Home News The Planned Termination of the AUD

The Planned Termination of the AUD


Our fiat currency flagship with WWI General Monash and Melbourne Masonic Shrine

J.G. Olsen / Financial Expositor

Even the modestly financially literate understand inflation is caused by excessive money creation by elected politicians, substantially for pork barreling, kickbacks and payoffs, waste such as hyper-management, mismanagement, duplication, and incompetence. There is also the matter of interest on previous borrowings.

Most people are well aware of the hyperinflation in the German Weimar Republic, about a hundred years ago, where the price of bread doubled daily.

The government causes inflation and they are in constant denial of this fact, and they amplify their denial using corrupt news services and spokesmen who lie by omission as well as any other way they think they can get away with. Truth mixed with lies becomes untruth, mixed with lies of omission becomes propaganda, at the least.

Fiat currencies usually only last a few decades before they are replaced. The Australian Pound was replaced with the metric dollar on Valentine’s Day 1966 and it will struggle through to 2026 but is projected to be mostly replaced by the Swiss CBDC’s as soon as 2030. The CBDC’s will be introduced as smoothly as possible, with features like zero transaction costs, global portability, guaranteed security and probably even health insurance built in, already a claimed feature of certain credit cards. “Health” and “Insurance” are favourite products because in so many cases the actual delivery is shapeless and meaningless. They pay up if they like you. However, all this won’t become fully apparent until the CBDC system is fully implemented.

CBDCs will be made even more attractive by promoting stability in a recession environment race to the bottom of national currencies. Of course, this stability will be unproven, but you will be told you can take their word for it, it is from Switzerland, where conscription of young adults is standard, where everyone has military weapons at home, and there are never any massacres. (Think about it). All running like clockwork.

Any fiat currency, including CBDC’s is backed only by belief, ie. by the military.

The totality of the CBDC heist is not apparent to the casual observer, that is: you don’t need to OWN anything if you CONTROL it. For example, companies are controlled via superannuation funds which are “owned” by the members – but not controlled by the members. The CBDC is intended to ultimately control you, so you are effectively owned. Control is superior to ownership, control makes ownership irrelevant. Who owns the army? The nation. Who controls the army? A handful of people, some of them unknown, and not all resident in the nation. Control, at every level in society, is therefore usually acquired or increased by deception and trickery, which readily converts into beliefs.

Inflation is an indirect tax, originally premised on the expanding economy a.k.a. Economic Growth.

Governments look for up to 4.5% growth, simply broken down to 1.5% population growth added to their “target” 3% inflation. In other words, their policies amount to little or nothing. The controllers of governments have other ideas, just as the farmer has a different view of things compared with the stock.

Population chart 2003-2023 via Australian Bureau of Statistics

On this population plus 3% inflation basis the treasury can excuse adding a minimum of 4.5% of credit to the economy every year which amounts to a “dollar tax”, where every dollar you earn is in reality reduced in value every year. Your compulsory superannuation investment will have to earn enough to cover fees and the reckless money creation of the government and financial system just to break even. But why should the government stop at adding this amount when they can get away with adding more? Who benefits? Not just the treasury, the private banks create a large amount of credit with their fractional reserve lending on houses, businesses, luxuries, and the simple existence of the indebted.

Nobody can accurately calculate a national economy but that doesn’t stop anyone from trying. Universal CBDC’s will allow a great leap forward in the fine-tuning of financial management, intended to convert control into total control plus ownership.

BlackRock’s “Australian Super” has come halfway around the world to enter the market and Canberra is obviously delighted, the media welcome mat is out.

The latest planned impost by these government faux-socialists is to fully lock up superannuation for your lifetime, including “pandemic” situations, while individuals struggle to buy a house, and for businesses already strangled in red tape to provide extra superannuation for women, who will, in any case, inherit the house when the man has died from substance abuse and exhaustion. This is sold to us as a bonus, independence for women when really it is just another piece of a government cradle-to-grave financial scheme with another angle.

Everything will be siphoned off as usual to ensure you are left with as little as possible. How is your superannuation doing compared to the petrol price? Petrol will continue to go up faster than superannuation, because OPEC understands the money creation is excessive, and getting worse.

Just to make sure the banksters’ faux-socialist systems are enforced, local councils are currently engaged in banning the “tiny house” lifestyle concept. Now you will need a permit if you leave one in place for six months, or try to live in a caravan, on your own property or acreage. Hipsters are to be forced back into the debt system. The government wants children delivered to childcare from as young an age as possible, all to be administered from Canberra. The “aged care” dumping ground for baby-boomers is now set to take 15% of your house, for those baby-boomers who are not caught up in the blood-clots death wave. Nobody can predict exactly what is going to happen. 

The government gatekeepers are endless, and they are eventually privatised. Some lie in wait, anticipating the proclamation of the legislation that will kick off their lucrative new business. Women who want a simple local creche are confronted by capitalist plunderers, backed by our faux-socialist governments. These women seem incapable of devising their own systems, or is it just that the government strangles them in red tape before they begin? Grandma is on an ocean cruise, while the kids pay the bank interest on their “home unit”. Small business, just forget it. The local aircon mall will bleed you white by Christmas. The local mayor gets around in the latest Mercedes, the crumbs from the table are his.

Everyone is expected to make superannuation contributions even while they are on maternity or paternity leave, so these can go on to be extracted by the financial system’s machinations. If you want the old age pension you will have to agree to all the medical treatments and financial annulment. Easier to live under a bridge.

Who will end up paying for all these donations to the superannuation funds? The answer is simple, the public. Government ministers expect that ever more can be gouged out of the public, including the future public, while arranging outcomes for themselves which result in fortunes of tens of millions of dollars being amassed by retired government ministers, as a matter of course. Look at former PM Kevin Rudd’s wife, who picked up $200 million as the government’s Commonwealth Employment Service was privatised. Well, someone had to do it.

This cradle-to-grave administration by robbers is slowly strangling Australia and that appears to be the intent. Big brother is morphing into the New World Order.

The Melbourne Shrine with Eye of Horus atop, lit annually for dawn service

The Reserve Bank of Australia’s  pronouncements are designed to deceive. Australian interest rates are not functionally determined by the RBA board, they are directly related to the US Treasury Bond rate, the RBA simply offers excuses and commentary, combined with a minimum amount of tweaking, the last 0.25% or so. Their meetings are an opportunity for board members to share information, which keeps them in the clique, and keeps you and the media out. Like waiting outside the Vatican for its puff of smoke, we receive their emissions.

Not so long ago the US Bond market underwent a bond rate inversion, which is a harbinger of a recession. The benchmark ten year bond was paying less interest than the short term one year bond. This is obviously an anomaly which would lead to the demise of the ten year bond, which the US basically uses to pay for commodities like oil or international credit, anything required in vast amounts. But the ten year bond is under more pressure now. This bond is essentially a store of value, while the primary function of money is a means of exchange. Ideally value would not be stored in dollars but in assets. Hoarding cash will inevitably turn out badly. The US dollar’s global means of exchange is called the SWIFT system, which is now being rejected by the BRICS, along with the Bonds.

US leadership destroyed its own “rule of law” either by unwisely or more likely deliberately and recklessly using excessive sanctions, even against a major state, namely Russia. We may like to interpret this as the Deep State military overpowering the financial powers. The financial structure is being jettisoned in anticipation of CBDC’s.

China is promoting gold as if they will commence a new gold-backed currency.

Like all fiat currencies this won’t last for long and they will revert to printing money, simply because this is human nature and this always happens, these days more quickly than historically..

Expect trade battles within BRICS as the CCP and other elements including corporate try to build mini-hegemonies and the others resist. Paper gold and any such equivalents cannot measure an economy with perfect accuracy and stability, the grey area is where the money creation pushes in, and only a free market can moderate it. Russia and China are still one-party states, ultimately the antithesis of free markets. Our duopoly system is not that much different.

So, now the BRICS+ nations trade freely amongst themselves because US sanctions have been effectively demolished by this union. The US economy is still dependent on money creation, so somehow, buyers have to be found for this money, which spills out of the treasury and private banks, all over the world. More and more it will be converted to assets like gold as quickly as possible, to avoid the devaluation, or as they prefer it to be known, price inflation. The way to sell these bonds is to increase the interest rate, from close to zero up to a maximum of what? The sky is the limit. They are banking on CBDC’s and aiming for a Great Reset in 2030.

The Reserve Bank of Australia’s previous governor told the public that interest rates would not rise until mid-2024, leading to a lot of mortgage foreclosures and people living in their cars. All the knock-on effects of his misleading statement were to the benefit of the banks which the governor represents, but let’s imagine for a moment that he did not mean what we took him to mean, let’s get inside his head.

If he said rates would not go higher, then higher than what? Higher than the normal level? In that case, by now (early 2024) they have returned to normal levels. So if his statement was accurate, and reflected more on the US bond rate than on household mortgage rates, we could expect rates to go higher in mid-2024.

This is outside the control of the RBA because if the US is offering 10% or 20% interest on its bonds, nobody will invest in Australia except short term, to buy commodities such as iron ore. Therefore the cost of Australian credit must go up.

The iron ore price is tipped to collapse via China real estate bubble and demographic slowdown. Lithium for batteries is going out of style and Indonesian nickel is undercutting Australian nickel. China invested in Indonesia to bring the price down as well as to expand their global operations and ambitions in the region. (The retiring Indonesian leader is moving the capital east to Borneo to head off Chinese expansions into the area, so the CCP will have to try harder to buy its way in).

We are heading towards a debt-fuelled super-storm like nothing ever before.

Assuming Trump wins the upcoming election in the US, he will inherit an almighty shemozzle and will have a licence to do almost anything to rectify it. In Australia, we can probably expect a re-run of former Paul Keating’s double-digit inflation coupled with a “recession we had to have”. We had to have it because they created so much money and then squandered it on absurd policies and nonsense like “Covid”.

Bank branches are closing as if in preparation of a banking collapse. Currently, Bankwest in Western Australia aims for total branch closure. If the banks are able to retreat entirely to cyberspace in the next few years they will surely do so. You will still be able to access the “mobile lender” and take out $50 cash at the supermarket, less fees. Cash won’t go away entirely, it will just be made less attractive. In Europe, relatively small transactions are banned, in Australia transactions of $10,000 are reportable, this amount will no doubt drop to $1000 eventually. Bill Gates has sold his “Co-pilot 365” software to our federal government, which can be expected to compile a vast and comprehensive analytical database on all of us, with the likely exception of politicians and their peers, who will at least be using one of the many tax havens of the British Empire for their dealings. As our dollar currency spirals towards oblivion and the inevitable universal CBDC’s, I wonder what currency our elites will be using.

Weimar Republic



  1. Thanks JG Olsen… for the breakdown.

    “I wonder what currency our elites will be using?” Bitcoin?

    For new living spaces in Melbourne: Bolte bridge, and West Gate bridge still has plenty of real estate under it.

    • “I wonder what currency our elites will be using?” – I wouldn’t be surprised if it was gold and silver coins! Crikey, that’s what the rich were using back during the Weimar collapse, it was also what Rockefeller was famous for during the American depression (handing out American dimes to people that asked). The stories of German bakers telling the crowd out front that those with precious metals should come around to the back. – When the baker came back to the front, surprise, the bread was all sold out.

      I’ve told the story before on GS of American pilots back in the early 1950s flying back to the States from Germany and picking up $20 of American dimes. Four rolls of dimes was 200 dimes to spend on the German economy. Walk into a pub, lay a dime on the bar and get a litre of German beer.

  2. Thank you, Sandra, I will quote Yeadon:
    I can detect at least three, separate features of these injections which would be expected to injure, to kill or to reduce fertility in survivors. These are not mistakes. Each are so obviously deliberate to anyone who has a history of involvement in rational drug design for new medicines.

    At least two features are common to every injection purporting to be a “covid vaccine”. First, the mRNA nature of the major products. Second, the lipid nanoparticle nature of the formulations in which they are encapsulated.

    The mRNA is genetic code for a chosen protein. Regardless of what the protein is, once the human body is caused to express it, it will be recognized as foreign and attacked by their own immune system. Depending on details we cannot know, just by looking at the glass vials, some people will be injured as a result of this lethal autoimmune attack. Others will be killed, the time taken to die & their suffering before they die will vary. It’ll look like the normal range of illnesses. There will simply be more of them.

    Because of the lipid nano particle formulation, some of the injected materials will accumulate in the ovaries (possibly also the testicles). This homing property in reproductive tissue has been known about for more than a decade. The effect will be a lowering of fertility affecting every stage of reproduction.

    I can bring detailed rationales for each of these claims as well as several others.

    I also have an usual piece of evidence, given the crimes I claim have been committed. I had worked out part of this assault before any purported vaccine had received its fraudulent authorization.

    Having done so, with another author, I wrote an open letter to the European Medicines Authority in early December 2020, which is attached below. In it, we warn of the harms which we anticipated. It has been more than upsetting to watch them come true, the last taking a year, the adverse effects on fertility.

    All-causes mortality is elevated almost everywhere in the world that these products have been widely used and live births sharply reduced. [LINK]

    I look forward to the opportunity to speak with you in considerable detail about these and other charges.

    I will publish this letter on my Telegram site, where 20,000 followers will no doubt be interested to learn what the Met Police does with this information. If I may be so bold, I would invite you to think about how you plan to describe your next actions to your family and, if you have them, your children and grandchildren.

    With best wishes and thank you for your attention.
    Dr Mike Yeadon

    • “All-causes mortality is elevated almost everywhere in the world that these products have been widely used and live births sharply reduced.” Evidently not so in Israel. I read the fertility rate there is increasing with zero evidence of excess mortality. Go figure.

    • See AustraliaOne Party – Green Room Extra with Gideon Jacobs (27 March 2024) for the full nightmare scenario of the mRNA, apparently its in all of us now.

  3. I have been waiting for this.
    Firstly, go to http://www.whatreallyhappened.com at 08.22 on 12/3 and READ THE LINK PROVIDED;;;;; ‘ the great reset etc….’ are people prepared for the obvious. Well that is America, no doubt our politicians will keep society safe🤣🤣🤣🙈
    Now what have I been waiting for Two years?
    Well, so what?
    I do not have all the facts, but I assess from the usual, it is WAY UP FROM THE NORMAL OBITUARY REPORTS, that I have been interested in for six decades….. classmates etc. NOTE OTHER REPORTS FOR THE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES… DEAD UP 30%!
    Cancer prevails.
    All-right, I am a alarmist.🙀 but I see many DOTS. Joe, you know about dots, surely.
    I go back a year or so noting the number of doctors dying in Alberta, Canada. Nothing official, BUT THERE APPEARED IN THEIR MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL JOURNAL, SO MANY OBITUARIES…… that is where genuine information is ascertained and not from government lies and FAKE MSM.
    Now back to my old boys magazine ….. what do I see?
    Boy am I cranky with ex Minister of Health in NSW (HAZZARD) and our the Premier…. 25,000 kids from reports, were injected in a week at Olympic Park in Sydney. Two reported dead. But no detail on subsequent adverse affects.
    Is there a politician in our NSW government following up on that? What about Ms. SPENDER OR THAT SHARMA FELLOW NOW ON THE SENATE LIBERAL PRESELECTED LIST?
    OK, there was a report in about 2022 or there about, that whole senior classe/s
    (senior boarders?) in my old college were bussed from HUNTER’S Hill in Sydney, off to ROYAL PRINCE ALFRED HOSPITAL IN CAMPERDOWN, SYDNEY TO BE INJECTED. Who is responsible for that? Who lied to the teachers?
    WHAT MORE CAN I SAY…. Except:

    • The cancer I think I heard seems to be coming via lymph glands presumably filling up with spike proteins, I don’t know the exact mechanism, could potentially also relate to lungs not working efficiently with spike proteins on the blood side of the lungs, and simple oxygen deprivation.
      Well they are still all in denial anyway and won’t change until a Rockerfella ordained doctor-priest tells them otherwise.

    • Sandra,
      The gossip is a lot of fun. Ta.
      May I presume Sandra that you had no progeny taken off and injected and therefor of no concern to you?

  4. Reports are in that the spikes ‘migrate’ and we are all riddled with them. An Ozzie researcher unjabbed, put his own blood under the scope and found nano-bots throughout it. I mean at 40 billion a dose OD plus boosters people are toxic with it.
    They appeared sentient and formed bee hive like structures out of dead blood cells and ‘assembled things’. All I have heard to remove the spike proteins is nicotine 7mg patch for 7 days or Zeolite powder to remove heavy metals. The silence of our Corporate Government governance has to end to investigate this fully but all they re doing is covering it all up even more with their faux commission of enquiry. Time for mass rally’s peoples B4 we die if true and he sounded legit. See rumble AustraliaOne Party – Green Room Extra with Gideon Jacobs (27 March 2024)

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