Home Trump Juan O’ Savin: The Trump Card Brunson, SCOTUS, Nino (Video)

Juan O’ Savin: The Trump Card Brunson, SCOTUS, Nino (Video)


Intro by DM, an article request from Ned.

Sourced from Before Its News.

“THE TRUMP CARD has just been put on the TABLE… Not completely unexpected in this Casino Royale for Planet EARTH. . The SCOTUS has accepted on the Docket for this Lawsuit Brunson v. Alma S. Adams; et al., – Biden Harris Pence and 385 members of Congress. The entire house of cards is coming down on the DEEP STATE.

“Loy, Raland, Deron and Gaynor Brunson (the brothers) witnessed the 2020 election along with claims from members of congress that the election was rigged. What got their attention was when the proposition to investigate those claims was presented to Congress and put to a vote. What came as a shock to the four brothers is when they discovered that 387 members of Congress along with VP Mike Pence actually voted against the proposed investigation, thus thwarting the investigation. Whether the election was rigged or not was no longer their main concern. What now became the concern was when those members of Congress violated their sworn oath by voting to thwart the investigation.

“The brothers wanted to do something about this. Their brother Deron had quite a lot of experience in the legal field, which started out when he began suing banks in an attempt to show the corruption in that part of the financial world, so he had enough knowledge to file a lawsuit against the now current 385 members of Congress along with VP Mike Pence, Joe Biden, and Kamala Harris. He already had experience with the SCOTUS by bringing two petitions to them, both of which were denied, but this experience gave him enough success along the way to give him the confidence that maybe, just maybe, he might be able to do something about this thwarted investigation.”

More on the Brunson Brothers here:

And the Docketed lawsuit SCOTUS 11 23 22: Brunson v. Alma S. Adams; et al.,



  1. If the wheelbarrow brigade appear again to distract from this report…..go get stuffed.
    You know who you are, you lot are ignorant distracters and BS’s.
    This report for first details covers the LAW and the application determining our future.
    As for the ABC, SBS and mass media lying spivs! YOU ARE EXPOSED AND WILL LOSE.
    WE ARE 99% you lot are globalist fascist chicken poop.

      • “Loy, Raland, Deron and Gaynor Brunson (the brothers) witnessed the 2020 election along with claims from members of congress that the election was rigged. What got their attention was when the proposition to investigate those claims was presented to Congress and put to a vote.

  2. It’s about time the dam wall started to crumble, we have waited so long and still so many dweebs have not woken up. On the menu, SCOTUS, Afghanistan pull-out, Bush War 2, Hunter Biden, Jan 6, Kari Lake & Arizona 2020 & 2022, Georgia runoff, Pennsylvania, Mike Lindell’s stuff, 2000 mules, Fauci and Cuomo, Pzifer & ModeRNA, Hillary and Nancy, it goes on and on just in the last 20 years.
    Touch wood it all starts happening now, only one question, will they still need all those FEMA coffins.

  3. “Dominion Voting Systems Patents Given In 2019 To China Bank For Collateral”

    (HSBC is a Rothschild Bank, not a mainland China governed Bank. It has its headquarters in London…..HSBC – Wikipedia

    https  ://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSBC

    HSBC has its world headquarters at 8 Canada Square in Canary Wharf, London. Size, profit and auditors. As of 2014, according to Relsbank,

    HSBC was the fourth-largest bank in the world by assets (with $2,670.00 billion), the second largest in terms of revenues (with $146.50 billion) and the largest in terms of market value (with $180.81 billion). It was also the most profitable bank in the …

    Dominion Voting Systems Patents Given In 2019 To China Bank For Collateral

    by, Paul Collin ( The UPI Guy )

    HIGHLIGHT: America Voting Security Secrets, additionally include, the greater ‘Glitch’: Dominion Voting Systems Inc. ’18 Patents’ and ‘Intellectual Property Rights’ exchanged on September 25, 2019 for Collateral from HongKong Shanghai Banking Corporation ( People’s Republic of China ), Patent Numbers, Descriptions, Collateral Security Agreement plus more within The UPI Guy report ( Below ).

    WASHINGTON, D.C. – November 13, 2020 – It is believed that during a December 1923 meeting, of Russia’s Politburo surrounding local party

    organization votings as-to the platform attitude of L. Trotsky, the following pronouncement was issued by Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin:……………”


  4. The United States top voting machine maker has admitted in a letter to a federal lawmaker that the company installed remote-access software on election-management systems it sold over a period of six years, raising questions about the security of those systems and the integrity of elections that were conducted with them.
    In a letter sent to Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR) in April and obtained recently by Motherboard, Election Systems and Software acknowledged that it had “provided pcAnywhere remote connection software … to a small number of customers between 2000 and 2006,” which was installed on the election-management system ES&S sold them.

  5. Anyone who watched the 2020 election who had a modicum of observational skills couldn’t fail to see the ‘big steal’ as it occurred.

    161 million ballots counted from only 126 million registered voters? And even that in your face evidence has failed to wake many up!

    The election was monitored by Space Force, and the ‘big steal’ included many countries involvement, including Australia.

    As ‘Q’ states – We have it all!

    Our governments involvement in assisting in a coup against a sitting U.S. President makes our governments liable as designated combatants against the United States in this 5th Generation Warfare.

    Australia from the get-go, has been a Freemason colony. All of our institutions are now so corrupt that they are no longer salvageable.

    Anyone notice all the American warships now parked around this country and the sudden ‘security breaches’ at our international airports from time to time, that shut down the whole airport? Every capital city has experienced one or two events so far.

    Would that be fleeing Freemasons being caught out?

    I live near Williamtown airforce base – and the aircraft activity from that base is well above normal, and has been for some weeks, with many transport aircraft being flown into and out of every other day.

    The military does not do exercises this time of the year!

    I wonder how many Aussies the recent and rigged, Victorian election fiasco managed to wake up this time?

    Enjoy the show – I am!

    • N.
      So we are in the same picture theatre rolling Jaffers down the aisle trying to wake everyone up with little success.
      Well, when the film breaks and has to be sliced and glued back, the lights will be turned on and be dazzling to the poor herds who will be frozen in their seats as the announcements of the delay are sounded……. AND THE REASONS.
      Yep, a sure Oscar for best show, coming for the director, the producer and all the courageous actors.

      • Btw. I lived next door to a picture theatre when I was nine or so and saw how the projection room worked in them days.
        I also was allowed to collect the bottles of Shelley’s empties and pocket three pence for each. Well before I served on the Sydney Stock Exchange in O’Connell street.
        Impressed Mary?

    • There’s this continual “hope” that the military, spaceforce et al., are about to save the human race. Sorry to be pessimistic, but I feel that the whole thing is a stage show. If there are only 38 individuals orchestrating this… what’s the problem? Nothing makes sense — a genocide being ignored? Are higher beings assisting the elite and AI to herd the human race into the next phase of evolution — in slavery? I hope I’m wrong… wake me up (or contact me in the desert) when things are back on track for the human race. I’m not keen for the new Cyborg … the new normal.

      • Dee,
        Oh ye of little faith🙏🤡⚖️💁🏼⛓
        EPISODE 2935B from about 80-90 mins to the end.
        taste the jaffas💕

      • At before it’s news.com. People powered news , just use ‘discretion’ and consider latest report presented by Mary..
        Great Sat arvo matinee’ picture show💁🤡
        Roll the jaffas eat your hearts out ABC PLANET AMERICA FAKERY.
        SELL THE ABC.

        • note 42 mins for a few MINS, UK not producing the VIRUS official!
          The the motor accidents being examined.
          ( how about your pilot?) have a safe holiday!
          ( how about your train driver?

        • This is the SITUATION UPDATE … MASS ARRESTS UPDATE, FRAUD ETC. ( the video Ned refers to)

          • At 42 mins, what do you say, Dan of Victorian, Minister Hazzard of NSW, Ray (the 4 million dollar + kid) hardly, Ben Fordham, Deb Knight, of 2GB, ABC, SMH, Dr Chant, et.al..?
            Now how many are lately dying of advanced brain cancer?

          • At beforeitsnews.com people powered news.
            Just also listen to a finance report from Jim Willie.
            SHTF yep, the Swiss and credit Swiss.
            They say they are neutral💁🤡
            Jaffas are GOLD😂

          • Just for clarification.
            My reference was to the first Willie video now posted by Dee
            above which is a black screen with an oral report.
            I have not listened to the second video, but on Willie’s record no doubt it would be worth consideration.
            The bastards are probably running off to the precious metals shop.

          • Second video – nudity warning
            Very interesting story that the SCOTUS is devolving Washington back to the states, starting with Roe vs Wade.
            Other stuff such as Justice Amy with all here different coloured kids is, er, compromised, may well be plausible, who knows, but blackmailed people make good servants I guess.
            On the first video you have to wonder about using Real Raw News as a source, maybe they should call it Really Raw News to clear up the ambiguity

  6. The Fatal Discourse of Rabbi Reichhorn’s “FuneralOration”

    Rabbi Reichhorn’s Protocols

    “6. By the ceaseless praise of DEMOCRATIC RULE we shall divide the Christians into political parties, we shall destroy the unity of their nations, we shall sow discord everywhere. Reduced to impotence, they will bow before the LAW of OUR BANK, always united, and always devoted to our Cause.”


      • Mussolini’s remedy for Communist supporters –


        (How Italy Found Her Soul)
        The True Story of the Fascisti Movement
        Sir Percival Phillips, K.B.E.
        (Special Correspondent of “The Daily Mail.”)
        CHAPTER SIX —
        In their war against Bolshevism the Crusaders of the Black
        Shirt used many weapons. One of the most effective was castor
        As one youthful leader explained to me, it was not so much a
        weapon as a remedy. The Fascisti were constantly encountering
        acts of disloyalty which deserved punishment on the lower
        scale, and Signor Italo Balbo, who looks like a militant poet, but
        is nevertheless one of the veterans of Fascismo despite his 27
        years, conceived the idea of purging society in this simple way.
        He had to deal with the case of a man of nearly 60, who was guilty of
        propaganda against the State. The culprit was too old to be beaten.
        Signor Balbo had him forcibly fortified with a pint of castor oil,
        administered in two large tumblers by simply stopping his breath
        until he had to swallow or die. He was kept under restrains until the
        remedy had taken a firm hold on him and then sent back to his family.
        Thereafter castor oil became a sovereign remedy for “Red madness.” It
        was given to all breeds of Bolsheviks, from desperadoes recruited from
        the criminal classes to schoolmasters and “intellectuals ” higher up
        in the movement to overthrow the kingdom.

        The effect was unfailing. I am told that a “patient” never rendered
        himself liable to a second dose. When he emerged from his retirement,
        pale and haggard, he found himself an object of ridicule instead of a
        martyr. He was never quite the same man again. Fascisti would pass him
        by with an ironic inquiry as to the state of his health, and Communist
        accomplices had difficulty expressing sympathy which did not betray a
        suggestion of amusement.
        Ridicule thus became a powerful ally of the Crusaders of the Black Shirt.
        The psychologists at the head of the movement gauged exactly the mentality of their opponents, and where less subtle leaders might have relied mistakenly on brute force alone, they waged war with fine discrimination…………………….”


  7. ” VP Mike Pence actually voted against the proposed investigation, thus thwarting the investigation. ”

    Just a palate without a song or dance, much like a Mitch McConnell or sorry about your lack of standing pheasants

    By Thomas Hobbes


    ( The Climate Change doctrine came to mind )

    One Makes The Things Incongruent, Another The Incongruity

    And for their Morall, and Civill Philosophy, it hath the same, or greater absurdities. If a man doe an action of Injustice, that is to say, an action contrary to the Law, God they say is the prime cause of the Law, and also the prime cause of that, and all other Actions; but no cause at all of the Injustice; which is the Inconformity of the Action to the Law. This is Vain Philosophy. A man might as well say, that one man maketh both a streight line, and a crooked, and another maketh their Incongruity. And such is the Philosophy of all men that resolve of their Conclusions, before they know their Premises; pretending to comprehend, that which is Incomprehensible; and of Attributes of Honour to make Attributes of Nature; as this distinction was made to maintain the Doctrine of Free-Will, that is, of a Will of man, not subject to the Will of God.

    And That All Government But Popular, Is Tyranny

    From Aristotles Civill Philosophy, they have learned, to call all manner of Common-wealths but the Popular, (such as was at that time the state of Athens,) Tyranny. All Kings they called Tyrants; and the Aristocracy of the thirty Governours set up there by the Lacedemonians that subdued them, the thirty Tyrants: As also to call the condition of the people under the Democracy, Liberty. A Tyrant originally signified no more simply, but a Monarch: But when afterwards in most parts of Greece that kind of government was abolished, the name began to signifie, not onely the thing it did before, but with it, the hatred which the Popular States bare towards it: As also the name of King became odious after the deposing of the Kings in Rome, as being a thing naturall to all men, to conceive some great Fault to be signified in any Attribute, that is given in despight, and to a great Enemy. And when the same men shall be displeased with those that have the administration of the Democracy, or Aristocracy, they are not to seek for disgraceful names to expresse their anger in; but call readily the one Anarchy, and the other Oligarchy, or the Tyranny Of A Few. And that which offendeth the People, is no other thing, but that they are governed, not as every one of them would himselfe, but as the Publique Representant, be it one Man, or an Assembly of men thinks fit; that is, by an Arbitrary government: for which they give evill names to their Superiors; never knowing (till perhaps a little after a Civill warre) that without such Arbitrary government, such Warre must be perpetuall; and that it is Men, and Arms, not Words, and Promises, that make the Force and Power of the Laws.

  9. Can I be forgiven for bringing off topic articles to GSN? Probably not.

    Igor Chudov on Free speech and the threat of deplatforming Twitter.

    “I hope that we all understand just how much of a threat true free speech is to Covid criminals seeking to avoid responsibility, to many important institutions, and to the entire edifice of “behind the scenes” shadow power structures.
    They understand the threat better than us. They will not give up without a fight, as their lives, relevance and livelihoods are literally at stake, and require elaborate suppression mechanisms to fend off threats.
    SEC got very busy bringing newly invented charges against Musk, hours after his Twitter announcement.”

    Read more


  10. obituary

    “Just one day before his death, Makey met with the Vatican’s ambassador to Minsk, Ante Jozic. The meeting marked the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Vatican and Belarus.

    In early November, the minister visited India, where he met with diplomats and entrepreneurs. Makey also discussed bilateral trade and economic cooperation with his Indian counterpart, Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, according to the Belarusian Foreign Ministry. On the topic of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, the two diplomats called for a “speedy resolution through peaceful means,” the ministry added.”


  11. Polysorbate 80 in vaccines is known to cause infertility… and so on –

    Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court

    Article 6

    For the purpose of this Statute, “genocide” means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

    (a) Killing members of the group;

    (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;

    (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction
    in whole or in part;

    (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;

    (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.


    • The Covid Conclusion
      November 28, 2022

      Dear Readers, I have given you enough information over the years to let you know that the Covid virus was not the threat it was portrayed and that the “vaccine” was neither effective nor safe. The Covid virus did not come out of a bat cave, but from NIH funding, first at the University of North Carolina and then in Wuhan, China. The “pandemic” was an orchestration for profit, power, and, as evidenced by the deaths, disabilities, infertility, and stillbirths caused by the “vaccine,” population reduction. In fact, the mRNA “vaccines”, whether intended or not, are bioweapons, writes Paul Craig Roberts .

      The Pfizer documents released by court order show that Pfizer knew in advance that the “vaccine” caused miscarriages and stillbirths, heart problems, neurological problems and death. Yet the company and public health agencies responsible for protecting public health went ahead and created a climate of fear, based on the lie that no treatment was available, and injected 70% of the US population with an untested substance based on an “emergency permit”.

      To put it plainly, the pharmaceutical companies, NIH, CDC, FDA, WHO, politicians, institutes, medical societies and medical boards, with fear and mandates, forced a majority of the American population to play Russian Roulette with a “vaccine” that would take their lives. could terminate or destroy.

      Despite this colossal crime, the only demand for accountability so far has been a civil suit.

      Was this great evil just a mistake? Absolutely not. As evidenced by the documents Pfizer sought to keep under lock and key for 75 years, the pharmaceutical companies knew of the outrageous danger of the “vaccine.” Read more ……


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