Nuclear tests in the 1950s — with soldiers marching into the test zone
by Dee McLachlan
I have always found it astonishing that leaders would build up such an arsenal of weapons — so large — that it could obliterate humanity from the planet.
Two countries — the US and Russia — currently have a total of 900 missiles and 2581 strategic nuclear warheads (that we know of) on launch-ready status. The total explosive power of these weapons is about 1185 Mt (megatons, or 1.185 billion tons of TNT equivalent explosive power). That is a ton of TNT for every family on the planet.
Are our leaders mental?
Can you imagine having a feud with your neighbour and each keeping a ton of TNT in your garden to dissuade the other from breaching the fence.
One has to wonder whether earth is the galactic lunatic asylum, and humans the patients.
10,000 Old Films a Reminder
For the past five years, weapon physicist Greg Spriggs and a team of film restorers at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) have been rescuing the declassified and decomposing films that recorded nuclear tests.
The films, which had been housed in top-secret bunkers, recorded the US conducted 210 atmospheric nuclear tests between 1945 and 1962. Each event was shot with multiple cameras — capturing each event at around 2,400 frames per second.
Many of these events were also tested effects on people (soldiers). It gives the word “cannon fodder” another meaning that our soldiers were instructed to march into the test zone right after the explosion.
The UK conducted 12 nuclear weapons tests here in Australia between 1952 and 1957 — at at the Montebello Islands, Emu Field and Maralinga (video here).
Rounding up local Aboriginal people after the explosions at Emu Field
These old films (see below) display the power of weapons 70 years ago. Surely weapons have advanced so dramatically, that nuclear weapons are most likely obsolete in the power game?
If this is the case, then is building a nuclear arsenal purely a commercial exercise, or profiteering sham?
When researching this article, I came across Stephen Hawking’s quote on nuclear weapons:
“Although September 11 was horrible, it didn’t threaten the survival of the human race, like nuclear weapons do.” [Surely Stephen has worked out the physics of the magically collapsing World Trade Center buildings.]
We know that 9-11 was a false flag — and many have warned that the next major false flag will be a nuclear one. It’s a toss-up whether a rogue state would initiate a nuclear attack or whether a it would be a false flag initiated by a shadow government in the Western World.
Modern Weapons
Back in 1983, on (America’s) ABC News Viewpoint, Carl Sagan answered a question on the nuclear arms race, saying:
“Imagine a room awash with gasoline, and there are two implacable enemies in that room. One of them has 9,000 matches, the other has 7,000 matches. Each of them is concerned about whose ahead, whose stronger. Well that’s the kind of situation we’re actually in…”
For the past five years, weapon physicist Greg Spriggs and a team of film restorers at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) have been rescuing the declassified and decomposing films that recorded nuclear tests.
The films, located from the various top-secret bunkers, recorded the U.S. conducted 210 atmospheric nuclear tests between 1945 and 1962. Each event was shot with multiple cameras — capturing each event at around 2,400 frames per second.
Many of these events were also tested effects on people (soldiers). It gives the word “cannon fodder” another meaning when these soldiers were instructed to march into the test zone right after the explosion.
Dee, the lives of the minority have never been much of an issue with the folks persuing the World Hegemony agenda.
Came across an EXCELLENT article today, that spells it out very clearly, check it out here ;
In 1946, the United States ordered the 167 inhabitants of Bikini Atoll (a coral reef in the Marshall Islands of Micronesia) to evacuate their ancestral home for the purpose of nuclear weapons testing.
An extremely powerful video taken by the american military as the test was being conducted.
Since 1913 , “modern” warfare has been continuous . The
military industrial complex is directly opposed to the teachings of Our Lord Jesus Christ .
The technology and power , of the evilutionists , is completely destructive to all living beings on this planet .
While Jesus is ignored , entropy and chaos will continue .
Dee , thank you for telling it like it is .
The 1% elite will have bunkers to reside in whilst the toxic nuclear environment on the surface of the earth clears itself, cold storage of the elite can prolong their life before coming to a new planet now cleansed of most of the 8 billion inhabitants and the ones who survive can be the slaves to the elite whilst creating the infrastructure and when they have been worked to death for the 1% can then pass onto the next world as a result of contamination and slavery, and the !% can live happily ever after knowing they were here to finish Gods work.
Yes the elite do have their bunkers. I listened to a bloke, on Red Ice Radio I think it was, who made squillions by building bunkers for the rich but not rich enough to get tickets to the underground. From memory, this was on Red Ice Radio about a year or so ago.
Forget shadow governments
Western proper governments are the rogue states!
I am reminded of Bruce Cathie, a New Zealander, who believed that nuclear bombs can only be detonated when certain space time coordinates came together.
Long story shortened enough so as not to loose integrity of the story.
Bruce Cathie was an airline pilot. When taking off one day he noticed an aerial in an out of the way place in the airport grounds. Upon personal inspection when at that airport another time, he noticed it was surrounded by a chain link fence which had no gates in it. (stir memories of Denver Airport?). People at the airport who should have known about it, knew anything about it.
He began to notice other aerials over time. Then he began to plot their location on a map. One aerial was missing from a pert of the grid so he visited the location concerned and it turned out to be an intersection with a hotel on one corner which had been vacated. It also had a demolition sign on it. Some time later he revisited the site again and there was brand new several story building with an aerial just like the others on the top of the building.
After reports of UFOs in the area, he began plot the UFO trajectories on his grid pattern. He worked out there were was a certain number (cant remember the number) of “portals” in the earth atmosphere through which these things came and went. (had a drawing of a ball with circles drawn on it with a group of ‘x’ circles intersecting at the same point (portals.)
His research led him to the nuclear tests at Mururoa Atoll, hence his theory about the necessity for space/time coordinates to exist before nuclear bombs could be detonated.
He began to estimate the timing of nuclear test detonations at Mururoa. By changing the basis of his calculations and after the 3rd attempt he had gone from being 10-12 minutes out to just 30 seconds out on the last detonation. He considered this to adequate evidence his theory was correct.
And I lived in a shoebox on the M10.
Very interesting!
Our “leaders” are indeed insane.
If our leaders are insane and most likely this is true, what does this say about our democracy? the people voted the governing powers in, are the people culpable and most likely also insane?it is not fair comment to say only the Establishment are the only ones seriously lacking in integrity.
We have no democracy. If you have trust in the “leaders” to see that votes are counted correctly…well…I don’t. Of course, there’s a problem with the people not following through with their part in a so-called democratic system, but I think it would be a mistake to judge them too harshly. We have been taught, trained, mind controlled, and physically abused in many different ways to try to ensure that we’re not smart enough, energetic enough, or courageous enough (for centuries I expect), to throw the bad ones out instead of allowing the good ones to be thrown out by the bad ones. But then again I don’t think democracy is the best possible way for people to get along with one another.
speculater247, I agree with all points you have outlined, their are two points that come to mind I would like to put to you, one, my Father who was from lower class culture, would have a brain condition of having a virtue of not knowing or anti knowledge? such as i.e. “To be seen and not heard”,now parents promote the little ones are now to be heard and adults should now
remain silent for the sake of self expression regardless of quality of content.
The other point is we now have the internet and vast amounts of information and as opposed to say seventy years ago we can no longer claim ignorance, is your response to this to say fake news or now a political manipulated system, this is not entirely a defense to say the IT has no value as now it requires somewhat to read between the lines.
Rather the second point is whereby the so called educated or otherwise are deliberately, knowingly dishonest? in other words corrupt? to excuse the many of not having knowledge not having energy and so on would take energy to deceive and to say they do not know such as the nuclear problem is not reasonable.
When and if Jesus did say “They not know what they do” is not acceptable, and Jesus is culpable of colluding with the corrupt, they know, and from my point of view should be cursed.
Well, first, I’m not willing to curse anyone and I don’t believe in such an idea. It’s much too permanent.
I’m not sure I understand your first point, but I can say that my father also espoused that ridiculous idea about children being seen and not heard. I understood there were two reasons for that. One was that he wanted my brother and I or one of us to be quiet, and the other was that it was a saying that he had heard before and when he repeated it, it made him feel superior.
I think some are knowingly dishonest. It would be very hard to believe that learned, intelligent people wouldn’t use their abilities to discover truth. At the same time, there are people who believe in authority and do not question, which doesn’t seem very intelligent to me, but there are many avenues for such people to “get ahead” in this society. So I assume they’re fooling themselves more than anyone else. And then there are the outright liars and cheats, but even they (at least many of them) believe they do what they do for a good reason. Of the first two cases, I couldn’t necessarily pick out which is which. I know people who consider themselves Christians, but support war, capital punishment, taxes, and the financial usury system, all of which were opposed by Jesus. I know people who trust the authorities they’ve put their faith in — teachers, doctors, etc., and some of them are otherwise intelligent. They just don’t recognize anything as fact that doesn’t fit within their belief system. I know other people who cling to what they know because they’re afraid of the discomfort and fear of finding out that almost everything they believed is a lie. It’s not my place to judge them nor do I want that responsibility.
When Jesus said, “they know not what they do,” I believe he was telling the truth. What they didn’t know was that what they do to others, they also do to themselves. This is what we all must learn. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you — because how you treat others is how you will be treated, etc., etc.
speculator247, What to me is as mysterious as the Universe, is the human brain, it is baffling to me so many are far more clever and intelligent than me, paradoxically many have belief systems such as the authorities having qualities such as being truthful? and yet cooperating with a establishment and serving those who having vast wealth often obtained by deviant means.
The brains capability of dividing and compartmentalizing reality, whereby having a specialist skill that is honorable and valued by society and yet the same brain having no qualms in having a destructive or vindictive ideology, one can think of many examples of those having this mind set.
When relating to truth I referring within the human condition, rather than the pursuit of truth, as for example the size of the Universe? in a moment of time.
Yes, it is interesting to ponder how people can hold opposing beliefs about different but related ideas. Cognitive dissonance.
Succinctly put, as Unspun News 170321, states one ton of TNT for every family on the planet, this is why we live in such dangerous times, nationalism of the brain? we live on one planet we know of non other in our Universe.
How to shoot yourself in the foot. Build a nuclear power plant. you wouldnt even need nuclear weapons if your enemy had a nuclear power plant, that would be target #1.
“Nuclear Investigator: Worry over underground explosions at Fukushima — New data shows molten fuel is “dropping lower each day”, melting deeper into ground below plant — Disaster far worse than public being told — “Why aren’t we reading about this everywhere?””
why do we shit in our own nest like we do..? we dont deserve to live.
[…] “Two countries — the US and Russia — currently have a total of 900 missiles and 2581 strategic nuclear warheads (that we know of) on launch-ready status. The total explosive power of these weapons is about 1185 Mt (megatons, or 1.185 billion tons of TNT equivalent explosive power). That is a ton of TNT for every family on the planet. Are our leaders mental?” No – just very, very alien…. […]