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Insanity is Your Normal


I have to agree with David Icke on this. The present world is INSANE. That is the “normal” we exist in – and it is run by energies aligned with psychopathic, murderous criminals (human or otherwise).


If another galactic empathetic race were to arrive and monitor us – they would report back:

“We estimate that only a major shift in consciousness will lift this species from slavery and self destruction.

This is a small planet where the chiefs of government and industry have no regard for the natural world that this species depends on to survive long term. It seems that one of the main industries is making costly machines and items to kill each other with. Their global economy is dependent on and addicted to this, and they call this – for legal purposes – ‘WAR’. So this war industry is self-perpetuating.

To facilitate this crime on populations (of generally great numbers of good people), they use mass hypnosis in the forms of religion, television, and a range of tools and toxins to dumb down the species. They have found that by creating fear (an emotional response to a perceived threat) that this causes the brain and organ function to change in behavior – allowing populations to become vulnerable to manipulation and mind control. Thus the chiefs, behind and controlling governments, have learned that to control and dominate the species is simple: They manufacture FEAR. Thus the cycle of war and destruction is perpetuated in what we would classify as – INSANITY or an insane world (where the natural order of love and empathy is suppressed – except in small pockets).

They also have a trading system called money – where the creation of money is given to a select few individuals. The rest of the species have to do things to get or ‘earn’ this money in order to eat and shelter. But these few money creators earn money by just creating money (out of nothing). Most of the money created is to fund the ‘war’ cycles.

Like a computer virus or biological virus, this species is operating in a corrupted mindset.  It seems that if the species rejected fear – the industry of war would almost surely collapse.

On the surface, the individuals of the species seem highly intelligent, empathetic and have the mental capacity for self preservation. But many of the chiefs, however, seem quite intent on destroying the planet for no real apparent reason (which includes poisoning water systems, genetically modifying plants to poison not only the population, but threaten the natural systems etc). It seems that there is another factor (not just greed) driving this mindset.

Interesting that they have developed the (nuclear) ability to annihilate themselves entirely.

One significant factor is that this self-destructive trait seems to be driven by a long term vision. This is odd as humans live about 960 moon cycles. But many past chiefs were planning for slavery or destruction centuries in the future – beyond their life experience. This could be the result of a collective mind-set, but this requires further investigation. It has been suggested that these chiefs of government, industry, money, medicine, education and media have been trapped or even (unwittingly) co-opted by another force or alien species.

It could be that the species has been energetically appropriated to align with the psychopathic, murderous and criminal agenda by another LONGER LIVING alien species. It is suggested that this alien force might work from a lower and unseen vibration (thus not visible to most humans) and thereby taking control over the conscious minds of the chiefs to assist the planet towards destruction of the natural order and to guide it to a ‘dead and manufactured’ planet, more to their predilection.

For this intelligent species to allow so much war and destruction on themselves – seems to indicate that they are under some mind control or mass hypnosis. Strangely, they don’t seem to realize they are living in an INSANE WORLD.

There is another simple explanation: This alien species (that have life spans around 4000 moon cycles) have co-opted the conscious minds of the human chiefs (of governments and all industries) to initiate wars, hunger and deprivation. They have harnessed the human race as their galactic slave population to produce the by-product of violence – FEAR. This low energy vibration is the alien’s food source.

In conclusion: We think that a shift in human species consciousness would somewhat eliminate fear (which results in hatred). This would dry up the food source for this force or alien species, and would probably result in their migration to another planet.

End transmission”.


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