Home Boston Jahar Tsarnaev Is To Be Judicially Murdered in Indiana

Jahar Tsarnaev Is To Be Judicially Murdered in Indiana


by Mary W Maxwell, LLB

Jahar [Dzhokhar] Tsarnaev was tried by a jury in the US District Court in Massachusetts in 2015, two years after the Marathon in which he did not commit the crimes he has been convicted of. He is currently appealing the verdict but the so-called Defense Lawyers are not defending him. After all, the US government wants Jahar to take the rap.

Please see my 2019 book, The Soul of Boston and the Marathon Bombing as to Jahar’s innocence and the FBI’s guilt.

The so-called Defense Team  does not show any signs of calling the prosecutor’s attention to the fact that there is exculpatory evidence in file. The judge keeps giving extensions of time to the parties to deal with trivial or irrelevant matters.

Thus it seems that the appellate court will not override the guilty verdict. (They could do so and I hope I am wrong in my prediction. The appeal judge, Judge Juan Torruella, appears to be the sanest of men and a good judge.)

When the Prisoner Is Handed Over to the US Marshal

A federal Death Row prisoner stays in custody of the US Attorney General – currently William Barr – until all appeals are exhausted. At that point he is to be executed and is handed over to the US Marshal. According to 18 USC 3596:

“The United States marshal… shall supervise implementation of the sentence in the manner prescribed by the law of the State in which the sentence is imposed. [That was Massachusetts.] If the law of the State does not provide for implementation of a sentence of death, [Massachusetts has abolished the death penalty] the court shall designate another State, [Judge O’Toole designated Indiana]…, and the sentence shall be implemented in the latter State in the manner prescribed by such law.”

So what does Indiana law say? The death penalty in that state can only be given for murder with aggravated circumstance. One of the listed circumstances is bombing. The penalty is lethal injection.

After the Guilty Verdict of April 8, 2013

The counts of federal crimes on which Jahar Tsarnaev was sentenced to death on May 15, 2015 are:

Count 4 – “Use of a weapon of mass destruction resulting in death,” Count 9  — “Bombing a place of public use resulting in death,” and Count 14 – “Malicious destruction of property resulting in personal injury and death”.

Plus three other counts (5, 10, and 15) of “Possession and Use of a Firearm During and in Relation to a Crime of Violence Resulting in Death.”

I am not sure which of those death counts is associated with each of the following decedents: Martin Richard, Lingzi Lu, and Krystle Campbell, all on Boylston St during the April 15, 2013 Marathon, and Sgt Collier who was seated in his cruise car at MIT three nights later.

Two Groups of Amici

I am an amicus curiae – friend of the court – in Tsarnaev’s appeal. I am in a group of 3 United States citizens whom Judge Torruella allowed to file a statement in November 2017.  Subsequently, “eight distinguished citizens of Massachusetts,” including a retired judge of the Massachusetts Supreme Court, were allowed to act as a group of amici curiae.

Minnesota attorney Jack Graham is the counsel for my group, the other two members of which are Prof James Fetzer and Dr Cesar Baruja. Our statement points put that the main evidence presented by the FBI as to the bomb allegedly exploded by Jahar Tsarnave is a black backpack, but he was – in the photo that the FBI uses to identify him – carrying a grey-white backpack.

The prosecution does not have a leg to stand on. As I explain in my book, The Soul of Boston  (which is a revised edition of my earlier effort entitled Marathon Bombing: Indicting the Players), both legal teams – prosecution and defense – engaged in extraordinarily unethical behavior.

That, however, does not form part of our amici statement. Rather we rely on the backpack color and on the fact that Jahar’s parents were coerced into coercing their son to accept the Public Defenders Miriam Conrad and Judith Clarke as his attorneys.

I am certain of Jahar’s innocence.  I believe the event was a false flag in which Jahar and his late brother Tamerlan were classic patsies.

Much could be ironed out if we could talk to the prisoner but he is under SAM’s – special administrative measures requested by the trial judge George A O’Toole, Jr and carried out by Attorney General Loretta Lynch and now, presumably William Barr.

Thus, if he does not want the team that is currently acting in his appeal to be his representatives he has no way of conveying that information to the world. He is totally incommunicado in Supermax Prison in Colorado.

Frankly, I have fears for the life of the appeals judge, Juan Torruella, who hails from Puerto Rico. He is 85 years old, will turn 86 this week.

Things are not being played by the book. The “reality testing” of the principals seems to me to be way off.

If anyone wants to get in touch with me, about standing together for justice, please email me via the contact page of my website MaxwellForSenate.com.

The free download of my book on this subject is here.


Editor’s note: adding the backpack picture:




  1. No Government in this world is to be trusted, especially the American. Corruption and evil has infiltrated the cores of justice and those we could trust. A day will come to these individuals where judgment will strike.

    • Fractal, surely you jest regarding “justice will strike.”

      The late David Rockefeller and the late GHW Bush never felt the sting.

      I once saw a photo of Rocky taking a hay ride in Maine. On the hay wagon with him were many bodyguards.

      But I agree with you that the corruption has spread. I wish we could make a noisy appeal to any person in govt and the judiciary that claims to be non-corrupt. Ask them simply to identify themselves as such.

      I hereby ask the Nine to do that. It wouldn’t be undignified for them to put their hand up.

      Roll call. Roberts. Thomas. Alito. Sotomayor. Bader-Gunsberg. Gorsusch. Kavanaugh. Breyer. Kagan.

  2. This kid is the worst kind of scumbag. He and his disgusting brother left thier dwelling on the morning of April 15 , 2013 with the sole purpose of bombing an event populated not only by running enthusiasts, but also loaded with women and children, elderly people and just regular people of all races colors and creeds. Steve.d


    • Steve , if you have children , will you be satisfied in sending one of them to defend Oz in wars of occupation . More so , will you have the balls to go yourself ?
      Jahar and his brother were sprayed with bullets , he survived , for murders that are still unsolved .


    • Hey Steve, you seem to be up to speed with what’s really going on, perhaps you could help me with a couple of questions.

      I’ve forgot, but who was it that did the 9-11 attack in NY?

      And the other one, what is the name of that gas that causes ‘man made global warming’?

      Thanks in advance…

  3. Here’s something a bit odd, from deathpenalty.org (and by the way I do NOT advocate repeal of the death penalty. It’s fine by me):

    History of the Death Penalty

    “The death penalty has been present in Indiana for much of the state’s history. Death penalty laws were part of Indiana’s legislation and culture even before Indiana was granted statehood in 1816. Hangings were fairly frequent in the 1800’s, and in some cases public hangings resulted in violent mobs that killed the inmate even before they were hung.

    “This changed with the introduction of the electric chair, which became the primary method of execution in 1913. The death penalty is still used, but executions have been limited in number since reinstatement in 1978, with less than 25 executions.

    Notable Exonerations

    “In 1978, Larry Hicks was sentenced to death for the stabbings of Norton Miller and Stephen Crosby at a neighbor’s party. He was seen earlier threatening the two individuals with a knife. The Playboy Foundation became interested in Hicks’ claim of innocence and granted Hicks money for a retrial after he passed a lie detector test.

    “He was granted a retrial based on ineffective representation at his first trial, and the conviction was overturned once eyewitnesses recanted their testimonies and Hicks provided an alibi. He was released from death row in 1980 and cleared of charges.”

    Ineffective representation. Hmmmm.

  4. Steal the oil and cause immeasurable murders and sufferings on the people living there and then , as refugees , bring them to overcrowded developed cities to make up ” just regular people of all races colours and creeds “.
    I’m an immigrant , whose parents fled the “equality of communism “. We had our house , that my father and grandfather built with their hands , taken and sold . We never saw a cent , came here and realised the same happens here in global utopia .
    What’s wrong with people living in their places of birth in peace , unless they want to travel and see what’s over the neighbours fence . Forced mass migration , by way of perpetual wars ,is solely
    for the profit of the few . The bankers need more punters , cause they’ve shafted so many .
    All wars are banksters wars ! Stop debt usury and wars are stopped .

  5. My fist post was edited to the point of losing its original message…
    Was saying that after reading M. Maxwell’s column that the brothers Tsarnaev are scumbags who deserve whats coming, well the one awaiting death anyways. Never said U.S. govt. was perfect. In fact its a far cry from the fore fathers original plan.
    However, they didn’t perpetrate 9/11. They failed miserably to heed the piles of actionable intel which warned of such an attack. But those seeds were planted back during Desert Storm and reinforced durning the Clinton administration.
    Even the U.S. govt. knows are system is all jacked up to the point of being an impenetrable corrupt bureaucracy. Which is why when we finish demolishing some other country’s govt, we suggest when rebuilding NOT to implement our form of government, rather to use a parliamentary system . That is all.
    And i hope they put Tsarnaev’s execution on pay preview. And put proceeds to fund helping the hundreds directly affected by the 2 blasts.
    Because i will prepare some popcorn and roll a nice fat joint, put my feet up and enjoy watching that little bastard twitching and then dying.
    Only wish they could kill him twice.
    K? We understand each other now?
    And all the races, colors and creeds could stop over and enjoy it with me!!!

    • Steve.d “they didn’t perpetrate 9/11”. You need quite some education before you debate 911 here, plus an open mind to accepting “evidence” — not MSM spin.

      • Dee, I don’t know if Steve was a participant in the development of the Dunning-Kruger Effect (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning%E2%80%93Kruger_effect), but I expect your comments will fall on deaf ears.

        He may be intellectually challenged (low IQ) and not able to have the ability of discernment between a white and a black backpack – (white or black, it’s still a backpack, DUH!)

        Or, he may be so programmed by the MSM that even with a fairly high IQ he is unable to recognize the significance – (white or black, it’s still a backpack, DUH!)

        Or, he may just be a dishonest person that lies to promote his ego – (white or black, it’s still a backpack, DUH!)

        Throw in the PC comments – “all the races, colors and creeds could stop over and enjoy it with me!!!” – and it looks like you have a modern dumbed-down fool that is unable to exercise whatever his intellectual abilities may be.

  6. Thanks, 56. I’m sorry your grandfather lost his house.

    As regards the enforced equality of Communism, I now consider it may have been planned before Marx or the Paris commune. Think of how the child-stealing of today was planned (such as by Richard Gardner’s diagnosing PAS in 1980) or the fall of the Church was planned — all with an eye indeed to “equality” —

    by which I mean equal atoms, equal dependent, mind-dulled persons — none having the protection or strength that comes with family or religion, or as you say, property.

    I really wouldn’t put it past them. Anyone able to engineer the breakup of families — for their benefit of surviving unchallenged at the top – is pretty clever. Like Stalin starving the millions. Or was it Mao?

    Really you’ve got to hand it to them.

    • Mary ,
      Yes , freemasonry is international . The c.party thieves came from our seaside village of 1200 . Strange how systems change but their children are still in power . Political theatrics are visible but secret governance is never revealed .Bit like liberal or labor here changing battens but the policy remains the same .

  7. Are you guys really going back and forth on some political bullshit. Let him fry, he killed the innocent and murder a sitting cop. Cut the vs with your conspiracy theories and let him fry.

  8. Steve and Eddie, do either of you know anything about the killings and the follow up evidence that is known about or do you both believe everything that the liars of the Media tell you?

    Not only was the back pack worn by the accused the wrong colour, but the person wearing the black back pack with the same insignia as on the one left with the bomb, was photographed before hand by video. He was a Blackwater employee, who was seen fleeing the scene, without a back pack after the bomb exploded. This is all recorded and has been shown over the internet years ago.

  9. If Bill Barr did not have his hands full with studying the evidence of the serious crimes of politicians from both sides of the fence, he may already have acted on behalf of Jahar, to make sure justice is done.

  10. Dear Aussiemal,
    You should believe everything you see on the internet because thats a wealth of great info.
    I just read that Santa Claus is holding illegal underground poker games for other so called “fictional” characters. I heard the easter bunny, Tony the Tiger and Jesus Christ were there.
    And the Tooth Fairy is trafficking in underage illegal immigrants from Cambodia for the sex trade.
    Way to go kid, how to stay ahead of shit, son

    Yours very sincerely and respectfully,

  11. Eric, you have an open invite to watch the execution at my house in HD
    Im having an “Execution Bash”.
    BBQ, beer, should be a blast.

  12. Terry is it?
    you must be one of those guys who thinks President Bush blew up those buildings in New York, and hijacked the other three planes unfortunate you people exist
    as far as the gas that causes global warming,
    I’m not sure the exact name of it but I’m pretty sure it’s emanating from that hole in your face

    • Naw, Bush didn’t have anything to do with it. It was primarily a Mossad operation. I expected you to say “Osama Bin Laddin” (you could have gotten bonus points for saying “Tim Osman”).

      As far as the gas question, that was a ‘trick’ question using satire. There is no such thing as ‘man made global warming’. The earth is actually going into a Super Grand Solar Minimum and it is going to get colder.

      • My Grandpappy used to say, “Don’t engage in a battle of wits, unless you know your opponent is armed.”

    • We may not know ‘who’ did 9/11, Steve. But we can look at the government’s decision on what happened and say ‘well, their story doesn’t add up’
      Those buildings fell like a controlled demolition.
      Why didn’t the part above where the plane hit topple over? or why didn’t it suddenly ‘crunch’ down on the lower floors, spreading the lower floors all over the place as it fell?. Or topple over even?
      And why did WT7 also fall, despite no plane hitting it?
      Inquiring minds need to know.

      Do you also believe only white man ever indulged in slavery too?

  13. I have a strong sense that Jahar is caught up in a very different scenario than appearances would have us believe

    • “theatre” is the operative word.
      I reckon the Tsarnaevs were(are?) caught up in some sort of intelligence-related scenario that had(has) nothing to do with the Marathon bombing( they evidently weren’t even there) that for some reason or other they had to be seen to disappear and that they really had no choice but to cooperate.

      I also think there’s a strong possibility that Martin Bryant was likewise “employed”

      • I’ve previously made mention on this site that my main point of reference is what I’ve witnessed 1st hand together with a 284 page H. O. file on my Dad and his mate Emanual Ignatius Trebitsch,a collection that wasn’t supposed to be released until 1926(100 years after the key entries)

        Read within the context of the little I did know about my Dad the latter fair does my head in.

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