Home NWO The Deep State – Video

The Deep State – Video




    • Yet oh SO true Mary….Unsure why at the 6 minute mark you are disgusted?

      This is a great video for newbies to watch even if they don’t believe everything they are told about in the video.

      I’m a huge fan of QAnon & I ‘Trust the Plan’. I’m patiently awaiting the unsealing of those 51,000+ sealed indictments & the release of the unredacted FISA documents (the latter which names Australian government participants)….The newly furbished Guantanamo Bay will be extremely busy in the next 12 to 24 months!

      And it’s all about to hit the fan….


    • arcanecorvid….There’s not much anyone can do in England while Teresa May & her Deep State cohorts are running the country.

  1. The export of military equipment to Saudi Arabia from America, Britain, France, and Australia, is this the best we can do for our planets welfare? the emphasis on education and the importance of logical thinking is a peculiar condition of the mind set of Western ideology, the concern for life with regard to fire precaution, safety welfare of workers and accident prevention is a constant and bureaucratic of our authotities to impose rules and regulations on prevention of harm to us? our safety is of paramount importance.
    The export of military equipment on a scale beyond imagination leaves one with the thought this activity a dichotomy to the minds of many who reside in the West having to pay taxation and forcible contribute to what is regarded as a human abottor of flesh now misplaced into small particles that is fertilizer for the soil, this activity of our athletes who entertain us with sport and competing for medals or trophies that evidently gives some sort of satisfaction that a moment in the passing limelight gives us a sense that after all said and done is worth while, whether in the cold light of a summary causes some to have a sense of a dark uncertainty as to what existence is? the meaning of life in one part of the planet as valueless and in another the highest value, is to many that no amount of consumption can obliterate,the fact that money in the main decides who our leaders are of little consulation to those who still have a moral conscience of existence.

  2. What disturbs me is that I could not access either video because “viewing is restricted”… presumably by the local government administrator (my online access is the public library).

    This is censorship. I cannot even watch classical folk singer Perla Butalla, who has sang at the Sydney Opera House… the haunt of dangerous terrorists I suppose.

    Anyone know how I can circumvent this barrier?

    The censor’s notice says I should sign in with a Google Apps account. Does this mean I have to buy an app?

  3. Fake Pipe bombs to the Deep State criminals???


    Sympathy card??

    Who plays the sympathy card, over and over and over again??

    Deep State criminals.

  4. A lot of truth in this video, but I fear that it is one part of the Deep State pointing the finger at the other half of the Deep State.

    • At face value a political investment in a certain narrative might appear to be the same as an evidence-based conclusion: on scrutiny thereโ€™s a world of difference.

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