Seak and thouest shall findβ¦β¦..plentyβ¦..from about 2006.
As distinct from the Arafat fellows β¦β¦ they did a deal with PM Rabin, all agreed and then Rabin was shot. Later Arafat was poisoned.
All delivered with a cherry on top for net and how to take over.
Give it a go.
Bad expression. Arafat and Rabin formulated a peace agreement in mediation with Bill Clinton.
Look up the report by Jan Halper-Hayesβ¦β¦ she gave a link to the details in her interview at BIN recently.
They said Hamas was run from out of Qatar, and Qatar includes a huge US military base. They all work together and how can that be, well simple, because Washington, Zion and Qatar are all servants to the master plan.
Anthony Blinken is the best actor they’ve got, and Bibi is their showman. The hidden hand never on your screen.
What’s never taken into account is that the Song of Moses makes all geopolitical theories pall, quote:
‘But Jeshurun (the upright oneβ―, a term of endearment for Israel) grew fat and kickedβ
becoming fat, bloated, and gorged.
He abandoned the God who made him
and scorned the Rock of his salvation.
They provoked His jealousy with foreign gods;
they enraged Him with abominations.
They sacrificed to demons, not to God,
to gods they had not known,
to newly arrived gods,
which your fathers did not fear.
You ignored the Rock who brought you forth;
you forgot the God who gave you birth.
When the LORD saw this, He rejected them,
provoked to anger by His sons and daughters.
He said: βI will hide My face from them;
I will see what will be their end.
For they are a perverse generationβ
children of unfaithfulness.
They have provoked My jealousy by that which is not God;
they have enraged Me with their worthless idols.
So I will make them jealous by those who are not a people;
I will make them angry by a nation without understanding.
For a fire has been kindled by My anger,
and it burns to the depths of Sheol;
it consumes the earth and its produce,
and scorches the foundations of the mountains.
I will heap disasters upon them;
I will spend My arrows against them.
They will be wasted from hunger
and ravaged by pestilence and bitter plague;
I will send the fangs of wild beasts against them,
with the venom of vipers that slither in the dust.
Give us a break EB, are you trying to sabotage Dee By turning away readersβ¦β¦.so much space. Why?
Point being that, no matter what the victim/villain story of the hour happens to be,
The purposes of the One whoβs at the helm remain unchanged
Well, if you want make a point just put your link up at the start for those who are interested and do not stuff up Deeβs site with your wheelbarrow loads for the uninterested.
Do I smell the usual thieves and burglars?β¦β¦β¦surely, they could not be killers!
AustraliaOne Party – John Wilson’s Finest Hour – you want to be hit between the eyes with the sledge hammer of Truth about all that is wrong with this country from an Australian Patriot, and ex-communist Union Leader?
Then listen to this man.
Sorry – could find no link, but type in what is written below on your search engine to hear what every proud Australian should listen to:
AustraliaOne Party Dispatches < > John Wilson’s Finest Hour (15 November)
It’s a hoot
Now let’s see what happens tomorrow when the skoolkids are going on a Save The Climate march, their communist skoolteachers have been curriculumizing them since day 1 with fear of the sky falling.
JB .., a βHootβ that has to be your greatest understatement.
At 20 mins>>
You will love it MM . REFETENCES TO The law of War of law manual, Derek Johnson and this is New to meβ¦ βrevision of the court martial provisions TO NOW APPLY TO CIVILIANS β
Listen to those groups at risk > the LOT OF THEM.
There are reports for a new lock down ,,,,, now I understand, the streets will need to be cleared for the military traffic clearways to round up the traitors and scumbags.
No wonder it is censoredβ¦.. some are shivering in their dunnies,
With this fellow, we do not need any guns.
Note this with the Jaco interview I referred to this afternoon down below.
We all need to appreciate, that what is currently being played out in the ‘middle east’ is largely a distraction from what the now destroyed Globalist Cabal controllers would have been implementing, if Hilary Clinton had taken control of the U.S. Presidency at the 2016 election.
It is the Cabal’s middle management (Netanyahu/Abbas) and their gate keepers who are continuing the Globalist plan, as they have no where to run away from what they now recognize as being their last stand against the Alliance – they’re playing out their role just to prolong their existence, and the sad reality is – they don’t care how many, innocents get caught up in what they are playing out, and who will also lose their lives with them
It will be the remnants of the Globalist Cabal’s middle management in that area of this planet, who will lose, and they know they are losing, which just makes this latest Cabal plan so irrationally frustrating to us, who consider ourselves, as being rational Human beings.
I am amazed that the Palestinian owners of the oil and gas fields have not approached Russia to implement the recovery of the oil and gas. The US and Israel are surely not interested in bringing the carbon dioxide product to the surface, it would be against their CO2 ideology.
They would rather U.S. and European citizens freeze to death in the coming winters.
It seems that Murdoch and Lord Rothschild are mates in investing in Israel gas and oil licences and discoveries.
A general search comes up with some details β¦β¦. Needs more time.
I may be wrong but I did note somewhere that the big R has an interest in stuff in the Golan heights βof Syriaβ and at sea along the relevant Mediterranean coast.
Pity he is a US citizen, we could be getting some healthy donations into government vaults.
It would be nice for Australian descendants to be granted some reparations for the victory of our light horseman during WW at Beersheba (and other places chucking out the Turks for the oil interests) preparing the Palestinians for their visitors about 30 years later.
Yep, we have some skin in the gameβ¦..surely!
Read βBanking on Baghdadβ to understand how the Persians were screwed for European oil interests from about 1900 β¦β¦β¦..and still! β¦β¦ 911, Howardβs weapons of mass destruction β¦anyone?
Anyone awake?
The bit I missed 26 for β¦β¦β¦ KEEP GOING.
Note he is on a NDA.
Follow stench of profit, itβs usually developers. When Gaza is flattened and cleared of under age innocents, masquerading as terrorists, it will become prime real estate for cashed up globalist goon squads liberating all with Komunizm, via krown kabal.
Looking at Sydney these days, dodging the double loaders ubiquitous on suburban streets, itβs obvious weβre in for similar cleansing. Our youth broke and woke, crushed by investors cashed up. Meanwhile mum and dadβs house fleeced by banksters in partnership with retirement nursing villages. The lucky ones in not so lucky place these days. As for the homeless, ending up on footpaths, cleansed and gone after a few days. And we still wonder what all that Serco activity was about some years ago, all over Oz.
Anyone been following the annual cover of The Economist?
Well, best start now, start – the fist time I have noted Australia now depicted prominent with SE Asia.
There are many clues to decode so look at the cover from the links provided at http://www.what really on 15/11 at 8.40.
For the normies, the Satan believers are required to present warnings so that you are informed and therefore consent to planned events
Lot of .Stuffβ for JB and EB to interpret.?,
It’s true all laid out, the all-seeing-eye, almost a caricature of Saturn, plugged into brains; red-blue duopoly further entrenched, the system is so rigged it’s ok to have transparent voting; the fiat currencies of the west going down to get us on Global standard $2 per hour; an Australia-China pivot; who is the stooge backing on to Xi, is it the Brazil soft-communist leader Lula da Silva, is he going to start a South American communist union with Argentina, and who is that over the top of Zelenskyy, is it just Greta Thunderbox raving for another year ?
All fairly mundane I suppose but all the moon charts presumably show an occult merging with cyber world; and some mystery packages at the bottom. What horrors lie in the mystery packages I wonder, lots of ? marks.
So South America is going to be unified under communism and Australia will have to adapt to CCP style surveillance communism.
This old story about Argentina is still current
There are a couple of real mysteries in all this, first why are Americans putting up with what their parasite state Washington is doing to them and second why are Australians using the e-money instead of cash for day to day transactions, even the ABC-TV admitted that less than 10% of Australians got their boosters but they still use the e-money. It would be better for us if we went back to silver coinage starting now but I don’t see any signs of that.
Some hope with Michael Jako at beforeitβ
βMichaelJaco shocking newsβ
His picture and two ladies pictured in the promo.
It was so shocking that I snoozed off during the middle, but that is the way he isβ¦β¦ as WE KNOW.
At the start:
(Q dropped the clue that there will be βthe shot heard around the worldβ. He makes sense: THE INJECTED SHOTS?)
Much more and informative β¦β¦β¦DEWS.
Strongly recommended for naysayers and normies.
Important, sorry, my reply mistakenly logged after my comment At 8.14 above. Not fully awakeππΌπ
The one with the βοΈβοΈβοΈ and βοΈβοΈβοΈβοΈs (count them)
The History of HAMAS (Harakat al-Muqawama al-Islamiya (βIslamic Resistance Movementβ)
Nov 10
h ttps://
Again, my mission is to contribute to the free flow of information. So, watch and listen to this conversation on the History of Hamas and form your own conclusion.
According to some – HAMAS – in a direct Arabic translation of the word, is what we in the West would refer to as being aligned to EVIL.
One only need to go back over recent history – at least four decades – on the ‘problems’ within the ‘middle east’ to see the political struggle between the PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization) and Al Fatah, as the then political face of ‘Palestine’ and the insurgent/political opposition to that arrangement, that we all know now to be, HAMAS.
Thousands of Palestinians were killed by the agents of HAMAS in order to gain political control – how soon we all forget.
We must also take on board, that in many Islamic countries, especially in Gaza, only the male gets to vote. And of the males who get to vote – only those who can show allegiance to a specific political ideology, will have their votes counted.
So it should come as no surprise that HAMAS has won every election for some decades.
Hence what Arafat was attempting to head off, with Rabin on board, but were sold out by the criminal Bill Clinton over the so called, ‘peace accord’, while HAMAS began to flex it’s terrorist military and political agenda.
Over the decades of rule by HAMAS, even other Muslim countries have been loathe in providing any financial or military aid to HAMAS – that should tell you all you need to know about what other Islamic countries think of HAMAS, who in times of need, will stick together.
Folks – both HAMAS and MOSSAD are the two sides of the same coin, the same coin that during WW2, Nazism and Communism went to war over – it is history repeating itself, but in different locations, but inclusive of the same opposing Globalist ideologies that brought about WW1, WW2 and is now pushing, via the middle east, WW3.
The Russians are winning in Ukraine, and so a new front had to be opened up to keep the money rolling in, to keep the Cabal operating.
But the Globalist Cabal West is bankrupt and has used all its munition supplies, as its Cabal military is failing against Russia. The U.S. fiat dollar is collapsing, while Russia’s economy is surging and its military growing stronger, as the evil that controls Gaza and Israel, slowly destroys itself.
What we are witnessing, is the final collapse of the Globalist Cabal middle management, and the final nail in the coffin of the Evil that has controlled this world for millenium.
What human with a brain could have thought that a small “want to be” dictatorship as in Ukraine would even suggest that Ukraine could defeat a country the size and resources of Russia?
Given that the jews are Polish, Russian and so forth, and the Semites are Arabs ie Muslims, this is quite a turn about from the previous muslim blaming over 9-11. Where was the anti-anti-Semite league when W Bush was telling us all to hate the muslims ?
Elbow is in SanFrancisco “partnering” with Microsoft to install Microsoft365-A.I.
They are going to embed it into the public service, probably to deliver mild electric shocks when they go to sleep. This won’t be cheap, remember when Kevin Rudd got all the skoolkids laptops with Microsoft ProductRange embedded for cheap price x 5 million or however many units. He could have got OpenOffice for free which is a better program but he thought he would swing about a billion dollars Bill Gates way, probably a very good career move as we see Ruddykins now enjoying elder statesman status welcoming Elbow to SanFrancisco for the latest instalment of Australian debt being converted into Bill Gates’ credit, he will use it to build a few more Cotsco supermarkets in Australia and hype them up, all the stoopids will go in there and get ripped off.
You have to ID yourself if you want to get into Costco, forget about Aldi in Europe because it’s already here with good ol buddy Bill Gates ringing up Elbow every time he wants a bunch of dollars swung his way.
Roll up roll up, cheap petrol at Costco save one dollar, get up Monday morning and go and pay some tax for Bill Gates, he has all the AI and mRNA you will need to survive on Planet Gates 21C. Forget living, the future is about to arrive.
Seems thereβs no evil not practised these days. Child and organ trafficking, perverted abominations with children murdered for production of adrenochrome. Merchants profiting from war and now the 5G installed weapons system at fingertips.
They say thereβs no God, so why do they spend so much time corrupting to eliminate Christianity? Theyβre scared of Truth exposing their power built on lies deception usury slavery trickery robbery sickness and murder, now plugging everyone into CBDC slavery.
Build back better is war by oligarchs against we people used up, now trashed. Big developers building smart apartment complexes to suck the juice health and life of working slaves. Our cities destroyed by mass immigration and homelessness.
Kalergi plan enforced, crushing small business with all that is traditional and good.
Time to π, krown kabal komunists on all bases loaded.
We trust that when those responsible are rounded up and there will be βοΈ
and βοΈ how long do we await?
Otherwise we are stuffed.
There are reports that netanyhow has been rounded up in Israel. Ref latest situation update by Nary.
Plus anonymous reports that arrests of Drs nurses etc under way.
Oh well we have to wait and dream
At 56 mins the Gaza tunnels are described β¦ 8 levels INCREDIBLE!
Former Philippines PM Duterte is also invited to ICC because of his hard-line anti-drugs campaign which presumably like Thaksin in Thailand led to hundreds or thousands of drug dealers being summarily shot by cops, for example, Cop: where did you get the money for that car Dealer: it’s my money !!! Cop: Give me $1000 Dealer: %$#@!!! Sound Effects: “Bang”
Joe – a prediction – based in historical knowledge. In time to come, religion will no longer matter to those of us who can recognize, and to place their trust in the one true God.
Clif High: 2024 Year of the Dragon
3 days ago
“Happy Monday everyone!! Here it is! Disclaimer; I asked a few questions from you guys, but not all of them, some I still have on reserve for future chats with Clif. In this episode he speaks on the increasing value of silver in the medical field, and we explore various emanations from his data implicating major economic changes. Enjoyigh: 2024 Year of the Dragon
3 days ago
Happy Monday everyone!! Here it is! Disclaimer; I asked a few questions from you guys, but not all of them, some I still have on reserve for future chats with Clif. In this episode he speaks on the increasing value of silver in the medical field, and we explore various emanations from his data implicating major economic changes. Enjoy”
Noted a 7 min report at BIN.
Some hand held radiation detection device is being issued to police etc in US on coastal areas.
No need to listen to the report.
Just a sign of dangerous times and taking care. But they spent a lot for them.
Dept of Home Affairs YGL Claire O’Neill is a complete joke says Dutton at 1:00 “as many people in her department do” … Given that Dutton created the department has he built in a huge political booby trap with sleepers everywhere, anyway good riddance to Globalist rubbish
Never been to Jerusalem. In Sarajevo, not too far from island of birth, three races and religions have been living together for millennia, very much as modern global cities today. So what set the spark there, as in Sarajevo in 1914 and 90βs Balkan war?
Is it based on faith or just divide between rich and poor useless eaters?
For great Israel to be, thereβs a human problem. Population is split 50/50, 7 million either side of the divide, guess the Zionists are thinking logistically, for them to be there is no room for Palestine.
Why not, weβre global now anyway.
With AI doing hidden hands work, are we people on all sides used up?
The so called iron curtain came down, cause by that time minions well trained for takeover. Similar to CCP AI invasion today, with krown kabal calling the shots.
Are we happy in our global gulags?
If some say it isnβt so, walk away save strength, testing times ahead.
And Mossad started Hamas….
…..and trains their evil doers.
The evidence ?
Seak and thouest shall findβ¦β¦..plentyβ¦..from about 2006.
As distinct from the Arafat fellows β¦β¦ they did a deal with PM Rabin, all agreed and then Rabin was shot. Later Arafat was poisoned.
All delivered with a cherry on top for net and how to take over.
Give it a go.
Bad expression. Arafat and Rabin formulated a peace agreement in mediation with Bill Clinton.
Look up the report by Jan Halper-Hayesβ¦β¦ she gave a link to the details in her interview at BIN recently.
They said Hamas was run from out of Qatar, and Qatar includes a huge US military base. They all work together and how can that be, well simple, because Washington, Zion and Qatar are all servants to the master plan.
Anthony Blinken is the best actor they’ve got, and Bibi is their showman. The hidden hand never on your screen.
What’s never taken into account is that the Song of Moses makes all geopolitical theories pall, quote:
‘But Jeshurun (the upright oneβ―, a term of endearment for Israel) grew fat and kickedβ
becoming fat, bloated, and gorged.
He abandoned the God who made him
and scorned the Rock of his salvation.
They provoked His jealousy with foreign gods;
they enraged Him with abominations.
They sacrificed to demons, not to God,
to gods they had not known,
to newly arrived gods,
which your fathers did not fear.
You ignored the Rock who brought you forth;
you forgot the God who gave you birth.
When the LORD saw this, He rejected them,
provoked to anger by His sons and daughters.
He said: βI will hide My face from them;
I will see what will be their end.
For they are a perverse generationβ
children of unfaithfulness.
They have provoked My jealousy by that which is not God;
they have enraged Me with their worthless idols.
So I will make them jealous by those who are not a people;
I will make them angry by a nation without understanding.
For a fire has been kindled by My anger,
and it burns to the depths of Sheol;
it consumes the earth and its produce,
and scorches the foundations of the mountains.
I will heap disasters upon them;
I will spend My arrows against them.
They will be wasted from hunger
and ravaged by pestilence and bitter plague;
I will send the fangs of wild beasts against them,
with the venom of vipers that slither in the dust.
Outside, the sword will take their children,
and inside, terror will strike
the young man and the young woman,
the infant and the gray-haired man.
I would have said that I would cut them to pieces
and blot out their memory from mankind,
if I had not dreaded the taunt of the enemy,
lest their adversaries misunderstand and say:
βOur own hand has prevailed;
it was not the LORD who did all this.ββ―β
Israel is a nation devoid of counsel,
with no understanding among them.
If only they were wise, they would understand it;
they would comprehend their fate.
How could one man pursue a thousand,
or two put ten thousand to flight,
unless their Rock had sold them,
unless the LORD had given them up?
For their rock is not like our Rock,
even our enemies concede.
But their vine is from the vine of Sodom
and from the fields of Gomorrah.
Their grapes are poisonous;
their clusters are bitter.
Their wine is the venom of serpents,
the deadly poison of cobras.
βHave I not stored up these things,
sealed up within My vaults?
Vengeance is Mine; I will repay.
In due time their foot will slip;
for their day of disaster is near,
and their doom is coming quickly.β
For the LORD will vindicate His people
and have compassion on His servants
when He sees that their strength is gone
and no one remains, slave or free.
He will say: βWhere are their gods,
the rock in which they took refuge,
which ate the fat of their sacrifices
and drank the wine of their drink offerings?
Let them rise up and help you;
let them give you shelter!
See now that I am He;
there is no God besides Me.
I bring death and I give life;
I wound and I heal,
and there is no one
who can deliver from My hand.
For I lift up My hand to heaven and declare:
As surely as I live forever,
when I sharpen My flashing sword,
and My hand grasps it in judgment,
I will take vengeance on My adversaries
and repay those who hate Me.
I will make My arrows drunk with blood,
while My sword devours fleshβ
the blood of the slain and captives,
the heads of the enemy leaders.β
Rejoice, O heavens, with Him,
and let all Godβs angels worship Him.
Rejoice, O nations, with His people;
for He will avenge the blood of His children.m
He will take vengeance on His adversaries
and repay those who hate Him;n
He will cleanse His land
and His people.’
DEUTERONOMY 32: 15 – 43
Give us a break EB, are you trying to sabotage Dee By turning away readersβ¦β¦.so much space. Why?
Point being that, no matter what the victim/villain story of the hour happens to be,
The purposes of the One whoβs at the helm remain unchanged
Well, if you want make a point just put your link up at the start for those who are interested and do not stuff up Deeβs site with your wheelbarrow loads for the uninterested.
Do I smell the usual thieves and burglars?β¦β¦β¦surely, they could not be killers!
AustraliaOne Party – John Wilson’s Finest Hour – you want to be hit between the eyes with the sledge hammer of Truth about all that is wrong with this country from an Australian Patriot, and ex-communist Union Leader?
Then listen to this man.
Sorry – could find no link, but type in what is written below on your search engine to hear what every proud Australian should listen to:
AustraliaOne Party Dispatches < > John Wilson’s Finest Hour (15 November)
Same old drill to get around the censors. Try the link, then remove the XXXX from the link in the address bar and try again.
Thanks Terry – your links works and on your direction.
It’s a hoot
Now let’s see what happens tomorrow when the skoolkids are going on a Save The Climate march, their communist skoolteachers have been curriculumizing them since day 1 with fear of the sky falling.
JB .., a βHootβ that has to be your greatest understatement.
At 20 mins>>
You will love it MM . REFETENCES TO The law of War of law manual, Derek Johnson and this is New to meβ¦ βrevision of the court martial provisions TO NOW APPLY TO CIVILIANS β
Listen to those groups at risk > the LOT OF THEM.
There are reports for a new lock down ,,,,, now I understand, the streets will need to be cleared for the military traffic clearways to round up the traitors and scumbags.
No wonder it is censoredβ¦.. some are shivering in their dunnies,
With this fellow, we do not need any guns.
Note this with the Jaco interview I referred to this afternoon down below.
We all need to appreciate, that what is currently being played out in the ‘middle east’ is largely a distraction from what the now destroyed Globalist Cabal controllers would have been implementing, if Hilary Clinton had taken control of the U.S. Presidency at the 2016 election.
It is the Cabal’s middle management (Netanyahu/Abbas) and their gate keepers who are continuing the Globalist plan, as they have no where to run away from what they now recognize as being their last stand against the Alliance – they’re playing out their role just to prolong their existence, and the sad reality is – they don’t care how many, innocents get caught up in what they are playing out, and who will also lose their lives with them
It will be the remnants of the Globalist Cabal’s middle management in that area of this planet, who will lose, and they know they are losing, which just makes this latest Cabal plan so irrationally frustrating to us, who consider ourselves, as being rational Human beings.
Yes, I am in that paddock.
Of course in regard to one aspect, one dare not mentionβ¦. In timeπ€·ππππβοΈβοΈ
I am amazed that the Palestinian owners of the oil and gas fields have not approached Russia to implement the recovery of the oil and gas. The US and Israel are surely not interested in bringing the carbon dioxide product to the surface, it would be against their CO2 ideology.
They would rather U.S. and European citizens freeze to death in the coming winters.
HAMAS – the current controllers of Gaza – are just another branch of the Globalist Cabal put in place to keep the wars going.
Their end is nigh, and those who live under the Cabal controlled states of Gaza and Israel will soon have their freedom away from such evil tyranny.
It seems that Murdoch and Lord Rothschild are mates in investing in Israel gas and oil licences and discoveries.
A general search comes up with some details β¦β¦. Needs more time.
I may be wrong but I did note somewhere that the big R has an interest in stuff in the Golan heights βof Syriaβ and at sea along the relevant Mediterranean coast.
Pity he is a US citizen, we could be getting some healthy donations into government vaults.
It would be nice for Australian descendants to be granted some reparations for the victory of our light horseman during WW at Beersheba (and other places chucking out the Turks for the oil interests) preparing the Palestinians for their visitors about 30 years later.
Yep, we have some skin in the gameβ¦..surely!
Read βBanking on Baghdadβ to understand how the Persians were screwed for European oil interests from about 1900 β¦β¦β¦..and still! β¦β¦ 911, Howardβs weapons of mass destruction β¦anyone?
Anyone awake?
The bit I missed 26 for β¦β¦β¦ KEEP GOING.
Note he is on a NDA.
Sorry, this I supposed to be down after the JB comment and my two replies β¦ after the heart monitor ref.
In the long run it comes out in the wash
βTerrorists HQ under all Gaza hospitals.β
Which terrorists built these HQ’s under the hospitals? It seems to me that all countries in that area of the world have terrorists in action.
Follow stench of profit, itβs usually developers. When Gaza is flattened and cleared of under age innocents, masquerading as terrorists, it will become prime real estate for cashed up globalist goon squads liberating all with Komunizm, via krown kabal.
Looking at Sydney these days, dodging the double loaders ubiquitous on suburban streets, itβs obvious weβre in for similar cleansing. Our youth broke and woke, crushed by investors cashed up. Meanwhile mum and dadβs house fleeced by banksters in partnership with retirement nursing villages. The lucky ones in not so lucky place these days. As for the homeless, ending up on footpaths, cleansed and gone after a few days. And we still wonder what all that Serco activity was about some years ago, all over Oz.
Anyone been following the annual cover of The Economist?
Well, best start now, start – the fist time I have noted Australia now depicted prominent with SE Asia.
There are many clues to decode so look at the cover from the links provided at http://www.what really on 15/11 at 8.40.
For the normies, the Satan believers are required to present warnings so that you are informed and therefore consent to planned events
Lot of .Stuffβ for JB and EB to interpret.?,
It’s true all laid out, the all-seeing-eye, almost a caricature of Saturn, plugged into brains; red-blue duopoly further entrenched, the system is so rigged it’s ok to have transparent voting; the fiat currencies of the west going down to get us on Global standard $2 per hour; an Australia-China pivot; who is the stooge backing on to Xi, is it the Brazil soft-communist leader Lula da Silva, is he going to start a South American communist union with Argentina, and who is that over the top of Zelenskyy, is it just Greta Thunderbox raving for another year ?
All fairly mundane I suppose but all the moon charts presumably show an occult merging with cyber world; and some mystery packages at the bottom. What horrors lie in the mystery packages I wonder, lots of ? marks.
So South America is going to be unified under communism and Australia will have to adapt to CCP style surveillance communism.
This old story about Argentina is still current
There are a couple of real mysteries in all this, first why are Americans putting up with what their parasite state Washington is doing to them and second why are Australians using the e-money instead of cash for day to day transactions, even the ABC-TV admitted that less than 10% of Australians got their boosters but they still use the e-money. It would be better for us if we went back to silver coinage starting now but I don’t see any signs of that.
Some hope with Michael Jako at beforeitβ
βMichaelJaco shocking newsβ
His picture and two ladies pictured in the promo.
It was so shocking that I snoozed off during the middle, but that is the way he isβ¦β¦ as WE KNOW.
At the start:
(Q dropped the clue that there will be βthe shot heard around the worldβ. He makes sense: THE INJECTED SHOTS?)
Much more and informative β¦β¦β¦DEWS.
Strongly recommended for naysayers and normies.
And it is a healthy experience: heart monitor: 124 over 75π©ΊππΌ
Important, sorry, my reply mistakenly logged after my comment At 8.14 above. Not fully awakeππΌπ
The one with the βοΈβοΈβοΈ and βοΈβοΈβοΈβοΈs (count them)
The History of HAMAS (Harakat al-Muqawama al-Islamiya (βIslamic Resistance Movementβ)
Nov 10
h ttps://
Again, my mission is to contribute to the free flow of information. So, watch and listen to this conversation on the History of Hamas and form your own conclusion.
As always, the last word is yours, folks!
According to some – HAMAS – in a direct Arabic translation of the word, is what we in the West would refer to as being aligned to EVIL.
One only need to go back over recent history – at least four decades – on the ‘problems’ within the ‘middle east’ to see the political struggle between the PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization) and Al Fatah, as the then political face of ‘Palestine’ and the insurgent/political opposition to that arrangement, that we all know now to be, HAMAS.
Thousands of Palestinians were killed by the agents of HAMAS in order to gain political control – how soon we all forget.
We must also take on board, that in many Islamic countries, especially in Gaza, only the male gets to vote. And of the males who get to vote – only those who can show allegiance to a specific political ideology, will have their votes counted.
So it should come as no surprise that HAMAS has won every election for some decades.
Hence what Arafat was attempting to head off, with Rabin on board, but were sold out by the criminal Bill Clinton over the so called, ‘peace accord’, while HAMAS began to flex it’s terrorist military and political agenda.
Over the decades of rule by HAMAS, even other Muslim countries have been loathe in providing any financial or military aid to HAMAS – that should tell you all you need to know about what other Islamic countries think of HAMAS, who in times of need, will stick together.
Folks – both HAMAS and MOSSAD are the two sides of the same coin, the same coin that during WW2, Nazism and Communism went to war over – it is history repeating itself, but in different locations, but inclusive of the same opposing Globalist ideologies that brought about WW1, WW2 and is now pushing, via the middle east, WW3.
The Russians are winning in Ukraine, and so a new front had to be opened up to keep the money rolling in, to keep the Cabal operating.
But the Globalist Cabal West is bankrupt and has used all its munition supplies, as its Cabal military is failing against Russia. The U.S. fiat dollar is collapsing, while Russia’s economy is surging and its military growing stronger, as the evil that controls Gaza and Israel, slowly destroys itself.
What we are witnessing, is the final collapse of the Globalist Cabal middle management, and the final nail in the coffin of the Evil that has controlled this world for millenium.
What human with a brain could have thought that a small “want to be” dictatorship as in Ukraine would even suggest that Ukraine could defeat a country the size and resources of Russia?
Feel like some emotion?
You have much to learn, as I did, about the person who calls herself, Madonna.
Peter Dutton worried about Australia’s Jewish community
Given that the jews are Polish, Russian and so forth, and the Semites are Arabs ie Muslims, this is quite a turn about from the previous muslim blaming over 9-11. Where was the anti-anti-Semite league when W Bush was telling us all to hate the muslims ?
Elbow is in SanFrancisco “partnering” with Microsoft to install Microsoft365-A.I.
They are going to embed it into the public service, probably to deliver mild electric shocks when they go to sleep. This won’t be cheap, remember when Kevin Rudd got all the skoolkids laptops with Microsoft ProductRange embedded for cheap price x 5 million or however many units. He could have got OpenOffice for free which is a better program but he thought he would swing about a billion dollars Bill Gates way, probably a very good career move as we see Ruddykins now enjoying elder statesman status welcoming Elbow to SanFrancisco for the latest instalment of Australian debt being converted into Bill Gates’ credit, he will use it to build a few more Cotsco supermarkets in Australia and hype them up, all the stoopids will go in there and get ripped off.
You have to ID yourself if you want to get into Costco, forget about Aldi in Europe because it’s already here with good ol buddy Bill Gates ringing up Elbow every time he wants a bunch of dollars swung his way.
Roll up roll up, cheap petrol at Costco save one dollar, get up Monday morning and go and pay some tax for Bill Gates, he has all the AI and mRNA you will need to survive on Planet Gates 21C. Forget living, the future is about to arrive.
The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine: A History of Settler Colonialism and Resistance, 1917β2017
Seems thereβs no evil not practised these days. Child and organ trafficking, perverted abominations with children murdered for production of adrenochrome. Merchants profiting from war and now the 5G installed weapons system at fingertips.
They say thereβs no God, so why do they spend so much time corrupting to eliminate Christianity? Theyβre scared of Truth exposing their power built on lies deception usury slavery trickery robbery sickness and murder, now plugging everyone into CBDC slavery.
Build back better is war by oligarchs against we people used up, now trashed. Big developers building smart apartment complexes to suck the juice health and life of working slaves. Our cities destroyed by mass immigration and homelessness.
Kalergi plan enforced, crushing small business with all that is traditional and good.
Time to π, krown kabal komunists on all bases loaded.
We trust that when those responsible are rounded up and there will be βοΈ
and βοΈ how long do we await?
Otherwise we are stuffed.
There are reports that netanyhow has been rounded up in Israel. Ref latest situation update by Nary.
Plus anonymous reports that arrests of Drs nurses etc under way.
Oh well we have to wait and dream
At 56 mins the Gaza tunnels are described β¦ 8 levels INCREDIBLE!
Canaries in the Coal Mine – Ned. That’s what we are. π
Confirmed report , that Biden Blinken & Austin have been served by the ICC for Crimes against humanity .
JAG will get to them first, if they don’t suicide.
Former Philippines PM Duterte is also invited to ICC because of his hard-line anti-drugs campaign which presumably like Thaksin in Thailand led to hundreds or thousands of drug dealers being summarily shot by cops, for example, Cop: where did you get the money for that car Dealer: it’s my money !!! Cop: Give me $1000 Dealer: %$#@!!! Sound Effects: “Bang”
How jews were made ( by egypt )
Joe – a prediction – based in historical knowledge. In time to come, religion will no longer matter to those of us who can recognize, and to place their trust in the one true God.
A bit about Dragons
The Satanic Agenda Behind Dragon Ball Z
Clif High: 2024 Year of the Dragon
3 days ago
“Happy Monday everyone!! Here it is! Disclaimer; I asked a few questions from you guys, but not all of them, some I still have on reserve for future chats with Clif. In this episode he speaks on the increasing value of silver in the medical field, and we explore various emanations from his data implicating major economic changes. Enjoyigh: 2024 Year of the Dragon
3 days ago
Happy Monday everyone!! Here it is! Disclaimer; I asked a few questions from you guys, but not all of them, some I still have on reserve for future chats with Clif. In this episode he speaks on the increasing value of silver in the medical field, and we explore various emanations from his data implicating major economic changes. Enjoy”
Do you feel like laughing –
Xi Jinping meets Albo
Ta cc, some good stuff there. π€£
People’s Voice Obama
People’s Voice Bibi
Again the censors have stepped in. Take out the XXXX from the address and try again.
Things are beginning to get real. Real as in not bullshit, as in the MSM is full of lies, as in the ‘climate change’ agenda is all lies, as in…
Noted a 7 min report at BIN.
Some hand held radiation detection device is being issued to police etc in US on coastal areas.
No need to listen to the report.
Just a sign of dangerous times and taking care. But they spent a lot for them.
Dept of Home Affairs YGL Claire O’Neill is a complete joke says Dutton at 1:00 “as many people in her department do” … Given that Dutton created the department has he built in a huge political booby trap with sleepers everywhere, anyway good riddance to Globalist rubbish
Israeli forces withdraw from Al-Shifa having not found any weapons
19h ago
Never been to Jerusalem. In Sarajevo, not too far from island of birth, three races and religions have been living together for millennia, very much as modern global cities today. So what set the spark there, as in Sarajevo in 1914 and 90βs Balkan war?
Is it based on faith or just divide between rich and poor useless eaters?
For great Israel to be, thereβs a human problem. Population is split 50/50, 7 million either side of the divide, guess the Zionists are thinking logistically, for them to be there is no room for Palestine.
Why not, weβre global now anyway.
With AI doing hidden hands work, are we people on all sides used up?
The so called iron curtain came down, cause by that time minions well trained for takeover. Similar to CCP AI invasion today, with krown kabal calling the shots.
Are we happy in our global gulags?
If some say it isnβt so, walk away save strength, testing times ahead.