Home Australia Maybe the Law, Not Money, will force the ABC to tell the...

Maybe the Law, Not Money, will force the ABC to tell the Truth


5911422-3x2-700x467Thousands demonstrated for their beloved icon – The Australian Broadcasting Corporation – hoping budget cuts would not savage the people’s organisation.

But not even $5.5 billion of hard earned tax payers money can pay for the truth.

Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull has detailed a $254 million funding cut – approximately 4.6 per cent of the ABC’s budget, which will result in the loss of 400 jobs. This means it will receive only $5.2 billion over four years rather than the $5.5.

Regardless of the money it gets to spend, the ABC will continue to propagate the staus quo – and keep the populous ignorant of the most egregious and heinous of crimes. And don’t count on ABC Head, Mark Scott (allegedly taking home $805,000) to rock the boat either.

When it comes to the ‘big stuff’ – the people’s organisation will forfeit the ABC charter and not enlighten the people with truthful news and programming? And I have experienced this now first hand with bias reporting over MH17 when I know they are in possession of the facts.

The ‘trusted’ ABC can not be trusted when it comes to reporting, for example, NATO’s Operation Gladio; The Gulf of Tonkin; or the murdering of crew members of the USS Liberty in 1967.  It must also be apparent by now, after 13 years and all the independent investigative reports available, that the (US) government’s 9/11 official conspiracy theory is unscientific nonsense. Yet no one at the ABC is prepared to question their representatives in the Australian Parliament – or question the corporate mainstream media’s reportage that covers up the 9/11 murders.

It seems the ABC programs and personalities even ‘protect’ the unscientific theory: I wrote to Four Corners several years ago with suggestions (re: WTC 7), but they directed me to the (factually fraudulent) BBC documentary that the ABC had aired. And popular radio personality, Jon Faine, tried to denigrate trade unionist Kevin Bracken in an exchange in October 2010 on 774, when Bracken tried to inform the public (a critique here by Anthony Lawson).

But many in Australia think the ABC funding is deservedly cut – and claim the ABC is leaning too far to the LEFT. This letter in the Herald Sun (26 Nov) sums that view up:

abc does not speak

These people want a more ‘Middle ABC’. With the mainstream media (assisted by commentators like Andrew Bolt) having slid further right – where is the middle? But this is really a nonsense and is NOT the problem.  It is not about left or right – port or starboard. The real problem is that the ABC threw the truth ‘overboard’. It will not report the facts, the evidence or the truth on issues that really matter.

The ABC refuses to speak the Truth


So how can we trust the ABC management (being paid fat salary packages) and crew when the ‘Rethink 9/11’ campaign remains buried along with the ‘free falling’ WTC Building 7. And that this crime (9/11) was used as an excuse to justify the invasion of countries, killing millions, orphaning and maiming children, and causing millions of refugees – plus getting our boys killed. Nor will the ABC broadcast ‘The Plan‘ of destroying seven countries in five years outlined by General Wesley Clarke (ret) (YouTube here).

The ABC will also never broadcast Mike Rivero’s video ‘All Wars are Banker’s Wars’ so that the Australian public may be given some idea as to why our governments join in invasions of countries that operate out of the Federal Reserve banking system (watch it free here).

And as for ‘scripted’ QandA – it best be called Quiet and Acceptable only.

A Sydney barrister has spoken with the Communications Minister, Malcolm Turnbull, on several occasions, first raising Building 7 in late 2004 when the minister was ‘election-sneering’ (barrister’s words) outside Edgecliff station – and again in 2007. And this barrister has been sending the minister numerous emails over the years. Through all this Mr Turnbull remains silent, but he can no longer plead ignorance. It is on record that he has been provided with the factual information and where to access the evidence on various topics.

.turnbullMalcolm Turnbull

This begs the question: Why will the ABC not have programs or interview people that reveal these egregious and heinous crimes on humanity when they aggressively pursue programs on other issues – for example – cattle in Indonesian abattoirs?

This in the ABC Act 1983:

8 (c)  to ensure that the gathering and presentation by the Corporation of news and information is accurate and impartial according to the recognized standards of objective journalism

The Minister could easily make a direct request to the ABC board for ‘more objective journalism’ and for ‘Rethink 9/11‘ to be re-thought. But considering Mr Turnbull’s silence (along with many other ministers that have been included in the barrister’s correspondence), does anyone in Canberra truly represent the people?

Sadly, it seems the ABC will not be challenging the status quo – even in matters criminal. The protests are focused on the funding cuts. We should rather be protesting that the organisation is not reporting the truth to the people.

Maybe it is time to legally challenge the ABC to present accurate and impartial news. 


  1. Seems that the Rt. Hon. Mr. Malcolm Turnbull, Australian Minister for Communications is lacking in some skills requiring communicating with his electorate?

  2. Ditto, Dalia Mae!
    Right on!
    Keep talking reality and common decency.
    Don’t stop! The folks want to hear you even if they don’t say so.
    You are Mrs Media, Melbourne. Really, you are journalism.
    The situation is completely out of control. HELP!

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