Home Corona “Other Ill-defined and Unknown Causes of Mortality” On The Rise

“Other Ill-defined and Unknown Causes of Mortality” On The Rise

… and how many of the known causes of death are from the jab?

Intro by Dee McLachlan

We’re living in the “New Unknown” reality.


The leading Cause of Death in Alberta is now “Unknown” with statistics now listing the leading cause of death as “other ill-defined and unknown causes of mortality”. As reported in drtrozzi.org…

“In the year of the jab, 2021, deaths shot up around the world, but in Alberta the new cause of death is supposedly “unknown”. The injections are “safe and effective” – not. Prior to 2019, Alberta’s annual cause of death statistics did not even include an ‘unknown cause’ category, but in the year of the jab 2021, it is supposedly the ‘leading cause of death’.

“USA life insurance analysts report 60% to 80% increased death rates in young demographic groups. The same is true in Canada. …The injections are still pushed on the public by governments, medical regulators, and dinosaur media.”

Woman Drops Dead

Headline: “Woman Drops Dead Allegedly Within Minutes of Receiving COVID Booster, Daughter Says.” This article in the westernjournal:

“The daughter of a Canadian woman is blaming the COVID-19 vaccine for her mom’s sudden death last week minutes after receiving a booster shot at a drug store. The government disagrees, however, and has ruled that the woman died of “natural causes.”

This story is about Stephanie Foster’s 69-year-old mum, Carol Pearce of Saskatoon. On the 14th of September she was happy and healthy. Stephanie said her mom “left my house looking amazing!”  She received a text from Carol at 12:31 p.m. to say she had received the booster and was waiting the recommended 15 minutes before leaving.

At 12:38 p.m. she was unconscious. Stephanie said a doctor told her that her mum was “dead before she hit the floor,” according to the report. Carol was taken by ambulance to a hospital, where she was pronounced dead.

She died within minutes of her booster… so what did the “authorities say?

“The Saskatchewan Ministry of Health did not link the woman’s death to the COVID booster, according to the Western Standard. ‘[T]he coroner’s service has investigated this instance and determined this person died from natural causes,‘ the ministry announced, according to the report. It declined to comment further, citing ‘privacy concerns’.”

Cause Of Death

Maybe we can revisit all the old westerns. In those shoot-outs maybe cowboys did not die from lead assimilation, but rather from “unknown” causes.


1822: “I heard a bang… turned around and he was dead, officer. No way to determine the cause of death.”

2022: “She was given her booster… turned around and she was dead, officer. No way to determine the cause of death.”

We’ve gone mental.



  1. A wise person said “follow the money”.
    Fancy, Wall Street investors were following Gates, Schwab, Fauci et.al.
    So Wall Street is now wising up, they can now follow their investments in the injecting corporations and life insurance interests down the plug hole.

    • Don’t be ludicrous. Not one investor in Wall Street follows Schwarb or Fauci, and there is no point to following Gates because he disallows co-investors. He is not in land purchases for crop investment profits but for the very opposite.

      • Mr Ryan.
        So no one on Wall st invests in big pharmas listed on the exchanges?
        Glad you have searched the share registries to allege my being so ‘ridiculous’.
        I take it that your not talking garbage and can let’s us in on your authority for your knowledge on the share registry vacuums

  2. Are all these beings in positions in the medical field all as moronic as they are making themselves out to be and if so, how have they kept their employment for so long?

    These are the same beings that write the scientific information that we the peons,are supposed to be gullible enough to think they are correct in everything they write and have put into medical law and future practice.

    • Well, OzMal, you at least have the satisfaction of saying you were right all along about non-existent viruses. As I recall, you were the first in Australia.

    • When all this started some years ago, I found an article on hydroxycloroquin and how it worked to stop Covid. I sent it to my doctor, he replied with a vapid article on Redemsivir.

      I suspect that most doctors don’t think for themselves, they just do what the authorities recommend, especially if they could loose their license if they strayed from the approved narrative.

  3. Dee,
    Thank you for everything you do in presenting facts, making gumshoe news the informative site exposing the oppression.
    Unfortunately, many family relatives and friends will not wake up, now they are ‘woke’.
    Saying the obvious, when have politicians shut down the world over a flu outbreak? Never.
    In this AI insanity, traditional war is enhanced exponentially with needles and lethal injections, now we see ‘vaccine’ is causing death not preventing. It may end up being the worst mass murder in history.
    The prophets warned that those who do not love truth will take lies to be truth, please note that rejecting truth is damnation.
    The agenda is connection to the metaverse and/or mass murder. They slaughter while blaming deaths on new variants.
    All media belong to the same club, and we people ain’t in it.

  4. As long as we continue to observe the obvious, do our ‘golly goshes’, and deride the media for not challenging the lies and distortions, we are willing victims; refusing
    to analyse and refusing to confront the disturbing and inescapable conclusions laid out before us.

    The first political context that saw us collectively become the three monkeys was over media ownership. Any person with something approaching average intelligence has known since at least 1996, when John Howard defeated Paul Keating by offering Rupert Murdoch domination of the Australian media, that thenceforth, Murdoch controlled all elections and therefore selected governments and decided policies.

    Suddenly, with covid, all of a sudden, the media is a sycophantic echo of the politicians and a parrot for oligarchs. How does this make sense. Come off the grass, it does not make sense at all. Murdoch continues to run Australia and he ran the covid policies. Yet every single global media outlet had the same stories. There is only one conclusion. The story leads flowed from New York and London, where Murdoch reigns.

    Are there clues in history to confirm this? Hell yeah. In 1973, David Rockefeller, then acknowledged globalist alliance leader, invited Rupert Murdoch to become an American citizen. Murdoch then assumed control over all Zionist media and all Zionist tax minimisation. Over the next three decades, he developed control over virtually all global media, which is now in the hands of only ten entities.

    When his immediate mentor, David Rockefeller died in March 2017, journalists dived into their copies of Who’s Who to identify his successor and came up with… nothing. No Rockefeller has ever been anointed as the new wearer of dynastic mantle, and nor has anybody within the other most likely source, the Rothschilds. Perplexed, journalists, scenting a massive story, began sifting through the evidence only to be told abruptly by their editors “Desist, or else”.

    Amateurs have tossed around names like Schwarb, Gates, Soros, and a host of billionaires but none were ever regarded as anything but curiosities by David Rockefeller. Yet he clearly favoured only one successor… Murdoch. Murdoch himself has scoffed at suggestions he now runs the globalist alliance but those who asked were never available to be asked why. All apparently chose new careers or were otherwise on extended leave.

    There comes a time when the bleeding obvious must be confronted. Rupert Murdoch was the only person chosen to be Rockefeller’s successor; which means that the World’s first global dictator is Emperor Rupert the First. This kinda makes King Charlie the 3rd look a little ridiculous. It also marks the dashing of hopes that Britain will once again rule the waves.

    Uneasy rests the head that wears the crown, which is why Emperor Rupert points everywhere but at himself. He is in no hurry to be the first dead World Emperor. But at least we now know why the media is in lockstep with politicians. It is Murdoch who sets the marching tune.

    • It fits with his rise to world domination and also the idea that the top key man should be elusive, such as being not tied to Britain or the USA but more like a satellite of both, also he is like royalty, his mother was probably Queen of Melbourne with her huge spread down there on Mornington Peninsula, from where civilised people such as Grek Hunt build their careers.
      But I would say there are a lot of crowns to hand out, and some such as Gates wear two crowns (IT king + mRNA king, well perhaps they are the same thing).
      The Murdock money as with Gates’ goes back several generations, I can’t say how far. “Dame Commander of the British Empire” presumably means she had an 8-pointed star tucked away for the most formal occasions. Here she is opening a drug rehab centre, cute

    • All well and good so long as ‘”confronting the disturbing and inescapable conclusions laid out before us” isn’t just another sort of anxiety-engendered path
      Because ultimately they all lead to the same port.

      If the reference point isn’t “how can this situation be turned on it’s head” you’re dead meat; following a natty little survival formula won’t save you or anyone else from anything

    • How is it possible that all major media are controlled by the same perpetraitors united by the same goals?
      Who crush any notion of individuality and free enterprise that is small independent business.
      How dare they think that self determination and national sovereignty is inferior to totalitarianism.
      They control pharmaceutical, are entrenched in key government roles.
      They control the net and flow of money. Run all television and are in charge of WHO and other ‘health’ agencies. They control all major foundations and multi trillion $ investment corporations like Blackrock Vanguard etc.
      and they rule all central and major commercial banks.
      What they promote is antithetical to health freedom and national sovereignty. Having more wealth and power than most nations they continue to rape pillage and plunder as beasts do.

  5. Devoid of conscience, they desire to remake the world in the image of the beast, enforcing digital IDs with CBDCs, crushing small business.

    Not long ago, Oz was built by working people who produced useful products and sold them for a fair price.

  6. I overhear random people talking about death in the family and heart surgeries and so forth quite a lot this year, but today I got a story that I had been waiting for. This person is a real busybody and pain-in-the-arse and two years ago wanted to be the first person in the state to be injected. I am reliably sure all the boosters were delivered into arm. So now I hear tales of a year in hospital with unspecified (private) operations and last year this person also had a knee operation. It seems the 4th booster really is the kill shot !!!

    • I should add this very obnoxious, bloody-minded and dictatorial individual was perfectly healthy beforehand and a keen exerciser, age under 50

  7. Everyone’s doing excess deaths lately, you can’t get kicked off spewtube for that, I have been watching a few, hospitals and undertakers all looking for staff
    (2 min)

    (1 min)
    This guy really struggles with conclusions and his excuse now is that spewtube will ban him but I think it’s his medical licence he is more worried about
    (18 min if you go the distance)

    Last but not least in fact it’s “most” not least:
    Internet of bodies (9min)

    • So it’s not just that the heart attack rate has shot up, it’s the fact that the covid circus has rendered every emergency health facility kaput.

      Not that they haven’t been seriously dysfunctional for years but nothing ever stands still

      • “the covid circus has rendered every emergency health facility kaput”
        but still no mention of the fact that the vax mandate caused all the competent staff to walk
        or the fact that recklessness – as in going along with it – shouldn’t be subsidised in any case.

        We all make stupid decisions of some sort or other and like it or not, we ultimately all have to live with them

  8. Doctors pledge to “treat” trans children immediately with total affirmation: Genital mutilation and promotion of mental illness

    Libby Emmons
    The Post Millennial
    2022-09-25 09:55:00


    Hospitals across the country have established gender clinics for children and adolescents with the idea of “helping” minors transition into a new, assumed gender identity. Columbia University Medical Center’s Gender Identity Program focuses on the psychological aspects, making the claim that the primary stresser faced by gender non-conforming youth is due to a lack of societal acceptance. The practice for children and teens “offers services ranging from psychotherapy and medication management to hormone therapy and surgery.”

    Comment: The state-sanctioned mutilation of children will go down in history as one of the greatest evils, and if there were any justice in the world, those promoting this sick agenda would be imprisoned for crimes against humanity.

    See also:

    I'm a pediatrician. How transgender ideology has infiltrated my field and produced large-scale child abuse
    Planned Parenthood begins offering children transgender hormone therapy drugs
    Transgender kids' summer camp hosts children as young as 4yo
    Boston Children's Hospital gender clinic sees children 'ages two and three'
    Children's transgender clinic in UK hit by 35 resignations in three years as psychologists warn of gender dysphoria 'over-diagnoses'
    Transgender tyranny in public schools

  9. The only culprits I see responsible at this stag and up to one year ago are doctors and health professionals. Morally they are the one industry that could finish this BS in an instant. They should all hang their heads in shame.

  10. New Zealand Prime Minister Calls for a Global Censorship System By Jonathan Turley | 25 Sept 2022 |

    New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern is the latest liberal leader to call for an international alliance to censor speech. Unsatisfied with the unprecedented corporate censorship of social media companies, leaders like Hillary Clinton have turned from private censorship to good old-fashioned state censorship. Speech regulation has become an article of faith on the left. Ardern used her speech this week to the United Nations General Assembly to call for censorship on a global scale. Ardern lashed out at “disinformation” and called for a global coalition to control speech… She defended the need for such global censorship on having to combat those


    • 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡😂💁
      Hey ABC Fake misinformation brigade.
      Want to put this up in a ABC broadcast to comply with your duties to be a independent news service.?
      While you are being dutiful and honest, put up the 2007 interview by Amy Goodman and General Wesley Clarke wherein the General EXPOSES THE PRE 911 NEO CON PLAN ( the plan) TO GO TO WAR AND TAKE DOWN 7 CONTRIES IN 5 YEARS.
      Yep and John Winston Howard went along with the killing by the coalition of the willing.
      Yep, and the Australian pay you lot a billion a year, plus interest for a waste of space.

    • They are merely the servants of the rich familes that extend back a thousand years, accumulating wealth and swallowing those families that were not as devious or aggressive. They always approach the venial, clever types at uni. Then thay exercise a hold on them, enough to destroy. Then, they reward by results, no means ruled out

    • Even if not true, Nestle is a massive CONglomerate, owned and controlled by very few in the rat’s nest known as Switzerland.
      Boycotting everything made by these corporations is an urgent need. The $US is climbing, as investments abroad are drawn back, before war. They will buy up as much of Australia as we let them.

      They know how safe this continent is and they want it.

  11. Graphene is a concern.

    It seems to have been introduced into some antibiotics.
    Tiny, sharp, stronger than diamond, penetrating, they will shred epthelials and promote immune response and clotting.

    Vitamin C is an antibiotic. Humans do not make it, but many animals do and may safely eat carrion and dung

  12. A huge, non-human initiated, cull is approaching. To ensure their own families’ survival, they have common cause in reducing the competition for food and above all water. COVID is just the start, a rehearsal.

    The survivors will envy the dead. Strive to survive only if you have a strong will and have already endured tough times. Creating a snowflake genration is another part of it. They will suicide in vast numbers.
    I am astonished that the commenters on this blog, (thanks Mary!) take these statistics as accurate! The causes of death are simple and not directly virus related: CLOTS! What else? They stop hearts, cause strokes and pulmonary emboli. They are associated with cancers as they blovk the routes to cancers by the bodies immune system.

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