Home Society The Virus Hoax is a Diversion in The Era of Opinion

The Virus Hoax is a Diversion in The Era of Opinion


by G5

With destroyed domestic economies, people move through phases of protest then submission and compliance.

These events are not directly related to any virus or vaccination, as such.

There is a hidden dark underlying agenda about which I have been writing for some years, and which has been totally missed.

The virus hoax is a diversion.

The devastation will arrive swiftly and be all-consuming.

Current international protests must be further mobilized and more immediate. The imperative is the domestic economies. Not any virus. Unless the matter is acted on correctly focussed and forcefully to government; the destruction will fall, and from which there will not be a return.

source cityam.com/

Propaganda and Uniform Makeovers

Propaganda is the strength of this clip. The video about the power of the uniform:

However: America in its decline and current final self-destruction, employed arrogant Information filtration as the centre of its propaganda paradigm, without filling the vacuum it created, as it thought it did.

You don’t destroy the unwanted by tagging and filtration alone. You need to supply the better and demonstrated as acceptable. Deplatforming and banning for; manufactures of hate and racism, hollow morality, and supported by fact-checking; however intellectualized; don’t work in isolation. So Fake News, Cancel Culture, and Moralized Big Tech, destroyed America. That’s it. No one else gives a shit. And as for the international push of the criminal CovidHoax, based on fake American science; good luck with that.

The cup containing the world’s hatred of America already runneth over.

Intel, Athens, and Paris

Athens and Paris have the highest ratio to the population of unemployed Intel. Resignation and retirement don’t exist in the trade. Governments can do to themselves what they want. Taxes and regulations are the nonsense they are. BUT NEVER TOUCH THE PEOPLE.

Demonstrations against government over-reach, facing off with silly front-line police forces is always a welcomed sport. Except for the police who insist on being the targets in the real gatherings as Athens and Paris.

Nations as Australia have pussy brigades in the streets; ‘Making a point’. Grow Up.

Athens being the retirement camp of choice, always has its moments. Germany thinking it had an accomplishment following The Debt Fraud perpetrated against Greece, has been rightly choking ever since. It didn’t work in the forties, and it won’t work now. Grexit through EU sacking would be sane. But sanity has always been a German problem.

America lost the strategic Aegean, and plan B doesn’t work. Staying in NATO Cyprus and playing games being shooed from rhe Black Sea, is as meaningless as can be. How about The American Domestic Economy? Playing bully boy in the schoolyard is not a recipe for a sound future.

The Greeks invented the word pyrrhic. The military philosophy practiced ad nauseam by America. And when it doesn’t absorb that reality and decides to linger; the moment is moved to an occupation of attrition. The hidden employment that transforms the American domestic economy to keep on giving. And they wonder why.

The CovidHoax is the response to Trump refusing to engage in a fake war against Russia, to bring in the New World Order, Globalist Centralist Agenda. It running on from the devastation of EU bankruptcy, Russia refusing to play in the American Invasion of Ukraine, and other East European and Eurasian American adventurisms of attrition, America being vanquished in Syria, the blocking of America’s Qatar Pipeline, the successful operation of Russia’s NordStream II Pipeline serving all of Europe, and the blocking of America in The Arctic.

Astonishing American Expertism. An education system of the finest invented cluelessness imaginable. Now malingering and loitering in its Legislature, Judiciary, and Administration. The hand-crafted study in still life from the finest intellectually inbred sheltered workshops, ever invented. Stultifying opinions of reality, derived from uniquely malleable bipolar facts.

There certainly is a New World Order. But very different to the expectations of the owners of America.

Tokenized Culture and Quatrains

Some half a century ago; I may be a couple of years older than you have been led to believe; I was rummaging about a very old, and exquisite university library, in a land far far away. Before the era of The Paperless Void. It having filtered and adjusted ALL. What was a reality became fictional nuances of convenience, functioned information filtration, and articulated propaganda.

Even the sacred OED has been massaged to oblivion. The bipolarity of vengeful and malevolent, and Post-Modern Leftism. All part of the non-transparent dark agenda.

One wonders if one should write correctly, or towards contemporary distorted meanings, to ease the pains of modern-day travelers. In short, I continue to write to the correct norm. Let the confusion lay where it falls. Modernized meanings are false interpretations, Textese and even Feminese are fanciful and variously clipped to infer exclusivity. In reality a self-isolation. A retrograde inability to communicate.

I encountered a work concerning Nostradamas’ quatrains. I had noted the messages of a few. Knowing he was a far better news purveyor than any of the celebrity inventions, even of that era.

As of today; one knew where the other’s brain resided by what they consumed in their information diet. What newspapers they believed. More so today as to which version of reality melds with the inculcated ideological circuitry, of the political drivings of their version of reality. The Era of Opinion. The uniqueness of Innate Rational and Critical Thought being driven out in a false education system, promoting regurgitative sameness as The Post Modern control to oblivion.

And of course, back then, university awards at all levels were real. You did the time and you did the work; which one actually enjoyed. Or you wouldn’t be there. The learning. The environment of the institutions. The age of The Skill Set Tools recognized by awards. Not the age of the tools becoming grotesquely irrelevant to the posture of meaningless baubles and tokenism. The advancement to absurdity. The attempt to force obtuse balanced outcomes, rather than the reality of opportunity. The failure of education systems delivering only what they would, from their false intellectualized infestations.

The tokenized cultured eating with their hands, Then wiping them on their clothes. While pretending they are the normal and stand equal. I incessantly suffer buffoons prefaced by their variously tokenized attributes. The loudest signal in itself. Unable to correctly balance a pen. Unable to pronounce words in their prepared scripts. Unable to balance parallel thought, while speaking. Fumbling for words to match meanings. Having clearly never encountered the skill sets of comprehension; naturally derived through legitimate education, of an era passed.

The profound ignorance; even astonishingly in the areas of their alleged attainments. The horrendously arrogant lateralizing that the victims of their random thought processes and conclusions for the sake of conclusions are the ones unable to grasp the throwaway idiocies and theatres of reality in which those buffoons live.

Nostradamus as Malachy was accurate. Changes were caused by adjustments post hoc, and the contemporary phenomenon of opinion. Where we also find that opinion passed a phase of altering existing printed texts as; Nostradamus, Malachy, even Pepys Diary etc. I have in my travels collected three very different versions of the latter, for one.

The four quatrains I had particularly noted had two that were not clear at that time. But would so become.

Of the four; NERO was recognizable as THE FIRST ANTI-CHRIST. The second was Nostradamus writing of a great city being struck with a fire from the sky; 9/11. The third and fourth concerned THE SECOND AND THIRD ANTI-CHRISTS. They were respectively; HISTER and MABUSE.

At the time we were not aware of MABUSE or even 9/11. THE SECOND ANTI-CHRIST translated as HITLER. THE THIRD WAS GHW BUSH.



  1. HW Bush is indeed a standout.
    I just wrote this on the last page and your story popped up so it’s still on my “clipboard” …

    This is all happening now but look at the lead time, they book these things months ahead:


    Britain has announced the permanent deployment of two warships in the South China Sea amid growing tensions between the United States and China.
    British Defense Minister Ben Wallace said in a joint press conference with his Japanese counterpart in Tokyo on Tuesday that, “The United Kingdom will permanently assign two ships in the region from later this year.”

    Was all this the overarching, urgent reason why the election had to be stolen and why we have to have out airports shut for the duration, the Agenda 21 injections thing has hybridised itself onto the empire strategic planning. Everything has to be hybridised and done by partnership, so everyone is serving their own interests, otherwise they might pull out. It looks like a package deal.

    • x22 has been tipping an internet blackout for quite a while, probably for August since it’s the holidays and the election audit results will be made official soon. So it seems they excuse for the blackout may be “China did it”, this kind of thing has always worked since cowboy days.

      • re: old boat,
        It may be a case of, act weak to hide your strength, or, it may be a case that the old boat is dispensable. They will load it up with paddys, taffys and niggers and let the CCP send it to the bottom (or DIY). Obvious a US flagged ship would not be suitable for this purpose. In the end submarines are what counts and who is bragging about their submersible drones ??? Nobody I know of.
        But all these things are just theories, here in the comments section we have royalists who back Tsar Nicholas, Kaiser Wilhelm and for all I know the late prince Philip. We have more theories that jews control everything, that Rotschilds are “allowed” to own 51% of the planet and so forth. China is jews, CCP is on the long game, and so on and so on.
        I’m not here to throw the baby out with the bathwater but I am thinking along slightly different lines. Swissy with his branch offices in NY, London etc has been playing the silly CCP and got all the goodies, the flat TVs to brainwash the masses, the Chinese were dizzy with power having acquired all the 20 years out-of-date technology (still hoping someone will give them jet turbines but no luck yet – nobody seems to be that stupid). So now places like the US & Australia are up to their ears in debt. How to dodge this one !!!
        Easy, just print money until it’s coming out everyone’s gills, it’s a win-win all round except for the CCP who finds themselves getting blockaded. Who could resist defaulting on a debt of so many trillions. We have heard stories of millions of sea-container loads of plastic stuff pouring in from China. We owe them so many zeros, they will find out the hard way what those zeroes are worth. Swissys banks have been printing for over a decade and the more the printing gets out of control, the lower the interest rates go (especially for mates). It’s a money-go-round just like the opium racket, the CCP makes prisons full of slaves, the plastic junk placates we the masses, we surrender our property for a life on the dole, Swissy collects the lot.
        Now as to war, how many times do you need to blow up the world as a deterrent ?
        Multiple choice
        A. half is enough
        B. 90%
        C. 120% (contingency added)
        D. ten times over
        I would say anything more than [A] is surplus, you just need a reliable delivery system, that is of course “surprise”.

        The biggest mystery of all is, how can the MSM sell advertising when all they seem to do is bang on endlessly about a hoax virus and injections for stoopids.

        • You make some interesting yet sobering points. However, as I try to imagine the
          intricate and articulate malevolence of the players. I’m all together overwhelmed and underwhelmed…Overwhelmed by the dedication of so much effort, thought, and time to the shared goal. Underwhelmed by the utter lack of vision and personal fulfillment.Having a platinum card in a suicide club isn’t prestigious, it is simply stupid.

  2. the power of propaganda – repeat, repeat – coupled with censorship in a world of unbelievable gullibles after decades of ‘education’ to believe without critical thought. No wonder we are where we are. James Corbett, intelligent AND informed, offers a couple of ‘pearls’ here:

    Fight the Banksters with Cash Friday – #SolutionsWatch : The Corbett Report
    Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed While you were distracted by the scamdemic, the banksters have been working on the greatest wealth transfer in the history of the world.

    Meet The REAL Disinformation Dozen
    Censorship is the hallmark of tyrants. So when you see these “Disinformation Dozen” lists come out of nowhere from shadowy groups and get bandied about as a basis for deplatforming people online, you should know exactly what kind of enemy you’re up against.

    • Some thoughts
      Thanks Sandra for uncle Cliff’s insights re major events in America, for me they resonate and link with Simon’s requests for some “insights” intel re that “leaked” strategic plan for OZ – to “create” a skilled cohort to arrest those treasonous imposters in breach of the law– reminds me of Mary’s citizen arrest instructions many moons ago. All part of the 2021-2030 Agenda, all well underway– running according to plan—demic alongside the FREEDOM marches–evidence of this can be seen in MSM reporting eg yesterdays Press Club. with Mr Kershaw. setting the scene– all staged for a divide and conquer military operation — dob in a trouble maker—-enlist the willing the entitled “educated:” privileged “blind” elites to continue the charade and be the experts shaping opinion.

      Divert the attention from the truth -the history- the evidence——from the big event/ s about to unfold — echoes of 1930’s but now with Total mind control cyber warfare and hidden families

      Karen Brewer reminds us to Stand Up with NZ –31 st August. now she has done her homework a brilliant strategic thinker and hopefully Serene will be heralded. And I always refer back to Fiona Barnett “Eyes Wide Open” — and the research -evidence, persistence and dedication of Gumshoers and all that means — Ah the Tipping Point.

      So my mkultra’d poly-fragmented mind and systems need nurturing and aligning— there is much to do

      “I” can recommend this for those with “expansive” open minds—-very enlightening—–very mystical— very comforting.

      If you choose to watch it—watch it all and give it your full attention—it was not what I expected—but it gave me the strength to hold on and unite my disparate parts—they felt believed and heard


      Russell Razzaque on awakening and psychosis

  3. What a load of spectacularly incoherent and misleading drivel – G5 was setting us up for this, wasn’t he?

    “Let the confusion lay where it falls. Modernized meanings are false interpretations, […] A retrograde inability to communicate.”

    That’s about the only bit I understood/agreed with.

    • Ditto, JS.
      While we ponder and debate the finer points, we neglect to measure our failure to comprehend the basics.

      The more basic, the more important.

      • JR’s Rare Books and Commentary

        TOP SITE: http://www.jrbooksonline.com

        “………… As there approached, during the last century, the final struggle to eliminate everything that did not reek of materialism, it was only natural that the Liberal Industrialists should found a college of Propaganda. This was the Manchester School of Economics. Tenth rate philosophical hacks were bought and assembled with instructions to invent the [28] science of economics and justify the abominations which the craw-thumping Radical plutocrats were each day practising on the masses of the people. The doctrines of this so-called school were very simple. The great and

        William JOYCE : Twilight over England (1940)
        — 21 —

        eternal verity of economics was announced in the golden words: “Buy in the cheapest market and sell in the dearest”. This commandment being devoutly accepted, every other grace necessary to salvation would follow of its own accord. H a l l e l u j a h !
        How Jewish it all sounds. It followed, of course, that human flesh and blood must also be purchased in the cheapest market and its products sold in the dearest—for the benefit of the dear kindly old employer who erected outside his sweat-shops a tin tabernacle to which his workers must, under pain of dismissal, go every Sunday to thank God they were poor and hear sermons on the blessedness of their simple condition and “station in life”. Then, of course, another grand precept was that of Free Trade. England had a start of almost 50 years ahead of the Continental countries in the matter of this Industrial Revolution………….”


    • “History will be kind to me, for I intend to write it” – Winston Churchill.

      Other deceivers used cameras as she so clearly points out.

      • How long does it take to cremate a body?.
        Cremating at the optimum temperature (1,400-1,800 degrees), the average weighted remains takes 2 to 2 ½ hours. Several more hours may be required before the cremated remains are available to the family.
        Is it true that the bones are crushed after cremation? I’ve heard you don’t get ashes back-what do you get?
        A complete cremation is a two-step process. First, the actual exposure of the deceased to several hours of intense heat and flame; after which the remains are mostly ash except for certain bone fragments. Then, the entire remaining elements are gathered and these remains are placed in a processor, creating a uniform powder-like texture.
        6 million x 2.5 hours = 15 million hours = 1,710 years –
        How Many MonthsYears take up a million Hours? … Well, a day is 24 hours so 1,000,000 hours is 1,000,000/24 days.

        That is, 41,666 days and 16 hours.

        If a year is 365 days, then in terms of years we would work it out as 41,666.67/365 years, which is just over 114 years
        So with one oven = 1,710 years, then divide by the number of ovens you reckon were used.
        Remember Germany was suffering from a severe fuel shortage and the whole performance had to be carried out in a 2.5 year period.

        • CC, you’re on the wrong track. You are using math, physics and logic. Those classes have been replaced by Holocaust study, gender study and systemic racism.

    • The Secret Jewish History of Nostradamus

      Benjamin IvryApril 6, 2016Image by Wikimedia Commons

      This July 2 will mark the 450th anniversary of the death of Nostradamus (1503–1566), the French apothecary and supposed seer of Jewish origin. Born Michel de Nostredame in Saint-Rémy-de-Provence, France, his most famous work was “The Prophecies,” a collection of four-line texts that purported to tell the future. A recent translation by Richard Sieburth reminds us that Nostradamus’ lines seem to mean everything and nothing, which may be why he has been credited with foretelling the Great Fire of London, 9/11, Princess Diana’s death, and many other tragic events. A sample:

      The ancient work shall be fulfilled in time:/The roof shall come crashing down on the lord: An innocent blamed for the mortal crime/The culprit hiding in the misty grove…………….


      I would suggest that in order to deceive Nostradamus’ naming of Hitler as an anti-Christ is an inversion of reality.

      To be an Orthodox Jew is to agree with the Talmud that, “It is permitted to deceive a goy.” (Baba Kama 113b) ,

  4. On the evening news
    20% of nurses do not wish to take the injections citing reproductive issues and say they will quit.
    Due to media bullshit rules 20% may be accurately interpreted as 50% or even more ( sampling error margin ).
    The experts are disappointed, don’t nurses understand that to get protection the OTHER person has to get the mRNA treatment, not the person needing the protection.
    These mRNA injections truly are revolutionary, nobody has ever marketed an injection before that has to be taken by the OTHER person.
    Perhaps they will transfer the principle to diets next, so by taking a pill some random Somalians will get fat by starving while we get thinner by gorging. Can’t wait.
    Nurses seem to understand so little about what their job is, lucky they have John Skerritt of the TGA getting his directives from the CDC, WHO and Fauci, so nobody in Australia has to do any thinking at all. What a relief. Which way to Centrestink.

    • ps. I think they were going to offer the nurses a prize to get them excited to be injected, maybe something like a hotdog and a can of coke.
      If I heard right Alan Jones said only 10% in New Zealand took the injections.

      • If the alternative media is to be believed, variously, between 30% and 80% of global medical staff refuse to be jabbed.

        Personally, I believe most nurses and doctors are brainwashed purveyors of medical mafia’s nefarious product. I have met two knowledge-seeking nurses in my whole life and only one doctor.

        On the other hand, my very conventional Kiwi nurse relation has joined the NZ anti-vax protests.

        I think we will learn the truth after the event. We would be wiser to presume that food production and distribution will soon be problematic; that most people are dying in slow motion from malnutrition and food toxicity anyway; and that the vaxxed will soon start lynching the unvaxxed.

        I have planned accordingly.

    • Anecdotally I heard that 40% of staff at the Royal Hobart Hospital refused to get the ‘mandated’ covid shot, and so would lose their jobs, except the hospital management realised they could not operate the hospital with that level of staff loss, so the shot ceased being mandated.

      When the authorities bluff is called, they seem to lack substance.

      • A medico-led resistance movement could steal Pfizer jabs so that the dying-anyway could assassinate politicians and chief medical officers. That would be a first in history.

        How could they be charged with murder? They could claim they were saving the poor polly’s life.

    • We definitely will need to save some rope for the journalists. They are more dangerous than the politicians, and almost as dangerous as the (((Bankers))).

  5. It was the Italian Communists who hung Mussolini up by his feet.


    How Mussolini dealt with the Communists –

    “In their war against Bolshevism the Crusaders of the Black Shirt used many weapons. One of the most effective was castor oil. As one youthful leader explained to me, it was not so much a weapon as a remedy. The Fascisti were constantly encountering acts of disloyalty which deserved punishment on the lower scale, and Signor Italo Balbo, who looks like a militant poet, but is nevertheless one of the veterans of Fascismo despite his 27 years, conceived the idea of purging society in this simple way.
    He had to deal with the case o a man of nearly 60, who was guilty of propaganda against the State. The culprit was too old to be beaten. Signor Balbo had him forcibly fortified with a pint of castor oil, administered in two large tumblers by simply stopping his breath until he had to swallow or die. He was kept under restraint until the remedy had taken a firm hold on him and then sent back to his family.
    Thereafter castor oil became a sovereign remedy for ‘* Red madness.”
    It was given to all breeds of Bolsheviks, from desperadoes recruited from the criminal classes to schoolmasters and “intellectuals” higher up in the movement to overthrow the kingdom.
    The effect was unfailing. I am told that a ” patient ” never rendered himself liable to a second dose. When he emerged from his retirement, pale and haggard, he found himself an object of ridicule instead of a martyr. He was never quite the same man again. Fascisti would pass him by with an ironic inquiry as to the state of his health, and Communist accomplices had difficulty in expressing sympathy which did not betray a suggestion of amusement.
    Ridicule thus became a powerful ally of the Crusaders of the Black Shirt. The psychologists at the head of the movement gauged exactly the mentality of their opponents, and where less subtleleaders might have relied mistakenly on brute force alone, they waged war with fine discrimination.

    • Echoes of Oswald Mosley’s true definition of Fascism – not that Zionism’s revisionist definition and relabelling as a pejorative.

      • Fascists bind themselves together to serve their country
      • inspired by the same passionate ideal of national service
      • the essence of Fascism is teamwork, the power to pull together and to sink individual interests in the service of the nation.
      • The State will not attempt to conduct industry as it would under Socialism, instead, the State will lay down the limits within which industry may operate, and those limits will be the national welfare.
      • Private ownership will be permitted and encouraged, provided such activity enriches the nation as well as the individual.

      Mosley Oswald – Ten points of fascism (1933)


  6. Adolph Hitler was conversant with the Bible story of Sodom and Gomorrah –

    Israel’s monument to gays persecuted by Nazis planned for Tel Aviv
    The monument, to be erected in Tel Aviv’s Meir Park, will have a symbolic pink triangle, the badge used by the Nazis to mark homosexuals.
    Israel’s first monument to homosexuals persecuted by the Nazis will be erected in central Tel Aviv’s Meir Park (Gan Meir) later this year, near the headquarters of the Gay Center.

    Question – Why were they given a pink star and not made a part of the 6 million said to be cremated?

    • Magnus Hirschfeld’s Racism (1934)

      Andrew Joyce • July 18, 2021 • 4,900 Words

      Back in May, the Scientific American published an article on “The Forgotten History of the World’s First Trans Clinic.” Having written an essay on Jewish ‘sexology’ in 2015, it came as no surprise that the Scientific American opened the piece by celebrating the fact this clinic, Institut füer Sexualwissenschaft (the Institute for Sexual Research), “was headed by a gay Jewish man” — Magnus Hirschfeld (1868–1935). Hirschfeld was probably the most influential pervert of the twentieth century, and his legacy is…


      • Concluding Thoughts

        Magnus Hirschfeld’s Racism is an extremely poor text which merits even less attention than some of its more recent echoes like Stephen Jay Gould’s The Mismeasure of Man. It contains almost nothing of scientific or philosophical merit. The book is, however, an interesting historical artefact to the extent that it anticipates ideas and trends which are now widespread, such as the promotion of “love-based” globalist panhumanism, and the proliferation of sexual identities. The book also offers an interesting glimpse into the psychology and tactics of one of the twentieth century’s most influential and destructive Jewish intellectuals. As noted, Hitler once remarked that Hirschfeld was the most dangerous Jew in Germany — an interesting choice given the preponderance of influential Jewish politicians and financiers at the time the remark was made. What set Hirschfeld apart was his socially destructive ambitions, which were both more amorphous and more far-reaching than the ambitions of any politician or banker. We can see these ambitions fulfilled today, in the daily advance of the multiracial Pervert’s Paradise. The monstrous Hirschfeld has truly risen from his tomb.


    • We must save Uluru.
      take the billion per year from the Australian Broadcasting Commission and SBS and pay off some debt and save the interest paid to the bankers. Sell the ABC and SBS.
      Further, reduce all government trough feeder’s, earnings, down to $75,000, (excepting the ‘worthwhile’ [coppers, nurses, paras etc] ) until all citizens get back to their jobs and businesses. Use the savings to help those who are financially suffering.
      ‘WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER’, are we not? RIGHT!? Are you not all commies? So share fairly the fruits of labour and business.

      • Ned,
        In the land of islands, my birthplace, there was a common saying regarding communists in power at that time.
        ‘Komu sve, komu nista.’
        ‘some everything, some nothing.’

  7. Covid is a diversion for Australian handover to CCP globalizm.
    Look at Olympics, they’re going to take all the gold, a few decades ago they won some for table tennis. Not this time, they are the blueprint plan, will be leading nation in Japan.

  8. On topic, I heard we are getting an ante-Christ (pagan) pope nexr, they said after JP2 the next two won’t last long.
    Pope JP2 1978-2005 Rapzinger 2005=2013 Current guy 2013-2021 so we’ll give him a few more years since he keeps getting organ transplants (?) seem to recall.
    How would I know because they don’t tell you anything on the MSM since “block and flood” went fulltime, they turn every minute into a quaxxine promotion, they have black rappers with stupid hats talking up the quaxx, they have officials of every type, and no actual world news whatsoever !!!
    So they want to take down free countries first, where people have money, attitude and worst of all, 2nd amendment. Swissy quite happy to throw the US under the bus, as some others observed soldiers are just dogs to be used up on the battlefield,,,,, so all of America. Swissy hides behind Bush/Scherff who hides inside America. Rockerfellas hide behind stupid Gates who is lost without his pappy. Responsible health ministers hide behind Chief Health Officers of COMMAUST INC. who in turn hide behind TGA who hides behind the WHO, which has Gates hiding behind it.
    The TV is the stage, you cannot walk around and see the side view. If you could you would see all these payrolled creeps hiding behind each other in a long chain.

    • Swissy has done it all before and each time bigger, this time the biggest of all. Whole countries destroyed. They teach their kids the real history, not the bullshit they decribe as “dry”.
      Burning question, did Swissy intend for the Nazis to win and only Daniel Boone and the lumberjacks foiled the plan. Probably.
      Now the US has been hollowed out and the leaders bribed and owned by their pedo history and other unmentionable stuff. All the while Swissy dripping to us in whispers, “it’s the jews it’s the jews”. Swissy hides behind jews and nazis, Austria, Vatikan, City of London, Black Rock, by hiding behind more places you can hide more !!! Now also hiding behind US Democrats and ALP, as well as Rotschilds servant Macron, PMs of Canada and NZ. Vested interests of old royalty, nouveau riche like Rockerfellas etc invited to join the Swissy club. “Hey Rocky, let’s have the meetings at your house (Club of Rome). Hey Rotschilds, lets have the parties at your house (eyes wide shut). Up in Swissyland, nothing to see. They even have dialects !!! Very hard to understand them talking.

        • The Two Babylons Alexander Hislop – Chapter VII

          In the chapter under consideration, the “great fiery serpent” is represented with all the emblems of royalty. All its heads are encircled with “crowns or diadems”; and so in Egypt, the serpent of fire, or serpent of the sun, in Greek was called the Basilisk, that is, the “royal serpent,” to identify it with Moloch, which name, while it recalls the ideas both of fire and blood, properly signifies “the King.” The Basilisk was always, among the Egyptians, and among many nations besides, regarded as “the very type of majesty and dominion.” As such, its image was worn affixed to the head-dress of the Egyptian monarchs; and it was not lawful for any one else to wear it. The sun identified with this serpent was called “P’ouro,” which signifies at one “the Fire” and “the King,” and from this very name the epithet “Purros,” the “Fiery,” is given to the “Great seven-crowned serpent” of our text. *

          * The word Purros in the text does not exclude the idea of "Red," for the sun-god was painted red to identify him with Moloch, at once the god of fire and god of blood.--(WILKINSON). The primary leading idea, however, is that of Fire.

          Thus was the Sun, the Great Fire-god, identified with the Serpent. But he had also a human representative, and that was Tammuz, for whom the daughters of Israel lamented, in other words Nimrod. We have already seen the identity of Nimrod and Zoroaster. Now, Zoroaster was not only the head of the Chaldean Mysteries, but, as all admit, the head of the fire-worshippers.(see note below) The title given to Nimrod, as the first of the Babylonian kings, by Berosus, indicates the same thing. That title is Alorus, that is, “the god of fire.” As Nimrod, “the god of fire,” was Molk-Gheber, or, “the Mighty king,” inasmuch as he was the first who was called Moloch, or King, and the first who began to be “mighty” (Gheber) on the earth, we see at once how it was that the “passing through the fire to Moloch” originated, and how the god of fire among the Romans came to be called “Mulkiber.” *

          * Commonly spelled Mulciber (OVID, Art. Am.); but the Roman c was hard. From the epithet "Gheber," the Parsees, or fire-worshippers of India, are still called "Guebres."


  9. A update.
    First up is what our ABC and mass media will not tell you that you can be gaoled for smoking stuff, but if you are part of the club, you will not and you can lie about getting a gun licence.
    Have to love the hypocracy of politicians and mass media.
    Assange comes up.
    Class action law suits against ‘BIG teck’ censors. (censoring on instructions of government in other reports)
    They have to stop the flow of information on results of the election audits. A information blackout should do it?
    Afghanistan…. Taliban cozying up to China. (happy James!?)
    Australia ………… Ref to Fuller (Gladys and Co) violating Human rights. hear UN RULES.
    History of ‘falty tests’. (apols Mr Cleese) seems figures Faulty.
    Need vaccinations …………..forced so as to work!! So who is responsible for the damages and consequences… The employer? The government? Your doctor not competently advising? Unvaccinated NRL players been required to wear a YELLOW wrist band. (HHMMMM!)
    Death rates.
    fully vaccinated individuals facilitating spread…. opinion/
    There are other cures … Hydroxy and ivermectim!!!!!!
    I will leave you at the 33 mark and the frontline doctors.

    Oh well, if you wish to be informed you do your own homework.
    YOU POLITICIANS BETTER PUT YOUR STAFFERS DOING SOME RESEARCH. Nevertheless you have the responsibility. All the best,



    • Afghanistan now subcontracted to globalist NATO etc as well as mercenaries, it’s a PR coup, “Biden has pulled the troops out”, but they will never let go, it overlooks the one belt road, the plot to dismantle the CCP goes on, and even people such as me are on board with that excepting that the CCP may be the only actual opposition, Russia and others apparently trying to remain neutral. Western Australia will be grinding up little C-grade mountains and shipping them off to various places for some time yet I would think. ( Also priceless world heritage islands but that is “fixed” now, until next time ).

      Do not miss the GEM at 38 min timeline for a few minutes with a TRUMP tweet

      Better tell your bosses…….. They have been sat on with the STING for nearly a decade

      Mass media, do you lot think they have overlooked you lot?

      Hi Mr. Ryan!!

      • NOTE 53.47 picture on right hand side and see 11.4 at the bottom.
        Now think about what a smarty discovered and OPINED in January 2021 in interpreting ‘Q’.


        Some people theorized that it did not refer to November dates as some thought but clauses in the Geneva Convention re the LAW OF WAR.

        Staffers, better get up to speed.
        Not you mass media and your shock joke shonky lot who could not find a cubicle in a high school line of dunnies, you are two busy being occupied by vilifying ‘q-anon conspiracy’ theories and either, just dumb or lying.
        Try and place a pineapple (Hi Ray) between your ears and let it try and create a intellect.

  10. Hmm, that was suspicious. I just had a police officer come by to check on my firearm security. No problem, nice safe that is attached to both the floor and wall. However, he seemed more interested in how many firearms I owned. OK, a 30-06 mountain rifle as my primary hunting rifle, a .22 lever action and an airgun. He didn’t want to check any of the numbers, but did ask if I had acquired any more. – The inspection was more like doing an inventory.

    If all of a sudden there is a round-up of all registered firearms in Australia, I won’t be surprised.

  11. Today the NY Times said Biden is about to make vax mandatory for federal employees.

    Oh no you’re not, Mr Pressie. No way. How could you even say such a thing?

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