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Oceanic Pollution and Sober Truth About Climate Change


By Tony Ryan

In the 1960s scientists warned us about an approaching ice age. As this doom warning failed to catch the public imagination, the clarion call was rebranded Global Warming.

However, because forecasts of cataclysmic oceanic rising and concomitant elevation of Earth’s temperatures failed to materialize as predicted, precipitating derisive mirth within the more analytical conversation hubs, it was decided to change the campaign title to Climate Change. After all, it was reasoned, climate change cannot be denied, it has occurred constantly for 4 billion years.

The UN’s IPCC, a committee made up of rogue scientists and investment bankers, called for a reduction in industrial CO2, which delighted the IMF and Bank for International Settlements (BIS) because this would hasten the decline of western economies making these easier to absorb as part of Globalisation. Thus, the campaign against “Anthropogenic Climate Change” was launched.

Thousands of scientists from around the world condemned this campaign for being supported by dubious computer modeling rather than empirical evidence. These scientists lost their funding and jobs, which were transferred to more malleable candidates. Independently funded scientists sought to address university audiences but found themselves locked out of faculties.

Denied access to the public media, these scientists have taken refuge on the Internet and have attempted to advise citizens that life is carbon and carbon is life, and that the planet actually would benefit from more atmospheric CO2 which would assist in much-needed reforestation.

The reality is that there was five times more atmospheric CO2 during the Jurassic Era, which was this planet’s richest environment for both flora and fauna. Likewise, today’s flora and fauna would benefit from enhanced CO2.

More level-headed scientists suggested that the evidence points overwhelmingly to climate change being caused by solar activity, and that increases in atmospheric CO2 are entirely due to deforestation. This hypothesis is supported by a matching reduction in oxygen. Obviously then, the more atmospheric CO2 there is, the better.

Meanwhile, the globalist investment bankers want the opposite. They want food shortages to drive up prices. They want famine and diseases to reduce the world’s population, to reduce social security expenditure (the now-notorious Agenda 21). In partnership with the public media owners (led by Rupert Murdoch), compliant journalists convert every weather event into evidence of catastrophic global warming, without a shred of empirical evidence.

The most recent campaign is headed by a hysterical 14-year-old girl, providing ironic testimony to the vast distance we have traveled from a world influenced by real science. Also exposed is the now well-advanced collapse of public education, with the three most recent generations bereft of general knowledge and analytical vocabulary, enabling the media to manipulate their thinking and behaviour with consummate ease.

Remarkably, not one of the breast-beating scientists who support cataclysmic global warming alarmism has felt compelled to correct the daily-broadcast myth that the island of Kiribati is being inundated by rising seas. The truth is that Kiribati is sinking, as are many other places in the world, as an outcome of continental drift; but who cares about the truth?

The seas are not rising significantly, but the planet is warming, as it naturally should only 250 years after the Little Ice Age which, from the years 1400 to 1850, created vast ice sheets and tundra. Greenland, then named for its endless pastures, turned to frozen tundra, killing off most of its Danish immigrant inhabitants. The cold created many glaciers and zones of Arctic pack ice, which are now melting. This is all cyclical, the planet responding to solar activity cycles.

The public media, which is controlled by components of the investment banker alliance, who also own the oil industry, ensures that global warming is at the forefront of public consciousness.

This diverts attention from the real planetary crisis… oceanic pollution, the primary cause of which is the oil/plastics/chemical industry.



  1. A most excellent summary, Tony

    Starship log 1977 …

    “Mr Spock, there appears to be ice forming on the windshield.”

    “That would be caused by the atmospheric H2O content and the temperature differential, Captain.”

    In Search Of… The Coming Ice Age (narrated by Leonard Nimoy – 1977)

    You mentioned a certain hysterical 14-year-old girl, but so sad to see a 93-year-old icon trash his illustrious reputation.

    Netflix, Attenborough Caught Lying About Walruses Committing ‘Climate Suicide’


    • Thanks Julius.

      The all-time classic example of the power of globalist propaganda is the conversion in viewer’s minds of an actor, into conservation warrior. David Attenborough is an actor first and foremost. He is paid extremely well to sell the AGW fraud. He is what artists of integrity call a Potboiler. Now several TV scientists have grabbed the opportunity to do the same.

      The equation is as successful as it is simple… create high unemployment and you will create a pool of people who will do anything to feed their family and service their mortgage.

      The words HONOUR and INTEGRITY have thus fallen out of usage.

      • The disappointing revelation (to me) of ‘the sale of’ David Attenborough reminded so much of a chapter I recently read in John Coleman’s “The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations”.

        We could table so many more examples of ‘celebrities’ or people of otherwise high standing shredding their legacy and redacting the words HONOUR and INTEGRITY from their vocabulary in exactly the same way. Robert de Niro (Vaccines) and Morgan Freeman (Russian aggression) come readily to mind.

        But in this comment I just want to focus on Viscount James Bryce of the Bryce Report (see link below).

        This was the absolute pinnacle of atrocity propaganda for its time and played a significant, if not pivotal role in successfully [sic] bringing about, particularly the US involvement in, the World War Part I and II.

        The story of the Bryce Report is akin to the modern day obscenity “I saw the Iraqi soldiers pull the newborn babies out of the incubators and throw them on the ground” uttered Narita Al Sabah the daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador to the United States, Saud Nasser Al-Saud Al-Sabah. It made the public actually WANT to go and attack Iraq – the matter of 500, 000 dead Iraqi children boastfully celebrated by Madeleine Albright then just became a mere matter of collateral damage that “was worth it”.

        The Bryce report was the official narrative that brainwashed people into accepting and even emotionally desiring war based on the infamous “babies on bayonets” (and much, much more) travesty.

        Such stories are created by think tanks to create war or promote global genocide – all they need is a willing celebrity to sell themselves as a front-line social justice or in Attenborough’s case, conservation warrior.

        A copy of the Bryce Report: Report of the Committee on Alleged German Outrages (1914-15) can be downloaded here.


        Chapter 19 of John Coleman’s “The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations” is titled Is history being repeated? The case of Lord Bryce

        I won’t try and reprint it here but I can offer passages if requested.

        Oh, how history repeats itself!

  2. Sir David Attenborough:
    “It’s very easy, as we all know, to be very tolerant of minorities until they become majorities and you find yourself a minority. It’s easy to say… ‘Oh yes, these lovely people – I love the way they wear such interesting costumes [he giggles].
    “That’s fine until some day you find that they’re actually telling you what to do and that they’ve actually taken over the town council and what you thought was your home isn’t.”
    Donald Trump may not be the only person Sir David believes would be better off dead. As a patron of the Population Matters, the veteran climate change alarmist is a subscriber to an organisation which in 2011 stated their goal of reducing the global population to a “sustainable” 5.1 billion. The present population is presently an estimated 7.4 billion.

    The religion of Greta Thunberg 52min

    ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WoEu5rU1ZbQ 66min
    America First Patriots vs. Zionist Traitors (Know More News)

    ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XB_cli_MDxM 37min
    PUTlN, Russi@, lsr@el, & ZlONISM (Know More News)

  3. My wife just told me that while watching TV that the bush fires in NSW are being blamed on ‘climate change’. The same thing is apparently happening with the fires in California.

    Back during the Port Arthur/gun control hysteria I remember seeing lots of road signs with new bullet holes in them. These weren’t road signs out in the bush, they were along major highways in and out of Sydney where lots of people would see them. I suspected that it was part of the campaign of demonizing gun owners.

    I’ve become so cynical that I wouldn’t be surprised if the bush fires really had a ‘connection’ to the climate change agenda.

    • The ramping up of geoengineering(obvious to those who deem to look up)may well be responsible for the increased intensity of bush fires in recent years(here and in California).Coal fly ash added to jet fuel contains amongst other things aluminium nanoparticles,a known fire accelerant.

      • There may possibly be some technological covert action by the PTB, however I think it may be more reasonable to look towards the lunatics in something like the ‘Extinction Rebellion’ crowd. The PTB can rev up those useful fools to do all sorts of madness.

        Like I said, I’m cynical nowadays, everything is upside down. I wouldn’t be surprised if there were ‘greenies’ out there lighting fires to demonstrate that ‘climate change’ is burning the planet down.

        I hope the Police catch some of the arsonists and interrogate them as to their motives – preferably on a ‘rack’.

    • Yes, Greg Mullins’ article in SMH today emphasises climate change as the culprit, lists ‘science facts’ that are not ‘part of a normal cycle’ and that we MUST act on the ‘base cause: greenhouse emissions’. He even defends the ‘greenies’, saying hazard reduction burning has been hindered by weather conditions. With understanding of the NWO agenda I think healthy cynicism may be ‘unprecented’ too!

  4. The title of this article suggests that it’s about the use of fake or non-existent issues as a decoy re real ones.
    So where are the “oceanic pollution” details ?

        • Berry,
          Sorry if I’ve offended in any way, that was not intention.
          Your views always read well.
          Nearly 6 million population, in Sydney, all sewage chemical and organic goes out to sea.

          • Offended?
            No, I was just trying to draw attention to the complexity & volatility of environmental culpability.

            But I must say my nose does get put somewhat out of joint by seeing late-model SUVs, most of which are bank-owned, being aimlessly driven up and down the beach: just one example of good old Aussie mindless effluence

  5. A side note:

    I think the discussion should be more about pollution. When living in Los Angeles (Hollywood) in the early 90s I never saw the sign for the first 6 weeks. We were living in a perpetual yellow grey haze. It hung in the valleys. You could smell it. I got a migraine around noon everyday (never had them before). It was not an environment to live in.

    A few years later — I returned to live there for a few years, various regulations had cleaned cars up by that time (will check up what), and never again had to live in those conditions. I wonder if there are comparable accounts from others.

    We’re living in a closed system — however big it is. The discussion is climate change, but pollution is the killer.

    • When I lived in the LA basin I carried a nasal spray with me to keep my sinuses open. It was common for me to use it several times a day. When I moved to Oz in 1982, after about a month I threw the nasal spray away.

      I remember Southern California in the early 50s and through the 70s. I used to free dive off the coast and there was lots of sea life, by the time I left the place it was barren off the coast – rocks stripped bare. Back in the 50s I could look out to Catalina Island and not only could I make out the features on the island, I could see the roads along the hills and occasionally see something moving along those roads. That was 26 miles away, but the air was crystal clear.

      In the early 50s there was no plastic on the beaches. It was all hemp rope, wood, glass bottles, cork and bitumen. Now it is a horror of plastic crap.

      I am an old time ‘conservationist’. I planted 200 pine trees in one day to get my ‘Forestry’ merit badge in the Boy Scouts. I have no idea how many other trees I’ve planted. Worked on soil erosion projects, Permaculture enthusiast, etc. – however the politically correct crowd of today would call me a ‘climate denier’.

      • Terry, I too remember ‘clean beaches’ in the 60’s. Plastics are a disaster on so many fronts, yet are sold on ideals of modern convenience. the only ‘cost’ taken into account seems to be the price of the product. The industry plays on the perceived vulnerability of depleting natural resources eg cork, wood, and ignores any ‘inconvenient truth’ (ring any bells?) It takes any supporting ‘stat’ that comes their way, eg 52% savings in transportation energy due to the lighter weight of PET packaged beverages. Hail to those working to roll back plastics! The whole “Plastic Evil” warrants its own article – There’s just not room here.

  6. I guess it boils down to superstition
    Which is what takes hold when you know all is not well but you’re too squeamish to look at the root cause

  7. Oh dear, oh dear:
    My impression from podcasts etc. is that Anglosphere and EU climate scientists, public servants all of then on the government coin, are on the Obama-Clinton-Trudeau-Albanese/di Natale axis, with all the tribalism which that implies: small “l” liberals, urban homo-globalists with not a coyote-hunting Christian Zionist among them ; they are Anywheres due to their international conferencing as academics, rather than Somewheres, AKA “deplorables(also bogan/chav patriots, Brexiteers.).

    They are politically utterly naive, believe what they see/hear on the ABC (in Aust.) or MSNBC (USA) and think that calling something a conspiracy theory is a meaningful thing to say (except if the conspiracy is Russian, then it has to be true). They believe that elected politicians respond to the concerns of their (non-cashed up) electors.

    It is however tragic that because they are the opposite of Gumshoe patrons, who have all of us forgotten more Depravity and Conspiracy than your climate scientist ever wanted to know, that we at Gumshoe fall victim to our own tribalism in denying the climate facts.

    Ryan’s article is a good example, which I will not refute point by point for lack of time. Suffice it to say that his 1st four paras need a good deal of evidence to them, which he fails to supply.

    Further, it is true that Movers and Shakers act according to: “never let a good crisis go to waste” (Naomi Klein) But even if one can show that an investment banker profits from climate change in some way, this mere fact does not disprove the existence of what he is profiting from. Compare 9/11: big money was made on put options on airlines, but nobody is saying 9/11 did not happen because of that.

  8. Nice article. Sounds just like one of my rants.
    The only thing i would add is that it is crazy that as usual, the elite accuse others of precisely what they are doing e.g. Russia hoax, Ukraine hoax.
    That is HRC’s standard MO.
    So while the elite accuse the populace of climate sins, all the time they are geo-engineering the whole planet via chemtrails, HAARP, 5G, vaccines, pharmacology and God knows what else!

  9. Science is not required in this conversation which is good because the track record of science is like flipping a coin.
    Government are wasting massive resources by deployment of defence forces.At the same time crying at the UN and agreeing to CO2 reduction because allegedly the people demand leadership. Governments agreeing to vast resource projects underwater, unseen except some mammals flipping themselves on beach’s. At the same time hoovering our pockets for the sea gold to save the reef same as the submerged pirates.
    What we need is good old fashioned math. Audit the IMF, World Bank and countries accounts overseen by their respective Central Banks. Insolvent and morally bankrupt.
    We could get it done if the defence forces did not feel compelled to save us from ourselves.

  10. Regardless of our conclusions, it is heartening to witness the high level of awareness and integrity of Gumshoe community members.

  11. I can recall early in the 2000s when Murdoch announced he would be supporting the Climate-Change agenda. It passed relatively unnoticed at the time. I knew it was a giant scam superimposed on top of observable natural phenomenon when the big Jewish Banks got on board.

      • Too many people being ‘rude’ – LOL! – Gee, I wonder why.

        I was out planting peas and beans today. I also got a dozen chicken eggs from a neighbor. Perhaps I may get some mutton to turn into sausage next week.

        Fork those idiots, as the old saying goes – ‘Protect yourself, nobody else will’ – The earth needs to have useless eaters die off – I’m sure those fruitcakes would agree that the population needs to decrease – they can be the first ones!

        And they will be…

        • Anyone who starts cranking any sort of global warming mantra should be asked “so when did you go off the grid?”. If you’ve got a burning conviction about something you should tidy up your life accordingly;shoving it down everyone else’s throat just proves your really not that sure

          • … and they should be asked to quote good ol’ Aussie bush poetry …

            “Core of my heart, my country! Her pitiless blue sky,
            When, sick at heart, around us we see the cattle die –


            Core of my heart, my country! Land of the rainbow gold,
            For flood and FIRE and FAMINE she pays us back threefold.


            Though earth holds many splendours, wherever I may die,
            I know to what brown country my homing thoughts will fly.”

            You see? – ‘global warming’ [sic] was already documented in 1904+

            Credit to Dorothea MacKellar (“My Country”) of course.

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