Home World Politics Notes on RFK Jr, The Dems, Russia and Intel Agencies

Notes on RFK Jr, The Dems, Russia and Intel Agencies


by G5

(Notes and emails from G5)

The Dems

‘B’ (Obama) is holding secret desperation meetings of all Congressional Dems. and allied handlers.

The  MAGA demonizing narrative has backfired. MAGA is the average, now deeply suffering, American. It is no one else.

There are no Biden voters and no Harris voters. The grossly exaggerated 42% poll numbers encompass the robotic Dem voters. Excluding the Dem fraud machine.

Trump packs in the stadiums. As he always did — and as the Dems never could.

Every time the Dem-machine of swamp dwellers attempts to stop him, he soars. He is the enemy of the enemy of The People.

De Santis has gathered some $300m, mostly from Soros-allied donors. Which is not well known

Trump is currently approaching the astonishing one billion dollars in fighting funds.

Obama pushed the brain-numb cock sucker, against Dem controller’s better judgment. They would have fared better to date with someone who could think and speak. Tolen makes, token get.

They are still trying to take out Trump.

If JFK had signed off his executive orders a week before, rather than leave them on his desk, America would be a different place today.


RFK is tipped to jump to Trump’s new party when that eventuates.

The numbers I saw today did not include RFK.

RFK can do a Perot on the Dems. They are fixated on getting the Hoe up. Déjà vu HRC.

Trump and RFK will kill the Dems for 12 years at least.

If Trump is taken out: Don Jr. will run.

The Dems and other Swamp Protista are fixated on the ad hominem.


Resolve to Live in a Civilised World Required

Russia is well protected from any puerile Americanist adventurisms, from years past.

I advised that Russia has deployed in Belarus, Eurasia, Cuba, Iran, Hungary, and Venezuela. China also faces America with a non-admiring stance.

Unlike America; Russia uses mobile platforms and not fixed silos. In addition; Russia fires at hypervelocities, that can neither be detected nor countered. Once loaded and fired; their trajectory cannot be altered or recalled by satellite.

Russia demonstrated the ability to override the Polaris-Trident in the UK Caribbean test. It has also demonstrated the override of the Tomahawk, Patriot, and Lancer.

Russia can also alter the effect of their missiles from 15 – 50 Kt. on the lower end. It is not disputed that a Tzar Hypersonic would destroy the entire UK, with one missile. So much for anything North of The Rio.

It’s a matter of America and playmates resolving to live in a civilized world. Or their attendance is no longer required.

Intel Agencies 

Intel Wars: ISI-SIS-CIA caused the psyop East Palestine Incident. Previously allied on the bin Laden Capture Hoax. Seal 6 alleged on that mission to USS Vinson, taken out. Characters in media posturing as on the mission were not.

Trump was subsequently advised and visited. Biden was kept clear.

Musk and Trump are currently under Intel protection.

Musk was prevented from being on the submarine. An opportunity that canceled two intel. As Black Spider was prevented from being on the boat with Mountbatten at Sligo. J.P. Morgan not on his White Star Line Titanic (actually Olympic) was by design.

USCG ordered to stand down as in The USS Liberty False Flag Incident of John McCain II and LBJ. I have written that Israeli AF was not involved. Readings from direct Israeli reports. US aircraft in Israeli Livery. Perpetrated many times; Kurdistan, Kosovo, Syria.

Intel and Blackrock

The unwritten International Intel Community consists of those aligned through UK, US, Russian, and Chinese Agencies. World Peace has been maintained through the workings of that alliance since Potsdam.

Not all current and retired (not possible to ever leave an agency) are accepted in that group. Those with predilections towards political or ideological bias are anathema: expunged, excluded, or canceled.

All biases lead toward bigger government. Which we know is the evil throughout history. We believe in the smallest possible government sufficient only to deliver the services for which government is intended.

Accountability and supervision of government as intended by correct representation.

We were never double agents. Because we shared common interests throughout the 1945 to 1990 era. We didn’t steal from or deceive one for the benefit of the other.

We would act to destabilize aggressors. Whether that be Stalinist Russia, Maoist China, or America throughout, from its personal esteem hegemonic delusion to the present.

We don’t communicate in deep codes. We have changed the meanings of words and phrases. If you need to hide something, put it on the dinner table in front of everyone.

Victor Bauer (Rotschild) Rothschild) opposed the fake WWII derived from the fake colonialists WWI. His siblings were promoters of the little-understood recidivist Allied-Axis Alliance against the lands and variously known resources of Russia. They lost.

The world is currently run by the owners of funds as BlackRock, Vanguard, etc. Hardly anyone on The Forbes Rich List.

Protection is by variously repulsing America or trapping it by its delusions into attritional engagements: Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Ukraine. Ownership and control of its nonsense arms industry is a part of that devastation.

The grand experiment of its constitutional republic is a devastating failure.




  1. More ripping yarns from the maestro, but how much longer do we have to endure this farce of senile old farts in rubber masks tripping over everything and trying to start ww3. Is it because Trump has retained the codes to the atomic football and they want to make him use it ? Is it because the Ukraina operations relocated to Albania so nobody cares about Europe anymore ? Every day Biden lingers on cements in the fake election a little more such that our Australian AEC will find it easier to rig “The Voice” referendum as they will be hard at work figuring out how to do right now, just as the crooked ABC-TV will be working hard to persuade us that the YES vote will win. That’s both of their jobs, as it is the RBA’s job to direct maximum profits to the banks. It’s just a matter of knowing who is working for whom. Of course nobody is working for the public.
    To underline the dystopia here’s an expert countering the dreaded anti-va666 lobby ( yes they are a lobby group requiring to be dealt with now ) with the facts – all demographic anomalies are because of ClimateChange™. Of course. Stick a greenhouse up your fundament you stupid anti-va666ers, we’re all shooting up on anything and you should be too.

  2. One more G5 rave that “overlooks’” the source of the respective conflict, thereby promoting the notion of a man-made solution.
    Like it or not the political turmoil of the Age is merely a reflection of what’s happening within “Christianity”, as enunciated in these interviews:

    To summarise, a nations governmental issues are a mere shadow of it’s spiritual state not vice versa

    • At 3:42 min “very hard to understand”:

      Actually it’s a classic manouevre towards which everyone needs to be alert

      • everyone needs to wake up to the fact that,once supernatural forces are at play,rational argument is rendered mute

  3. Most Aussies have no idea we have been reduced to debt slavery and/or dependence on handouts (I should be grateful they’re giving me 8$ a day, for looking after mum. That’s the sum of it after building their walls for five decades) yet I’m the batshit crazy conspiracist for talking about the beasts behind the screens.

    All scams are for profit to cull our Mass, enforce a techno social credit surveillance hell via CCP, and suck up all common wealth now only for oligarchs, making as many as possible unemployed dependant on government, all leading to UBI and social credit enslavement. Welcome to the beast system of Revelation chapter 13.

    The greed is on steroids. This a disaster totally unnecessary, the misery all by design with governments footing the bill, passing the cost on to taxpayers as always. We have been programmed to worship bs, and now the last tango of this satanic technocracy is in many bodies. Weapons of war are in place, most believing media lies that everything will be normal if we take their jabs regularly.

    We are witnessing the end of euro stock globally, as our children have their minds moulded into the agenda of their own destruction. There are only two opposing forces through all time, choose carefully fellow beings.
    We’re all sinners and losers in this digital metaverse, so let’s 🙏 for redemption and forgiveness.

    • Europe is falling, and with it will go the UK. Who will assist Europe and the UK to restructure their civilizations back to what they once were?

  4. G5 wrote in reference to the current political state of the United States of America; ‘The grand experiment of its constitutional republic has been a devastating failure’.

    I would offer the following anecdotal evidence – easily verified – as to how the United States became the economic and political mess, and that only a very deep dive, and not a shallow perusal, would show to the average punter. I will then highlight, that such a specially purposed nation is not yet finished, and will rise to even greater heights of importance in this world, a world that is rapidly changing for the betterment for all of Humanity.

    The American Constitution is a culmination of basic human freedoms under natural law, as fought for, and adequately recorded, during the previous centuries and history of this world, and how that accumulated history became the keystone for the founding of the United States, by a group of noted citizens whose knowledge of how the ‘world worked’ at that time, was second to none.

    In fact: Their thinking and words are being echoed today, by those who can see so many similarities between the present and the past.

    One only need to read the preamble to the American Declaration of Independence to appreciate the combined knowledge and well founded fears, that only world wise and experienced men could put together as a natural lawful remedy, against the constant tyranny toward Humanity that was so common in their time, and still continues to this day.

    “What have you given us Sir?” Asked a woman onlooker, as one of the signatories to the Declaration of Independence against the British Crown, began to walk past her.

    He stopped momentarily, and stated to her. “A Republic madam, if you can keep it!”

    People elected, or placed into, whatever form of government is practised, and who have no moral compass or life experience, and have no fear of the Creator, will tend to corrupt the system that employs them to suit their own ends. That kind of individual who has no accountability, or oversight for their actions, is so typical of the criminal mindset that now haunts all of our institutions all the way to the top of the heap.

    The American Constitutional Republic has not failed. It has been constantly attacked ever since American Independence was forced onto the British and European Crowns who having vast wealth tied up in what was the ‘American Colonies’ were not prepared to let go.

    Those who have controlled this planet for so long were defeated militarily by American colonial forces, but that did not stop them from attempting an invasion in 1812 at New Orleans, or the fomenting of the Southern states into seceding from the Northern states during the middle Nineteenth Century and that resulted in Civil War and the bankruptcy of the United States.

    Ulysses S. Grant, President, signed American sovereignty over to the Globalist Cabal in 1871 under the District of Columbia Act – but even that Coup de Tat failed to bring the United States Constitution down – they only managed to control what the United States was then used for to advance the Globalist’s world wide dreams.

    And they have been attacking America ever since its foundation. Even their financial subterfuge via Central Banks, and then the Federal Reserve, has failed to destroy the backbone of American Liberty via this World’s most important Human Rights document ever conceived – The American Constitution.

    You, dear reader, would do well to comprehend why such a Human Rights document has been under constant attack ever since its writing.

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