By James O’Neill*
It is now nearly 6 years since Malaysian airlines flight MH 17 was shot down over Ukraine while en route from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur. All 298 passengers and crew on board were killed, among them 38 Australian citizens and residents. This was the second highest death toll of any nationality of those on board, exceeded only by Dutch citizens.
When such a tragedy occurs, the normal procedure is for an investigation to be held. An investigation was certainly launched very quickly, but that was one of the few expected aspects of the accident. The normal procedure would be for the country(s) losing the most passengers, in this case the Netherlands and Australia, plus the owner operator of the flight (Malaysia) to constitute the inquiry team.
This inquiry differed in a number of ways. The first was that the inquiry team included Ukraine which, given that the flight had been brought down as a result of military action, would automatically have included Ukraine as a prime suspect.
The second curious feature was the inclusion of Belgium, which had only one citizen among the passengers, and had no other links to the aircraft, its owners, or its flight path. The only plausible explanation was that Belgium is the headquarters of NATO, and given the political connotations of the tragedy they could realistically be seen as a stalking horse for the Americans.
The third curious feature was the exclusion of the planes owner and operator, Malaysia. Only much later did it emerge that the participating nations in the inquiry had drawn up a secret agreement between themselves. The most important provision of this agreement for present purposes was a clause that no statement of the results of the inquiry would be made unless all four members agreed. This gave Ukraine, an obvious possible culprit in the cause of the plane’s destruction, an effective veto over any adverse findings. It is no exaggeration to describe this as astonishing.
The fourth notable feature of the inquiry was the immediate assignment of blame to the separatist groups who were then involved (as now) in a bitter war against the Kiev government. These separatist groups shared a language and a culture with Russia, against whom responsibility for the crash was immediately alleged, despite the absence of any possible motive.
The fifth element was that the territory of Crimea, that had been gifted to Ukraine by then Russian President Khrushchev in 1954, had voted overwhelmingly to secede from Ukraine and return to Russian rule. This had enraged the Ukrainians who vowed, with the improbable support of the Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott, to return Crimea to Ukrainian rule.
As is nearly always the case with these geopolitical manoeuvres, international law takes a back seat. The Crimeans were entitled to cast such a vote and re-join Russia. The same western powers that condemned the Crimean exercise of democratic choice were the same ones who remained silent when Kosovo seceded from Serbia for its “independence”. Kosovo is now the location of one of the United States’ largest foreign military bases outside the United States (Camp Bond Steel). This is a series of facts conveniently overlooked by critics of Russia.
Another significant factor also overlooked by the Ukrainians and their allies, including Australia, is that Crimea is the source of a large Russian military base. It was part of the United States’ understanding with Ukraine that they would take over the Russian Crimean base once the Russians had been evicted. Again, this is a factor in the dispute which the Australian media does not bother to report.
The sixth significant factor in this case was that the American secretary of state John Kerry had made a statement immediately after the tragedy claiming that the whole event had been witnessed by an overhead United States satellite and that the Americans accordingly knew what has happened. This is obviously crucial information and, in many respects, would be decisive of settling the various claims and counter claims made by the parties. The Dutch court therefore asked for the film of what had been recorded by the United States satellite.
That request was refused, the Americans citing unspecified security issues. Nearly 6 years later that evidence has still not being produced. It is not difficult to draw the inference that if in fact the satellite data did confirm that the firing of a Russian missile (the Ukrainian separatists had never had such a weapon) then it would have been produced in rapid time, leaving Russia effectively with no defence to the allegations. The obverse is equally glaringly obvious. The satellite images do not support the Dutch – Ukrainian – Australian allegations and that is the real reason they have not been produced.
If it wasn’t a Russian missile then what did cause the destruction of the plane and the murder of all 298 passengers and crew? Again, the evidence has been available from the very outset, but has been ignored by the prosecutors (until this week) and by the respective governments involved in the inquiry. That evidence (both forensic and visual) clearly indicates that the plane was shot down by two Ukrainian jet fighters that multiple eye- witnesses have given evidence of actually seeing and hearing in MH 17’s vicinity at the time.
One is entitled to draw a negative inference from the refusal of the Americans to provide the satellite data that would support the allegations. One is equally entitled as a matter of law, to draw a negative inference when (as in this case the Ukrainian government) is shown to be telling a bald-faced lie on a critical issue. That lie was the untrue denial of any of their fighter aircraft operating that day.
In the face of the now overwhelming evidence that MH 17 was shot down by the hostile act of Ukrainian government forces it is difficult to see how this farce of a trial can proceed. The chief judge hearing the trial appears to have accepted this irresistible inference. This matter has been so much a political event rather than a judicial one, that one is reluctant to draw the obvious inference.
Long after the facts of this matter have faded into history, the cowardly and dishonest incompetence of the mainstream media will remain forever a shadow on its reputation.
*Barrister at La and geopolitical analyst. He may be contacted at joneill@qldbar.asn.au
“the cowardly and dishonest incompetence of the mainstream media will remain forever a shadow on its reputation.”
No, James, that is its reputation. You can’t put a shadow on it.
James, it has got so bad here in the USA, that when I see an online quote from one of these two formerly admirable magazines — the Atlantic and the New Yorker — I automatically change the content of the quote to its exact opposite. If New Yorker says Up, I say Down. If Atlantic says Happy, I say Sad.
Also, reading what you wrote: “This matter has been so much a political event rather than a judicial one”, two of our Gumshoe cases jumped right to my mind — the Marathon trial, and the Russell Pridgeon trial.
Anyhoo, thanks for your clear-as-always explanation of the M17 case.
Thank you James
Here is the latest from Bonanza Media
Buk Media Hunt (13 minutes)
MH17 – Trial by Media (2 hrs 10 min)
One point of further obfuscation regarding the evidence given to Dutch ‘inquiry’ by the US
Kirby: Has US given the Dutch its MH17 radar data? 03 Mar 2016
And to think this is how history is written!! What other history is being/has been manufactured and hidden for us?
“immediate assignment of blame to the separatist groups who were then involved (as now) in a bitter war against the Kiev government.” I will let that ride 😊
Thanks James, suppose it was a pro bona contribution to what competent lawyers can give to the public and put it up liars and killers.
I bags a ticket to witness the gullible boffins, ABBOTT AND BISHOP ‘SHIRT FRONTED’ by PUTIN.
‘Will it make a difference’?
Not in the slightest until the conditioned stupid realise that the msm, politicians and shock jokes are fakes covering for murderers and false flag lies.
Always suspected the Ukraine forces were behind this atrocity and the media were instructed to point at Russia. 300 people murdered and relatives were paid off to silnce their dissent…shame on the U.S as well for their lack of openness and truth.
Thanks to G5. I got a call soon after the incident. G5 had direct Intel with a long-term contact and informed us exactly what happened.
Gumshoe was reporting on the facts of the incident and truthful analysis from the get-go (thanks to James’ many articles too on the subject.
And the ostrich’s head in the sand report.
In email discussion about this with James, he replied: “No real consolation being proved right. It is a disgraceful disregard for the victims.”
And the informed lawyers deserve a picnic alleging for deceived family victims that they have been defrauded by government lies in any past settlements supported by government/s
Call first witnesses: the shirt frontier and our government foreign minister.
Then up, our lying gullible mass media and puppet shock jokes.
I just reviewed the links above and my comments therein
You idiot fake msm journalists, shock jokes and politicians, liars and traitors to those who contribute financially to your wast of space lying existence:
Is gumshoe a censored site by your organ grinder and clearly, are you lot just the poor chained monkeys
Well , monkeys, think of your futures without your daily banana.
Off Topic – just played overnight
5G Summit 2020: Expert Panel Livestream
Recommend download and share – many links and encore video interviews being announced
That is a good article James that only reinforces my own investigation. What is generally forgotten from this ‘false flag event’ (an event that was meant to start a war with Russia) is that MH 17 was flying over a war zone that other airline operators were studiously avoiding, and to add further intrigue to the event, MH 17 was told to descend to the operating range of the Sukhoi fighter/bomber aircraft that were targeting the airliner.
The Sukhoi aircraft as used by the Ukrainian Air Force had a limited service ceiling, the airliner being a higher altitude flyer, so the airliner was instructed to descend, and while over a war zone?
One must ask the question, why was Malaysian Airlines, so soon after having one of its airliners go ‘missing’ in so far as in known, strange circumstances, be so willing to risk another aircraft and its passengers over a war zone?
Another piece of evidence not widely reported on, was what the Ukrainian air traffic controller told first responders to that event – he allegedly told them that all tapes then recording that incident were confiscated by the Ukraine military.
On the tapes in question would have been the direction to MH17 to descend to a lower flight level over an active war zone when the exercise of safety concerns should have kept the airliner at its original height of 11,000 metres.
So who has possession of the tapes? And if tapes have been produced, can they be verified as being authentic as to the date and time of that event?
As for Abbott and Bishop. I’d go into bat for Abbott by saying that he was only acting on what his ‘advisers’ were telling him. Maybe someone should be questioning his ‘advisers’ as to what they knew and what they did not disclose to Abbott?
As for Bishop – her record as foreign minister speaks for itself to those who would care to note.
We elect our representatives to exercise their intellect and common sense in exercising their duty of due diligence.
Tell me one representative who has so exercised a intellect to tell advisors that they are bull shitting our representatives and the Australian taxpayer feeding criminals on the official 911 tin foil hatters unscientific conspiracy theory.
Where have Abbott and Bishop been as we are still having our boys killed in the Middle East?
Want examples?
Try 911, even now I do not know one politician to apply individual intellect to expose the truth.
I am not going to waste more time on monkeys satisfied with a banana.
( except Malcolm Fraser who had the guts to call out Faine’s lies and our lying Australian BullShitting Corporation on the deliberate murder of USS Liberty crewmen by Israel this month in 1967)
There were several credible eyewitnesses to a fireball somewhere around the Gulf of Siam. Apparently there were joint military exercises going on at the same time.
The Malayan PM from that period is in a lot of trouble for embezzling etc., who knows what he told the national airline to do.
I would say Abbott was telling so many lies he thought he would just throw in the old data suppository joke just to show everyone how good his delivery was, a little touch of hubris there.
Ned – we’ve all been led by the nose since Federation. Those we ‘elect’ to represent us always fall into line with ‘party’ principles – that is how our current system works against us all.
Maybe you should be looking at Shaun’s latest SGT report? He interviews Rod Cullerton and two other Aussies who have their fingers on the pulse of crooked Australian politics. Explains much about how we have truly been railroaded by our own (previously it was from foreign interests not necessarily in Australia’s best interests) and what they are prepared to do about it – for instance there is an ongoing investigation on who is the real Queen of this country, as per sovereignty, that is currently being deliberated in the High Court of London.
Abbott is a good man, his heart is in the right place, but he is not aware of what many on this site have made themselves aware of, and there are probably many reasons for that, but Is that Abbott’s fault or those he listens to for what he believes is good advice?
Remember, that even Prime Ministers are subject to ‘party’ principles and politics, and Abbott’s main fault as I see it, is that he is too trusting of those he deals with, and lacks skills in determining who was lying to him and who was not lying to him.
Your last paragraph I will deliberately ignore.
nemesis – at last! we have something we can argue about, let’s schedule one
bg – well, we could start with Abbott and the word hubris – the two don’t mix when one is aware of Abbott’s background with the Aboriginal community, Surf Lifesaving and the Rural Fire Service.
Over to you.
Cheers nemesis!
I think the action man stuff has to be understood as career building photo opportunity. He had energy to spare so he used it. With the aboriginies he was keen to expand on the conservative elements, no harm in that but probably made him a target. I think Turnbull was wrong with his republic stuff and Abbott was wrong to shut down the car industry, especially Toyota Camry hybrids. But I don’t think the republic would have got up anyway. Giving a medal to Prince Phillip was bizarre. And as for MH370, I consider the official story a barefaced lie.
So the axes I have to grind are the car industry and the MH370 lie.
You could maybe say he had no choice, he just had to read off the teleprompter as he was told by his superiors. That doesn’t very well fit in with my fantasy that Australian PM’s are the ones running the place!
“this farce of a trial “
What trial exactly?
berry – The ICC – international Criminal Court of toothless and feckless Rothshild kangaroo judges who have no real authority over anyone or any country excepting those who choose to kowtow to their decisions.
I’m now waiting to hear from you about the other Malaysia plane which was shot down at almost the same time, until the Malay govt decided to change policies and NOT fly through militarised zones. You know the one, where suppository Abbott was promoted to liar in chief, with his yellow submarine and the rest of it, probably Downer got him the job.
But it’s pretty hard to swallow that the US seriously thought they would ever get the Crimea from Russia, this sounds like fantasy stuff, no-one will ever get the Crimea from Russia, even if Trump and Pence both get shot and they put Crazy Nancy in charge, this won’t happen.
Look at Peter the great, took the swedish fortress 300 years ago and started Petersburg, they will never let go of that either. Surely they are kicking themselves about Alaska.
Mind you, on misinformation, we are tonight being told the sharemarket crashed this week on 2nd wave wuhan flu fears while from other sources (specifically not MSM) we hear the USS Ronald Reagan is headed for the South China Sea (?), China is having a fire sale of ALL its US assets (?), and has confiscated all bitcoin/crypto accounts (?). Now who would you believe. I’ll be watching the Dow Jones with extra interest next week to see if this latest rout continues.
bg – when all of government is controlled, and those within it, have no clue as to how corrupted the whole system has become, how does a prime minister know what to believe, let alone choose to believe excepting that which he/she is advised to believe as the best course to take?
Have you ever watched, ‘Yes Prime Minister’?
As for the stock exchanges across the Western World, whom do you believe now has the ‘magic wand’ that controls them?
Filed February 2020
They will just “throw this out” – thats not the technical legal term for it…
but yeah… someone just says…
nope! – not touching this! –
and thats the law.
I would however consider a deal on a functioning used pancreas for a reasonable price.
Speaking of lawsuits – or at least investigations – off topic (911) but everything is related.
First Responders Urge 9/11 Investigation – Sept. 11, 2019 Press Conference
Good to know that there are decent people working to uphold the truth and make sure that history is not destined to be condemned to the bowels of wikifakia.
it is unfortunate and offputting that the lawsuit dee references is conspicuous for overwrought language, very long sentences and bad spelling,including wearisome capitalisation of everything in sight.
it is unpleasant to read.
so normie sheeples,if such there be who read this website, who disbelieve or have never heard of ai, transhumanism etc. are well advised to watch the recent excellent video by spiro skouras on the covid 19 Great Reset, available so far on youtube.
i say this because spiro gives much room to klaus schwab, boss of the world economic forum at davos,talking about 4th generation industrial revolution etc.
so that makes schwab a tinfoil hat conspiracy theorist too,irony off.
it says “the vary many defendants”, so it looks like a publicity stunt.
But it highlights the fact that the law will only be applied after you pay, or else somehow you have to attract enough public interest to get your verdict.
I have recently seen a particular Act of Law “updated” to make it “more accessible”, this involved years of rewording everything into legalese and increasing the price of booking a hearing by 10 times.
People should take careful note of this, this is how the law works, this is how it’s applied.
“When such a tragedy occurs, the normal procedure is for an investigation to be held.”
thanks James
September 11, 2001, New York.
still waiting….
James, what should the savvy person be reckoning as to the real motive for the shoot-down of MH17?
i think… as all the blame was lumped on russia… as per msm media reports
the motive was to simply to demonise russia as much as possible.
russia mustve been doing too much winning at the time – and whoever shot down the plane – didnt like that
Kuala Lumpur Tribunal finds Israel Guilty of Crimes against Humanity, Genocide
Guess who was sipping champaigne in a chopper with Arial Sharon while they watched the Christian Falangists machine 3500 old people, women and children… Our good ol’ Aussie buddy Rupert Murdoch.
Julius – maybe you could have balanced that article with an article from the Times of Israel on the many massacres, all listed and as to perpetrators, during the Lebanese civil war?
Why the World cares about 1982 Sabra and Shatila massacre – The Times of Israel.
I always thought MH370 (8 March 2014) and MH17 (17 July 2014) were both shot down by accident because they were short-cutting through militarised zones, which they knew they shouldn’t do, and nobody else was doing it, but the Malay government (who obviously runs the national airline because they have lots of fuel to burn off there) was totally corrupt around that time. Let’s face it, there is a reason why nobody flies over military zones, especially in a big fat subsonic target. Other theories I find are excessively complicated, like the ensuing cover-ups; the news likes to say “it’s complicated”, well usually, it’s simple what’s happening, it’s complicated to try to lie about it..
bg, your comment spurs me to reply – what if MH-17 was actually MH-370? Call me crazy if you wish, but if PAM and 9/11 can be so easily contrived, then why not MH-17? The videos from the Ukraine field clearly showed all the bodies as being Asian, including a maccau bird, all which had black lips and bulging eyes. The Ukrainian filmed showing passports of the dead passengers with triangles cut in them and hole punches, meaning they were invalid. The story of the fighter pilot, the replacement of tower operaters from other countries for the day, the fact 17 was advised to fly over the zone when other airlines were advised to fly 700kms to the east. There is much more I could offer up, but I have given up due to more current events. What if MH-17 never actually existed? Even if I were to join the dots, who would care? Like the German journalist that had parts of the plane on his desk for 6mnths. Just my 2 mins worth.
I think you really need a good memory for events as they unfolded, the Ukraine incident was quite a lot later, by that time MH370 relatives were complaining a lot, and people were vouching for the pilots saying they were not suicidal etc., it was a stupid alibi.
My point is that if Malaysia had planes going through military zones they would most likely get shot down and the subsequent story is written by whomever owns the MSM, or reconstructed by anyone else who cares to.
Off Topic ( it relates to the Covid-hoax ), but I’m sure many of you will find this interesting.
John Rappoport had this to say in a tweet yesterday :
” We have a nurse at Elmhurst hospital [New York] , saying that people are being falsely diagnosed with Covid-19 , sedated , intubated & left to die.
Who is sending healthy people to Covid wards & why ? ” .
The nurse Rappoport refers to is called Erin Marie Olszewski & this is her not-to-be-missed video :
The video is titled : ‘ Perspectives on the Pandemic : The (Undercover) Epicentre Nurse ‘ .
This woman was due to be interviewed by Tucker Carlson on Thurs night (U.S time) Dec 11 ( ie: Friday Dec 12 in Oz ).
I have a feeling that Fox will not air the interview – so explosive are the contents ( contents that have the potential to re-direct the attention of the rioting crowds towards the perpetrators of the eugenics programme that has killed untold thousands of Americans ).
Thanks for the prompt TV – I had been trying to get around to watching that all day – glad I did.
For the very first time today I encountered someone who insisted that they had lost a loved one to COVID. It was a delicate moment so it wasn’t appropriate to pursue in public.
It is the same when someone has lost a loved one at Port Arthur and blames Martin Bryant, or has lost a next of kin on MH17 and still blames Russia or ‘Russian backed separatists’.
It is one thing to ease someone with a casual disinterest into critically thinking about the ‘official narrative’, but when someone has personal grief invested in the situation one has to be much more delicate.
This is the perfect video to share – at the right moment.
When one has personal knowledge and conversations with people at ground zero the facts/ evidence and truth comes out. Is it part of the Grandplandemic script that we are all “Waking Up.” right now globally? How can that be?
There was/is a global movement ( that went viral) called Pachamama: “Awakening the Dreamer Changing the Dream” I being groomed and trained as a Change Agent (amongst other things) became a facilitator–2010’ish I think. Of great significance to NOW. One of the leaders Van Jones worth researching–links to Obama–if anyone wants to check him out think it will give greater understanding to purpose and timing of Black Lives Matter-hashtag–well I as usual have segued as is my want /need
this was to be my post re the planned–terror attacks against the vulnerable–
New York–remote locations– “I can’t breathe” torture treatment water boarding capsicum spray–part of mass brainwashing—causing panic attacks
Body bags for children are sent to remote indigenous communities in the event worst-case pandemic scenario becomes a reality
“Ten body bags for children have been sent out to indigenous communities
Army assistance has also been promised to communities if pandemic spreads
Morgues in remote areas of the Kimberly, WA, have been cleared out to prepare
Coronavirus symptoms: what are they and should you see a doctor?”
PUBLISHED: 16:49 AEST, 27 March 2020 | UPDATED: 23:40 AEST, 27 March 2020
Also this came up re child body bags -dates interesting
Body bag probe found no ‘ill will’: Aglukkaq
CBC News · Posted: Oct 07, 2009 11:17 AM CT | Last Updated: October 8, 2009
sorry Mary not exactly three bullet points—
Thank you, Troof. Could you give us two or three bullet points as to what the nurse claims, and whether you think her evidence is solid?
Go to the last few minutes of the video and you can determine for yourself if you think her evidence is solid.
Here is a good highlight summary and further interview by Del Bigtree
This is one brave, honourable woman – her cracked iphone screen establishes her credibility – let alone the genuine emotion of caring about her patient that was murdered
They will first try to dismiss, debunk and ridicule her – then they will try to silence her – then they will use the ’law’ to go after her for obtaining evidence illegally (aka Dr Judy Mikovits, Julian Assange and Bradley/Chelsea Manning, Seth Richet al).
She has done this because she knew it was her duty.
Anyway… Excellent article, James. You have some good sources.
Speaking of which, at the time,one journalist reported that a Ukrainian pilot landed in a state of shock, saying that he shot down an airliner thinking it was a fighter. Not another word was heard about that.
Very clearly, a lot of western leaders are furious that Putin has run circles around them, tactically and diplomatically. Secondly, the success of BRICS also has them seething. Third, with 60% popular support, and a spontaneous youth fan following, Putin is easily the most popular leader in the world.
That is ample reason to hate Putin and pump lies into the media in a pathetic attempt to hurt his popularity. Like Abbott, all they achieve each time is to look even more stupid.
If there is a successful global revolution against the elitists, I want to see Abbott pushed into the ring to fight Putin.
Smart cities are really mega concentration camps, wardens are usual suspects and the guards are multi national goons enforcing the beast system. As much as I would like to have hope in Putin or Trump or Morrison or anyone anywhere, their true colours of submission to Chabad Lubavitch only reinforces the obvious. We are being played and have been fiddled and fleeced exponentially since nine eleven. Maybe more accurately since 1913. No matter what the diversions may be, usually with innocents always murdered, the serpent heads remain the same – crown kabala freemasons – plutocratic technocrat banksters enforcing a one world communist gulag enhanced totally by the ubiquitous iPhone soon to be implanted in every man woman and child. They do these things in defiance and mockery of all created.
Nicely typed, 56.
56 – go to Micheal Smith News – you may have to go back a few pages, but you’ll find there on that site, a letter sent to Trump from the Titular Archbishop of Ulpiana, Carlo Maria Vigano.
The good Bishop is on the ball with the things that go on in this world – I guarantee that you won’t be disappointed when reading his letter.
Carlo a wise man teaching the greatness in goodness of the overwhelming majority. There is always hope in faith.
It’s written that the Renaissance was the most flourishing period in art sculpture and music. Look at what people did with their hands without power tools!
We are soo primitive, in many ways. They say, we can fly to Mars and further, yet without the plug in the wall, we ain’t that good.
Look at these days, where we have medical military industrial war rackets run by bankster gangster criminals WHO profit from murder. These are the successful geniuses of our time???
Her Bossness is five and a half years ahead of everyone else — see this 2014 Gumshoe article (in the days before the Opinion Editor reported for duty):
By the way, I’m not going to call Dee “Her Bossness” anymore.
I am going to call her “Agent 77.”
This chick for president (except she wasn’t born here).
Mary , all you need do is watch that video again & come up with bullet points of your own.
At the end of the day, this woman was at the coalface & saw first hand that the proper ‘ duty of care ‘ was not being applied to these elderly patients . ( A belief that is confirmed by other honest nurses & doctors who provided feedback to her ).
She saw that certain ‘ improper procedures ‘ were being applied as a result of orders ‘ from above ‘ .
This woman is a nurse who over many years has developed a finely honed gut feeling for when a patient is in recovery / stability phase , only to have said patient drop dead 20 minutes after she’s transferred away ( refer to the last 4 minutes of the video ) .
I’m not a medical professional so I’m in no position to confirm how solid her evidence is other than to say, what motive would she have for coming out as she did ?
After all, she has everything to lose ( risk of dismissal , risk of incurring the wrath of hospital administrators , risk of never being rehired again in this chosen field – look what the Zio-cabal controlled world of academia did to Norman Finkelstein who cannot find employment in any tertiary institution in the English speaking world ).
Mary, you can refer to the Del Bigtree video posted above by Fish & see what this nurse has to say.
Bigtree is no fool & you can be sure he vetted this nurse thoroughly before airing the interview.
Speaking solely on my own behalf, all I can say is that this nurse absolutely wreaks of sincerity and I don’t doubt anything she’s said .
(psst TV) I sense that Mary was inviting/encouraging, not challenging. It was the broken phone device screen that got me, but as Terry says, that last 8-9 minutes is very sincere and touching.
Nice try, Fish. Thank you, but the problem was that I did not have an hour to invest and I figured others might not open it. Ergo, “Gimme bullet points.”
Once Terry pointed to the ending I did watch that. I also read the Youtube comments (many of which doubt the nurse!).
Sorry if I have been coming across as the “Owner” of Gumshoe.
We all know that Agent 77 is the owner, don’t we?
Yes Fish , I didn’t take Mary’s words as a challenge.
And, my response of ‘ …come up with bullet points of your own ‘ should not be taken as me shouting that back in her face , in a defensive posture.
What I meant to get across is that there are so many bullet points (each of great importance), that could be compiled from said video that one really needs to watch the whole video to get an appreciation of the implications of this woman’s findings.
Meanwhile, Tucker Carlson DID end up interviewing this woman & it was aired :
It’s only 5 minutes & doesn’t get into the nitty gritty of her explosive revelations but the fact that he’s even brought this to the attention of the ignorant Fox network viewing audience is something we should all be grateful for.
Mary, in response to your question about why MH17 was shot down, there are a number of possibilities and I frankly do not know which one (if any) is correct. First, it was an attempt to kill Putin who was returning from South America and whose plane was in the vicinity at the time, and had similar markings to MH17. Secondly, it was an attempt to embarrass Russia by putting the blame on them for an atrocity carried out by the Ukrainians. Thirdly, it could have been a combination of options one and two. There is evidence to support all three.
Certainly the Americans coveted taking over the Russian naval base in Crimea, and the Russians were never going to let that happen.
The fact that the mainstream media have lied about the incident from day 1, and most recently in today’s SMH, supports the deliberate rather than accidental thesis.
One of the biggest clues is the refusal of the US to hand over its satellite data. In my view that is because the pictures do not support the allegations. I know that both the Russians and the Chinese have the same pictures from their satellites. They will use that data when it best suits them. Sorry if that sounds like geopolitics trumping the lives of innocent victims, but no-one ever claimed that it was a fair fight. Huge geopolitical issues are at stake.
One of the sad features is that the Australian media have been utterly gutless.
Or. As usual, guilty of complicity to harbour, aid and protect serial terrorists, together with our lying politicians whilst ‘puncing’ around representing themselves as the mothers of virtue, integrity and humanity.
How would a decent mum or dad feel if their child ended up marrying into one of those criminal msm fake or lying politician’s families?
you refer to a smh article and msm lies.
I probably have in hand the SMH article of 13-14 of June at page 4 NEWS, headed;
“China Balance. Bring Russia in from the cold says SHARMA [Federal member for Wentworth electorate] I would infer that James was referring to the content.
I thought on the claims in the article and whether to send your article above to him and directing him to the comments.
Then I have decided today, bugger him, if he is just a Turnbull replacement why bother as he would not take any notice as Turnbull ignored all the information on 911 from before he was elected to the seat of Wentworth back in about 2004 to when he became a sad Prime Minister and now just a political ghost.
So I bring the SMH article to readers of GS who are at least mostly genuine and SHARMA can remain in ignorance (???) and at time wonder why, when he is passed in the street in the electorate, that he is ignored as just another politician whose credibility, to the informed is zero.
Some points from our NINE network SYDNEY MORNING HERALD.
Anthony Galloway.
Foreign affairs correspondent.”
In short;
Basically Sharma wants us to engage with Russia and bring it back to the G7 to balance China etc. Dah Dah Dah. His experience as Australia’s ambassador in Israel may have twigged his diplomatic experiences.
However, whilst the following is not attributed to Sharma, Galloway states as follows:
Paragraph: 4.
“Mr Sharma’s stance will also get pushback from many in Australia who have not forgotten the role of the Russian government in the shooting down of MH17, which killed 38 Australian citizens and residents”.
Seems that Mr Galloway does not read gumshoenews.com /
Mr Sharma to be credible, should counsel Galloway and the SYDNEY MORNING HERALD NINE NETWORK including all its other radio outlets as to the latest consideration of the court referred to by Mr O’Neil, of counsel, in his article above. He may also with his duty of due diligence inform his staff and colleagues of the O’Neil article to “EXPAND THEIR THINKING”.
Yea! Only when politicians fly with their porky friends!!
Ned – I believe Sharma is correct in bringing Russia back into the fold of Western influence, after all, it was Western ‘influence’ that turned Russia into the world’s biggest gulag during WW1, and then the world’s pariah for nearly 70 years. There is much to admire in the Russia of today, especially Russia’s growing Christian influence throughout Europe and the rejection of the Central Banking system that still holds us in the West, hostage.
Maybe it is time to offer the welcome mat to another Christian country, whose inclusion can only benefit all of us?
Sharma hardly exhibits a mere thimble of credibility. unless he exposes what is apparent with historic murderous false flags predominating to kill millions and have our boys go die for Israel.
He like many, appears as a mere ‘pisser’ in our Australian sovereign tent.
Ned – if the thinking has merit, does it really matter out of whose mouth it has been issued?
I did not notice any thinking on developments in the Ukraine crash investigation and the demonising of Russia that, as Galloway noted, could be ‘pushback’ on a proposed sensible policy.
Try reading the comment again.
For Sharma to Enhance the proposal he could start with a informed view on who may have killed the passengers as updated by James.
James , your suggestions as to why MH17 was shot down certainly are worthy of consideration ( particularly the second one – demonisation of Russia ), but I don’t believe they were the prime motives.
As Fish posted late last night :
‘ Kuala Lumpur Tribunal finds Israel Guilty of Crimes against Humanity, Genocide ‘ ,
this is where you should be looking.
Simply put, the Malaysian government had the audacity to hold a War Crimes Tribunal ( around November 2013) , whose findings overwhelmingly confirmed the numerous atrocities committed by the Israeli regime / IDF .
So, as PAY-BACK , two Malaysian airlines aircraft went down in quick succession after the tribunal released its findings & embarrassed the Israelis.
Malaysian Airlines is owned & operated by the Malaysian government & post these incidences , you could not get people to travel on them for love or money .
The airline started haemorrhaging red ink in the billions in 2014 & that continued to this day.
I recall reading also that Malaysian airlines had control of around 40 % of inbound tourists prior to these incidences so when those passengers stopped coming , this had a knock-on effect for the Malaysian tourist industry.
Bottom Line : Malaysia was made an example of what happens to any country that exposes Israeli malfeasance in a public forum.
Truth – if you truly stood for your title then instead of pointing fingers at Israel you would be looking up all the other countries or states, that have a far more lengthy history regarding massacres – I gave Julius a tip above on how to be balanced so as to discount one’s bias when presenting what one chooses to believe – maybe you should be looking in that direction as well.
Ken Worth , in relation to this comment of yours from earlier this afternoon :
” what if MH-17 was actually MH-370 ? ” , you’ve obviously done your homework.
I suggest readers listen to USMC Lt-Col (ret) Field McConnell from 7:20 – 10:00 in the following clip & observe that MH370 never crashed :
MH370 safely landed in the U.S military base of Diego Garcia after having been remotely commandeered by use of the same technology that remotely took control of the aircraft on 9/11.
That technology being of course the Boeing Uninterruptible Auto Pilot (BUAP) .
Yes, there was a secondary motive for hijacking MH370 – namely the 20 employees on board from Freescale Semiconductors corporation & with their disappearance , an important patent was transferred to N.M. Rothschild . ( mention made of this from around 19:00 in the video & how Serco is woven into the conspiracy ).
Getting back to Ken Worth’s original comment , after MH370 landed safely in Diego Garcia ( its passengers & crew having been euthanased meanwhile by the ATI mid-flight ), the same airframe ( 9M-MRO ) was relabelled with another airframe number & it became MH17 . ( ie: the SAME aircraft is involved in both incidents ) .
Refer also to my comments made at 4.43pm on May 18 in a previous Gumshoe article :
Was this theory was invented in the Washington Post in order to discredit conspiracy theories
Christopher Bollyn wrote up a similar story several years ago, I think at Rense.com I do have a copy but I need to dig.
According to Bollyn the plane was in a hangar in US having been bought by an Israeli based company that had no previous airplane assets.
“Certainly the Americans coveted taking over the Russian naval base in Crimea, and the Russians were never going to let that happen” … 😊
Julius – maybe you should be differentiating between the once Globalist controlled American military and the now Trump controlled American military? Labeling what was done under the previous corrupt globalist controlled American administrations tends to confuse the difference between the America of pre 2017, and the America of now.
The United States has been under new and patriotic government since January 20, 2017.
It is no longer the world’s ‘policeman’.
I wrote an article for a political party over a decade ago about how America should, have at that time, been identified as a fascist state with imperialist ambitions – that is no longer the case.
The United States should no longer be seen as the world’s pariah – that title is fast becoming attached to Communist China instead.
SERCO, MH Flight 370 and Pine Gap
Serco Demon Search &Track / Pine Gap Boeing Infrared / Obama Red Switch MH Hack
From: United States Marine Field McConnell
Plum City Online – (AbelDanger.net) – March 24, 2017
All avenues lead back to crown.
56 – yes, the Crown is one of the three points of the Masonic triangle – London, Vatican and Washington DC. I would be looking past all three of those controlling aspects to the Globalist/Deep state structure though, to find out who controls what they do.
‘bg’ , your ignorance is forgiven – seeing as you have a track record in that department .
You would do well to follow Diane’s postings & try and absorb as much as you can .
You don’t have to relabel an aircraft to make MH370 into MH17, that is just the flight number.
Why would you euthanase passengers and crew when the pentagon operation didn’t even bother with a plane.
Then you have these passengers frozen for a couple of months?
Why would anyone make such extraordinarily elaborate preparations in order to have a plane shot down, they could shoot down any malay plane flying over a militarised zone and get the same result.
I have noticed you like to make things up but you call yourself Truth.
‘ bg ‘ , the flight number is not to be confused with the frame number.
The frame number is painted on the fuselage and is unique to that particular aircraft ( or at least it should be ) .
Seeing as MH370 landed safely at Diego Garcia & was ‘ recycled ‘ as MH17, they couldn’t very well leave the identifying frame number on it from before . could they ?
As for ‘ bothering with euthanasing the passengers & crew ‘ , once the plane landed at Diego Garcia, what would you have done with live passengers if you had perpetrated this crime ?
Obviously , those responsible didn’t want anyone alive to tell the world that the plane had been diverted to this new location.
‘ bg ‘ , you evidently have not done much research on the MH370 incident & to the extent you have, it’s come from the mainstream media & other disinformation outlets.
So, listen up to the following facts.
Many of the bodies that were found in the wreckage of MH17 were in a advanced state of decomposition. ( ie: advanced = dead for months ).
I suggest you check this fact.
And Ken Worth , who’s obviously done some homework on the matter wrote this in an earlier post on Gumshoe :
” The videos from the Ukraine field clearly showed all the bodies as being Asian ” .
Of course, MH370 ‘s intended journey was from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing & needless to say the passengers were overwhelmingly Asian.
Also ‘ bg ‘ , in relation to the statement you made above as follows :
“….. the pentagon operation didn’t even bother with a plane ” ,
you’ve obviously gotten that from your less than reliable sources as well.
I assume you’re referring to the alleged impact of AA77 with the Pentagon on 9/11 ?
If so, we’re in agreement that the alleged commercial flight of a Boeing 757 did not strike the Pentagon on that day.
But the Pentagon was impacted by another aircraft – an A3 Skywarrior (owned & operated by Raytheon ).
Of course, an A3 is a much smaller aircraft than a large commercial airliner & would (like a 757) have been unable to punch a hole through even one ring of the Pentagon walls ( let alone three rings as alleged in the official story).
So, on approach, fractionally before impact with the Pentagon, the A3 fired an air-to-ground missile ( likely a bunker missile – perhaps an AGM65 Maverick , which did the trick ) .
Anyway, sit back & prepare yourself for an education on 9/11 & much more from Field McConnell :
Field mentions some facts about MH370 / MH 17 as well between 42:30 – 43:00 .
BTW, Diane mentioned AbelDanger.net in an earlier post & AbelDanger.org is mentioned in this audio podcast.
The latter does not exist anymore & the former one has miraculously become a Russian porn site. ( Both websites formerly run by Field McConnell were taken down by the Zio-cabal because they were revealing too many Not-For-Public-Consumption truths on 9/11 , MH370 / 17 etc ) .
Field McConnell ( he’s 70 years old now) , is in custody in a Florida gaol on some fabricated charge ( he’s been in custody for over 6 months ).
The powers that be are not happy that he’s been disseminating the truth about these things ( many in the know refer to Field as the foremost expert in the world on MH370 & arguably also on 9/11 ) .
I certainly wouldn’t be brave enough to disagree with that .
I’m fairly open minded but I notice in some of your battles with nemesis you become so bitter that you don’t care what was said and you just become abusive and get on your Zionist rant.
All the wars and so forth part funded by Rotschilds are not wholly the doing of Rotschilds, they are done by multiple parties and the parties all want to do them (otherwise they would make some deal) and as we can guess Rotschilds will fund both sides as long as they think they will get their money back. They probably have the keys to most of the vaults in Switzerland.
But they are not the only player in world events.
Now you are saying there were all these decomposed dead Asian bodies in Ukraine, why then are the Dutch or whomever complaining. Why would anyone do such an implausible scheme. The aircraft stamps are all over the aircraft as far as I understand there are lots of them to change, and the plane is full of rotting bodies for months, on a hot island, it sounds even too mad for HWBush, Cheney & Rumsfeld.
On the other hand I have seen video of credible eyewitnesses from that time talking about a descending fireball they saw at the time the MH370 was flying past Thailand.
Why should I believe you and not them?
bg – I looked at whatever I could find concerning the downing of that airliner.(MH17) From an old investigator’s point of view, what made sense to me I took on board. What has been suggested about MH 370 being morphed into MH17 just doesn’t ring true for me.
What I have a problem with in that scenario is the state of the bodies during an intense Ukrainian Summer – and the Ukraine can get very warm in its short summers. The dead soon begin decomposing soon after rigor mortis leaves the body – between 8 to 24 hours. And the more fat on the body the quicker decomposition sets in.
In my time I had to deal with such, shall we day, worrying incidents of decomposing bodies – especially at suspicious deaths where a crime scene had to be set up.
What got my interest in the state of the MH17 bodies was the fact that none were removed from the site for over a week – my question is: why were passenger bodies left to rot in the hot summer sun, was there a motivating factor for delaying removal of the dead that is an expectation that transcends all cultures, in their respect for the dead?
Or, was there such confusion as to who should be removing bodies that nothing got done for over a week?
My other question would be this: Was there something about or within the passengers, that required the natural elements to break down prior to autopsy, such as an administered poison gas, so as not to be discovered, hence the motive for removal delay?
One only need to look back over all the downed airliners around the world to see how quick the passenger and crew bodies are removed from the scene to realize that what occurred over in the Ukraine was well and truly out of place as far as international procedure goes.
I have seen, some time ago, I think it is still available, a video taken at the scene shortly after the downing. The video of the rotting corpses was taken by locals and the first time I played the locals were speaking in their language but there was English interpretations at bottom. The second time I watched it the interpretations were missing.
There is no doubt in my mind that there were rotting corpses aboard MH 17. And the only explanation in my mind is that those corpses were from MH 370.
One factor besides finance is always lurking in the shadows behind world events and if it isn’t known, events may seem more mysterious than they really are, and that is trafficking, whether it be human, organs, drugs or arms.
For example look at the rise of SIngapore, it is well known now it was built on the opium trade.
Look at the Cutty Sark, the fastest clipper of it’s time, was it really carrying lots of tea or was it fast to outrun pirates who knew it had plenty of opium on board.
Look at the WW1 symbol everyone wears, it’s a poppy, must be a Turkish poppy, funding the Ottoman expansions or whatever.
Look at Afghanistan, they say there’s nothing there, they say the Russians couldn’t hang onto it and now the US is trying, they are hanging around, shooting people in the poppy fields.
I don’t know what the Wizard of Oz was about, probably something.
What is the cold war with Russia about. Is it really about invasions, or is it about money.
We know there is a big funnel from the nazi cocaine plantations in Brazil up through the Caribbean into the US. All the secret banks are in the Caribbean. We know Jeb Bush was running Florida in the same period his brother was in the white house. We know Bill Clinton was promoted from Arkansaw where they apparently have a big airfield. We know Rockerfellas selected Arkansaw for their political career probably for one reason at least because it was cheapest.
We know the official operators are stamping out the competition, such as Mexicans building tunnels into Texas, Latinos with submarines, they are all getting caught but the drugs keep getting through, everywhere in the world has their distribution system.
Finance and trafficking are the big invisibles that I am always sniffing for, Zionism is just a subset of that. The Ukraine seems to be about oil and gas pipelines from Russia to the west.
The whole “Trump is Russian” and the MH17 crash shitfight seems to have been part of a half-mad ploy which has by now outlived its usefulness.
bg – did you know that American troops in Afghanistan are down to 7500, and all will be withdrawn by the end of November this year?
Most of what you have written is what the Globalist/Deep State get up to. They are akin to Satan and will never stop in attempting to undermine Humanity because we are God’s creation.
Look at what happened to Mars as an example by the agents of Satan’s destructiveness.
For some insight into the ‘Red Planet’ and its history, go to, The Real Jimmy Roberts. on Youtube.
Worth a read–they’re changing guard at Buckingham place
Who owns what -military bases–space bases–a bit of Colonial history
‘ bg ‘ , you made this statement earlier on : ” I have seen video of credible eyewitnesses from that time talking about a descending fireball they saw at the time the MH370 was flying past Thailand.
Why should I believe you and not them? ” .
Firstly, you should neither believe me or them until said information has been substantiated.
Similarly, you should not DISBELIEVE something , just because it seems implausible to you , unless you have proof that said scenario could not physically / technically have played out.
The theory that , on 9/11 the Twin Towers & Bldg 7 were brought down by controlled demolition & that no one died in either aircraft that struck each of the towers (each plane was a remotely flown drone) , may sound implausible based on your limited information horizon , but that doesn’t make it any less true.
Just like in 9/11 & the JFK incident , false trails were planted everywhere – to redirect any future researchers who looked into these matters & make them look elsewhere for the culprits .
This is by design.
The greater the geopolitical significance of the False Flag the GREATER degree of sophistication & no-expense-spared preparation in setting up alternative guilty party scenarios .
These miscreants have bottomless pits of cash at their disposal.
So, in relation to the ‘credible witnesses ‘ you mention that saw a descending fireball as MH370 flew past Thailand , would you care to share this information with us fellow Gumshoe readers ?
Can you post the video / article that vouches for the bona fides of said witnesses ?
OR, as I suspect , are you relying on a a video of said witnesses saying they saw this fireball &, because they looked convincing & sincere then, in your eyes , its ‘ Case Closed ‘ .
Has it occurred to you that the perpetrators of said crime paid a kings ransom of a few hundred Thai baht ( a handful of USD) , to some local actors & , these actors did some top shelf ‘ acting ‘ , in reading the pre-prepared script saying they saw a fireball, then that’s good enough for you ?
Speaking of ‘ Case Closed ‘ , as mentioned in my previous comment , this is a book written by Mary’s favourite author ( queue heavy sarcasm ) Gerald Posner .
He’s a Jewish guy that was handsomely renumerated to write a story confirming the lone gunman theory ( ie: Oswald) for the JFK assassination.
Needless to say, the Zio-media , Zio-owned publishing houses promoted the hell out of it as being the definitive proof of no conspiracy.
Similarly ‘ bg ‘ , the same culprits ( incl. the 60 Minutes programme on channel 9 here in Oz), have promoted the official narrative about MH370.
ie: crazy depression-ridden pilot that was going through a divorce & veered of course & crashed his plane in the Indian Ocean in a suicidal act etc .
‘ bg ‘ you say that I become bitter & abusive towards Nemesis & , for the record , there’s no bitterness or malice in anything I say to anyone on Gumshoe.
Yes, I have disagreements with you & a few other from time to time & although you’re misguided on some issues , I suspect you’re sincere in your beliefs & I respect that.
Nemesis is another matter altogether. You’re obviously not very observant and / or not in possession of many of the important facts on various issues so I give you some leeway when you ‘ defend ‘ Nemesis.
That said, Nemesis has a track record of dissemination , obfuscation & outright fib telling.
The more brazen his disinformation , the greater the calibre of the salvo I fire in his direction.
Be careful not to stand too close to Nemesis (whilst you’re defending him), lest you end up as collateral damage & end up the way of the HMS Hood (circa 1941 ) .
Truth – and here was I thinking you were deliberately avoiding the points that bg made to you about your abusive remarks about me, but then, lo and behold, I see you have not ignored.
LOL! You’ve knocked me off my chair with laughter!
You write all those terrible things about me, but never offer just one example of what ;you mean? LOL!
At least when I take to criticizing you, I will provide an example for my criticism.
BTW, I missed not seeing your posts over the past few days. I do enjoy being in combat with you. 🙂
Hope everything is OK your end?
‘ bg ‘ ( and any others among you that are interested ) , below I’ve done a brief DuckDuckGo search relating to some of the events that actually transpired on 9/11 & came up with these :
” The 9/11 Base of Operations : USS George Washington .
On Sept 12 USA Today reported that aircraft carrier USS George Washington was anchored off Long Island [N.Y] on 9/11 ” .
And this :
” September 11, 2001 : The REAL story of what took place ….
A drone US Navy A3 Skywarrior was launched from the USS George Washington that morning which was positioned just off the East Coast ” .
This A3 impacted with the west wall of the Pentagon later that morning (after first firing a bunker-buster Air-to-ground missile a fraction before impact ).
I don’t particularly vouch for either of the two listings above ( these are among the first few that came up in the search ) , other than to say that there are numerous Open Source venues that you can research to determine what really happened on 9/11 & the circumstances surrounding MH370 & MH17 .
Good luck in your search .
I don’t need luck I’m not looking at that stuff, I remember what happened at the time
2 minutes to write but I can hear the clunking of a natural gumshoe.
They both existed though, identical twins(only a mother could tell by a small mole-one extra window in a door{wound up in wrong place too}. Lol the flapperons found two.
The passports(those indestructible items even in a fiery never seen before free-fall twice in one day) only found after the bounty hunters felt bad enough they returned regardless of risk big trouble if caught by overhead US satellites.
I just work a few similarities of the time. Abbott is one, Howard to busy manipulating silver now, but the apprentice studious.Could not find HMAS Sydney (a triplet) in the southern ocean for many decades but Abbott gave it a go anyways.
Air New Zealand crashes in Antartica after US changes fight path just prior to incidence because of bad weather, Sir Edmund missing flight at last minute bit like the Titanic(recurring theme) lucky. Hugely experienced pilot blamed(not like Titanic ‘ol Cap he had form). Passports found, but cameras too, showing perfect weather on the whole flight. Lots(who would photograph expensive white on white Kodachrome type shots) , strange if they can reconstruct bit by bit forensic evidence in a shed for months but not care for these kinda details.
It goes on and on, but for me ML370 should have been picked up by Jindelee over the horizon radar(JORN). No refunds no explanation. Not funny events no matter the truth but when that Tasmanian shirt fronted Abbott explaining he did it because he did not think he would get another chance I did smirk Jesuit style.
This was for Ken Worth’s comment because he’s a Western star
LOL Simon – you’re on the ball.
MH 370, according to reports, switched off its location transponder, so, if that was the case, then I am not aware of any other reliable tracking devices that is generally known to the public – that is not saying that some other ‘covert’ means was not being used.
Good stuff Simon .
I had no idea that Edmund Hillary pulled out of the flight ( I assume you’re referring to the 1979 MT Erebus crash ? ) , at the last minute
Diane de Vere posted this last night : ” SERCO, MH Flight 370 and Pine Gap ” and this ” Pine Gap Boeing Infrared ” .
Those postings of Diane speak volumes.
Serco is front & centre as far as involvement in the MH370 affair.
I have been led to believe that Pine Gap had Infrared technology that tracked every centimetre of MH370’s journey – from start to finish.
And, as you say Simon , Jindalee Operational Radar Network (JORN) would have been able to track MH370 had it flown to the southern Indian Ocean off Western Australia.
Truth – you mislead Simon in your response concerning Jindalle. And here is why: UNLESS JORN (Jindalee) had been specifically tasked to track into the Indian Ocean on the night of MH370 disappearance, and that task would have been subject to any ionospheric conditions at the time that would have interfered with tracking, then JORN would not have been aware of MH370 route, or the location of its final, ‘resting’ place.
The question should be: Was JORN tasked to locate a missing airliner on that night? At this point in time, on one seems to have an honest answer.
You can thank me later. 🙂
Yes Nemesis , I write all these FACTUAL things about you ( your earlier posting had a typo – ‘ terrible ‘ inserted in place of ‘ factual ‘ ) .
And it’s true that I never offer JUST one example . ( Gumshoe readers are well aware that I’ve offered scores , if not hundreds , of examples in previous posts ) .
Truth – 24 hours later and still no examples for your unwarranted criticism?
‘ bg ‘ , I just noticed your comment from the evening of the 13th that said :
” I think Turnbull was wrong with his republic stuff and Abbott was wrong to shut down the car industry, especially Toyota Camry hybrids ” .
My question to you is : HOW did Abbott shut down the car industry ?
There was no legislation passed to that effect.
There were no punishing taxes , regulatory impositions passed by his government.
Let’s face it, all that Abbott did was stop throwing MASSIVE SUBSIDIES at the car industry – with taxpayer dollars. ( Massive subsidies that GM & Ford disproportionatley took back to Detroit by & large while investing sweet F.A locally ) .
The question we should be asking is NOT why the subsidies were stopped under Abbott, but WHY weren’t they stopped FORTY YEARS EARLIER ?
The bottom line is, if you divided the subsidies by the amount of people employed in the car industry ( inclusive of those employed by other industries that are contracted out for items in the supply chain), you had an OBSCENE amount of money per person employed.
And, what did Aussies get for it ?
We paid too much for a sub-standard vehicle.
The tens of thousands extra that Aussie families were paying for locally built cars (versus what other countries were paying for equivalent quality vehicles) over the years was money that could’ve been used to pay off mortgages , health & lifestyle improvements etc.
Make no mistake, Australia’s subsidisation of the car industry for decades (coupled with crushing tariffs on imported cars to make the local product appear good value on a relative basis ) , meant a DIMINISHED STANDARD OF LIVING that we had to endure for all those excruciating years .
The day the Aussie car industry died was a day of jubilation for anyone who’d done even the most basic cost / benefit analysis on the issue.
And ‘ bg ‘ , seeing as you singled out the Camry Hybrid for saving , it is evident that you’re no car enthusiast.
The Camry Hybrid (indeed most hybrids), are pieces of excrement .
Either you’re fully internal combustion engine or fully electric ( as long as the E.V produced is cost competitive with the I.C engine – which they clearly are not , so there’s no case for E.V’s at the moment either unless you’re a virtue signalling twit like most E.V owners are ) .
When a car tries to be all things to all people , the composite mongrel produced fails to excel in either department .
Lastly, I'm no fan of Malcolm Turnbull , but his efforts to turn Australia into a Republic were commendable .
Are you a monarchist & are you recommending that we grovel to the matriarch of an institution that has raped & pillaged the world through British Imperialism ?
If the whole Royal family had all their flesh stripped to the bone by piranhas on an Amazon river adventure, I wouldn’t be losing any sleep over it .
A car dealer told me the Nissan e-note was the most popular car in Japan, it’s a type of hybrid, we are not allowed it here, not enough margin and servicing charges I guess.
Subsidies are just a function of the high dollar which the RBA negligently allowed to run up to $1.10 US at the time. Consider them a sort of mining tax. So now where are all those engineering graduates going to go, to pay their HECS bill, they got from their hyper-inflated university courses.
As usual, you can’t see the forest for the trees. Go back to your “wheels” magazine.
Changing to a republic is waste of time, consider your hero Abbott has spent all his career diligently, single-mindedly working towards becoming Australian High Commissioner to the UK, would you throw your friend Abbott’s career to the rubbish bin?
Abbott had the good sense to see through the Climate Change hoax so top marks for that.
But, in relation to shirt-fronting Putin , his antics during the MH370 / 17 affairs etc , his tenure has otherwise been woeful .
So yes, by all means throw his career in the rubbish .
Truth Vigilante:
You’ll know what to do with this. https://www.dropbox.com/s/dd81fppe9jge8c8/CC%2018%2B%20MH17%20is%20MH370%21.mp4?dl=0
Nemesis. I never said there would be examples of ‘unwarranted’ criticism directed at you.
Of course, as I clearly said the other day , you’re welcome to search the archives for the scores ( or perhaps hundreds ) of examples WARRANTED criticism of your disinformation & obfuscation .
The photo which heads this article is a tiny part of an original which circulated widely on the internet in late 2014. The full photo purports to show a jet fighter in the lower left corner firing a missile from under its port wing towards the Boeing. The fighter has swept-back wings so is not a SU25; but a more powerful MiG which can fly at that altitude. The source of the photo is not established, but the time and date stamps at the bottom (UTC 1:19:47 JUL 17, 2014) use Latin script and the western format for dates, so is unlikely to be “Russian” as claimed. Whether the photo is real or fake cannot be judged here. Even if real it would still be dismissed as a fake by those with an interest in maintaining the official narrative. So it is interesting but can be put aside for now.
But the footage below is real. A news programme which covered the D-Day anniversary at Normandy on 6 June, 2014. Between 5:13 to 5:29. Abbott and Poroshenko chatting on the sidelines of the meeting of heads of governments assembled there.
Taken during Abbott’s post-election tour of the world during which he showed an unhealthy obsession with battlefields and war cemeteries and thought that an Australian Arlington would be real cool. You know, like a paddock patriotically filled with dead Australian soldiers, tombstones and flags. There was no particular reason for him and Poroshenko to meet at Normandy, so I surmise their meeting was arranged (or ordered?) by their masters in Washington. For what purpose?
Poroshenko had been installed as Prime Minister of Ukraine with “Yats” Yatseniuk as President by the armed overthrow in February 2014 of the legally-elected President Yanukovych. The US was completely open about its hand in the coup. Victoria (cookies) Nuland, Geoffrey Pyatt, John McCain, Joe Biden were all on site and played their role in the classic regime-change operation, with Biden the effective US viceroy to the coup regime. Obama later openly gloated that the US “facilitated” the coup. So no secrets there. Also no secret was that the CIA established a branch office in Kiev in the same building as the Ukrainian Security Service the SBU.
My gut reaction at seeing the Normandy news footage was a foreboding that something sinister was about to happen in which Australia would be involved. Six weeks later MH17 was shot down. The response was immediate, choreographed finger-pointing at Russia with Abbott reading the exact same script as Kerry, Cameron and Harper. I don’t know if the other “5 eyes” member New Zealand joined in. We all remember the screaming “Putin’s Missile” headlines in the so-called media, and our TV stations which played video and audio footage of alleged conversations between rebel leaders. Tapes of which even then were shown to be spliced together bits and pieces, some recorded the day before the shoot-down. And all supplied by the Ukrainian SBU.
So a joining of the dots leads to a premeditated false-flag operation with our Abbott arguably, knowledgeably, in the loop. But you’ll only read that here.
The YouTube link should have been:
dated 6 June 2014.
‘ Rediscover ‘ , thanks for the link .