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Smart Meters Keeping You Awake At Night?



We know smart meters have drained about a $1000 from every household in the State of Victoria in Australia (Herald Sun), but are they safe? The government claims they are. 

Victoria’s Chief Health Officer (Australia) has endorsed the advice of the Victorian Ministerial Radiation Advisory Committee, which found “that there is no substantive evidence to suggest that exposure to radiofrequency radiation such as from Smart Meters can increase the risk of chronic health effects, such as cancer”.

But are smart meters keeping you awake at night? 

Two recent studies into the health impacts of wireless smart meters show striking similarities, despite having been conducted independently of each other and on separate sides of the world.  One survey was conducted in the USA and the other, a peer reviewed study in Victoria, Australia.

Both reports list insomnia as the most commonly occurring symptom and, of the top 10 symptoms, the same 8 symptoms appear in both reports. (Study here on stopsmartmeters.)



Steve Weller, Vice President of SSMA Inc., wrote in an email to ARPANSA, “If EHS was purely psychological as some experts suggest… are (millions of people) suffering from some kind of mutual mental disorder or illusion? 

Although electrosensitivity is not a recognised medical condition, Weller (who has a Science degree) had to move to Queensland after being unable to live in Melbourne. And Australia’s ABC’s Lateline reported recently on the town of Green Bank in West Virginia – where the very sensitive Robert C. Bird radio telescope is housed. All man-made interference (Wifi etc) has been removed and so the town is attracting “electrosensitives”.  Diane and Burt Schou, both PhD scientists in industrial technology and biology, are convinced Diane’s illness is caused by radio frequencies.

In Marin County, California, a trendy suburb north of San Francisco, county officials have criminalised the installation of smart meters, citing “health effects” of their usage.

My interest in this is also personal.

gogabeb-research-Gogabeb Research Station, Namibia.

In 2013 I returned from an African trip – and found that I was unable to sleep on my return to Melbourne. I had a buzzing sensation in my ears (a metallic sound) which made sleep almost impossible for several weeks. At first thought I had contracted a sinus infection from the long flight, but after several weeks of severe “tinnitus” and only falling asleep at around 3 or 4 in the morning, my doctor sent me off to an ear specialist. The specialist said it was tinnitus, saying the condition was common at my age. It seemed extraordinary that this had come on so quickly. A few weeks before, I had been in the Namib Desert – away from almost all communication – experiencing almost absolute silence.

After about 6 weeks back in Melbourne, the buzzing subsided to a light ringing – and I was back to “normal” sleep. It was then it struck me after reading an article in Stopsmartmeters and noticing that smart meters had been installed in my side street, that maybe I was slightly electrosensitive.

I had read that several Melbournians had to leave, and go and live in other States. And when I tried to follow up on this issue with the various departments of the Victorian State Government, I hit brick walls.

Firstly, there should be a concern that smart meters and excessive Wifi may have detrimental health effects. (In many countries Wifi is banned from schools.)

But what is of greater concern is that our politicians and bureaucrats are just not interested in listening. They do not care, and it seems that they have been hijacked and become servants to a corporate agenda.

Well I’m off to Africa soon, and will keep notes. (Note: I do not like the idea of being electrosensitive.)


Update: 3 April:

On 30/3/15 hundreds of “smart” meters simultaneously exploded in Stockton, California, when a truck ran into a utility pole.



  1. Dalia, you say, “Victoria’s Chief Health Officer has endorsed the advice of the Victorian Ministerial Radiation Advisory Committee, which found “that there is no substantive evidence to suggest that exposure to [blah, blah]”
    I have been seeing the phrase “There is no evidence” in all sorts of disclaimers, such as re vaccination. I think the phrase is meaningless. Right now I could know for certain that there is a connection between, say, my watching the movie “All Mine To Give,” and me crying. But someone can come along and pontificate “There is no evidence to show that the two are connected.” Probably they would be right. There is no particular evidence. And they would sound so scientific saying it. But it does not constitute proof that my tears weren’t caused by the movie.
    I think the phrase should be outlawed. I see it used all the time by tricksters.
    BTW, when I watch the movie “Blazing Saddles.” I laugh. Do you reckon there is a connection?

  2. well the test succeeded.
    Lost patience so even shorter still:
    in the Mid 1950’s The UK cabinet was provided with expert evidence in a report stating that ciggies caused cancer.
    They did not tell the public because it would lessen revenue from the ciggy sales.
    So for the historic record of our politicians………………they are prepared to allow people to be killed for their own end and little has changed.
    Wonder how much the tobacco companies put in for their campaign funds??

  3. “The specialist said it was tinnitus, saying the condition was common at my age.”

    I’ve been through this with “Specialists”. You may as well have seen an obstetrician for all the good an ENT will do. Overpaid, over-rewarded, arrogant, lazy pigs all. Did I mention corrupt?

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