by Phil Hingston
There is a theory that Presidents Trump, Putin and Xi are possibly planning to resolve the horrendous situation the world finds itself in at the moment. Our present situation is thanks primarily to the scourge of Central Banking, which are ostensibly under the control of individual governments — but more likely, covertly being controlled by a Cabal of the wealthiest people on the planet. Think Rothschilds, Rockefeller, the Vatican and the European Royal families.Β
Professor Carrol Quigley gave us a clue back in the 1960’s in his lengthy tome, “Tragedy and Hope”, where he stated on page 324,
“The powers of financial capitalism had [a] far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalistic fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences.”
This theory is probably over-simplified and no doubt will attract huge amounts of criticism from royalists, members of certain religions, and eminently qualified economists and financial theoreticians — the same guys that gave us the GFC, but couldn’t see it coming.
Basket Case
Financially the world is a basket case. Nothing makes sense.
Property bubbles, stock market bubbles, crazy valuations in everything from property to stocks to bonds, rampant money printing, zero (AND NEGATIVE) interest rates, unheard of personal, government and corporate debt PLUS A COUPLE OF THOUSAND TRILLION DOLLARS OF DERIVATIVES on top of this. No one is going to “grow” their way out of this.
Countries’ economies are collapsing (think Venezuela, Greece), currencies are devaluing (think Turkey), and from what I’m hearing locally on the street, things are getting harder right here at home to make ends meet.
On top of all the above, it would appear we have a pedophile problem that few of us knew about, nor realised the scale and reach into our society. We’re not just talking about a pervy scout master, priest or teacher, but something which goes to the very top echelons of our government, media, law enforcement, judiciary, military, corporations, religions…Β frankly, pretty much everywhere.
21st Century Satanism?
And then there’s the Satanists. Yeah, I know. I thought that shit went out in the middle ages too — but evidently not. They just went “high tech”.Β They’re very well heeled and have friends in VERY high places. Pretty much above the law, if you can believe that.
It’s hard to get your head around it, but there are just too many accounts of survivors telling horrific tales of rape, murder and satanic ritual abuse being reported from around the world lately, to dismiss this issue as paranoid conspiracy theory.
Those days of burying one’s head are long since gone. Time to put on our “big boy pants”.

Fiona Barnett has bravely given we “normies” an insight into the horrors she has endured, and survived. She states that many did not survive. Disturbing and worrying? Absolutely. Surely this sort of behaviour is illegal. But only if it’s prosecuted. And even if prosecuted, punishment is only a deterrent if convicted. And public outrage will only occur if it’s reported. Think top level law enforcement, judiciary and media heads.
Cathy O’Brien and Brice Taylor told the same stories in the US some time back. Doctor Phil recently did a show where a survivor talked about “her owner” who had his own private jet. Sixty Minutes Australia did a piece called “Spies, Lords and Predators”.
Even the guys from Q Anon have been targeting the pedophiles and satanists — in particular, the billionaire Jeffrey Epstein and his “temple” on Little Saint James Island in the US Virgin Islands. Pretty weird, eh?

So, I think we can mostly agree that things are a fair bit out of whack right now.
How do we fix this 64 Quadrillion Dollar question?
1.Β Sound Money
We have to get back some form of sound currency, ones that can’t be printed up out of thin air by banksters and Central Banksters. Maybe we could go back to what worked in the past. Commodity backed currencies. The best commodity has proven to be gold and silver over thousands of years.
“But there’s not enough gold and silver.” Rubbish.
Revalue it up until there is enough to honestly back every currency unit in existence. And make sure corrupt political operatives of the aforementioned Cabal can’t get their hands on it or bring in sneaky laws to put the Banksters back in control. Australia has a currency swap deal with China since April, 2013 and evidently they have a fair bit of gold. Perhaps if they back their currency sometime soon — and they are prepared to swap their currency for ours — then our currency will be backed by their gold by default. WeΒ appreciate their confidence in us as a nation.
We’ve mentioned the coming age of Cryptocurrencies in a previous article. Suffice to say, they’ll play a big part in our monetary system in the near future.
The world is awash in government debt.
The US has a stated government debt load of $21 Trillion. They’re also “missing” about $20-30 Trillion from the Defense Department and Housing and Urban Development. (Catherine Austin Fitts and Professor Mark Skidmore). That’s just two government departments. How much MORE is missing or stolen by The Corruptocrats?
Auditing could be a serious “in-demand” profession in the coming years. Especially if bonuses and rewards are paid for recoveries. And what do you know, they’re already talking about it here Downunder.Β I’m thinking about a certain $440 million recently awarded to The Great Barrier Reef Foundation by Chairman Mal.Β What about the LockheedΒ Martin fighter jet purchases, French DCNF submarine contracts and their links to government and bureaucratic officials? We’ve written about that here.Β Just saying!
And then there’s the concept of “Onerous Debt”.
What could be more onerous than a society being ruled by a corrupt government (most of them) who are “in bed” with the bankers, charged to make laws which give the bankers the legal right to print the currency of the nation and then to lend it to the very same government, at interest.
This all paid for, of course, by the hapless citizens who elected the government.Β It’s sort of like the chickens (us) having a democratic vote on which fox will guard the hen house. (The chickens sort of deserve what they get.)
2.Β Trump’s Executive OrderΒ Blocking The Property (Freezing Assets) Of Crooks and Perverts.
So, does anyone remember President Trump’s Executive Order from just before Christmas last year? You know, the one about confiscating their corruptly stolen assets.
These scumbags have accumulated the wealth of the world through fraud and corruption legally!Β Trump seems to be planning to “re-appropriate” (confiscate) those assets back for the people of the world, legally. Nice.Β Yeah, Donald Trump is the consummate business man. He knows where and how to hit his competitors where it hurts the most.
In their pocket.Β And who has the deepest pockets?
That would be the same people who set up the whole financial system. The Central Banking System.
Rothschild and Rockefeller. With the able assistance of their colleagues, the Euro Royals and of course, those ever-so-piousΒ Vaticans. What do you think these groups might be worth? Hundreds of trillions? Maybe more.
The wealth of the world.
Media, Royals, Banksters, Vatican. An unsavoury cocktail of manipulation and deception.
Are we beginning to see some connections? Prince Andrew and his good friendship with Jeffrey Epstein (of Pedo Island fame). And Prince Charles and his fondness for the disgusting necrophiliac and pedophile, Sir Jimmy Savile (of BBC fame).

3.Β Pedophile Issue
Thirdly, there is the Pedophile/Satanist issue. It’s hard to get your head around this one. Why would they want to do this crap? I dunno. Possibly ’cause they’re satanists. It’s what they do.Β But it’s gotta stop or be stopped. Once and for all.
The current wave of publicity, from just about all platforms (except Mainstream Media) is slowly having an impact on our understanding of the pervasiveness of this horrible phenomenon, worldwide. Q Anon have just begun their information drops on the pedophile issue in earnest.
And the US (under Trump) is actively engaged in the pedo-hunt. On 12 June 2018, the Department of Justice released information about Operation ‘Broken heart’ — arresting more than 2,300 Suspected Online Child Sex Offenders. To quote the media release:
“The Department of Justice today announced the arrest of more than 2,300 suspected online child sex offenders during a three-month, nationwide, operation conducted by Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) task forces. The task forces identified 195 offenders who either produced child pornography or committed child sexual abuse, and 383 children who suffered recent, ongoing, or historical sexual abuse or production of child pornography.
“The operation targeted suspects who: (1) produce, distribute, receive and possess child pornography; (2) engage in online enticement of children for sexual purposes; (3) engage in the sex trafficking of children; and (4) travel across state lines or to foreign countries and sexually abuse children.”
Fox alsoΒ reported this: “Stunning findings on report of Catholic Church abuse: Pa. priests molested more than 1,000 children.” House of GOD? That’s only the beginning. Expect MANY MANY similar reports to surface from around the world.Β It goes a lot DEEPER, and theΒ choice to know will be yours.
Pest Problem
The first step in eradicating a pest problem is to understand that you have a pest problem. This is probably why our media have worked so tirelessly to hide any information of the pedophile issue from the public. It wasn’t for our protection. It was for THEIR protection. Now it is coming to light for many people.
What are we going to do with them, given that there does seem to be quite a lot of them.Β They seem to like islands. Perhaps we could find an empty island — surrounded by shark infested waters –and put them there. One for men, one for women. Drop some food once a month by helicopter and let them go at it — but sure they can’t reproduce. Whatever.
I’m being frivolous but you see my point. What the hell does a “civilised society” do with monstrous people like these?
Obviously incarceration is a necessity. Forget about rehabilitation. We all know and understand this fact. Tracking devices, permanent identification, chemical sterilization, a return to capital punishment?Β The solution to this problem is beyond my pay grade, but as a society, we will need to find an effective resolution — and probably sooner rather than later.
Anyway, we can only hope Trump, Putin and Xi have their act together. We’re all depending on it.
Still got our Big Boy Pants on?
Let me throw another problem on the pile. ‘Climate change’, no, not the ‘global warming’ BS, but real climate change as in the form of a grand solar minimum. Anybody who’s been awake to the global warming scam has likely become aware of what is really going on. For those that are still clueless, here’s a short 6 minute video to explain where we’re going.
Combine the solar minimum with an economic collapse and you’ve got a real recipe for culling a population. Hopefully, the masses will remember the old adage “Eat the rich”.
Adapt 2030 you tube and podcasts,ice age farmer and Suspicious Observers all provide great info on the Eddy Grand Solar Minimum that is continuing to intensify.The geoengineering being undertaken is I feel to mitigate the influx of galactic cosmic rays associated with the GSM.AGW is being used as a smokescreen for the climate changes.
Sandra, I don’t know all the various connections to what is really going on, but with the GSM and significant crop losses there is going to be far less food available. What food is available will be at a premium price. Throw in an economic collapse where the ‘money’ looses its’ value and people will be struggling to survive.
When people are wondering where their next meal comes from (for them and their families) the objective of going after the pedophiles is going to be far down the list of concerns for the day.
Sandra, I’d never tuned into Iceage Farmer, but I saw this today – https://www.sott.net/article/393742-Ice-Age-Farmer-Report-Internet-going-dark-as-climate-goes-cold-War-on-reality-is-on
So this kind of information needs to be ‘banned’. Wow, just wow. People can put up ‘Flat Earth’ videos and the like, but to put up information about solar cycles is what? ‘hate speech’?
There was frost on the ground this morning, then this bright disc came over the horizon and warmed things up – I wonder if it has anything to do with global warming…
Terry,John L Casey(Dark Winter and Upheaval books) and several you tube videos is a leading exponent of the Solar cycles and the GSM.
As far as the current debate re establishing a reliable energy sector I find it so frustrating to see the policies being based on the fraudulent global warming narrative and the attainment of emission targets.Renewables(especially Solar)just won’t cut it.More coal fired power stations need to be built NOT closed down.
China is preparing for the intensifying GSM but our government is more focused on pandering to the global warming religious zealots and the next federal election.
I figured out the Global Warming scam in 2001 when I made a couple of trips to the Australian Greenhouse Office in Canberra. I didn’t know what it was all about at that time, I just kept my eyes and ears open for more information. I found out about the GSM from reading Russian scientific papers.
I couldn’t talk to anyone without being called names like ‘Global Warming Denier’ – LOL! Talk about a bunch of people that are in for a surprise!
Anyway, I just went my own way and now have a nice property in a little country town. A neighbor brought over 3 large turnips and 4 large pimply squash today, one of which I cooked up in my wood stove tonight. Tomorrow I will pick and juice some more Tangerines and Oranges and freeze some for later.
I still don’t know what the plan is, but when videos of solar cycles start getting banned, it just adds one more level of distrust to what is going on. If this whole scam has been to mislead people into a population die-off and centralized control, it has been a huge success. – And the PTB can always claim innocence – it is just the weather, we had nothing to do with all this misery and chaos.
Protect yourself and good luck.
Excellent yelp. Phil.
We need to buy you a red hunting jacket.
By coincidence, I’m wearing one right now.
Great article. Paedos are not all that Trump’s Department of Winning is hunting (wabbits AND ducks?) Q Anon reveals the massive silent civil war behind the scenes in the intel agencies between black hat and white hat operatives. The “cabal” are like a cornered animal and they’re not giving up without a fight. After all, this is for ALL the marbles.
If paedos are outed at the top levels of government, media, Hollywood, business etc as we expect, the entire social fabric is at risk. This is clearly a factor that has held Trump back thus far. However, the gloves are coming off.
Judging by the present level of propaganda and disinfo against the dissident right, usually reserved for pre-war times, the cabal clearly has something massive up their sleeve – even bigger than the usual school shooting by a MK Ultra wind-up-toy. The censorship against the right including Infowars is clearly unlawful and only the start but they don’t care about first amendment lawsuits because the entire political landscape will have changed soon. Expect a massive, 9/11 level false-flag prior to the US mid-terms to press the re-set button on the political landscape.
Hope you’re wrong Richard, but I’m thinking you’re probably right. What about multiple FFs around the world simultaneously. No doubt blamed on terrorists, Russians or North Korea. Maybe even Assad.
Something like this??
The BBC doing their only trick. Ridicule. Thanks for the free publicity. Streisand effect.
For those that are awake, it is more than the ‘Streisand affect’. The BBC and CNN are bold face liars. An old saying – “If a man will lie to you once, he’ll lie to you twice”. That is the BBC and CNN, just liars. They are the mouth pieces of the establishment, what ever they say, it is almost a given that it is the opposite.
I don’t watch the MSM, but when I hear them pushing an agenda, it is almost confirmation that what they are trying to demean is actually the truth. It is a good ‘heads-up’ – thanks MSM!
The problem with paedophilia is that people cannot see the wood for the trees, and they get confused by words.
Let me demonstrate:
Imagine a special environment into which children are are poured, deprived forever of natural parenting and love and affection; and deprived of natural relationships with the opposite sex as they slowly grow and mature.
Firstly, they are vulnerable targets for paedophiles. Thus injured to the core, they grow up, still yearning for the little girls (or boys) of their infantile dreams, potential relationships frozen in time; Product paedophile; generation two. Then three, etc. increasing exponentially.
This is what happens in orphanages and boarding schools.
Hey, focus on the latter: Many of our lawyers, judges, magistrates, doctors, social workers, psychiatrists, and politicians are the product of boarding schools. Prestigious boarding schools (oh, that’s all right then).
Ask yourself, why would parents place their babies into paedophile factories? Why would society tolerate such a situation. The statistics are there to prove the case but because boarding schools are media-portrayed to equate with wealth and privilege, we are blind to the outcome.
Over the past four decades, the number of boarding schools has increased markedly. So too, apparently, has paedophilia. Government supports this by pouring 70% of the education budget into private schools; increasingly, boarding schools.
As most of us have finally figured out, paedophilia cannot be cured. 80% of the surveyed public believes paedophiles should be executed so that they cannot possibly reoffend. But all politicians oppose the death penalty.
What does that tell you?
Obviously, as politicians are universally without conscience, the only motivation remaining is that they are afraid of the death penalty.
Go figure.
Tony , that’s news to me that boarding schools are on the increase. Can you cite a reference?
A discussion on exactly this topic. Note the revulsion in the tone of comment. Stuck for words.
Starts at 35mins.
We are presently in a spiritual war against a satanic agenda (and global cabal) — which is demonstrated by rife pedophilia in high places.
Absolutely. Ephesians 6.10 is as relevant as ever.
11 Put on the whole armour of God [I’ll add an ‘o’ — GOOD], that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
A spiritual war!
I’m fainting. Ol’ Punishment Parade on Sunday morning atheism duty is quoting the Bible.
I’m fainting…..
Look at the back of new phones. A bitten apple, just like in the garden.
They mock The Creator, all of us and all creation.
They gloat on their perversion privledge and protection.
Rule 303 works every time and only costs tuppence.
Philsie, I unaware of any evidence that Trump, China and Russia are planning to overthrow the jerkheads.
With China’s generous supply of people — more than a billion adults — I would assume that if any man showed signs of being a REALLY GOOD MAN — he would be swatted like a mosquito quick smart.
I’m not saying you’re over-optimistic — what would I know? — but if you have something that proves that the Three Trumpsketeers are on the march, pray tell.
Hey Mary, it was just a theory….
Note how Obama was treated in China (had to get out of AF1 by the service doors). No red carpet nor fanfare. Total humiliation.
Contrast Trump red carpet reception and state dinner held in The Forbidden City. Unheard of show of respect.
Look at how Trump meeting with Vlad Putin in Helsinki was received by the MSM. Traitor, Treason, etc. Batshit crazy response by world wide Western media. Gotta ask yourself, WHY.
Why a private meeting with just interpreters?? Stuff to talk about in PRIVATE? Duh!..
Three smart leaders of nuclear superpowers. All had a gutfull of the Cabal.
Just sayin’…
Incidentally, Put-put speaks English so why the need for a “translator”?
German – yes – but English barely – and not well enough for serious dialogue …
Unless you call this ‘speaking’ English – enjoy π
Thank you, Fish, I stand corrected.
You would think as head of KGB he would have gone to CIA fast-language-learning school.
Professor Quigley on world control of finances can hardly be regarded as conspiracy, when Nathan Rothschild gained control of the financial market in London as a result of the Waterloo war gained a considerable amount of money importantly gained a foothold in British Parliament, ever since the Rothschild family of finance realized the greatest money to be made is war, it is insignificant as to who wins the war as long as the office of the Rothchilds can operate, the media essential to this financial empire is essential to control propaganda, the money for representation of governing the democracy has to be in the payment of the financiers, the myth of people voting is governed by finance, the essential ingredient is to have no morality that hinders money making but most essential the minds of enough people to maintain and control the system, paedophilia is all part of this control, the public school system is a fertile institutution for this process as those coming out of this system are in the main those who will become the front of representation of how it is, the importance of paedophilia is to ensure the front men do the work of those who require a small percentage of the population to control most people such as Trump supporters to masquerade as representatives of the forgotten to remain as the forgotten.
Slightly off topic . What is the agenda with all the fires up and down the east coast , from Eden to Cairns . August , traditionally a month for strong off-shore (westerly) winds, and our Masonic leaders are burning all the forests east of the great divide.
We all know that with these winds , with fires raging towards the ocean, immense wildlife and rural human fatalities can and will occur . Is this part of the plan to herd humanity into mega urban debt slave ghettos ? This is extermination of species itβs genocide .
The puppet masters, the puppets and all associates lackeys are not our friends . They steal all our toils and send young girls and boys to murder in their wars of occupation and immense sufferings.
Think about it , since Gallipoli, when has Oz not been at war with other nations ?
On May 21, 2018 Dee wrote an article about Peter Dutton. i quote:
“In the Abbott Government, he became the Minister for Health and the Minister for Sport from 18 September 2013, and then Minister for Immigration and Border Protection from 21 December 2014. On 18 July 2017, he was also named Minister for Home Affairs β a newly created portfolio giving him oversight of ASIO, the AFP and Border Force.”
Remember when Keating said he had only one bullet in the locker?
Is there a spill happening?