Home Finance LIGHTS OUT Beirut



J.G. Olsen / financial expositor

Banks around the world are raising interest rates in lockstep and governments are supporting these moves which they claim will fight inflation. The Australian government speaks through its agency the Australian Broadcasting Corporation which yields them hours of airtime anytime they want to put across their daily talking points, plus promotions of all types.

The national broadcaster ABC was formerly known as the Australian Broadcasting  Commission, repackaged in 1983, the beginning of the supposedly socialist Hawke government era.

If you search the Commission on Google you will be redirected to the Corporation, unless you type [australian broadcasting commission – corporation]. The reason for the change will presumably be clear enough when it’s sold. Why Google hides it, is less clear.

Stalwart TV newsreader of the ABC is the somewhat mysterious Ros Childs who allegedly started out at the Financial Times, formerly owned by Pearson publishing, a “corporate octopus”, refer https://fortune.com/2015/01/21/everybody-hates-pearson/

The chair of the ABC board is Ita Buttrose, who is famous not only for her office romance with the late billionaire Kerry Packer but also for her lisp. Try saying this with a strong lisp: “Ros Childs will tell us everything we need to know”.

By now it appears to be just another jest in a litany of pranks.

The Commonwealth Bank of Australia was also debauched, split into the RBA and CBA, now outside of government control, currency floated by Paul Keating, all handed over to the Global markets. Now the RBA sets interest rates and government simply wrings their hands and cries crocodile tears about the evicted and suicides. Why would government choose to be in control of such things, when government seems to exist primarily for the furtherance of careers. Why should government even apologise for economy and life-destroying interest rate increases, when it was the RBA chief who promised rates would stay down until 2024.

Blame was already shifted before it needed to be attached.

In August 2022 the opposition leader Dutton said “Economically it’s going to be a tough period over the next couple of years”.

In other countries a tough period means they cancel currency or freeze accounts, countries as diverse as Lebanon, Russia, India, Myanmar and Canada have all done this in various ways in recent times. Australia has bail-in laws to legitimise this but they haven’t been used yet, the same powers exist in the UK, EU and USA.

Nobody can trust the government money anymore, but gold is inconvenient and the Australian government has effectively banned bitcoin.

Joe Biden on March 9th of this year signed Executive Order 14067 to crack down on cryptocurrencies and initiate federal digital currencies.

Russia and India have already dropped the USD for their cross-border trade and China to follow.

“The BRICS president said mutual trade between India and Russia had grown fivefold over the past 40 years. Moscow supplies a rapidly growing volume of oil to India, and in return gets large quantities of agricultural products, textiles, medicines and other products.” (RT.com)

Lebanon in the 1960’s was the lucky country,  cashing in on the middle east post-war oil boom, a free economy, educated population, perfect location close to export markets and unlimited energy, expanding banking centre, a recipe for success and as it happened, implosion. Lebanon has, over decades, been systematically weakened by corruption and events such as the recent attack on the port. In much the same way we have seen the US attacked from within and weakened, and even Australia which has not escaped, especially since the virus program of 2020.

A travelogue from before the war showcases a glamorous, modern city with all the luxuries expected and required by the 1960’s Jet-Set:

Lebanon / Beirut in the 1960’s – Harold Baim

In Lebanon, following years of all types of wars, they have now lost nearly all their electricity, as informal armies battle Israel over the water resources in the south and the offshore oil in the west. They are virtually living in caves, with their currency disintegrating.


Because the government can’t match the Israel military, various militias form and these can’t represent themselves so get fitted up with bogus charges of terrorism, attempted assassinations etc., which are used as a casus belli for invasions.

And then there is: “For years, Lebanon’s central bank bolstered its foreign currency reserves by paying out exorbitant interest rates to entice commercial banks to lend it US dollars. The arrangement allowed the government to spend well beyond its means and fattened the bottom lines of commercial banks which lured a steady stream of dollar deposits by offering ever-higher interest rates. Critics have likened the arrangement to a Ponzi scheme.” (aljazeera.com)

This Ponzi scheme parallels the borrowings of the Australian government in the period since the Global Financial Crisis of 2007-8. They have become addicted to debt as this chart shows: https://www.rba.gov.au/chart-pack/bond-issuance.html

The vast amount of borrowed money in the 15-year period between the GFC and the present has finally caught up in the form of rampaging inflation. The Australian government surrenders, as discussed above, and the banks increase interest rates “to slow down the economy”, or so they would have us believe. In actual fact this is just part of a deceitful adjustment, to recognise the devaluation of the currency (in fact all co-ordinated global currencies), to cement in an understanding that prices are higher (actually that money is now worth less) and that a corresponding increase in wages will have to be negotiated and possibly won (or not) by the individuals concerned. This gets us over a bump, because the money printing or credit creation has been so far in excess of natural economic growth, that it has become a threat to continuing credit creation. A tax by stealth in other words, reaped also by the banks. So long as crumbs fall off the table the average citizen feels exempt from national debt, while our representatives and the national broadcaster have so little to say about this “historic” aberration of reckless borrowing and spending, which has become the new normal.

So it appears we are following the course of Lebanon, we are doomed by our leaders to a death spiral of ever-increasing debt, which will result in every conceivable asset being sold off to private interests, and finally only the land itself will be left to plunder.

We’re already prepared by a stream of lies of omission, as well as outright lies, so when the national broadcaster is finally sold off to service debt, the only difference we will notice is the increased advertising.



  1. Here, fare replaced fair 4 decades ago.
    National song title says everything,
    Advance Australia Fare.
    A lame song and tune.
    If Waltzing Matilda was the anthem, things may have played out differently.

  2. A commenter on Richardson Post said –

    pelican Wed 27 Jun 2018 06:36:23 pm

    The Reserve bank of Australia (aka the Rothschilds bank of Australia) was established by menzies following his defeating Evatt (who warned about it) in the 1958 election..via the RBA Act 1959…the simple test to determine the autonomy of the RBA..is does it pay any tax…the answer is No..and yet it operates independently of Government..collecting money (and creating it out of thin air)…in the USA a similar scam was setup in 1913 (just before the new owners created WW1, to expand their power)…here’ is a conversation from an article rin posted on another thread ‘CALLER – Mr. Supinski, does my country own the Federal Reserve System?
    MR. SUPINSKI – We are an agency of the government.
    CALLER – That’s not my question. Is it owned by my country?
    MR. SUPINSKI – It is an agency of the government created by congress.
    CALLER – Is the Federal Reserve a Corporation?
    MR. SUPINSKI – Yes
    CALLER – Does my government own any of the stock in the Federal Reserve?
    MR. SUPINSKI – No, it is owned by the member banks.
    CALLER – Are the member banks private corporations?
    MR. SUPINSKI – Yes
    CALLER – Are Federal Reserve Notes backed by anything?
    MR. SUPINSKI -Yes, by the assets of the Federal Reserve but, primarily by the power of congress to lay tax on the people.
    CALLER – Did you say, by the power to collect taxes is what backs Federal Reserve Notes?
    MR. SUPINSKI – Yes

  3. Who owns the ATO?

    Agency –
    1. a business or organization providing a particular service on behalf of another business, person, or group.
    Senator George Brandis :-
    “It is important to point out that although the ATO is an agency of the Commonwealth it is a different legal personality.”
    “Nevertheless, because a constitutional issue had been raised, a notice under section 78B of the Judiciary Act went to the Commonwealth, as well as to the states and territories, asking if the Commonwealth wished to intervene in the proceedings. It is important to point out that although the ATO is an agency of the Commonwealth it is a different legal personality. It nevertheless represents the interests of the Commonwealth in protecting the revenue. It is not automatic that the Commonwealth intervenes in proceedings every time it receives a section 78B notice. Every section 78B notice is assessed according to its own particular facts.”

  4. This is what I have been wondering for the whole time.
    It’s really the most sensible theory I have heard for the past three years.
    China china china.
    I wonder how long this fellow will last?

    • Self-preservation makes perfect sense so if the US had bio-labs in Ukraina and Taiwan that would make sense. Bio-labs being what they are they would be attractive to a variety of infiltrators. In the case of Putin, he might not really have known who was operating out of which lab at the time of the siege of Kiev, a few months ago. Self-preservation of elites and industrial complexes is a driving force and sparing useless eaters is a zero-value proposition to them, so they have the giant bunkers ready to go, as we have seen on Jesse Ventura’s show.

  5. Another good article from Mr Olsen

    It was great to discover that Daniel Dumbrill has uploaded two new videos after a hiatus of four months.

    Here is a very pleasant ’travelogue’ from a trailer park in Tibet.

    • Hanging out in a Tibetan Trailer Park

    But more topical to this thread is this discussion with Robbie Barwick:

    • Military Supplier’s Think Tank & Supporting Media Network Caught w/Pants Down

    • Hmm, history rears its ugly head again …
      Americans have a national view that they were always persecuted by London, they got “Boston Tea Party” at school, now they got Alaska Tea Party Sarah Palin resurrected.
      “Old man in a chair” (brandnewtube) said BIS (Switzerland) funded ww2. Swiss tanks with whote cross were rebadged with German “iron Cross”, just a can of black paint and a 5 minute job.
      ( Can’t remember his name at the moment and brandnewtube was hacked so they have a single video up today, I haven’t looked at it yet but here it is anyway
      https://brandnewtube.com/ )
      So is it London or Switzerland ? Answer is simple, it’s both plus NY Paris Tel Aviv Frankfurt etc etc., they all merged.
      re: Video above, I haven’t heard it said but I’ll say it, Woodrow WIlson around 10:00, was lying.

    • Agreed – here are some of the horrible things Adolf Hitler said …

      Quite a lot of words here – just pick and choose (quotation marks around all passages)

      • February 20, 1938
      For journalists happen to be divided into two different types of people: those who love the truth, and on the other hand hypocritical, inferior swindlers, traitors to the peoples, and warmongers.

      • September 26, 1938
      For these democracies dripping all over with their peace rhetoric, they are the most blood-thirsty of all warmongers.

      • October 9, 1938
      We are happy that the work of 1938, the reintegration of ten million Germans […]into the Reich, was accomplished without the shedding of blood. And it did so despite the hopes and aspirations of so many warmongers and profiteers throughout the world.

      • January 30, 1939
      The democracies in question are states in which the political structures make it possible that, within a few months’ time, the most notorious of these warmongers may actually have emerged as the leaders of their governments.

      • April 28, 1939
      … these warmongers regard the peaceful solution of this problem as the most ruinous outcome that ever happened.

      When […] new unrest took hold in Europe during the past weeks, the propaganda at the service of the international warmongers was responsible, a form of propaganda perpetrated by numerous organs in the democratic states. They seek to continuously exacerbate nervous tensions by fabricating persistent rumors; to make Europe ripe for a catastrophe; that catastrophe which they hope will achieve what has not been achieved by other means up to now: Bolshevism’s annihilation of European culture!

      • May 1, 1939
      I have cause aplenty to desire peace. Yet, these warmongers need no peace. They neither advance peace nor do they labor for it.
      There is the German peasant who, loyally and bravely, assures bread for us by plowing his acres diligently and honestly. There is the German worker who, loyally and bravely, goes to work at the factory to assure other consumer goods for us earnestly and honestly. This is the basis of our existence.

      • June 6, 1939
      The international plutocracies were neither capable of comprehending nor accepting these idealistic motives. Throughout the years, British and French papers lied to their readers, claiming that Germany and Italy sought the conquest of Spain …
      Time and time again, they tried to have that catastrophe begin in Spain which the encirclement politicians, warmongers, and war profiteers, so eagerly longed for: a new international war in Europe.

      • September 3, 1939
      … in spite of Germany’s extending its hand repeatedly to England and France, offering an understanding-yes, even friendship-in spite of all this, the British Government, urged on by the warmongers known to us from the World War, has determined to drop its mask and, on a threadbare pretext, to proclaim that a state of war exists between us.

      • September 19, 1939
      The fate which beset this city [Danzig] and this beautiful countryside was the fate of all of Germany. The World War, this perhaps most senseless struggle of all time, has victimized this land and this city. This same World War which, in its wake, left no winners, only losers, also left a conviction in the minds of many, namely, that a similar fate would never again be repeated. Apparently, the main warmongers and war profiteers have forgotten the lessons of this slaughter of peoples.
      May He [Gpd Almighty] induce them to contemplate the blessings of a peace they [the peoples] abandoned merely because a handful of infernal warmongers and war profiteers sought to drive the peoples into a war.

      • January 1, 1940
      Nevertheless, the Jewish-internationalist capitalists in connection with socially reactionary classes in the Western States have successfully roused the world democracies against Germany. Publication of documents on the events preceding the outbreak of the German-Polish conflict prove beyond doubt today that the English warmongers not only desired no peaceful settlement of the problem, they also did everything within their power to promote a conflict with Poland …
      However, the reactionary Jewish warmongers in the capitalist democracies were not willing to let this opportunity to destroy Germany pass: too long had they prepared for this. For years they had waited for this hour. These Herren warmongers wanted war: they were to get it.
      We must make a final stand to tear the weapons from the hands of these warmongers going about declaring war on everyone.

      • July 19, 1940
      I was scolded for my peace proposal, even personally insulted. Mr. Chamberlain virtually spat in my face before the world public and declined to even talk of peace, according to the directives of the warmongers and agitators backing him: Churchill, Duff Cooper, Eden, Hore-Belisha, and so on. Not to mention negotiating a peace.
      And it was thus that the big capitalist clique of war profiteers cried for a continuation of the war. And this continuation has now begun.

      • December 10, 1940
      Armament just takes men away. I made proposals to restrict armament. But all they did was laugh at me. [… ] But who are the folk who lead England once again today? The very same people who were already agitating before the World War. It is the same Churchill, who was already the vilest warmonger in the World War, and the late Chamberlain who agitated just as much then.

      And on – and on …

      • It appears the German side was well prepared with all sorts of weapons and industries up and running while the British side had to scramble to put things like aeroplanes together, the thing that won it for them was US and Empire support. The Germans were not popular in the north of Norway where they bombed a few towns, I have been to Bodø and Molde and they seemed to have lost quite a bit of architectural history.
        I read the last line of your quote where PM. Chamberlain was called a vile warmonger, if so why was Britain not brimming with weaponry. Why did Germany invade the Czechs. What was “lebensraum” all about. Did they want the energy (oilfields etc) to the East or not. If not, why not. What about the master-race of Aryans. Has it occurred to you that Hitler was just another lying politician, desperate for power, to get more and hold onto it as long as possible ? Does it ever occur to you, all these rabbis, imams and the rest of them are just liars ? Have you considered that many of the books that weren’t thrown on bonfires might be full of lies ?

        • The book burning you kvetch over was filthy pornography and other Sabbatean/Marxist depravity that you fawn and drool over.

          While I give you more answers – who do you think carried out 911, and do you support the NED? – you’ve had plenty of time to research and come up with an answer, even for an uncouth or unsophisticated person regarded as being of low social status. These are not hard questions, even for the yellow-bellied likes of you.

          As to the peaceful resolution of the German Sudetenland (aka ‘Czechoslovakia’) issue

          • Czech slaughter of German civilians (600000) June 1945 by Benes


          “One man who expressed this in a rather frank manner was the French Minister of Aviation, Pierre Cot, who said: “We need this state as a base from which to launch bombs with greater ease to destroy German’s economy and its industry.” And now Bolshevism resorts to this state as a means of entry. It was not us who sought contact with Bolshevism, rather it was Bolshevism that used this state to open venues to Central Europe.

          And now we face the last great problem that must be resolved and that will be resolved! […] A short history of this problem: Waving the banner of the right to self-determination of the peoples, Central Europe was torn apart in 1918 as certain crazed statesmen set to redraw the political landscape. Atomized and divided, new states were arbitrarily created in Central Europe in complete disregard of the origins of their peoples, their national desires, and of economic necessities.

          It is to this process that Czechoslovakia owes its existence.
          The Czech state was born a lie. The name of the father of the lie was Beneš.

          He made his great appearance in Versailles, claiming that there was such a thing as a Czechoslovakian nation. He resorted to this lie to make his own people sound, despite their meager numbers, more important and to lend credence to its demand for greater influence. At the time, the Anglo-Saxon powers, renowned for their great lack of knowledge in geographic and volkisch matters, did not deem it necessary to investigate Beneš’ claim. Otherwise they most certainly would have realized that there is no such thing as a Czechoslovakian nation.408 All there is are Czechs and Slovaks and the Slovaks have little desire of being with the Czechs, rather . . . In the end, thanks to the efforts of Herr Beneš, the Czechs annexed Slovakia. Since this state did not appear to be a viable structure, they simply took three and a half million Germans in clear defiance of the rights and desires of the Germans for self- determination. Since that evidently did not suffice, the Czechs took another million of Magyars, adding a number of Carpatho-Russians and several hundreds of thousands of Poles.

          That is the state that would later call itself Czechoslovakia. It exists contrary to the clear desire and will of the nations thus raped and in clear defiance of their right to self- determination. As I speak to you today, I naturally have pity on the fate of these oppressed peoples. I am touched by the fate of these Slovaks, Poles, Hungarians, and Ukrainians. Yet I can only be the voice of the fate of my Germans.”

          … September 26, 1938

        • You’ve obviously been brainwashed to be a cowardly bigot beyond redemption – but you seem to be happy – that’s the main thing.

          February 24, 1940:

          “What was at stake were not so much the endless paragraphs of Versailles, but beyond this it was a struggle against the mentality which found its expression in the Diktat of Versailles. Its roots lie in the conception that two to three peoples have simply been ordained by the Lord to rule over the entire earth, and that, every time one people refused to be subjected to their rule, they have the right to claim that this one people is set on mastery of the earth. Mr. Chamberlain is saying as much at a time when all of India is rising up in protest against him, at a moment when Arabs are calling for resistance to him.”

          May 3, 1940:

          “And now there arises a second question, one of equal decisiveness, namely, that of the value of the Volk. For all of us know that numbers by themselves are not in the final instance decisive. And here, my young friends, we are able these days to proudly acknowledge: there is no Volk better on this earth than the German one.” [Germans only demanded NOT to be treated as second class citizens – by parasites.]

          April 13, 1923:

          “Before 1914 there were two States above all, Germany and Russia, which prevented the Jew from reaching his goal – the mastery of the world. Here not everything which they already possessed in the Western democracies had fallen to the Jews. Here they were not the sole lords alike in the intellectual and economic life. Here, too, the Parliaments were not yet exclusively instruments of Jewish capital and of the will of the Jew. The German and the genuine Russian had still preserved a certain aloofness from the Jew. In both peoples there still lived the healthy instinct of scorn for the Jew, and there was a real danger that in these monarchies there might one day arise a Frederick the Great, a William I, and that democracy and a parliamentary regime might be sent to the devil.” [Pat yourself on the back]

          February 17, 1939:

          “I wish to take advantage of today’s occasion to thank all those who have not only contributed to the domestic significance of the German automobile and motorcycle industry, but also to its renown worldwide: the businessmen for their enterprising spirit; inventors, engineers, and technicians for their ingenuity; and masters of their trade and laborers for their astounding achievements. The German Volk today can justly be proud of the marvels of an industry which once took its first, gingerly steps toward practical application in this country.” [I see where your inferiority complex and jealousy comes from]

          March 23, 1939:

          “It upholds once more its unshakeable sense of honor. It shall not entrust its destiny to foreigners; it stands ready and willing to master its own destiny, to fashion it, whether or not this suits an outside world.”

        • Not all Rabbis and Imams (or Sheikhs) are liars – stop with your racist bigoted stereotyping.

          • Rabbi Yaron Reuven – Hitler’s first two laws


          • Rabbi Yosef Tzvi ben Porat explains why Hitler hated the Jews*


          • Four things Israel wants to do – Jewish Temple – Sheikh Imran Hosein

          Sheikh Imran Hosein on Ukraine …

          • Шейх Имран объясняет непонимающим ситуацию на Украине очень доходчиво
          • (Sheikh Imran explains the situation in Ukraine to those who do not understand very clearly)

        • The value of such long-winded banality is that it’s a reflection of what all humanly devised clean-ups are actually all about

          • “He also told this parable to some who trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and treated others with contempt:

            ‘Two men went up into the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector.

            The Pharisee, standing by himself, prayed thus: ‘God, I thank you that I am not like other men, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even like this tax collector.

            I fast twice a week; I give tithes of all that I get’

            But the tax collector, standing far off, would not even lift up his eyes to heaven, but beat his breast, saying, ‘God, be merciful to me, a sinner!’

            I tell you, this man went down to his house justified, rather than the other. For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but the one who humbles himself will be exalted.’ ”
            LUKE 18: 9 – 14

          • The MSM use of language re dedicated Muslims is proof positive that:

            As “radical” means nothing more than “rooted in”, “moderate” is naught but a euphemism for luke warm flabby, indifferent, impassive, unmotivated, half-hearted, lackadaisical, indolent and unspirited – qualities that accommodate the type of governance we’re currently under
            The same “r” & “m” words are never used re Christianity because it would draw attention to the fact that said governance is, and always has been, wholly dependent on maintaining a counterfeit version thereof

            However, that doesn’t mean that Islam is capable of freeing anyone from anything; there is, in fact, untold evidence as to why it’s never going to do so:

          • It’s quite right, a big part of the German economic miracle is the muslim workforce from Turkey and beyond. Another part of their miracle was the rigging of the Eurodollar in their favour. Add a splash of supremacy, they are always raving about how their product is superior, and the head start Europeans had on the competitors in Asia, you have all the ingredients for an economic miracle.
            Then just put Merkel and Greens in charge, sabotage the NordStream pipeline (whatever it’s called) to Russia and watch it all fall apart. The lucky Germans will get to immigrate here, the crooked ALP wants 35,000 (initially) to replace the uninjected nurses, teachers and what-have-you.

          • If you could call the German people anything it wouldn’t be luke warm, flabby, indifferent, impassive, unmotivated, half-hearted, lackadaisical or indolent
            Hence the threat posed to GB and the US from the late 1800s to the mid 20th century
            The Jews were just as hated everywhere else; there simply wasn’t the same organisational ability
            They were only saved from complete annihilation by default
            Which is exactly how salvation from eternal damnation takes place

          • “Allegations of the aggressive designs entertained by our Volk on other peoples are the products of a deranged, hysterical mind or blatant lies by certain politicians struggling for survival. In certain states, businessmen void of any conscience try to save their financial interests by propagating these lies. Above all, it is international Jewry which seeks thereby to gratify its thirst for vengeance and its insatiable hunger for profit. And this constitutes the greatest libelous claim ever levied against a great and peace-loving Volk.


            We [Germans] had to live to see how, at the end of the war [WWO], after hunger and destitution had killed more than 800,000 children of our Volk, because of the gruesome articles of a Diktat which the democratic, humane world apostles had forced on us in the guise of a peace treaty, nearly a million dairy cows were driven from our barns. We had to live to see, one year after the end of the war, over one million German prisoners of war still held captive without any perceptible cause. We had to suffer the sight of how, along our frontiers, far more than one-and-a-half-million Germans bereft of their possessions were driven from their homes with no more than their shirts on their backs. We had to bear the sight of millions of our [people] torn from us, without anyone according them a hearing, and were left without any means of sustaining themselves in the future.

            I could supplement these examples by dozens of yet more gruesome ones.

            Do not reproach me on the grounds of your humanitarian concerns. The German Volk does not wish to be governed by another people; it does not wish others to determine its affairs in its place. France to the French; England to the English; America to the Americans, and Germany to the Germans! We are determined to undercut the efforts of a certain foreign people to nest here; a people whose members knew how to capture all leading positions.


            At this moment, the Jews are still propagating their campaign of hatred in certain states under the cover of press, film, radio, theater, and literature, which are all in their hands. Should indeed this one Volk attain its goal of prodding masses of millions from other peoples to enter into a war devoid of all sense for them, and serving the interests of the Jews exclusively, then the effectiveness of an enlightenment will once more display its might. Within Germany, this enlightenment conquered Jewry utterly in the span of a few years.

            Peoples desire not to perish on the battlefield just so that this rootless, internationalist race can profit financially from this war and thereby gratify its lust for vengeance derived from the Old Testament.”

            • Adolf Hitler – address to the Reichstag – Berlin, January 30, 1939

            And having accomplished your aim to ignite two world wars, you have now started on the Chinese.

        • Jewish Lebesraum

          • The Nakba: Israel’s ethnic cleansing operation to create a Jewish majority in Palestine


          • Israel & Palestine: The Maps Tell The True Story


          • Al-Nakba: The Palestinian catastrophe – Playlist

          • Hitler speaks on the plight of the Palestinians and of USA and British hypocrisy 1939


          “Equally, it appears to have slipped Mr. Roosevelt’s mind that Palestine is not being occupied by German troops but by English ones. By brute force, England is curtailing Palestinian freedom and is robbing the Palestinians of their independence to the advantage of Jewish intruders for whose cause the Palestinians suffer the most cruel of abuses. The Arabs living in this territory assuredly have not complained to Roosevelt of German aggressions. Rather, in persistent appeals to international public opinion, the Arabs lament the barbaric methods by means of which England seeks to overpower a people who loves its freedom and fights only to defend it.”

          “This may well be one of the problems Mr. Roosevelt would like to see solved at the Council table. It ought to be decided by an impartial judge and not by brute force, military means, mass executions, the torching of villages, the dynamiting of houses, and so on. One thing is certain: in this case, England cannot claim to be repulsing the threat of an Arab attack on England. Instead England is the invader, whom no one bade come, and who seeks to establish his reign by force in a country not belonging to him..”
          – Adolf Hitler – speech before the Reichstag – reply to F D Roosevelt – Berlin, April 28, 1939

  6. What a Headline: “Trudeau Calls Canadians Mentally Ill, Blames ‘Anxiety’ Caused by ‘Climate Change’ for Opposition to his Agenda”
    Crazy story, Canada is a madhouse, meanwhile world headline news that Argentina corrupt leader had a pistol in her face which apparently jammed. Why did it jam ? Made for TV I suppose.

  7. Prophets galore, some like the Globalist authors of “Protocols of Zion” base their material originally on the Revelations, others like David Bowie just encode it slightly and dish it all up as they have heard it at the masonic temple

    • Lyrics from “We are the Dead”
      Have a read, they are stunning really.
      D.B. I think was having a tragic divorce around this time

      Something kind of hit me today
      I looked at you and wondered if you saw things my way
      People will hold us to blame
      It hit me today, it hit me today
      We’re taking it hard all the time
      Why don’t we pass it by?
      Just reply, you’ve changed your mind
      We’re fighting with the eyes of the blind
      Taking it hard, taking it hard
      Yet now
      We feel that we are paper, choking on you nightly
      They tell me “Son, we want you, be elusive, but don’t walk far”
      For we’re breaking in the new boys, deceive your next of kin
      For you’re dancing where the dogs decay, defecating ecstasy
      You’re just an ally of the leecher
      Locator for the virgin King, but I love you in your fuck-me pumps
      And your nimble dress that trails
      Oh, dress yourself, my urchin one, for I hear them on the rails
      Because of all we’ve seen, because of all we’ve said
      We are the dead
      One thing kind of touched me today
      I looked at you and counted all the times we had laid
      Pressing our love through the night
      Knowing it’s right, knowing it’s right
      Now I’m hoping some one will care
      Living on the breath of a hope to be shared
      Trusting on the sons of our love
      That someone will care, someone will care
      But now
      We’re today’s scrambled creatures, locked in tomorrow’s double feature
      Heaven’s on the pillow, its silence competes with hell
      It’s a twenty-four hour service, guaranteed to make you tell
      And the streets are full of press men
      Bent on getting hung and buried
      And the legendary curtains are drawn ’round Baby Bankrupt
      Who sucks you while you’re sleeping
      It’s the theater of financiers
      Count them, fifty ’round a table
      White and dressed to kill
      Oh caress yourself, my juicy
      For my hands have all but withered
      Oh dress yourself my urchin one, for I hear them on the stairs
      Because of all we’ve seen, because of all we’ve said
      We are the dead
      We are the dead
      We are the dead

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