship office, whose pay is higher than that of the prime minister).

This is about destroying the foundation of love.

On the surface, this looks like schadenfreude: pleasure derived from the misfortunes of others; and malicious enjoyment derived from observing someone else’s misfortune.

Below the surface, this is also a business — a booming business designed to profit off a resource: children.

But it goes deeper. This is simply just the destruction of humanity — the erosion of love, and the erosion of the sacred mother-child bond. I say the agenda is going to plan. In the child trafficking business, it is not about helping — it’s about taking; it’s about WASHING KIDS through the system as a resource. A resource for whom or what entity we will find out?

Consider that it might be an extension of the sacrificial rituals of children (to the Gods?) in ancient times. It’s like a powerful (low) frequency is at work influencing and facilitating all to act in UNISON; to not only conceal the torture and abuse of children but to send them on a calamitous life path and consign the protective parent to purgatory.

To conclude: the stories I have heard — especially over this last Christmas — would drive a stake through your heart.

My faith in humanity is no longer.



  1. Bravissimo, Dee, your article will be used around the world. You have hit the nail on the freakin’ head.

    Dee, the variegated rap sheet you produced is missing a component, the Oz GG and the six state governors. As follows:

    One male, Chris Dawson of WA, and five females: Jeanette Young of Qld, Frances Adamson of SA, Barbara Baker of Tas, Linda Dessau of Vic, Margaret Beazley of NSW. Wadda bunch of nobodies, pardon my fwancais. The new GG is Sir Somebody or Other.

    Oh, and how could I forget, the monarch. (Did he have monarch training, ha): KCIII. Wait, Dee, there you have it. Clockwork from the top. Which is not to suggest the Chuck is actually the top. But he’ll do, during the storming of the castle.

    (Note from Minotaur: Could we puh-leeze use the Comment section today in a sort of on-topic manner? This article is historic. It’s author went mental writing it. Thank God. The subject matter demands going mental.)

      I felt bad about caling the governors “nobodies.” Now today, Jan 4, I saw a trending feature of Dee’s 2015 article about the TPP. Under it was a comment by me from 8 years ago:

      We need to stop giving sovereignty away. Who do we think we are giving it away to?
      Here is someone you could talk to: Frances Adamson, Oz’s ambassador to China. She gave a talk in Adelaide yesterday. My bullshit detector did not tweak even once. How wonderful that we have some persons in gubmnt who can think.

      Your Excellency, the land of your birth needs you. Please do the right thing.

  2. “I have read some judgments, and despite the twisted and convoluted arguments — they write in seemingly convincing English but they lack rational thought. They deny reality.” – That comment reminds me of my reading of the first judgement of CJ Rose Byrd of the California Supreme Court.

    Up until her political appointment, the California and New York Supreme Courts were considered the most rational and reasoned decisions in America. I read her judgement and although it was well written, it was bullshit, as you put it a denial of reality. Soon after the California Supreme Court decisions became known as ‘Byrd Droppings’.

    The Rule of Law is the skeleton of the culture, it is what every other organ hangs off of and uses to become part of a healthy working body. If that skeleton becomes corrupted, the body does not function in a healthy way.

    By the time I left the Bar, I considered the term ‘ Your Honor’ to be a sick joke. There were times when I felt the least honorable person in the courtroom was the POS sitting in judgement.

  3. The sentences “Is this even legal? ” and ” (the) global plan is to destroy the mother-child bond at all costs”, are interesting to me. As far as I seem to hear, “legal” implies maritime (contract) law while “lawful” implies the old Common Law.
    Globalist forces are pushing everything towards contract law, I presume in part to defund and annul Common Law. When contract law is fully implemented you will simply become a commodity. Does that feel familiar ?
    Western society post ww2 was restructured to the “nucular family”, a celebration of technological and military supremacy, becoming as gods, combined with eradicating population growth. Women’s duty no longer to produce soldiers and nurses, now they could go to university and learn about feminism (self- commodification). Kids to be adopted by the state at an earlier and earlier age, currently in childcare for any number of hours per week, despite the arrival of “the age of leisure”, the mum is stuck in traffic, only has time to pour kids some cornflakes in the morning.
    Here is the accepted middle strata of society. Kids are now separated from parents by societal norm, they are becoming commodified from birth, family bonds are weakening, old people thrown into the death-home, family residence is no more ( now a commodity ), layers of government administration are increasing, kids themselves losing compassion and empathy (and hope), and these are also your offenders, who appear at all levels throughout society. Humanity won’t ever reach utopia but socially we seem no closer now than at any other time. The Brave New World is being steered from the top, powered by exploiting all the weaknesses of individuals.
    Recently the state even declared hostilities on the Amish, with plans to steal their land. All these plans are global and willingly implemented by our crooked politicians.
    There would barely be 10% who were not corrupt in one way or another; remember we commoners are always told, “Ignorance is not an excuse”.

  4. These days, anyone will find themselves unemployable if they try to present truth that runs contrary to the establishment. The brainwashed believe lies and work against their own, supporting those destroying our youth. Most people have no idea we are under attack from all directions all the time.

  5. When a person witnessed or experiences such evil, they should take the advice of that female (a ‘mother’ by any chance?) HIGH ranking Qld police officer and contact crime stoppers for our good and honest police services to investigate the material which MAY include all those being part of a CONSPIRACY TO COMMIT (SERIAL) CRIMES AGAINST CHILDREN AND DEFEAT THE COURSE OF JUSTICE .
    Seems that the systematic evil perpetrated against children is a real conspiracy theory and the police have a duty to investigate that is clearly more important than in someone being ‘dobbed in’ who chooses not to be injected with unknown substances with poor or unknown consequences.
    Oh well, however it appears to be a matter of governments to give priority to and select, considering their agendas and with its own priorities.
    Pity the Wood Royal Commission adjourned for morning tea and never continued to filter the bureaucratic, police, legal and judicial swamp… we must have confidence in the system, otherwise the public might become aware of the stench and demand that it be bathed in bleach and flushed out the Bondi sewerage outlet into the sea.

    Well done Dee, no doubt you would not wish to consort with or be associated with all the ‘Wankly’ journo ‘winners’ club. Even if you were nominated.

  6. It might sound far fetched but the theory of evolution has been pivotal in instilling the idea that we’re more enlightened and humane than our forbears. What could anyone possibly expect from a culture that pooh hoos demon-possession in favour of “poor socialisation” ?
    It’s all about promoting the idea that there’s no such thing as sin

  7. It is unbelievably disgusting but the same and worse happens to good protective fathers, who are given no contact orders and their children are placed in the full care of their abusers where children are even denied medical attention and treatment for their very serious injuries. Those children have been let down by police, so called child protection and family courts.

  8. Finality of Babylon’s Fall

    Revelation 18 –

    21 Then a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone and threw it into the sea, saying, “Thus with violence the great city Babylon shall be thrown down, and shall not be found anymore. 22 

    Movie – Deep Impact – Sunday 8:30 PM on Ch.9

    Deep Impact

    The U.S. devises a plan to blow up a comet hurtling towards Earth.

    Deep Impact (9/10) Movie CLIP – The Ultimate Sacrifice (1998) HD

    New York the home of the United Nations = 666 in English gematria

    Revelation 18
    New King James Version
    The Fall of Babylon the Great

    18 After these things I saw another angel coming down from heaven, having great authority, and the earth was illuminated with his glory. 2 And he cried [a]mightily with a loud voice, saying, “Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and has become a dwelling place of demons, a prison for every foul spirit, and a cage for every unclean and hated bird! 3 For all the nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth have become rich through the [b]abundance of her luxury.”

    4 And I heard another voice from heaven saying, “Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues. 5 For her sins [c]have reached to heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities. 6 Render to her just as she rendered [d]to you, and repay her double according to her works; in the cup which she has mixed, mix double for her. 7 In the measure that she glorified herself and lived [e]luxuriously, in the same measure give her torment and sorrow; for she says in her heart, ‘I sit as queen, and am no widow, and will not see sorrow.’ 8 Therefore her plagues will come in one day—death and mourning and famine. And she will be utterly burned with fire, for strong is the Lord God who [f]judges her.

  9. Ahh Rage a God given gift. Thank you Dee. So to stay on topic I post a video from Karen Brewer. I believe this is SO on topic I would suggest Gumshoe joins forces with Karen Brewer and a few others who have done their homework (as Fiona Barnett would say).

    Karen Brewer attacks Otago Daily Times journalist

    Moving from microcosm to Macrocosm

  10. “Dee, your article will be used around the world.”
    Your Gumshoenews will go down in History and all of the articles sorted into the categories hold the BIG PICTURE. Brilliant work I am so grateful to have met you all we now enter the Spiritual Battle as the unseen becomes seen mitigating Chaos. Jason Shurka Speaks of Obligations Spreading Awareness Knowledge and Speaking Our Truth regardless of how bizarre it seems even to ourselves.2022 Disclosures and now 2023 What to do Next.
    From a different Perspective
    ENERGY UPDATE 2023: It’s about to get REAL!!!! – YouTube

    And Thank you Mary for keeping the Show on the Road. Riding Shotgun so to speak.



    • It depends what you mean by “good”.
      Generally speaking most people don’t like discomfort but as the need to wake up has become critical……

  12. horse walks into a bar, barman equines to the origin of the long face

    its a hoot a nani man, just how we look day to day, t-minus 5 hours here, pretty sure i be long gone by then, though be seeing you tomorrow, take comfort in my lack of doubt

    Happy New Year and best wish’s gumbies

    • Maybe it is worth watching, but after 35 minutes I note that there is not a mention of ‘ALL WARS ARE BANKER’s WARS’ and discussing who really controls China, the US et.al.
      Cannot tolerate more propaganda globalist BS.
      I suspect that cc is very cunning💁🏼
      Happy new year.

  13. May the Truth give us confidence knowing there are others like us who see what’s going on, and give all faith to carry on in grace for the coming Our Lord Jesus Christ.

    Save the Children, best for New Year !

  14. I just found this looking at the map
    Whitelion Youth Empowering Centre on Baal St in the middle of the bush, down the road from a bunch of gun clubs, says in the comments it merged with Dungeon Youth Centre, it looks like they get mixed race teenagers from poor suburbs and the cops are part of the catchment.
    Baal St. ??? Am I just a bit naiive or what

  15. Every morning I relive a nightmare that happened 50 years ago – I lost my whole family ( “ it’s ok “ recalls my mother – “ these things happen , you’ve got your future to look forward to “ )

    There is never a day and I have worked for the last 37 years that you put ‘ your face on and never have a normal conversation as such.
    ( if my family cannot accept me – who can ? )

    My whole family deserted me and said it was an affair- I was 5 when it started and 17 when it finished- he controlled my whole life in that time and basically my future too.
    I am happily married with our 3 grown up boys and they know something isn’t quite right with mum. I can assure you – I am ok but something is different

    Trust & privacy issues are my story – hence I write this with no apology or answer any questions- I do not need judgement and am fearful of it always …..

    I love these pages and all who contribute to Gumshoe News – Truthseekers are always good guys and hard to find – I know you know my story.

  16. It is corruption on steroids.The Pridgeon ODea Greer case Operation Noetic shows the level of corruption in Australia.And it is BIG.I would go so far to say that in that case the Qld courts have been exposed to be totally corrupt and if anyone wants to know why I would say that it is because the evidence backs up that statement.

    • Graeme Bell you are correct, the evidence backs up your statement. That is the problem in all the courts, not only in Qld. The judges, police and so called child protection departments completely ignore even irrefutable evidence of injuries and child abuse, that is the huge problem. The seriously injured and abused children are then placed in the full care of their abusers. The ministers cover up for their departments. The cover ups go all the way down the line. The politicians don’t want to make waves, they act like the three wise monkeys, of course it would be a different story if it were their children.

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