By Dee McLachlan
Today in the US it is Halloween — originally All Hallows Eve. It evolved into a day of trick-or-treating, and for the Celts, 2,000 years ago, it marked the end of summer, and the beginning of the dark, cold winter — a time often associated with death.
Well, the real US Halloween show was on 22nd November, 1963. This was the day the US “summer harvest” ended, and marked the beginning of the dark years that followed. It was a day of death — and the day John F. Kennedy, the 35th President of the United States, was assassinated in Dallas, Texas. He was riding in a presidential motorcade with Jacqueline, in Dealey Plaza, when the real trick-or-treating happened. The American people were “tricked”, and those that killed him were “treated”.
The mainstream media (MSM) continues to propagate the Oswald myth. The other night (26/10/2017) the ABC (Australia’s government-run TV station) reported on the release of new files. On their prestigious 7.30 Report, hosted by Leigh Sales, they presented, without question, the official narrative — a narrative of trickery and deception. So I have written this article to inform the highly paid ABC hosts that it is time they stop presenting FAKE NEWS to the Australian people.
I recorded the first part of the 7.30 report (I couldn’t stomach anymore), and have posted an extract in the Youtube below. It’s just over 2 minutes.
Let’s look at the Oswald myth.
The Official Version

As Wikipedia says, JFK was “fatally shot by former U.S. Marine Lee Harvey Oswald. A ten-month investigation by the Warren Commission running from November 1963 to September 1964 concluded that Oswald acted alone in shooting Kennedy, and that Jack Ruby also acted alone when he killed Oswald before he could stand trial… ”
It is claimed that Oswald fired three shots — one missing the limo, and the second striking Kennedy AND Governor Connally (sitting in front of him) — with the third bullet being the head shot. The Warren Commission found “persuasive evidence from the experts” that a single bullet caused the President’s neck wound and all the wounds in Governor Connally.
The single bullet (Warren Commission Exhibit 399) was a three-centimeter bullet fired from a single bolt-action Mannlicher–Carcano rifle by Oswald from sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository. This bullet entered and exited a human body seven times. It passed through Kennedy’s back and neck and into Governor Connally’s chest, then wrist, and finally embedded itself in the Governor’s thigh. In doing so it traversed through two people, 15 layers of clothing, 7 layers of skin, removed 4 inches of rib, and shattered a radius bone. The bullet was found on (the Governor’s) gurney in the corridor at the Parkland Memorial Hospital, in Dallas completely intact — and nose appeared normal. Wow!
But, by now most well-read, or clear thinking people realize Oswald did not assassinate anyone.
Trump’s Memorandum
In 1992, Congress ordered the JFK documents to be released within 25 years, and so President Trump recently complied. This is quoted from Trump’s memorandum:
“The American public expects — and deserves — its Government to provide as much access as possible to the President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records (records) so that the people may finally be fully informed about all aspects of this pivotal event. Therefore, I am ordering today that the veil finally be lifted…
But Gumshoe’s friend, G5 tells us that 40,000 secret documents were destroyed some time ago — and that no real information will ever make the light of day, as long as the Bush family is around. So I expect most of the documents released will be a DIVERSION.
Setting the Stage for An Assassination
Former President Andrew Jackson had an attempt on his life, and three presidents were assassinated. They were Lincoln, Garfield, and McKinley. All these four men were trying to crush the powerful banking cartel’s grip over creating debt. Then Kennedy came along, and he quickly developed some powerful ENEMIES; men in banking, oil, the mafia, CIA, FBI, War Industries profiteers, and members of elite secret societies… plus (sorry, I nearly forgot) Oswald. Please!
- JFK took on the private banking cartel — the Federal Reserve. Five months before his assassination JFK issued Executive Order 11110 — it would enable $4 billion interest free loans, bypassing the Fed.
- JFK wanted to take away the oil-depletion allowance, which was the big tax break for oil industrialists.
- 32-year-old brother, Robert Kennedy, was a young and ambitious attorney general. He wanted to destroy organized crime — creating mobster enemies. Researchers believe some of the snipers were supplied by the mafia.
- JFK and Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson (who became President later that day) did not get on. JFK wanted to strip Johnson from his ticket in 1964 after the Bobby Baker Scandal. It is reported that at a dinner party the night before the assassination, Johnson’s mistress (Madeleine Duncan Brown) quoted Johnson saying, “After tomorrow, those goddamn Kennedys will never embarrass me again. That’s no threat. That’s a promise.”
- JFK wanted to withdraw from Vietnam by 1965. This was going to affect the profits of the Military Industrial Complex.
- JFK had outlined his abhorrence of secret societies in a famous speech. The Bush family and many of the political ruling class operated and benefited through secret circles, like the Order of Skull and Bones.
- JFK wanted to “splinter” the power of the CIA. He disapproved of the CIA’s engineering of the Bay of Pigs Invasion and what had been done to Congo’s first prime minister, Patrice Lumumba.

DON’T Get Bogged Down

There is so much information on the assassination, that is becomes confusing for people. There are so many rabbit holes, Oliver Stone’s movie, and thousands of Youtube clips. And the new (2017) files are suggesting we should consider even more; that Oswald was speaking to the KGB, that Dallas Police Department officer J D Tippit was the shooter (Really!!!!), and more about Cuba and Marilyn Monroe. This is will do nothing but sell newspapers.
So I will just focus on the absolutes — making it simple stupid. Also, there is no reason we, as the public, need to solve the crime — especially when documents and evidence are being withheld. All we need to do is to show that the official version is IMPOSSIBLE — or the least plausible theory. And this has been done over and over again by some excellent books and researchers. One cannot come to any other conclusion, other than 1) someone else murdered JFK, 2) there was and still is a cover-up, and 3) players within government and Intelligence were involved.
Yet, the MSM insists on the propagating the myth.
The Evidence for Dummies
I am no JFK expert, but I am just putting forward a few points that discredit the official narrative (for the benefit of ABC’s Leigh Sales and Managing Director Michelle Guthrie).
1 – One can assume there could have been paid witnesses to assist the myth, but there were several witnesses that saw other shooters that day.
2 – The most unlikely theory — the single bullet theory — is just not possible.
3 – Kennedy was shot from behind, and he held his hands up to his throat. Jackie attended to him. From many witness accounts, the car then slowed — almost stopping, as the fatal shot was fired. (Frames were removed from the Zapruder film to keep the vehicle moving.)
4 – After Kennedy was wounded, his head was bowed forward at about 35 degrees. The fatal bullet then struck Kennedy’s head — propelling his HEAD BACK, slightly towards Jackie and twisting it back towards the boot (trunk) of the car. The direction of impact is demonstrated in the picture below — and can be clearly seen when viewing the Zapruder film in slow motion. If the head shot came from behind (you know, from the Book Depository), one would have expected Kennedy to have slumped further forward, rather than his head being flicked back. (A version of the Zapruder film) They tried to disprove logic by shooting goats.
5 – A single bolt-action Mannlicher–Carcano (meaning short barrel) rifle could not have delivered the shots and accuracy required. It is the most improbable version.
6 – The doctors at Parkland Hospital in Dallas describe wounds consistent with a bullet or bullets being shot from the front.

7 – Kennedy’s body was put in a special casket in Parkland Hospital in Dallas, but Paul O’Conner describes “Kennedy’s” body arriving in a different (plain) casket in Bethesda, Maryland (in video below).
8 – The President’s body was altered on the journey (during the flight) from Parkland Hospital to Bethesda. The brain was missing, and it appeared that surgery had been performed. Officials were also interfering with the postmortem process — and no traces of bullets were found.
9 – When seeing the body of JFK in Bethesda, both Jackie and Bobby declared that is was not Jack. It is believed J D Tippet, a spitting image of JFK, was shot as a body-double back up.
10 – Governor Connally said he was shot by a separate bullet. And Mrs Connally said he was “shot all over.” (video)
11 – Oswald declared he was innocent. Documents prove the government was trying to frame him. He was assassinated on television by Jack Ruby.
It is clear that the official story is like a sieve, and it just cannot be plausible in every detail. The evidence and witness statements prove it an absolute lie.
So what is the most plausible explanation?
What Happened?
Despite the deaths of many witnesses, these facts emerge. There were at least 11 shots fired, both from behind and the front, and there were up to six assassins (shooters).
Jack Lawrence was in the drain (under the manhole) on Elm street. The most plausible explanation is that after the non-fatal shots to Kennedy’s body, the car slowed — allowing the Lawrence to fire the fatal bullet from the drain. The trajectory was from below, but with Kennedy’s head still visible above the door frame, the bullet hit Kennedy just above the right temple — killing him.
Lawrence was seen by several witnesses exiting from the drain and arrived at his work (the Lincoln Mercury Showroom) with muddy feet. His co-workers were so suspicious of his behaviour, they called the Police.
I have posted a video below called “JFK TRUTH – The Mob, CIA and the 8 paid ASSASSINS” that provides extensive details of the plot and the assassins.

I spoke to Gumshoe’s G5, and he says this video is slightly over complicating the plot — and that they were definitely fewer than eight shooters. G5 has written about Lawrence in the drain before — and said to me yesterday that Lawrence may have handed his rifle to Badge-man (a Dallas Policeman) after exiting a manhole (seen by the deaf mute and the train guard).
Dallas policeman J D Tippit was was shot 45 minutes after Kennedy (not by Oswald). And G5 agrees that Tippit’s body was SWITCHED with Kennedy’s. Tippit, nicknamed JFK, was the spitting image of the president.

Both bodies were loaded onto Airforce 2, and Tippit was then “worked on” by John Liggett to make his wounds consistent with the Oswald narrative. But it was a botched attempt.
G5 said that Jackie was crawling onto the trunk to retrieve a piece of skull (below).
And interestingly, he told me something I have never heard. He said that Oswald (who was gay) was NOT shot dead by Ruby on live television. G5 had learned that Oswald was told to “act” for the cameras, as if he was shot. But, unfortunately for Oswald, he was later killed anyway.
Update note: We are expected to believe that Oswald killed both Tippit and JFK within 45 minutes of each other, within 4 miles of each other, one with a rifle from a high building and one with a handgun at short range (on the run)… and inflict an almost IDENTICAL head wound.
The MSM Play the Conspiracy Game
What is fascinating about the ABC and the MSM, is that they have turned “searching for truth” – i.e., the looking into possible theories — into a GAME. They make out that chasing conspiracy theories is a fun and fruitless exercise for the people. And then they report, without question, the official and authoritative version. However, on analysis, this is usually the least plausible — if not impossible — version. Truly shameful.
The JFK video — that provides us something more truthful. Yes I’m sure it is banned from the ABC. (I believe an adapted from Francis Conolly’s JFK to 911 Everything Is A Rich Man’s Trick)
I have decided to add this photograph as an update — regarding my comment below.
That’s wonderful, Dee.
Does anyone know which body Tippett’s widow received?
How much time do they spend planning these things in advance?
You have incriminated the driver of JFK’s limo by saying he slowed down at the drain.
Tonight is Halloween here and I’m worried about opening the door to kiddies in case they’re not kiddies.
The driver was William Greer. It is often thought that the man near the drain put his hand up (I think they call him umbrella man) and that was the signal for the car to slow. But G5 says he was not involved, and that Greer was on a special radio. I recall G5 saying that George Bush Snr and Ed Lansdale were together — and Lansdale was on — or controlling the radio.
Imagine if there had been a cyber attack on that radio.
Imagine if JFK had survived to give marching orders to the Federal reserve boys and the CIA.
Imagine if We The People weren’t all so thick.
Wow – just want to comment on your statement in bold ‘it is time they stop presenting FAKE NEWS to the Australian people.’. (I don’t even want to watch the 7:30 Report nursing home dribble)
Good to see you retaking back the term ‘FAKE NEWS’ for what it is – literally fake news. The more we use the phrase ‘fake news’ whenever something appears on legacy TV news. The more people will wake up. I am an embarrassed 45 year old Australian who was highly disappointed in the Foreign Correspondent show regarding Sandy Hook. Because just like ABC Fake News, this show had my own fellow citizens lying to me despite my hard work paying their salaries in taxes. So I felt abused twice (yes they like to screw you twice) – first in my mind, then in my pocket. So I actually paid in taxes for the lies I was hearing – what an idiot. Based on Karl Rove’s exposure re: reality-based communities, we should not be surprised at the shear audacity of the Fake News trying to retell the old known lie of JFK given so much internet exposure to the truth. They do not care and are on Auto-Pilot to thrust their rubbish like a machine gun into our gullible minds.
(Now, back to reading the rest of this excellent Real News piece)
Sell the ABC, it is an annual borrowed billion dollars (at interest) of fakery, intelectual deficiency and incompetence going down a black hole of deceit habitually protecting murderers.
Maybe it is in the video above, but I always remember the sad scene when the security fellow is pulled from the rear platform of Kennedy’s vehicle and is filmed running backwards behind the vehicle with his arms outstretched wondering why he was ordered off.
How sad when he later realised that by standing at the rear of the vehicle he would spoil a line of shot’ whether real or part of the planned deceitful ploy.
The ABC is a national disgrace and an insult to the journalism ‘profession’…….. if it may be referred to as such.
Time decent msm journalists spoke up to save what is left of their ‘profession’ and futures, as for sure at present, they have reached their ‘used by date’.
In Karel van Wolferen’s article he said the good journalists in the MSM (including himself) feel uncomfortable and guilty. So here’s their chance to put an end to those unpleasant feelings.
This is more about Tippit. (Mary he had an open casket at the funeral on the 25th – same day as JFK.)
“After the eulogy, Mrs. Tippit was helped forward, weeping softly. She stood for a long moment beside her husband’s open casket. Then she turned away, handkerchief to her eyes, and was helped from the church. Six pallbearers escorted J.D. Tippit’s coffin to the waiting hearse.
A fifteen-man motorcycle escort led the way to the sloping grounds of Laurel Land Memorial Park.”
This tit-bit about Tippit from https://redice.tv/news/the-ultimate-jfk-secret-who-is-really-buried-in-arlington
“Tippit as was described as having been shot the right temple, specifically the right temporal area, the very same region of the head where the fatal shot passed through President Kennedy.
“…My mind boggled at the thought that this might be a mere coincidence–that the man accused of killing both Tippit and JFK could shoot 2 people within 45 minutes of each other, within 4 miles of each other, one with a rifle from a high building and one with a handgun at short range (on the run), and inflict exactly the same type wound. I resolved to inquire about this of experts in Chicago.
“At the Third Decade conference, at a panel of the country’s foremost experts on the Kennedy assassination, I inquired whether anyone there had ever considered the possibility that we might be seeing rear view photos and X-rays of Tippit substituted for those of JFK, based on the amazing similarity of the temporal head wound in both victims. Some cynics laughed in the audience but from the podium, the moderator, George Michael Evica,
“I realized that the lateral x-ray purported to be that of the late President might in fact be that of Officer J. D. Tippit.
Dee that’s a lot to take in, but I’ll try.
Please see the homepage of my publisher: trineday.com. See the forthcoming book entitled “Prolonging the Agony” (trench warfare) by Jim and Gerry, and one by Judyth Baker, whom i trust, with this blurb:
Kennedy and Oswald The Big Picture
By Judyth Vary Baker and Edward Schwartz
Unraveling the many strands of hidden history behind the assassination of President Kennedy is not an easy task. Co-authors Baker and Schwartz guide us toward the conclusion that ultimately, the motivation was total governmental control, a coup d’état, changing us from a democratic republic to a oligopoly – a corporatocracy.
With help from new witnesses regarding the “Crime of the Century,” we are led to the realization that the “War on Terror” and the Patriot Act were predesigned to undermine our US Constitution and our Bill of Rights. The very moment Kennedy died, our own government turned against “We the People.” Baker and Schwartz provide a compelling narrative showing Oswald’s innocence and a condemnation of the conspirators who planned and carried out the assassination of our 35th president and our Republic.
I want to point out ANOTHER DAMNING FLAW in the official story.
The official story describes the path of the “throat – body” wound. I have uploaded it here.
For the bullet to have been shot by Oswald, it requires that KENNEDY be semi slumped over, as the shot allegedly penetrates his back then exits his throat. But WAIT — Kennedy was sitting UPRIGHT when he got the body shot. THE ANGLE OF THE BULLET from the 6th floor in the Book Depository bld is IMPOSSIBLE. It is very simple. He was not slumped over.
I don’t know where the bullet came from — but it was NOT from Oswald.
Oh this is so tedious to keep explaining to the MSM that they are on the wrong fox trail — and that they have ignored countless researchers.
Dee, I’m inclined to believe G5 on faith (and on past performance). But can you deal with the following? I presently live in a drain, as it were. Actually a lovely basement apartment. My windows are flush with the ground outside, so if I reached out I could grab a passer-by by the ankle.
I am now standing here at the window (seriously), pretending to hold a rifle (or was it a pistol?). It seems difficult to hold a rifle in a drain at the desired angle. The macadam street [or my windowsill] would limit one’s freedom to point it.
Also, if a car drives by, I think my angle of fire would let me hit only as high as the door. To make it hit JFK in the open-top car, it seems to me the trajectory would have to be up into the air and then down onto his head (ridiculous). Unless JFK were practically leaning out of the car, toward my drain — which he wasn’t.
Another sceptical remark: if the story be that Lawrence used a rifle, do they claim he looked through its scope? If so, you just can’t do that in a drain. At least I can’t do it here without a lot of crouching. Go try it behind your desk and lemme know. IF YOU DON’T HAVE A GUN, DEE, use a brolly.
Borrow one from Hercule.
I noted a similar comment elsewhere a couple of days ago. So I actually went out to the street and lay down at the drain and looked at the cars some 30 feet away.
When JFK sat in the car… his elbow was at a 45 degree angle — so the seats were relatively high. When he got the head wound, he was already slightly slumped forward. Thus lowering his head with regards to the top of the door. Also then the door of the open hood car was closer to the ground. But according to my visual calculations — Lawrence in the drain would still have seen from about Kennedy’s chin or nose up. Easily. At really CLOSE range. No sights required. The car had almost stopped. Kennedy was not moving. It was a very easy target for a proficient shooter.
There is another possibility that a rifleman was in the tunnel under the underpass… (but can’t recall hearing that). It could be that Lawrence did not fire the fatal blow… that it was another front shooter. But without me going through months of research, I cannot absolutely say. I am going on “Intel” provided to me.
But in the end it MATTERS NOT. The shot that killed Kennedy was from the front. This means the official story is a lie. So we don’t need to be distracted by that. Let a new US investigation determine exactly what happened…
See? my Editor leads from the front.
Lying down in the drain! (Gutter)
That is a lawyer’s task to get down with our clients and see the picture.
In lawyer’s parlance it is called; ‘going on a view’.
Next time get ABC Leigh to lay alongside……. she may develop a brain down there?
Dee, I accept a lot of what G5 says, but he does tend to often overstate his argument by making various claims without providing a reliable source, and then dismisses those who disagree with him as CIA stooges or worse. The Lawrence claim is a case in point. Agreed, he stepped out of the drain and agreed that he had a rifle that was then passed to “badge man” (possibly Johnny Roselli). If you read Sherry Fiester’s book Enemy of the Truth she provides in my view a compelling argument that the fatal shot came from the overpass. The medical evidence that you refer to (including Crenshaw’s invaluable book) of itself puts the lie to the official story.
The appalling 7.30 Report also repeated the lie that Oswald was in Mexico City visiting the Soviet embassy. The FBI and CIA knew from tape recordings and cameras that the man visiting the embassy and claiming to be Oswald was a fake. That was suppressed until the ARRB released millions of documents, including the previously suppressed Lopez Report (done for the HSCA) that demolished the whole Oswald in Mexico myth.
I highly recommend James Douglass’ book JFK and the Unspeakable for the best single explanation as to why Kennedy was killed; and Jim di Eugenio’s two books (Reclaiming Parkland and Destiny Betrayed) for a systematic demolition of the official myths. The website http://www.kennedysandking.com is invaluable le for regular;aer updates of the evidence and informed commentary, and also the weekly broadcasts on Black Op Radio (Canada).
The refusal of the msm, including the ABC, to tell the truth, and worse, bring on to their programs discredited people like Posner, is a dereliction of their statutory duty to present balanced information.
Agree James. As I commeted to mary, I don’t think it matters whether it was from the drain or the overpass… It proves the MASSIVE lie that changed the US and Australia. Thanks for the links to the books.
James, Mary, I have made a collage of three photographs comparing the two front options. From the pictures, I think it’s clear the car — SS-100-X — had quite low doors… and sat low to the ground. From the photos the overpass would have been about 4 X the distance. The car was traveling on the left-ish side of the road, and from the two bottom pictures (especially the bottom one), one can how far above the the side of the car Kennedy’s head was. I believe the bottom one is a frame when the shot hit him.
The collage:
Having spoken to someone who trained military shooters about it, I think I go for the drain. 25 yards, no scope, out of sight and plenty of prep time. A good shooter (resting the gun on the lip) would have shot hundreds of pumpkins and tin cans at that distance on the first go. And as he was shooting at a 45 degree angle up the road, this made it less cramped.
The overpass risked exposure, required a scope and with distance, and with distance (about 80 yards) the shot becomes exponentially more complex, (especially with, I presume, no prep time). But look forward to reading about it.
Dee, I looked at your collage and I think you’re onto something, but I don’t get the captions. Would you please have another go. The bottom picture does not speak to me.
JAMES article in 2015 — and why this assassination still matters
Given that 8? skilled assassins missed killing Kennedy in 14-15 shots? is it really believable that Lee Oswald could shoot JFK and actually hit him in 3 shot from such a distance?
The comment about the assassins keeping Kennedy’s body as a trophy seems a bit goulish.
This is the first I’ve heard of Tippit looking like Kennedy and the body switch. Oswald shooting a police officer and then going to the movies never sat well with me. It never seemed necessary. If the Tippet widow got Kennedy’s body – and Tippet is at Arlington – I say it’s time for an exhumation and DNA test of the man buried at Tippet (approval of the Kennedy family to exhume JFK would never happen).
The comment about the assassins keeping Kennedy’s body as a trophy seems a bit goulish.
And the leaving the final decision to Trump to hold back some of the information promised to the people (too scandalous for the US public to handle) just adds insult to injury! I think he made a critical error – the news would be possibly focused on these new revelations and Mueller’s investigation might have been buried by the assassination scandals. He could use a media strategies that’s not just a twitter account.
Thanks for sharing – I am throughly discussed with the US government, CIA and George Bush Sr, and thoroughly enjoyed the video. Top quality.
Cynthia I wondered if some of the shooters deliberately missed — that these “hired guns” really didn’t want to kill their president. Many bullets missed the car. Shots in the grass and on pavements.
Apparently Jack Lawrence returned “white faced” and went to throw up in the toilet after returning. Signs of shock.
It was common for a firing squad to be issued with a few blanks so they can walk away in a possible belief that they did not shoot the deceased.
After ww11 I have been reliably informed was that on examination most casualties were not caused by rifle bullet wounds. Some soldiers did not want to shoot fellow human beings.
So the killers had to investigate a method of getting combatants to be more effective.
One experiment in the early 50’s was to try lsd on human beings.
As part of the experiment they laced a small french village bakery with lsd in the bread.
Whoopie, many in the village went agro and one jumped out of a window.
Search it.
Takes serious effort to get a army of decent human beings to go kill for bankers.
After it they suffer ptsd and many commit suicide and the responsible politicians massage their egos with accounts of the bravery of their victims in speeches and photo ops.
As Kissinger is reported: ‘soldiers are just stupid pawns………’ , or something similar.
Most “humans” are humane. The bad cream rises to the top… ferments and sours it for the rest of us.
For more, search the recited words of General Smedley Butler in 1933: under ‘War is a Racket’. …… and the racketeer running dogs are our bankster politicians and corprate msm, including the ABC.
Ned, this is attributed to Hank:
“Military men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy.”
Looks like he was not talking about grunts but about the brass.
Dee, it appears that the shooters never practiced the actual shooting. They were doing mental calculations to estimate the bullet drop and lead on Kennedy. I’m surprised for an operation as big as this that they didn’t have the shooters work with a mock up so they could dial in the shots.
If they had practiced shooting at a moving target that would register the hits, they could adjust their second shot, third, etc until they had the range and speed dialed in. As it was, most shots in Dallas were just best estimates as they didn’t even know where the first shot went.
I was surprised to read that so many shots were fired. I listened to the recording of the shooting and only heard 4 shots. The last two were only .8 seconds apart. You can’t recover from recoil, move your hand to the bolt, work the bolt, get your hand back on the trigger in .8 seconds (let alone have time to aim). That .8 seconds told me there had to be a second gunman.
Somewhere way back I noted a a report that a Congressional inquiry in about 1970 (?) concluded that there must have been at least a second assasin.
Do not know anything more.
Strange, if that is correct it appears that dear Leigh does not know about it.
Nedski, there are two such animals. One is the 1998 AARB — Assassination Records Review Board. It is accessible here:
The other is the HSCA — House Select Committee on assassinations of 1992. Re MLK, KFK, and JFK. The best dirt on that one is in a small book by Richard (?) Sprague. Can’t get my hands on it at the moment. Yes, I am pretty sure they concluded that JFK’s death was most likely a conspiracy.
I read that they considered it may have been conspiracy (1998)
Terry,I think you’re right. I’d guess the place and opportunity would have been fairly quickly arranged. The number of shooters would have been based on I suppose the inability to practice. What are your thoughts of some having silencers — especially if they were not located near the patsy?
Silencers are mostly Hollywood. On a high powered rifle there is just too much escaping gas (you need a HUGE silencer) and the bullet is supersonic so you get a ‘crack’ from the sonic boom.
They do help with the noise, but it sure ain’t silent.
an ad for the 5th annual jfk conference, nov 17-19. i am not sure it is this year but i think it is
This year.
Does anyone else besides me think that Trump threatening to put this stuff out there is more part of his 3D chess match with the Deep State than any great concern for truthful disclosure?
There certainly needs to be more focus on the enmity between those who took part in the heist and the dynamic between the current players
The idea that the ABC is a unified body also imparts undue credit/power
[…] Who Really Killed JFK? […]
[…] can read a more detailed summary here in an article entitled, “JFK For Dummies — Explaining the Kennedy Assassination for the […]
[…] My article, entitled “JFK For Dummies” — Explaining the Kennedy Assassination for the ABC, here. […]
[…] drain (when the car slowed) resulting in JFK’s head to flick back. I wrote about this in “JFK For Dummies” — Explaining the Kennedy Assassination for the ABC” in 2017 (after meeting with […]