Home Australia URGENT: Make IVERMECTIN Available and Let’s Get Back to “Normal”

URGENT: Make IVERMECTIN Available and Let’s Get Back to “Normal”


[Editor’s note: Another important contribution from one of our Ivermectin researchers. Please share far and wide.]

by RWA

AN OPEN LETTER TO ALL AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENTS: Federal, State, and Shadow, to The Media and to Australian Citizens

1.   This open letter is to the Australian Federal Government and various Australian State Governments, collectively referred to herein as “the Government”. It is also to the Australian Shadow Government, to the Australian media, and to every Australian citizen, especially those Australians who are of voting age and those who are approaching that age.


2.   To the Government, this open letter presents an ultimatum. The ultimatum involves a critical yet simple Government decision; a decision which is so profound that it could affect the very future of Australia itself and threaten the future tenure of the Government.

3.   The Government decision will determine whether Australia’s Senior Citizens will continue dying at an appalling rate from COVID-19 infection, whether the mental health and general well being of many Australian citizens will continue its startling decline, and whether the Australian economy will continue its alarming downward spiral.

4.   The Government will soon be presented with a basic challenge by irate and distressed members of the Australian community who blame the Government for the loss of their businesses, jobs, and income, the loss of their homes, the loss of their sanity, the loss of their freedom, the loss of their beloved grandparents, the loss of virtually everything that is dear to them. The Australian citizens who are the victims of these many ordeals believe that the Government is the transgressor of their suffering due to a lack of any meaningful action by the Government, action intended to reduce and ultimately to remove the detested, devastating, and unnecessarily restrictive Lockdowns and associated procedures.

5.   Redemption and retribution for this lack of any meaningful action in the past will come in the form of one or more class actions citing the Government as the transgressor. This is not just a threat. These class actions are being prepared at this very moment.

6.   It is too late for the Government to avoid the current class actions. However, should the Government adopt a sensible and mature attitude and accept that it is ultimately culpable in this regard, as any reasonable Australian citizen would expect, then it should seek to avoid any further class action due to its lack of any meaningful action in the future. As a result, the Government will need to initiate IMMEDIATE action to positively control further infection of the Australian population by the Coronavirus, thereby enabling the IMMEDIATE reduction and ultimately the removal of the Lockdowns and associated devastating procedures.

7.   To date, the only means by which the Government has claimed it will be able to positively control COVID-19 is with the release of a vaccine. That will not occur until 2021 at the earliest. 2022 has even been recently suggested by an expert. In the meantime, infected Senior deaths will continue, as will the Lockdowns and their associated destructive consequences on Australia’s population and its economy. Further negative consequences of the Lockdowns are likely to become apparent as a turn against the current Government, in the results of any future Federal or State elections.


8.   There is a crucial need for the Government to identify some form of medication to act as a temporary substitute for the COVID-19 vaccination during the extended period of its development and eventual release. The only medication that is IMMEDIATELY available and which has recently accumulated many off-label credentials indicating enormous success in combatting COVID-19 is IVERMECTIN.

9.   After considerable study of the facts associated with IVERMECTIN, I am convinced that it will act as a most effective and successful temporary substitute for the COVID-19 vaccination. I therefore earnestly commend it to the Government. IVERMECTIN is not only highly efficacious in combatting COVID-19; it is cheap and abundantly safe, unlike Hydroxychloroquine which has some dangerous side-effects! For more information regarding the panacea-like attributes of IVERMECTIN, see my document: “IVERMECTIN: RISK VERSUS REWARD.”

10.   I suggest that there is now an urgent need for the Government to IMMEDIATELY make IVERMECTIN readily available to any Australian citizen who is infected with the Coronavirus, with Senior Citizens taking priority. Following that, I suggest that the Government should IMMEDIATELY make IVERMECTIN readily available to front-line medical staff, then to healthcare workers and carers, then to community support staff like police officers and the staff of critical industries and businesses. Finally, I suggest that IVERMECTIN should be made readily available to the rest of the Australian population.

11.   I appeal to the Government and any other relevant authority to IMMEDIATELY initiate the suggested actions.

12.   I appeal to the media, to the shadow Government, and to any other entity that is able to put pressure on the Government. I appeal to you to apply that pressure with the intention of forcing the Government to IMMEDIATELY initiate the suggested actions.

13.   Finally, I appeal to every Australian citizen, especially those of voting age and those who are approaching that age, to contact their local politician or similar entity and to have them pressure the Government to IMMEDIATELY initiate the suggested actions.

14.   The future of Australia depends on everyone’s actions in this regard! It is vital that we all act accordingly, or we are doomed to a future full of uncertainty and distress.


Please feel free to contact me. I am available for discussion on any associated matter.



@RhodusRod Twitter



  1. “……The Government decision will determine whether Australia’s Senior Citizens will continue dying at an appalling rate from COVID-19 infection…………”

    COVID-19 is a member of the Corona spectrum which has to my knowledge never been specifically isolated

    The PCR test indicates only, from what I understand that a positive result indicates that one has anti-bodies within that spectrum. Anyone who has had a recent snifflle would test positive.

    So, are the elderly dying with, or from COVID-19, aka Corona virus?

    • I’ve been trying to get details of what brand and technology of test is currently in use in NSW. Do you know the answer? Is it PCR, and who is the vendor?

    • Yes it has been isolated and sequenced multiple times.And yes it satisfies Koch’s postulates and the PCR has nothing to do with antibodies.
      I suggest you do some SCIIENTIFIC research.
      The virus doesn’t exist narrative(served up by the likes of Andrew Kaufman)is wearing very thin and actually potentially putting lives at risk.

          • Assumption 2: The PCR Test for COVID is Accurate

            As I covered in previous articles, the PCR test (Polymerase Chain Reaction) was invented by scientist Kary Mullis as a manufacturing technique (since it can able to replicate DNA sequences millions and billions of times), not as a diagnostic tool. COVID or SARS-CoV2 fails Koch’s postulates. The virus which shut the world down has still to this day never been isolated, purified and re-injected, or in other words, has never been 100% proven to exist, nor 100% proven to be the cause of the disease. When used to determine the cause of a disease, the PCR test has many flaws:

            There is no gold standard to which to compare its results (COVID fails Koch’s postulates);
            It detects and amplifies genetic code (RNA sequences) but offers no proof these RNA sequences are of viral origin;
            It generates many false positive results; and
            Even a positive result does not guarantee the discovered ‘virus’ is the cause of the disease!

            That is staggeringly useless! Here is a quote from the article COVID19 PCR Tests are Scientifically Meaningless:

            “Tests need to be evaluated to determine their preciseness — strictly speaking their “sensitivity” and “specificity” — by comparison with a “gold standard,” meaning the most accurate method available. As an example, for a pregnancy test the gold standard would be the pregnancy itself. But as Australian infectious diseases specialist Sanjaya Senanayake, for example, stated in an ABC TV interview in an answer to the question “How accurate is the [COVID-19] testing?”:

            If we had a new test for picking up [the bacterium] golden staph in blood, we’ve already got blood cultures, that’s our gold standard we’ve been using for decades, and we could match this new test against that. But for COVID-19 we don’t have a gold standard test.”

            Jessica C. Watson from Bristol University confirms this. In her paper “Interpreting a COVID-19 test result”, published recently in The British Medical Journal, she writes that there is a “lack of such a clear-cut ‘gold-standard’ for COVID-19 testing.”“

            Here is the admission about the PCR test by the CDC and FDA:

            “Detection of viral RNA may not indicate the presence of infectious virus or that 2019-nCoV is the causative agent for clinical symptoms …this test cannot rule out diseases caused by other bacterial or viral pathogens.”

            Accurate would be about the last word I would use to describe COVID PCR testing, yet it is currently the standard test worldwide for COVID. Another magnificent example of many COVID assumptions. Go figure.


          • Criss X, your post above (in conjunction with previous posts of yours on this matter), was a masterclass of a response.
            You’ve convinced me.

            Sandra, seeing as you’re the one making the assertions that Covid-19 has been isolated / satisfies Koch’s postulates / that Andrew Kaufman is putting lives at risk etc, the onus is on you to furnish said proof for your argument.

          • I’d say any sort of government panic attack is usually a fair indication of some unknown quantity or other(where there’s smoke there’s fire)

      • Can you provide a link to you scientific research sandra?

        Koch’s Postulates July 31, 2020NoFakeNews

        I Challenge Anyone to Prove the Covid-19 Virus is Real

        Dr. John Reizer

        I challenge anyone in the world to prove that the Covid-19 virus is a real entity broadly infecting the worldwide population.

        To satisfy the requirements to prove the validity and existence of the new virus, the party or parties must successfully isolate the viral microbe’s genetic signature and successfully satisfy Koch’s Postulates……………..”


      • Sandra has many times before put up this false information. If the Covid-19 actually exists, why has nobody claimed the prize put up by Dr Tim O’Shea, to show scientific proof that it exists. I have also been told that another prize has been allocated by somebody else.

        If Sandra wishes to continue with this line, I suggest she informs us of her credentials and shows the proof, which so far has been missing.

  2. Good people RWA, thing I find interesting with both Ivemectin and quinine is that they are part of “therapy”.
    To a well established layman, that I am, seems to suggest through word of some Doctors mouth a parasitic vector of viral transmission.
    I have long noted that AMA proud doctors almost universally deny that parasitic common worms in animals are not in humans as they apply exotic therapies for “chronic” conditions regardless of little help. Long denied Lyme type infection from ticks in Australia would be a glaring example.
    Like any thoughts from ol mate on this too, he has shown lucid demonstration on this matter previously, and of course anyone wanting to kick this bucket around, before we do.

    • You write: “I have long noted that AMA proud doctors almost universally deny that parasitic common worms in animals are not in humans as they apply exotic therapies for “chronic” conditions regardless of little help.”

      So are you saying the doctors deny that parasitic worms are in humans, or they affirm that they are in humans? Your penchant for multiple negatives is confusing.
      Are you saying that they get little help when applying exotic therapies for chronic conditions, or that the therapies themselves are not helpful?

      People do get sick from ticks in Australia, so who is doing the denying? Certainly GPs will admit that someone probably got sick from a tick. They will generally prescribe antibiotics to fight the infection.

      • Sorry if I double negative, which would suggest a negative with attitude. Parasites are endemic in “animals”, OK, can you agree.
        What I am saying is that the AMA denies the existence of historical known “wasting, comorbities” keeping up.
        Histeracaly, scabies(reported Msm has identified this issue in “old people’s” homes. Think typhoid.
        But forget my ignorent assirtations

  3. It’s all a game –

    Pandemic board game (2008)

    Your team of experts must prevent the world from succumbing to a viral pandemic.


    Components: Map (Global Scale) Components: Multi-Use Cards Game: Pandemic Medical: Diseases Occupation: Dispatcher Occupation: Medic / Doctor / Nurses

    Pandemic Legacy: Season 0 Pandemic Legacy: Season 1 Pandemic Legacy: Season 2 Pandemic: Fall of Rome

    In Pandemic, several virulent diseases have broken out simultaneously all over the world! The players are disease-fighting specialists whose mission is to treat disease hotspots while researching cures for each of four plagues before they get out of hand.

    ……….The 2013 edition of Pandemic includes two new characters—the Contingency Planner and the Quarantine Specialist—not available in earlier editions of the game.

    Pandemic is the first game in the Pandemic series.


    • Heavy stuff as they say. https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/australian-state-law-empowers-officials-to-forcibly-remove-underwear-to-administer-vaccine

      This is the law that Karen is referring to, whereby the authorities can force vaccination onto you even if they have to forcibly remove your underwear. This was envisaged by W.A. Parliament in 2016 and enacted 12th September 2020. Notice it was envisaged in 2016, well before the so-called Covid-19 scare was initiated.

      Any politician that voted to pass this “legislation” has to be mentally sick.

      What in the blazes do the foreign bankers and ultra criminals have over our so-called leaders, that they can be blackmailed into doing anything against their people. Have they all been involved in paedophilia or something as evil? Maybe they are in the habit of taking people’s underwear off.

      • John Howard said it at the invasion of Iraq, “They’re our allies”, but he could have said, “They’re the insurance”. The entire MIC, arms, drugs, mafia, banks, dollar hegemony, the entire empire, we’re all part of one huge organism.
        Look at Melbourne, they’ve got their dole, so all they can think about is “safety”.
        All the same the lie is wearing thin.

  4. Congratulations to RWA on a brilliant letter. Congratulations also to all contributors, your information is very important, in calling out this global deception.
    The very insistence of government’s to howl down and blatantly refuse to look at ANY alternative treatment or medical treatment, speaks for itself.
    For a government to say, “They are relying on thier Health Experts advice” is also biast, when they would reject and ignore any other credentialed Health Expert. As we have seen, there are many, who have spoken out, due to their conscience and respect for the Hippocratic Oath they have taken.
    I find it interesting how Donald Trump and First Lady have now tested POSITIVE. DT is a lot smarter than a Positive Test.
    What does everyone see this as? Is it a distraction from the campaign????

  5. It is never ever going to get back to normal. The so-called “new normal” is going to be very abnormal! The massive MSM propaganda campaign of fear and germs and to treat each other with suspicion is deranged and abnormal. The “social distancing” has never been a healthy policy in any country in the world. It was thought up by a 15 year old female in a competition. Out of all the people who have died in Australia whatever the number… which is very low 90% of all of them died in Government Regulated Aged Care Facilities . The average age is 75.5 to 85 with all of them dying with long standing multiple health issues as well. Many were bed ridden, some for 10 years! No mention of the 99.5-7% total recovery either. Just the false and fraudulent PCR testing which is criminal for false advertising, lack of duty of care, medical neglience, lack of due diligence etc.

    The Only narrative is vaccines and drugs no mention of Zinc, Vit. D, Vit. C, enzymes, pro-biotics or hydrochloroquine.

    An excellent, comprehensive 74 page report by Belgium and German
    Doctors. ‘ There is no Pandemic. Global data confirms’


  6. I just don’t know what’s wrong with old people these days. If I was 80 I would be looking forward to dying, not blaming someone else for it. They’re spoilt with too much money.

      • It’s impossible to calculate but I have probably done substantially worse things to myself than to anyone else.
        When my aged carcass has become so shrivelled it barely functions, I will be glad to be rid of it I think. Besides that the fake news is so relentlessly awful.

  7. ‘Criminal’ ban on hydroxychloroquine based on ‘faulty’ study

    Liberal MP Craig Kelly says the ban placed on COVID-19 treatment hydroxychloroquine by Australian bureaucrats violates the Hippocratic Oath taken by doctors and is based on a study since proven false.

    Mr Kelly said health bureaucrats interfered in the doctor-patient relationship by prohibiting the use of hydroxychloroquine even if the doctor thought the treatment would save the patient’s life.

    Health bureaucrats have “violated the very first principle of the hypocratic oath” which is to ‘do no harm’,” he said.

    Read more –


  8. “If the people let government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny.” ~ Thomas Jefferson

    We now have:
    Science Deceptions
    Media Deceptions
    Spiritual Deceptions
    Government Deceptions
    Corporate Deceptions
    Medical Deceptions

  9. Jeff Wayne’s War of the Worlds:

    Richard Burton mesmorises with his incredible narration with some of the best pre-digitalization scores that shows how much we have lost since the assasination of John F Kennedy

  10. All this talk about Hydroxychloroquine etc. I feel, is just a distraction, and gives the FAKE VIRUS further legitimacy.
    I don’t know why Gumshoe persists with it, but at least it allows us to identify (((Trolls)))
    Search: Harry Vox 2014 Lockstep Rockefeller Foundation.

  11. Trump’s COVID Infection Curable – Not by Toxic Experimental Drugs

    Face Masks Causing “Decaying Teeth
    Receding Gum Lines and Seriously Sour Breath” Reports NY Dentists

    We Are Being Brainwashed Into Another Lockdown

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