Home NWO Ice Age Farmer Reports on War on Global Food Supply and Engineered...

Ice Age Farmer Reports on War on Global Food Supply and Engineered Famine


Introduction by Dee McLachlan

In Victoria, Australia, we’ve noticed dramatic rises in prices in some food supplies, especially vegetables. The Ice Age Farmer’s 29 January 2021 report covers Biden admin’s executive actions attacking farms and implementing the technocratic takeover of food. This is accelerating a global collapse in food production by paying farmers NOT to grow food, cutting their financial support, tasking Tom Vilsack’s USDA with a Net-Zero goal, changing COVID guidance on grocery stores, restaurants, and meatpacking plants.

As Terry says, start growing your food today.



    • Bob, good article from the Cairns News, thanks for posting it.


      Up here on the Plateau the farmers rely heavily on ‘backpackers’ to bring in the avocado harvest. There is growing concern that the backpackers won’t be available this year. We’ve got hundreds of acres of avocados that won’t be able to be harvested. Of course, it will all be blamed on the ‘virus’ and not the government policy on lock-downs and quarantine.

      In another couple of years with the GSM, the intentional collapse of the food chain and the autoimmune disease from the vaccines, people will be dropping all over the place. This de-population agenda is going to make the ‘black plague’ in Europe look mild.

      • In 1971 that sort of work was being done by the hippies flooding out of Sydney and Melbourne and other, mostly Aus, itinerants. You could earn enough money in a week to keep you going for a month;the dole was unheard of.

    • Well if 3 tonne a hectare of wheat is being left on the ground(Agtrader article) maybe it would be a good idea to upgrade the fencing to emu capacity and harvest the meat & oil ?( i’m guessing such birds would eat the grain AND the mice – just as my chooks do)

      THE problem is that Aus was colonised to the sole purpose of accommodating G B’s culinary preferences and it remains structurally unchanged

  1. The situation is way, way, worse than thus far presented.

    Most food available in supermarkets is toxic, including milk, bread, fruit juice, and fruit & vegetables. In milk alone, the rBST is damaging you, as are the antibiotics. The herbicides on the vegies and fruit are harming you, unless you wash them carefully in water and baking soda.

    The vinyl floor you walk on, the shampoo you use, your toothpaste, your washing powder.

    In commercially available foods, unless you have a tablespoon of psyllium every day, the ruffage deficit in your diet will cause you bowel cancer. If you are a guy, the bacon, black pudding, or salami you eat is causing your prostate glands to enlarge.

    If your doctor treats your cholesteral, the pills will kill you, eventually.

    The Grocery Council and TGA are killing you.

    Your canned salmon is killing you, wild-caught or not. And, of course, any factory-farmed meat or fish is killing you. Even pasture-fed meat will soon pass through a feed lot.

    Add to this, a vaccine which turns every cell in your body into a toxin factory, with spike proteins free to damage your heart and brain, will become mandaory and forced, and you can guarantee a premature death.

    In the US, in some regions it is illegal to grow your own food, and this will eventuallybecome world-wide.

    Meanwhile, the only political representative in Australia who is relaying the truth from medicos of integrity, Craig Kelly, has the ALP’s Mark Butler baying for his blood, demanding he be silenced, one way or the other.

    Yesterday, on the Drum, a doctor tried to put the covid thing into historical perspective, and got screamed down by the most stupid and fanatical collection of women the ABC could find by scouring the entire country. He retreated so fast he was a blur on the screen.

    You can go bush, like Terry and I, but aerial surveilance will eventually locate us and either force the vaccination or just inject us with a heart attack.

    I don’t see how things could get a whole lot worse. Meanwhile, my fellow Australians, even if they see through the bullshit, are terrified or intimidated into silence. Anybody who makes a stand will do so on their lonesome.

      • Good stuff Criss X.

        The following article features a video where Dr Kendrick is interviewed (after the 1 min preview video is done, the longer interview will commence immediately thereafter so stay tuned) :


        Statins the most profitable drug (by a country mile) for Big Pharma, so they have an axe to grind in promoting its use.
        If you’re on statin medication now, the video above could be the most important one you’ve ever seen, and might save you from a debilitating future (or even premature death).

        I had slightly elevated cholesterol levels many years ago so was prescribed low dosage statin tablets – which I took for a couple of weeks before I discovered Sydney Cardiologist Dr Ross Walker :


        No word of exaggeration, this guy is a bloody legend.

        In a nutshell, he advised that cholesterol levels in isolation were not enough to determine whether you were at risk of a heart attack / heart disease.

        He suggested those with elevated cholesterol also take a Coronary Calcium Score (CCS) and if you scored low on that then, irrespective of your cholesterol level, you were at infinitesimal risk of heart disease.

        (My CCS score was ZERO).

        So I immediately stopped taking statins.

        If you scored mid-range or higher on the CCS, then there may well be a case for taking at least low dose statins.

        BUT, the facts are that a significant chunk of people taking statins would score low or ZERO on the CCS but their doctor has never advised them. (It might mean less in the way of kickbacks from Big Pharma or that all expenses paid overseas holiday that they give G.P’s if they reach a certain target for Statins prescribed perhaps ?).

        The system really is that corrupt.

        So fellow Gumshoers that are on statins, get that CCS score now – it’s not some ‘alternative science’ remedy that’s not mainstream.
        There are some serious side effects from long term use of statins so if you don’t have to use them, best to avoid.

        Meanwhile, because Dr Ross Walker advocated the CCS solution, he’s been demonised by the minions of Big Pharma.

        Because, just like Ivermectin in the treatment of Covid, Big Pharma doesn’t cash in from a cheap and readily available treatment for anything.

      • Feb. 4, 2003
        I can’t imagine why anyone ever thought that saturated fat in the diet had an impact on cholesterol levels

        Jan. 30, 2003
        You must have heard this term a million times. Even so, there is an enormous level of confusion about the whole area of cholesterol, lipids, lipoproteins, fats….Can we get real and make the whole debate about cholesterol easier?

        Jan. 9, 2003

        Nov. 28, 2002

        Nov. 21, 2002
        How The Medical Profession Will Turn A Symptom Into A Disease


    • The United Nations Organisation is nothing but a collection of idiots taking advise from more idiots. Just look at the Covid-19 scam and it effects on our global society.

      Nobody is supposed to rear animals for food. So far there is no mention of animals for pets. However pets devour meat but do not provide any food source. If animals are not allowed to be reared for food, then there will be no manure or carcass remnants for food production. The UN in their intellectual brilliance now proclaim that chemical fertilisers are not to be used either for food production. I suppose because they are produced using oil based ingredients. Pray tell what are these useless eaters going to eat to survive?

      They don’t even want oxygen from the atmosphere to be breathe. Hence the face masks.

      Talk about the fox in charge of the henhouse. I know the fox is a lot more intelligent than this lot.

    • Tony – Re: Anybody who makes a stand will do so on their lonesome.-
      Respectfully – NO NOT on your Lonesome at all That is precisely what Christ came here for.
      To firstly warn about what must unfold, secondly WHY it must and lastly to give you the opportunity to be SAVED.
      This disaster MUST unfold, you are not alone and never have been – unless – you choose to be. Just ASK, let him in, he’s going to save your ass mate!!!

  2. In addition to the info from the IAF video.TPTB are intertwining the AGW scam with the COVID pandemic to cover what has already begun due to the intensifying Eddy GSM ie global crop failures due to extreme weather conditions(drought/cold/heat/floods etc).
    The BRI/String of pearls both lead to the Sahel in Northern Africa which will become the new global grow zone.This is where the CCP will source it’s food.NO Chinese dynasty has ever survived a GSM.
    Global famine is coming and the Globalists need to ensure “starving populations” are locked down and contained.
    Significant Earth Changes are underway.The Eddy GSM,the 2024 Alignment of the Jovian planets and The Magnetic Polar Excursions(hopefully not a full reversal).
    We are living in a tumultuous time.

    • “seeds learn, plants learn”( 17:18)
      I’ve seen crops that were a real struggle become vigorous within 3 years via saved seed; quite dramatic really.

      I guess that’s how most pesky “weeds” emerge but everything has it’s use

  3. This video is off-topic. It’s a complete Skavlan interview with psychologist and professor Jordan B. Peterson. He talks about the differences of men and women — men like things and women like people and how this biology is presented in the world. But that aside he mentions his DAUGHTER and DIET at the end from around 36.40 (Also present in the studio are Swedish politician Annie Lööf and Norwegian author Erlend Loe.)

    • I read a very good book decades ago (when I used to read all sorts of books) called “Last Kings of Thule” by a Frenchy named Jean Malaurie who went to live with the eskimos, maybe about 1950.

  4. Of course the COVID pandemic situation has been further amplified with the introduction of the experimental vaccines in particular the mRNA variety -Moderna and Pfizer -the latter to be given to Auastralians.The current batch of vaccines continue to be rolled out despite evidence of their reduced “efficacy”(if they ever had any)against the 3 mutated variants(UK,SA and Brazil).
    The scientific evidence re the adverse effects of these vaccines and yet our HEALTH EXPERTS “seem” oblivious.
    Kudos to Craig Kelly for speaking up.
    Why is Dr Paul Kelly not following suit( multiple emails go unanswered)?
    Where is the discussion about now proven efficacy of therapeutics such as Ivermectin?
    Where is the information to the Australian population about fortifying ones immune system(especially the importance of VIT D3 levels)?
    Where is the discussion period?
    Limit information and just post “case numbers”-no actually +ve PCR tests with no Cycle Threshold(CT)indicated or sensitivity/specificity of the PCR version being used.
    If the aim is confusion,anxiety and fear then mission accomplished.

    • Paul Kelly, Greg Hunt and other “Health Officer” types will most likely be getting nice internationalist jobs for WHO or some similar place in a few years’ time. Meanwhile you can try hydroponics at home if you’re stuck with a townhouse of similar, they have vertical arrangements, and there are good vitamins in spinach, small lettuces etc. Look up “nutrition density” of types of vegetables before you bother growing them.

  5. When growing up in a rural hamlet, till 8 years old, the small fridge was always empty because everything eaten always fresh. Be it self produced or sourced at market stalls or small stores.
    Everything eaten in season, along side fish or meat and a glass of red, or few, half half with water. With the grapes grown surrounding village, people weren’t obese from idleness and overeating, they were fit as from steady work. That was nearly six decades ago. Look at us today, a totally different world. No wonder they got us by the proverbial, glued to screen programming, with cyber robots working and human slaves, from the poorest parts of the globe delivering take away on push bikes on roads dogging vehicles bumper to bumper (wonder what the rates and horrific injuries and fatalities are?). As far as history records, events unprecedented. City empires, with people from all nations competing for borrowed crumbs, that are just ice.

    Jesus taught his followers truth. We need to read St. John’s warning, more so now than before.

    ‘These times, these changing times, changing the hearts of all mankind’. – Joni

    • As far as the Political Parties are concerned the United Nations has already taken control.

      Kim Beasley in Federal Parliament in 1990, quote, “The United Nations has given the Federal Government a mandate of ownership for housing, property, farms and businesses to government control once the republic has been proclaimed.”

      So what will voters be voting for if and when that happens – an elected dictatorship much, much, worse than even the present.

    • https://www.xxxxxxxxxxxx.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=165953

      rumormillnews = x’s by x13

      Try the above link for two X reports for those wondering why their is censorship and how the public are BRAINWASHED to hate/vilify those with a opposite opinion …………. sound familiar?! (second report)
      Note the first report of 17 mins explians what many have not realised………. bringing down the whole crooked central banks system. Not good news for CB lovers.

      • If only it were true Ned. What I wouldn’t give to see the Central Banking system collapse in a heap.

        But I can assure you, during Trump’s term in office, the Usury Cartel of Bankers went from strength to strength as Trump presided over the greatest transfer of wealth from the middle class to the 0.01 % in history.

        Trump was too gutless to issue an executive order to audit the Federal Reserve (as Ron Paul had been demanding for decades), which would’ve been the first step in unravelling them.

    • In a emergency, there will be ample supplies of boiled frogs. Yummy ‘neighbours and stupids’ will be our saviors for survival and they will not be missed.

    • ‘Jacinda’ is on a roll with the dumbed-down Kiwis. Ya gotta wonder how much deeper into the sh!t the Kiwis will wallow before they get a clue. Crikey, after the CC massacre you’d think they would wake up – nope. At this point the Globalists have got a free reign on NZ.

      Watch and see what happens there, the same thing may be tried in Oz.

      • CC massacre-such an obvious FF watching the mind controlled Brenton Tarrant being directed around by those in red clothing.
        The NZ equivalent of Port Arthur to secure gun buy back and control.

        • Sandra, it may be obvious to you and me, but for the majority of Kiwis it isn’t. I tried to correspond to a number of ‘gun clubs’ and web sites in NZ (people that should have an interest in the truth) and all I got back was a total load of ‘Sh!t’. I remember how dumbed-down the Ozzies were in regard to the gun control/Port Arthur issue in Oz – Hell, the Kiwis took the denial to a whole new level.

          I had some ideas about how to deal with the issue, but decided to walk away, their problem, not mine…

          Since they are as dumb as dirt and being led to their doom, it is best to use them as a yardstick to see what may be introduced into our future.

  6. I gave a shopping bag of grapes to a neighbor, she gave me two dozen chicken eggs. Whatever grapes the family can’t eat, the hens or pigs will finish off.

    • T.
      We have lovely neighbor who hangs a bag of scraps every few days on the side gate……….for my ‘girls’, but we put half in a stew, ssssssh do not tell her. LOL. She might be arrested one day.

      • My next door neighbor loves a couple of bowls of our ‘stew’. However, none of us can tell how it is going to come out as we clean the left-overs out the refrigerator each time we make it.

    • Equally on topic – I was just getting into this …

      • Stephen Goodson – A history of central banking and the enslavement of mankind



      • How Usury Destroyed the Roman Empire
      • The Hidden Origins of the Bank of England
      • Napoléon and the Banque De France
      • A Century of Struggle: Rothschild versus the People
      • The Great Depression
      • The Rise and Fall of State Banking (1932-1945)
      • Modern Forms of State Banking
      • The Banking Crisis

      I was particularly interested in the sections on the Versailles Treaty at the end of Chapter 4.


      “Lloyd George writing in his memoirs about the [Jewish] international bankers’ part in the Versailles Conference:—

      “They swept statesmen, politicians, jurists and journalists all on one side and issued their orders with an imperiousness of absolute monarchs who knew that there was no appeal from their ruthless decrees.””

      Source: Leonard Young – “Deadlier Than the H-Bomb” (1956)

  7. Seeing as the ‘Ice Age Farmer’ is the focus of attention, this article titled ‘A Story of Extreme Cold and Snow’ is just the ticket :


    Whenever further incontrovertible proof is furnished that the average Earth temp is getting colder, the usual brain-washed dissenter disappears from Gumshoe and chains himself to yet another pine tree in a plantation forest.
    He never explains how that snow that was forecast by the Climate scaremongers to disappear by 2020, has been falling with a vengeance.

    If he had any self-respect he’d come out publicly and apologise for saying the Earth was warming, when even allowing for the temperature manipulation of the Climate Cultists, the raw data shows that it demonstrably is not.

    From the article :

    “It is cold out there. Wind chill values well below zero and as low as -50 degrees could be experienced at times across the central northern regions of the U.S.A.
    Hundreds of COLD RECORDS have fallen across North America over the past few days, and hundreds –potentially thousands– more are expected to tumble over the coming 10-or-so days as the Arctic air descends south.

    Extreme cold has been gripping our planet for the past few months, driving its average temperature down (UAH) and the Northern Hemisphere snow-mass up (FMI). Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) says 15 new record lows were set in Alberta this past Monday alone due to an “unseasonably cold” arctic ridge of high pressure. These are in addition to the 26 new lows set over the weekend.

    In Japan, an incredible amount of snow has fallen this winter. Following the historic snowstorms of the past few weeks, Japan has been hit again: at least 13 people died, and more than 250 were injured, but as snow continued to blanket regions along the Sea of Japan coast, data now shows that nearly 100 people have died in Japan while clearing this season’s record-breaking snowfall.

    “Older people had no choice but to clear snow by themselves as they had to wait for one month to receive support from a snow removal company,” the official said.”

    So Gumshoe readers, you must be asking yourselves HOW it’s possible to die while clearing snow.

    This 1 min video will give you some idea :

  8. Further proof that the cold weather is widespread in the northern hemisphere, come headlines like ‘UK records record low temperature …. ‘ :


    From the article :

    “Britain experienced its coldest night for a quarter of a century, with the temperature falling to minus 23C in Braemar, northeast Scotland — the lowest recorded in the UK since 1995, according to the Met Office weather service.”

    Think about that. Minus 23 deg in Scotland – not Siberia.

    This is not a normal winter in the northern hemisphere.

    The Climate Cultists are quick to point to the receding Arctic ice mass in the northern hemisphere summer, as it does each and every year.

    But NO WORD from them now as the Arctic ice mass has recovered all the volume lost in the ‘melt ups’, and THEN SOME.

    How disingenuous are these Climate Alarmists.

  9. That clip above with Greta and the ‘Westham’ bloke (that’s a football club in the U.K), makes you wonder what it’d be like having your other half being a Climate Cultist.

    Imagine being with someone who, no matter what evidence was presented to the contrary disproving their thesis, nevertheless persisted with their fanatical beliefs.

    I can imagine how Dun Scotus’ missus must feel – poor girl.

    I suppose no worse than being part of the Cult of Covid / Cult of Trump.

    You’d want to shoot yourself rather than listen to that stuff day in, day out.

  10. Biden Forces Vacate a ‘Wheat Silos Army Base’ in Hasakah after Looting it
    by Arabi Souri

    Biden forces positioned in a wheat silos facility in Hasakah province vacated their base at dawn and moved their troops and military gear into Iraq. The occupation forces of the US Army’s Oil Thieves Regiment previously illegally occupying the Tal Allo Silos facility in the Yarubiya region, in the northeast of Hasakah vacated the post […]

    Read more of this post


  11. New Ice Age Farmer video on tracing every scrap of food out there. The PTB want to know where everything is all the time – they want total control. Just like with the chicken cull in England, they knew where the chickens were because the people had registered them.


    • Without looking too closely I don’t dispute the general analysis of the trend, it’s alt-mainstream by now, but the idea that Rotschild would publish all that, in that form, is nonsensical. Maybe that’s why there is no link to “economist” or “reuters” or some other Rotschilds controlled outlet. I guess people make up all sorts of nonsense to get clicks. Then they can afford the petrol to live in their car.

  12. cx7,
    regarding “oil thieves” it’s interesting to consider that Australian land ownership is strata titled, that is, when you “buy” land (aka royal estate aka real estate) you only get the topsoil and the height limits allowed you by council. Under the ground belongs to some government or another, and you can see proof of this with the gas drillers on farmland in Queensland and anywhere else.
    So the British Empire considered everything “Royal Estate” if they got there first and possessed it. This would presumably include subterranean oil reserves in Arabia. With the great handover at Bretton Woods the US is assumed to own whatever parts of the world are unchallenged (including the moon). They may simply control it through vestiges of the British Empire such as Australia.
    This British-Scandinavian expansionism goes back of course to about 500AD (fall of Rome, Swedes going over land to the Black Sea, Danish conquest of England before William 1 etc.). How much is hybridised into the Vatican or ancient Jews Of Some Sort I couldn’t guess but I do observe that the pope was (at least ceremonially) kicked out at one point. Also that Henry 7 or 8 was illegitimate. I would call it mostly an Anglo-Scandinavian effort.
    It seems more likely on the face of it that the Anglo-Dutch wars were fought because England went independent and the Vatican/Lombards/etc power stopped at Amsterdam. The Scandinavian instinct for independence is very strong. France was closer to the Americas but hardly made any effort at all, too many land borders to defend I suppose.

  13. Queen of Chicken Hawks: Victoria Nuland Had A Hand in Every US Intervention in the Past 30
    by barovsky

    As the Senate prepares to confirm Nuland for Under Secretary for Political Affairs, a reflection of her last 30 years in government shows how she was connected to nearly every foreign policy disaster undertaken by the United States.

    Read more of this post


    A Family Business of Perpetual War

    Victoria Nuland and Robert Kagan have a great mom-and-pop business going. From the State Department, she generates wars and from op-ed pages he demands Congress buy more weapons. There’s a pay-off, too, as grateful military contractors kick in money to think tanks where other Kagans work, writes Robert Parry………….


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