Home Boston Morality Can Go Two Ways, Part 1: The Biology of the Hunter

Morality Can Go Two Ways, Part 1: The Biology of the Hunter


by Mary W Maxwell, LLB

Leave your morals at the door when reading this. I am going to try to contrast two types of persons — the good the bad — without judging them morally.  Well, haven’t I already judged them by calling them “good” and “bad”? Yes, but that’s just to introduce the problem.

Problem? What problem?  The problem of our difficulty today in explaining why good people allow bad people to flourish in their midst.  Basically, it’s the problem of impunity — failure to punish. Normally I think of impunity as being the weak letting the strong off the hook, and maybe the reason for that tendency is fear, but I want to go deeper into the biology today.

So now I, too, remove my morals and put them at the door. (May pick them up again later).

Ancestors in the Animal Kingdom

There are many primate species, of which we are one.  Most anciently we are in the phylum chordata (have a backbone, like fish), then we are in the class mammalia (have warm blood and lactation), then the order primates (monkeys and apes), then the family hominidae (which includes our extinct ancestors like Australopithecus) then the genus Homo, and the species sapiens).

Each type of animal has its own characteristic innate behavior. What is characteristic human behavior?  Hard to tell, since we can make choices.  Each person has three ways to act — by instinct (including knee-jerk type), by succumbing to social pressure to conform to the culture’s rules, whatever they may be, and by deliberate, rational choice.

Because this article is about good and bad, I should say something about the instincts we have for moral and/or immoral behavior. Of course this entails my reaching into a cultural bag, as to which things we consider moral, such as a kind act of a Samaritan, or immoral like stealing. You will let me do that for the moment?  Thank you.

An instinct for doing a kind act is the mother’s natural urge to feed her baby. An instinct for doing a bad act may consist of grabbing a neighbor’s banana when no one is looking. How did such instincts evolve?  I assume they evolved in the usual way of evolution by natural selection.  Mothers who feed their baby will cause that baby to survive and reproduce the characteristic of baby-feeding.  Banana thieves will likewise fare better than non-thieves and pass thievery on down the line.

So how do we move from the position of not having a morality in our primitive society, to having one? Robert Trivers, a sociobiologist of the 1970s, proposed that we each have an instinctive method for calculating our advantage when dealing socially. We engage in reciprocal altruism, always measuring the give-and-take. This can be completely sub-rational.

Thus, If you have helped me get across the river — because you had a log to share — I will later help you fend off an attacking wolf, say.  Once humans invented culture, instinctive reciprocity gave rise to an idea of fairness — you’re supposed to help a person who helped you. The group may even institutionalize sharing: each person pays a tax and each can draw on some benefits.


But I am more interested in badness. Two issues that have engaged me lately are the vaccination genocide and child sex-trafficking. I never see anyone get punished, even though several pertinent crimes are on the books, and plenty of police are on duty.

There are hundreds of articles on the Internet about why the baddies keep evading punishment. Typically, the articles (including mine) engage in handwringing. Why oh why don’t the cruel pedophiles end up in jail?  Why don’t professionals, such as doctors or hospital administrators, lose their job for giving jabs of poison?

We have been reaching such “brilliant” conclusions as: 1. the media have brainwashed the public to believe that pedophilia is not really happening and that the jabs are healthy. 2. that big politicians protect all those under them from getting indicted. or 3. that we who wish to act against them fear, deep down, that we will get impoverished, smeared, or killed. “So let’s not.”

I have just been reading Joachim Hagopian’s amazing book “Pedophilia and Empire, vol 2: the United Kingdom.” It emphasizes the massive institutionalization of child abuse by persons in the upper ranks of society. He even goes so far as to suggest that an upper-class kid is abused, say at boarding school, as part of his training to do the same himself.

Hagopian also sees bonding, within Britain’s upper class, as requiring that members participate in child sex and child murder (at least on ritual occasions). It’s for the sake of bonding. Something similar is known in the US in the Skull and Bones fraternity.

Because of this — and as I said with my morals at the door — I now want to entertain the idea that this predatory practice is “OK.”  Don’tcha be yelling at me, thinking I will now make kids’ situation worse, and make impunity more common, by offering the justification that it’s natural to abuse children. (Maybe it is — we can discuss that later.) No, I want to see how the perps can categorize what they are doing as good — I’m sure they do so.

(Note: there are some pedo’s in the lower ranks of society who have a sexual addiction which they deal with by denying it.  I mean they are actually “in denial,” not just lying to the cops about what they were doing.  But I won’t deal with that here. I am looking at guys with hubris.)

Seeing the Bad As Good

At the present time, sex trafficking of kids is said to be a billion-dollar industry. Thus, some features of its operation would tend to be manned like the mafia is manned — by helpers: hitmen, getaway car drivers, etc. The police have to be in on it, too, and prosecutors have to be in on it.

In Australia, I have seen with my very eyes that judges are in on it. Or should I say out of it. They act like they don’t see it and so let the criminal go free. See my two books on this subject: Reunion: Judging the Family Court, and Deliverance, which is about pizza-gate and pedophile priests. Note that the highly prosecutable pizza-gate pedophiles are all at large, but the priests in some cases are “doing time.”

Here is my new thesis: For an ambitious person, getting ahead is the big prize itself. And once one is ahead, mixing with one’s betters is also a sought-after state. There is pressure to look good.  There is pressure to conform to whatever norms that small group has cooked up.

I can’t honestly claim that the behavior of abusing children sexually was one of the original steps in the formation of the British upper class. I don’t know if it was or not. (I also don’t know if it was introduced by a related Jewish practice, such as of the Sabbatian sect — we can look at that another day.) But today, from Buckingham Palace on down to 10 Downing St and on down to Whitehall, the abuse of children is a feature of the culture.

The Ethology of a Big Guy, by Lionel Tiger and Robin Fox

Writing in 1971, before the term “sociobiology” was coined, anthropologists Lionel Tiger and Robin Fox tried to explain human social behavior biologically.  I will now display some of their work that connects modern behavior back to the days when we were hunter-gatherers. This is from their book, The Imperial Animal, pages 58-59 and 138-141, much abridged:

“All social acts are patterned. They are major regularities of the species — of any species. They can be called bonds.  What dogs feel for their masters is an example of what bonding is about. That we will bond at all is “part of the wiring.” Our interactions are as non-random as the shape of human heads and the rate of people’s metabolism. Some regularities determine how people live gregariously, with whom, and why….

“A species can get by without much social bonding. [In] flocks and herds, one individual is by and large substitutable for another.  A true social system begins when animals respond differentially to other members of the species as individuals, for relatively permanent interactions.

“Though outlaw and small businessmen differ in what they do, there are similar units in their behavior [explainable by out hunting past].  They maneuver about position, tactics and the spoils, the estimation of value — and no creature is vainer and more sensitive to his reputation than an outlaw or entrepreneur.

“It is the big wheels who deal.  The bosses hunt and calculate, risk and fight, threaten and accommodate. In the big corporation, the executive “does” things, he doesn’t work. He is paid by the year not the hour. The executive can take a place in the old hunting program; he can enjoy often hazardous decision-making.

“His employees are to the executive as bullets, horses, and hardtack are to the outlaw. He eats in a separate dining room to preserve the thick sese of power the sleek dominant males at the center of the hierarchy create like some electric current. He votes himself stock options and gives himself cars and expense accounts.

“He is part of a benign and splendid group, but he was not born into it. It can be taken away from him with all the money and trappings. He must be at the front line all the time because the prey is fat and delicious. Those who help him hunt the prey are ones whom he must constantly impress and who could turn on him.

“In sum: once the hunting-outlaw-business band turns into the large impersonal corporation, the glories and penalties of the predator become the province chiefly of the dominants.

“What is important is not only how the system creates and distribute wealth but also how they allocate the right to behave in certain crucial human ways.”  — end of quote

Badness against Children — Dunblane, Scotland

I said I would talk about seeing the bad as good.  When man was a hunter, he must have seen all those hunting behaviors as good. But he did not have to talk about its being good; it was just the done thing — mainly instincts over which he had no control. In the later picture, as sketched by Tiger and Fox, the instincts are still there.

I think back to the child abuse that went on at Queen Victoria School, located near the Dunblane School where 16 kids were shot dead. The Housemaster wrote to the parents of his 50 boys to warn them that he had noticed some “trafficking.” That is, on Friday evenings he saw wealthy people come and take the kids home for the weekend. The parents did not respond; I imagine because they wanted their sons to be groomed as part of the way up. And soon the Housemaster lost his job.

As regards the later death of the not-upward-bound kids at Dunblane School, a member of Parliament, Lord Burton, told The Scotsman that the “Skeptical Society” which contained judges, was responsible. Don’t worry, I don’t forgive the persons who did the massacre. But note that it has been 26 years, and no one has been punished.


This is the first article in a series. Personally, I think the pedophilia problem is going to be licked, and soon. Part 2 will use the work of Joachim Hagopian, to compare the British and American set-ups. Part 3, God willing, will be about the crimes of the pandemic.  A general theme of the series is the biology of impunity.

Please criticize me, even in regard to trivial errors.  We need to get this business straightened out.

Here be a link to a fascinating page of criticism about the 1996 Dunblane massacre.



  1. MM I applaud your optimism: “I think the pedophilia problem is going to be licked, and soon”. I sincerely hope so, though I am not so optimistic. It is embedded in the human psych now after thousands of years. I think we still have much to learn as to why children, and children’s innocence, and children’s energy are targeted.

  2. “I am going to try to contrast two types of persons — the good the bad — without judging them morally”

    Problem is that such classification is intrinsically judgmental

    • Is the overarching goal to uphold the Way, the Truth the Life ?
      Or to conduct a humanly-devised purge ?
      Because superficial appearances aside, the two paths are at cross purposes.

      The following is a prime example of how the former showcases evil thereby causing it to simply implode upon itself:

      • A classic illustration of how the crucifixion lines up perfectly with “trampling out the vintage with His terrible swift sword”

        • Sorry,
          ” He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored
          He has loosed the fatal lightening with His terrible swift sword”

          must be dementia kicking in

  3. i’m raw, said this, as in so many words. My truth, as to life, so therefore my way.
    I’m raw, and there is going to be payback, yours or mine, but payback.
    unless carefully guided

  4. The poison that are destroying this place have twisted the minds of most Aussies.
    Is it because our oppressors are smarter or more devious? Their influence here is tragic for all outside the club. Sucking all wealth and power leaving victims corrupted, indebted without hope. They plan genocide, to prevent prophecy being fulfilled.
    In this system where rich get richer, middle class disappears and poor get poverty and enslavement, the only hope is in Jesus Christ.
    Times are tough, although hope appears slim, we are blessed in faith to see truth created by the Almighty. He will recreate the earth and stop the demonic.
    Believe or not, the best way of rebuking them is with prayer. The Rosary, Our Father and Hail Mary our salvation, traditionally October is dedicated to meditating on the Rosary.

  5. “It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.” Luke 17:2 KJV

    Because children are innocent , God warns against transgressing against that innocents.
    Satan and his worshippers , take adantage of this, and delight in taking that sacredness from these innocent children.
    It has sadly been going on since the beginning of time. Will it , or rather can it be stopped ?
    The answer is NO.
    It is too entrenched into all areas of our societies.
    In a Sigmund Freud book , titled ” Totem And Taboo ” , he covers this topic at length.
    Interestingly , he names the worst offenders found world wide , as the Aboriginal clans of NSW Australia.
    The Bible teaches us that ” The love of money ..is the root of all Evil ” .
    However , The love of Pedophilia …would have to be up there as a close second.

    Romans 12:19 & 21
    19 Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.”
    21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

    • As known by the above raid, the ultimate in child abuse is against those who’re too young to have a voice, it’s by far the most common form, and it’s simply the consequence of a society that puts personal comfort and convenience before servant-hood. Furthermore the proponents aren’t Satanists but rather self-righteous humanists

      • It’s not hard to figure out that servant-hood is threat to the PTB because it sets you free,whereas prioritising personal comfort and convenience leaves you wide open to manipulation

          • Yes, the pride of wanting to be as gods; as in “you piss of Mr God, we’re running this show”. These days that’s morphed into Evolution is creating us, Evolution is creating reality, Evolution is creating morality, we are the pinnacle of Evolution and we have Evolved to the point where we can control it and make it go where we want.

            Mustering all of the humility for which I am world famous I must admit that very early in my adolescence I had “by myself” come to conclude that it’s time for humans to take control of the Evolutionary process and direct it. It was only much later I learned that the likes of Julian Huxley and a heap of other eugenicists had already had the same idea.

            The idea has not died out, just ask Yuval Noah Harari and any of the other proponents of a “New World Order”.

            There is also an army of self righteous fifth columnists selling the fundamentals that will lead to the same conclusions. This ‘site’s favourite Sacred Cow, Mary Malthus is one of them.

            If anyone here has the attention span and interest to see how and why some of the ideas that are “justified’ by the Evolution hoax look here:

            I’m not finished yet.

          • As soon as I opened it my beady eye went straight to this:

             “To evolve“ is a term that comes from the Latin evolvere that means to develop something that was involved. Evolving stands for making develop that which potentially existed previously in something.

            No argument on my part that all creatures great and small were created with an innate capacity for environmental adaption
            But the monkeys to man myth is not,and has never been, based on any such hypothesis
            In fact it is, and always has been, based on the notion that, given enough time, an ant can somehow acquire the genetic information of a dog, a fish can likewise become a pig etc
            Pure insanity

          • Good oh, elspeth. You’re on the right track.
            In Latin, to evolve is to gradually reveal what is in a scroll, etc.

            The reveal of something latent is nothing like the fanciful assumptions of the intellectually, morally, subservient to fashionable ideological opinions.

            Sacred Cows are more ubiquitous in anti-christian “Liberty, Equality and Fraternity” than they ever were in Hindustan.

  6. Chan Thomas’ highly speculative “Adam and Eve Story – Cataclysms” offers an interesting theory on Man’s deceent into decadence.

  7. You will know this site? It has been active for 15 years at least, on various sites with similar names as it is hounded off them all, eventually.
    J Saville was aka Bible John, a serial killer active in Manchester UK.

    The aim is to make sure that those to whom managerial power is entrusted, know that they are compromised and can be terminated. Cameron was out as PM and he was happy to go.
    The DM has an article about an untouchable, associated with JS. Awareness has become mainstream. The wheels are nearly off the wagon …


  8. Jesus was made perfect through suffering


    Jesus was made perfect through suffering A selection of verses showing that Jesus had to suffer and as a result was made perfect. Jesus told his followers that he was to suffer a cruel death: Mark 8 verse 31

    We Are Overcomers In Christ Jesus


    We Are Overcomers In Christ Jesus, Tom Crandall, “He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.”, Overcoming the giants ( shame, fear, lust, greed, pride) of this world is freedom over the lies, false beliefs, selfish desires, and demonic bondage binding every soul who does not know God.

    • https://godskingdom.org/blog/2022/10/ephesians-4-part-17-result-of-the-gifts

      Because “God is love” (1 John 4:8), and because we are being prepared to be His image, it is clear that love is the ultimate sign of spiritual maturity. Learning the word is not an end in itself. In fact, if it does not lead to an increase in love, we must question the source and validity of those doctrines and teachings being taught. The word is a seed (1 Peter 1:23), and when it sprouts and bears fruit, the fruit must first be made from love.

    • [quote] “Jesus was made perfect through suffering” [/quote]

      Is an irrational Judaeo-Masonic nonsense. Christianity has maintained from the get go that Jesus is the ever perfect Second Person of the Triune God made Man. His human suffering was to purchase for us the means by which we can be “made perfect” i.e. have sins forgiven and partake in the Divine Life.

    • Jordon Peterson

      I hear you Jordan Peterson.

      from 37 minutes

      ” It’s really something to see, constantly, how many people are dying for lack of an encouraging word, and how easy it is to provide that if you’re careful to give credit where credit is due, and to say you’re a net force for good if you want to be.”

  9. We’re in top hands here, with Paul Kelly, Tony Albanese and Dominic Perrottet, same as it ever was. Now with new kids on the block CCP, a tyranny parroting scribes concocted in bsl4 labs.
    Krown kabal komunizm downunder, don’t worry be happy….in slavery we trust.

    • Socialism with Chinese characteristics –

      Boom: ‘China is destined to become the largest Christian country in the world’

      It is said to be China’s biggest church and on Easter Sunday thousands of worshippers will flock to this Asian mega-temple to pledge their allegiance – not to the Communist Party, but to the Cross.

      The 5,000-capacity Liushi church, which boasts more than twice as many seats as Westminster Abbey and a 206ft crucifix that can be seen for miles around, opened last year with one theologian declaring it a “miracle that such a small town was able to build such a grand church”.

      The £8 million building is also one of the most visible symbols of Communist China’s breakneck conversion as it evolves into one of the largest Christian congregations on earth.

      “……..Christian congregations in particular have skyrocketed since churches began reopening when Chairman Mao’s death in 1976 signalled the end of the Cultural Revolution.

      Less than four decades later, some believe China is now poised to become not just the world’s number one economy but also its most numerous Christian nation.

      “By my calculations China is destined to become the largest Christian country in the world very soon,” said Fenggang Yang, a professor of sociology at Purdue University and author of Religion in China: Survival and Revival under Communist Rule.

      “It is going to be less than a generation. Not many people are prepared for this dramatic change.”


      • Characters such as Parrotit and Scotty FM pull slightly towards the sane because they understand their voters are smarter than the communist party’s voters, still, as Rubert Murdoch understood, you play toward the lowest common denominator, “Stoopids Rule”

    • Since they killed all the birds, its abit much they feather themselves. To add tar to insult, you(they) may perceive a rising phoenix, all I see is a dead bird, pending.

  10. The Good
    The Bad
    Are we not forgetting the third category?
    The UGLY!
    The Ugly are not used to having their contributions acknowledged.
    We die in unmarked graves and we are certainly not angels, so please don’t ask our credentials.
    Don’t tempt us to further degrade ourselves to the level of hypocrites.
    Despite our humility it seems that even the Lord God Himself is among us.
    This is painfully evident when we hear His contributions referred to as “natural selection”
    Mary, good luck galvanizing those working class Americans.

  11. It goes for art (and music) as well …

    I was speaking to someone the other day who was drooling over Jackson Pollock’s “Blue Poles”, and the book “Night Blue” by Angela O’Keeffe was mentioned.

    So I thought the following article by Winter Watch was topical

    • The Promotion of Pyramid Scheme Inversion Art

    Recall that some scribble by Hunter Biden recently ‘sold’ for … ?$Half a million – a way of laundering money.

    It seems that the normalisation of paedophilia goes hand in hand with the normalisation of depravity in ‘art’ – think the Podesta brothers.

    Or this …
    • Kazimir Malevich – Black Square on White Background 1913 or 1915


    His manifesto is titled “From Cubism and Futurism to Suprematism”


    I also like [sic] “Composition with the Mona Lisa”, 1914 – see Gallery.

    And then there is art depicting down to earth wholesomeness …

    • German Artwork Collection – Family

    • Artworks by Hermann Tiebert – Part I

    • German Artwork Collection – Still Life

    • Beautiful.
      I thought I’d never heard that tune before. According to the notes on the JooChoob original it says that it’s music by An Jong-Ho, presumably Korean.

    • Fairly dismal schmaltzy stuff but the interesting thing is the amount of rosin being scraped off the bow and landing on the soundboard, this appears more than the average freshly rosined bow, to me it indicates the entire instrument is under maximum strain, so the tremolo effect is required to approximate the exact note because the flexion is over the bow, bowstrings, violin strings and violin body, a totally elastic structure made of different elements under varying conditions (higher or lower notes / strings being used ).

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