Home videos What, Really, Really, Is the Meaning of Human Existence?

What, Really, Really, Is the Meaning of Human Existence?


by Mary W Maxwell

Edward O Wilson, may his tribe increase, has occupied two huge roles. The first one consisted of structuring a new discipline, sociobiology. The point is to understand the evolution of the human species with an emphasis on social behaviour. Some mammals and some insects have complex social lives. It’s in their DNA — and ours is on our DNA.

The second role he has occupied is as a conservationist. He can be credited with discovering the need for – and pleading for the cause of — biodiversity. We are stupid if we let other species go extinct. Real stupid. In this video Ed makes only small mention of our tunnel vision – we notice only other humans and more or less ignore the rest of life. But when you think of it….

As for Wilson’s book on “the meaning of human existence,” he says there isn’t any. Why would there be? Silly us, in the context of the illimitable galaxies, thinking we are “meaningful.”





  1. If one does an inventory of what one knows to be true and then an inventory of what one believes to be true, if one is honest , what one knows to be true does not amount to much. Belief can be true but not necessarily. Truth is a discovery.

    If human beings did not maintain the creation they make then all will return to nature eventually. The artificial world of human beings is a lie. Only nature holds the truth. Human beings have freewill and wilful creative power. However, with everything human beings create there are consequences. Nature has perfected everything. So when our creations are not in harmony with nature the consequences can be quite severe. Cause and effect can be separated by many years or decades. There are many examples from the damage to our physiology using a car. Can you imagine telling someone before automobiles that in the future we would pay to get exercise in a gym? Or that we would willingly allow ourselves be injected with heavy metals in what they call vaccinations? Why do we not learn, know and understand the seven natural law principles and apply them to all of our thinking?

    On the temple in Delphi I have heard it inscribed something along the lines “Heed these words Ye who wish to probe the depths of nature, if you do not find within yourself that which you seek neither will you find it outside. If you ignore the wonders of your own house how do you expect to find other wonders? In you is hidden the treasure of treasures. Know thy self and you will know the universe and the gods.” In other words, as long as we do not lie to ourselves we can discover what is happening around us.

    The only way the ruling class can rise above the masses is to bring the masses to a lower level. This is achieved by damaging the immune system of the masses by poisoning the water, air and food. Damage the physiology from childhood by confining young growing bodies to a classroom seat and the psychology by schooling (a place of instruction) to confuse the young, supported by movies, music, sport, architecture, clothes news media. It will not be difficult to create a pandemic given the compromised immune systems among the general population.

    I struggle with the question, “can we blame human beings for becoming conditioned” fear is an emotional force that both helps us avoid harm but can be used by evil to make humans react in a predictable manner.

    • Thank you ddave.

      “If you ignore the wonders of your own house how do you expect to find other wonders?”

      I wish kids in school would spend all their time learning Nature. Oops I see you don’t want them to be in school in the first place. OK.

    • Everything ddave says strikes me as true bar the “return to nature” remark. Life is Change; no one can turn back the clock. The idea that primitive man is intrinsically less corrupt than the sophisticated model is also seriously misconceived. Increased knowledge is bound to present more opportunities to go astray; that doesn’t mean that ignorance is bliss

      • Berry I think you missed the point I was trying to convey. Human beings are part of nature however, we have freewill to do much damage to ourselves with our creativity and evil, unable to create, turn man’s creations to violence.

        The volcanic explosion Tambora is one example of nature and she does not care about human beings. I am absolutely not suggesting we “return to nature” but as my freedom depends on you and everyone else we have to become more conscious of reality ie nature.

        Is using artificial chemicals to treat symptoms in harmony with nature?
        Is farming with pesticides, herbercides and chemicals in harmony with nature?
        Is putting fluoride in our water supply in harmony with nature?
        Is vaccinating with mercury and aluminium in harmony with nature?
        The list can grow quite long!

        One can contemplate that human beings are devolving because most humans have the illusion of knowledge rather than the discovery of truth. Ie true knowledge. Then of course “to know and not to do, is not to know” Knowledge is not power. Applying knowledge can be powerful. But do we wait for the man in the white lab coat to appear on television to tell us what the truth is?

  2. Any observable/repeatable physical process can be called science. The theory of evolution and the theory of global warming do not fit any such bill.

    The question that needs to be asked is, why have both been touted as an Absolutes ?

  3. In early youth , natural science is all around us in the beautiful creations of our heavenly fathers infinite glory .
    Just think that every star is a sun with its own planets . We truly are ants when looking at the big picture .

    Second year in high school I was brainwashed with evolution ( notice it is love inverted ) survival of the fittest ( greediest ) and the Big Bang theory ( samson option ) . Then and there I realised that the system we live in is pure evil . We are herded into cities , which are created by human races toils suffering and slavery , so as not to see and receive His Heavenly works everywhere all around us in the natural world outside the human domination zones .

    Evilution is our worst nightmare , even children can see it is a lie .

    Jesus gave us two laws and they are to love God with all our heart and soul and to love our neighbours as we love ourselves .
    Simple really but look at how far we have travelled from that road .

  4. The theory of biological evolution was foundered in eugenics. Eugenics has brought humankind destruction on a worldwide scale all so elite snobs can live in luxury and entertain themselves by looking down on the rest of us. We see the fruits of eugenics every single day in the news media which is used to elevate select minions like sports stars, entertainers, politicians, business people and royalty (is there a sicker term in this world) above others. Yet we lap it up and fantasise about evolving to their level. The whole question of human existence cannot be answered while we accept the living conditions of lackeys. If we can’t see we are slaves we have no right to contemplate our existence. With the right to vote we wouldn’t allow such a distraction anyway. Anyone who disagrees should go to that dog pile of propaganda, The Australian, and see how heavily they are pushing the western civilisation pyramid scheme at the moment. A scheme that crushes sovereign beings under the full weight of human conceit. If that’s not enough evidence nothing will be.

  5. Anyone who thinks humans are separate to nature has problems with logic and evidence.

    Anyone who thinks any part of nature, including humans, has no purpose has problems of intellect, and no comprehension of the structure of the universe (or multiverse), as revealed by mathematics, physics, and the many sub-branch sciences revealed by nuclear sciences and genetics.

    Anyone who thinks a single race’s version of history is the only correct one, is dangerously delusional… and racist. (Not that I have anything against racism. We are all entitled to our thoughts. Love or hate who you like; it is your right and it is nature).

    On history, including the history of the Middle East (the purported origin of Christianity), there are histories written by the Mesopotamians, the Egyptians, the Greeks, the Khazars, the Romans, the Irish Monks, the Persians, the Indians, and the Chinese…. to mention just a few. Most of those recorded the history of that part of the world now known as the Middle East. And most of those histories are remarkably similar, even though disparate in origin. Only the Christian versions conflict seriously with the others.

    “Versions”? Hey , is there not only one bible? Hell no. There were four. One was destroyed by the Israelis. Another is held by the Vatican and cannot be read. The third is the King James. And the fourth was held in Russia, never to be read by outsiders… until about seven years ago, when Christian convert and theologian Israel Shamir was contacted by the Russian orthodox church and invited to read the surviving copy.

    If you want to know more about that you will have to ask Israel. I have no interest.

    The point I am making is that few Christians are even aware there were four distinct bibles. Talk about profound and carefully cultivated ignorance!

    How many Christians know that the entire histories of Greece and Rome were saved by the Irish Monks. Without them that history would have perished. With the Roman history was the history of Christianity.

    How many Christians know that there is no mention of Christianity in any of the many histories recorded, until 364 AD. All of those histories then record the work of the Emperor Constantine in recording that history. And all noted the similarity to the stories therein, to religious legends recorded in Germany and India and other ethnic regions. ie Gesu was a Germanic God (the ‘j’ sound J did not at that time exist in the known world but eventually morphed into Jesu). Christ was an Indian god (Chrishna). And virgin births were a common feature of many religions. And so on.

    I don’t care who believes what but I long ago noted that the common feature of all religious people is carefully cultivated ignorance. Don’t ask me to respect that. The second feature is the perceived right of Christians to ram their beliefs down the throats of others, which was the basis of all European colonialism and most wars and genocides over 1600 years.

    Now… just watch the rabid denial of historical evidence.

    • You seem to be overlooking the fact that Atheism is the Religion of the Age.

      And there’s never been any such thing as a Christian State in any case

  6. Like most in the west, I was indoctrinated into atheism.
    Nevertheless, my “God-shaped-hole” led me to explore TM, Theosophy, Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, New Age et al
    Anything except that evil, patriarchal Christianity, right?

    However, you come to realise atheistic cosmogony is bunkum:
    Why doesn’t life create itself every day in a million places?
    Where are Darwin’s intermediate species?
    How could DNA create itself (like a jumbo jet from a junk-yard)?
    Why do top physicists/mathematicians all believe the universe cannot be random?

    And being a Gumshoee, I am acutely aware of the “hidden hand” and occult history.
    But if only people knew the extent of the historical cover up!
    Freemasonry, Jesuits, Luciferians and Gnostics have conspired to hide real history, destroy Christianity and create a new One-World-Religion to go with their New-World-Order.
    Interestingly, Gnosticism is at the core of the entire canon of modern leftist thought today including feminism, LGBTism, faux-environmentalism (Gaia worship) and Marxism!
    And did Pike not reveal “We will unleash the Nihilists and Atheists”?
    Well they’re here. Now.
    They want us to believe life is meaningless.
    Notice the out and out war on Christianity?
    Yet Biblical history is constantly being proved accurate and is replete with profundity.
    Jesus is the most verified person in world history.
    The apocrypha also join many dots and reveal the true history and meaning of life on earth.

    And even if one denies it, even the Satanists believe that there is spiritual war today, not between flesh and blood but principalities and powers.
    I agree with 56 (not 42!) that the purpose of life, as evinced in the Gospels and elsewhere, is to love God and each other.
    Simple really.

    • Oi! I never said life is meaningless. I merely object to people forcing their beliefs on others. That is where all wars and genocides begin, with colonialist and evangelistic Christians in the vanguard.

      Let’s get one thing straight, there is no valid reason to respect BELIEFS.

      Belief can be defined as the adoption of a position or attitude IN SPITE OF THE EVIDENCE.

      Not only is this manifestly stupid, its definition is shared with that of INSANITY.

      As to the meaning of life… a little logic makes this a relatively easy task.

      First question to ask: is life a representative entity in the universe?

      If the answer is yes, then both maths and phisics demand that life must have an intrinsic function in terms of the structural integrity of the universe.

      OK, so what clues can help us here?

      First, life is represented by one-celled creatures and plants, all the way up to the currently recognised pinnacle of humanity.

      Secondly, there is a clear direction of journey…to self-awareness, to extensions of physical powers: mechanics/leverage (Chimps, crows, beavers, etc), and most recently, to extension of mental powers: the abacus, and now computers.

      A clear direction is evident here and we can speculate that this implies an eventual coalition of humans, mechanisation, and computerisation. Many thinkers have already been down this intellectual road, more popularly known as sci-fi; but not science. In my opinion, most scientists are too stupid.

      This is the point at which human intellect has foundered. Seduced by popular pronouncements of genius, many scientists (but why scientists?) commenced jumping to conclusions, gratified by the status of celebrity this attracted. As more dour thinkers have periodically and annoyingly observed: pride comes before a fall.

      The Big Bang theory has, thus far, only inspired a very funny TV sitcom; but has also created a wall around further serious contemplation.

      I should just suspend this narrative here because nobody wants to abandon their precious and neurotic beliefs, but what the hell…

      Many questions ceased to be addressed following the absurd Big Bang idea, and one of these was, HOW CAN THE UNIVERSE EVOLVE FURTHER? … considering every shred of evidence and logic demonstrates evolution from somewhere past, to somewhere else.

      Another of these questions was, is this the only universe? (ie are there multiverses?

      The unasked question is: could all exist simultaneously?; after all, time is merely a dimension of this universe. If so, how could all of these universes conjoin and thereby enable us to abandon the intellectually embarrassing Big Bang concept.

      There is your answer.

      Why life exists.

      As that entity which triggers the conjoining of matter and energy and time.

      Our technology is certainly heading in this direction and the eventual understanding of electromagnetic energy in the form of gravity may well precipitate this development (ie why does the moon not fly off into the void? How does fluctuating earth/moon/sun/gravity achieve its balance?)

      As this technological tipping point will not be reached in my lifetime I ceased to think about the meaning of life back in 1965 and turned my attention to the bastards who are destroying us and our planet.

      There’s a time and place for everything.

      • Ho hum! Mr Ryan!

        A fairly typical example of functional illiteracy and specious sophistry. You apparently have an ideological repugnance to valid reasoning. You base your ideological sales-pitch on some randomly asserted premises that have no basis in scientific observation or logic. If that is not “the adoption of a position or attitude IN SPITE OF THE EVIDENCE” then what the hell is it?

        Richard makes some very reasonable observations (although not well linked to logical/scientific first principles) but you claim to demolish it all with a fanciful diatribe of unjustifiable speculations.

        I urge you again to consider the very basic “Law of Non-contradiction” as it is expressed as: “A thing that does not exist cannot cause itself to exist”. Scientism is based on the ridiculous assumption that “Nothing turns itself into Everything”.

  7. The ‘meaning’ of individual existence is to gather experiences, accumulate wisdom and knowledge, and engage in creative pursuits. The finer ‘meaning’ is unique to every individual and the experiential paths explored.

  8. The only thing that really resembles the hypothetical Klein Bottle is an ageing narcissist with his head stuck up his own Mobius Ring.

    Diabolical narcissism has been with us for a long time; ever since Man decided he wanted to “be as God”, in fact. The arrogance of the ignorance of adolescence is often the starting point that some embrace with religious passion and refuse to leave it even when confronted with a reality beyond their own ego. Instead of conforming their perceptions to a transcendent reality they set themselves to “reinterpret” or “reinvent” reality to conform it to their egomaniacal paranoia using every specious artifice known to con-men throughout the ages. It is pretty much common to all esoteric religions such as Scientism and other arcane Mysticism.

    Here is a cleverly contrived sales pitch, courtesy, ddave:

    [quote] On the temple in Delphi I have heard it inscribed something along the lines
    “Heed these words Ye who wish to probe the depths of nature, if you do not find
    within yourself that which you seek neither will you find it outside. If you
    ignore the wonders of your own house how do you expect to find other wonders? In you is hidden the treasure of treasures. Know thy self and you will know the
    universe and the gods.” [/quote]

    Now let’s shine a light on Mr E.O. Wishful’s anti-scientific fantasies. He wants to banish philosophy and theology (which he already has) from interference in his fanciful religion of Scientism. While the religion of Scientism is necessarily detached from the science of logic, all the disciplines of true science are not; they are intimately dependent on coherent and consistent observation and Reason according to the rules of Logic… ultimately, the Law of Non-Contradiction.

    Let’s define Philosophy (capital “P”) as: “The search for knowledge and understanding of REALITY using the scientific instruments of observation and Logic”. It must be based on self-evident, commonsense, premises. A commonsense premise is one that is not self-contradictory (absurd). The main premise that is pertinent to this issue is: “A thing that does not exist cannot cause itself to exist”.

    All scientism’s claims are based on the absurd assumption that Nothing turns itself into Everything with no cause, or mechanism, or purpose. It is a superstitious ideology fundamentally contrary to any science of observation and reason. But its devotees will impose any grandiosely dictatorial and specious nonscience that suits the sale of that fraudulent ideology to “customers” or victims.

      • No, Mary, and neither do I ever intend to. I was saturated in Scientism in high school. If the premises are obviously wrong then the sales pitch is nothing more than a con-job to suck people into an idiotic cult.

  9. Wow… the dark ages yet lives among us. Fortunately, the world is flat and we can see forever from our sandpit.

    Not much point putting articles here.

    • Your point is, Tony?

      Perhaps you’re suggesting that reality is a “dark ages” concept that we’ve “moved beyond”?

      • “The dark ages” was a term coined by the 8th century Vatican clique of paedophiles and misogynists who enforced celibacy on the Irish Monks (one third of whom were women). In point of fact, the true dark ages commenced then and, as you attest, is well and truly still with us.

        The Irish Monks presided over an era of enlightenment and the Vatican replaced this with beliefism, enforced ignorance, elitism, barbarity, torture, oppression, religious wars (that were a cover for mercenary wars of acquisition), and then five hundred years of colonialism and genocides.

        The keyword for this oppressive and repressive philosophy is elitism… the belief that a certain elite should rule the world on behalf of the inferior masses. Since the French revolution this has been known as The Right Wing of politics. The Left of this time believed in government of the people, by the people and for the people. As Thomas Paine underscored this sentiment in the Rights of Man, all authority resides in The People.

        Just to clarify things, you are of the Right and I am of the Left. Just because ignorant academics and journalists have confused and blurred these roles changes nothing. The war in the world of today continues to be between elitism and People Power.

        • So you came near the top of the class in the Saul Alinsky’s school.

          The method is wear them down with a barrage of accusations (the accusations don’t have to be true or justifiable in a court of law) only to exhaust the opponent in trying to defend himself.

          What the Enemy of civilisation really, really hates is the facts. The most hateable facts being valid premises.

          • David, you have me all wrong. I went to no school and subscribed to no school of thought.

            I commenced my working life on horseback, working cattle, shearing sheep and fencing miles over swamps and mountains.

            I have also been a teacher, publisher, crane operator, journalist, welfare officer, researcher safari operator, sales person, and a hundred other careers. I avoid academics, cultists, religiosos, scientists, and executive types like the plague.

            What I did do was listen carefully to everyone else who did likewise. The world was my university.

            Also, and I keep repeating this and you keep on not listening… I have no beliefs. Show me a more convincing piece of evidence and I adapt accordingly.

            You problem is you have masses of attitude but present no empirical evidence.

          • Oldavid, my guess is we (our species) have only solved a fraction of understanding of how everything works — from science through to who we are. Man seems intent on trying to ask and solve the questions of our existence. And so many are drawn into the solutions being provided for them by ‘religion’… (or other disciplines).

            Also — as Tony says “The war in the world of today continues to be between elitism and People Power” — Our species seems to follow the laws of other species — where individuals/groups/blood lines try dominate. This is demonstrated by crushing the weaker…

            But I think there’s a difference between the species evolving… vs… the species surviving… vs species “advancing” (as some refer — rising humanity to a higher more pure vibration). I am reminded by a Carl Sagan quote: “Extinction is the rule. Survival is the exception.”

  10. virtue (n.) etymology online

    c. 1200, vertu, “moral life and conduct; a particular moral excellence,” from Anglo-French and Old French vertu “force, strength, vigor; moral strength; qualities, abilities” (10c. in Old French), from Latin virtutem (nominative virtus) “moral strength, high character, goodness; manliness; valor, bravery, courage (in war); excellence, worth,” from vir “man” (from PIE root *wi-ro- “man”).

    For my part I honour with the name of virtue the habit of acting in a way troublesome to oneself and useful to others. [Stendhal "de l'Amour," 1822]

    Especially (in women) “chastity, sexual purity” from 1590s. Phrase by virtue of (early 13c.) preserves alternative Middle English sense of “efficacy.” Wyclif Bible has virtue where KJV uses power. The seven cardinal virtues (early 14c.) were divided into the natural (justice, prudence, temperance, fortitude) and the theological (hope, faith, charity). To make a virtue of a necessity (late 14c.) translates Latin facere de necessitate virtutem [Jerome].

  11. Orrite, yous that fail reading and comprehension literacy.

    1…. Tony, I am a farmer’s boy and I spent most of my life on the land and in the bush except for a short sojourn in boarding school, university, and seminary. I’ve done everything you did except for the “hospitality” type stuff. I’m much more suited to be a drover than a public servant.

    2… Whatsis Mc Lachlan… your species, like E.O. Wishbone like to claim that because the likes of me can’t know everything therefore no one knows anything (except you) and your/his fancies are / should be, a great revelation of “know-nothing wisdom”.

    Why would anyone dogmatically assert that a random crashing of molecules and electrons could even know that there is such a thing as reality let alone try and tell everyone else what it is?

    And if your random, crashing of molecules can determine that “Extinction is the rule. Survival is the exception.” why is E.O. Whishling bashing the “survivors”?
    Your entire Materialist ideology is irrational to the bottom-of-the-pit absurdity.

    • Oldavid — you didn’t read my comment properly. And I say it again (humbly knowing that I not that smart compared to many on this site)

      “my guess is we (our species) have only solved a fraction of understanding of how everything works…”

      • Just because we don’t know everything doesn’t mean we can’t know anything.

        There is much that can be known with certainty by the light of natural reason if you don’t confuse the issues with absurdities.

        • “Just because we don’t know everything doesn’t mean we can’t know anything.” That’s obvious. Natural reason is established within our domain of thinking and reason — within the dimension we exist.

  12. Sad when an intelligent human being cannot understand and observe that we were Created did not evolve. Try proving evolution!!!!!

  13. Hey chaps and ladies, I am on holiday. Nice to know it is all sorted out.
    But give Victor a go at:
    The end for all has the same pathway.

  14. Who says the fittest don’t survive preferentially? Obviously they do. Just because you want the meek to inherit the earth doe not mean the meek will inherit the earth. Ask any realtor today.

  15. What appears to be very interesting is the experience that although I have limited knowledge I have found that I can do anything I focus my mind on, and everyone has the same power.

    The creator of the universe put a little creative power into human beings but few realise the power of the imagination, law of attraction, Jacob’s ladder, the philosopher stone, curiosity or the hunger for discovering the principles of the universe what ever we call it. What is needed to be creative is purpose, passion and persistence in the service of humanity. Must put the ego in the back pocket it interfers with creativity.

  16. Scientism.
    What we have here is a bunch of nut cases trying to defend the proposition that the “meaning of life” can be defined by an irrational subliminal ideology of Scientism or Materialism. Fact is, that silly (irrational) ideology cannot even be defined using its own base assumptions.

    Reality is that which is. Reality necessarily has physical and metaphysical components. It is not possible to determine that there is even such a thing as reality without consciousness (metaphysical) and intellect (metaphysical). Consciousness and Intellect are reality components. The scientistic guru galahs like to claim that reality is an invention of the ego (metaphysical) that can be tailored to suit egotistical convenience.

    The science of logic and observation are entirely hostile to Scientism. Scientism hates logic because it is too “restrictive” confining speculations to reality. Therefore, it speciously confuses and contorts logic to be synonymous with “reason”. So let’s distinguish reason and logic.

    Reason is the association or extrapolation of ideas. It can start at any assumption or premise and proceed by any faulty “method” or specious associations to arrive at any conclusion desired by the conjurer.

    Logic, on the other hand, is the scientific rules to ensure consistent and coherent reasoning. It requires valid premises for a starting point. A valid premise is a commonsense that is undeniably, self-evidently true because the only alternative is the contrary which is self-contradictory and thus absurd. A simple example of which is: “the whole is greater than the part”. The method is also very “restrictive” because it requires that everything in the ”equation” must be relevant and non-contradictory.

    Scientism fails at the get-go because it assumes that Nothing turns itself into Everything in direct contradiction to the commonsense logical premise that a thing that does not exist cannot cause itself to exist.

    Scientism is an irrational ideology subliminally imposed by a constant barrage of nonsense in the media and even dinosaur toys and pictures on Wheetie packets.

  17. The meaning of existence = the meaning of life,
    Who cares? It will never be agreed upon and is a waste of energy.
    Turn it around and it is all simple: ‘life has a meaning’.
    Go live it in life and the meaning for each, whilst varied, will present itself.
    Happy journeys!

    • Big time cop-out, neddie.

      “The meaning of life” is what it is whether you, or anyone else, knows, or cares, or agrees.

      No purpose = no meaning. Perfect excuse for an insane narcissism that “legitimises” any kind of perfidy for “those who can”.

      If you were more erudite the “big-time” crooks would pay you lots of money and prestige to sell that to the victims.

  18. The guy is an idiot, The PURPOSE for existence is to gather experiences and to create. The MEANING is relative to each individual and is defined by that individual upon reflection.

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