Home News In Victoria, 13 Sensible Doctors Advise Premier TO Ease Covid-19 Restrictions

In Victoria, 13 Sensible Doctors Advise Premier TO Ease Covid-19 Restrictions

(L) Geoff Wells, urologist, Box Hill (C) Nathan Grills, associate Professor of Global Health  (R) Michael Knight, spinal surgeon

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB

Editor’s Note: This was published at RumorMillNews.com on September 4, 2020

In the light of the crackdown on civil liberties that appears to be occurring – frighteningly — in Australia, it is heartening to see a group of professionals speaking out. Doctors who practice in Victoria – including physicians, surgeons, two psychiatrists and one anesthetist have published an open letter to Victoria’s premier, Dan Andrews.

I will print it in full below but as it is technical regarding the numbers of cases, let me first highlight five of the major points:

*The law — that will allow the premier (similar to the governor in USA) to name the dates and the depth of any health measures – requires “appropriateness” and recommends input by citizens and groups.

*To design measures for the entire population that are relevant only to a small segment — e.g. patients at risk in a nursing home — is unwarranted (not to mention stupid).

*Persons who have been staying away from doctors’ offices out of fear of catching Covid-19, are thereby not getting treatments or diagnoses that they need, e.g., for cancer.

*Restrictions on attendance at funerals is harmful!

*The thirteen doctors – Victoria’s dozen, plus a Tasmanian practitioner of respiratory medicine – have asked Dan Andrews to NOT extend the current measures past September 13 and “to allow Parliament” – eeks, what an embarrassing phrase – to debate openly – on a non-partisan basis.

Aussies and Americans, I suggest you send a copy of this to your doctor as he/she may be greatly encouraged to take a stand.

(Aussies, perhaps also send it to your MP who may be secretly hoping to be “allowed” to debate.)


Dear Premier,
We, the undersigned, are senior medical practitioners of various specialities who practice in Victoria and are deeply concerned with the Victorian government’s management of the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) viral pandemic as a public health issue.

The purpose of this letter is to make you aware that not all medical practitioners are in agreement with the Chief Medical Officer and the Victorian government regarding the most effective way to control this disease. We believe that an alternative medical response is required that reflects what we know about the spread of the virus, those who have died from it, and the impact that the stage 3-4 lockdown restrictions are having on the physical and mental health of the general population.

For the sake of people in Victoria with other medical illnesses, it is vital that Stage 4 restrictions be lifted on schedule in mid-September.

This letter details our concerns and recommendations. We are ready to offer any assistance we can to help create and implement a revised, effective and just response to the Victorian situation; to this end we would be pleased to meet with you at your convenience to discuss the matter further.

Government Response to Covid-19 and Available Data

Focusing on the numbers of cases of COVID-19 is at best an unsophisticated way of looking at disease management. Factors such as the side effects of any policy, its cost-effectiveness, the quality of life years lost, and the cost per life saved are fundamental when considering disease management. In addition, any policy to manage any disease must be reviewed in light of new data.

We believe that the government’s initial response to handling COVID-19, via a stage 3 lockdown to ‘flatten the curve’, was reasonable in view of the limited information available at the time on the outbreak in China and the alarming number of deaths in Italy. The initial response, though arguably excessive, was still highly effective in preserving medical capacity and allowing time to co-ordinate a full medical response, with the community accepting that the social and economic consequences were reasonable and for the common good.

However, we now know that whilst COVID-19 is highly contagious, it is of limited virulence.

Whilst an accurate cause of death of a person can be difficult to determine, we are told that since March 2020, 565 Victorian patients have died either with or from the virus (31st August numbers). This compares with annual Victorian deaths of approximately 10,000 patients with cardiovascular disease and 11,000 with cancer. Accordingly, the COVID-19 deaths are a relatively small proportion of the 114 deaths per day that are normally seen in Victoria. In comparison, since the start of March COVID-19 has been associated with 3 of the 114 deaths per day.

Most of the 565 deaths have occurred in nursing homes which according to doctors currently working in this environment have described causal factors related not only to the virus but to other care-related issues, including isolation, loneliness, and related diminished nutritional intake.

However, in Victoria we have had 541 LESS deaths this July compared to July last year. (3,561 deaths compared to 4,102 deaths in July 2019).

In Australia last year, 2019, in the month of July alone we had 71,000 new laboratory-confirmed cases, and a total of 313,000 laboratory-confirmed cases of influenza for the year. This is only a fraction of the actual total cases of influenza, as many cases go untested.

In August 2017 we had 99,000 new laboratory-confirmed cases of Influenza and a total of over 250,000 cases for the year.

During 2017 and 2019 Influenza resulted in 25-30,000 hospital admissions and up to 2500 ICU admissions across Australia. Three percent of hospital admissions were pregnant women and up to 18 percent were under the age of 16.

The deaths from Influenza each and every year is between 3500 and 4000, according to the Australian Influenza Specialist Interest Group website and the Australian Bureau of Statistics. This is despite recent excellent rates of vaccination in the vulnerable population and millions of vaccinations utilised each year. (2020,18 million, 2019 13.2 million, 2018 11 million, 2016 8.3 million)

The vast majority of deaths associated with COVID-19 have occurred in frail people over 80 years, many of whom also had significant co-morbidities. In Victoria more than 73 percent of known COVID-19 deaths resided in nursing homes. (381 out of 524 and 30 out of 52 in NSW, as of August 30).

For people who are physically well and under 60 years of age, the mortality risk is extremely low. Contrary to what you have said, Mr Andrews, the virus DOES discriminate. See graphs below. [Emphasis added]

Since June 2020, the death rate has risen sharply in aged care facilities where the risk of transmission of COVID-19 has been unacceptably high. However, the government, and the doctors advising it, have not reviewed their policy in order to focus on this vulnerable segment of the population. Instead, stage 3-4 lockdowns for the whole community have continued for no apparent scientific reason.

Medical and Social Consequences

As medical practitioners, it is our collective experience that patients are presenting later to us with their medical complaints. Specialist referrals from GPs, and indeed GP workload, have fallen dramatically due to patients’ reluctance to leave home in fear of acquiring the virus.

As a direct consequence of this delay, many will have poorer prognoses. This has especially been the case with consultants who treat cancer. A study in the UK estimated an extra 4000 deaths from not screening the four main cancers alone and not from lack of treatment.

In addition, it is our professional opinion that the stage 4 lockdown policy has caused unprecedented negative economic and social outcomes in people, which in themselves are having negative health outcomes.

In particular, it has caused or exacerbated depression, anxiety and other mental health issues, as well as contributing to domestic violence, through an extreme and unjustified disruption to family, social and work life.

Job losses, homeschooling, the isolation of the elderly and single people and the restriction on the number of people who may attend funerals, are but a few examples of how the government’s current response is harming the health of the general population. [Emphasis added]

In short, the medical, psychological and social costs of the lockdown are disproportionately enormous compared to the limited good being done by current policies and are relevant factors to be taken into account by any responsible government.

Proposed Amendments to the Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008 (Vic)

We further note with much concern, that the proposed amendment to the Public Health and Wellbeing Act that would effectively allow the government to continue its current policy to manage COVID-19 even if there were to be zero cases over a period of time. This is unfathomable and certainly contrary to the objects of the Act, which require accountability, proportionality, and collaboration to be fulfilled.

Specifically, the legislation explicitly mandates that the government’s decisions on public health initiatives must be transparent, systematic, and appropriate, with members of the public given access to reliable information in appropriate forms to facilitate a good understanding of the issue.

In addition, the legislation acknowledges that decisions will be enhanced through collaboration between all levels of government and industry, businesses, communities, and individuals.


For all these reasons, ordinary sensible people if properly informed should inevitably conclude that the current government policy is ill-focused, heavy-handed, and unjustifiable as a proportionate response to the risks posed by COVID-19 to the public’s health.

As the virus is not going away soon, and an effective vaccine may not be available for a considerable period of time, if at all, we respectfully call upon the government to do the following:

1/ The State of Emergency not be continued past September 13 with an agreement made for parliament to be allowed to openly discuss and debate appropriate medical plans to manage the current COVID-19 crisis. A panel of non-politically aligned medical and health-related experts be selected by a bi-partisan parliamentary group to provide the transparent and active role of informing and advising government decisions and responses to the epidemic.

2/ Ensure adequate measures, testing, and protection of the vulnerable, especially those in aged residential care environments and their families and carers.

3/ Clearly communicate to the public the medical evidence-base, objectives and timelines of any proposed future management plans, with open disclosure of the processes and negative consequences, to inform those discussions and decisions.

4/ A broader focus be given to the health and well-being of Victorians, by utilising all relevant available data and by calculating the costs and harms, including the social, economic, family, emotional, psychological and spiritual impacts on the community, of any decisions and plans to manage the COVID-19 crisis, thereby explaining and justifying the merits of these plans as a reasonable and  proportionate response.

5/ To review regularly the outcomes of any management decisions and demonstrate a willingness to modify plans as new data and insights become available.

Thank you for your time in reading this letter.  We look forward to your early response.

Yours faithfully,

Mr Geoff Wells, Urologist, Box Hill Hospital, Private Practice.

Mr Bob Millar, Transplant Surgeon, Royal Melbourne Hospital

Mr Jon Bare, Orthopaedic Surgeon, Monash Hospital, Private Practice.

Professor Nathan Grills, Public Health Physician, University of Melbourne.

Professor John Murtagh, Emeritus Professor AO Academic General Practitioner

Professor Haydn Walters, Respiratory Medicine, University of Tasmania.

Professor Kuruvilla George, Psychiatrist,

Mr Peter Denton, General Surgeon

Mr William Edwards, Orthopaedic Surgeon, Private Practice.

Dr Andrew Taylor, Gastroenterologist, St Vincent’s Hospital

Mr Michael Knight, Orthopaedic Surgeon, Private Practice.

Dr John Mathai, Psychiatrist,

Dr Eamonn Mathieson, Anaesthetist, Private Practice.

*The signatories do not represent the opinions of their employers.



    • I totally agree with the intentions of the letter, as discussed in your URL coviddoctorsnetwork. They are to resolve the physical, psychological, social and economic damage that is being created by this crisis & which is far worse than any good that may come from the lockdown.

      You also discuss the number of deaths from March to 31 August 2020. 565 Victorian patients have died either WITH or FROM  the virus (my UPPER CASE), but that the Covid-19 deaths are a relatively small proportion of the 114 deaths per day that are normally seen in Victoria ie since the start of March Covid-19 has been associated with only 3 of the 114 deaths per day. 
      You go on to explain that most of the 565 deaths have occurred in nursing homes.  Doctors currently working in this environment have described causal factors related not only to the virus but to other care issues, including isolation, loneliness, and related diminished nutritional intake.

      These are all excellent facts & I congratulate you on accumulating them. However, may I point out that you haven’t considered what I believe is a most important set of factors in your presentation. That set of factors is:

      a)   The elimination of the Covid-19 associated DEATHS, even though it may only number an average of 3 per day.

      b)   The undiscussed PERIOD & SEVERITY OF SUFFERING of elderly patients infected with the Coronavirus, but who survived. By not being grouped with the death toll, their numbers are unquoted by you & are possibly not even available in official figures.

      c)   The number of individuals who may not be able to visit their elderly relatives, whether they reside in nursing or aged-care homes or otherwise, because the individuals may be or are INFECTED, or because the elderly relative may be or is INFECTED with the virus.

      Each of the above factors will be greatly affected by an immediately available medication which will eliminate the DEATHS, reduce both the PERIOD & SEVERITY OF SUFFERING of elderly patients infected with the Coronavirus, & will also reduce or quickly eliminate the INFECTED number of individuals, regardless of whether the individual is the elderly relative or any of the potential visitors to the elderly relative.

      The medication is known as IVERMECTIN which is available on prescription as STROMECTOL in Australia. It is available IMMEDIATELY & possibly in sufficient quantities at the moment, to satisfy the above-discussed cases plus frontline medical staff & the staff at nursing or aged-care homes.

      It is hard to believe how efficacious it is, yet is so benign that it has virtually no side-effects of any consequence. No deaths have ever been recorded in its 39 years of use throughout the world.  This result also applies to a clinically-controlled 10× Standard Dose to test subject(s), as well as misuse & abuse! How benign can you get?
      For more information on IVERMECTIN, please see my letter at the following URL:

      Please also read the Comments section, which includes a Comment by me (RWA on 03 Sep) to Mary Maxwell, which provides some additional, relevant details.

      I suggest at the moment, you disregard my recommendation to convert IVERMECTIN from prescription to OTC (Over The Counter). That is a Federal matter rather than one for Victoria’s Government & its premier. However, there is the need to consider any doctor issuing a script in what is in effect, an Off-label fashion as Ivermectin is not established in the TGA’s ARTG as an approved disease for Ivermectin use.

      I am currently in the process of preparing yet another Open Letter to the Health Minister (Greg Hunt), which deals with this & other issues. You may care to put pressure on the Victorian Health Minister to address these issues with the Federal Health Minister. I will forward my Open Letter to you when I dispatch it to Greg Hunt.

  1. Well that does it, the doctors are protesting the government’s actions and stating facts inconsistent with the government’s narrative. They should immediately be banned from practicing medicine and charged with ‘incitement’.

    I wonder if the good doctors will face some sort spiteful reaction from that little POS in Victoria.

    • Agree Terry, all along it seems most Doctors are knowing, I happened to pull one up the other day,a Doctor from Perth, and versed him on the false swab tests, he answered, ‘We only take our advice from the Main stream scientists and the WHO’ I told him they should never be used for infectious testing, he scratched his head, and didn’t have a clue., YET he was asking me to vote for him and McGowan, yeah right!!!!!!.

  2. What is it with people in professions. It appears that they can’t accept that the Covid-19 scam was not anything to do with health. The Cabal certainly has the “educated ones” conned.

    They are still suggesting that a virus that does not exist, is a great danger. ” However, we now know that whilst COVID-19 is highly contagious, it is of limited virulence.” Certain thinking “serfs”
    have known for some time that Covid-19 DOES NOT exist, so how can it be a danger. That is the reason that there is no satisfactory tests for a non existing disease. Amazing! You cannot test for something that does not exist. COMMON SENSE!

    I’ll bet the Cabal are extremely happy with the result of this hoax. They now know the political and professional classes are fully in their grasp. They are no danger to the One World Government going forward. It maybe only the “useless eaters”, the workers of the world that will be the stumbling block.

    • I apologise for my remarks above, in regard people in professions. I should have said a great many in professions. Sorry to any of our followers of Gumshenews. I know if you are one of us, you must be one of the “knowledgeable ones”.

      I am frustrated that so many highly educated people are so dumb.

      • Mal, it is the dumb ones that will disappear in the depopulation agenda. Oh yeah, and all the ‘Karens’ following all the rules, right down to getting the vaccine. Bye-bye!

        Maybe the Cabal has a point, there will be less fools to have to share the Earth with.

      • Of course Sars-Cov -2 exists..Its 6 strains (thus far) have been sequenced(30,000 bases)by multiple groups globally.The various rtPCR tests(PCR originally invented by Kary Mullis) being used are not being used correctly(should only be used in a symptomatic clinical setting) but this does not negate the actual purpose/efficacy of the test.The recent controversy re the reverse primer used by the Institute Pasteur in their PCR test which was said to detect human Chromosome 8 was in fact a total misinterpretation of the 18 base forward and reverse primers.
        The bioengineered virus (accidental or intentional release?) is certainly real and it’s long term sequelae are not yet known.
        No doubt the global elite(whether or not they instigated “the problem”) are using the “reaction” to deliver their “solutions”.

        • Thanks. Like most people I really have no in-depth knowledge about viral infections, but in terms of what happens when anything is falsely portrayed to those in such a position it certainly adds up.

          Anyone who has any sense of decency or personal integrity knows when they’re being lied to, but unless one is 100% au fait with the technicalities of the matter in question it’s almost impossible to arrive at anything more than a proxy-truth.

      • I had pondered that question long before these topical Gumshoe articles. ‘They’ do like us debating such details, and often going off on tangents, thereby losing sight of the underlying issue.

        What we have is the ordinary run of the mill cold and flu with certain respiratory symptoms that are being blamed on the COVID phantom virus that no one has caught, let alone died from. The seasonal rate of ‘infection’ is no more than any year – in fact if anything it is lower this year wherever you look.

        Hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin will clear up those [non-COVID] symptoms in the blink of an eye. Those in the regime cannot afford for this simple fact to be exposed because then the whole façade crumbles – they simply cannot afford for any cure to be revealed.

        Even if the The [PATENTED] Virus ™ exists at all it only exists in the toxic poisons they want to inoculate us with – just like in the Measles or Polio inoculations.

        UN Forced to Admit Gates-funded Vaccine is Causing Polio Outbreak in Africa


        I am not sure of this woman’s name but no one says it better – a dear friend and Gumshoe reader sent it to me while I was out at the Adelaide Freedom Day rally earlier – a report when I can.

        Live true or join the Walking Dead.

          • I was only introduced to her today. If you thought that that “I’m Done” clip was good …

            Talking to My Kids About Rona–Part 1

            I have some comments about Part 2 for later – but she answers her own dilemma – “we are all brainwashed to some degree about one topic or another …”. And we often don’t even know that we have been brainwashed. For example, some people still believe man went to the moon – or that 19 Arabs carried out 911, etc

            This one is also quite brilliant in the way she articulates sarcasm …

            On Injected Pharmaceutical Prophylactics–Part One

          • I remain undecided about the man on the moon stunt, the only certainty being the fact that, in the overall scheme of things, it was/is of zero consequence either way.

            As with any emotionally provocative subject, the focus should be on the sociological impact because, as intimated by Yolande above, that’s the only thing we can actually control.

          • “Zero consequence”(?) – That’s like saying that the one missing piece in my 5,000 piece jigsaw is of no consequence because it is just part of some background trees.

            Better tell Mary to stop posting on 911 – or Boston – or Port Arthur – or USS Liberty … all of equally zero consequence.

            No rivers of milk and pure honey for thee, berry (Sura 47:15)

          • As to the nature of the 2019 flu, it strikes me that the “It’s totally fake” conclusion is just the flip-side of dan andrews-style fear-mongering.

          • JS: The only certainty about any of the events you name is that they were all intended to elicit a certain sociological response. Theories as to who, exactly, did what, don’t have any capacity to free anyone from anything. The idea that you can make everything clean and nice by hounding down a few “baddies” is seriously naive. The core issue is the unwillingness to acknowledge that such individuals would never get a foot in the door if “good” folk didn’t allow it;the power to break the cycle doesn’t rest anywhere else

          • Berry, when you wrote : ‘The idea that you can make everything clean and nice by hounding down a few “baddies” is seriously naive’ , surely you were joking ?

            ‘To hound’ someone implies that said recipient of the hounding is being harassed based on spurious evidence and that there exists every likelihood of said party being innocent.

            I personally believe there is more than enough evidence to suggest Dictator Dan Andrews is a traitor.

            Others may propose that, whilst they disagree with his exaggerated response in Victoria, he may be no more than a useful idiot in doing things that just so happen to fit in with the agenda of the cabal.

            However, when there are REAMS of evidence that implicate certain individuals with (for example) the 9/11 False Flag – if not actual planning and execution then at least foreknowledge and being instrumental in the cover-up (eg: Dick Cheney, Michael Chertoff, Dov Zackheim, Phillip Zelikow, Paul Wolfowitz etc). then YES Berry, let’s stop ‘hounding’ them.

            That time has looooong passed.

            NOW is the time to take them into custody pending prosecution.

            Give them a fair trial and then dish out the appropriate punishment. ie: a life sentence in front of a perpetually firing firing squad.

            (No typo above with ‘firing’ written twice).

          • Also Berry (Re: Your “the events you name ….. were all intended to elicit a certain sociological response” comment), the intent from the perpetrators was infinitely more than’sociological.

            Yes, I get it that with all these False Flags and acts of mass terror, it’s all about …. Problem, Reaction, Solution, as David Icke reminds us.

            Problem = Fly two drone aircraft into the Twin Towers on 9/11 and immediately get the compliant media to finger the Muslims.

            Reaction = Traumatisation (ie: the required sociological response) of the American people followed by anger and the desire to get revenge on the alleged evil doers.

            Solution : Why of course attack Afghanistan and then Iraq and then any other country in the region (that just so happens to be a threat to Israeli hegemony) on the pretext that they too harbour Al Qaeda and are planning to attack the U.S.

            At the end of the day, the ‘sociological’ response is NOT a prerequisite. It just helps to have the general public not provide too much push-back as far as introduction of the Patriot Act (for example) and justify (in their minds) the need for the U.S to bomb a poor Muslim country that never threatened America back into the Stone Age.

            The ‘sociological response’ is NOT IMPORTANT.

            These days the cabal is so brazen that they do what they want, when they want WITHOUT THE NEED to generate public approval.

            Millions marched around the world to protest against the pending invasion of Iraq in March 2003.

            Did the powers-that-be have second thoughts about going through with it ?

            Not at all. Poll after poll shows that the vast majority of Americans want the pointless wars to end but nothing ever comes of it.

            The powers-that-be don’t give a rat’s bum about public opinion.

          • TV: One repeat deserves another:

            “The only way of terminating a destructive relationship is to get to the bottom of how you wound up in it in the 1st place. So long as you keep believing that the problem was created entirely by the other party that’s never going to happen”

          • Mary, how do you reconcile your belief with this video featuring NASA engineer Kelly Smith :

            Right now, NASA is working on the Orion space exploration mission and from 0:37 – 0:41 Kelly Smith clearly says :

            “We must solve these challenges [technology to shield from deadly radiation from the Van Allen Belts] before we send people through this region of space”.

            We don’t need an interpreter for that.

            Today, in 2020, NASA DOES NOT possess the technology to send humans through the Van Allen Belt.

            YET, somehow they did over 50 years ago ???

            Mary, it may well be true that man has indeed walked on the moon.

            If so, then one thing is for certain : it was NOT an American.

          • Absolutely with you on that issue Fish.

            Exposure of the ‘Man walked on the moon’ hoax has ENORMOUS consequences.

            Once exposed, and once the LENGTHS to the which the U.S government went to in perpetrating said hoax are known in detail (ie: control of the media, control of academia, control of ALL politicians from BOTH parties in keeping silent about it), it will AWAKEN Americans and indeed the whole world who will then start asking …..


            Did they tell us the truth about the JFK assassination, 9/11, the Covid hoax ? (just to name a few).

            The truth revealed in relation to the Moon hoax has the potential to bring the whole putrid matrix of control down – and with it the perpetrators that were behind it.

      • Berry, I disagree slightly. “So the Gumshoe write-ups about hexacloraquin and ivermectin are rubbish?”

        Those two treatments would not be successful against the non-existent Covid-19, but it could provide relief for those elderly that have a cold or the flu. The best treatment is for people anywhere not to have a flu vaccine at anytime in their life.

        • Trying to reconcile that hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin could provide relief against the influenza virus and the cold(some caused by coronaviruses) and yet these treatments would not be successful against the non-existent Covid-19 caused by Sars-Cov-2, a confirmed coronavirus.
          So “some” viruses do in fact exist and are not terrain friendly exosomes.

          • I don’t think anybody is saying that Sars- Cov-2 does not exist, unless they accept that Covid-19 is another name for the same thing. Covid-19 has not been scientifically identified after at least 8 months of its supposed appearance. A doctor has offered a cash reward for anybody to show success of such identity. Nobody has received this prize to date.

            However which ever way we interpret that statement, accepting that disease is caused by viruses is “old hat” science. The “new” science suggests that the word virus in regard to disease is actually a body process that creates a solvent to excrete toxins and dead cell tissue from the body. The reason that the outbreak appears to happen at the same time in a particular place is because natural works in cycles. People usually get the flu or cold in winter months no matter what part of the globe you live in.

            There are two very good videos previously shown at gumshoenews which explain the process. Don’t know if they have been taken down by youtube..

  3. Hughsie, I wouldn’t worry. Paul Craig Roberts has just published an article entitled

    “Americans Really Are Dumbshits. They Are Unbelievably Stupid People.”

    • I wanted to find PCRs article and it gave me a link to one of Mark Dice’s videos where he is trying to sell a 100oz bar of silver to Americans on the street. No buyers – you have to see the video to believe how stupid people are. (by the way, that bar is now worth over US2,700 today)

      He did another one where he is trying to sell a one oz Gold Canadian Maple leaf coin for US20, again no buyers (it is worth over US1,900 today)

      • Terry, in the future (when the minimum denomination banknote has three zeros in it – equivalent to a cup of coffee) these people will look back, and kick themselves for believing that government issued fiat money was preferable to precious metals.

  4. Quiz question: Is it in Dan Andrew’s power to forbid you to walk outside?

    Answer: Gospel of Mark, Chapter 12, Verse 12-17

    At this, the leaders sought to arrest Jesus, for they knew that He had spoken this parable against them. But fearing the crowd, they left Him and went away. Later, they sent some of the Pharisees and Herodians to catch Jesus in His words.

    “Teacher,” they said, “we know that You are honest and seek favor from no one. Indeed, You are impartial and teach the way of God in accordance with the truth. Is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar or not? Should we pay them or not?”…

    But Jesus saw through their hypocrisy and said, “Why are you testing Me? Bring Me a denarius to inspect.”…. So they brought it, and He asked them, “Whose image is this? And whose inscription?” “Caesar’s,” they answered.…

    Then Jesus told them, “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.”

  5. News today some lady in Europe (immigrant we assume) killed her 5 kids and jumped under a train, one escaped. Wonder what Denial Andrews has in store for Melbourne. Better to escape Victoria even if it means a few months in the slammer, at least you get fed! Seriously, where does this guy think the buck stops. He thinks his job is just to bite the inside of his cheeks and keep on lying.
    Well, that’s his normal job. But this is the new normal. I think his punishment could be, not allowed to travel outside of 10km of Melbourne CBD for the rest of his life. That should be interesting and also stop him from taking up any good career opportunities offered by WHO or allied outfits.

  6. “Since June 2020, the death rate has risen sharply in aged care facilities where the risk of transmission of COVID-19 has been unacceptably high”

    As that claim is very obviously at odds with the purported isolation measures the only logical conclusion is that some other factor is at play

    • I guess the count could have something to do with the fact that the entire clientele is being assessed on the basis of a dodgy testing method

    • berry, as usual these morons argue against themselves. And in June & July 2020 deaths are lower than the previous year. If nursing home residents are required to wear masks (I don’t know if they are), then there will be extra deaths as they will have 20% less oxygen to breath in and if they already have respiratory problems, goodbye Grand Mothers.

  7. Because it is illegal to close the border between states, according to the Constitution of Australia, every premier, chief minister and prime minister is a traitor to Australia. Keep these names in mind for arrests and criminal charges in the future. Scott Morrison, Dan Andrews, Annastacia Palaszczuk, Gladys Berejikliac, Steve Marshal, Peter Gutwein, Andrew Barr, Mark McGowan and Michael Gunner.

    These criminals have also deprived us of our right to associate, forced Victorians to wear face masks to the detriment of the people’s health, created no go zones in their respective states or territories, refused proven health relief medication to be used or prescribed for those with the flu, and refused re-entry of Australians from overseas, enforced quarantine restriction on healthy beings, restricted employment, created business bankruptcies and maybe loss of home ownership. Health issues not directly connected to the so-called Covid-19 virus, (which does not exist), and suicides caused by their actions is another charge awaiting these fools.

    Another reason for each of those above to be charged with treason is that they closed Australia down on the instruction of foreigners without even verifying that there was any sort of danger to the Australian public. Even now, 6 months after the initial shutdown the so-called Covid-19 has not been identified. A doctor has offered a cash reward to anyone who can scientifically verify that Covid-19 actually exists. Nobody has claimed the prize.

    I am sure others can come up with more charges to be issued.

    In regard to Scott Morrison he also has hanging (an appropriate word) over him for his connection and supposed contracts (not contacts) with the pharmaceutical industry. “That I scratch your back, you organise an election result for me”. In other words, he stole the result from the real winner. A statement that was released today at the rally. This type of person thinks the public will never learn of these crimes.

    While the police could not arrest every person who attended rallies today, we can arrange the arrest for each of those named above.

  8. I watched the last bit of “Insiders” on ABC
    Anneke Smedhurst of “the raid” fame managed to use the word “lockstep”.
    Stan Grant commented on the disease starvation ebola etc in the Congo.
    Greg Hunt is mooted to continue as health minister until election.
    Both sides of politics are playing politics while avoiding the issue of the crooked WHO and subservient TGA here. All they can talk about is border opening (blue) vs lockdowns (red).
    The real issue is of course the available fixes. No mention of this from either.
    Perhaps the only career future they can see for themselves is as a functionary of the “lockstep”.
    Being an expert liar under pressure, like Denial Andrews and the other TV stars, is the most sought after career opportunity these days, attention TV journalists, a career path exists for you too!

  9. An objective assessment of Scotty From Marketing would be that he is mentally unhinged, seems almost gleeful to be in the situation we are in, not troubled in the slightest; when he pretends to care, it is like some psychopath trying to act human. And an objective assessment of Comrade Andrews, he is totally beholden to and controlled by some un-named force. Gladys, surrendered long ago, got used to it now, reminds me of Julia Gillard being physically carried out of the terrorist scenario. Josh Friedburger, has all the persona of a potato, developed long ago. Greg Hunt, half undertaker, half REAgent, immutable. What they have in common, all for hire, all sold out.

  10. The following audio is the closest thing I’ve found to definitive proof of a link between 5G and the way it may exacerbate the Covid illness (listen from 1:25:50 – 1:44:30) :

    In the audio, the great Irishman Richie Allen interviews Dr Christopher Busby (the worlds leading authority on the effects of non-ionising radiation on humans).

    I found the comments from Dr Busby to be nothing short of explosive.

    • Thank you Troof. He says hemoglobin is magnetized because it has iron (as was known even to Michael Faraday) and that 5G can cause you to be de-oxygenated. (atrart at 1.30.00)

  11. I have coped th from a Youtube comment by polleej. The theme is not mine but looks interestng:

    Polleej. 1 day ago. (Sept 5, I think)
    IMHO it’s time to look at how the Constitution can be used to protect our freedom.

    Andrews is committing treason (treachery under Section 24 (AA)3 of the Crimes Act:


    Specifically, look at Sections 51. This Section lists Federal or Commonwealth powers “subject to this Constitution”. They can’t change things around to suit them.

    Sn 51 (i) gives the Federal Government power over

    “trade and commerce with other countries, and among the States”. The States flat out can’t do this (see Sn 92).

    Sn 51 (ii) gives the Commonwealth power to levy

    “taxation; but so as not to discriminate between States or parts of States”

    COVID check points discriminate in this illicit way by interfering with revenues that would normally be earned by businesses and therefore with the tax money that would otherwise go to the Commonwealth.

    Sn 51(xxiiiA) (no civil conscription, so no masks, mandatory vaccines, giving your name to eat in a cafe etc), Sn 68 (Governor General is Commander-In-Chief of the armed forces, ,469 and 51 (ix) (quarantine a Federal responsibility), Sn92 ( essentially, freedom of travel on roads within Australia), 108 (religious freedom so no limits on congregation size etc), 109 (State law can’t conflict with Federal law), 116 (freedom of religion so can’t restrict church services, funerals etc)and 117 (can’t discriminate against people from other States). In case you’re wondering, they can’t move the goal posts by saying “unprecedented crisis” or some other crap. The Annotated Constitution (the big red book-not the green one, it’s corrupted)


    is replete with warnings about this, eg p346 “What is not granted to the Parliament of the Commonwealth is denied to it” (including the right to give powers to the States), and on p785 it states that Parliaments cannot pass extra-constitutional laws.

    Literally nothing a politician or police officer can do is able to override the Constitution. The High Court ruling HCA 44 (2010) affirmed this t be the case-the Constitution is all still in effect everywhere in Australia.

    As you can see, closing borders is HIGHLY illegal. It’s being done on the pretense that it IS legal but it’s really treason. Considering that politicians still talk about the Constitution when it suits them, people should call them out on it. Contact your MP’s and a few other pollies. Copy and paste the constitutional info in my post — be my guest. — end of quote by Polleej

    • So, are some lawyers going to step up, what’s the procedure, I want the Swedish model, is this above not advocating for the Swedish model (or near enough), can we actually get Denial Andrews in the slammer and get some truth about HCQ etc? The lies have gone way too far already, it’s time the liars were held accountable

    • Thank you Mary, you have dug up what I have been saying from the beginning of this treasonous fiasco. As I said above, (9.48 pm on 5th Sept.),all the leaders, State and Federal are traitors and need to be treated as such. The penalty for treason is the DEATH SENTENCE.

      • The Constitution cannot be amended or “got rid of” without a referendum vote by the people. That is why I argue that the Corporation of Australia Act 1986 is illegal. A country cannot be ruled using two sets of rules. The people were not even told about the “Corporation Act” until it was supposedly passed, let alone get to vote on it.

        That Act also gives the US control of Australia through the S.E.C. of US where our financial details at the time and questions of National Security had to be answered before application was accepted.

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