Home Corona Leaders Must Account For “Free” Flu Jabs, the Immunisation Coalition, and The...

Leaders Must Account For “Free” Flu Jabs, the Immunisation Coalition, and The Vaccine Industrial Complex


Editor’s note: Another letter from Elizabeth Hart.

“It seems we’re expected to live under a constant threat of sickness, regardless of age or health status, and the only thing that can save us is ‘the blessed vaccines’.” Elizabeth Hart.

For the attention of:

Peter Malinauskas, Leader of the SA Labor Party

Premier of South Australia

Peter Malinauskas, you’ve announced ‘free’ flu vaccines will be available in South Australia, “in a program costing the state nearly $5 million”.

  • Who exactly is at risk of serious illness, hospitalisation and death with flu? 
  • What is the evidence supporting the use of flu jabs across the population, i.e. across all ages and health status?
  • Who exactly is paying for these ‘free’ flu vaccines, that are “costing the state nearly $5 million”? 

Isn’t it South Australian taxpayers who will be paying $5 million for the flu jabs? So not ‘free’ then for most people… And it’s $5 million that won’t be available to spend on other areas of health care.

And it’s not just you Peter Malinauskas, generously spending millions of taxpayers’ dollars on ‘free’ flu jabs – simultaneously, other state premiers are popping up with the ‘free’ flu jab deal too – in Victoria, New South Wales, Western Australia, Queensland.

It’s interesting this ‘free’ flu jab announcement suddenly pops up…pharmacies are now worried they won’t be able to cope with the demand for the ‘free’ flu jabs “saying they weren’t given reasonable notice after the government’s snap announcement”, as reported in The Advertiser today, see article attached. There’s nothing like a shortage of the promised ‘free’ flu jabs to drive demand is there? To get people all riled up for their ‘free’ jabs, with a shortage creating a ‘scarcity complex’, a marketing ploy.

Of course there’s a major beneficiary of this government largesse with taxpayers’ money…and that is the vaccine industry. How many millions will the vaccine industry reap from this ‘free’ flu jab campaign? Must be a great relief for them to get these government orders, as perhaps the flu jabs aren’t flying off the shelves, given the disastrous Covid jab rollout, with the promised ‘full vaccination’ with two Covid jabs not being fulfilled, and now third, and even fourth Covid ‘leaky vaccines’ being pressed upon the population due to poor effectiveness. It’s all an experiment! And ‘informed consent’ has been trashed…

Peter Malinauskas, Adelaide general practitioner Rod Pearce has featured in the promotion for the ‘free’ flu jabs. As noted in this ABC report, Rod Pearce is the chair of the Immunisation Coalition, which sounds so reassuring…  GP Rod Pearce says “everyone benefits from a flu vaccine”.

But do they? Does everyone benefit from a flu vaccine? What is the evidence backing this statement? No evidence is provided for Rod Pearce’s sweeping statement in the ABC report, but then the taxpayer-funded ABC isn’t renowned for providing evidence to support taxpayer-funded vaccination policy, it’s just a propaganda machine spouting the favoured line of governments and vested interests.

Back to Rod Pearce, chair of the Immunisation Coalition. The ABC committed another oversight in failing to disclose that the Immunisation Coalition is funded by the vaccine industry, including manufacturers of flu jabs and Covid jabs, i.e. Pfizer, moderna, Seqirus/CSL, GlaxoSmithKline, Sanofi, Biocelect and MSD (aka Merck). Other supporters of the Immunisation Coalition include Google.

This means that Rod Pearce has a ‘conflict of interest’ – are you familiar with this term Peter Malinauskas? Conflicts of interest should be disclosed.

GP Rod Pearce says “everyone benefits from a flu vaccine”, but he’s also chair of the vaccine industry-funded Immunisation Coalition, including vaccine manufacturers which produce flu jabs, so this should have been clearly disclosed in the ABC article, e.g. “GP Rod Pearce is chair of the Immunisation Coalition, which is funded by vaccine manufacturers and providers Pfizer, moderna, Seqirus/CSL, GlaxoSmithKline, Sanofi, Biocelect and MSD”. 

Peter Malinauskas, it’s essential that conflicts of interest are disclosed so that people, including taxpayers, are properly informed. Do you understand this ethical principle?

It’s my experience that members of the Immunisation Coalition, many of whom pop up regularly in the media promoting vaccine products, seem to be reluctant to properly disclose their association with the vaccine industry – why would that be, do you think Peter Malinauskas?

The Immunisation Coalition also has a curious statement on its website, i.e. “Our website does not host any form of advertising”. !?!?!?!? Have a look at the Immunisation Coalition website Peter Malinauskas, do you agree it “does not host any form of advertising”?

Here’s what I think Peter Malinauskas…I think it’s way past time the influence of the Immunisation Coalition/vaccine industry on Australian taxpayer-funded vaccination policy was subjected to scrutiny…

I also remind you of my recent email to you, see below, in which I conclude “And now here we are, in a diabolical shambles, awash with defective Covid jabs, flu jabs, whatever lucrative jabs the vaccine industry wants to foist upon the community….and no idea of the impact on people’s natural immune response and long-term health.”

It’s not a good situation Peter Malinauskas, and I am seeking accountability.


Elizabeth Hart

Independent person investigating the over-use of vaccine products and conflicts of interest in vaccination policy vaccinationispolitical.net




  1. We’ve seen some very critical analysis of the Covid ‘vaccine’. Since the government is now trying to induce people to take the ‘flu’ vaccine, I think it is only appropriate that the same critical analysis go into this ‘free’ flu vaccine.

  2. US Army affiliated lawyer warns of what’s coming (12 min)

    HIV ecoli ebloa staph etc packaged in lipid nanoparticles
    5G 18 GHz in 3 one-minute pulses releases them
    Pentagon Conplan 8888 Defence against a Zombie apocalypse
    Quarantine “experts” are already on the payroll
    Plan is to scare people to voluntarily run into FEMA camps and get jabbed
    Emergency rules mean the constitution and international conventions are suspended


  3. Elizabeth, keep up the good work on these criminals. It appears that they are not concerned with the damage already done with the “Kovid killer vaccine” even with the threat of the hangman’s noose already over their heads. They appear to want to make the death score even higher.

    I believe the garbage in the previous flu vaccines is what was targeted by the readings collected from the PCR tests.

  4. If the issue of accountability were pursued there’d never be a worldly win, however,t that’s beside the point.
    But unfortunately there’s not a lot of understanding that there’s something that’s much more important at stake

  5. My one and only experience with a ‘free’ Flu shot, offered by my employer in about the year 2000 made me so sick, dying felt like a better option. DON’T DO IT !

  6. A law has been passed in California, making it legal for adults to have oral or anal sex with minors.
    What good can come from decriminalising the rape of children? Now the push is to promote pedophilia, what’s next beastiality?
    With the plandemic, we’re plagued with unnecessary wars. The jackboot of billionaires corporations decimating small business. Communism in action, turning nations into gulags.
    The coronavirus is a worldwide war on all people, enforcing the misery of unemployment, the loss of income. How do people survive without income? Social credit scores without jobs? People at home, glued to the propaganda.
    It’s not hard to work out who’s behind the scam.
    A take down of the workers for the benefit of the investors is the virus of communism. A system based entirely upon layers of lies on lies. Herding us into mega cities, with the CCP surveillance state as the template.
    The vaccines come with tracking devices, with scans privileges withheld, people becoming slaves to satanists. Along with chemtrails on soil trees birds seeds fish and land animals, raising global warming.

  7. The Georgia Guidestones, part 1

    The Georgia Guidestones were erected in June 1979 by a man going by the pseudonym R. C. Christian. He announced his intention at the Elberton Granite Finishing Company as a way of transmitting a message to humanity. He said that he represented a secretive group of men whose desire was to offer “direction” to humanity.

    They are, in fact, the Ten Commandments of World Government, giving notification to the world of the Satanic plan to enslave humanity. Many people have puzzled over the occult rule that before they do anything, they have to tell us their plans. This rule is actually based in the law of God found in the laws of warfare. Deuteronomy 20:10, 11 says,

    10 When you approach a city to fight against it, you shall offer it terms of peace. 11 If it agrees to make peace with you and opens to you, then all the people who are found in it shall become your forced labor and shall serve you……………………”


  8. Professor Dr Stefan Hockertz (Germany) dares to question the German “Corona Vaccination” approach in 2021, and suffers great personal hardship as a consequence.

    (Me: his story reminds me of Dr Andreas Noack, who was murdered shortly after his “lecture” on Graphene Oxide in November 2021. Prof. Hockertz questioned the German “Quackzine Elite” from his high scientific position, and hey presto; 4 armed police and 9 other un-uniformed persons fronted up at his door – took his PCs and papers. Without much preparation, Hockertz fled to Switzerland, where he now resides.)

    Professor Dr Stefan Hockertz (Germany) is a luminary in his field.
    (From today’s article in the German Politstube.)

    Decades of research in the field of vaccine approval. The scientist runs facilities in Germany and Switzerland. As a biologist and toxicologist, he teaches at the University of Hamburg. As a scientist, the professor questions the federal government’s corona policy.
    He publishes his questions in texts and interviews. His house is searched and his property and work are confiscated. The end of his professional and civil life in Germany. The professor flees to Switzerland. From there the professor tells his story.

    A science thriller.

    His case, in an excellently translated/spoken Pod cast by Radio Munich.

    https://politikstube.com/kollateral-der-professor/ 30mins

  9. “BSL4 labs are designed and built so that researchers can ‘safely’ work with the most dangerous pathogens on the planet – ones that can cause serious disease and for which no treatment or vaccines exist.”

    Oz has 5, China has 1.

    • Corona viruses also known as colds and flu and lately Covid-19 have been doing the rounds for an aeon.

      According to John Rappoport’s blog no government in the world has in their possession a live isolate of a Covid-19 virus. So what are all of the tests finding?

      • The point is, vaccines are made in bio weapon labs here. Doherty Institute (Pirbright Pilgrims) hand the scripts parroted by puppet leaders on either side, that is the same party.

        • Modi just said they had administered 2 billion doses of va666ines ( India population 1.4 billion ) and later Bill Gates congratulated him on ClimateChange™ initiatives. We can see by the relentless promotions the Globalists want to package their programmes, so to repackage themselves, as saviours of the world. Thanks to high repetition advertising the majority of sheeple are buying it all. Every generation, a new swindle.

          • How to combat ClimateChange™ when variations in the sun’s radiance account for 95% of climate. Well there is an easy way !!! And Globalists have figured it out. Anyone who has a problem with climate, just eradicate them. TV viewers, watch out !!! You are targeted.

  10. We must also investigate how much funding the ABC receives directly or indirectly from the drug manufacturers.

  11. I got a couplle of jobs so I had to sit and work, that’s when I catch up on x22, so I ws just wondering with all this Durham indictments, if the statute of limitations runs out in 6 years ( as it seems to do here ), it should run out about November this year, then minutes later x22 actually said, it can go to 2023 or in some situation, longer. We see the deep state organising people with mental problems to do massacres in their gun-free-zones, it seems on a twice-daily basis now.
    The mid-term elections will be shaping up around this, and the MSM will be relentless in promoting the Globalist agenda. I think we have 6 months left and we will see the result and if there is a way out of this quagmire of brainwashing. Will Americans finally take their country back, or will they be too stoopid. Amazingly there seems to be no vigilante action against any of the perpetrators, even though things like armed hold-ups must number in the thousands.
    It all affects Australia directly eg. the only “newsworthy” thing the MSM has reported lately is that a Chinese plane attacked an Australian spy-plane. Haven’t heard anything from the CCP so far, the MSM is united in it’s single pinhole perspective therefore so far we have to assume it’s complete bullshit. We are being shifted onto this war-footing of rations and deprivation, the chance of actual war seems very slim, while the government bills and bank charges pile up ever faster. The war is on the commoners, the invading forces to be waved in by our beloved communist leaders.

    • Now it is you that is being anti-Semitic, Joe –

      ZIONISM. Britain’s royal family is 100% Jewish

      Publication time: 28 June 2013, 23:08

      It still remains a question for many people in the UK as how a “flight attendant” could marry queen’s grandson; a fact that although hushed and ignored by British mainstream media, did not manage to skip some media’s attention, writes Mehr News.

      The truth is that the royal family’s new bride is a Jew. Although in the wedding ceremony it was pretended that Kate Middleton is Christian but this lady’s family roots show that she is considered a Sephardic Jew from her mother’s side. Moreover the timing of the wedding and the way it was held which was based on Jewish culture verify the evidences.

      Kate’s mother was surnamed Goldsmith before marrying Kate’s father. According to Jewish laws if a mother is a Jew, her children will be Jews, too. Therefore Kate Middleton is a Sephardic Jew and her children will be Jews based on the Jewish law………………..”


      • “Sephardic Jew” ?

        How does that gel with your multiple claims that they’re all Edomite fakers including the community Christ was born into?

          • The Jews are of Esau from Idumea, and therefore not of Israel or Judah; Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925, vol. 5, page 41.

            Roman general Hyrcanus captured Edom/Idumea and its population was integrated into the Judean community around 126BC

            Esdras 6:9 …”For Esau is the end of this age, and Jacob is the beginning of the age that follows

            The Jews/Edomites and Arabs are related – “Esau thereupon takes a daughter of Ishmael to wife” (Gen. xxviii. 9).

            Ishmael who took an Egyptian for a wife is the patriarch of the Arab nations.

            Genesis 40-41 And by thy sword shalt thou live (Esau), and shalt serve thy brother *Jacob); and it shall come to pass when thou shalt have the dominion, that thou shalt break his yoke from off thy neck. 41 And Esau hated Jacob because of the blessing wherewith his father …

            “We are Abraham’s descendants, and have never been in bondage to anyone”. Therefore they are not the participants of the Exodus.

            John 8:31–36 , 31 Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. 32 And you shall know the otruth, and the truth shall make you free.” 33 They answered Him, “We are Abraham’s descendants, and have never been in bondage to anyone”.

            Judah married a Canaanite. Genesis 38:1-2.

            According to the Mishnah, the first written source for halakha, the status of the offspring of mixed marriages was determined matrilineally.

          • That doesn’t answer either of my questions

            Furthermore, quite apart from anything else, your claim re Judah’s line is repudiated by the genealogy spelled out in the Bible::

            Matthew 1:1-17
            King James Version

            1 The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham.

            2 Abraham begat Isaac; and Isaac begat Jacob; and Jacob begat Judas and his brethren;

            3 And Judas begat Phares and Zara of Thamar; and Phares begat Esrom; and Esrom begat Aram;

            4 And Aram begat Aminadab; and Aminadab begat Naasson; and Naasson begat Salmon;

            5 And Salmon begat Booz of Rachab; and Booz begat Obed of Ruth; and Obed begat Jesse;

            6 And Jesse begat David the king; and David the king begat Solomon of her that had been the wife of Urias;

            7 And Solomon begat Roboam; and Roboam begat Abia; and Abia begat Asa;

            8 And Asa begat Josaphat; and Josaphat begat Joram; and Joram begat Ozias;

            9 And Ozias begat Joatham; and Joatham begat Achaz; and Achaz begat Ezekias;

            10 And Ezekias begat Manasses; and Manasses begat Amon; and Amon begat Josias;

            11 And Josias begat Jechonias and his brethren, about the time they were carried away to Babylon:

            12 And after they were brought to Babylon, Jechonias begat Salathiel; and Salathiel begat Zorobabel;

            13 And Zorobabel begat Abiud; and Abiud begat Eliakim; and Eliakim begat Azor;

            14 And Azor begat Sadoc; and Sadoc begat Achim; and Achim begat Eliud;

            15 And Eliud begat Eleazar; and Eleazar begat Matthan; and Matthan begat Jacob;

            16 And Jacob begat Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus, who is called Christ.

            17 So all the generations from Abraham to David are fourteen generations; and from David until the carrying away into Babylon are fourteen generations; and from the carrying away into Babylon unto Christ are fourteen generations.

          • The NIV version proves that “Judas” and “Judah” were the same bod – hence the German word for “Jew”:

            2 Abraham was the father of Isaac,

            Isaac the father of Jacob,

            Jacob the father of Judah and his brothers,

            3 Judah the father of Perez and Zerah, whose mother was Tamar,

            Perez the father of Hezron,

            Hezron the father of Ram,

          • But if, as you claim, the Jews are descendants of Essau,, Judah’s line would, very obviously, be of no consequence whatsoever

          • “Unblemished line?”

            You just said, quote, “Judah married a Canaanite – the status of the offspring of mixed marriages was determined matrilineally” ??????

            And your “Esau” gaffe ????

            All you’ve done is affirm, once more, that all racism is rooted in butt ignorance and blind stupidity

          • Any dinky-di Christian would know that the import of Tamar, Rachab; and Ruth is that all three were prepared to risk all for a better life.
            But the respective record also confirms that the Lord of Glory was a total mongrel

          • All that John 8:31–36 proves is that the average Jew of the day paid virtually no attention to the Torah – hence their failure to recognise their Saviour ( the mob rescued by Moses were evidently also plagued by short memory syndrome)

          • “The Christian Identity Movement

            The Christian Identity Movement is not Christian at all. It is a theological system centered on a racist/anti-Semitic ideology and white supremacy. It seems to use religious arguments to justify political agendas.

            Structure – The Christian Identity Movement does not have a centralized organizational structure but has groups in almost every Western nation.

            Recruitment – through extreme right-wing “churches,” survival groups, and word of mouth.

            Adherents – generally are Ku Klux Klan, Aryan Nation, Nazi Party, White Separatist groups, etc.

            Old and New Testaments of the Bible; some think sections of the U.S. Constitution were divinely inspired.

            True Christianity is Christ-centered and focuses on love, forgiveness, and patience and is opposed to racism. However, there is none of that in the Christian Identity Movement, which advocates racism and anti-Semitism. It is a dangerous group.”


          • PS:
            John 8: 31 – 32 also proves the commonality of claiming to embrace Christ’s teachings whilst being oblivious to the enslavement of one’s day – which for a 1st century Jew was the Roman occupation.

            Like it or not, the faith of most Aus “bible-believing Christians”is likewise belied by an unwillingness to acknowledge that the entire Country is under the control of alien powers, which denial stops them from moving into full resurrection power

            The whole purpose of the New Testament is personal revelation and reproof; using it to support anything else is just plain blasphemous

  12. As usual you draw a very long bow, this time from one Goldsmith.
    Going down the matriarchial line we have
    Edith Chandler,
    Amelia White,
    Jane Bowler,
    all of Buckinghamshire.

    And because of my recollection of a childhood verse, I too have been exposed … as a something

    • Well Joe, let’s rally up some support for them to all have DND tests They drag commoners through courts demanding DNA tests to save a few bucks on child support.

  13. What’s going on with Nadal, first he conked out in a game against some junior, he was clutching his heart area and looking very distressed, later they flipped the video left-to-right which sometimes happens I don’t know why, and he was saying he had painful ribs, now (@ 5:55) he thinks his doctor for injecting his foot nerve and seems to be quitting tennis, o dear o dear, nobody is allowed to talk about he injections, but you can thank your doctor for foot injections

    • Which bit? The rainbow??? What I was noticing was the double helix lightshow, right up into the double helix tree!!!

      • The royals quite interest me from the “ten crowns on ten horns” perspective, and here are a few ranked in order of what they admit they own, which means the smallest come out the richest.
        At 3:19 you see a typical example of the “grand cross” 8-pointed star medal all the royalty obtain, in all sorts of variations, but it apears to signify that they are the ultimate commander of the armed forces ( not listed as an asset ).
        At 3:44 the producers impose their own logo on the portrait which is an interesting touch. Luxembourg and Lietchenstein are places of great curiosity, it seems they are like nodes for this or that. I guess you could fly from one to the other without anyone else noticing. Or you could fly out to your tax haven / private island and nobody would have access to the records, quite handy.

  14. Sweden’s “light-touch” approach in dealing with Covid.

    A detail in this article;

    Joel Smalley: “I think it is less likely that Sweden’s success is due to lower collateral harms of interventions”. “One thing we can agree on is that Sweden has indeed not experienced anywhere near the levels of excess mortality post-vax”.

    (Me: 2020/21 the Swedish care staff in old people’s homes, refused to give the ill oxygen, to alleviate their breathing difficulties. Instead gave them 2 morphium* injections, opened their windows, locked their door, forbade visits. From memory, an estimated 12.000 -14.000 oldies were killed this way. *Midazolam was/is used in a similar way in the UK. Sweden’s population is 10 mil., if you remove 13.000 oldies in one year, this would affect the statistics which Smalley is talking about).


  15. UNJABBED: A fictional, dystopian future imagined by artist Ken Avidor
    Steve Kirsch has this in his newsletter today. (From 2021, I had not seen it before.)

    3 brief video clips. (c:a 8 mins)

  16. A covid lawsuit in South Africa threatens the president and the central bank


    This is the biggest case in the world right now. Not only are the People of South Africa seeking a ruling to hold their President and Parliament liable for the damages inflicted by the Globalist’s Covid-Crime Against Humanity, but they are also seeking a ruling that will liquidate their Central Bank in order to pay damages suffered by the People.

    Where South Africa goes, so does the entire Continent. This victory will free the People from the Debt Slavery imposed by the Central Bank fiat-currency system, establish a gold-backed dollar [rand?], eliminate corrupt political parties, and establish Africa as the home base from which to begin the Nuremberg 2.0 trials for the Crime Against Humanity that’s been inflicted upon the entire world.

    This could be the big breakthrough event that the world has been praying for. If the South African Constitutional Court was completely corrupted as the rest of the world, this case would never have gotten to where it is.

    For further information, see this 17-minute video.




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