Home News If Your Father Tortured You and The Police Won’t Intervene, Whom Should...

If Your Father Tortured You and The Police Won’t Intervene, Whom Should You Kill in Self-Defense?

Two of the three Khatchaturyan sisters in Moscow. Reuters photo

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB

There have been large gatherings of people in Russia in support of three sisters who murdered their 57-year-old  Dad last year. They say they did it because he abused and tortured them. The Mom is “not around.”  They say if they ran away they would be afraid he would catch them.

In Carol Rutz’s well-named 2001 book, A Nation Betrayed, she says the first moment of her life that she felt some relief was when she saw her abuser uncle lying dead in the casket.  In fact she credits his death with her ability to break out of complete mind-control and start to recall the tortures to which she had been subjected both at home and in US military “labs” of MK-Ultra.

The Russian news of the three sisters today blames the government in part for legislating that at-home violence would not be criminal unless the person did it more than once a year. You may think that was a money-saving strategy, so police forces and courts don’t have to handle every case, but we know better.

We know from the shenanigans at Australia’s Family Court that there is a deliberate effort being made to “OK” family violence, nay, to encourage it, nay — at times — to order it.

Did the three Katchaturyan girls, age 17, 18 and 19 do wrong? No, to the extent that they acted in self-defense.  You may think “They shouldn’t have taken the law into their own hands.” But there was no one else to “enforce the law.” They had tried to get help.

Rachel Vaughan

Recall my recent article on the death of Louise Bell. Rachel Vaughan was present before it happened.  She could have stopped it, except she was too young to be completely resourceful (age 10). She did however call the police and others.

Her father Max McIntyre was the killer. There is reason to think that he also killed his first wife Margaret (1932-1966) and his daughter Clare when she grew into an adult who would tattle on him. (She was about to spill the beans.)

In recent years when Rachel heard of yet another situation where Max was likely to abuse an 11-year-old she sought the involvement of South Australian police, to absolutely no avail.

The LE List

If you live in Adelaide you would be lucky to be on “the A list.”  That means you are sufficiently upper crust to get invited to din-din with the gov or some other fancy soul.

Then there’s the LE list – Law Enforcement. I’ll re-list a few of the persons I listed recently. (Do you recall I suggested one make a laminated copy and spring it on Rundle Mall, the main shopping drag in SA’s capital?) Hope you are not getting too bored by this.  It is pretty boring.

June 2007: Letter re lack of investigation by SAPOL, naming Max as the body boy for ‘the Family,’ sent to Doug Barr, Major Crime and Det. Supt. Phillip Hoff.

21 Aug 2007: INTERVIEW with Annette Burden and Scott Barker, SCIB, saying I witnessed a child’s dismembered in 1977. [but what’s 30 years among friends?]

20 Sept 2007: RESPONSE from Wainwright, Police Complaint Authority: “cannot justify commitment of personnel and resources.” [Love it!]

23 Sept 2009: I rang Paul Llewandowski SCIB to say that a child (age 11) is living on same property as Max, and is in danger. Llewandowski tells me he won’t take the report.

The High Court

The Russian sisters acted at a time when the abuse was still current, not 30 years later. It is hard to see them being prosecuted. As often mentioned at Gumshoe, the right to kill a person to stop him killing you is well-established in common law. In fact it goes without saying. To hold otherwise would be to ask you to accept death for no reason.

The High Court, of Australia, in the 1987 case,

Zecevic v Director of Public Prosecutions, said:

“The question to be asked … is whether the accused believed upon reasonable grounds that it was necessary in self-defence to do what he did. If he had that belief and there were reasonable grounds for it … then he is entitled to an acquittal.”

Recall that the NSW Supreme Court in 1832 said this in R v Elliott:

“If the Offender flees and cannot be otherwise apprehended, and is killed, it is in them [you, the killer] Justifiable Homicide, but in all these cases it is essential that a Felony should have been committed, or that a Hue and Cry has been raised.

“Private Persons are also permitted by Law to arrest others upon their own authority for the prevention of a Treason or Felony, or any act which would manifestly endanger the life of another, and may detain him until it may be reasonably presumed that he has changed his purpose.” [Emphasis added]

Of course the reason we don’t raise the hue and cry nowadays is that we think we are paying the salary of cops and prosecutors to do the needful.

Hear again the words of South Australia’s Speaker of the House, Peter Lewis. He was referring to child abuse:

I [was]bringing some of the people who had made the allegations to the point where they might pluck up enough courage and confidence and swear the truth of those allegations, enabling them to be more carefully investigated.

But they were being ‘bumped off’ – that is, murdered and viciously assaulted – quicker than I could get them to write down their allegations.

The most outrageous thing of all [is] the related and organised activities of those pedophiles in high public office – that is, the judiciary, the senior ranks of human services portfolios, some police and MPs, across the nation….   [Emphasis added]

What Can Anyone Do?

I gave this article a provocative title:  “If Your Father Tortured You and The Police Won’t Intervene, Whom Should You Kill in Self-Defense?” — provocative in that it does not ask “Is it OK to kill in self-defense?”  Yes, it is very legally protected. My question is whom should you aim at?

We have terrible problems, such as the ones Gumshoe tends to report: destruction of farms by GMO, harm to babies’ health by supernumerary vaccination, the sale of Port of Darwin to a foreign country, the sex-trafficking of children.

One can hardly help noticing that the reason these problems don’t get tackled is that we have set up institutions to deal with them and somehow the personnel therein get infected with the notion that they should practice “hands-off.”

It is an absurd situation.  You have heard me talk a lot about the Family Court outrages.  Gumshoe editor Dee McLachlan has been much more active than I, behind the scenes.  After she published her Survey in 2018, mums kept calling her for help.

Some called me, too. Dee and I can now report that we have had not one success, despite persistent effort.  So it would be unhelpful for you to suggest that we contact this Minister or that Head of Department or any Police Commissioner, state or federal.  They say, una voce, “Don’t bother us.” (Just re-read the LE List above.) And if I hear you utter the word “ombudsman” you are a marked man.

Don’t Do Nothing

When kids are involved, say toddlers through teens, there is an urgency because each month they form new brain pathways and these cannot be repaired later. A major outcome of the Royal Commission was the revelation that victims of child abuse are likely to suffer forever, and will, pardon my saying it, become a burden on society.

Speaking of the RC, they opined: “It is not a case of a few rotten apples. Society’s major institutions have seriously failed.”

Well la-de-da. What to do?  We can’t do nothing.  I say arrest the heads of the institutions.  If they are innocent they will have no trouble demonstrating it. We will even apologize for having suspected them, if they are clean.

Have the leaders divorced themselves from all normal, traditional, logical sense of responsibility in keeping with their assigned mission?

How many of the workers connected to children now think it is OK to let an abused child – one whose life has been threatened, and there are many such – continue as status quo?

Judges in Need

To put it the other way, is there any worker anywhere in Australia – I am including judges in the word “worker” who wakes up I the morning and thinks “Let’s see, what can I do today that will bring relief to those kids and to their protective parent?”

The late Sherman Skolnick wrote in his book Ahead of the Parade that he received phone calls from judges in tears, confiding in him that they are road-blocked when they try to do the right thing.

I ask a person in every state to declare their lounge room a safe haven for any judges who want “to talk.”

And may you be overrun with visitors.



  1. Darling Gumshoers,

    Because I started the article with a photo of the sisters, and because I am a bit of an obsessed person (fixated?) on the subject of judicial kidnap, you may think that is what this is about.

    I should have invoked the word IMPUNITY and I do so now. Until recently I though that word meant something like “impudence.” “He acts without concern for anyone’s reaction.” But no, it means we GIVE him a freee pass. We really have to stop doing that, it is becoming a bizarre way of life.

    Far be it from me to subscribe to international law but in 1998 when some people (well-meaning or otherwise) wrote the Rome Statute to found an International Criminal Court, they said thie rprimary goal is:

    “to put an end to impunity for the perpetrators of the most serious crimes of concern to the international community as a whole”.

  2. These young women who murdered their father have perpetrated a horrendous but necessary deed to protect others. What other choice did they have when authorities refused to act?

    With regard to the issue of child trafficking and the lack of action by authorities – I believe this is a decades old problem dating back to when parents were struggling financially and there was no contraception available to prevent unwanted pregnancies. In those eras ‘excess’ children which could not be supported financially by their families were fobbed off to state institutions.

    The ‘care’ of these state wards was expensive and likely nobody wanted to pay for their food and lodging. But there were nefarious groups in society who saw these children as a means to an end – to satisfy the revolting sexual predilections of the worst creatures among us. At that point these state wards became a commodity and began to pay for themselves through the abusive acts perpetrated upon them.

    When government financial assistance was given to single parents in decades past, the flow of unwanted children to state institutions abated. So those who wished to exploit kids had to find another way to harness victims. Abductions were carried out, but could be high profile enough to expose the kidnappers. So then it was necessary to set people up in government departments to funnel children to the paedophiles via the DCP and family court system.

    Unfortunately, many people in power are narcissists who see themselves as ‘better’ than the rest of society. They don’t care what happens to the people they are employed to assist.

    Mary, I too have become bored with the responses of authorities to my allegations of child abuse, past and present. At least now that my father is dead (1929-2017) he is no longer a threat. But many of his accomplices are younger than he is. They remain at large. This is a terrible injustice to both their past and potential victims.

    At least I have named them to authorities (2006 – 2019) and anyone who names them in future for similar abuses have my previous allegations to back them up.

    • its just beyond any integrity or belief, you could not write a story where this guy keeps his job but sure he does hes doing what the bent pricks in sapol want him to do, i know ive taken sapol to court before and the court and the pol were so corrupt i called the hon court room a circus. thats all it is, people if you want to protect your children do not trust any member of the public system, there are good people in the system but you cant risk it. Remember this life is a battle for souls, recognise this and youll understand why this heinous acts are committed the world over JOHN 16:33 If you suspect to meet a evil person recite this to them they will not be able to handle it, there is power in the word.


  3. “So then it was necessary to set people up in government departments to funnel children to the paedophiles via the DCP and family court system.”

    Rachel, did you see my article the other day about “Mr and Mrs Munchausen”? Dr Wakefield pins it down to doctors. Although in one case he thinks the motive of the (female) docor may have been to avoid a possible malpractice lawsiut, the other 3 female doctors were just plain cruel. Similarly, Keith Snow blamed the doctors in Hartford Connecticut for the worst of the pedophile “referrals” as you would call it.

    There is something seriously wrong here!

  4. This is a mention of Kevin Annett who is a renowned global human rights campaigner, author and whistle blower who has led a movement to expose and prosecute child murder by church and state, in Canada and Europe. Kevin is the co-founder of The International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State. The website http://murderbydecree.com/ carries latest updates and breakthroughs.
    The former website ITCCS is not online now and this weblink is the latest in broadcasting the work of ITCCS by bringing wickedness out into the light in public places and into public knowledge.

    I pray that God will give these three sisters the help they need.

    The words of this old, old hymn point us to whom we should pray for help because Jesus is the power greater than ourselves and greater than the powers of evil workers and their demons. If we all agree to call upon the name of Jesus the devils’ kingdoms would falter around us. Christians are also called to pray for all men and all in authority. Here are the words of this inspirational hymn:

    1 A mighty Fortress is our God,
    A Bulwark never failing;
    Our Helper He amid the flood
    Of mortal ills prevailing:
    For still our ancient foe
    Doth seek to work us woe;
    His craft and power are great,
    And, armed with cruel hate,
    On earth is not his equal.

    2 Did we in our own strength confide,
    Our striving would be losing;
    Were not the right Man on our side,
    The Man of God’s own choosing:
    Dost ask who that may be?
    Christ Jesus, it is He;
    Lord Sabaoth His Name,
    From age to age the same,
    And He must win the battle.

    3 And though this world, with devils filled,
    Should threaten to undo us,
    We will not fear, for God hath willed
    His truth to triumph through us:
    The Prince of Darkness grim,
    We tremble not for him;
    His rage we can endure,
    For lo! his doom is sure,
    One little word shall fell him.

    4 That word above all earthly powers,
    No thanks to them, abideth;
    The Spirit and the gifts are ours
    Through Him who with us sideth:
    Let goods and kindred go,
    This mortal life also;
    The body they may kill:
    God’s truth abideth still,
    His Kingdom is forever.

    It’s a sober hymn but it assures us that Jesus is victor over the devils (sin and death) of this world. Jesus is a place of shelter and refuge and is the rescuer of those who call upon his name. I hope that this truth encourages people to hope and be brave. Blessings.

  5. As 3 young women could obviously have pooled their strength to subjugate an unfit 57 yr-old bloke at any time without going so far as to kill him there’s obviously a lot more to the Khatchaturyan story than the World’s lame-dog journalists would have us believe.

    I mean, what the hell were they doing living with the guy anyway? Co-dependency perhaps ?
    But acknowledging that such a condition even exists would no doubt kill the entertainment factor.

      • Berry check out Joseph Fritzl. There are many Fritzls, mind controlled families.
        From Journal of Trauma and Dissociation 2017 Volume 18
        Editorial The abused and the abuser: Victim-perpetrator dynamics” by Dr Warwick Middleton and Martin J Dorahy.
        ” In 2008, the case of Joseph Fritzl attracted global attention. He imprisoned his daughter Elisabeth in an underground cellar for 24 years while treating her as a sexual slave who bore him seven children.”

        • What strikes me about the Fritzl case is that no one purportedly had a clue about what was going on,not even his wife.
          And we’re also supposed to believe that the Brits had no idea about what was going on in the Nazi concentration camps till Sept’45.
          Whereas anyone with any sort of insight is well aware that nothing ever happens in isolation and that the key players are invariably invisible.

    • The age of consent is 16 because, like it or not, if you’re not living your life according to certain principles by then you probably never will.

      Career victims such as Virginia Roberts are caught up in a type of satanic bondage that demands a never ending supply of money/sympathy/attention. No wonder they’re valued by the media whores of the Age.

  6. Also from the Miami Herald-

    “The damage that happened in this case is unconscionable,” said Bradley Edwards, a former state prosecutor who represents some of Epstein’s victims. “How in the world, do you, the U.S. attorney, engage in a negotiation with a criminal defendant, basically allowing that criminal defendant to write up the agreement?”

    “This was not a ‘he said, she said’ situation. This was 50-something ‘shes’ and one ‘he’ — and the ‘shes’ all basically told the same story,’’ said retired Palm Beach Police Chief Michael Reiter, who supervised the police probe.
    More than a decade later, at a time when Olympic gymnasts and Hollywood actresses have become a catalyst for a cultural reckoning about sexual abuse, Epstein’s victims have all but been forgotten.
    The women — now in their late 20s and early 30s — are still fighting for an elusive justice that even the passage of time has not made right.
    Like other victims of sexual abuse, they believe they’ve been silenced by a criminal justice system that stubbornly fails to hold Epstein and other wealthy and powerful men accountable.
    “Jeffrey preyed on girls who were in a bad way, girls who were basically homeless. He went after girls who he thought no one would listen to and he was right,’’ said Courtney Wild, who was 14 when she met Epstein.

    • Diane, as regards the Acosta lawyer who allowed a too-generous deal for Epstein, he has just been fired as Labor Secretary. Trump said Acosta “resigned” and that he, Trump, was sorry about that. But all of them must have had the sense, for once, to notice that this was a genuine problemo. Yay!

  7. Pedophilia is the gelatin power in the towers made of glass .

    “It’s like the monkeys in a tree , the ones at the top looking down only see smiling faces and the ones at the bottom looking up only see a$$holes .”

  8. I share this from Sarah Moore’s Facebook page with deep pain in my heart and gratitude in my soul thank you Christine Moore and beautiful Sarah.

    Dr Sarah Moore/ Hamilton-Byrne.
    Sarah Moore
    July 30, 2014 •

    “Poem written by my mother not long after she finally got to meet me… discovered amongst some old papers my uncle had been saving…”

    “An Ode to Evil and the Power of the Human Spirit to Overcome it.”

    This is the story of Anne Hamilton-Byrne 

    A name the authorities have come to learn.
For all the crimes she’s done 
and made her followers do, for one Time they thought she was the Saviour of the World.

    It started back in sixty-eight

    When around her she did congregate those deluded, elitist, no doubt insane Egomaniacs, who would play her game

    They conjured up a cunning scheme 
in order to fulfil her dream
 They forged documents, falsified tests
 To steal babies from their mothers’ breasts

    The babies were locked in a holiday home during their childhood, no chance to roam
 the idyllic banks of Eildon Lake
    No love or freedom – their hearts did break to emotional deprivation, torture and ego breaking 
Censored education, distortions of her making of the real world, they were subjected Beaten and starved, they daren’t object

    They didn’t see much of Mummy dear
By using spies she managed to hear
 of any suspected rule infringements
 And instructed minions to carry out punishments
    These criminals, using brainwashing and drugs 
Indulged their evil instincts, behaved like thugs 
Whilst the children grew up in a cell
Innocent victims of a living hell
    Despite their cruelty, despite L.S.D.
 The human spirit is hard to defeat
Brave Sarah, their clutches did evade 
and against The Family, charges were laid

    Liberation took place in eighty -seven

    The youngest child, by then, eleven!
 Sect members feared to reveal their flight!
 What kind of power can cause such fright?

    The legal system, unfortunately imperfect 
Has been unable to stop this sect
 They insolently defy the Law 
Continuing as they did before
    Anne dwells luxuriously in England and Hawaii
 By unveiling money with her lies.
The children learn how much was concealed 
As the facts of life are slowly revealed
    With positive guidance from above
 The children will be healed by Love.
The culprits can’t escape the Lord
 Each action reaps it’s own reward
    By Christine Moore probably written about 1988 or 9 not long after she met me.
    Sarah Moore
    July 30, 2014 •

  9. Christine Moore is Sarah’s birth mother. Sarah was taken at birth from 16 year old Christine in Geelong headquarters of a Tavistock Node in Australia.Yes MKULTRA in Australia.
    Sarah believed that Anne Hamilton Byrne was her biological mother, as did all the children in the cult.
    She was reunited with her mother after they escaped.

Anne Hamilton-Byrne was a Cult leader and collector. She collected foster children . . . twenty-two of them and created their multiple identities verified by birth certificates, citizenship documents and passports. “I suspect that “she sent them out” of the country. Perhaps even to be sold overseas,” said Sarah Moore Hamilton- Byrne. However, Sarah thought they were stolen or the children of mothers who had given birth and were told their babies had died. 
Anne Hamilton-Byrne and Dr. Raynor Johnson, a world respected religion expert and retired administrator of Melbourne University’s Queen’s College, were co-founders of a New Age group called The Family aka the Great White Brotherhood.”

    • Diane, for me, the most touching passage in Sarah Moore’s book, Unseen, Unknown, Unheard was when she said that at age 14 it was a thrill for her that Anne “drew the bath” for her. This was part of a post-puberty ceremony. Anne had bern so niggardly with love for the kids that even a small “motherly” gesture like drawing the bath water was cherished.


      • When you look at the timeline for all of this, Channel 9, ABC exposing evil perpetrators, current documentaries re -writing of history, it is like we are stuck in time in a virtual loop in another frequency another dimension and we are all wittingly or unwittingly playing out our parts in the Grand Plan the Grand Design. I found it very touching that Sarah was able to forgive Anne because she knew Evelyn [Anne] was being handled and had in fact been selected from a very early age for this role. I think Sarah was being groomed [the chosen one, the special one] to follow on in the tradition. She underwent classic Monarch (trauma-based mind control/programming/torture/experiments resulting in [DID MPD CPTSD ] The same as many children in homes and institutions are subjected to RAMCOA.




  10. Last comment on this topic.

    About Anne Evelyn et al. A script originating from Dickensian London.

    “Back in the 1920s and ’30s, however, Anne was just Evelyn from Sale, the oldest of seven. Her mother, Florence Hoile, was a south Londoner transplanted to Gippsland. Her father, Ralph Edwards came from inner-city Melbourne and had been discharged from the army during WWII because of poor health.
    Florence spent 27 years in mental hospitals and died in one. She was known in Sale as the lady who set fire to her hair in the street. She claimed to be a medium who could speak to the dead.
    Ralph vanished for long periods. For a time he was on the run from an unpaid war veteran’s debt. When Evelyn was three he had already abandoned the family and was living in a fishing port on Victoria’s western coast. He gave his religion as “50s Evelyn had become “Anne” and had lost her first husband, Lionel Harris, in a car crash in Bathurst. Harris, a car salesman, was driving home to Sydney because he and Anne had been cleared to adopt a baby boy from Barnardo’s
    She became a yoga teacher in Melbourne [and Geelong]. The classes were popular, attracting middle-aged women, often Jewish, from wealthier suburbs”

    • So was there a top dog to the whole system, if you care to say, Diane. Somebody had to organize all the international parts to fit together

      At some point in US that may have been Gottlieb. Did mengele have a boss?

      I am now addressing today’s Top Dog. Dear Top Dog, surely — surely — you are sick of the whole damn thing.

      I would be in favor of amnesty.

      • look to the family on netflix, its seems they are getting ready to collapse the system or house of cards as the tv show is made, to bring in the next system, but they have failed as people know its the same people at the top. They dont allow such info for no reason, they have set it up to collapse that is the gig

  11. Newhaven Chelmsford Townsville Larundel. [Montreal Ewen Cameron]
    Sargant Bailey Dax Herron Electro Shock “Deep Sleep” Brain washing LSD Leucotomies creating multiple polyfragmented dissociated alters with complex post traumatic stress responses.

    I was a solicitor on Collins St in the early 1960s when I developed Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. I was introduced to Anne through some friends and was convinced she could cure me.
    I had two leucotomies – a form of lobotomy – at her suggestion.
    I was very close to Anne and was responsible for her all her legal work, forging false birth certificates and adoption papers.
    I knew all the inner workings of the cult’s finances. But I became disillusioned by her in the late 1980s.e late 1980s.

    A scientific experiment with Global networks.

    by Sarah Moore (Hamilton-Byrne)
    My mother was Anne Hamilton-Byrne, the leader of a small sect in the Dandenongs called the Family or the Great White Brotherhood. I was a small part of her plan to collect children in what she herself once called a “scientific experiment”. Later I discovered it was her intention that we children would continue her sect after the earth was consumed by a holocaust. She saw us as the “inheritors of the earth”. I didn’t know that then. In those days I was just a child. A child of a guru, but a child no less.”

  12. Yes what to do, it seems writing to this one and that one does not work. Who are the ones in charge of MKultra in Australia now? the university lectures, law enforcement. legal profession, psychiatrists and other players.

    Here is some interesting info about Tas

    The 1996 case of mass murderer Martin Bryant is a blueprint for how these mind benders work their magic.

    Martin Bryant was monitored, directed, and, in all likelihood, programmed by Tavistock networks in Tasmania, from at least the time that one of Tavistock’s senior representatives in Australia, the now 88-year-old Dr. Eric Cunningham Dax, first examined Bryant in 1983-84, and set the parameters for all his future “treatment.” Dax was for decades an associate of Tavistock’s longtime leader and World Federation of Mental Health chairman, Dr. John Rawlings Rees. Beginning with his collaboration with Rees in the late 1930s, Dax, by his own account, had specialised in “brainwashing.”

    To cover its tracks, Tavistock invariably circulates what might be called the “Lee Harvey Oswald theory of mass murder” — that each such incident is the result of a “lone nut,” who one day just “went crazy.” Such was the “finding” of Melbourne-based British forensic psychiatrist Dr. Paul Mullen, in his evaluation of Bryant for Bryant’s defense attorney, in which Mullen concluded, “It would be more satisfactory if one could point to some simple and direct cause of the tragedy at Port Arthur”; unfortunately, Mullen said, one could not. But, notwithstanding that Bryant was a “lone nut,” Mullen confidently predicted to the Herald Sun of Feb. 4, 1997, that there would be “more such massacres because of strong evidence of a copycat element,” a warning echoed by other Tavistock assets in Australia and abroad. Curiously, Mullen himself reportedly participated in the investigation of two mass slaughters in New Zealand, before coming to Australia

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