Home Finance The Smart Money Nightmare

The Smart Money Nightmare


This a wake-up call for Sunday. Sourced from RichplanetTV and produced by Richard Hall.



  1. I don’t even have a ‘smart’ phone to put the freaking ap on, however, I do have a bag of old silver coins. I’m also looking forward to what ever the Chinese, Russians and the global South come up with as their currency.

    Excuse me, I have to go pick some lettuce for the hairdresser in town….

  2. A bird once said to a bee,
    “How can you keep on making honey when you know the humans will come and steal it?”
    The bee laughed and said
    “They may have learned to steal honey, but they still can’t make it!”

  3. A chicken can learn how to peck a button when a light comes on, and get a grain of corn.
    For most people this is about equal to all they know about money and they won’t go any further.
    Stories about getting people off sugar and petrol via controlled money are just stories.
    The government can put the price of petrol up any time.
    Some of the real reasons for stopping people using their money are already on the table.
    Hoaxes like ClimateChange and frauds like the Scamdemic are in plain sight.
    Here where I am on the border of Cambodia there is flooding galore and also in Victoria it seems.
    I thought it was going to be hotter not cooler, and everything was going to burn up and die.
    The scamdemic is over most places but here in the ASEAN countries everyone is still wearing the dust-masks as directed by the TV.
    Even alone in a car or in a fully enclosed booth, even walking down a deserted dark street in the rain.
    What perverted stuff will be enforced by CBDCs, even a cynic like me can’t guess.
    Bonus points for putting your child on the organ donor registry ?

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