Home NWO Oppose The Great Reset With All Your Might

Oppose The Great Reset With All Your Might


by Mary W Maxwell, LLB

It is hard for people to accept that there is an emergency when things look fairly quiet. Yet, right now, we are in an extreme emergency and it is bound to get progressively worse.

Some criminals in our government are now recognizably our enemy. We say “they are getting nervous.” That could well be so, but it doesn’t mean they’re about to soften up, or apologize, or escape to Mars. I don’t think they will cancel their wicked (idiotic) plans.

The more likely thing is that they would act decisively for self-preservation. Judging by what was done to the students of Chile in 1973, or Polish military officers in Katyn in 1940, basically anyone who had the mindset for leadership was shot dead. Pre-emptively.

You should oppose what is happening, with all your might. Oppose it with all your personal dignity (if you’ve got any left after the onslaught of the last 20 years). Reject it for the atrocity it is.

Please, please don’t worry that you could be embarrassed if it turns out the bad guys are not so bad. Please overdo rather than underdo your caution.

What Is In Fact Happening?

The emergency to which I refer is the long-planned takeover, by a few globalists, of all nations of the world. You may as well forget nations, ethnic groups, language, art, culture, family love – “they” think that is silly stuff. They imagine a “great reset.”

Right now we are aware of three of the early stages created by the planners:

  1. The entre pandemic apparatus – fear, social distancing, loss of jobs, the shutdown of travel, and a new plan to trace your whereabouts, hourly, and how that reveals your contacts.
  2. The wanton destruction of neighborhoods and businesses made possible by a fake inter-racial crisis: Black Lives Matter, as run by European billionaire George Soros. This commotion helps people think the troublemaker is the citizenry rather than a hidden elite.
  3. The so-called “coming civil war” based on disputed ballot counts in the November 2020 elections.

All of that is prolegomena.  Preparations have been made for an international digital currency. Along with your vaccine-passport (a chip by any other name), comes a social score. If you score low – because you are a resister – your credit card may go blank when you reach the checkout counter.

Meanwhile, since the media does not cover it, we hardly know what the real prognosis is for food shortages. I think a starve ’em option is definitely on the table.

Definitely, a forced vaccination is planned – Trump even said he has engaged the military to do it. The courts will not save us — a court in California has just ruled this week that university students cannot refuse vaccination.

The So-Called Great Reset

The rest of this article is a book review of Klaus Schwab’s very unusual book – Covid-19: The Great Reset. I’ll start by reporting what the Great Resetters claim as their vision. Then, I’ll note how this one-world future has been planned for us since before Klaus Schwab’s grandpappy’s grandpappy was born.

The book “Covid-19: The Great Reset” is published by the World Economic Forum (WEF, also known as Davos).  It was launched in September 2020, about 6 months after the lockdown – fathom it, just fathom it – a LOCKDOWN of the whole world, mostly undertaken by people innocently and voluntarily.

On the back cover of the book we see the statement: “Covid-19 has dramatically torn up the script of how to govern countries…and take part in the global economy….” – absolutely correct, but not because a “virus” would do that.

And the fantastically disingenuous statement: “[This book] is a guide for anyone who wants to understand what changes are needed to create a more inclusive, resilient, and sustainable world.” There is no way in the world that they value “inclusiveness.”

The authors are listed as Klaus Schwab (born 1938), “a life-long advocate of stakeholder capitalism” [is any human not a stakeholder?] and Thierry Malleret, “managing partner of the Monthly Barometer, a succinct predictive analysis” and novelist.

I can’t help wondering if Klaus was the straight man, while the Novelist took Klaus’s manuscript and interwove with an abundance of gobbledygook.

The Non-Gobbledygook Content of the Book

Take page 18 of the Introduction. “Klaus” lists six trends that were occurring before the pandemic struck.

(Pardon me, but I’m going to credit Klaus as the author of the straight parts, and “Thierry” of the other, even though I may be wrong. And even though the whole book may have been written by Gladys Gilgamesh. After all, in a world of lies, what’s a lie?)

Here are the 6 pre-pandemic trends:

*the acceleration of automation,

*concerns about heightened surveillance,

*the growing appeal of well-being policies [that one could be a slight Thierryism],

*rising nationalism and subsequent fear of immigration,

*the growing power of tech [I bet that is the realest one], and

*“the necessity for firms to have an even stronger online presence [whatever the hell that means].”

Take page 160, from the book’s Part 1: “Macro Reset,” on contact tracing and tracking:

“A tracking app gains insights in real time… via GPS coordinates or radio cell location.” (Well, that’s honest – your cell phone is now a radio.) “Tracing works in retrospect, like identifying contacts between people using Bluetooth.”

I pause to say that you may wonder why Klaus reveals Insider information. I believe George Orwell was an Insider. Look how he told us what was coming, yet this did not make us jump to prevent it. In fact, identifying things here and there as “Orwellian” has probably conditioned our minds to accept them as inevitable.

We do that with non-sinister things too. We bow to the trend of knee-rips in jeans or increased chatter about racism. I call this “the pull of the Is.” No doubt the human brain has to do a lot of acceptance of perceived reality – how else would a child catch onto culture?

Now for the Gobbledygook

Next we go to Part 3, entitled “Redefining Our Humanness.” Your first reaction may be to wonder how it is that Klaus and Thierry think they have the personal wherewithal to set about redefining humanness. Sort of a big topic, isn’t it?

On page 214, “Thierry” says:

“In a pandemic … we are more likely to retrench rather than to look to the needs of others. This in turn becomes a profound sense of shame, a key sentiment that drives people’s attitudes. Shame is a moral emotion that equates with feeling bad — a vague sense of “not doing the right thing.”… It can take forms as radical and horrendous as parents abandoning their children…. Fear of death ends up overriding all other human emotions.

“Orhan Pamuk (the Turkish winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2006) recounts how people have always responded to epidemics by… portraying the disease as foreign and as brought in by malicious intent.”

I’m not sure where Thierry is going with this. Probably nowhere.  Every 10 pages or so, the text twists radically around. I’ve never seen anything like it.

Note that the name of the book is Covid-19: The Great Reset. Clearly that means that Covd-19 is the great reset. In other words, the WEF gang is making the pandemic happen, in order to produce these emotions and finally, when folks are rock bottom, they will accept whatever is on offer from the “leaders.”

I don’t mean they make the pandemic happen by inventing it in a lab (though such is par for the course). I mean they have arranged the media-led pandemic and the government’s restrictive rules in a way that has indeed hurt our emotions. I actually saw a rule that said if the bride walks down the aisle with Dad, they have to be a meter apart.

We don’t need Klaus and Thierry to tell us what we can see ourselves. The public got fooled by all the talk of mask-wearing, overcrowded hospitals (not true), and promises that things might resume “by August.” Then it became scary to speak the truth, as you would thereby offend many of your neighbors who have adopted the “Covidian religion.” I myself have got some very dirty looks when not masked.

It’s Older Than the Hills

Nicola Machiavelli, in the early 1500s, advised the Medici prince how to control people. The main trick was to catch them by surprise with violence, and then they would pretty much do what you say, out of fear.

Machiavelli was not the first person to figure this out, but his book, The Prince, clarified it. That book came along not long after Gutenberg invented movable type in 1439, making books publishable.

This is not the place for me to attempt a history of “planned” revolutionary developments. I state roughly that actions that were taught to us as having come spontaneously from the masses were designed by higher-ups — the French Revolution of 1789, probably the Paris Commune of 1850, and without doubt the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917.

Later, governments openly proposed such innovations as the League of Nations, the New Deal, the IMF, NATO, and the European Union, yet we viewed these things, too, as having emerged naturally. We never sensed a global takeover.

(I’m speaking for myself – I netted a PhD in Politics in 1990, while knowing nothing of the way the world really works!)

The Great Reset is in keeping with such things as the installation of Communism and the IMF’s running of economies, but is far more worrying. The alleged vaccine is intended to change the human body. Robotization is supposed to change the economy. Artificial intelligence is slated to pretty much do away with the human mind.  Fancy that!

As I said, Klaus Schwab is a latecomer to the game of social control.  It greatly precedes the life of his grandpappy’s grandpappy. But the artificial-intelligence outrage is a new trick. Cyber-stuff was born only in the 20th century.

Conspiracy Theorists, Arise

If you are someone who recoils at conspiracy theory, it is time to take a couple of aspirin and calm down. The conspiracy theorists, such as myself, are not your enemy. We are possibly your only friend.  We are watching events closely and are especially looking for ways to resist the “great” (how great can you get?) reset.

On November 5, 2020, here at GumshoeNews, a reader named Sandra made the following comment:

“Trump and Biden are both mere actors reading from the same script … A conveniently tight election which won’t be decided for weeks or even months which will keep a lid on the predicted domestic violence and give the oligarchy more ammunition and breathing space to introduce their long-planned GREAT RESET.”

Sounds reasonable to me. The Chamber of Commerce in my state (New Hampshire) has advised businesses to guard their property (maybe board up their shop windows?) on the Saturday after the presidential election, as there may be a “disturbance.” I take that to mean the disturbance is planned at a high level, a high Machiavellian level.

Let me now turn the critique of the Great Reset over to persons who have made in-depth videos. The first is James Corbett, who is as responsible a journalist as you will ever find.  The next video comes from Clarity Coaching and goes beyond the 2020 events up to Agenda 2030.

And here is a link to book reviews, by citizen commenters, of the Klaus-Thierry fandangle, from Goodreads.com.

James Corbett:


AGENDA 2030:





      • I cannot believe you don’t believe that 😊

        I do beg your pardon though, and apologies to you both – here it is on yootube that you can play at double speed – and you can self-inflict a whole lot more with the rest of the playlist.

        I noted several references to what they have been “able to achieve during COVID” – in particular, accelerate the uptake of many aspects of the digital (versus analogue) economy/way of life by five years – how opportune! – fancy that!! That and many other “COVID” and “post- COVID” statements could not emphasise more that the ongoing COVID fiasco is a completely contrived WMD against humanity.

        • and we need drone technology to help the poor and deliver medicine to them.

        • and in Israel, N wants to invest, invest, invest – using American taxpayer dollars and other billions of extorted from German millennials and others.

        • and we need synthetic biology – i.e. programming cells like we programme computes to ‘make nature better’ (the trees should not have to do

        • if you keep using words like trust, integrity, democracy, hope so that no one will suspect your totalitarian intentions.

        • Female from around 1:11:00 from Stanford University: “Revolutions – and I’m afraid that the 4th industrial revolution is not an exception – are always about shifts in power and governance” – she then goes on about building trust and talking about legitimacy – for example who can make decisions, set standards, Govern over so many aspects of peoples’ lives on behalf of people – she then goes on about preserving and protecting democracy – you know, the vast majority of people who didn’t ask for and don’t want this ‘Great Reset’.

        If this was for humanity’s benefit our politicians would be screaming the term ‘Great Reset’ down the airways and explaining how it is going to benefit the average Australian, not hiding behind this veil of secrecy and the great COVID fraud.

        Looks like Columbia becomes the new ‘Silicon valley’ and Australian kids continue to get dumbed down and replaced.

  1. I will be updating my details on my registration at the doctors/dental surgery in relation to allergies and making a note that I am allergic to vaccines and their excipients, fluoride etcetera.

  2. In ‘Atlas Shrugged’ by Ayn Rand, there is a character called John Galt. It is his story that gave rise to the phrase ‘going Galt’, in other words, dropping out, not participating anymore. Essentially, becoming ungovernable. Here’s Galt’s speech where he takes over the media and broadcasts what he did and why.


        • I realise the significance of said issue but it also prevails re the determination of cases ‘tween born&bred Aussies who swear by different Gods: if there’s no consensus re the font of the law you can hardly expect logic & reason-based outcomes

          • As one who swears by Almighty God is obviously going to be less politically malleable than one who reckons he’s It, it’s not hard to figure out how a contest between the two will be judged

          • Jesus Forbids Oaths

            Matthew 33 “Again you have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not swear falsely, but shall perform your oaths to the Lord.’ 34 But I say to you, do not swear at all: neither by heaven, for it is God’s throne; 35 nor by the earth, for it is His footstool; nor by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great King. 36 Nor shall you swear by your head, because you cannot make one hair white or black. 37 But let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No.’ For whatever is more than these is from the evil one.

          • confirmation that there was only ever a veneer of functionality and that a complete collapse was therefore only a matter of time

          • Which is, of course, integral to the purpose of:

            The original law:
            “the issue between them will be settled by the taking of an oath before the LORD that the neighbor did not lay hands on the other person’s property. The owner is to accept this, and no restitution is required.’
            EXODUS 22:11

            *It’s ultimate fulfillment:
            “For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.”
            MATHEW 5:18

            And the inherit bifurcation:
            “The high priest said to him, “I charge you under oath by the living God: Tell us if you are the Messiah, the Son of God.” ‘You have said so,’ Jesus replied. “
            MATHEW 26:63 -64

  3. What can we seriously do about it?
    It is all so obvious but I cannot even convince family members despite avoiding YouTube and just using their own web sites.
    My guts is telling me this whole common law thing might just also be a distraction deigned by them.

  4. If you oppose it you might not get what you want but you sure will get what you need
    If you don’t oppose it you won’t get either

    • berry
      Protestant Historicism VS. Jesuit Counter Reformation

      99.9% of all current so called protestant christain denominations today are teaching Jesuit Futurism. This is a fairly resent phenomenon since about 50-100 years. Prior to this 100% of protestant churches were teaching Historicism and not Futurism. These churches that no longer “protest” against Rome, can no longer be considerded protestants. These churches are what the bible calls, the Harlots daughters. This is the Great Falling Away. Were there are soo few left true protestants left in the world. Any church that joins Romes ecumenical momevemnt, is also part of babylon. The Catholic Church is THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS Revelation 17:4-6 The woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls, having in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and the filthiness of her fornication. And on her forehead a name was written: MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. I saw the woman, drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus. And when I saw her, I marveled with great amazement. The Protestant Churches are the HARLOTS DAUGHTERS So who are the daughters? Women means Church in bible prophecy. If a daughter is a woman who comes out of a woman, then the Daughters of the Harlot, are churches who came out of the mother church… The protestant churches. Those that no longer Protest againt the catholic church and the pope of rome. Jesuits created the Pre-tribulation rapture doctrine, and the secret rapture doctrine. Dispensationalism, Pre-trib rapture, Secret Rapture, Futurism, Preterism, left behind theology, are all false doctrines. Jesuit Francisco Ribera created Futurism https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franc… Jesuit Luis del Alcázar crated Preterism https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luis_de… Futurism trys to place Daniels 70th week sometime in the Future.This is a false doctrine, The truth is that Daniels 70th Week Of Prophecy Has Already Been Fulfilled. Therefore, There Is No 3ed Temple, No 7 Years Tribulations, No Pre-Trib Rapture, No Future Antichrist. Jesus was baptised, (27 A.D.) than preached for 3 1/2 years, he then was killed which ended the sacrifical system and tore the temple curtains, (in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease) then apostles preached to the Jews for another 3 1/2 years and ended with the stoneing of Steven. Which confirmed the covenant with many, the Gentiles, now the Gosple is to be shared with the whole world. The Gap theory is a demonic doctrine. Those who are waiting for the 70th week to start sometime in the future, and waiting for a future antichirst and calling christ the anithchirst, and thinking there wil be 7 years of tribulation are all decived by the devil and the jesuits. Created by the jesuits to hide the fact that the pope is the antichrist, and trys to place the antichrist sometime in the future. Heres a link to video teaching of Daniels 70th Week Already Fulfilled https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BI8zk… List of pastors that teach Satanic Jesuit Futurism and deceiving many. Kent Hovind John Hagee Hal Lindsey John Darbey Cyrus Scofield

      • berry

        Jesuits 1890 – Masters of Jewish Elite – Created Zionist Tool: Antisemitism. Jewish NWO Elite Infiltrating and Using Masonry to Destroy Christianity and the West

        History of the Counter Reformation

        The Counter Reformation

        The Jesuits and the Counter Reformation Part I / Rekindling the Reformation – Walter Veith

        The Twin Pillars of the Reformation / Rekindling the Reformation – Walter Veith

        Secret Societies

        The Secret Behind Secret Societies / Total Onslaught –

          • Normally out of courtesy you would reveal who you are first before asking such a question. However this is not the first time that I have had to identify myself without using these pseudo names as many do for whatever reason only God knows… I hide behind nothing as many do. What does it matter by the way of who I am?

            This has already been posted just previously but I will post this just for you.

            Terry & Ned
            Everyone here goes off the subject on a regular basis as I have seen your opinions and comments. Everyone is different and has a different perspective of the subject or the subject takes us into different issues or territory that is normal with human communications. To be so intolerant is rude and unnecessary when we are all contributing to the original post or those that post to contribute.

            To falsely accuse anyone is the height of ignorance, lack of knowledge and a bias remark that is not fact or evidence. Australians are very intolerant at times and there are number of cases like the Chamberlain case that was involved in where the mum and the population were vicious against her and anyone who supported them. I received a number of deaths threats but continued til she was released. My name is in a number of books, I think 4 to be exact. There are number of people on Gumshoe that are intolerant except they can break the rules and accuse others which is hypocritical.

            Ok some of you know my background but for these two in particular this is for them especially.
            I was accepted into the FBI at the age of 18 as fingerprint specialist in Washington D.C. I refused the position and I joined the US Army as I wanted to get out of the US permanently for a number of reasons so I decided to finish my military experience and migrate to Australia where I paid my own fare. My father was in the US Navy for 24 years as a master chief boatswainmate (E9). He could have been a warrant officer but refused several times.

            I was with the 25th Infantry division 1st battalion 5th mechanized infantry called Tropic Lighting. At the tender age of 18, I was in Vietnam and soon became in charge of a army battalion (US 800-1000 men). I was in charge of all the many types of ammunition, explosives mortars etc. Every month I would have to stand in from of a black captain on his second tour and sometimes a major and explain why we had to keep ordering the large amount of ammunition supplies. I was a Spec 4 and became a specialist 5 as an enlisted personnel. I was asked in my AIT or Advanced Individual Training to become an officer in which I refused and twice again in Vietnam in which I again refused. I won every argument each time as we were put in high risk and highly volatile areas and it was common to have regular fire-fights with 200-300 killed on a weekly basis. There was one time we killed 900 in a week and they killed 55 of ours. I worked with a number of helicopters, APC’s and tracks for resupply to a mechanised infantry with heavy weaponry. I received the bronze star and our battalion received the Presidential Citation which was rare. The reason being was we killed so many Vietnamese and were rewarded for it with a medal and ribbon. I am not proud of any of this.

            After serving 12 months tour I had 6 months to complete my military 2 years requirement. They wanted me to teach others what I did and how i did it and I refused. I said I had enough and do what you want with me but I could type well for a male. 45-50 a minute. After a standoff with the senior sergeant and the lieutenant hey called me out of the line and said to follow them. The end of it was they gave me the position of a clerk and I found out that there was fraud in the US Army in which I uncovered andI went to a Major who I could trust and there was a Congressional Enquiry into US Fraud into the US Army at the tender age of 20 years old. For 4 months I had to watch where I went and not be alone for obvious reasons.

            Stanford Who’s Who Selects Arlyn Tombleson for Membership
            Wollongong, NSW, AUSTRALIA, January 26, 2012 /Stanford Who’s Who/ — Stanford Who’s Who proudly welcomes Arlyn Tombleson to the exclusive ranks of premier professionals as a result of his exceptional effort in the wholistic preventative healthcare industry. As the proprietor of Wholistic Health Solutions, as well as throughout his brilliant professional career, Arlyn has routinely demonstrated the vision, dedication and diligence necessary to be considered among the best. wholistichealthsolutions.com.au

            Dr. Tombleson has over 30 years of clinical experience in the field as an alternative and complimentary health practitioner. He is quite passionate about educating the masses on the immense benefits of wholistic health vs. Western medicine, which in Dr. Tombleson’s opinion carries detrimental dangers. He is of the belief that wholistic health is more beneficial than an over-medicated society that suffers from side effects and adverse reactions from prescription drugs and the monopolistic control and global influence of Big Pharma.

            Over the course of Dr. Tombleson’s incredibly impressive career, he has opened and operated over a dozen wholistic health clinics in South Australia including his current position as proprietor of Wholistic Health Solutions in NSW. Moreover, he has never lost a court case against doctors that injure patients through inappropriate treatment or misdiagnosis.

            During his collegiate career, Dr. Tombleson was a Fellow of the Australian Natural Therapist’s Association. He was voted as President of the Vietnam Veterans Association for two years to investigate, research, collect, collate and present evidence to the Vietnam Veterans Royal Commission into Chemical Defoliants Agent Orange and specially chosen by Betty Hocking in the Legislative Council in the ACT to be the State Representative of the Lindy Chamberlain Case in Australia in South Australia.

            So my question is to you Terry being an ex-legal you obviously had to join the BAR so you have taken a Oath to the City of London. Did you ever speak up ‘publicly’ about 9/11, the Chamberlain case, the Splatt case, the Perry poison woman case, the bank fraud and interest rate rally in the 80’s, the toxic and contaminated vaccines, for Martin Bryant, the Balibo 5, the Bali bombing, MH 370, MH17, this Hostile Trans-Global Corporation Technocratic Communist Surveillance Regime of this Covid Medical Lock-down Hoax or any other high profile issue while you were practicing law or after? Well I have and I continue to do so publicly and to falsely accuse me of being a spook is deranged thinking. You should know better as an ex legal

            Your “BAR” Attorney Is A Fraud

            Oaths of loyalty to the Crown and Church of England

            City of London’s Ownership of American Colonies

          • Well, thank you for that, Arlyn.
            I have, many times, published my name and address and lack of grandiose credentials on several forums. I’m not much more than a farmer’s boy but, as such, I don’t have to swallow lots of bull sh!t to maintain a public prestige.

            Yair, I know about the plutocratic megalomaniacs that own all the monarchies of Europe and the power they have over the “Vatican”. Shakespeare had his Richard III cry out “a horse! my kingdom for a horse!” when it may well have been that wretched Henry VIII who traded the kingdom for the throne.

            The “Crown” is the “City of London” of which the Monarchy is but a figurehead for about half a millennium.

            Look, old fellow, you must look at the Church Fathers who have much recorded disputations between the disciples of the Apostles and the (often popular) proponents of novelties that sought to depreciate the Kingdom to a justification for Masonic “British Israel World Federation”.

            It’s commonplace that people detached from Faith and Reason can imagine that Christianity only emerged out of a heavily redacted and reinterpreted version of a Scripture that couldn’t even exist if it wasn’t for the people and the organisation that preserved it for a millennium and a half with only a few monks spending their lives transcribing it into the few copies that were extant in monasteries and universities.

            Yair, Arlyn, your maniacal “New Age Christianity” does not, cannot match with the Christianity of the Apostles.

      • That’s a good link, Berry. Heather Mac Donald is an example of the portion of humanity that is still basically sane.

        Unfortunately, it’s the God-hating egomaniacs that get all the publicity these days.

    • oldavid
      I find it intriguing that people want to dismiss true Christianity of its meaning and purpose. They often mock when millions are being converted to Christ. These are precarious times and time is also precious for eternal decisions. In the land of communism in China millions are being converted to Jesus which was unheard of decades ago!

      John 3:16
      “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

      Yes there are counterfeit religions and the Latin Roman Catholic Church-State is one and there are many man-made sects and cults that are deceiving people. The promise of the Bible still is not changed of the Ever-Lasting Gospel for humanity and people are free to accept that glorious promise or not. The decisions on this earth will affect their eternal destiny. The message of the Bible is clear and has not changed despite the thousands of changes by many of the man-made religions.People make faulty excuses for not reading or believing in the Bible and the promise of the Gospel and the promise of Eternal Life.

      The great error of the Romish Church is found in the fact that the Bible is interpreted in the light of the opinions of the “fathers.” Their opinions are regarded as infallible, and the dignitaries of the church assume that it is their prerogative to make others believe as they do, and to use force to compel the conscience. Those who do not agree with them are pronounced heretics. But the word of God is not thus to be interpreted. It is to stand on its own eternal merits, to be read as the word of God, to be obeyed as the voice of God, which declares His will to the people. The will and voice of finite man are not to be interpreted as the voice of God. {FE 308.1}

      Clashing Canons: Catholic and Protestant Scriptures

      What happened at the Council of Trent?

      Bible Versions, Does It Really Matter Which?

      Exposing Deceptions Affirming the Truth

        • Julius
          Thanks for the reference however….

          He is missing the point by not speaking about Protestants or Protestantism and the history of the Reformation which is of vital importance! Its all about the Gospel and the Gospel defines theology. Jesus hated tradition and that is what the RC and Orthodoxy work with their unbiblical rituals. He is dead wrong about Mary and the Immaculate Conception. People step outside of the word of God they are stepping into error and false scenarios. The great Harlot which is very well described in the book of Daniel and Revelation is the evil Vatican-Papacy hierarchy. This military-political organisation is based on fraud, murder, false doctrine, heresy, apostasy and false assumption because a sinful succession of popes say so. He does not reveal the sinister history of this evil organisation that dares to call itself a church

          He is certainly wrong about Peter.
          Was Peter The First Pope?

          The Roman Catholic Church – A Gigantic Fraud

          Constantine’s Changes Damaged Christianity


          The Deception of Constantine

          I have entitled this youtube vid The Deception of Constantine:The beginnings Romanism. I recommend this vid for you to watch to understand how Constantine was used during the early 4th Century to create a New One World Religion based on Nimrod’s Mystery Occult Babylonian Religion but Roman version populary know as MITHRAISM and mixing Judeo-Christian faith, which would give us an idea where Romanism really started. This is an excellent documentary roughly 45 minutes long documentary about Constantine based on archaelogical evidences and ancient writings portraying on how Constantine pretended to be a follower of Jesus of Nazareth. This documentary will take us to the true identity of Constantine, including what really is the spirit behind his fabrication of a New Roman Religion. Historical writings tells us that Constantine and Licinius issued the EDICT of MILAN that legalized Christianity and became the Offical Religion of the Roman Empire, hence Constantine became the First Emperor (First POPE?) of the Roman Catholic Empire and was also given honorary title and office of a bishop. more… http://ow.ly/i/4YjrU

          Bible Verses About Trust No Man

          Comparison between Orthodoxy, Protestantism & Roman Catholicism:

          Protestant Vs. Catholic: Why is There a Conflict Between Them?

          • Re “The rapture” – Rev.5:10 “And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth”.

            Revelation 3:9,”Behold, I give out of the synagogue of Satan those saying themselves to be Jews, and they are not, but they lie,. Behold, I will make them them come and bow down before your feet, and they shall know that I loved you.”

            Romans 2:28-29 “……….For he is not a Jew that is one outwardly, nor is circumcision that outwardly in the flesh; but he is a Jew that is one inwardly and circumcision is of the heart, in spirit, not in letter; of whom the praise is not from men, but from God.”

            “Today the Gentile Christians who claim of holy right have been led in the wrong path. We, of the Jewish Faith have tried for centuries to teach the Gentiles a Christ never existed, and that the story of the Virgin and of Christ is, and always has been, a fictitious lie. In the near future, when the Jewish people take over the rule of the United States, legally under our god, we will create a new education system, providing that our god is the only one to follow, and proving that the Christ story is a fake…Christianity will be abolished.” (M.A. Levy, Secretary of the World League of Liberal Jews, in a speech in Los Angeles, California, August, 1949

          • Mark 11:17 “Then He taught, saying to them, “Is it not written, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations’? But you have made it a ‘den of thieves.’

          • Arlyn says: “Constantine became the First Emperor (First POPE?) of the Roman Catholic Empire and was also given honorary title and office of a bishop.”

            As far as I know, if Constantine did become a Christian it was on his death bed. It seems that after his strange “vision” (that worked to his advantage) he probably made a political decision as in “uh oh! I’d better not start a war with this Christian God” but he appears to have retained his pagan roots. Yair, and as I recall, he did summon a council so that these Christian types can settle some of their controversies but he remained a somewhat distant observer; like a fly on the wall.

            Now to Julius’ Jay Dyer video. This is more important because it’s more subtle. I can’t go through the whole lot but let’s pick on the “filioque” issue.

            The “Eastern Orthodox” view is a subtle Judaisation of the Christian Trinity… which Trinity is abhorrent to Judaism and Islam. The Orthodox view subtly implies that the “first God” (the Father) produces the “second God” (the Son) and also produces the “third God” (the Spirit (of God)).

            Christianity, however, says that all three Persons are co-equal and co-eternal and have no separate existence or dependency. Let’s put it this way: God the Father is all Life, all Power, all Perfection and He knows what He is and His knowledge is perfect… His knowledge of Himself is EXACTLY what He is; not generated or produced but inherent, neither Person has, or can have, a separate existence. That’s pretty easy to comprehend.

            The love of that Life, Power, Perfection is the gift of self, and the Father can’t gift Himself without knowing what He’s doing which means that it is also the Son that is inherent in the gift of self which is inherent and inseparable in the godhead.

          • oldavid

            “Arlyn says: “Constantine became the First Emperor (First POPE?) of the Roman Catholic Empire and was also given honorary title and office of a bishop.”

            It was not Arlyn who said that it has been many researchers and scholars who said that. I try very hard not to give my opinions unless it is backed up by evidence or years of experience that have proven to be so. Opinions are just opinions and not necessarily truth or truthful. Many opinions are dead wrong. I am not connected to any one church but I represent the Protestant stance as my grandparents on both sides and parents were Protestants. I use validated and reputable work of scholars, researchers and professors to rely on.

            The Godhead and the One True God Movement

            The Trinity: Is it Biblical?

            The Mystery of the Trinity

            Winds of Doctrine Part 1
            It should be clear by just the reading of the Seventh Day Adventist doctrine that these two doctrines, that of the Roman Catholic Church and that of the Seventh Day Adventist Church are not the same. Indeed they are dramatically different, especially in regards to the eternal and self-existent qualities of Jesus and the Holy Spirit. To claim that these two are the same disregards all evidence to the contrary.

      • Phew! The Synagogue certainly has lots of apologists pushing its anti Christian message disguised as great enlightenments by a plethora of pop up experts wielding spurious justifications for a bunch of gratuitous assertions.

        Where do I start trying to plough through a bog hidden in a fog of smoke and mirrors? Perhaps I’ll start with a bit of Bible-bashing.

        Arlyn makes the entirely gratuitous claim that “Jesus hated tradition and that is what the RC and Orthodoxy work with their unbiblical rituals.” which is entirely refuted in all the Gospel accounts that plainly say that He faithfully observed all the customs and rituals that were prescribed in the law at the time. He also said “I have not come to abolish the law but to fulfil it”. And He quite plainly said to the Apostles: “Go and teach all Nations all that I have commanded” and John said plainly at the end of his Gospel “these and many other things Jesus did and said which if they were written the whole World would not contain all the books”. An oral Tradition to be handed on by the Apostles to their disciples… not the fanciful speculations, “improvements” and “insights” of an endless litany of Jezebels that pop up everywhere.

        Now, for all the Bible-bashers out there who think they can create an endless variety of “true Christianity” based on a heavily redacted version of Scripture, the facts are bothersome. Christianity was alive and kicking for almost 400 years before the Church Fathers got together to weed out the growing amount of apocrypha from what they could establish as genuine by known history and conformity to the traditions handed down. Right from Paul’s day (he is several times warning about false teachers) one could just about kick a bush and discover a new Messiah, a prophet, an evangelist knocking up a new gospel, epistle or some such. To further confound the make-it-up-to-suit-yourself “Christians” that meeting of the Fathers to define the “Bible” took place 50-70 years after Constantine decriminalised Christianity.

        Then, for another 1000 years the Bible only existed as a few hand-written copies in Monasteries and Universities until the invention of the printing press. And for another few hundred years the Bible was a very expensive book only available to the few wealthy and literate.

        I could go on through a great many of the upheavals, controversies and heresies but, unfortunately, the Synagogue does not have any tradition of philosophy… stuff doesn’t have to make sense; it only has to serve the purpose. Catholic scholars, on the other hand, presumed that Faith and Reason were entirely coherent and complementary because they both came from the same Mind… the challenge is to discover how.

        Anyhow, I guess I might have busted the word limit on comments. I’ll be back later with more on philosophy and theology.

        • oldavid
          I see I have another one on my hands…and again I am taking out of context as usual
          Jesus exposes the danger of man-made traditions

          7 1-5 And now Jesus was approached by the Pharisees and some of the scribes who had come from Jerusalem. They had noticed that his disciples ate their meals with “common” hands—meaning that they had not gone through a ceremonial washing. (The Pharisees, and indeed all the Jews, will never eat unless they have washed their hands in a particular way, following a traditional rule. And they will not eat anything bought in the market until they have first performed their “sprinkling”. And there are many other things which they consider important, concerned with the washing of cups, jugs and basins.) So the Pharisees and the scribes put this question to Jesus, “Why do your disciples refuse to follow the ancient tradition, and eat their bread with ‘common’ hands?”

          6-8 Jesus replied, “You hypocrites, Isaiah described you beautifully when he wrote—‘This people honours me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. And in vain they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men’. You are so busy holding on to the traditions of men that you let go the commandment of God!”

          9-13 Then he went on, “It is wonderful to see how you can set aside the commandment of God to preserve your own tradition! For Moses said, ‘Honour your father and your mother’ and ‘He who curses father or mother, let him be put to death’. But you say, ‘if a man says to his father or his mother, Korban—meaning, I have given God whatever duty I owed to you’, then he need not lift a finger any longer for his father or mother, so making the word of God invalid for the sake of the tradition which you hold. And this is typical of much of what you do.”

          You obviously have not read my posts and once again I have another adversarial comment and by withholding lots of evidence in the process which is bias and prejudice

          Philosophy and the traditions of men do not hold up to the Gospel and the Gospel is to measure the traditions and false theology which are rampart which is the cause of apostasy and heresy today among churches.

          What did Jesus mean by coming to bring a sword in Matthew 10:34-36?
          Jesus swordaudio
          Question: “What did Jesus mean by coming to bring a sword in Matthew 10:34-36?”

          Answer: Matthew 10:34–36 describes Jesus telling the disciples that He came not to bring peace to the world, but a sword. Jesus’ sword was never a literal one. In fact, when Peter took up a sword to defend Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus rebuked him and told him to put away his sword, “for all who draw the sword will die by the sword” (Matthew 26:52). Why then, did Jesus say, “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.” What kind of sword did Jesus come to bring?

          Among the names of Jesus Christ is that of Prince of Peace. Such verses as Isaiah 9:6, Luke 2:14, and John 14:27 make it clear that Jesus came to bring peace, but that peace is between the man and God. Those who reject God and the only way of salvation through Jesus (John 14:6) will find themselves perpetually at war with God. But those who come to Him in repentance will find themselves at peace with God. Because of Christ’s sacrifice, we are restored to a relationship of peace with God (Romans 5:1).

          Still, it is inevitable that there will be conflict between good and evil, the Christ and the antichrist, the light and the darkness, the children of God (believers) and the children of the devil (those who refuse Christ). Conflict must arise between the two groups, and this can and does happen within a family in which some are believers and others are not. We should seek to be at peace with all men but should never forget that Jesus warned we will be hated for His sake. Because those who reject Him hate Him, they will hate His followers as well (John 15:18).

          In Matthew 10:34–36, Jesus said He had come at this time not to bring peace to the earth, but a sword, a weapon which divides and severs. As a result of His visit to the earth, some children would be set against parents and a man’s enemies might be those within his own household. This is because many who choose to follow Christ are hated by their family members. This may be part of the cost of discipleship, for love of family should not be greater than love for the Lord. A true disciple must take up his cross and follow Jesus (Matthew 16:24). He must be willing to face not only family hatred, but also death, like a criminal carrying his cross to his own execution. True followers of Christ must be willing to give up, even to the point of “hating” all that is in our lives, even our own families, if we are to be worthy of Him (Matthew 10:37–39). In so doing, we find our lives in return for having given them up to Jesus Christ.

        • In truth, Protestants and Catholics are equally flawed, however, that doesn’t mean that either movement is without merit.

          I don’t think there’s any biblical basis for tithing to be applied to Christian congregations:
          Walter Martin was evidently convinced otherwise.
          That doesn’t in any way discredit his area of expertise:

          I don’t think there’s any biblical basis for dissing Roman Catholisim:
          Michael Pearl is evidently convinced otherwise.
          That doesn’t in any way discredit his grasp of the New Testament:

          Which area is not exactly an RC strong-point, as borne out by the conclusion reached by these guys at around 20 min:

          Their error being known by the fact that, as divided as Christianity is as to exactly when the events outlined in Revelation will take place, it’s dead obvious that this:

          “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”
          REVELATION 13:16 – 17

          will precede this:

          “And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand.
          And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years,
          And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season.”
          REVELATION 20:1 – 3

          And that mankind has only just reached a point of technological proficiency that would allow the FORMER to take place:

          • So, do you imagine, Mme Berry, that the “dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan,” is in anyway different to the Synagogue of Satan that was so roundly condemned long before the Christian Church was established at Pentecost?

          • Once you realise that the One who was “verily foreordained before the foundation of the world” (1 PETER 20) was also “raised up from the dead, and glorified”(1 PETER 21) at a particular point in time, there’s no need to imagine anything

          • But I do think that far too much emphasis is being put on the letter of Revelation by the likes of Mr. Pearl at the expense of the overarching directive:

            “Take ye heed, watch and pray: for ye know not when the time is. For the Son of man is as a man taking a far journey, who left his house, and gave authority to his servants, and to every man his work, and commanded the porter to watch. Watch ye therefore: for ye know not when the master of the house cometh, at even, or at midnight, or at the cockcrowing, or in the morning: Lest coming suddenly he find you sleeping. And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch.”
            MARK 13:33 – 37

      • Now let’s talk about “infallibility”. If the apologists for the Synagogue had the honesty and ability to read the first Vatican Council’s declaration of the Papal Infallibility they would discover that the declaration says much, much more about when a popey fellow is NOT infallible than when he is by carefully defining the parameters and conditions for infallibility. It is as if Providence tried to cut off the fantastic conjectures of the “ultramontane papalaters” and the scoffers in the Synagogue in one go. But there’s no limit to the deceptions of the “Father of Lies”. Both gangs exploited the declaration with very selective out-of-context renditions of what it means.

        A most brutal check of the declaration would say that a pope is always fallible unless he is solemnly defining some matter of Faith or Morals that had become contended or controversial but which had clear links to the common belief of Christians from the get go. There is no mandate whatsoever to invent “new doctrines” or to change or delete anything from the Apostolic deposit. Which is entirely different to the Modernist, Reformist, Protestant upstarts who claim total infallibility when proclaiming their superiority over Apostolic Christianity and all its doctrine, dogmas and practices. The Protestant types claim that everyone has a charisma of infallibility except a blardy pope that is severely restricted by the very definition of Christianity and authority.

        Ah well, the self proclaimed enemy of God never was consistent even in lies.

        • You keep repeating yourself about the “Synagogue” with a capital S when their are churches in which are the majority of people who go to worship their Saviour. There are also Jews by religion who praise Jesus Christ and are against the evil Zionists who call themselves “jews” in which they are not. There are no biblical jews anymore despite the lies from them that they are. I have declared my position as Protestant what is yours?

          It’s a very convoluted opinion and you are certainly entitled to it but as I said I prefer to stick with correct history, facts of evidence with reliable and reputable sources.

          The popes have held many false teachings that continue to this day and they have been obstinate over the centuries and the question of “infallibility” is always one of them in their so-called “Papal Bulls.” God would not alert His believers to the Great Harlot especially in Daniel and Revelation if it was not important. Come out of her my people is God’s call. Babylon is fallen is another. Just look at the sordid history of this organisation that has murdered according to researchers and scholars from 60-90 millions Christians that were keeping the Sabbath by the way not the sun-god first day of the week instead of the last as was commanded by God.

          Primacy and infallibility: 150 years after Vatican I
          After lengthy discussions, the dogmas of the Pope’s primacy over the universal Church and of the infallibility of the papal magisterium were approved at Vatican Council I. What is the significance of these dogmas of the Church?

          When infallibility occurs

          Pope John Paul II explained the meaning and limits of infallibility in the General Audience of 24 March 1993:

          “Infallibility is not given to the Roman Pontiff as a private person, but inasmuch as he fulfils the office of pastor and teacher of all Christians. He also does not exercise it as having authority in himself and by himself, but ‘by his supreme apostolic authority’ and ‘by the divine assistance promised to him in Blessed Peter.’ Finally, he does not possess it as if he could dispose of it or count on it in every circumstance, but only ‘when he speaks from the chair,’ and only in a doctrinal field limited to the truths of faith and morals and those closely connected with them (…) the Pope must act as ‘pastor and doctor of all Christians,’ pronouncing on truths concerning ‘faith and morals,’ in terms which clearly express his intention to define a certain truth and to demand the definitive adherence to it by all Christians.

          The assumption of the chair of Peter is just another lie of this military-political association. It is just a man-made edict or declaration not proof or evidence.

          Was Peter The First Pope?

          There are vast differences in the Roman Catholic Church-State with their black pope as well as the white pope compared to the Protestant motto of the “Bible alone”. “Faith alone”. “Christ alone” compared to the traditions, rituals and works by the cult of Mithraism sun-god religion sect of Roman Catholicism. the pope is the high priest of this sect.

          Mithraism was emphatically a soldier religion: Mithra, its hero, was especially a divinity of fidelity, manliness, and bravery; the stress it laid on good fellowship and brotherliness, its exclusion of women, and the secret bond amongst its members have suggested the idea that Mithraism was Masonry amongst the Roman soldiery.

          Mithraism and the Catholic Church!
          Understanding Emperor Constantine, Mithraism and the fertile Pagan background environment of the Roman Catholic Church will help explain many beliefs and practices seen today. Mithraism is about the worship of the sun — which was titled Mithras Solis Invictus (Mithras, the unconquered sun). The “mysteries” of this religion were revealed ONLY to the initiates, who were predominantly soldiers of the Roman army. They spread this religion all over the civilized world by way of the good Roman roads. Mithraism was THE PRIMARY RELIGION OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE FROM 222 B.C. THROUGH THE 4th-CENTURY A.D. It was the chief rival of Christianity, which history shows COMPROMISED radically in order to convert pagans into believers.
          The center of the Mithraic sun-cult was at ROME.

          • The Synagogue is the one that Christ called the “Synagogue of Satan” as I mentioned very early in this altercation. It is not intended to refer to the many deluded souls who think they are Jews and who think they are conforming to a Mosaic religious prescription. The roundly condemned “Synagogue of Satan” is that organisation of diabolical narcissists who claim that their “god(s)” have given them the “right” to own and control the whole World. I’ll call it the SoS from now on so as to not confuse their silly and shallow dupes and lackeys.

            I expect that it will be utterly horrible to witness, on Judgement Day, you galahs telling the Judge that His Mother is the “Whore of Babylon”.

            I’m a Catholic and I believe every jot and tittle of the Apostolic Faith in spite of the many miserable sinners that have let their ambitions and egos get in the way of their Christian responsibilities. I do not believe even a smidgin of the Judaeo-Masonic novelties that have infiltrated before and since the Second Vatican Council. Is that enough bio for you?

            I know what Papal Infallibility is and you would do well to study that timely definition that effectively prohibits any popey fellow from assuming the role of a tele evangelist and proclaiming all sorts of stuff as “of the Faith” as your “infallible” gurus are wont to do.

            The SoS and their Masonic lackeys have been working, somewhat patiently, to usurp Christ the King and co-opt His Mystical Body to be an accessory to their Messianic ambitions as they attempted a couple of thousand years ago. For verification you need only consult their own words in the Talmud, the Kabbalah, the “Masonic Bible”, and pay particular attention to the programme described in the “Alta Vendita”.

            Of course, you lot would repeat the words of the other thief (I forget his name) saying “If you are the Son of God save yourself and us”. But it was already explained in the Parable of the Wheat and Cockle from Mathew’s Gospel. Don’t worry, all the powder is dry; Canon Law and Tradition can set it all to rights once the goats have separated themselves from the sheep.

            Your condemnation of “Mithraism” is a bit of a new one on me. It’s a bit like the call of the Enemy to “turn the other cheek” and how dare you Christian types oppose our wonderful plans for you. But Christ also said that if you don’t have a sword sell your cloak and buy one. To suggest that “fidelity, manliness, and bravery” is to be abhorred because some pagans espoused those virtues is a bit like saying that one must not eat, or drink, or talk because the pagans did that.

            In most of my experience, if anyone had the temerity to defy assaults on Christianity the first “poor me” melting snowflake accusation is the “ad hominem” whine; the nasty fellow is attacking me!

            To be said to be merely “intolerant” of nonsense seems very condescending.

          • Yes i had sussed you out as a roman Catholic as I have dealt with many of them over the years in heir convoluted articles . However I do have many Catholic life long friends who know very little about the bible which is normal for Catholics. It is obvious to me that you are not reading my posts with your attitude and that you will remain obstinate just like the Roman Catholic Church-State in all of its past and present criminal activities (sins) against humanity. I have provided much evidence not myopic ideology opinions that you refuse to read or even comment on so you obviously are a stance supporter to the bitter end. Evidence is far above opinions and belief systems. You seem to ignore that for your Apostolic Faith whatever that means these days. You are also ignoring biblical scripture that shows the end of this terrible satanic system coming to an end in Revelation. Your failure to read my articles about the evidence and history of the Great Harlot is not communicating at all. If you want to understand the Bible your must understand who the characters are and I have given you the best of the best. It is a waste of my time and yours so you can stick to your belief system that is imploding and is been given ample warnings from God as well.

            You would do well to read Geoffrey Robertson QC “The case of the pope” Vatican accountability for Human Rights Abuse.
            THE CASE OF THE POPE delivers a devasting indictment of the way the Vatican has run a secret legal system that shields paedophile priests from criminal trial around the world. Is the Pope morally or legally responsible for the negligence that has allowed so many terrible crimes to go unpunished? Should he and his seat of power, the Holy See, continue to enjoy an immunity that places them above the law? Geoffrey Robertson QC, a distinguished human rights lawyer and judge, evinces a deep respect for the good works of Catholics and their church. But, he argues, unless Pope Benedict XVI can divest himself of the beguilements of statehood and devotion to obsolescent Canon Law, the Vatican will remain a serious enemy to the advance of human rights.

            The Vatican is a serious enemy and always has been ans always will be as the evidence is self evident unless you are deluded and brainwashed…

            Call to treat Vatican as a rogue state

            The Catholic Church must pay a high price for its cover-up culture

            Church not above law: Robertson

            Canon law has failed miserable in a number of areas and the whole world is aware of its failures and coverups. It is rightly called the great Harlot and Whore by God but you obviously know nothing about this

            Protecting paedophile priests goes back to canon law

          • Arlyn, way back in the early ’70’s when I was at university I had a most enlightening experience in daring to disagree with one of the “leaders” of the “student radical movement” that was popular at the time. These were the bods pushing “Mao’s Little Red Book”, Saul Alinsky’s “Rules For Radicals”, mind rotting “sensitivity training”, “psychodrama” and all that sort of stuff that was designed to bypass reason and personal integrity and install an ideology based in a hedonistic relativism and irrational hatred of what’s left of “Western”, or Christian Civilisation.

            This bod’s immediate response to my questioning the pragmatics of Socialism was to launch into a tirade of entirely gratuitous accusations against “Western” culture. It became very clear that he had no interest at all in discussing the relative merits of anything at all. If I appeared to have any competence in answering any of his accusations he would immediately change the subject with another spurious accusation.

            I hadn’t then, and still haven’t, read Alinsky’s “Rules” but I’ve seen many appraisals and excerpts from the “Rules”. The plan is to control the narrative and have your opponent exhaust himself trying to defend himself from a flood of spurious allegations. It’s the tactic that crooked lawyers use to defend the guilty and blame the innocent… see the complaints against the Family Court in many Gumshoe articles; and check the war of words presently being used against Trump and to protect and promote the real criminals and their “World Communist Agenda”.

            So then, Mr Arlyn, I prefer to not be caught up in the peripherals but to concentrate on the fundamentals. It’s a bit like the difference between becoming obsessed with the symptoms of a disease and ignoring the pathological cause. I decline to get caught up in an endless merry-go-round of trying to defend the “New Church” hierarchy that is stuffed with “New Age” and ‘Masonic ideologues; nor will I get into “dissing on” the plethora of demented Protestants. The important thing is that neither the “New Age Enlightenment” nor the Protestant “enlightenment” have a philosophical or theological leg to stand on.

            Geoffrey Robertson QC is a creepy purveyor of “City of London” “legal/ideological” convenience.

            As far as I know at present the official Church protocol on how to deal with pooftas and other perverts (“sins against nature”) is that they be tried in a Canonical Court and, if found guilty, they be stripped of all dignity, forbidden to act in the name of the Church, and be handed over to secular authorities even if the likely punishment is a death penalty. Although I don’t recall seeing it written, ancient practice would appear to commute the sentence of repentant convicts to a life of prayer and penance in seclusion. The “enlightenment” would appear to have buried those “draconian” measures.

            Anyhow, the Catholic Church is no one’s enemy but the sad pricks who use Her for their own aggrandisement are everyone’s enemy.

          • oldavid

            6 Reasons Protestants and Roman Catholics Can Never Unite
            President Trump is a Presbyterian! I heard him say it a couple of times and he is proud of it!

            Branch of Christianity. Protestants believe that Jesus is the head of the Church. They reject Papal authority and the percieved excesses of the Catholic church. Protestants are also remarkably unpopular amongst a great deal of people due to the actions of a small number of them. But in the most part they are simply Christians who wish to worship without a central authority, without a bufferbetween man and God and without the ritualism of other branches of the faith.

            Why am I a Protestant?

            What are the differences between Catholics and Protestants?

            Are you THINKING like a Roman Catholic or a Bible-believing Protestant?

            “Saved by Faith or Works?” by Living Waters

            Clashing Canons: Catholic and Protestant Scriptures

            Bible Versions, Does It Really Matter Which?
            https://amazingdiscoveries.org/Spring-2009-BIble-Versions-Veith (Abstract click on link for full article)
            The great error of the Romish Church is found in the fact that the Bible is interpreted in the light of the opinions of the “fathers.” Their opinions are regarded as infallible, and the dignitaries of the church assume that it is their prerogative to make others believe as they do, and to use force to compel the conscience. Those who do not agree with them are pronounced heretics. But the word of God is not thus to be interpreted. It is to stand on its own eternal merits, to be read as the word of God, to be obeyed as the voice of God, which declares His will to the people. The will and voice of finite man are not to be interpreted as the voice of God. {FE 308.1}

            Now began the Romish persecutions, but in the midst of fagots and torture the believers continued to multiply, steadfastly declaring that the Bible is the only infallible authority in religion, and that “no man should be coerced to believe, but should be won by preaching.” {GC88 238.1}

            Total Onslaughtby Professor Walter J. VeithBattle of the Bibles

            The Bible

          • Arlyn, I did bother to check the links you supplied. It’s all the same old, same old bunch of self appointed “experts” taking a few scripture verses out of context and conjuring out of them a whole muddle of “true” religions… over 40,000 of them in a recent count.

            You will, of course, dismiss and ignore the simple fact that for about 1,450 years before Martin Luther was even a twinkle in his father’s eye generations of scholars had been pouring over the whole deposit of scriptures (accepted and apocryphal) explaining them in the light of Christ’s teaching.

            Most of us fairly reasonable types consider Scripture to be akin to lecture notes taken as a reminder of the content of the Teacher’s discourse; much as the Apostle John suggested with his claim: “the whole World would not contain all the books”. You galahs try to sell the silly idea that no one knew anything until pope Luther (and a whole gang of “reformers” who couldn’t even agree amongst themselves) “infallibly” proclaimed their silly doctrines. In fact, about the only thing that this explosion of “infallibles” agree on is exactly what the SoS was on about right from the get-go… Apostolic Christianity (Catholic) must be exterminated (or at least weakened) by any pretext or subterfuge.

            Nothing of the Protestant favourite mantras “Sola Scriptura”, “Sola Fidei”, and others, is an imperative that can be found in Scripture itself, even in the redacted and edited versions promoted. “Take up your cross and follow Me” blows the whole mushy “Jesus saves! I don’t have to do, or be, anything but a free loading passenger” right out of the water.

  5. Humour is the balancer of fear.

    Worried about your financial future, anti WEF conspiracy theorists.:

    Learn from the Weimer Republic, buy All the wheelbarrows, those USB sticks of bitcoin aren’t going to get themselves to the bakery come the Whinner Republic.
    Or ignore and be happy Davos style.

      • CC767
        The Two Babylon’s Alexander Hislop It’s the ancient Rome and now the modern and the Papal system in Rome for a start

        Chapter I – Distinctive Character of the Two Systems In leading proof of the Babylonian character of the Papal Church the first point to which I solicit the reader’s attention, is the character of MYSTERY which attaches alike to the modern Roman and the ancient Babylonian systems. The gigantic system of moral corruption and idolatry described in this passage under the emblem of a woman with a “GOLDEN CUP IN HER HAND” (Rev 17:4), “making all nations DRUNK with the wine of her fornication” (Rev 17:2; 18:3), is divinely called “MYSTERY, Babylon the Great” (Rev 17:5). That Paul’s “MYSTERY of iniquity,” as described in 2 Thessalonians 2:7, has its counterpart in the Church of Rome, no man of candid mind, who has carefully examined the subject, can easily doubt.

        Two Beasts Become Friends
        http://www.amazingdiscoveries.org2011 4Papal Rome takes Pagan Rome’s PowerIn Matthew 24, Jesus refers to pagan Rome’s persecution of God’s people and destruction of literal Jerusalem. He was speaking of a type of which papal Rome is the antitype. Papal Rome, like pagan Rome, is an abominable system, a false religion that persecutes spiritual Jerusalem, God’s worldwide people. Like the emperors of old, the Pope possesses religious and secular powers. Pagan Rome’s pantheon of gods is replaced by Mary and the saints.When the power of pagan Rome declined (351-476 AD), the power of papal Rome increased as the Church accumulated more power and influence. When the emperor Constantine (306-337 AD) blended paganism and Christianity into one around 321 AD, Rome became the religious capital of the world.The transfer of the emperor’s residence to Constantinople was a sad blow to the prestige of Rome, and at the time one might have predicted her speedy decline. But the development of the Church, and the growing authority of the Bishop of Rome, or the Pope, gave her a new lease on life, and made her again the capital—this time the religious capital—of the world.


        • The way I understand it the “woman with a “GOLDEN CUP IN HER HAND” (Rev 17:4) points to ‘The Statue of Liberty’ in New York harbour.

          • Rev.17:17 “For God gave it into their hearts to do his mind – to act in one mind – and to give their kingdom to the beast. And the woman whom you saw is the great city [New York = 666 in english gematria] having a kingdom over the kings of the Earth [Canaanite owned Banks/UN]

            “The Two Babylons” by Alexander Hislop, p.77

            “……..In Egypt she was styled Athor——i.e., “the Habitation of God”. to signify that in her dwelt all the “fulness of the Godhead.” To point out the the great goddess-mother, in a Pantheistic sense, as at once the Infinite and Almighty one, and the Virgin mother, this inscription was engraven upon one of her temples in Egypt: “I am all that has been, or that is, or that shall be. no mortal has removed my veil. The fruit that I have brought forth is the Sun.”

            “I sit as a queen and am not a widow”. “She is the express image of the beast that had the wound by the sword and did live”. See page 63 of “The Two Babylons” by Alexander Hislop. “Before 72 judges in Egypt, he, Nimrod was found guilty and put to death. His dead body was cut into pieces and different parts were sent to different cities around the country. This was done to be a terror to any who might after tread in his steps. From then paganism had to operate in secret, thus the “Mystery Babylon” under seal of secrecy and oath was born”.

            From “Am,” “mother,” and “arka,” “earth,” you get “Amarka,” “The Mother of the Earth.”, alias Rhea, Cybele etc, The Mother of Gods and Men, alias the Roman Catholic Mary [the first Jesuits were Jews], the “queen of heaven” [Jeremiah 44:17,18,19,25], and most surely these manifestations which all represent Nimrods wife are represented by the “Statue of Liberty” in New York harbour. [ note 1, p.77. The Goddess Mother of Habitation” – “The Two Babylons” by Alexander Hislop.]

            and from the same book page 158 — The Golden Cup —- Revelation 17:4

            “……….Thus then the cup bearing goddess was at once Venus, the goddess of licentiousness, and Nemesis, the stern and unmerciful one to all who rebelled against her authority.

            How remarkable a woman, whom John saw [Rev.] described in one aspect as the “Mother of harlots” and in another as “Drunken with the blood of the saints!”

            The Torch:

            This item was originally designed to be a golden cup filled with the wine of freedom. This golden cup remained in the planning and was actually made.

            However, before completion and shipping of the entire statue, the New York Port authorities asked if there could be some sort of modification to allow for an eternal flame or light to be designed into the statue so that ships could use her as a night time navigational aid. Bartholdi consented to make modifications to the basic cup design to allow for a natural gas flame to be utilized.

            The torch we see today is actually the same type of cup design used in ancient times for drinking wine. It featured a handle for the cup at the bottom and the handle looked much like a stick. The golden aspect itself was altered again to conform to the needs of the natural gas flame.

            The actual, original golden cup was later sold by the project to the Czar of Russia, Czar Nicholas. In 1917 during the Russian revolution the Communist government took possession of it.

            The cup has remained in Russian hands but in 1997 was reportedly offered for sale by the Russian government to help pay off Russia’s foreign debts. This author has not been able to determine whether or not the cup was actually sold or not. It is only known that the cup is still in existence.
            The current replacement torch was installed 25 years ago and is a copper flame covered in 24 carat gold, according to the National Parks Service website.
            Read more:
            10. Torch: the torch was originally ( not really – see above ) intended to serve as a light house. Scientists spend years working on it but never succeeded in making it bright enough. As a result the torch has no practical function. One hundred years ago, the right arm bearing the torch was damaged in an explosion set by German saboteurs. Since then only the caretaker has been allowed to climb up the long, wobbly ladder to the torch.

    • oldavid
      You are simply ignoring evidence and history and calling people names which is childish and immature. The Latin Roman Catholic church-State has a long history of persecution, suppression, murder and torture in addition to be a sectarian sun-god religion with the high priest being the pope who claims he is God. what deranged and insane thinking. Also the infallibility question is nonsense in any case as no one is except Jesus Himself the God man.

      Catholics want you to believe the unbelievable!! There can be no excuse for not knowing the sordid murderous history of the Papacy-Vatican history. There are mountains of material of evidence and they are continuing to this day with their evil Inquisition. They are part of this World of Disorder, chaos, death, and poverty stricken countries.

      Here is some undeniable history that cannot be refuted but I guess like all the other posts you will continue with the same opinions showing no facts of evidence just another religious opinion as a apologetic for the Great Whore.

      Death of All Nations: 1917-1932
      People just do not realise the extent of evil these people are and what their sinister and nefarious agendas are. They re still at it acting with impunity…
      People have a lot to unlearn and a lot to learn if they want to assist in the education of other to expose how evil they are.

      The Vatican’s Holocaust

      Catholic Imperialism and World Freedom

      The Vatican Role in the Ustasha Genocide in the Independent State of Croatia

      #The Vatican Role in the Ustasha Genocide in the Independent State of Croatia


      https://global-politics.eu/vatican-role-ustasha-genocide-independent-state-croatia-1941-1945/ (Abstract click on ink for full article)
      Vatican Knowledge

      The nature of the Ustasha NDH regime was well-known by the Vatican and by the US government as early as 1941. It was no secret that the Ustasha government sought to exterminate the entire Serbian, Jewish, and Roma populations of Croatia and Bosnia-Hercegovina. There was never any intention to deny or to hide this policy by the NDH government itself. In fact, the Ustasha documented the genocide with photographs and even film. Education Minister in the NDH regime Mile Budak openly announced that the policy was to kill a third, deport a third, and forcefully convert a third of the Serbian population of Croatia and Bosnia.(1) Budak stated in 1941: “Thus, our new Croatia will get rid of all Serbs in our midst in order to become one hundred per cent Catholic within ten years.” A policy of mass murder and genocide was openly declared. In a speech made in Zagreb, NDH lead lavnik Ante Pavelic stated: “A good Ustase is one who can use his knife to cut a child from the womb of its mother.”(2)

      Did the Vatican know of the mass murders and genocide being committed in the NDH? The three heads of the Vatican Secretariat of State, Domenico Tardini, Giovanni Battista Montini, later Pope Paul VI, and Luigi Maglione, knew of the atrocities in the NDH but did nothing to stop them, remaining passive.

      Eugene Tisserant, a French cardinal prominent in the Vatican hierarchy, told Rusinovic on March 6, 1942 that he was aware of Croatian Roman Catholic clerical involvement in the mass murders:

      “I know for a fact that it is the Franciscans themselves, as for example Father [Vjekoslav] Simic of Knin, who have taken part in attacks against the Orthodox populations so as to destroy the Orthodox Church. In the same way you destroyed the Orthodox Church in Banja Luka. I know for sure that the Franciscans in Bosnia and Herzegovina have acted abominably, and this pains me. Such acts should not be committed by educated, cultured, civilized people, let alone by priests.”(6)

      The full extent and nature of the genocide committed in the NDH was fully known by the Vatican by early 1942. The role and complicity of the Roman Catholic Church in Croatia and Bosnia in the genocide was also fully known. And yet Eugenio Pacelli, Pope Pius XII, did absolutely nothing. In fact, “Pacelli was never anything but benevolent to the leaders and representatives of the Pavelic regime.”(8) As late as 1943, he expressed to Lobkowicz “his pleasure at the personal letter he had received from our Poglavnik.”(9) And Ante Pavelic was Pacelli’s Poglavnik or Fuehrer in the NDH. Pacelli was not only Hitler’s Pope. He was also Pavelic’s Pope.

      The objectives of the Ustasha regime were known by the Italian government and by the Vatican. Cornwell described “the campaign of terror and extermination conducted by the Ustashe of Croatia against two million Serb Orthodox Christians” that occurred in the Nazi puppet state of Greater Croatia, which included Bosnia-Hercegovina, from 1941-1945:
      “An act of ‘ethnic cleansing’ before that hideous term came into vogue, it was an attempt to create a ‘pure’ Catholic Croatia by enforced conversions, deportations, and mass extermination. So dreadful were the acts of torture and murder that even hardened German troops registered their horror…. Pavelic’s onslaught against the Orthodox Serbs remains one of the most appalling civilian massacres known to history.”(10)

    • Oldavid

      You are defending the undeniable atrocities for centuries not just for decades

      The Knights of Malta and the New World Order

      The CIA was founded by an Irish Roman Catholic Bill Donovan

      The Jesuits & McCarthyism

      How the CIA Created the EU

      & Advent of Euro-Communism

      Unholy Mother of Intolerance: The Inquisition

      Quotes by Truth Control

      The Vatican’s Holocaust
      The Vatican frowns on the birth of Yugoslavia – Catholic policy of penetration and disintegration – Croat Separatism and the Catholic Church – Catholic storm troopers – The Ustashi.

      Hitler’s Death Camps: Holocaust… or Inquisition?

      Popes and their Jesuitical agents have been and are the instigators of wars, and while the world is having real pain, Rome is having champagne. — Jeremiah J. Crowley (a former Catholic priest), Romanism: A Menace to the Nation, Menace Publishing, p. 144.

      The Pope was just as much in the Second World War as was Hitler and Catholic Mussolini and therefore just as guilty of the murder of six million Jews. In fact, Popes have been in or instigated most, if not all, the European wars down through the centuries. — F. Paul Peterson, Peter’s Tomb Recently Discovered in Jerusalem, p. 63. (Quoted in: Is Alberto for Real, Sidney Hunter, Chick Publications, page 41).


  6. I have just read that a private school n UK has advised parents that the British Army will be arriving, about 2 hours from now, to test every child for Covid.

    That’s the British Army, Folks. The army, to test the children. The military ln schools.

  7. This is from Paul Craig Roberts, 2 days ago:

    Michigan Election Fraud Overturned by Hand Count & Social Media Suppresses Vote Fraud Information

    Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube are preventing any mention of the widespread Democrat vote fraud — a complete flip from Russiagate that social media hyped for years


    I have news for Prez Trump. Donald, you are still prez till Jan 20. You can get these guys. Not for freedom of speech, thanks to the beloved First, but for abetting fraud. You can have them arrested right now, today. The lot of them.

    Trust me, it’s an indictable crime. Tell Bill Barr. He probably doesn’t know.

    • Could be the biggest filibuster in history, with multiple aces up sleeve if needed.
      I would say, forget the present, Trump wants to own the future. Astonishing.

    • Yes Mary, in theory Trump can.

      But he won’t – doesn’t have the GUTS to do it.

      He’ll be called aside, like Al Gore and Bill Clinton were in 2000, and told not to make waves.

      And he will dutifully comply.

      • Trump didn’t have the guts to lock up Hillary.
        Trump didn’t have the gets to release the info on the JFK assassination unredacted.
        Trump didn’t have the guts to take on the Israel lobby and bring American troops home from these pointless wars for Israel.
        Trump didn’t have the guts to stand up for his mate General Flynn when the Zio-cabal ruled he had to go – literally weeks after his inauguration.

        Trump didn’t have the guts to actually do anything about child trafficking or round up higher echelon paedophiles.
        Yes, plenty of rhetoric about Paedo Task Forces and such but NO VERIFIABLE proof that even ONE (1) high profile paedo / satanic child ritual abuser had been apprehended.

        NOT ONE !!

        Trump didn’t have the guts to appoint decent people to his administration and instead obligingly appointed one rabid neo-con warmonger and / or Wall St swindler after another. eg: Bolton, Pompeo, Mnuchin, Wilbur Ross (the last being a long term employee of N.M Rothschild).

        Sure Mary, things are going to be different now.

        • And last, but certainly most, the thing that sticks in my craw.

          Trump did not have the guts to issue a pardon for Julian Assange – and thus ensured that the death of journalistic independence will be the prominent legacy of his FAILED tenure in office.

  8. I was also horrified at the declaration that Trump was going to use the military to vaccinate Americans.

    Until the Democrats started freaking out about it.

    Then – I hoped – just maybe, there is something in the makeup of the elites….. perhaps a certain addiction to adrenochrome(?) that would make Trumps version of the vaccine toxic to them.

    Those poor children in the UK. From the pics in this article they are using the useless PCR test – with it’s ridiculously long probe that touches the blood brain barrier! This is DANGEROUS!

    “Schools selected for testing have begun sending out letters to parents. One from Broadgreen International School caused alarm when it said that due to “challenging and unprecedented circumstances”, it would not be possible to gain parental permission in the normal way. Instead, parents would be required to opt out by letter.

    Each child would be identified with “a unique barcode”, it said, and if a positive test was received the school would “secure” the individual concerned, before identifying others who had been in close contact, who would then need to self-isolate.

    Liverpool city council said the letter was inaccurate and no child would be tested without parental consent. “We didn’t have sight of this letter before it was sent to parents,” a spokesman said. “Due to inaccuracies within it, it has now been withdrawn by the school.”

    At least one woman is making sense:

    “Allyson Pollock, professor of public health at the University of Newcastle, expressed unease at the mass testing of children. She said: “Screening is a very complex intervention. It has to be part of a very well thought-out programme. This has not been thought through.

    “Children have already suffered extreme disruption. If you’ve got the army coming in, you’ve got psychological distress, the physical trauma of having a test and you’ve got the potential for stigma if you are positive.”

    But this scumbag thinks it’s 11 to 18 year olds civic duty to be tested:

    “Liverpool’s director of public health, Matthew Ashton, said: “The more of us who get tested, the more we can stop the spread of Covid-19 in our city. We’re saying to people: let’s do this for our families, our city, our Liverpool – and that includes our young people.

    “All children aged between 11 and 18 years old, where the appropriate recorded consent is provided, are eligible for the test. We are inviting the young people in our city to take part in this process and be part of this groundbreaking initiative.”

    These people are sick!


    • They say farmers are killing 17 million battery cage civet cats in Denmark on this excuse, just as likely the Chinese are out of cash for all these lobsters and things. But all the same why can’t bat-flu go back into animals if it came from bats. So they need to kill everything.

    • It is strange at Gumshoe, given the work of Rachel and Dee etc. to look at this video by this essentially Green-Left, open borders, multiculti, femocrat, liberal/progressive outfit called Juice Media.

      In it they sneer at and hence deny all pedophilia allegations apart from that of the Vatican (think the ABC campaign against Cardinal Pell) As if Cory Feldman or Elijah Wood had not blown the whistle on Hollywood.

      This does not detract from their support of Assange but seems to show how tribal the self-styled Left is. They remind me of the sort of Left activist who used to be tolerated at ALP meetings but never made a career in the ALP, which stands for Allahs Local Party, Another Liberal Party, American Lackey Party.

  9. https://davidicke.com/2020/11/08/law-of-the-land-no-the-corporate-law-of-contracts-david-icke/

    Posted on 8 November 2020
    How you can lawfully disconnect yourself, your family and your business from governments and the institutions of law enforcement and no longer comply with ‘Covid’ fascism. David Icke talks with common law expert
    John Smith at Commonwealth.com.
    A must-watch for those who choose freedom and want to end this madness.
    Please share everywhere

    • The Magna Carte gets a mention – but

      On 24th August 1215 the Pope declared the Magna Carta null and void.

      “…………Magna Carta – An Immediate Success…?

      No. Not in the slightest.

      Yes, King John agreed to the terms of Magna Carta, and yes, the barons renewed their oaths of allegiance to him. But the settlement did not last long. The security clause and the 25 barons of Magna Carta made it difficult for King John to wriggle out of the agreement as freely as he would have liked (for he had now given the royal seal of approval to a document that made him as susceptible to the law as any other ‘free man’), and he was much aggrieved by the manner in which Magna Carta had been enforced. And so he sought help from the Pope

      Pope Innocent III

      At the time, the pope was the official overlord of the kingdoms of England and Ireland. King John sent messengers to the Pope requesting that Magna Carta be annulled. In response, the barons did not give up the city of London, and vowed not to do so until the terms of the charter were implemented.

      Pope Innocent III saw the Magna Carta from the king’s perspective, however, and was indeed very alarmed by the charter’s terms. On 24th August 1215 the pope issued the papal bull, a document in which he describes Magna Carta as “illegal, unjust, harmful to royal rights and shameful to the English people”. The papal bull declared Magna Carta “null and void of all validity for ever”………………..”


        • Living In The Private

          The Law is the Common Law and it is the foundation of justice for living people. Laws serve all People equally. Laws defend our Unalienable Rights, provide reparations to the injured, and through them we can live in peace and harmony with other people. The Law is the definition of the People’s power, and is Common Sense. The Law protects living people from harm, loss, and fraud.

          Statutes are the en-act-ments of the Legislature that apply to publicly registered legal entities as franchises of the public State. Statutes offer limited “privileges and benefits” to “artificial persons” of various kinds, prescribing contract “rules and regulations” by consent. Statutes can have the appearance, or “colour of law”. Statutes govern legal entities as a franchise benefit to the public State.

          Statutes are not Laws. The Law is from the People. Statutes are from the State.

          Maxim of Law:
          Quid fas non veritas est.
          Legality is not Reality.


          • Statutes are the en-act-ments of the Legislature that apply to publicly registered legal entities as franchises of the public State.

            Franchise and Suffrage – Government and Politics


            Franchise – Who can vote. Widening the franchise – widening the number of people who can vote. Franchise and suffrage both refer to the ability/right to vote in public elections. Suffragettes were women campaigning for the right to vote on the same terms as men. The widening of the franchise. Great reform Act 1832; Franchise extended to …

          • Pope must have sold the crown to the US in 1947 because the Queen got her first dust mask on yesterday after Rockerfellas TV announced the winner.
            No wonder then the “City of London” was excised.
            You are saying the “Windsors” are just farm managers.

          • Uh huh. But the nature and purpose of humans and humanity is above the political convenience of those who can seize dominion by any means. There is no doubt that some (many) popey types assumed a temporal “authority” that did not properly belong to the office, but that ambition did not at all depreciate the final authority on matters of Faith and Morals that the popey fellows actually had the authority to decide. (There is never any instance of a novel “belief”. Every definition ever made is coherent with the descriptions of the Church Fathers and the “common belief” (sensus fidelium) of the faithful from the word go.)

            All yous galahs that proclaim that the “Rights of Man” can be determined by some secretocracy that invents it out of narcissistic autonomy are deferring to the one who wants to usurp the nature and purpose of Creation.

      • The Pope, the Holy See(Sea) wears a mitre representing the fish god Dagon.

        Revelation 13:1 And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.

        Common Law definition:

        From 14th Century English usage following the formation of the Commons “the third estate of the English people as represented in Parliament” from 1377. Therefore, the popular (but incorrect) assumed meaning of Common Law as being “the LAW of the people”.

        In a strict literal sense, the correct etymological meaning of common law is more accurately defined as “the laws to entrust, commit to a burden, public duty, service or obligation” — completely opposite to the popular misinterpretation of the phrase.

        The main procedural foundations of Common Law since its inception remains the false Roman Law was VENETIAN LAW (more commonly known as MARITIME LAW and/or ADMIRALTY LAW) introduced in the 12th and early 13th Century during the creation of the highest legal PERSONALITY under Common Law–the HOLY SEE (Sea).

        Hence, under the corrupted Roman Law of the ROMAN CULT living men and women are considered VESSELS subject to JURISDICTION of the SEE (Sea) with the WATERMARK of all nations with diplomatic recognition (CONCORDATS) of the SEE (Sea) set at the highest mountain peaks–hence all land is therefore “Under the Sea” and PROPERTY of the SEE (Sea).

        However, in many JURISICTIONS, CUSTOM LAW is also accepted as part of Common Law thus providing some RELIEF. In the late 16th and early 17th Century, Common Law was further modified with the introduction of the LEGAL FICTIONS, LEGAL PROCEDURE and PRECEDENT embedded in Jesuit constructed works embedded in popular culture and plays.

        Today, Common Law is incorrectly and deliberately defined as “The law established, by precedent, from judicial decisions and established within a community”.

  10. [quote=MM] “Some criminals in our government are now recognizably our enemy.” [/quote]

    Ho hum! I knew 40 years ago that very few get into “government” and its bureaucracy unless they are deemed to be reliable tools of the traitorous “hidden hand”. The very few fairly honest bods, way back then, who did get elected to “government” were derided, calumniated, character assassinated, by the “publicity agents” (media) and were virtually “eaten alive” by the “establishment” to have them ignored and any sympathisers intimidated into abject silence.

    Back in the ’70’s I was involved in a nationwide letter writing campaign that naively assumed that politicians were somewhat human and could be influenced by moral and rational argument. Completely wrong! Almost no one gets preselected to represent the Party unless they are entirely impervious to anything that conflicts with the “great wisdom” of their secretive puppeteers.

    The great majority of “ordinary people” who are, quite reasonably, preoccupied with the duties of their state in life… providing for and rearing families… producing useful stuff to benefit the whole community, and all that, just blithely assume that them political types are much the same but with a different job in the great scheme of things. Almost no “ordinary people” could comprehend that there is an hostile and perverse secretocracy that despises them as mere vassals in a great “New order”.

    However, most honest people can still recognise that they’re being compromised and harmed by an irrational, hostile political/economic/financial system even if they don’t know how it works.

    Some years ago I wrote up a very short apologetic for the nature and purpose of human society and how and why it is legitimate to oppose tyranny. It was called “Civil Authority and Treason”. Of course, the nutcases that assume that all authority comes from their whims and fancies and the proclamations of some secretive cabal do not find it at all convenient.

    But I also wrote up a proposal by which ordinary people with their ordinary gripes and concerns could propose people from their ranks to represent their interests without having to endorse a representative of a secretocracy that is groomed to say what you want to hear but to really represent an hostile, elitist secretocracy. It was called “An Australian Patriot’s Co operative”.

    • 107 years on, the connected crime networks are stronger than ever thought possible.
      To think these days, that there are east west north south economic regions of division, is not only naive but shows total ignorance of what has occurred during our watch. The demons are in full spectrum damnation control. All governments are satanic temples for collection via cyber surveillance, with jackboots on the ground, making sure slavery is unopposed. The agenda is communism worldwide, no variations permitted. Just rich and useless poor. The fact is, Oz has been delivered in a shopping trolley to the CCP. The crown kabal slavemason occults enforcing beast and dragon worship globally.

  11. Thanks oldavid I can relate to that.
    Just letting you all know that Don Wredford-(sorry spelling ??) passed peacefully with family-daughter a couple of weeks ago. I met him through gumshoe and visited him at Dalesford Vic a few years ago. We had lunch spoke for hours–shared London stories–and much more, both delighted with the connection. Tavistock LSD-Leary and Grof.

  12. RESET is code for slavery
    The temporary possessors and life-renters, unmindful of what they have received from their ancestors, or of what is due to their posterity, should act as if they were the entire masters; that they should not think it amongst their rights to commit waste on the inheritance, by destroying at their pleasure the whole original fabric of their society; hazarding to leave to those who come after them, a ruin instead of an habitation. By this unprincipled facility of changing the state as often, and as much, and in as many ways as there are floating fancies or fashions, the whole chain and continuity of the commonwealth would be broken. —Edmund Burke, Reflections on the Revolution in France

    • Cyber and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) will go after all the states where the election was interfered with because that is the same as interfering with national security which is treason and carries heavy penalties. The voting system is national infrastructure. Or they may force a recount but next time the Republicans will be able to go in with armed guards to see how the ballots are being counted.

      The new federal agency nobody knows about.


  13. Todays Cathy Fox blog –as always spot on—I was told by an insider that anything named a Foundation is part of the machine.

    LFH4 Beau Biden Foundation for the Protection of Children
    by cathy fox blog on Child Abuse
    One of the laptop computers thought to be Hunter Biden’s had a Beau Biden Foundation sticker on it. [28]

    The Beau Biden Foundation that bears his name was not founded by Beau Biden, but in his memory. Mr. Biden’s wife wanted to ensure his work would not be abandoned with his death, and so she helped spearhead the launch of the foundation. In addition to working with other organizations and government bodies, it’s also aided by former Vice President Biden and other members of the Biden family [17]

    It appears to have been set up in 2015/2016 to “honor the life of Joseph R ‘Beau’ Biden III and to continue his life’s work: ensuring that all children are free from the threat of abuse”. It is a 501 (c) 3 organisation. EIN 47-4507397

    The foundations self stated mission is –

    We believe that child abuse can be prevented through educating adults and children, developing the next generation of child welfare professionals and strengthening child protection laws around the country.

    The foundation quotes Beau as saying…

    The Beau Biden entity, like the Clinton, Obama, and Bush foundations, is a “public charity,” meaning that it may not be controlled by one family or used in partisan political activities or to derive private advantages, financial or otherwise. [15]

    Biden vowed while campaigning for attorney general in 2006 that he would crack down on child predators, and he made the creation of a separate child predator unit within the state Justice Department his top priority after winning office. [24]

  14. couple of items-link to Biden Foundation

    for Terry
    just heard abc breakfast–that parents will not be able to stay with their kids starting school next year — drop off and go–why Covid
    followed by an item with a machine pumping out the Pfizer vaccine to be ready by march.It has a 90% success rate –related to the DOW–wow–bring it on–5 minutes later another picture of Pfizer building Brooklyn New York

    If it was not so serious it would be funny but along with everything else it is sickening–but fascinating–as Mary said a few days ago –very very clever—
    Fauci -ecstatic

    we have brought 10 million doses already–may be ready at the end of November ??!!

    Biden has a new COVID Advisory Board and pleads with us to please wear a mask

    Now we hear of Turnbull on Q&A elaborating on implications of his bonk ban -speaking of MKULTRA Midnight Climax blackmail re Porter and Tudge–a bit of draining the swamp re goings on in our Canberra Bubble– very interesting

    also Trumps sackings important I think —arrggh –out to tend the veggies

  15. 60 minutes the VAX distribution in the USA – WARP SPEED – signal to begin > EXECUTE <

    The whole transcript is under the video interview.
    David Martin: Are you ready to go if a– vaccine is approved tomorrow?

    General Gus Perna: Yes, we are.

    David Martin: What’s the first order you’re going to give?

    General Gus Perna: It’s a simple command of, “Execute.”

    David Martin: So once you say, “Execute,” how fast does it get out there?

    General Gus Perna: Within 24 hours.

    David Martin: Do you have doses of vaccine already stockpiled?

    General Gus Perna: Yes, we do.

    David Martin: How many do you have stockpiled?

    General Gus Perna: I’m holding on to that number right now because I wanna not create anxiety and we need to work through the details. A month from now, I’ll have more.

    • I like it! Execute!
      They are talking about multiple doses of all kinds of stuff.
      All to protect some decrepit oligarchs with new organs acquired at the emergency dept auctions (and cut numbers by 15% I think Gates said).
      As Joe Hockey said, we will all be living to 150 soon, some sooner than others.
      It’s worth listening to the very enterprising Joe Hockey.
      A famous Armenian like Kim Kardashian.

  16. 50 channels – all the same.
    Each story blitzed for months.
    Hillary Hoax.
    Russia Hoax.
    Impeachment Hoax.
    Virus Hoax.
    Biden Presidency Hoax.

    Well the Trump wife looks rock solid, even Mitt Romney is staying in line, Guiliani is happy, Trump looks very relaxed, it’s all looking good from here.

  17. EFFICACY | meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary
    the ability, especially of a medicine or a method of achieving something, to produce the intended result: They recently ran a series of tests to measure the efficacy of the drug.

    ……..According to a press release issued by the two companies, 38,955 trial volunteers had received a second dose of either vaccine or placebo as of November 8. An interim analysis of 94 individuals conducted by an independent data monitoring committee (DMC) found that the vaccine efficacy rate was above 90% 7 days after the second dose. This means that protection was achieved 28 days after the first vaccine dose………….


    So, did about 10% catch a cold?


    Antibodies in Recovered COVID-19 Patients Fade Quickly, Study Says

    “Antibody levels in the blood of coronavirus patients drop quickly after the body clears the virus, according to a new study published in mBio, an open access journal of the American Society for Microbiology.

    …………The research team analyzed blood samples from 31 people recovering from COVID-19 and measured antibodies at 1-month intervals. Overall, the immunoglobulins that neutralize the virus dropped about 6 to 10 weeks after symptoms began. The ability of the antibodies to neutralize the virus also fell during that time…………


    Vaccines to prevent corona viruses appear to be useless.

    • Twice they say “according to Reuters” (a Rotschild company).
      Just interesting to note where the fracture lines are, between #1’s and #2’s.

  18. https://www.newstarget.com/2020-11-10-barr-authorizes-doj-substantial-allegations-vote-fraud.html

    Watch In the Blink of an Eye: CNN’s ‘Magic Board’ Subtracts 20,000 Trump Votes and Adds Them to Biden’s Tally in Pennsylvania

    CYBER COUP: Investigation underway – Dominion Voting Systems (with ties to high level Democrats) repeatedly glitched in favor of Biden

  19. Ninety per cent

    10th November 2020

    ‘Ladies and gentlemen, roll-up, roll-up, roll-up. My new product, just brought to the market this very day, prevents ninety per-cent, yes ninety per-cent of all known things happening to you. Yes, a remarkable ninety per cent. Not sixty per cent, not seventy per cent, no…not even eighty per cent. But ninety of your finest American per cent – of things’.


    COVID vaccine revelation sinks like a stone; disappears
    by Jon Rappoport

    “………..A few weeks ago, I ran a one-off. The analysis and commentary were mine, but the story was an opinion piece in the New York Times. The Times called it an opinion piece to soften its blow. I suspected it would disappear, and it did.

    Its meaning and implication were too strong. It would be a vast embarrassment for the White House, the Warp Speed COVID vaccine program, the vaccine manufacturers, the coronavirus task force, and vaccine researchers.

    And embarrassment would be just the beginning of their problem.

    So…here it is again. The vanished one-off, back in business:

    COVID vaccine clinical trials doomed to fail; fatal design flaw; NY Times opinion piece exposes all three major clinical trials.

    Peter Doshi, associate editor of the medical journal BMJ, and Eric Topol, Scripps Research professor of molecular medicine, have written a devastating NY Times opinion piece about the ongoing COVID vaccine clinical trials.

    They expose the fatal flaw in the large Pfizer, AstraZeneca, and Moderna trials.

    September 22, the Times: “These Coronavirus Trials Don’t Answer the One Question We Need to Know”:

    “If you were to approve a coronavirus vaccine, would you approve one that you only knew protected people only from the most mild form of Covid-19, or one that would prevent its serious complications?”

    “The answer is obvious. You would want to protect against the worst cases.”

    “But that’s not how the companies testing three of the leading coronavirus vaccine candidates, Moderna, Pfizer and AstraZeneca, whose U.S. trial is on hold, are approaching the problem.”

    “According to the protocols for their studies, which they released late last week, a vaccine could meet the companies’ benchmark for success if it lowered the risk of mild Covid-19, but was never shown to reduce moderate or severe forms of the disease, or the risk of hospitalization, admissions to the intensive care unit or death.”

    “To say a vaccine works should mean that most people no longer run the risk of getting seriously sick. That’s not what these trials will determine.”

    This means these clinical trials are dead in the water.

    The trials are designed to show effectiveness in preventing mild cases of COVID, which nobody should care about, because mild cases naturally run their course and cause no harm. THERE IS NO NEED FOR A VACCINE THAT PREVENTS MILD CASES.

    There. That’s the NY Times one-off. My piece analyzing it went on much longer, but you get the main thrust: ………….


    • Thank you Arlyn

      I wonder if you have come across the following – it strikes me as pseudobabble just to add to The Narrative but I haven’t had time to completely debunk it and can’t articulate my suspicions.

      Research team has isolated the COVID-19 virus – March 12, 2020


      When we look at fakipedia (about Samira Mubareka) we read …

      “In mid February 2020 Mubareka was awarded a research grant from the McLaughlin Centre to identify the genome sequence of SARS-CoV-2. […] Mubareka established the Toronto 2019-nCoV Working Group with Allison McGeer and Robert Kozak. By mid March 2020, Mubareka and colleagues had successfully isolated SARS-CoV-2 … “

  20. Nevada poll workers tricked 60,000 mostly Trump voters into using provisional ballots that were never counted

    Joe Biden is the beneficiary of statistical anomalies that “magically” impacted Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia and Wisconsin vote counts on November 4th

    Nancy Pelosi, Dianne Feinstein both financially tied to Dominion Voting Systems

    Why a Biden victory would mean Bill Gates becomes president

  21. This is topical, highlighting the struggle of good versus evil within the infiltrated Catholic Church (recall Bella Dodd)

    Catholic — Special Report: McCarrick vs. Viganò – Michael Voris, Church Militant

    • That’s good oh up to a point, Julius.

      This filth had been secretly growing for over a hundred years before the cauldron of slime boiled over with the McCarrick scandals. Sure Bella Dodd said that she had encouraged and caused over 1100 communist sympathisers into the priesthood. Those communists would not have survived “priestly formation” except that there were already some “Theosophists” and other “illuminated ones” (at least sympathetic to ‘Masonic ideals) ensconced in the system. (It seems that a fair few of those intended plants defied their puppeteers and became Christian (Catholic) anyway).

      Voris and crew have spent many years trying to “legitimise” the Second Vatican Council and the rot that was publicly unleashed by it. They’re still frantically trying to vilify the “Lefebvrists” who eventually decided that something bad is going on here; let’s withdraw to a safe place; to stick with what we know for sure.

      Voris is alright for some things but he’s no authority.

  22. Oldavid

    The Vatican Billions

    Preface: The Dollar and the Vatican

    Why We Need to Question The Roman Catholic Church Part 2



    Roman Catholic Persecution The Martyrdom of Walter Mill
    Most medieval Catholic persecution happened when Christians refused to acknowledge the transformation of the bread of the Eucharist into Christ’s literal flesh and blood. One interesting moment occurred when the priest addressed Walter as Sir Walter Mill.

    Repression and persecution of the Reformed Church (1685-1700)

    Roman Catholic Church Persecuting Christians

    Roman Catholic Jesuit Pope Exposed Full Documentary

    FROM THE FOUNDATION OF THE ORDER by Karl Theodor Greisinger

    The Roman Catholic Inquisition and Torture of Protestant Christians

    ROMAN CATHOLIC INQUISITION | Secret Files of The Inquisition | Reel Truth History Documentaries

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