Home Corona James Perloff’s Book on Covd-19, Hot Off the Press

James Perloff’s Book on Covd-19, Hot Off the Press


by Mary W Maxwell, LLB

James Perloff has my admiration for work he has done on many subjects. I will play his 5G video below. Today I heard that he has completed a book on Covid-19.  have not seen it yet but can show you the Table of Contents below.

James told me he has tried to make it palatable to Blue Pill folks. I venture a guess that many Bluesies are keen to hear something as well-presented as this:

Perloff says:

“[I have considered] scholars from around the world—virologists, epidemiologists, immunologists, pathologists, microbiologists, infectious disease specialists, including Nobel Prize winners, as well as front-line ER physicians and family practice MDs.

“Although, necessarily, I often refer to alternative media journalists, I also frequently draw on mainstream sources including the CDC.

“To simplify reading, I have divided the book into five sections totaling 27 chapters—enough chapters to (hopefully) cover each topic relevant to COVID-19, while also keeping chapters short enough so that reading is not discouraged.”

1. The Economic and Health Impact of the Lockdown
2. Destruction of Civil Liberties
3. Was the Lockdown Necessary? Experts Speak Out
4. The Social Distancing and Mask Controversies

5. Putting COVID-19 in Perspective
6. Fake News Stories Intensify the Panic
7. An Important Disclaimer
8. Inflating COVID-19 Deaths: (1) Early in the Pandemic—  Misleading Sampling Weights and Inaccurate Models
9. Inflating COVID-19 Deaths: (2) Conflating It with Other Diseases
10. Inflating COVID-19 Deaths: (3) Death Certificates
11. Inflating COVID-19 Deaths: (4) The Nursing Home Controversy
12. Accuracy of Testing

13. Mainstream Story of the Origin
14. The Bioweapon Theory
15. Accidental Leak or Deliberate Dispersion?
16. The 5G Theory
17. Other Theories about COVID-19

18. Population Reduction
19. Bill Gates
20. Deep State Goal #1: Global Vaccines
21. Eight Reasons Why We Don’t Need a COVID Vaccine
22. The Storm over Hydroxychloroquine
23. Deep State Goal #2: Global Digital ID
24. Deep State Goal #3: Cashless Society
25. Contact Tracing/Surveillance State

26. Possible Scenarios
27. Hope and Encouragement

So far the book is only sold by Amazon, and is priced at USD 15.95.

Not long ago, I  [Mary Maxwell]  attended a presentation by James Perloff of the history of false flags, in Watertown, Massachusetts, and was pleasantly surprised at how quickly the time went even though the full “unexpurgated” version is 2 hours long. (You can find pieces of it via a YouTube search, such as the false flag of 9-11 or of the sinking of the Lusitania.)





  1. So many are so dumb, they cannot see what is before their eyes as they walk the empty streets….. completely brainless and stupid balloon brains mesmerised by our traitor politicians and msm.
    Interesting on 2 GB this morning, a flicker of candle light.
    You probably hear more here on the report, in summary:
    Daughter desperate for covid condition of her 94vyear old mum in nursing home ‘IN DANLAND’. (Sorry; meant ‘BE DANNED LAND’)
    Contacts nursing home/ mum’s GP.
    Asks that Mum be treated as Professor Borody has has recommended in media over last tgree weeks or so.
    GP says NO. ( I REPEAT: NO!)
    WHY NOT SAYS daughter?
    Not allowed claims GP.
    Professor Borody joins in the radio program and explains he will try and sought it out, after Daughter had earlier contacted Borody.
    We await ……. may be an article tirns up here when arranged.
    Did some say Danslaughter?




    Did someone say genocide?

    • Ned… I would not quote Nuremburg as a precedent as it was just one episode in the propaganda campaign, of which the following were parts thereof: Atom bombing of Japan was to shorten the war; the west is free and democratic; the reserve banks are run by our governments; the US and UK won WWII; the USSR started the Cold War; vaccines significantly reduced disease mortality and morbidity; sugar is good for you; cancer is incurable but can be successfully treated with chemo, surgery, and radiology; and so on.

      The AMA and big pharma do not give a shit about your legal rights. In fact, under the Oz Constitution you have no rights, other than to whinge to Betty Windsor. The System plays along with the illusion of rights to prevent you from demanding real change.

    • Dee, N.Y didn’t suddenly become a sh@thole in the last 5 months since the Covid lockdowns came into play, although that would no doubt have exacerbated matters.

      The U.S had been on a slide since the 2008 GFC and Trump’s ‘best economy ever’ and ‘lowest unemployment ever’ that he touted at the beginning of the year were all a statistical trick, just creative accounting.

      Any objective observer could see that.

      Yet somehow, the Trump cultists lapped up every word of his – and continue to do so.

      America’s ‘Jewel in the Crown’, the financial centre of the U.S is nothing but a crime ridden filthy dung heap of despair.

      So goes N.Y, so goes the rest of America.

      Only fitting that the great Satan should get its karma comeuppance.

          • OK Berry, by your logic we here at Gumshoe should stop commenting and STFU on matters that are not in the immediate vicinity of our own locales.

            NO more comments on ANY country outside Oz.
            NO more comments on ANY state other than the one we’re in.

            In fact, NO more comments on anything that even happened on the OTHER side of our own states.

            Unless we were there to witness it firsthand with our own eyes, we should all STFU.

            Who wants to second Berry's brilliant suggestion ?

          • There’s a world of difference between blind generalisations and engaging in a discussion about specific issues

          • And there’s no such thing as a bad person or place. If bad things are happening the onus of shattering the dynamic falls squarely on those who are so convicted: nothing good has ever been known to come out of sentencing others

      • TV, when it comes to witnessing first hand: the German people saw and knew nothing of the decimation of the Jewish community whose population more than doubled after the war from what it was before the war.

        • But who really runs the show?

          Pompeo admits Outbreak is “live exercise”, Trump says “should have let us know.”

        • Phil, I appreciate you taking the time to send the Roger Stone video.

          But, don’t take my word for it and I strongly recommend you confirm this yourself, but the name Roger Stone is synonymous with the following words :

          Sleight-of-hand , disingenuous , two-faced, outright shonk and bald-faced liar.

          Nevertheless, I’ll be checking out what he has to say.

  2. Cuomo’s for dinner😆?
    How many ways can he cook rats?
    He should get Dan to send him some hints. Start with slithers of health advisors or msm jokes barbecued with terryaki sauce and name it; ‘Opal Princess entre’ (entry)
    (Joke! Soreee!)

  3. Crown Kabal Slavemasons, every time. Follow the money trail.
    The untouchables have moved to where they have invested our money.
    The beast and the dragon. Who are we, eye – Huawei.

  4. T.R.
    You are so depressing.
    There should be a needle soon to fix you up followed with a full prescription of blue pills……..all free from Aunty Beth as commanded to uncles; Morrison, Dan et.al, with the msm blue, joke pill pundits.
    Did someone say ‘revolution’. Get KFC, with blue secret herbs, spices and sesame buns.
    What can we say, the world is a sick joke run by psycho bankers and corporates with pet political rats in their pockets.
    Tony, you are so depressing! Role up your sleave, or do you want some lotto numbers tattooed on your rist? Hey, you might win?

  5. Mary, like you, I also have a lot of admiration for the Jewish James Perloff.

    Many of my better sources are Jewish and Perloff figures prominently among them.

    I’ve seen his 9/11 and Lusitania You Tube videos some time ago and recommend them to all.

    The fact is, You Tube is awash with great Perloff interviews. This guy is always insightful, always providing independent analyses.

    Perloff is beholden to no one.

    Try this 3 minute gem where he’s interviewed by the great Dr Kevin Barrett that exposes the criminality of Churchill in WWII :

    • Classic – another excellent share TV. I just downloaded a massive zip file of Perloff’s writings from archive. org – thank you Mary and TV.

      When Hitler Dropped Peace Leaflets, Churchill Dropped Bombs – Mike King.

      Those indestructible weeds of truth just keep popping up no matter how hard the antihuman hiddenists try to keep them suppressed.

      BTW – Mike King is very pro-Q so either way he has revealed an extraordinary amount on his channel (formerly Tomato Bubble) and in his books.

  6. TV. 7.3o.
    I tire of you naysayer negativity.
    Do you not have any hope for the world?
    Maybe, there is nothing but hope with Trump?
    If not trump, whom do you chose?
    You have never commented or callenged any particular content of your ‘ZIO DAVE’ reports at X22 and the particular q cryptic challenges since October 2017.
    Buy a smh and practice on the smh cryptic crossword I suggest.
    Come on, challenge any x22/Q prediction if you have spent about a hour each day for at least 2 years deciphering who is behind the Trump show.
    Big picture, perhaps out of your focus….. which reminds me of a lost Nemisis?!!

    • Negativity …. from moi ?

      Surely you jest Ned. I am an optimist.

      I believe if we can expose the truth, reveal who are the False Prophets (Trump), then we can get on with the business of solving the worlds problems.

      To answer your question, YES, I have a lot of hope for the world.

      The sooner we can remove the Zio sock puppets (Trump / Biden), the sooner we’ll be on the righteous path.

      You asked me who do I choose. Well, technically the only other half decent candidate is Jo Jorgensen of the Libertarian Party.

      She’s be infinitely better than the other two clowns.

      Of course she won’t get enough votes.

      So, we have to think ahead to 2024 and, assuming the world doesn’t blow up in the meantime, CLEARLY Rand Paul, Thomas Massie or perhaps even Sth Dakota Governor Kristi Noem would be exponentially better than the two candidates being fielded by the War Party. ( the Repugnantcans / Democraps amalgam).

      That said, we both know that Republican Party would NEVER let a son of Ron Paul become the Republican nominee.

      So, under the present system, there will NEVER BE A DECENT U.S PRESIDENT. ie: an independent entity that’s not owned lock, stock and barrel by the Zio-cabal.

      Only one choice remaining.

      The people of the U.S have to overthrow the present system – a military coup perhaps.

      Now THAT would be cause for GENUINE OPTIMISM.

    • Ned, as to your claim that I : ” have never commented or challenged any particular content of your ‘ZIO DAVE’ reports at X22 ” , surely you’re joking.

      I have SEVERAL times deconstructed an X22 Report ( a couple of months ago) and eviscerated the comments as yet more EVIDENCE-FREE assertions by Zio-Dave of sunshine and puppy dogs tails forecasts.

      I’ve passed on your offer to comment on recent episodes because it’s the SAME empty promises of hope that Zio-Dave makes.

      I kid you not when I say this but I’m just left shaking my head after every X22 Report and it depresses me to think that I’ll never get those 30 or 40 minutes back in my life.

      It’s just EMPTY RHETORIC.

      I don’t say that to be nasty Ned. I like you and it just me administering some TOUGH LOVE.

      I want you to move on see for yourself that we are literally NINE (9) weeks away from the election that sees Trump turfed out.

      I know what all of the pro-Trumpers are going to say when he loses.

      They’re going to say:

      1) He had all the ducks lined up in a row and the cabal was about to be vivisectioned and that was all going to happen in Trump’s second term.

      2) That the election was STOLEN from Trump by ballot fraud etc

      If he’s going to do ANYTHING to unravel the Zio-cabal he had better start cracking.

      But he won’t.

      He can’t.

      He’s a coward.

      He’ll never go off script.

      The cabal have too much dirt on him. Videos of him being sodomised by his gay lover / mentor Roy Cohn or engaged in activities with young un’s etc.

      And so it has always been.

      • BTW, for those who doubt that Roy Cohn and his toy-boy Trump were ‘an item’ , feel free to research it yourself.

        There are countless photos of black tie events showing Cohn attending with his ‘partner’ and it was well known in N.Y society what was going on.

        Now, I’m not saying Trump is or ever was a homosexual at any time.

        I would never impugn someone in such a manner.

        No, Trump was always just a soldier of fortune.

        Unscrupulous, conscience-free, willing to do anything with anyone just so he could make a buck and advance himself.

        The ideal blank canvas for a political career.

        • I am saying that Trump in the main is reactive, not proactive. How come he did not know that this corona pandemic was a “live exercise”?

          • Good question Criss X.

            We’re all intrigued to know the answer to that (assuming it differs to what I’ve written below).

            (In fact, the question answers itself. Trump DID know it was a live exercise and just went along with the script).

        • Phil, just saw the Roger Stone interview you posted.

          They were some mighty fine words uttered in defence of Trump.

          If only they were true.

  7. So tv, what interests brought the US to its knees?
    Bankrupted the country underwriting the zio banking 1913 banker’s dollar that bankrupted the US gold based dollar which led to the US squandering trillions to protect the zio federal reserve petro dollar via the Middle East wars which has benefited Israel ambitions?
    Good cop, bad cops prevail thus far. So is Trump good cop or bad cop?

    • Trump has locked down the U.S during Covid , spent money like a drunken sailor (run unprecendentedly Gargantuan Budget deficits) to fast track the bankruptcy of the U.S , massively enriched the Zio-owned Military-Industrial-Security complex and presided over the ‘Warp Speed ‘ vaccination project that will see Americans jabbed with toxins.

      Hmmm … what could possibly be wrong with that Ned ?

      OK, Trump has mentioned HCQ, he’s called the media ‘fake news’.

      These are negligible concessions in qualitative terms.

      Of course he had to make some token gestures and throw some ‘red meat’ at his supporters to give the appearance that he’s in opposition to the Zio-cabal

      G Edward Griffin picked out Trump as controlled opposition from the start.

      Not so for me – I’m not remotely as smart as Griffin and it took me a little while.

      As for the things that brought the U.S to its knees, there are just too many to mention.

      Greed, avarice, complacency, hedonism, lack of moral clarity, obsession with thinking of themselves (as Paul Craig Roberts would say) as the ‘Exceptional , Indispensable’ chosen peoples of the Earth.

      So many character flaws, too few hours in the day.

  8. Mitt Romney thought it was his, but Trump stole it. Mitt is very bitter, it shows!
    Bernie knew it was always Hillary’s, Bernie played along, Bernie is not bitter, even did it again.
    The MSM tells us relentlessly, do not vote for Trump!
    He is crazy, uses HCQ! Sacks underperformers! Undermines the narrative!
    If Trump is playing a double game, then probably Nemesis and Duns Scotus are under my bed too.
    The Trump wife, originally from war-torn Yugoslavia, always looks very happy.
    Happy wife, happy life.

  9. ‘dsw’, why continue with that pseudonym of yours ?

    You mentioned in the previous article that you’re a Rabbi.

    Just use that from now on.

    Interesting how you mention Nemesis and Duns Scotus ( who last posted comments quite a while before ”dsw’ showed up on the scene).

    Why, it’s almost like you were around in the past and posting comments under a different pseudonym.

      • ‘dsw’ , what is a ‘Kohl’ Rabbi ?

        ‘Kohl’ as in West German Chancellor Helmut Kohl during the 80’s and 90’s ?

        So, you’re saying a Rabbi that is aligned ideologically with Kohl’s CDU Party ?

        Only one problem, I’m not Jewish, let alone a Rabbi.

        So that’s not likely to pan out for you.

  10. Troof, agree with most of what you have sad above, but query your clam that Trump locked us down here n the US. I am not aware of it (which is not to say it did not happen but I am not aware of it).

    “Trump has locked down the U.S during Covid, spent money like a drunken sailor .”

    My argument is that a president has no power to lock us down. I believe the 50 governors have done it. But even they have usually done so by bluff. Recall during the 2013 “Marathon bomber manhunt” [and I sure do wish they would manhunt the Boston bomber], Massachusetts governor Deval Patrick did not order people to shelter in place — he invited them to do so.

    (I lived in Adelaide at the time. I wonder if i would have sheltered.)

    Troof, when you say Trump spent money… The way I understand it, all “appropriations” from Treasury come from Congress not White House. Such bills must start in the house of Reps and be passed also by Senate, then get the prez’s signature. So the guilty party for drunken spending is the House that presented it, IMHO.

    • Mary, I get it that the Governors of the respective states have the final say as to lockdowns , wearing of face masks, choosing which businesses are essential or not etc.

      BUT, if Trump was truly running his own race, if he truly was not following a script, he would not have just said that he’s taking HCQ and then backed off.

      OF COURSE Trump knew that the shutting down of businesses would hobble the economy.
      Trump KNEW that the masses would become restless with no job and no income and thus unable to pay bills / feed themselves so therefore they needed to be paid to stay at home with more printed money.

      As dumb as he is, SURELY he knew this would cause the ultimate debasement of the U.S dollar.

      Anyway, getting back to the main point, Trump could see Fauci was undermining him. Surely he knew that Covid-19 was a hoax and thus could have appointed someone with integrity, someone not beholden to Big Pharma, someone that didn’t have a conflict of interest like Fauci (ie: owned patents for vaccines and stood to profit form Covid scare mongering).

      Can you see Mary, if Trump conducted press conferences with an assertive medical professional who was shouting from the rooftops that there’s NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT, that Covid was no worse than the seasonal flu, that it could be easily cured with HCQ, Azithromycin and zinc, that Vitamin D from sunshine boosts immunity.

      So fellow Americans he’d say, get out there and get some sunshine and get healthy.

      Can you see that of Trump did all those things, it would have put tremendous pressure on all the state governors because people in the respective states would have been saying : ‘ Hey, the President is saying this and the Surgeon General is saying that and we should have no lockdown’.

      Now, I get it that the Surgeon General was also in lockstep with Fauci.

      Well, guess what ?

      Trump should have sacked him too from Day 1 and had ‘ HIS’ people singing from his hymn sheet singing in unison with him.

      So, to the extent that Trump didn’t do these things, this meant he was COMPLICIT with the lockdown and CLEARLY he is seeing as he’s been talking of Operation Warp Speed to fast track a new vaccine with mass vaccinations that skip animal testing and other safeguards.

      Lastly, about the appropriations that go through the House of Reps and then get passed by the Senate, Mary I get all that, I’m aware of how laws / spending bills are formulated.

      BUT, for them to come into law the POTUS must SIGN them.

      He has the power of Presidential veto as I recall.

      Is that right Mary ?

      No one is twisting his arm to sign them.

      If they are bad laws and / or reckless spending appropriations, a real leader would say NO, I’m not signing this nonsense into law.

      Ron Paul would NEVER have signed off on bankrupting his country.

      • Troof, I concede on the veto issue.

        I don’t have to concede on “he can sack al his underlings” as I have said it myself many times.

        also he did not have to bring certan people on board in the first place. Bolton, Guliani, Dersh. The Republican mind boggles.

        • Mary, you’ve seen through the fraud of the Trump Presidency from Day 1 – you need no convincing.

          I say what I do for the benefit of others.

          The proof is in the PUTRID pudding. From Day 1 Trump was appointing the VILEST of depraved Zio-cabal minions and neocons into key positions.

          Yes, he’s sacked some in the interim but that deepest of the Deep State swamp critters (Steve Munch-kin) is still there and running amok.

          The man that made Lucifer queasy with disgust, such was has level of depravity (Eliot Abrams), has been elevated in Trump’s administration.

          Wake up people !!

          The whole Trump Presidency has always been a government :

          OF the Zio-cabal, BY the Zio-cabal, and FOR the Zio-cabal.

    • An excellent example of how to deal with the Po; sure beats hurling accusations at officers who are simply carrying out orders. Reversing the pursuit dynamic is also very effective.

      But as for proceeding anything through the “justice system” it appears he needs to take a good look at Scott Bartle’s FUQ presentation(or something similar)

      • I hope we can watch this elderly gentleman’s journey through the ‘justice system’. He’s about to get an education on the extent of the corruption in Australia. Perhaps if his attempt is fully publicized then other people will realize that the legal system is a lost cause. At some point, the people may wake up – time for pitch forks.

  11. Mary, the most important thing of all that I left out was that the states have limited funding and WOULD NOT have been able to close down non-essential businesses to even a small degree WITHOUT the implicit guarantee from the Federal government that it would be sending $ 600 per week cheques to workers to stay at home.

    ie: many minimium wage workers were making MORE money to stay at home than they were making working a 40 hour week.

    If Trump had said : ‘ OK Governors, close down whatever industry you wish in your state, but WE the Federal government will NOT be paying workers to stay at home. If you want to pay them unemployment benefits then YOU pay them yourself ‘.

    And of course they would not be able to. All the states were strapped for cash.

    Unlike the Federal government that can finance any spending with digitally created dollars from the Federal Reserve. ( Even though the Federal Reserve is a privately owned banking cartel and is supposedly autonomous and by law cannot actually print up money and hand it directly to Congress to fund appropriations, the Treasury can issue bonds which the Fed buys with newly printed money so it’s a distinction without a difference)

    And thus the Treasury with these funds raised from bonds sold to the Federal Reserve can go on with it’s profligate and reckless expenditure.

    If Trump had stood firm with the state governors, then there would have been NO lockdowns, NO disruption.

    Of course Trump could not say that.

    Because Trump’s puppet masters NEEDED the shutdown of industries, the decimation of small businesses to facilitate their plan.

    ie: impoverishment of middle America and increase their dependence on government and thus enable the cabal to exert ever greater control.

    The whole Covid fiasco was always all about CONTROL and increasing dependence on the masses to government.

    Because a dependent middle class is a COMPLIANT middle class.

      • I never bought anything from Amazon ever, and now I heard JPMorgan is the biggest shareholder in Coles and Woolworths, I don’t go in there so much. A while ago I saw a lady push an entire cartload of groceries out without going past the checkout and I just looked at her, next time I see this I will probably make the thumbs up sign.
        As for banks, the migrants to Australia used to run family banks, they would all save up and buy houses for each other one at a time. Since the Australian Commonwealth bank was destroyed by a series of governments, everyone with an extended family should do the same. But we’re not supposed to have an extended family anymore are we. We’re all supposed to be split up from infancy, this idea is peddled by the medical-industrial complex, the government education system, the workplace and the old age industrial-complex, who collectively seek to take over all the functions of family, for their own industry gain. Now everyone is told just stay in the apartment and contact is through surveillance video only.

      • Terry, great article you posted yesterday by Gary D, Barnett.

        He’s authored some cracking articles in recent times and I see he quotes ShadowStats.com which gives the TRUE rate of inflation, true GDP and unemployment rate – not the bogus figures put out by the U.S government.

        The true rate of GDP growth shows the U.S economy has been in recession for most years post the 2008 GFC.

  12. Washington D.C. (District of Columbia)

    “Columbia” is a name for “Goddess of Creation, War, and Destruction” more known as the goddess of death and pain. She is derived from the imagery of Semiramis, wife of Nimrod, and Queen of Babylon.

    The statue on top of the Capitol building called the Statue of Freedom is actually Persephone, meaning “She who Destroys the Light”. She is the queen of the underworld. She is crowned with pentacles (pentagrams–stars with five points). When someone stands on something, it is usually an indication of ownership. Therefore, she owns the facility she stands upon. Although the dome on top of the Capitol building was not finished until 1868, the final installation of this statue on top of the dome took place on December 2, 1863. The original Capitol building, without the dome, was completed in 1826.

    Columbia and Persephone are seen as other statues around Washington D.C. area.

    Some of the Gnostic Priesthood include: Illuminati, Skull & Bones Society, Hospitaliers, Knights of Malta, Knights of Columbus, Knights of the Round Table, Oddfellows, Society of Jesus, Jesuit Priesthood, Club of Rome, Knights Templar, Freemasons, Scottish Rite Temple, York Rite Temple, Shriners, Inner Temple Bar, International Temple Bar Association, Barrister’s Inn, Zionists, Jesuits, Jesuit Brotherhood, Milner group (a.k.a. Milner’s Kindergarten, Round Table Group, Rhodes crowd, Rhodes Scholars, The Times crowd, All Souls goup, Cliveden set, The Society of the Elect, The Association of Helpers, Junta of Three, the Secret Society of Cecil Rhodes, Chatham House crowd, Commonwealth of Nations, Royal Institute of International Affairs), Tri-laterial Commission, Bilderberg group, Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Magistrates, Bar Attorneys.

    “Since 1873, the Global Elite Has Held Secret Meetings in the Ancient Redwood Forest of Northern California. Members of the so-called “Bohemian Club” Include Former Presidents Eisenhower, Nixon and Reagan. The Bush Family Maintains a Strong Involvement. Each Year at Bohemian Grove, Members of This All-Male “Club” put on Red, Black and Silver Robes and Conduct an Occult Ritual Wherein They Worship a Giant Stone Owl, Sacrificing a Human Being in Effigy to What They Call the ‘Great Owl of Bohemia.'”–Alex Jones; InfoWars.com

    There is a small owl just to the left of the “1” which appears on the upper right hand corner of the One Dollar Bill


  13. Troof — “If Trump had stood firm with the state governors”

    whoever said any governors are standing firm or desire to stand firm.

    Would that they did!

    • Sorry Mary – was writing that in the early hours of the morning and got the wording wrong.

      Meant to write : ‘If Trump had stood firm AGAINST the state governors’ that were the most tyrannical with lockdown measures etc.

      And, we need not go any further than Gov Cuomo of N.Y.

      C'mon readers, ALL of you can see that Trump had EVERYTHING TO GAIN politically by going into attack dog mode and savaging Cuomo for :

      1) Insistence on mass usage of ventilators (which killed 90 % plus of people who were on it)
      2) Insistence that Covid infected elderly that were at hospital at the time were TRANSFERRED to nursing homes which entailed a rapid spread of said virus and greatly increased mortality.

      I’m not a political strategist but even Blind Freddie could see the UNBELIEVABLE AMOUNT OF POLITICAL MILEAGE that Trump forfeited by not screaming out day after day, not by B.S tweets but by fronting Press Conferences , that Cuomo was KILLING PEOPLE and that he had appointed a SPECIAL TASK FORCE to investigate him and ALL THE GOVERNORS of the tyrannical states to see if :

      a) Were they wrongly reporting as Covid deaths people who died WITH Covid as opposed to FROM Covid
      b) Were states banning alternative forms of treatment (eg: HCQ, azithromycin and zinc, high does of IV administered Vitamin C, Vit D etc) and if so , WHY.

      Mary, I get it that the constitution says that ‘tasks not specifically delegated to the Federal government are to be delegated to the states’ but in reality the Feds have OVERRIDDEN state jurisdiction time after time.

      When Rosa Parks refused to go to the back of the bus (where blacks were designated to sit) as state law dictated during the Eisenhower administration and when southern states insisted that school segregation continue during the JFK administration, the Federal government intervened and OVERRODE state law.

      To hell with Congress and the legislative body, Trump could have been issuing EXECUTIVE ORDER after executive order giving protection to medical personnel that chose to administer HCQ or other effective treatment, allowing individuals if THEY wanted to wear a mask or not and much more.

      Let’s face it, if Trump was Fair Dinkum about ending the Covid tyranny he could have done so, SO, SOOOOOOO much more by simply speaking FORCEFULLY and saying what we’ve all been saying here at Gumshoe.

      ie: that there’s ‘ SOMETHING FISHY’ about such and such a statistic and on each occasion he could have had a WORLD LEADING AUTHORITY by his side confirming said scepticism.

      Like a Prof John Iaonnides or a Wolfgang Wodarg or the world’s leading authority on infectious diseases, the Frenchman Didier Raoult or Simone Gold and Dan Erickson from the American Frontline doctors.

      And, to the extent that some Governors were doing the right thing and not enforcing lockdown ( hello Sth Dakota Gov Kristi Noem), he could have stood side by side on the podium with them and said :

      ‘ LOOK – no lockdown in this state and yet we have DEMONSTRABLY better outcomes than in N.Y, the genocidal state.

      This would also have served the purpose of elevating Kristi Noem’s profile in preparation for the 2024 Presidential elections.

      But all Trump did was put out a tweet or two featuring the Frontline Doctors ( his Zio-minders said to maintain the illusion of controlled opposition, Trump needed to throw some red meat at his supporters to keep them believing that he’s looking out for them).

      It’s all BULLSH@T.

      The whole Trump Presidency has been one massive PSY-OP.

      An illusion. Just one big cluster-F@CK.

  14. I haven’t fact checked this video yet, but it could be a BIGGIE!

    Some History – After having some ‘vaccine’ intravenously injected into me during a really bad urinary infection, I had a immune system response that damn near killed me. Hair fell out, joints inflamed, chronic fatigue, Crikey you name it I was headed for the deep sleep. I only made it because my wife made me promise not to die before her – that is a Hell of a thing to make a person that is dying promise. Anyway, lots of research, vitamin C, etc. I pulled out of the dive after 6 months. You cannot imagine what I went through, it was a horror…

    I understand this immune response thing at a deeper level than most of you can imagine. If what this video is relating to true, then NEVER take the vaccine.

  15. Trump taking a shot at BigPharma (around 24:00) Rubbishing the shutdowns (from around 30:00)
    Getting out of wars (about 45:00) No teleprompter, all ad lib

  16. Troof, We are beginning to suspect that you might be thinking that Trump is a bad guy.No?? Orange Man Bad, sort of thing? Everybody who supports his agenda is a Zio Troll?? He’s a pedo/homo/satanist deviate/mass murdering/genocidal/jesuit/khazarian/adrenochrome junkie self-made billionaire, married to a drop-dead gorgeous Slovenian devout Christian wife who refused to enter the White House until Satan has been exorcised of Lucifer??? Is that your argument?? You’re either pathologically paranoid of trusting anything ever again(perhaps you’ve been burnt) or you are a master troll/infiltrator working overtime to influence all 5 peope who glance at your uber-lengthy comments screeching that Orange Man Bad (Zio Puppet). FFS, get a life or a new job.

      • Phil, why are you so concerned about what I say about Trump ?

        I mean, you’re acting like I’ve launched a character assassination against a close family member of yours.

        You can say whatever you want about Biden, or Trump or whoever. I don’t give a rats arse. I have no personal connection to any of them.

        You could do likewise to my hero Ron Paul.

        I would not care. (I’d think you were wrong – but that would be an issue that you need to deal with.).

        I would not defend him.

        That’s because Ron Paul needs no defence. His record of integrity and honesty and decency and policy consistency is IMPECCABLE.

        He is the 21st century reincarnation of Thomas Jefferson – literally.

        I said that Trump was Roy Cohn’s toy-boy.
        I said that Trump could have done a HELL of a lot more to unravel the Covid Conspiracy.

        After all he is the eff’n POTUS – he had ENORMOUS capacity by way of FORCEFUL rhetoric alone to stop the Covid hoax in it’s tracks.

        But he did NOT. Not even close.

        ALL of things I said above are TRUE – and you know it.

        That’s why my comments cut to the bone.

        You can say what you like about Ron Paul. Call him a Marxist, call him an economic illiterate, call him a co-conspirator in the Covid hoax if you like.

        It will have NO EFFECT on me.

        Because I KNOW, for certain, that none of these things are true.

        Water off a ducks back.

        Phil, you have too much invested in Trump being the saviour.

        All I’m asking you to step back. Pretend you’re an objective bystander with no vested interest.

        Research the claims I’ve made and if there’s no merit to any of them then you’re good to go.

        As for the 5 people that read my lengthy comments, I’m flattered.

        (That’s four more than I had anticipated).

        My best regards to all five of you.

  17. Uncouth Veggie,
    I skim through your comments very quickly, they are very low grade, paranoid, delusional, pretty much off the bottom of the scale. One of your chief complaints about Trump is that he doesn’t have the powers of a dictator, to sack people on a whim for example. They have all sorts of laws to prevent this type of thing, but your reference point is your hero Hitler. I have explained to you how the world view that Hitler destroyed Germany was formed. The success of the “3rd Reich” was due to finance policy after Weimar which was nothing to do with Hitler!!! The treasurer’s family was involved in multiple assassination attempts on Hitler!!! The cars/freeways thing was done by the talent of Benz, Porsche etc. The Berlin Olympics was from the Greeks, the cinematography was from Leni Riefenstahl and the German film industry. Hitler created none of this, he just rode the new-tech wave, and tried to scapegoat the Jews for lending money. But Deutsche Bank was founded in 1870!!! The Jews thing was old and had been dealt with. Hitlers collection of ideas were all old and ended in stupid and avoidable disaster. Nazi 1.0 demonised the Jews, just as Nazi 2.0 (Bush gang) successfully demonised muslims. I contend that Nazi 2.0 is the force behind the current scamdemic. Zionist banks may now be bolted onto this structure because Jews have been recognised as a strategic asset, now it’s the muslims who get thrown under the bus. The Zionist banks have “earned their place at the table”. Various quotes and so forth can be interpreted in various ways, but the above is the actual substance, not selective quotes interpreted selectively.
    This education is probably wasted on you because you are very youthful, naiive and dogmatic and not interested in broadening your thought, you always strive to reinforce your limited thinking. I wish I could improve your mental acuity but it seems unlikely, maybe it will never happen, without you going through some sort of life-crisis or epiphany.

    • DSW – You say : “The success of the “3rd Reich” was due to finance policy after Weimar which was nothing to do with Hitler!!!”

      This article differs –

      Hitler and the Banksters: The Abolition of Interest-Servitude
      By Dr. Ingrid R. Zundel on September 13, 2011

      This article was written for mature and thoughtful people who want to understand today in light of yesterday. It was not written for baboons who start to howl the moment they hear “Hitler” ñ the way the monkeys of my youth used to howl in front of my window in South America when they heard a thunderclap.

      Its author is a relatively young South African banker by the name of Stephen Goodson. I have his permission to post it.

      Hitler and the Banksters: The Abolition of Interest-Servitude
      By Dr. Ingrid R. Zundel on September 13, 2011

      This article was written for mature and thoughtful people who want to understand today in light of yesterday. It was not written for baboons who start to howl the moment they hear “Hitler” ñ the way the monkeys of my youth used to howl in front of my window in South America when they heard a thunderclap.

      Its author is a relatively young South African banker by the name of Stephen Goodson. I have his permission to post it.

      Here goes:


      At the end of November 1918, Adolf Hitler returned to Munich and then proceeded to a military camp in Traunstein in south-eastern Bavaria. When the camp was disbanded in April 1919, he went back to Munich, which was still being ruled by a Soviet republic founded by a Polish Jew Kurt Eisner (real name Salamon Kosmanowsky).

      At the beginning of May, a few days after the communist revolution had been terminated on May 1, 1919 by the Bavarian Freikorps, Hitler was summoned as a member of the 2nd Infantry Regiment to attend a course on political instruction. The purpose of this course of lectures was to provide the soldiers with a background of politics, which would enable them to monitor the many revolutionary and political movements present in Munich at that time.

      One of the lecturers was a former construction engineer turned economist, Dr Gottfried Feder (1881-1941).(1) His first lecture was entitled “The Abolition of the Interest-Servitude”. Hitler was enthralled by what he heard, and this was to be a turning point in his political career. The following quotations from Mein Kampf reflect his initial thoughts.

      “ For the first time in my life I heard a discussion which dealt with the principles of stock exchange capital and capital which was used for loan activities. After hearing the first lecture delivered by Feder, the idea immediately came into my head that I had found a way to one of the most essential prerequisites for the founding of a new party………….

      Read on –


      • From your story
        “A new Reichsbank law, which was promulgated on June 15, 1939, made the bank “UNCONDITIONALLY SUBORDINATED TO THE SOVEREIGNTY OF THE STATE … Hitler was now his own banker.”
        Notice how the economy was fixed up from 1933, until 1939 when Hitler got his hands on the money, and started wrecking Europe, especially Germany, because he was delusional and a complete fool, the silly public bought it though.
        This Rotschilds quote “Let me control a nation’s money and I care not who writes its laws” does not imply that Rotschilds controlled the government, in fact is probably not even a direct or confirmed quote but by virtue of being repeated often appears genuine. Let’s assume it is close enough to a real quote. Could it not equally imply that Rotschilds were primarily interested in buying Israel? By collecting interest from willing customers including entire states, they could finance this operation. You are imposing your own interpretation on a reported, translated, supposed quote from 200 a private conversation 200 years ago. I have a harbour bridge for sale, going cheap, do you want it?

        So anyway, you can always look at things from both sides, I guess this is why they say the truth is usually somewhere in the middle.

        • Those that continually repeat ‘ the truth is usually somewhere in the middle’ are generally bald faced LIARS and purposefully obfuscating.

          The truth is RARELY somewhere in the middle.

    • Hmmm’ dsw’ , my last comments really got under your skin.

      It is evident from you reaction that I hit the nail on the had with my comments – hence the infantile tantrum on your part.

      Still persisting with the non-existent entity Nazi 2.0 being behind the plandemic I see – despite not a scintilla of evidence.

      You really are committed to diverting attention away from your Zionist brethren on this issue, aren’t you ?

      Look ‘dsw’ / ‘bg’ / Rabbi Goldsboro or whatever name you go by today, the Gumshoe readers see right through you for the FRAUD that you are.

      I suggest you quit while you’re WELL behind.

      Go back to indoctrinating the gullible at those Yeshivas where you’ve been molesting kiddies all these years.

      No one wants to hear B.S.

      • Fish, I just skimmed through your ‘Economic Plan of the NSDAP’ video above and it looks interesting.
        Will be bookmarking that for later viewing.

        Interesting to see the poster at the 7:300 mark titled : ‘Mit Hindenburg und Hitler’.

        I recall visiting Marburg Cathedral many years ago and quite by surprise found that it housed the tomb of Paul von Hindenburg, which was an unexpected bonus to stumble across.

        I’m aware that Hitler had immense respect for Hindenburg and it’s only fitting that his final resting place is an appropriate one.

        Meanwhile, in relation to your comments the other day about the ‘pebbles’ you kick over, from my vantage point they appear to be some big mother monoliths you’ve been overturning – which I wouldn’t have had the wherewithal to uncover.

        No need to respond to that because the matter is settled. Your body of work speaks for itself.

  18. As Prof.Werner says the Rothschild’s Bank of England in the Crown City of London is not a part of Britain nor the E.U. and the queen requires permission to enter his territory.

    And remember that mr Rothschild has his Remembrancer sitting opposite to the speaker in the British House of Parliament (talking-minds).

    Prof. Werner brilliantly explains how the banking system and financial sector really work.

    How do banks create money, and why can other firms not do the same? An explanation for the coexistence of lending and deposit-taking


    • I don’t know why these journalists are sitting there pretending they never heard of this stuff it is banking 1.01, credit creation is controlled by government.
      After the GFC the banks asset ratios were increased (by govt) because of perceived risk, this was well reported by MSM (APRA), none of this is revelation or secret.
      If they want to discuss the City of London arrangements, they are a case of law as written versus as practised and so forth, why waste the whole video on commerce 1.01.
      City of London arrangements will be a scrambled egg but the fact remains, like a casino, you go there of your own free will, and leverage does aid natural selection.
      The dumb ones lose, the smart ones win, the casino takes a cut, it is what it is.
      Here’s something more current and more interesting if you are interested in money

      • As professor Werner says, “In law there is no such thing as a deposit, all money placed with a Bank is actually a loan to the Bank. So the wages you are paid every week or whatever go straight to Banks as a loan by government direction – not by the free will of the real owner of the earnings.

        The RBA and the ATO are foreign owned entities.

        “The dumb ones lose, the smart ones win, the casino takes a cut, it is what it is”.

        Oh how Jewish you make it sound.

        • It’s part of why we are “first world”
          First world is a great big mafia.
          May as well ask your grandparents, why am I paying the bank, why did I not inherit the family house, doesn’t make sense. Why complain to Jews, it was your own ancestors doing.

          • Foreword to Battle Lines: Essays on Western Culture, Jewish Influence, and Anti-Semitism by Brenton Sanderson

            “………………..As he writes in the Introduction, “The Jewish Question is foundational to the demographic transformation of the West, the revolution in its sexual and ethical mores, and to the trajectory of Western politics, art and culture.” We can’t avoid talking about it if we want to be honest about what is happening. But doing so is a thankless task, a reason for being scorned and ostracized, fired from one’s job, barred from influential positions in the media and academic world. Sanderson quotes Richard Wagner writing in the nineteenth century, “It is distressing to me always to come back to the theme of the Jews. But one cannot escape it if one looks to the future.”

            And 150 years after Wagner’s statement, it is still absolutely true. We simply can’t avoid discussing the Jews. Honest discussions of Jewish influence are absolutely necessary if White people are going to have a future…………………………”


          • All this mumbo jumbo from history, Jews have 2 souls and whatever, this is 21st century now! People now believe in “the universe”. If you go back further you come to all the polytheistic stuff. It’s a fashion show. It never stops.
            I contend Nazi 2.0 is the appropriate description for the political force behind Rockerfella gang, US banks, various chemical and war industries and deep state + Euro royalty (incl Bush regime and US offshoots) + Rotschilds and various banks and interests incl Australian such as Rio Tinto. I am calling them Nazi 2.0 not just for their origins but their eugenics type of world view

          • Nazi is derivative from National Socialist, Hitler was socialist until he went completely mad and declared war on everyone for his beloved 3rd Reich. Really the war could have been lost when Italy flipped sides, but as history is written by the winners, they like to talk about various battles. Eugenics relates to the Aryan master-race dream of the Berlin Olympics. You think of the war, you think of national hero Rommel down there in Arabia / North Africa somewhere, what was he doing down there, getting the oil I would guess. When Italy dropped out it probably became harder to get the oil through. It’s all been about oil since Benz invented compression. Now, what industry were Rockerfellas in again ?

          • Seems to me Rotschilds are really focussed on Zion more than world domination. As for Gates, he is a wanna-be. He is out there in the media. The serious players keep out of the media.

          • ‘dsw’ writes, in reference to WWII : “Really the war could have been lost when Italy flipped sides”.

            This statement shows dsw’s total ignorance of the historical / military-strategic appreciation of Italy’s worth as an ally to Germany in WWII.

            There is not the slightest question that Italy’s alliance HINDERED the German war effort.
            Germany would have been infinitely better off if Italy has remained neutral in the war and attempted no territorial / colonial expansion .

            As Hitler said when the Italians changed sides in 1943 (he said himself that he was quoting the exact words of Napoleon Bonaparte) :

            “The Italians have never finished a war on the same side as which they started – unless they changed sides TWICE “.

  19. Nazi – an insult in use long before the rise of Adolf Hitler’s party. It was a derogatory term for a backwards peasant – being a shortened version of Ignatius, a common name in Bavaria, the area from which the Nazis emerged. Opponents seized on this and shortened the party’s title Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, to the dismissive “Nazi”

    . “Racist” German autograph-seeking fans mob Black-American sprinter Jesse Owens. Owens later spoke fondly about how well he was treated in Germany and how Hitler did NOT “snub” him at all. 2. Owens befriended German long jump competitor, Luz Long. The two remained “pen pals” until Long was killed in World War II.
    “Hitler didn’t snub me. It was FDR who snubbed me. He didn’t even send me a telegram.” — Jesse Owens

    • Criss X, ain’t it the truth of how well Jesse Owens was treated by the Germans in 1936.

      Of course, not 1 in a 100 MSM following gentiles will know this fact – testament to the total success of the Zio-owned western media / government school indoctrination / control of the major book publishing houses.

      The same triumvirate of entities that have brain-washed countless millions (like Dung-Scotus) into fanatical adherence to the discredited man-made Global Warming hypothesis.

      And so it has always been with those that lack critical thinking skills.

  21. This idea that Auschwitz was reconstructed after the war doesn’t sit with all the ordinary, very old, grumpy Jew refugees who migrated to Melbourne. I don’t know how many times I need to say it, if you borrow from the Zionist banks on agreed terms, you are bound by the terms, if you want to later change the terms, you’re the same as all the old tribal type of people, who don’t want to understand a contract because it hasn’t turned them into a winner. Yo u may as well complain the lottery advertised you would win a million dollars but then you just lost $5 instead.

  22. (3rd attempt). Fish, that’s another one I owe you. (Hadn’t come across either the article or video you posted above).

    By my reckoning, I’m in deficit to you to the tune of four figures already.

  23. “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false” CIA Director William Casey Feb 1981

    Excerpts from Adolph Hitlers’ book “Mein Kampf” pages 138 and 139

    “……….If we consider the attitude of various Governments towards a whole series of really pernicious phenomena in public life, we shall at once recognise the fearful significance of this policy of half-measures and the lack of courage to take responsibilities. I shall single out only a few from the large numbers of instances known to me.

    In journalistic circles it is a pleasing custom to speak of the Press as a 'Great Power' within the State. As a matter of fact its importance is immense. One cannot easily overestimate it, for the Press continues the work of education even in adult life. Generally, readers of the press can be classified into three groups:

    First, those who believe everything they read;

    Second, those who no longer believe anything;

    Third, those who critically examine what they read and form from their judgements accordingly.

    Numerically, the first group is by far the strongest, being composed of the broad masses of the people………..

    ………..The third group is easily the smallest, being composed of real intellectuals whom natural aptitude and education have taught to think for themselves and who in all things try to form their own judgements, while at the same time carefully sifting what they read. They will not read any newspaper without using their own intelligence to collaborate with that of the writer and naturally this does not set the writer an easy task. journalists appreciate this type of reader only with a certain amount of reservation.

    Hence the trash that newspapers are capable of serving up is of little danger —— much less of importance——-to the third group of readers. In the majority of cases these readers have learnt to regard every journalist as fundamentally a rogue who sometimes speaks the truth. Most unfortunately the value of these readers lies in their intelligence and not in their numerical strength, an unhappy state of affairs in a period where wisdom counts for nothing and majorities for everything. Nowadays when the voting papers of the masses are the deciding factor; the decision lies in the hands of the numerically strongest group; that is to say the first group, the crowd of simpletons and the credulous…………………………

    • continued

      …………..Particular attention should be paid to the Press; for its influence on these people is by far the strongest and most penetrating of all; since its affect is not transitory but continual. Its immense significance lies in the uniform and persistent repetition of its teaching. Here if anywhere, the State should never forget that all means should converge to the same end. It must not be led astray by the will-o’-the-wisp of so called ‘freedom of the Press’, or is talked into neglecting its duty, and withholding from the nation that which is good and does good. With ruthless determination the State must keep control of this instrument of popular education and place it at the service of the State and the nation………………………….

      …………Was it not the German Press that understood how to make all the nonsensical talk obout ‘Western democracy’ palatable to our people, until an exuberant public was eventually prepared to entrust its future to the League of Nations? Was not this Press instrumental in bringing a state of moral degredation among our people? Were not morals and public decency made to look ridiculous and classed out of date and banal,until finally our people also became modernised?……………………………..

      ……………..The function of the so called liberal Press was to dig the grave for the German people and Reich. No mention need be made of the lying Marxist Press. To them the spreading of falsehood is as much a vital necessity as the mouse is to a cat. Their task is to break the national backbone of the people, thus preparing the nation to become the slaves of international finance and its masters, the Jews……………………

  24. continued

    ……………..And what measures did the State take to counteract this wholesale poisoning of the public mind? None, absolutely nothing at all. By this policy it was hoped to win the favour of this pest—–by means of flattery, by a recognition of the ‘value’ of the Press, its importance, its ‘educative mission’ and similar nonsense. The Jews acknowledged all this with a knowing smile and returned thanks.”

    From page 132, “……….Of course it would be out of the question to enter into an arguement with these liars who deny at one moment what they said the moment before. I should waste no further words on them were it not for the fact that there are many thoughtless people who repeat all this in parrot fashion, without necessarily being inspired by any evil motives. But the observations I am making here are also meant for our fighting followers, seeing that nowadays ones spoken words are often forgotten and twisted in their meaning..”

  25. I think another pointer to the Bush gang (Nazi 2.0) is that the scale of this scamdemic is so audacious it most resembles the previous scam 19 years ago, and the stupid wars; whereas the moneygrubbing activities of the Zionists always seem to be much more cautious, they nibble and nibble but Nazi 2.0, like Nazi 1.0, is so greedy as to produce their own undoing.

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