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RFK Jr. and ICAN Win Case Against US Government For Vaccine Safety Violations


[Editor’s note: Extracts from three articles.]

In January 2017, Scientific American, in an article entitled, “How Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Distorted Vaccine Science,” they wrote:

“Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said Tuesday that he will head up a panel on vaccine safety for Donald Trump… Let’s hope Trump drops any idea of a vaccine panel headed by Kennedy. For more than a decade, Kennedy has promoted anti-vaccine propaganda completely unconnected to reality.

“…Kennedy made his name in the anti-vaccine movement in 2005, when he published a story alleging a massive conspiracy regarding thimerosal, a mercury-based preservative that had been removed from all childhood vaccines except for some variations of the flu vaccine in 2001. In his piece, Kennedy completely ignored an Institute of Medicine immunization safety review on thimerosal published the previous year; he’s also ignored the nine studies funded or conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that have taken place since 2003.”

in June 2018, Vaxopedia, in an article entitled, “What Happened to Kennedy’s Vaccination Safety Committee,” Vincent Iannelli, MD, wrote:

“Kennedy never did get appointed to head Trump’s vaccine safety commission. [The author then quotes Bill Gates]

“‘In both of those two meetings he asked me if vaccines weren’t a bad thing because he was considering a commission to look into ill-effects of vaccines,’ Gates recalled, noting that Robert Kennedy Jr. had been urging Trump to launch such an effort. Gates said he told Trump, ‘that’s a dead end, that would be a bad thing, don’t do that‘.”

Natural News reported yesterday (11 November, 2018) that “RFK Jr. wins case against U.S. government for vaccine safety violations.”

To quote from Vicki Batts’ article:

“Del Bigtree, founder of Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN), teamed up with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to take on the U.S. government by filing suit against the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) for vaccine safety violations — and they won… It turns out the federal agency has been neglecting their vaccine safety obligations for over 30 years. The lawsuit brought by RFK Jr. is evidence that “vaccine safety” as we know it is nothing more than a sham.

“As sources explain, a clause in the The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 (NVICA) compels DHHS to take responsibility for improving vaccine safety and efficacy, and charges the agency with constant monitoring and improving of adverse event reporting. The Mandate for Safer Childhood Vaccines clause also tasks DHHS with providing a report on improvements made in these areas to Congress every two years.

“RKF Jr. and ICAN reportedly suspected that DHHS was failing to meet this responsibility, and filed a Freedom of Informtation Act request to obtain the records of these biennial reports. For eight months, DHHS tried to blockade their request and refused to provide information. Ultimately, a lawsuit had to be filed.

“As a document from ICAN reads:

ICAN was therefore forced to file a lawsuit to force HHS to either provide copies of its biennial vaccine safety reports to Congress or admit it never filed these reports. The result of the lawsuit is that HHS had to finally and shockingly admit that it never, not even once, submitted a single biennial report to Congress detailing the improvements in vaccine safety. This speaks volumes to the seriousness by which vaccine safety is treated at HHS and heightens the concern that HHS doesn’t have a clue as to the actual safety profile of the now 29 doses, and growing, of vaccines given by one year of age.

“Despite being charged with the responsibility of investigating and improving vaccine safety DHHS has apparently failed to meet even the most basic aspects of this duty by failing to file a single report for the past thirty years… So not only is the government granting Big Pharma carte blanche on the matter of vaccine injury, yet another agency charged with protecting the public from vaccines has completely dropped the ball.” [full article]



    • Dee, your headline say “wins case against government.” But really all he won was his standard, indefeasible right under the Freedom of Information Act to get info. Whenever an agency does not reply, or replies in an unsatisfactory way to the FOIA request, the person has the right to march into his district court clerk’s office and file a “lawsuit.” He sues the government to cough up the data.

      I just want to clarify that the victory of ICAN and RFK so far has nothing to do with getting Congress to legislate differently on vaccines (or getting the Executive branch to call off its CDC dogs). You can hope that it will have that effect but there again enormous effort is needed, with people pressuring their reps and senators to do the right thing.

      Still, a moral victory is a victory, and this victory also provided extremely damming info. Yay.

    • They give us vaccines , filled with poison , to make us better ?
      Same goes with housing . We destroy the forests , our air , to build flammable stick houses .
      If these homes that burnt down , were built with bricks and mortar , the only things that would need to be replaced would be the roofs and internal furnishings .
      Logic does not go along with the bankers scam . The elite live in opulence whilst inflicting misery and suffering on everyone else .

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