Home Health Pharma Promoting Medical Cocktails, Stents, and Statins

Pharma Promoting Medical Cocktails, Stents, and Statins


[Editor’s note: G5 forward this clip with respected UK cardiologist Dr Aseem Malhotra, revealing his views on coronary stents and statin drugs. I have a particular interest in Statins, as I was on Lipator for over a decade in the 90s and early 2000s.]

by G5

Below, an interesting video concerning the massive and deadly fraud known as Modern Medicine.

Between 2009 and 2014 the top 10 US pharmaceutical companies paid over $14 billion in fines for hiding data and publishing fraudulent ‘research’. But there is still money in crime, and nothing has changed.

One of the ‘Research and Publication’ issues is ‘Mismatched Data’. False Information is published to manipulate doctors’ patients, for the lifelong, and life shortening, medication cocktails to nowhere.

The big pharmaceutical and medical device companies spend twice as much on marketing to what they do on research. And most of the money spent on research is to institutions and individuals, buying the outcomes for which they are paid.

Trials are conducted — excluding those suffering side-effects, regarded as Not Representative.

The British Government paid over half a billion pounds to stockpile the very questionable Tamiflu. A better outcome being delivered by Paracetamol.

Scientific Publications have become organized criminal activities, with academics paid to produce fraudulent data. Those who do not play, have funding affected for ‘Misconduct’. Opposing truthful data is challenged to withdraw or submit to a review committee. The committees are stocked with academics and experts on the pharmaceutical purse. Should there still be a challenge by the publication or its editors, they are sued for liable and the writers and editors are professionally referred for Editorial Misconduct.

The citations for the following can be traced through the video, for the more studious. Research in the subject of medical fraud goes at least back to the California Cancer Institute; Psychiatry is good, Vaccines are good, Fluoride is good. Statins are good, Stents are good…

The use of Beta Blockers in Western Europe have caused 800,000 excess deaths, from data that can be found. The data from mammograms has revealed them causing more deaths than have allegedly been saved.

When your doctor tells you to stay on Statins or you will die, the chances of you dying, because you woke up to the game, is one in ten thousand. Stents cause death. Oxford University was paid three hundred thousand pounds, and a Research Department, one hundred and fifty thousand pounds. And the good professor further paid again to produce false expert peer reviewed scientifically published frogshit papers on the benefits of Statins, and how the use should be expanded.

Forget the bullshit of White Collar Crime, invented by The Usual Suspects, and pumped through the moron public servant regulatory classes. How about some criminal charges against The Medical Experts and their paymaster Big Pharma, the Publishers who push the lies, and the criminal regulators who facilitate it.

Heart Disease, Cholesterol, Type 2 Diabetes, Cancer, and much more need to be turned on their heads, together with the professional buffoons who follow Big Pharma, empirical, expert, academic,  peer reviewed dictates.

This is not a new issue. The doctor in this clip is not the first.

On what planet is The Enemy Within Government, your feeder and protector. Where is the pressure and lobbying from ‘Legitimate’ Interests.

At least individual awareness is not such a difficult journey through rational and critical thought.

And now for Dr Aseem Malhotra.

Additional note from G5:

Trump mentioned advances in medical science. (The buy-off for Big Pharma to compensate The Obama Care dismantling.) He mentioned a cure for cancer on the way (Hardly, as Big Pharma has blocked it since the days of The California Cancer Fraud). He also mentioned the cure for AIDS (But of course could not link it to its invention by The CIA. Along with other cute issues as LSD, Crack, Ebola, Simian Syrum, and deadly Vaccines). His ‘policies’, couched in deception and theatrics, are specific, acceptable, and opposite to the ideologically driven Dems.



  1. Does anyone think G5 is not informed?
    If so, remind yourself of the gumshoe article linked below and be terrified. Those over, say 50 years of age have seen it ALL come to fruition.
    WAKE UP!


    In light of G5 above just scroll through: these paragraphs.
    18, 20, 24, 27**, 28, 29+ …..87.

    For Uncle Phill H and his latest article: 91-95.





  2. Comment not registering, (might be my error?)
    So in Short, just read this link carefully and think TRAITORS of the MSM and our Parliaments.

  3. I see medical ‘research’ projects being twisted into getting the results they are looking for almost every day. It’s disgraceful, just read my name sake…..Eyes Wide Open….you just cannot ‘unlearn’ or ‘close your eyes’ to some things. After all as a society we are getting sicker with chronic diseases including heart disease, diabetes, cancer etc etc etc. Perhaps they’ve got it wrong?

    Then one has to wonder why there are so many ‘incidental findings’ within the private hospitals as opposed to the public ones?

    If anyone’s interested, research Dr Gary Fettke from Launceston Tasmania. He took on APRHA & won his case. He was sick of unnecessarily cutting off people’s limbs and started to instruct people to change their diet instead. Boom……inflammation…..gone! Boom…..Type 2 Diabetes…..gone! However the Australian Medical Board decided that he wasn’t ‘qualified’ to educate people on their diet. It becomes clear that the Medical Model needs us to be “fat, sick & nearly dead”…….after all, we will line the pockets of multiple industries this way. It’s difficult to sift through the enormous amounts of ‘get healthy quick’ schemes, but Dr Fettke’s theories definitely make logical sense. No quick fix, no products to buy. We all only have one body, learn how to look after it! Look him up on You Tube & Facebook!

    • There’s also the fact that an increasingly disgruntled population that’s kept “fat, sick & nearly dead” is bound to be generally more controllable than otherwise

  4. USA Watchdog does a freaky interview with Bo Polny. The expression was coined “The Pretending in Ending” I sort of liked that. Any cynics might not want to watch this clip. (very strong biblical references) As for me, I’m an EX-CYNIC!

    The cynics might learn a thing or two, though…just sayin’…
    BTW Ned, how the hell could Richard Day have known all the stuff he spoke about in 1969, back then, unless he was part of the CABAL. These guys WERE pretty good at fucking shit up.

  5. Let the buyer beware.
    The Doctors can only be Doctors when they are freed from the cartel and allowed to operate freely without forced association to the really sick.
    Paracetamol like it’s replacement ibuffin is just side affect poison, agenda style.

  6. Luckily I read about statins before my doctor prescribed them. I did take the prescription, but I lied to him about taking the statins. Not going to happen.

    However, I had not heard about drugs like ‘Cipro’. I had a very bad urinary tract infection where I ended up hospitalized and on the fourth day they hit me with the floroquinolones (FQs). I thought it was a miracle as it broke the fever in 45 minutes.

    Then after I got out of the hospital my REAL health problems arrived. I went down hill for 6 months because of the mitochondria dysfunction that the FQs produced. I didn’t think I was going to make it. I finally stopped the decline with massive doses of vit. C.

    However, it precipitated my type 1 diabetes and prostrate cancer. It took about 5 years of recovery to be able to do 1.5 hours of work around my place.

    I will never be treated with FQs again. I expect that if I had been given intravenous vitamin C instead, I would have recovered. There are lots of webpages for people that have been ‘floxed’, here’s a link to one of them –


  7. This is just a take it or leave it health tip for the digestive system, and it has nothing to do with drugs or chemicals. All that’s needed is to buy a packet of pitted dates and eat 3 EVERY day. One mid morning, one mid afternoon and one before some time before going going to bed. I’ll chalk this one up as my good deed for today. Remember Ernie Dingo’s Philosophy: If you never ever try, then you’ll never ever know. Cheers, Kevin.

  8. Another injection into the youth of Australia is via the Education System. Parents are injected into the same curricula too, and as the frameworks say: practise makes perfect!
    Australians have to see that this present Education System in Australia (UN Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is a belief system of interconnectedness with the whole earth and each other.

    The minds of the people are being subject to ESD on a daily basis!

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