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Silence is Health


Eva Peron’s adornment to Obelisco, “Silencio et Salud”

Buenos Aires “Obelisco”, built by German companies including Siemens in a record breaking two months between March and May 1936. (Compare with the Washington Monument of the same design, which took 39 years to build).

J.G.Olsen / Financial Expositor

The Argentinian story is nothing short of incredible, a story of plunder and destruction, most famously under the Perons. A post-war haven far away from Europe for Italians, Nazis and Jews (including the famous Schindler) alike, almost beyond the reach of the British empire, and protected by a language barrier.

This story from last year shows Argentinians currently living from rubbish tips because of the ravages of inflation, which the Reuters writer’s first claim comes from the Ukraine-Crimean War but then goes on further to admit is caused by money printing.


After the Peron era the junta drugged opponents and flew them out to sea for dumping, reportedly in the tens of thousands. 40 years ago under the dictatorship thousands of children disappeared via police and army, following orders. Next the leadership tried to annex the Falkland Islands from the UK but lost that minor war.

Argentina is currently between elections, 1st round was 22/10/23 (just a few days ago) and 2nd round (runoff) is Sunday 19/11/23. The upstart winner of the first round is Javier Milei, a small-government libertarian who wants to shut down the central bank and use USD. He is a fully credentialed economist with a radio show and is extremely vocal in the manner of Trump or Philippines former president Duterte:


In September 2021, Milei said: “The first thing I am going to say to the shitty, silly, parasitic and useless political caste is what I am not going to do. I will never go against private property, I will never go against freedom, I will never raise a tax, I will never create new taxes.” Upon assuming office as deputy, Milei fulfilled one of his campaign promises by raffling his salary to a random person each month, aiming to “return money to the citizens”. He described this monthly raffle, which is open to anyone, as a way to get rid of what he considers to be dirty money and said: “The state is a criminal organisation that finances itself through taxes levied on people by force. We are returning the money that the political caste stole”.

A good rant after 0:20 and again after 6:20 in this video:


A vaccine sceptic and climate change denier, Milei is very strong on bodily autonomy but controversial for wanting to ban abortion and liberalise gun ownership and the sale of organs. He has made confusing statements on the sale of children. He despises drugs, called himself a tantric sex instructor and called the current Pope a fucking communist piece of shit. Reportedly, he said he met his dog as a lion 2000 years ago when he was a gladiator and “I saw the resurrection of Christ three times, but I can’t count it. They would say I’m crazy.”

A grab bag of opinions delivered with a lot of energy and a free market philosophy. This could go anywhere!

Contrast with the British-style reserve, which so colours the Australian political scene. Our federal treasurer barefacedly denies adding to inflation with his “responsible” spending, while every thinking person knows he is lying, but there is barely a murmur of dissent.


A Portugese academic said “(Milei’s) political secret is to appeal to the basic instincts, under simple banners: liberty, life and property. That’s why Milei loves television sets, where he yells, insults and crushes anyone who criticises him. On stage, he wears black leather – fire is lit at the climax of his speeches.”

Despite its remoteness, Argentina is no less part of the world than any other place.

Klaus Schwab bragged at the “JFK School of Government” that he had penetrated governments of Canada and Argentina. The Pfizer and Moderna products were scorned by Bolsonaro in Brazil, who was controversially removed from power, possibly by election manipulation but certainly by the opinion manipulation of the corporates, who played so successfully on the fears of the global public during 2020-2022.

Argentinian Pfizer trial was a military operation:


It seems Javier Milei is suicidal, but removal of Schwab’s WEF from Argentinian politics would be a relatively good cross to die on.

The new Argentinian peso introduced in 1992 was worth ten trillion pesos moneda nacional, the currency in use until 1970. The interim currency was abandoned.

After 21 huge bailouts from the IMF, Argentina agreed to a record $57 billion program in 2018. That deal failed to head off another economic crisis and the country slumped into recession with high inflation.

This is what happens when governments start to bloat, as they are in Australia, where our very bloated federal government requires $200 billion per year in loans to “manage” the country and economy. Luckily our economy is not mainly reliant on beef exports.

Argentinians have been wiser to government mismanagement for much longer so currency restrictions have been introduced of about $200 per month leading to a black market in foreign exchange, or informal dual currency.

This is an interesting worldwide phenomenon, where government is too oppressive; the citizens start to use US dollars, which get older and older until they disintegrate, but sparing the users from controls or limitations or taxes payable. It is a great income stream for the US Federal Reserve Bank, which uses the US government, business and tourists for worldwide distribution. This exact same tendency for a reliable and centralised currency would have supplemented the Roman Empire 2000 years ago, who would have used their military to acquire the silver used for minting.

The Argentine government most recently attempted to stifle new USD coming into the country by swamping tourists with pesos, making them bargain priced and temporarily inflation-proof:

“On 4 November 2022 a ‘foreign tourist dollar’ rate close to the black market rate (355 pesos to the dollar instead of the official 195 at the end of February 2023) was introduced, for purchases made with foreign payment cards. This was to encourage people to visit the country while discouraging them from using the currency black market. Tourist dollars spent in January 2023 were nearly five times as many as in January 2022”.

Crypto has become popular, notably led by the El Salvador experience. Argentinians don’t trust banks and politicians because the rules change “every ten minutes”. Banks have confiscated their savings multiple times. El Salvador has been spectacularly successful in recent years, using Bitcoin as its national currency, and having locked up vast numbers of gangsters and mafioso. How long before it is invaded by forces allied to the IMF is anyone’s guess. New bitcoin units require a lot of electricity to manufacture so El Salvador has exploited geothermal energy too, amounting to more than 20% of its needs. Geothermal is baseload power, generally expected to run constantly day and night, so creating bitcoins during the night should cost nothing except time and computer equipment.

From France24:

“Tempted by dollarisation, Argentines seem to have forgotten that the previous experiment of that sort ended in 2001 in an unprecedented debacle: a banking crash, bloody riots, the plundering of people’s savings and an explosion of poverty.

In the 1990s, to remedy a hyperinflation that had reached 2,000 to 3,000 percent a year, President Carlos Menem succeeded in establishing ‘uno por uno’ convertability – one dollar for one peso. This inflation-free decade, which Argentines have dubbed ‘pizza and champagne’, is still remembered as a period of opulence, notably for members of the middle class, who found themselves suddenly rich in dollars. Dollarisation as a remedy for crisis has not met with a great deal of success elsewhere in Latin America either. Across the continent, three countries have trod this path: Panama in 1904, Ecuador in 1999 and El Salvador in 2000.

For the economists around Javier Milei, such as Emilio Ocampo, who would take over the direction of the central bank in the event of the ultraliberal candidate’s election, it’s a non-issue. For him, ‘dollarisation has already been done’ de facto as, according to central bank data, Argentinians have nearly 245 billion dollars ‘under the mattress’ – that is to say, held in cash or in foreign accounts – despite fairly strict foreign exchange controls.  ‘The Argentinians have already chosen their currency,’ the candidate never tires of saying, alluding to Argentinians’ frantic race to convert every last peso into dollars”.

We await the outcome of the November runoff with bated breath.






    When the time comes finally to destroy the papal court the finger of an invisible hand will point the nations towards this court. When, however, the nations fling themselves upon it, we shall come forward in the guise of its defenders as if to save excessive bloodshed. By this diversion we shall penetrate to its very bowels and be sure we shall never come out again until we have gnawed through the entire strength of this place.
    But, IN THE MEANTIME, while we are re-educating youth in new traditional religions and afterwards in ours, WE SHALL NOT OVERTLY LAY A FINGER ON EXISTING CHURCHES, BUT WE SHALL FIGHT AGAINST THEM BY CRITICISM CALCULATED TO PRODUCE SCHISM ….

    Pope Francis is a secret Jew (crypto-Jew): More Catholics are REJECTING Catholicism

    One of my readers wrote these fascinating comments. This is excellent stuff. I am delighted to see Catholics even calling Pope Francis a heretic – which he is. I actually did a video wherein I explained reasons why I believe he is a crypto Jew. His best friend, by the way, was a Jewish Rabbi and he’s said things like: Inside each Christian is a JEW waiting to get out. Vatican2 is a total shambles. It even removes the blame from the Jews for killing Christ. The whole thing is such a Jewish scam. Also, the Catholic Church is totally anti-white and has hundreds of millions of black supporters. That church no longer belongs to whites. Jan]

    My reader wrote:

    I am convinced that the man who claims to be Pope Francis is a jew. He is neither a Christian or Catholic. More and more Catholics are rejecting the jew subverted Vatican and going to sedevacantist Catholic churches or not going to church at all. Even most of the Latin Mass Churches claim that even though Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) is a heretic, he is still the Pope. That leaves most Catholics with no church to attend.

    h ttp://historyreviewed.best/index.php/pope-francis-is-a-secret-jew-crypto-jew-more-catholics-are-rejecting-catholicism/

    “Pope” Francis included in List of Most Important American Jews 2013

    h ttps://novusordowatch.org/2013/11/francis-makes-list-of-most-important-jews-2013/

    Pope Francis saw a Jewish psychoanalyst to ‘clarify some things’

    POPE Francis has revealed that when he was 42 he had sessions weekly with a psychoanalyst to “clarify some things.” 42 in Kabbalah is the number of God.

    AP and staff writers

    News Corp Australia NetworkSeptember 2, 20171:51am

    h ttp://www.news.com.au/world/europe/pope-francis-saw-a-jewish-psychoanalyst-to-clarify-some-things/news-story/16166cb65a4bf04a458a0f4673f23f46

    PROTOCOL No. 24


    Only the king and the three who stood sponsor for him will know what is coming.
    In the person of the king who with unbending will is master of himself and of humanity all will discern as it were fate with its mysterious ways. None will know what the king wishes to attain by his dispositions, and therefore none will dare to stand across an unknown path.
    It is understood that the brain reservoir of the king must correspond in capacity to the plan of government it has to contain. It is for this reason that he will ascend the throne not otherwise than after examination of his mind by the aforesaid learned elders.

    h ttps://www.israeltoday.co.il/read/israeli-rabbi-says-hes-already-holding-meetings-with-messiah/

  2. Well, if anyone wants their world turned up side down,
    Just view the latest situation update by Mary at beforeit’snews.com – people powered news.
    Stuffed if I know, but heaps of gossip…. The one I had never heard of is that the Israelis (the kharzarians) lease of Palestine allegedly expires on 31/10/23.
    Be warned, there are incredibly disturbing allegations concerning the children and the ardrenochrome ‘torturing’ of children suppliers.
    Early in the report, there are repeats of the Michael Baxter claims, listed in some detail and government scandals that have been claimed for a few years.
    Most I have heard, but even I was surprised by a couple……well, we can all dream.
    I have a feeling that, ‘Israel will be left to last’…….might be? It is developing?
    Enjoy Halloween.🧛🏽‍♂️🧟‍♀️🧙🏿‍♀️🧟‍♂️🧟🧌🤡
    In addition I see that our Mary, if she is elected to be the President of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (caps!) will have us all over for her inauguration…. Surely?

  3. How will the elections go in Argentina, they are probably much worse rigged than here, and look at what they are doing here, flipping yes to no and flipping no to yes !!! As well as all their other dirty tricks, “yes or tick means yes, but, cross does not mean no” and letting the “yes” have the official purple colour “yes” placards, as well as all their other vote rigging tricks they have at the regular elections. Voting doesn’t work, it’s a swindle, it’s designed to not work. Look how much I pay to medicare every year and I get nothing, just a little permission slip to buy something from the chemist if I want it, I don’t need the doctor, I can just ask the chemist in Asia but here have to do the bullshit and pay thousands up on thousands then look at this woman the state won’t even fix her teeth no matter how much $$$ we all pour in

      • One “error” was corrected … or so we are told, possibly too late to alter the final count which was already broadcast. How many scrutineers are so diligent, well it seems the unpaid scrutineers will have to undertake more training than the AEC staff who are trained to fudge the phone enquiries saying, “Well I would vote thus …” when queried about voting above and below the line etc etc.
        Filling in all the boxes for lower house is a scandal, what if you don’t want to vote for a liar, but you are forced to choose between the red liar and blue liar who will collect your vote at end of counting.

    • From Ptolemic Dynasty of Egypt and Emperors of Rome, to Crusaders and Templars, to Britain and the US, this has all been Gog from Magog and not Jew from Ougadougou. What can Muslims do against the power of the Anglosphere, they can only play their little games between each other, or hide in the basement, as the case may be.

    • Thank you cc 767 for Cynthia’s testimony–
      and all gumshoers super sleuths– efforts

      Pat O Shane- Kath Walker stories–and so many stories need to be heard

  4. SGAnon: Rothschild, debt clock, tippy top, mossad, more (video)
    Beforeit’snews.com- peoplepowerednews.
    From 10 mins to 30 to place pieces of the puzzle!
    Continue if you care into the financial CONTROLLER CORPS and some family history and how poor Joe has been screwed, as he is aware.


  5. from left/right field I post two videos-
    One from Gabbi Choong: water spirits

    one from Nathan the link: Interview with Nate: Haujean Contactee: https://youtu.be/kIM-H8h-3Hc?si=nY7WdFpLIpMHHEns
    and then there is Cliff High re the moon
    all part of my “reality”–“Knowing” not “knowing”
    no thing is what to seems

    strength and love to all -hope you can find time to watch–a big ask —BUT

    • Amazing how civilisations and cultures come and go, the buildings crumble, the artifacts get carried away, the languages are lost, and how we remember them is by their religions, which are for the most part fantasy anyway.

  6. As the massacre continues, we’re still blaming the victims. How brainwashed we’ve become watching movies, where stars are slaves to producers..
    “No matter how much propaganda lipstick is put on the philosophical pig, essentially it’s still a pig.”

    Israeli army isn’t going in, the bombs are doing the job, they’re on the border making sure no one gets out. Who’s side is truth on, as we watch genocide and do nothing, are we happy?

      • There can only be one lawgiver – “For there is no authority if not from god”

        Paul the apostle to the Romans – Romans 13:1-2

        A translation of my Greek interlinear provided this –

        “Every soul to authorities higher be subject to. For there is no authority if not from god, but the existing authorities under Me having been ordained (by me) are. So the one resisting the authority of his God has opposed and those having opposed to themselves judgement will receive.”

        Luke 11:28 – But he said, Yea rather, blessed [are] they that hear the word of God, and keep it. Acts 5:29 – Then Peter and the [other] apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.

        “…….Romans 13 is in play until the government, ruling class, authority over you, whatever you want to call it, decides that it is the final arbiter and sets itself up in the position reserved for God alone. When the state or the government moves to exclude God and to erect itself in that position, a Christian has an obligation before God to expose and resist evil.

        Eph 5.11 have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. even if it means that resistance has consequences from those who assume power that you are resisting…………”

        Genesis 1:1 is the beginning of Scripture and the foundation for all other revelation. It all begins with the statement that God is the Creator. This establishes not only His sovereignty but His right of ownership as the Creator. He has the right to do with His creation as He pleases. No other being has the right to tell Him what to do or to revise His plan according to his will.

        Those who make such claims are trying to be gods in themselves, because they usurp the Creator’s right of ownership. However, God asserts that in reality “there is none else.” In fact, there can be only one sovereign God in the universe. All others have authority, which is delegated to lesser beings and which is to be used to further the will of the Sovereign.
        Authority is never more powerful than the Sovereign Master who authorised it. Jesus said, “A slave is not greater than his master” (John 13:16).


  7. What a skyline: Mercedes Benz, Panasonic, Telefonica, Sprite (Coca Cola), Virgin Money by the looks, all duly facing the Siemens obelisk. The Siemens viagra obelisk: 24,000 cubic feet of concrete and 14,600 square feet of stone quarried and transported from 435 miles away, 221 feet up including the 11 feet x 11 feet head, or is that capstone – all in 31 short autumn days.
    But as fantastic as that sounds it is nothing compared to Australia’s building skills – now lost, unfortunately. As evidenced by the 112,000 square metre Sydney Garden Palace, amongst many, which was up and ready, obelisks and all, for the 1879 Sydney International Exhibition in 8 short months using just horse and cart, hammer and chisel.

    • The bread stealing convicts did an unbelievable construction of all the cities foundational buildings, and infrastructure. All of the land clearing(thinking pretty stout trees) and leveling. Horses must have been expensive, all that plus transport and farm duties..
      Sydney Garden Palace, If world trade show is easy to explain, they imported electric lights so the construction site could run 24/7

      I’m more we have been lied to about everything, but I don’t rule out a time warp. U ?

  8. The M$M is full of woman bashing hammer-murderers and such like at the moment, I call upon our weak, ineffective, lying, bloated governments to bring back the public 40 lashes and the stocks to clean this up. This is the government’s fault for catering too much to do-gooders. It’s not enough to pompously say “justice has been served” and give the public a million dollar tax bill for the confinement of these people, the government needs to do its job for once and make it stop. Like so many other deficiencies of government, they are totally preoccupied by their covert agendas, to inject and replace the population, while sucking out all their money. Take these woman bashing murderers and some of these pedophiles to some offshore island where whipping is not illegal and put the spectacle on the 6pm news. If there is some UN treaty prohibiting that you know what they do in Israel, they just ignore it.

    • An extremely boring tale of mediocrity, out-of-control inflation, everyone on the dole sort of inevitable outcome, one the Globalists will love, as it will enable the forced injections.

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