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More Australian Swamp Critters and “The Flying Turd”


by Phil Hingston

Gumshoenews has written  in the recent past, about the Australian Defense Force purchase of Lockheed Martin’s F-35 Joint Strike fighter (aka “The Flying Turd“) at a meager cost of $130 million each, for an estimated minimum taxpayer outlay of between $17 to $24 billion!

We asked the obvious question, that if this fighter jet was so bad, why are we being dragged, kicking and screaming, to become the proud owners of 75 of these “Flying Turds??”

While listening to an interview between a Norwegian journalist and an ex-CIA case officer, Robert David Steele recently, the answer to this perplexing  question started to become clearer.

Robert David Steele

Steel states unequivocally in this interview at around the 2 minute 10 second mark in his discussion about “war and waste” (here and below):

“any Norwegian citizen with a brain needs needs to know, that if Norway is buying the F-35,  then someone (politician or bureaucrat) has been bribed to make that possible. Okay!”

It doesn’t get much clearer than that! He goes on to make reference to corrupt politicians, complicit media and complicit academics.

Let’s get to the Swamp

An article was written in June, 2014 by “Defense-Aerospace.com” titled “Australian Senate Hearing Reveal Government’s F-35 Misrepresentations.”  To quote part of the article:

“During this hearing, a senator from the opposition Australian Greens party, Scott Ludlum questioned senior Australian Department of Defense officials about the government’s announcement that it will buy an additional 52 F-35A fighters at a cost of A$12.9 billion.

The officials’ answers clearly demonstrated that several of the government’s statements on the F-35 were inaccurate, if not deliberately misleading, (lies) and that Australia had committed to the largest defense purchase in its history unconditionally, in the unquestioning belief that the F-35 would be superior to any opposing fighter for the duration of its 40-year service life.”

If this fighter jet is such a “Wonder Machine” how come it’s labelled by those in the know as “The Flying Turd”?
And how come the price has gone from maybe $A130 million each to closer to $A250 million each?? (Do the numbers — 52 jets for $A12.9 billion.)

The glitch list for the F-35

If Robert David Steele can be so emphatic as to Norway’s motive for buying the F-35 being bribery of Norwegian officials, could Mr. Steele be equally as emphatic as to Australia’s motive for the same apparently frivolous purchase being the same motive? Bribery?

We, at Gumshoenews are simply asking a legitimate question on behalf of our fellow citizen taxpayers and are certainly not implying any impropriety on the part of any of our esteemed officials or elected officials. Cough. 

Methinks, not only are the Aussie tax slaves being stitched up by these pocket-lining Swamp Creatures, but we’re also being ripped off and robbed blind.

For the record, the eminently qualified and often decorated panel of bureaucrats being grilled mercilessly by the tenacious, if diplomatic, Senator Ludlum are as follows:

Senator David Johnston,ex-Minister for Defence

General David Hurley AC, DSC, Chief of the Defence Force

Air Marshal Geoff Brown AO, Chief of Air Force

Mr Warren King; Chief Executive Officer, Defence Materiel Organisation

Air Vice-Marshal Chris Deeble, General Manager Land and Maritime (Acting) & program manager for the JSF.

Senator Ludlum made little attempt to hide his disdain for the lame answers afforded by “The Swampees”.

For anyone wishing to listen to the hilarious Senate hearing, and Scott Ludlum’s evisceration of these sniveling Swamp Critters, here it is. Ludlum calls the plane “un-airworthy” How about “A Flying Turd!!”

The first few minutes is a hoot! (Youtube here — cannot be embedded)

Well done Senator Ludlum, but you must realise that by now, many of these Swampees have already found new swamps to play in. The Australian Newspaper, on 11th March 2016 wrote a piece outlining Air vice Marshall Chris Deeble’s dubious appointment to OneSky:

“The Australian can reveal that Air Vice Marshall Chris Deeble, who is in charge of the troubled Joint Strike Fighter program at the Department of Defence, will take up the role of “OneSKY program executive” later this month.

“In his new role, Mr Deeble will be in charge of the $1.5bn One­SKY program to integrate civilian and military air traffic control and navigation systems in a state of the art national network.

“As of late last week, when The Australian started making inquiries concerning Mr Deeble, he was listed as a director on the website of the International Centre for Complex Project Management, a Canberra-based organisation with military and aerospace links. But this week he was no longer listed as a director for ICCPM.”

It’s a BIG SWAMP!!

Robert Steele on war and waste.





  1. Keeping secrets ???

    “For thirty years Robert David Steele has been a proponent for intelligence reform. During all that time he has been silenced – marginalized – by the Deep State.

    In 1988 Steele was the architect and senior civilian responsible for creating the Marine Corps Intelligence Activity (MCIA). A former spy as well as a former Marine Corps intelligence officer…. and determined that 80% or more of all military needs for intelligence were not being met by the secret intelligence community and could be quickly and inexpensively addressed with what he called Open Source Intelligence (OSINT).

    He was ignored.” (http://themindunleashed.com/2017/01/cia-spy-speaks-30-years-censorship-time-listen.html)

    Makes sense to me. Why should ASIO’s secrets be kept secret from those that pay for ASIO? How do we know if they up to no good? You are just not allowed to know or ask. And if you do discuss a “secret operation” — well a jail cell awaits.
    What BS.

  2. Australia deserves what it gets? corrupt politicians? we need them, the Flying turd is appropriate for Banana societies such as ours, we have to know our place, same as Turnbull having to be the doormat to Trump who makes second class individuals await his command.
    I presume Gumshoe readers know what I mean? awaiting Trump to see him in USA.

  3. Phil, thank you for highlighting WA Greens senator Scott Ludlam. I see that Dee quoted him back in 2014 as standing up against the Bella Vista fandangle. Just type Ludlam into Gumshoe’s search engine and voila:

    “24th September – Greens Senator Scott Ludlam is reported as saying on Wednesday evening, before debate was due to commence “I think this Parliament is being bullied to pass something in the heat of a national security crisis that we will later regret, as we regretted an earlier tranche of legislation that we passed in 2005.” The legislation was labelled as “urgent” by Attorney-General George Brandis.’

    Maybe the use of the word URGENT is a flag that could spark a review of all such bullying.

    And wouldn’t it be nice if the word Urgent would be applied where it is in fact called for.

  4. Thanks for this Phil. There is good reason to believe that the quoted cost of the F35 to the Australian taxpayer is a serious understatement. I was told by an impeccable source that the true cost for the plane’s intended lifetime was $105 billion for the total fleet.
    Shortly after I was at a conference in Canberra and spoke to a senior Dept of Defence official. I quoted the figure of $105 billion. The person I spoke to was completely unfazed by my comment. The figure was clearly not a surprise.
    I can think of a lot of good things that could be done with that money.

    • I feel, in retrospect, embarrassed that I even mentioned the figure of A$130 million each for these Flying Turds. I’m hearing from those in the know that the actual cost will indeed be closer to ONE BILLION DOLLARS EACH over the life of this fiasco.
      Makes one feel a total idiot for paying taxes so these scumbags can piss it up against a wall and no doubt, supplement their salaries and pensions with illicit kickbacks.
      Prove it?? Good luck.

      What could we better spend the dough on? Just about anything!

    • James,
      A lot of good things that could be done with that money!
      Nothing beats running up our deficit and paying increasing interest to the bankers financing Turnbull and Co government deficit.
      “Go you good thing”! (bankers) what better thing to do with the taxpayer’s money?
      My info also suggests that the f35 is an opened contract heading to one billion a piece.
      Good one; banker’s agents in our bureaucracy and government.

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