Home News Jimmy Dore on Reporting Earth’s Temperatures

Jimmy Dore on Reporting Earth’s Temperatures


Jimmy Dore — an entertaining video on Climate Lies, in a video entitled “BOMBSHELL! LAST WEEK’S RECORD-HIGH TEMPERATURES WERE FAKED!”




  1. If Jimmy Dore is disbelieving now, wait until he actually does the REAL research on ‘climate change’ and the dreaded CO2. Crikey, he will totally flip out on his show. – “What! you mean CO2 is really GOOD for the environment!”

  2. I recall when I was a toddler way out West in NSW, on a hot day on a verandah in a wooden box with a covering of wetted wheat bags for Mum to keep me cool…… well, I did not know that at the time.
    A poor Green and climate panic ignoramus would not even know about water bags made of canvass. At the front of many country vehicles the water bag was attached above the front ‘bumper bar’. At a stop, have refreshing mouth full of canvass tasting water without a hint of fluoride.
    As for temperatures: Way over 100’f for weeks ….. well even Santa and Rudolph had annual transport problem with all those presents loaded up….. but he managed.
    Wake up world …. Been there, we all know that climate changes, thank God.
    BTW: where is professor Flannery these days? Still slurping from the globalist idiot panic predictive programming trough with no water or snow by now, but gorging heaps of taxpayer’s fiat paper?
    TRUST THE SCIENCE💁🏼🤣💰💰💰💰🧙🏻‍♂️
    Trust Greta.
    Trust the ABC.
    Trust SBS.
    Trust our controlled globalist politicians.
    Trust the flightless waddling Teal D…..ucks.
    Trust the UN.
    Trust idiot WHOms.
    Trust your common sense for a change.
    Beware; with bare feet on hot summer Bondi Beach sand and go boil in a boiling Pacific surf. Or be doomed.

    • And save the planet, fry your bacon and eggs under the severing summer sun a wide shovel blade.
      Any Very late Green have that delicacy seventy plus years ago?
      No! Well go eat crickets.

    • Poor Flannery was really struggling but how else can an academic hope to survive without a good contract. Has his contract ended, now it’s time to come clean. John Howard really set him up, “Climate Ambassador”, funny or nasty or just politics, under the bus for you Tim Flannery when the time comes …

  3. This is typical of the M$M, they find some place that measures ground temperature where you can fry an egg on the road and someone on tiktok says that was the temperature and before you know it they throw it into the ClimateChange™ file and blabber it everywhere on the TV news so the plan is we can own nothing and eat bugs. Because if you shouldn’t drive your car you don’t need so much money, get on the bus you mugs, and eat your white bread bugs sandwich I couldn’t care less, I hope all the Teals voters do it. Get the bus and eat bugs Teals voters.👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

  4. It looks like someone on the illuminati has put their hand up to do ClimateChange™ and they have all put bets on how much they think it will cost so the someone in charge has decided to undercut all the bets to show how cheap they can do it.
    Hence they have fake weather blabbered by our gullible stoopid M$M, costs nothing, Greta Thunderbox sitting on the road, not even anything in the budget for glue, only a rubbishy cardboard sign and then the arson squad who probably got out of jail via some crooked judge and are e-tagged so they can’t run away until they have set fire to forests everywhere. This is the cheapest, most crappy Globalist hoax yet. But people have been brainwashed into TotalStoopidity™ so they will happily believe it.
    And as always belief outweighs facts by about 3:1 or more.
    DuPont (illuminati) will be making a bundle on their fire chemicals which you can see everywhere, the pink water they are spraying around probably costs 1000 times more than the arsonists, Greta and the Fake News all put together.

  5. At 65 what can I say, the stick holding the carrot only getting longer. God willing still alive at 67 praying they won’t raise it to 69.
    At first the body is broken by toil, usury and taxation, with sweat and tears stolen fleeced to the bone. Then when you realise, they can’t take anymore cause there’s nothing left, they go for minds.

    After all it’s not money but possession and damnation of souls. The misery has been served on the same stinking platter by deceivers who have wormed their way in and rotted Oz from within, enriching themselves on our labour and goodwill. As long as they continue sucking the blood of hosts, then morals don’t matter.

    There’s no climate change, only chemtrails sprayed from Air Force base at Richmond. Look up, watch the sky, notice the patterns. This crazy stupid insane money wasting project is the most destructive act of genocide to every living thing on this planet.

  6. Israeli troops ( Gods Chosen People ) shoot medic’s feet during raid

    Maureen Clare Murphy Rights and Accountability 25 July 2023


    Israeli forces attacked medics during separate raids on two Palestinian refugee camps in the occupied West Bank early Monday.

    Troops shot a medic with the Palestine Red Crescent Society “with two bullets in both feet” while he was on duty in Askar camp near Nablus, the group said.


  7. Speaking of Birthdays Little Johnny’s today.

    Nemesis this supports your comment re only two Sovereign Countries Australia and Russia. –Cold War Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy–

    The Australian’s Janet Albrechtsen, who describes the 84-year-old as smiling “wryly”—I ask is that the Tavistock Grin

    From Crikey today

    “Former prime minister John Howard says “the luckiest thing that happened to this country was being colonised by the British”, despite research showing more than half of all massacres of Indigenous people, the oldest living culture in the world, were carried out by our police and other government forces, as Guardian Australia reported last year, and right up until 1926. Speaking to The Australian ($), Howard — who turns 84 today — also says the NT government isn’t “competent”, naming health, police and education as problem areas. It’s almost as if we need an advisory body to tell politicians what Indigenous folks need on the ground. Howard also predicts the Voice to Parliament referendum will fail “significantly”, suggesting we should be instead “sitting down talking to each other” about how to lift Indigenous people up. Like an advisory body to the government made up of Indigenous representatives all over the country drawing on community views might do?

    Howard, our second-longest serving prime minister, goes on to suggest the idea that a sovereign country making a treaty with part of itself is “just preposterous” and “constitutionally repugnant”, adding treaties are made between sovereign states and not with a part of a sovereign state. Perhaps we could look to Canada, where the government formally recognises no fewer than 70 constitutionally bound historic treaties signed with Indigenous peoples between 1701 and 1923, as well as the 26 modern treaties signed with First Nations communities since 1975. It’s thanks to Canada’s self-governing royal proclamation of 1763, though it’s never been mirrored here. Not that any comment above went challenged by The Australian’s Janet Albrechtsen, who instead describes the 84-year-old as smiling “wryly”, having appealing “quintessential common sense” and a “knack” for understanding the country.”

    • This lot would not last 5 minutes in the North Korean army and if you care to look to the end, they turn it into a dance party. They are barely bothered to “social distance” and nobody gives a damn about the Covid-19™ raging around them, except for the politicians who are all hiding behind their dust-masks. This is just a big dress-ups event for them, the French cannot be bothered to colonise, it’s just too much trouble for most of them with jet lag and the rest of it. They keep quiet with their nearby colonies in Africa and other places are just not worth the effort. The French and British expeditions met at a place called Two Peoples Bay near Albany WA and the British persuaded the French to run away and forget about Australia.
      If the French had got Western Australia, I expect the capital would have remained in Albany and been called New Marseilles while everything north of Gnowangerup would have already been signed over to Globalists and by now operated from out of China. There would be a French consulate down in New Marseilles but all the French people would have left already because of ze culture non-existent. The cooking in Albany would be improved, and Holmes-a-Courts’ “Margaret River” project would not exist, in fact HaC’s would have gone from South Africa straight back to England to get into political meddling there.

  8. https://www.scribd.com/document/43803047/The-Campaigner-The-Tavistock-Grin#

    The Tavistock Grin is a term coined to connote the knowing grin – the smile of John Rawlings Rees. This is the grin of men who engage in the most vicious forms of psychological warfare. These same men with that same grin commit crimes against humanity which make Hitler look like an amateur. With this we exhume the corpse of John Rawlings Rees, tracing the living trail of his followers and financiers. The Reesian method of fascist control is analyzed in The Real ClA — The Rockefellers’ Issue: Fascist Establishment, a polemic by L. Marcus. The history of Rees, the animal, the Tavistock Institute and the Reesians is documented in Low Intensity Operations: The Reesian Theory of War by M. Minnicino.

  9. Prince Macaron’s France news “France24” has been quoting some previously unheard of bunch of alarmists who say this July was the hottest the world has been in 130,000 years. Yes if you measure the temperature of the ground on carparks in the desert, instead of the air temperature.
    In Algiers the weather is persistently a very pleasant 30 degrees while the nights are very slightly too warm at about 21 degrees. The French have a long history of the usual exploitation etc in Algeria and now they are milking their climate story in Algeria where the arsonists are running amok, just as the French terrorists bombed the Greenpeace boat in New Zealand many years ago.
    French government terrorists are so clumsy and vulgar, I accuse them of being the primary suspects behind the bombing and attacks of the cartoon place Charlie Hebdo.
    The source of the hysteria is https://www.worldweatherattribution.org/ another dodgy media organisation, a bunch of storm chasers and “climate modellers”, hey WWA you utter fuckwits, if you cannot build the variable solar radiance into your stupid model it must be because your mums dropped you on your head too many times.

  10. “Before mass leaders seize the power to fit reality to their lies, their propaganda is marked by its extreme contempt for facts as such, for in their opinion fact depends entirely on the power of the man who can fabricate it.” — Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism

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