Home World Politics Reflections on The Hegemony Narrative

Reflections on The Hegemony Narrative

(L) Image from the aerial view of the expoding ‘mother of all bombs’, and (R) guarding the opium fields (R photo – Global Research)

by G5

Recalling what I recently wrote of The Los Alamos Atlanta CAL Air Flight: False Flags of plausible denial are currently being sought by America, NATO, and Israel, to swerve Western herds, to allow for strikes on: Russian Assets, Syria and Iran.

Latakia of course would be well off target for the protagonists. Unless they are hoping that Russia will kill itself laughing.

And NATO of course loiters in Eastern Europe — struggling for a relevance and a meaning after the disbanding of The Warsaw Pact. For which NATO was the postured counter. The way The Cold War progressed is written in the stone of Real History.

The insanity of the reality is that neither America nor certainly Israel can militarily sustain or survive any major engagement against Russia. This is a historically well-proven fact, as well as technologically demonstrated ad nauseam, in the contemporary.

Bringing The Western Herds to a point of dribbling, even more incoherently, is ridiculous. The North Korean Affair is a fine example. Following the MSM narratives derived from the ill-advised American rhetoric is idiocy, to maintain a failed illusion.

The two Koreas are to merge. America needs to back track or go quite on the Anti-NK Narrative, to escape as neutral, after the reality. There is no doubt that American Intel has correctly read what is to occur. What are we going to see? Another denial as Taiwan to appease China. Yet another duplicitous venture by the demonstrable bipolar America.

Vietnam is now shown to be in the American fold, by recent visits and trading agreements. Clearly, Korea 1953 and Vietnam 1975 have been forgotten. But NK has been conveniently drawn from the dramatically failed China Policy Domino Theory, Hegemonic lunacy of that era of American vanquishings and military and economic devastations — that which would have left mere mortals with sane self-esteem, shattered. But not America.

The absurd propagandised stereotyping of The Russian Military by America, particularly during the later Cold War Era, came back to bite America, as it would.

If Russia was so backward, how did it develop the military technologies it has. As they are unique and America is nowhere in sight of them. An argument that they were stolen falls short. America could not contain itself in demonstrating the same. And as The Soviet Union and indeed Russia was in such turmoil from 1989 to 1991, why didn’t America take the advantage and act against Russia. What was the hidden deterrent.

The MOAB idiocy in Afghanistan last year, demonstrated what. Trumpy and friends, foiled mercilessly by their own hand over NK, Syria, and Afghanistan, decided to show large. America detonated a ‘conventional’ weapon that blue off a mountain top, and hopefully may have got a few ‘terrorists’ at the same time.

In response — not to be outdone in the theatrical stakes — Russia let one go that had the American military’s eyes water. The cartographers are still working on the new terrain map.

Why did America sit staring at The Berlin Wall from 1961 to 1989? And when Russia isolated Berlin, why did America play Berlin Airlift? Or for that matter why has America sat there staring at the 38th Parallel North, or whining of ‘Aggressions’ and ‘Provocations’, when American and Air and Sea ‘Supremacy’ has been repeatedly sent packing from the Asian seas. We now have the narrative of the crash-happy, 7th. Fleet in ‘Operational Pause’.

For those asleep at the wheel, America LOST The Cold War. Where are the concessions and reparations. Why did America and England deliver most of Europe to The USSR at Potsdam. Why was The Oder-Neisse Line never breached by America. Even at the time of the devastations of Ukraine, Hungary and Czechoslovakia.

The current narratives concerning American humanitarian and democratic interests in the now independent states on Russia’s western borders, are ludicrous. An unending demonstration of American (NATO as the proxy) military impotence.

The mainstay of the fiction being soft targets and the ability to pillage, plunder, loot and run. From Central and South America, The Caribbean, Africa, and The Middle East, the modus has not changed. The plethora of broken states in the aftermath being the legacy that keeps on giving.

Are we going to see an attempt to remove Korean electronics from the Western economies to aid the development of American products. The long running veiled trade wars to continue, as they must. The real function of The NSA.

The Function of the NSA

The disturbed who believe the Snowden Drop that The NSA is snooping their social media, can’t be helped from themselves. What is more rational? Social Media and the search for the mythical ‘terrorists’ — who don’t really seem to exist. Heard anything about ‘Communists’ lately?

Or is the issue more likely that The NSA is America’s leading edge of The Trade Wars. In past years, the banks supplied government with copies of all Letters of Credit. This added to Bills of Landing, and Customs Clearance Documentation, delivered a trade picture of who sold what to who and at what price.

The Intelligence of this was sold by the banks or delivered free by government to other players. So importers and exporters wondered how their hard gained markets or suppliers, were suddenly being serviced at better terms and conditions, or they were being undercut.

So small to medium players were pushed out of the game by banks and agents, who were not even involved in the markets at issue. They just had the ‘connections’. Then of course, those who pushed the small to medium players to the wall, were able to return to them and possibly negotiate for them to fit the market positions they had previously occupied or originated. Apart from the fact that the new owners of the markets were able to finance trade through the usual suspects, or not.

But this won’t make America Great (Again). It’s too far gone for Even Playing Fields. America needs to be re-invented. And that aspect of America remains in terminal denial. The Self-Esteem psycho-fiction can’t cope with the reality.

A Sporting Hand

As I wrote — the proffered narrative for America as the great rapprochement master, was from the well-planned introductions and seating arrangements at The Pyeongchang Olympics. Astonishingly, America refused the card. Pence maintained the arrogance and In Denial idiocy. America will not be able to supplant the Asian electronics industry. It is a fluid market and not that of singular products.

The Trump version of trade is as bad as the Obama version. Excluding Obama’s ideological imperatives. One of the best comical corollaries, was the inanity often sprouted by Obama that government was responsible for the success of enterprise in America.

The reality being, that enterprise in America succeeded as it did, when it did, DESPITE government, not as a consequence of it. And in the end, enterprise could no longer live with its great masters and benefactors. So it moved out. Zero was learnt by government trying to restart and attract industry and enterprise by bureaucratic whim and box ticking. And of course Expert input. If you want to know about Industry and Enterprise ask an EXPERT, who has no idea. If you want to know about Economics, ask a professor of Economics, who has no idea.

The two Koreas played out the Pyeongchang scenario as orchestrated. And now appear to the herds of The West as having mended old rifts. Whatever they were purported to have been in 1946 (The USSR actually drew The 38th Parallel North demarcation, when asked by America to intervene) and 1950.

Then of course there is the inconvenience of The Korean Armistice. America and its conned UN were driven out of Korea in 1956 — by Russia and China (to be repeated in Vietnam in 1975. America is a very slow learner. Almost to the point of retardation). America signed off on behalf of all including, The UN. So if America actually breaches the line, that has been agreed by all, then Russia and China will re-enter.

An interesting exercise is the UN Security Council votes concerning The Korean and Vietnam ‘Wars’. Russia and China had veto rights, but were either absent of abstained. The ‘wins’ by America, were in fact the idiot lamb to the slaughter serenade. America is trapped in the immediate. Russia and China think generationally. There was little doubt that America would destroy itself in Asia. It dared not play in Europe.

At Intel Briefings: the world would become unipolar, and America would reign supreme. The Hegemony Narrative was out and rampant. The more experienced and rational among us played along with the rest — as we were required to perform.

Those who are unable to accept that The Vatican and The CIA are indeed quite close allies, I can advise that the former was very well represented at information gatherings conducted by the latter.


When the herds were being advised last year that America was patrolling the seas of North Korea or overflying it — it was a lie. As indeed is the postured American waffle concerning dud missiles being fired at Japan, being a threat to world stability. Who really believes that Russia or China would tolerate a nuclear rogue NK on their doorsteps. Or indeed the same of Iran.

Again American propaganda stereotyping of North Korea, and its alleged dictator with a bad haircut (becoming fashion), are being reworked and again — as with Syria — America is up the proverbial, without the proverbial.

When Moon met Trump in early 2017, and formally (but not for herd consumption) advised that the Koreas would merge, Trump delivered demands. From what he postured as a position of strength — but in reality that of weakness. The Making of The Deal, actually lifted from Norman Vincent Peale, has an undercurrent of basics that are not foundations for success, but for bluff. The real world never plays that game in any event.

From The Trump Amada, to fake patrols, to dud missiles allegedly fired at Japan, to fake sanctions; The NK Narrative has not left Trump America better for the exercise.

He could have played his Jingoistic pro-military card as well as Appeasements and Rapprochements, and delivered the notion of a great diplomatic statesman (Kissinger got away with it), and accomplish far more in the long run, in real terms.

Sleight of Hand Economics, and assorted party trick military diversions, are fine in the short term — irrespective of the well-known limited attention span of the herds.


Russia pushed out the American proxies from Syria. A settlement conference was held in Russia, with America excluded. Great peeving was heard in the DC corridors. But America was the principal ‘enemy’ in The Syrian Conflict. What was the confusion? Was America going to admit its guilt (War Crimes, Acts of War)? Was there going to be acceptance of responsibility and compensation?

Has America reconstructed Iraq? What of Libya?

What ‘business’ does it have in Syria and Iran? The MS13, drug and violence cartels, plaguing America and Australia, at the moment, were formed from The Mano Blanca CIA Death Squads operating in Guatemala and El Salvador.

These are generationally deep problems that are not going to be easily solved. Those supposed ‘Anti-Communist’ Wars, were in reality to protect CIA bananas in Guatemala (Chiquita, United Fruit), and CIA coffee in El Salvador. As the 1990 invasion of Kuwait (not 1991; as Vietnam was commenced in 1950, not 1955 or even 1964) was to protect CIA Zapata Oil — now rebadged to Harbinger.

April Glaspie, Donald Rumsfeld, Lauri Fitz Pegado, Nayirah al Sabah et al,  were as much responsible as GHWB. As Barbara Bodine was responsible for The USS Cole Incident.

America and Israel thrive by conflict. Aggressions and Defences are blurred to the point that it really doesn’t matter which is which.

In recent days, Israel and America have been conducting targeted strikes in Syria, against Syrian and Iranian forces. There are no external threats from either Syria or Iran. Remember that Iran did not strike back at America after the horrendous cowardice of The USS Vincennes Incident. As Russia did not strike back after The Kursk Ramming Incident by The USS Toledo and USS Memphis. Sick Willy read Putin’s script. These as The KAL-007 Incident, suffer digital rewrites to protect the guilty.

Obama in his own clumsy way tried to appease Iran by nuclear energy technology and cash payments. Reactor Grade to Weapons Grade Plutonium is a big step.

Iran and Israel are the only two Non-Arab nations in the region. And to be strictly correct: The Arabs are also Semites, traced to Abraham.

So America and Israel have begun targeted strikes against Syria, in Syria — Acts of War by correct definition. There will be attempts to escalate the incursions, to blur them into ‘threats’ against Israel. So the new toys can be used to feign defence.

Pipelines and Black Economies

The Bear had a commitment to defened Syria and Iran, and its own pipelines, and prevent American pipelines reaching The Mediterranean. The American pipelines are now being constructed from Qatar through Libya. Sorry: did someone tell you Qatar was an ‘enemy’. And then there is The Israeli Leviathan Gas field. So if Qatar is taken out of the pipeline business, then Israel stands as the regional supplier into Europe. Is that confusing enough?

Then there is the interesting agreement concerning Afghanistan. And you thought America was there to fight ‘Terrorists’. There is this little trade off. Russia will not firebomb America’s Poppy Fields (Monsanto, Bayer, Sandline, Academi), if America protects Russia’s three major pipelines through the area.

So the world gets American heroin — except in Russia, where the dealers are shot. And The Philippines, where Duterte has introduced the same non-humanitarian method. Did someone mention a fair trial? And Russia maintains its supplies of energy. So Russia collects revenue and America runs a black economy for its survival. While its legitimate economy spins around the plughole of valueless militarism.

Syria and Iran have Russian military materiel. Israel lost a fighter and screamed that an Iranian drone had entered northern Israel, and that Israel struck back at Syria with great vengeance after the fighter was downed. Israel losing the plane in an Act of War raid in Syria is corroborated in Intel reports. The rest is not.

The targets are meaningless low value Syrian military. The story that America took out a Russian tank, fails to include the fact that it was in Syrian military use. The impressions being delivered for the consumption of The Western Herds, is that the two great super powers — America and Israel — are tearing up Russia in Syria.

The Military Technology demonstrated by Russia just over the past three years, and the lack of ability and exposure of fictions concerning American Military Technology since The Yugoslav War is startling.

There are currently opportunities of plausible denial being sought to allow NATO to gas civilian populations in Eastern Europe or Eurasia, to blame Russia. NATO and America gassed populations in The Yugoslav War, and blamed it on Serbia. And of course Israel has the W80s delivered [via Atlanta], as I have written.

Bibi having his corruptions exposed, could well lead to Trump through Chanan Kushner. No such connection could ever be made through the braindead FBI Mueller-Rosenstein Scenario.

Trump is an outsider. There needs to be a significant event dropped onto the table of herd observance, for October 2018. The final demolition of The Democratic Party is not the answer.

[Editor’s note: There will be an update on Syria in a few days]



  1. Wiki-poo says this:

    “Together with the nearby Tamar gas field, the Leviathan field is seen as an opportunity for Israel to become a major energy player in the Middle East. As of 2017, even by conservative estimates, Leviathan holds enough gas to meet Israel’s domestic needs for 40 years….”

    Why are we depleting the resources of future generations? Just askin’.

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