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“One Small Step For Waste, One Giant Leap For Wastekind”


Editor’s note: Congress is silent as Rand Paul UNLEASHES Monetary Facts on Nancy Pelosi. This video could be classified as ‘entertainment’.



  1. THE LONGEST HATRED An Examination of Anti-Gentilism – VHO


    THE LONGEST HATRED An Examination of Anti-Gentilism by Inter-City Researchers Published in July 1991 by Inter-City Research Centre 31 Eastvale, Acton Vale, London W3 7RU. Telephone: 081-749 0629 ISBN 1 873704 00 3 CONTENTS: PUBLISHER’S FOREWORD THE BANKING RACKET | The Bank Fraud: How It Works | The Bank Fraud: How It Was Invented

  2. Yes …the Congress is consistently Silent , whenever Rand Paul speaks.
    The video was very enlightening , until it got to ” Dr Fraudy “. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was paid a million bucks for every deflection he utters.
    Personally he makes me sick , just hearing his voice.
    An important fact missing in today’s numerous blogging reports , is that Obarma passed a Law , that allows the Government to LIE.
    Does anyone remember that ?

      • Look up Professor Cass Sunstein (a law professor… lying to his students no doubt, as well):being appointed by Obama to head a government misinformation department.
        He co-authored a paper in about 2008 canvassing the infiltration of conspiracy sites by government to vilify them with misinformation.
        Ref D R Griffin, A Obama appointee to ….. ( forgotten title, bu in effect .. ‘to sabotage truth’.
        Now note that Jacinta woman recently in NZ wanting to do the same thing by censoring those who question her WEF-Klaus Schwab new world order communist totalitarian agenda.
        WEF: WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM. TRAITORS, as are our msm and ABC.

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