Home News Phone Your Mum Today To Thank Her, Thank Her, Thank Her

Phone Your Mum Today To Thank Her, Thank Her, Thank Her


by Mary W Maxwell, LLB

Is there any one among us, with a now-deceased mother, who wishes he/she had done more to show appreciation to Mum?

There is no love like a mother’s love, but often we don’t get the message till it’s too late.

Most of us in the Gumshoe community are aware of a group that is trying to undermine every aspect of culture.  In his 1969 speech of amazing predictions, Dr Richard Day even pointed to such outlandish practices (by “them”) as removing landmarks from the local landscape so people would lose a sense of continuity – and taking baby dolls and tea sets off the toy market so little girls would stop playing Mum and homemaker.

The efforts of “them” in many areas have been very successful. I won’t rattle off the usual list, as it is important to be upbeat today. Happily, “their” effort to knock motherhood has, been unsuccessful.  Of course “they” should have known it would not be a goer, but they’re still not willing to acknowledge that.

GumshoeNews has gone bananas in the last three or four years (oh my, tempus fugit ) trying to undo what these evil change artists are physically doing to harm motherhood – viz, they get the state to steal kids. I am not going to recap that story here, as our editor, Dee McLachlan, has recently done so. And she is endorsed by the wonderful lawyer ex-lawyer, Serene Teffaha.

But I do want to make a pitch to our readers as follows: the mothers who are suffering can’t do the job of attacking their attackers, and therefore it is up to all of us – I mean every one of us, I mean YOU — to contribute your brains and brawn or whatever else you’ve got.

Talking about it is not enough. The Mums in question are desperate. But no amount of emotional strength from them does the job of getting their stolen child back. And I find that most of them are worn down and many eventually accept defeat.

Additionally, they have to put up with the misery of being whispered about by others who have no idea where the fault lies. (It lies with me and thee; such is the meaning of “human society.”) I know one gal who does not even meet eyes with her neighbors anymore.  She thinks, probably correctly, that since they saw police tote her kids away, that she is a horrible mother.

That is an additional emotional burden. There is nothing like the pain of being accused of something of which you are innocent, and indeed of which you are the aggrieved party.

I’ll say just once more that the very injured persons from our (unbelievable!!!) MK-Ultra program said they were almost completely unable to speak out, as they were mocked for telling their story.

Of course the majority of MK-Ultra survivors had not even arrived at the position where they could tell their story – they did not know their story — but the vocal ones who were able to call for society’s help were thwarted by the unwillingness of the rest of us to take a chance on their honesty.

The Mother of Troy Davis

I now switch to a different topic – not that of kid-stealing (as such). I learned a few years ago from a reliable source – George Crile, MD (1868-1943) — that it is possible for some humans and some  animals to die of a broken heart. I forget the details, but it had something to do with brain cells being exhausted from the strain of losing the offspring.

After I learned that, I was able to look back on the 2011 death of Virginia Davis and see it as a death by a broken heart. Mrs Davis died in April 2011, just ten years ago. At age 65 she was in good health (if you could call it that, with a son on Death Row), and just passed away.

I happened to get involved in the case of Troy Davis in 2008 when he was about to be executed but was spared at the last minute. That meant 3 more years of occasional moments of hope, and constant legal frustrations.

At the very least it could be said that the family – really good, good people – received huge support from the public who could easily see the injustice of the Guilty verdict against her son. He was around age 20 when accused of killing a cop (oh, please) and was 44 when he was finally executed on September 21, 2011 in the state of Georgia.

Troy asked us not to forget him after he was gone and I mean to talk about him in future, but today I am mentioning the plight of a maternal parent.  (I was told that his Dad had died also of a broken heart much earlier during Troy’s incarceration)

I should also say Happy Mother’s day — in memoriam — to Troy’s older sister Martina Correia. Her death in that same year, on December 4, 2011, was a big loss to the world. She had been in the US Army as a nurse in the Gulf War of 1991 and much later got cancer.

It was Martina’s sworn duty to hang on to try to help her brother Troy get out of prison. Amnesty International paid her way to stage rallies all over the place. By 2011 she was not well but held out for ten weeks after the – can I use this horrible word? – execution.

Martina Correia, supported by nuns in Dublin, Ireland

Three members of the family for Troy’s surviving sister Kimberly Davis to grieve, all in one year – her mother, her brother, and then her sister.

Are we getting sick of cruelty, Everybody?

We don’t have to put up with it, you know.

Let’s get back on the hope wagon and the action wagon.

Here is a thought that Troy would like you to hear:

Message Published by Troy Davis in 2008

“I want to thank all of you for your efforts and dedication to Human Rights and Human Kindness. In the past year I have experienced such emotion, joy, sadness and never-ending faith. It is because of all of you that I am alive today. As I look at my sister Martina I marvel at the love she has for me and of course I worry about her and her health, but, as she tells me, she is the eldest and she will not back down from this fight.

“As I look at my mail from across the globe, from places I have never ever dreamed I would know about and people speaking languages and expressing cultures and religions I could only hope to one day see first hand, I am humbled by the emotion that fills my heart with overwhelming, overflowing Joy. I can’t even explain the surge of emotion I feel when I try to express the strength I draw from you all, it compounds my faith and it shows me yet again that this is not a case about the death penalty, this is not a case about Troy Davis, It is about the Human Spirit to see Justice prevail.

So Thank you, and remember I am in a place where execution can only destroy your physical form but because of my faith in God, my family and all of you I have been spiritually free for some time. … I want you to know that the trauma placed on me and my family, as I have now faced execution and the death chamber 3 times, is more than most can bear. Yet as I face this state-sanctioned terror, I realize one constant: my faith is unwavering…. You inspire me … you add to my strength, my courage. We must dismantle this unjust system city by city, state by state, and country by country. I can’t wait to stand with you, no matter if that’s in physical or spiritual form, I will one day be announcing:  I AM TROY DAVIS AND I AM FREE.”


I start the ball rolling with a Mother song.  Please send any, if you wish, in the Comments!  Or just tell us about your fantastic Mum.



  1. Thank you…this left me crying more, and I believe things can’t keep going the way it is, innocent people are being accused of crimes they didn’t commit…it saddens my heart, faith in God is what pulls me through too…thank you for this article, and happy mother’s day to us all, as we continue to fight a unjust system to get our children home, and innocent set free, god bless us all🙏

    • Not surprising, what would be expected; all for the ‘MOTHER LAND’. not noticeable for the gullibles.
      Sheer conditioning of the public, seen it, heard it all before many historic disasters.

        • Roman Catholicism is Babylonian paganism dressed up with Christian terminology.

          From The Two Babylons by Alexander Hislop

          Section II
          The Mother and Child, and the Original of the Child

          In Papal Italy, as travellers universally admit (except where the Gospel has recently entered), all appearance of worshipping the King Eternal and Invisible is almost extinct, while the Mother and the Child are the grand objects of worship.

          Exactly so, in this latter respect, also was it in ancient Babylon. The Babylonians, in their popular religion, supremely worshipped a Goddess Mother and a Son, who was represented in pictures and in images as an infant or child in his mother’s arms. (Figs. 5 and 6)

          From Babylon, this worship of the Mother and the Child spread to the ends of the earth. In Egypt, the Mother and the Child were worshipped under the names of Isis and Osiris. * In India, even to this day, as Isi and Iswara; ** in Asia, as Cybele and Deoius; in Pagan Rome, as Fortuna and Jupiter-puer, or
          Jupiter, the boy; in Greece, as Ceres, the Great Mother, with the babe at her breast, or as Irene, the goddess of Peace, with the boy Plutus in her arms; and even in Thibet, in China, and Japan, the Jesuit missionaries were astronished to find the counterpart of Madonna *** and her child as 20
          devoutly worshipped as in Papal Rome itself; Shing Moo, the Holy Mother in China, being represented with a child in her arms, and a glory around her, exactly as if a Roman Catholic artist had been employed to set her up

          • So this Hislop bod; are we to presume that he is directly descended from the little bunch of Apostles that were huddled in the room with Christ’s Mother at Pentecost? Should we also assume that the timid little band who had fled just a few weeks previously when their “Master” was being flogged and stretched to His death by the very mob that despise Him because He was a Man born of a Woman whom He loved were railing against Her for being some type of pagan goddess?

            I think it very likely that all the descendants of Adam and Noah had some carry on from the Genesis story of the Fall which became corrupted as time went on and diabolical narcissism took hold.

            Anyway, those Apostles went far and wide. History and tradition tell us where some of them went and what happened to them but there are lots of blanks.

            It seems pretty sure that Tom the Doubter got to India where he was done to death without much in the way of vibrant Churches surviving him. But it doesn’t take much imagination to guess that some of his teaching could have been perverted into the prevalent Gnosticism of that area.

            If you want to elevate this Hislop bod to the level of the likes of Joseph Smith and many others who am I to complain? But I think it will be very scary when you lot are trying to explain to the Judge that His Mother is the epitome of all pagan goddess types.

          • CC
            same old hobby mule, perhaps you did not know that Mary was not a catholic, appreciate the message for once or pinch a milk crate and stand on it at some street corner and preach all you like to the passing crowds.

          • Which Mary are you talking about, Neddy?

            It seems that ole Adolf was pretty handy with a paint brush. I had been under the impression that he was only notable for his still life; like the vase of flowers.

    • So for ‘mothers’.
      Wonder what a father is?
      Never the less, some ‘birthers’ are actually fair dinkum NATURAL mothers like Cori Bush…… pity some forget the meaning of ‘mother’ for their political socialist agendas promoted and designed to destroy ‘family’.

      Why not get rid of ‘family’ and re-term it; a ‘collective social thingmebob for a socialist ‘MOTHER …….. LAND’.

  2. I am a bit confused. Mary Maxwell starts off in praise of mothers, on Mothers Day, which I wholeheartedly endorse. A worthy comment.

    Out of the blue, she then starts a discussion about Troy Davis who was executed for murder in 2011, with a further sub-story about his sister who died of cancer.
    What is the connection?
    Are we to second-guess the jury in Davis’ conviction?
    Does Ms Maxwell want us to condemn capital punishment?
    Is this a further BLM beat up?

    If so, I would decline to give support in each case.

    • Mrs Virginia Davis (1946-2011) did not appear out of the blue in this article. She was my reason for writing it. I will get a techie to upload her photo later for your viewing pleasure.

      And thanks to Dee for the Albert Lake Park photo which she snapped in real time under the cake.

      “Does Ms Maxwell condemn capital punishment?”

      No, Ms Maxwell vigorously supports capital punishment. If re-education would work instead, fine, but she hasn’t seen any cases of it.

  3. Called my Mom today, she’s 94 and the dementia is getting worse. If you have a chance to talk to the woman that gave you birth, nursed you and raised you before she started to fade to the similar infantile person that she used to deal with in you, please do it. – It is hard at times to witness the decline in a pillar of your youth. We will all go through it, ya just got to cop it.

    • “When your mother has grown older,
      When her dear, faithful eyes
      no longer see life as they once did,
      When her feet, grown tired,
      No longer want to carry her as she walks –

      Then lend her your arm in support,
      Escort her with happy pleasure.
      The hour will come when, weeping, you
      Must accompany her on the final walk.

      And if she asks you something,
      Then give her an answer.
      And if she asks again, then speak!
      And if she asks yet again, respond to her,
      Not impatiently, but with gentle calm.

      And if she cannot understand you properly
      Explain all to her happily again.
      The hour will come, the bitter hour,
      When her mouth asks for nothing more.”

      A.H. – 1923

      And yes, I did phone mum (92) today. And dad’s just fine as well (99).

      Yep – good attitude Terry – I asked my mum if she was ‘content’ with her span … I don’t bother them with this other stuff – it would break their hearts.

  4. I will contend that the proper and sublime dignity of motherhood can never be appreciated where the Great Putative Mother of all mothers and fathers and daughters and sons is dismissed, derided or despised.

    I will also contend that where motherhood is purposely prohibited as the natural result of the marital embrace then motherhood is inevitably depreciated and the love of mothers becomes more like the love of any other service provider like the butcher, the baker, the candlestick maker.

    God so loved the World that He made a woman to be His beloved Daughter, Spouse and Mother and to share in His Redemptive Act. Of course, the Sanhedrin hate that and do whatever they can to depreciate women with feminism and other perversions of the natural order.

    Many, many years ago I observed that a child has a good chance of surviving an “inadequate” father but if the mother is a human wreckage their chances of “normal” development is very slim. I guess that it is well known from long ago as I recall from way back that one of those “revolutionary” theoreticians (I think it was a bod called Bacunin) said “we must aim to corrupt the women because they can create effeminate men and disordered women”.

    Ah yes! a good mother is a natural blessing beyond all compare. God bless all mothers.

    • I certainly agree with much of what you say, Oldavid, but the fairer sex is ruled by emotion, not so much reality, which is where the male influence must complement that of our mothers. This is why our women are taught to hate their men, so our children are ruled totally by emotion, and not facts, about the situations they find themselves in.

  5. Only a mother knows the pain of childbirth and for that alone they should be loved always.
    A mother’s love comes from above, their role the most important here. From folklore in times past they said, ‘a father holds one corner of the house and a mother supports the other three’.
    It is also common knowledge from then, that mothers died from sadness, suffering the pain that comes from losing children.
    If we can support them in their times of need, hopefully our younger ones will do the same for us, as our lives turn full circle and we become dependants again. Traditional family values have to be restored and respected, for the survival of all living.

  6. Here’s something to chew on.
    I actually think good mothers are a dying breed. Many modern mothers just dump the child into a childcare centre at a few weeks old, and go back to work for the second income to keep up the payments on the Toyota Landcruiser, or palatial 5 bedroom house.

    • As MM has said above, girls don’t get dolls anymore, they get boy toys and women want to be men, well, the world is full of people now so that’s inevitable. But everybody wants a mum and look how this has been subverted in politics, Queensland has a mum, she inherited her seat, from her father who seems to want to microchip everyone. And NZ has a mum, according to Dr Rashid Buttar (dual citizen of NZ) Jacinta has been feteing Bill Gates and the boss of Google inbetween getting some type of medal in France from Macron (Rotschild’s servant) and prohibiting any dissection of the official version of their muslim massacre / gun removal program. Now Biden says they want to pay for an extra 5 (?) years of education, I think he said “to start as early as possible”, do you get the idea. Motherhood is some sentimental relic which may survive in some places but is being systematically eradicated in others. It has already been eliminated on farms.


    This just in, from AP at Burnie.seafmtas.com.au:

    Almost 780,000 vaccinations in total have been administered in NSW, which includes those overseen by the Commonwealth.

    Sydneysiders were this week urged to wear masks and adhere to other restrictions without cancelling their Mother’s Day plans.

    Liquor and Gaming NSW on Saturday also urged businesses to do the right thing over the weekend, with compliance officers out in force on Sunday.

    Businesses can be fined up to $5000 and forced to shut their doors for defying COVID rules, including the requirement all patrons check in.

    • Mary,
      Seeing people on the weekend, with personalised ‘deziner’ face nappies, wasn’t encouraging for sanity to rise above the bs. All this for 2 mystery cases in eastern suburbs.
      From observation so far, 100% the virus is in the vaxxx, brainwashing will be finalised with it.
      The super-spreaders (terrorists) are around according to our ‘washed premier.

      • I am so looking forward to that ‘oh shit!’ moment when the mask-holes realize they got conned into taking the vaccine. LOL, joke’s on you. Good bye….

        • From Trump desk (personal twitter style feed)
          “So now even our Kentucky Derby winner, Medina Spirit, is a junky. This is emblematic of what is happening to our Country. The whole world is laughing at us as we go to hell on our Borders, our fake Presidential Election, and everywhere else!”

          Yes the end is usually the same for junkys

  8. just sharing this -such a joyful beautiful father daughter relationship–a pure love that will surely result in a beautiful nurturing mother child relationship, a woman who is capable of loving kindness and tenderness and joy of living.

    the father is attuned to his daughter–notice how she sneaks in an extra breath at the end to have the last “say”

  9. I thought this topic was going to be light and airy, but no, it’s not!!

    I would like to put my 2 cents in as a mother and a daughter.
    I would love nothing more than to be held by my mother and my son.
    My mother and I had a turbulent relationship over my teenage years, but I would have walked over hot coals to help her if needed.
    I left her for 22 years by moving state, we saw each other once during that whole time, when my step father passed away. It was a bitter sweet time where we had both grown a lot and found peace with where we stood in each others life.
    That same year I gave birth to my beautiful son, 1984-
    Many years went by and with my mother being on the end of the phone we would call each other often, that cemented our relationship for the next 33 years.
    In January of 2017 my mother had a stroke, at the age of 93, in April of that year my son passed away at the tender age of 33, my life has never been the same since. I needed my mother then, but she was locked in her own mind and a part of me felt resentful that she couldn’t hurt like I did.
    In December of that year my mother took her last breath, 3 days past her birthday and 4 days before Christmas. Of course losing my son was the most devastating thing that has ever happened to me but I felt like my mother had passed away in January that year and I grieved for her then, not after she actually passed.
    I’m sorry if this post is not the sort of thing you wanted, but Happy Mothers Day to my mum, and thank you Kevin for the most wonderful 33 years of my life..
    May you both Rest In Peace!!

  10. Mothers day tweet from Trump desk:
    “Happy Mother’s Day to all. It will all come back BIGGER and BETTER and STRONGER than ever before. Do not worry!”

    Couldn’t be much clearer. I will be checking out azaudit.org first thing in the morning my favourite site discovered by Ned and should be the first wrecking ball that goes through the Biden hoax and following that the BigPharma hoax, I think it will be resolved maybe August and if not I will have to become asymmetrical, I have no interest in continuing with “new normal” anything.

  11. Destroy family, destroy work ethic, destroy community, destroy market value, destroy price discovery, destroy enterprise, destroy education, destroy trust, destroy facts and honesty, this is the agenda of the deep state / plutocrats and their dogs like Nancy Pelosi and the rest.

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