Home Media What Is Government Covering Up?

What Is Government Covering Up?

Herald Sun and The Age

Editor’s note: All the newspapers had the same front page today. There is now a wave of concern that our freedoms are being eroded.

If the Media companies had reported honestly back in 2001 — and had interrogated the “collapse” of building 7 and the bin Laden theory we would not be in this pickle now. These are some of the reports today:

News Corp:

“Today media companies from all over Australia unite in an unprecedented action to fight for press freedoms and the public’s right to know what’s going on in this country…

“Since 2002, there have been 75 pieces of federal legislation intended to protect the public from national security threats but that have found new ways from stopping the public’s right to know what the Federal Government is doing.

“New research reveals that 87 per cent of Australians value a free and transparent democracy where the public is kept informed, but sadly, only 37 per cent believe this is happening in Australia today.”

Sydney Morning Herald:

“Media organisations in Australia have long been concerned about threats to journalism, but the issue exploded into the public consciousness following two consecutive police raids earlier this year.

“On June 4, police conducted a six-hour raid on the home of News Corp political journalist Annika Smethurst over an April 2018 story. The story had revealed a proposal for electronic intelligence agency the Australian Signals Directorate to take on an expanded domestic role and that figures inside government were concerned about the idea.

“On June 5, as part of a separate leak investigation, police raided the Sydney headquarters of the ABC over a 2017 series on accusations of war crimes committed by Australia’s special forces in Afghanistan. The warrant named multiple ABC journalists responsible for the reporting. A week earlier, a former military lawyer was committed to stand trial over the leak of documents to the ABC. A further raid on News Corp was planned for June 6 but did not go ahead.”

To summarise many of the articles:

What was the government’s response? 

Prime Minister Scott Morrison and senior colleagues defended the police raids as the independent actions of an agency doing its job to protect national security.

The inquiry, conducted by the intelligence and security committee, is examining the impact of national security laws on press freedom.

Officials, including senior figures at the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation and the Department of Home Affairs, have defended the need for a high level of secrecy.

Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton has issued a directive to the federal police stating they should consider the “importance of a free and open press” and broader public-interest implications before involving media outlets in investigations.

Attorney-General Christian Porter also instructed Commonwealth prosecutors not to charge journalists under certain secrecy laws without his approval. Porter has said he would be “seriously disinclined” to authorise the prosecutions.

What do the media companies want to achieve?  

Australia’s Right to Know coalition has six key proposals for “necessary and urgent” reform. The changes would strengthen rights and protections for public-interest journalism.

  • The right to contest search warrants: Applications for search warrants to be made to a high-level judge, with the relevant media outlet to be notified and given the opportunity to challenge the warrant.
  • Protections for whistleblowers: Expanded safeguards for government whistleblowing, including an expanded public interest test. The outlets want to see a culture of secrecy replaced with a culture of disclosure.
  • Restrictions on secrecy: New rules governing what information governments can deem secret, with obligations to regularly audit the material being kept from the public.
  • Freedom of information reform: A suite of changes to FOI law to reduce and restrict the significant delays, obstacles, cost and exemptions that allow government agencies to prevent disclosure.
  • Journalist exemptions: Exemptions to protect journalists from prosecution under a number of national security laws. Media outlets can currently mount legal defences against charges under these laws but want this strengthened to exemptions for public-interest journalism.
  • Defamation law reform: Overhaul of defamation law to adapt to the digital era, address inconsistency across states territories, and ensure it is operating as intended.

[With regard to the Family Court, section 121 — there’s been a blanket of silence for decades.]



    • Unfortunately Dee most journos will not pick the satire, they are so stupid, they will not bother to compare the NIST modelling bs to what they should see with their own eyes in the video of the complete collapse of building 7 in one hit and falling at gravity free fall speed onto its own footstep in 6.7 seconds ……. 47 floors in 6.7 seconds.
      Not to forget the 2 wtc buildings in a little over free gravitationl fall.
      The mass media is now suffering from the lies of 911 that it has imposed on the public resulting in 19 years of killing and invasion in the Middle East.
      Then there are all the children, killed, maimed, orphaned and expectations destroyed all because the msm lied to justify the killing, invasion and theft in the ME.
      Whom are worse? Disgusting people covering for paedophiles or the msm and politicians covering for the mass murders of children in the ME?
      Suck it up fake phoney and false mass media…… or grow a backbone and do the job you lot claim you do or suffer under globalist world fascism in re-education camps …… if you lot are lucky.

      • Mass media.
        If you want to win a freedom campaign, put the lies of the nutters tin foil hat unscientifice official 911 conspiracy theory on the front pages.
        Then watch the government really whimper and scream like a herd of lying stuffed cats.

      • Well said Ned, but I do not think journalists are stupid, they are paid to lie (presstitutes) and are smart enough to know they would not have a job in the future if they spoke about the Bourke St. hoax or WTC7

  1. Dee, what does this mean:

    “Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton has issued a directive to the federal police stating they should consider the ‘importance of a free and open press’ and broader public-interest implications before involving media outlets in investigations.”

    Why is he using the word “should”?

  2. ……and now they’re coming for the juorno’s. But there were no locals, in positions of influence
    (except the corrupted) to stand up for them. Sadly the newspapers are heading the way of pencils and pens – extinction. With 5G AI all programming will be sent by robots via implanted chips.
    This is not sci-fi, we are here now. All done according to plan.

    Yes, we all should have taken the stand eighteen years ago, but were naive to comprehend the speed of the takeover. Here, life was still good (Olympics) we never thought that people from the poorest nations would replace us. Now even their jobs are on balance.

    Something is going down, the top elite have taken the money and run.

    • You are very close. 5G + facial recognition + social credit score + biometric and DNA data =?. Make sure you wear your Groucho glasses with plastic moustache attached. There is now an algorithm that can track your gait apparently. One person working on this technology is a guy called Anthony Patch. I advise you to check out his website and understand his alarm.

      • Gait tracking has been around for quite some time, I get reminded of the random method of walking the Fremen used to evade the worms in Dune…

  3. Yes 56 I also get the distinct feeling that the elite have taken everything of value and done a runner. Probably underground, beneath a rock, in a bunker perhaps. Fitting.

  4. A bit late for the journo’s to start complaining now, while they have been complicit with the criminals of Canberra, when the campaign of legislating for a Police State against ordinary Australians back in 1996 and since. This campaign has continued to this day, with the legislation to defraud Australian depositors of their deposits and the use of cash.

    Well may the Newspaper Industry start to scream now, that they are to feel the bite of the Intelligence Agencies that have taken over our Governments (both Liberal & Labor). You conspired to let this happen. Well done!

    Where were you during and after the Port Arthur Massacre and the Sydney Siege?

    • The presstitute journalists will be giving false reports from the scheduled inquest, Nov. 18 2019 into the 6 people that DID NOT DIE at the Bourke St. Massacre (((HOAX)))
      We need sceptical people to turn up at this event to demand some evidence, eg. CCTV and cell phone footage, to prove that it was not a hoax.
      Also to see whether Robert Doyle and Christine Nixon give believable evidence.
      Will Gumshoe be involved ?

  5. The so called legislation to protect National Security issues is bunkum. The legislation is designed to cover the crime that our Intelligence Agencies are involved in. No matter how horrendous the crime these people cannot be touched or named, because they write the legislation that politicians pass, at times without reading such legislation.

  6. Dee, above you misunderstood me.

    mary maxwell October 21, 2019 at 12:58 pm
    Dee, what does this mean:

    “Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton has issued a directive to the federal police stating they should consider the ‘importance of a free and open press’ and broader public-interest implications before involving media outlets in investigations.”

    Why is he using the word “should”?

    Dee McLachlan October 21, 2019 at 1:35 pm
    Exactly, “should”. They seem to be doing what they like.

    Dee I was trying to illuminate “Who is the boss?” Does Parliament not run the police? The word “should” ought to be “must.”

    On the other hand, if the police are “independent”… oh-oh.

    • I’ve got reams of correspondence that proves that’s been the case for at least the last 30 years
      The scariest thing is taking hold of the vast liberation it presents

      • They(the Po) swear allegiance to the Queen
        Who’s represented by Federal and State Governors
        Who, when confronted by any instance of official lawlessness, will invariably say “I have no power”

  7. For the purposes of protecting certain freedoms and regaining others it’s not a matter of What Government is Covering up but rather:
    1) How to discern a lie
    2) How to turn it to the Author’s disadvantage

    Fair bit of work, but well worth it

    • Good thinking Berry. Lets turn the lie, that 6 people died in Bourke St. to the ‘Authors disadvantage’ by going to the inquest and demanding proof that it was not a ‘Staged Hoax’.

  8. I never watch MSM so I asked some normie friends if they saw anything on MSM last week about:
    1. ABC News (America) using footage of a Kentucky explosives demo and saying it was Syria?
    2. A mole within CNN saying the owner ordered journos to cover nothing but impeachment?
    None of them had seen anything about those stories.

  9. Have just watched the video of crap information put out by NIST. Amazing what bullshit you can come up with when you have millions, maybe hundred of millions of dollars to play with. Certain scientists will provide any amount of false figures, if the price is right.

    Didn’t any of these NIST creatures see the video where Larry Silverstein said that he gave permission for the fire department to “pull building 7”?

    These creatures are sick and criminal!

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