Home Finance Is the Financial Ponzi Scheme Coming to an End?

Is the Financial Ponzi Scheme Coming to an End?


Is the crash going to be timed to disrupt Trump in the November elections.

And the latest X22 Report on the Federal Reserve (in comments yesterday).



  1. Deep within man the Ponzi scheme is well embeded, a form of legal theft, gambling is the same, the energy to over come this trait is more than the courage required to fight on the battle field.

  2. I have been watching the erosion of the monetary system for years (I spent time as a financial planner and researcher). I thought it would have gone belly-up a couple of decades ago, but the PTB have been kicking the can down the road – eventually there is no more road.

    Throw in the global mini ice age (probably similar to a Dalton Minimum) where crops fail and people get hungry. Add in a decline in petroleum extraction and an increase in liquid energy costs to every aspect of modern society. Then chuck in the decline in civil society to deal with it all.

    If you are on a train heading for a burnt out bridge, what do you do?

  3. One could get depressed with all this, as is the usual result of our office Melbourne cup draw.
    So I will bring forward my misery by putting a lobster on the collapse on or either side, of first of November 2018. (31/10-2/11 incl’)
    I want odds at 20/1.

  4. More cunning beneficiaries of the present system trying to prop up the “gold standard” hoax.

    And look! here’s more!
    More hype about gold from DFA

    Now, read this very simple metaphor and tell us how anything would have been different if Mr Oliver’s barrel had really contained gold.

    An astute observer once said of the devastating depression of the 1930’s “What caused the economic collapse? Was it a lack of skilled or willing workers? Perhaps a lack of productive land, rain, sunshine, minerals, technology?” No! It was nothing more than a shortage of lubricant, exchange medium; money. International money manipulators created the problem by cutting back on their “loans” and they benefited from it by driving many small, independent productive enterprises out of business to be eaten by their front large corporations. There’s much more and it’s not hard to understand but it is “inconvenient” to many, if not most.

    This bod, Colin Barclay-Smith, was an Australian (I think he died in about 1957) was only one of many.
    It’s time people knew the money trick
    by Colin Barclay-Smith

    Back in the ’70’s I was one of many who engaged in a fairly concerted campaign of “lobbying” pollies, economists, etc. for a nationally sovereign money system. It’s a bit like banging your head… it’s very unpleasant. The very few pollies that had even a rudimentary conception of the problem and the solution, and who dared voice any criticism of the secretocracy were subjected to brutal and sustained personality assassination in the media.

    It’s only got worse since then. Those who want to do something about it can’t. Those who could do something won’t because it will cost them big-time.

    • Below in the link, we in the Wentworth electorate have to decide on our representative next Saturday who our representatives in Canberra will be….. perhaps resulting in a ‘hanged’ parliament of the fools.
      Well may we ask these geniuses that think they will represent us: “WHERE THE F. IS OUR GOLD?
      ‘No idea never considered it, vote for ……US ……….. BS”. (we do nor understand reality… we are banker’s hores/hoars.
      The electorate is comprised of ‘sheepled’ idiots and they do not have a clue.
      Well: what a choice? simple, vote for the ‘My dog party”……….scribble it over the ballot paper and tell the future traitors that they are traitors and anti Australian and a dog is more loyal.
      Tell us; Phelps and Sharma et.al.: Where is our gold and who runs Australia.

      • Orrite, Ned. For about 30 years or more I have scrawled across the ballot paper NO SUITABLE CANDIDATES which I thought was a protest, perhaps illegitimate, but which saved me from the fine for not showing up to vote. However, I have more recently discovered that it is a legitimate and valid vote to dis endorse any proposed candidate by drawing an indelible line through the box and the candidates name thus precluding them from being eligible for any vote or preference deal. Such is not an “informal vote” but a real vote of “no confidence” or exclusion from consideration for the position they have applied for.

        I cannot, off the top of my head, supply the legal justification for such but it’s “out there” somewhere. I’ll put myself to the task of trying to find the relevant “laws” if you can’t do it yourself. I’m a real dunce with these computer things… I’d never even seen one of them up close before I was nearly 60 years old.

    • Old David.
      One of the best contributions on G, for Australia to date.
      PS: As I reported here, years ago, I witnessed the two flat tops with our gold leaving the Reserve Bank and going up (north) Phillip Street with a ‘armoured division’ in support.
      The tyres of the flat tops told the story. (doubt if it was a load of lead)
      Thanks M.r Howard.
      Our lot are complete idiots. (or traitors)

      • The Australian gold sell off started under Labor and was continued under Liberal. I forget the initial tonnage (640 or 690 tonnes, something like that), but it wasn’t 240 tonnes. That was the amount that was left by 1997 after Labor and a year of Liberal had been selling it off at the bottom of the market.

        The last I heard there was only 20 bars kept in Australia – and that was for photographic purposes (probably titanium filled).

  5. There will be no collapse as in 1929 style, nor this side or the other side of November One. The Globalist/Deep State is now in full panic mode because their World War Three under Hilary Clinton will not be available to mask yet another intended, but largely unnoticed economic collapse as they have been getting away with through all the wars before.

    There will be an economic reset that will take us away from the petro-dollar, but first the Central Banks have to go! I have watched and listened to scores of opinions from some very famous and not so famous folk about the economic collapse, and the only thing that they have in common is their recognition that we are currently in an economic reset, and one only need to note that the Bond market has gone ballistic – which is a general indicator that the stock market is sure to follow – and that the collapse we are now in is in slow motion that could go on for months.

    I would advise everyone, as I have with my family and friends, to stock up on food, fuel, water if you live in the big city or town, and have enough cash handy just in case.

    And you should consider having some kind of weaponry handy – also just in case.

    • Ta Grand Ma for the advice,
      3rd Paragraph. Agreed……..but withdraw all available cash……….as I have suggested many times before on this site.
      A insurance policy does not provide refunds for non events but if there are non events, cash is still in the pocket.
      Problem with ‘weaponry”, you suggest what?
      A hockey stick at hand at the front door perhaps?
      No worries, JWH fixed the alternative at Port Arthur and the Bolsheviks (as with the Nazis) expect to have the upper hand………….. yea right, but the US public may be not so gullible.

      • Preparation is always light years ahead when uncertainty strikes.

        We are already being affected by inflation with the lower Aussie dollar against the Greenback – how long that will last is anyone’s guess. One only need to go food shopping weekly or fortnightly to see the gradual rise in food and fuel prices. Too, as Terry Shultz has hinted at – we are now entering a cool period which is cyclic and will effect, in fact, is already effecting crop production around the world. We started importing feed grain this year because of the extended drought and colder then normal conditions in our major growing areas.

        People should consider growing their own veges.

        I see Howard has listed some of his regrets in today’s Daily Mail – not one of them being the criminalizing of ordinary Aussies who wished to simply defend themselves.

        Weaponry can mean anything that comes to hand – even a baseball bat can be useful – if one has the nerve for protecting themselves or their property. A hockey stick would be good, especially if it had a pointy end to it.

        It is easier to poke with a pointed end then it is to swing in a narrow space, such as a hallway.

  6. The reset will not happen as expected. The ’29 crash was an American crash. There was a drought in America at that time, so that event is coupled with that. These crashes are just transfers anyway, so will never be pushed beyond that to a reset, unless the game calls for it. The lubricant (gold) was manipulated out of the market, causing a further hashness for the US, and depressing market value worldwide for the gold sellers.
    Now if you owed money, this is a problem, otherwise like the dark ages most people lived well.
    Whats different now is that the stock markets get plenty of new money every week (superannuation){that are peoples savings} at the same time median people accumulate larger gross debt.
    This just needs to be transferred without killing the goose.
    I expect that the “can” being kicked down the road has a long ways to go. Sure there will be lots of events but the main game is not in any danger.

    • Simon,
      not sure what you mean when you comment that the ’29 crash was a American crash and there was a drought at the time, there may have been a drought.
      If you are trying to suggest that it was merely a American problem and contained thus, then I suggest it was otherwise.
      If my Mum was still here she would enlighten you….she lived through it, here in Australia.
      May I presume to ask: how old are you?

      • Ned,
        Glad to respond. Comments I find are usually better short n sweet(hit spot). Big subjects with lots of histories are difficult to comment sometimes with the endless inputs. I try to comment in a Gumshoes story history context(love G that strives for the bigger picture).
        Australia did suffer some “contagnation” but only in dubious areas anyway.ie mining gold(think long term environment destruction), war production levels such as over supply of wool, and Exports. Exports are only required to fulfil debt obligations anyway.
        I’m a little north of 50 so I was not there. My Grandfather even left Victoria in the early 30’s because of wool crash coupled with a bit like US in harsh weather cycle. He missed a few meals but never starved or considered suicide. So yes the wall street crash ’29 was just a US problem caused by its Reserve Bank. Its tentacles lead back to the City of London thus to us though money manipulation. But the US people had their savings literally stolen overnight on top of the historcal wealth transfers.

        The wall street crash ’29 is just a cover story. Reminds me of the polio setup complete with photos.

        But if you had nous you had alternatives to live well in the US but here more so. Our savings are hostage now and our debt will be “leveraged” to reduce our alternatives.

        I was very successful with trading the Australian stock market. I have >2 square metres of documentation still.(left 2006 and never going back). You do not make money if you listen to the consensus. Sure you can slipstream the big guys for illusionary gains but thats it. All I see is liars, crooks and headless chooks.

          • The system agenda is to creare surfs and dependants of the system.
            Creating a system for votes is part of their plan for a socialist fascist corporate controll agenda.

          • Exactly complete with photos. If caught up in it and you had nous, you know, catch fish, reach out and grab fruit fly free feed. All the indigenous options.
            Now the only wildlife is signage, and according to Williams of shadowstats internet site the numbers can not be compared, the current employment and depression years seem the same to him.
            Employment is a funny word/ concept. I think John Maynard Keynes suggested(circa depression) that if window glaziers were in need of work, the Government should smash windows. He is still the economic Albert Einstein. lol
            If the Great Depression was a reset, they don’t work like the unemployed.
            Joke – work or not(we all work), consider your output is all. Love your job, tell me about it. The output of your job type work is considered your identity. Kinda of like a stolen identity for minimum wage that most/median get. I know the Feminists are outraged about lower pay for women but it doesn’t make sense.There is no discrimination in minimum wage that the most/ median get.

    • Fair ‘nough, Julius. I already knew about that speech but the “bail in or bail out” racket is only to preserve a thoroughly perverse system that should not exist at all. However, I can see why peripheral issues should be tackled first…

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