1. Rally outside parliament house PERTH WA 12.30 pm
    “Kill the Bill” re: draconian bill being rushed virtually unopposed to allow all sort of powers to raid premises, no warrant, seize goods, and enforce heath procedures and lockups.
    WA Freedom Alliance

    PLEASE no violence, verbal abuse. STAY CALM

  2. Well done Dee and team for taking part and showing the reaction of a tyrannical government here in Australia. Unfortunately the Victorian State Government is only one of several governments in Australia on this same dictatorial tyrannical path.

    • I really hadn’t given this any thought until now.

      But I now note that this is a BBC report. I have seen the BBC downplay genuine protests and overplay non-event or staged protests – whatever theatre wags their dog.

      I have also seen how the (historical and current) reporting of such events as the murder of the entire Romanov family, the butchering of Mussolini and Gaddafi, and the trial and hanging of Saddam Hussein were similarly reported in a very BBC-ish ho-hum manner.

      At 1:47: “In America the White House expressed regret that the trial wasn’t held in public but both Washington and Moscow have recognized the National Salvation Front now running the country”. The National What! Front?

      And I do not think for one minute that George H W Bush or Mikhail Gorbachev would be concerned in the least about the human rights of Romanian citizens – no more that Victoria Nuland, John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Biden father and son et al cared about Ukrainian or Russian citizens.

      I am going to look into this further, that’s all I am saying.

      I agree with the outcome, but wonder why others known for having committed genocide, including the past four five six several US presidents are still walking around without being brought to trial.

      … while still plugging for the Andronicus treatment.

    • “Fast forward 25 years and the verdict on what happened next is, at best, mixed. Many argue that the execution of the Ceausescus was a false dawn. The show trial was organised by fellow communists, who twisted a popular uprising into little more than a palace coup and held on firmly to the levers of power.

      “I am certain now that revolutions are conceived by idealists, enacted by fighters and taken advantage of by opportunists,” said Dumitru Mazilu, a dissident communist official jailed by Ceausescu for smuggling a human rights report to the UN.”

  3. As well as the psychopathic politicians who pass the so-called legislation, our wrath should turn on the evil public servants and lawyers who have designed these evil pieces of legislative garbage. Don’t they know that ANY legislation is to be for the benefit of all of the population, not to be a tool of arrogant politicians.

  4. “…………In this New World Order, the children of Israel will furnish all the leaders without encountering opposition. The Governments of the different peoples forming the world republic will fall without difficulty into the hands of the Jews. It will then be possible for the Jewish rulers to abolish private property and everywhere to make use of the resources of the state.

    Thus will the promise of the Talmud be fulfilled, in which is said that when the Messianic time is come, the Jews will have all the property of the whole world in their hands.”

    Beware of The Great Jewish Mask!

    Be sure to check out The Noble Protagonist’s 1,100 page E-book, “The Battle to preserve Western Civilization (European Folk Soul vs. Jewish Supremacy). Free E-Book available at: https://archive.org/details/@nobleprotagonist

    Battle for the West (Website): http://www.battleforthewest.com/

    Battle for the West (BitChute): https://www.bitchute.com/channel/65cDI4QdHali/


  5. If crisscross’s theory comes true, the Jews will only have themselves to fight amongst for any riches and properties. After all, are all Jews equally entitled to all assets equally divided? I doubt it! The Jewish inbred greed wouldn’t allow that. Doesn’t seem like a better situation than stealing from the Goyim without fighting for the goods.

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